Tuesday, February 18, 1930 LOCAL RDQDIEIFjr lit i ni in In fii'iuiile John K. Nugent, u former United States hi' nut or from Idaho, who In now hi tho Investment business In Washington,. I). C., ia a former resident of i.ti Ornndo Ho was born at the residence of L)r. Hul nv.y. About six weeks after his blrili his family moved to Silver City, Idaho, in which stato ho was reared. Circuit Judge J. Knowlcs recently received a let ter from Mr. Nugent, recounting several interesting facts jibout his early llfo in La Grande. J'rciichcs Nightly- novices conducted by Uiq Kv, A. A, Hunks, of Voculello.. will bo held eueh nlsht this week ul Hoyd'a Memorial Baptist church at tho corner of S and Kir streets. Sunduy night a special collection was taken, providing enough money to pay off tho last nolo on the ' church. Kvungoliat Ilanka begins his services each night at 8 o'clock. Flirt's Liquor Charge Jialu JJietrich, age 21, was ar rested yesterday evening ut 7 o'clock, and was charged with tho sale of liquor to a minor, accord ing to county officers; Taken Itiintn to Salem Sheriff Jesse Uroshears went to Salem yesterday morning, leaving at 10 o'clock, and taking with him Kuusta llantn, a prisoner who was sc fenced to serve a throe-year term in the sluto ponltcntlury, on a charge of larceny. . Here for Mixtion lny Attorneys Kdwln Alines, of Port land, and Jesse ('rum, of Klgln, at tended motion day at tho circuit court- yesterday. to diphtheria, however, none ' of the teachers . wero exposed and wero allowed to leavo during the closing of tho schools. AplviMMc Operallon " ;: 1 AHelgh Thompson, ff " farmer of 'Elgin, Is ut the Urando Rondo hos pital following an appendix opera tion and is improving rapidly. Fint'iuml Arm Mrs. Kd Provost, who fractured her forearm, had it set Sunday. IfCUYCH for Nevada iJiurencoC. Hawes who has heennl ,helr home in iand City Mon lUiliy lloy Mr. and Af,rs. tho parents of Itny Marks are baby boy born working as part tlnio deputy for the Pacific AVoodnuin Life asso ciation for the last three years, has been promoted, to stato manager for tho stale of Nevada and will begin his duties at once, leaving .Sunday morning for tho new field. Mr. Hawes was born at Uilgard 30 years ngo and is tho son' of Mrs. Iaura Oliver of this city who Is serving her third year as guardian of Bluo, Mountain Grove No. Supreme Forest Woodman clrclo Auxiliary to tho Pacific Woodman. During the pust five yeara, Mr. Hawes has been employed as fire man at the Mt. 10 mil y flAimbm company. Ills work as part time' deputy has earned tho promotion to stato manager. In January he led all other deputies for tho entire Pacific jurisdiction and is one of the youngest men to ever have the position of stato manager, it is said. At the close of the school year, Mrs. Hawes and two daugh ters will Join him in their new homo. Illumed Homo Mrs. Hay A. Cook returned yes terday from Portland where he has been for two weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Urooks. during a recent illness. Her small nephew CJeot'ge.-iftccomimuicd: her' home. , day morning. pounds. He weighs eight co-cda must Uvo In the house for a semester and keep It going. In this environment, with every practical essential of home-making except the man to boss, the co-eds wilt bo In a position to earn mar rlago certificates us well us di plomas, university authorities said. a political and not .a JuUlclul quos lion;". ' i 4 Among opinions handed down today wa3 the following; IL William, appellant vs. K. L. Ledbetter, appeal from Union county; action to, enforco oral con- ' tract. Opinion by Justico licit, i Judge J. W. Knowlcs reversed und I case remanded. HOPE TO SECURE MORE TOURISTS TO. STOP HERE '(Continued -fVom Tage Oue) PUTS FRANCE OUT OF MEET (Continued from Page Ono) JMllll Tor Dnilt'C-. ''Y:':7 '. ' .,! Tho committee of the llcbeliall und Odd Kellou-H lodge, nl' a meet ins lust niKltt, made jdtinH for-a mask party to be held Saturday evening, at tile I. O. O. I'V hull.., 1 MtwlJnir Nlirlit Star l-nieampmcnt S?c. 31 of the T. O. O. V. met In roBi'lur session last nlttht at tho Odd Fellows leniplo with C. V. Mcl'horson lre- Mldlng. ; One new member was re ceived by tnin.sfer. l'rocedlnir the mooting, tho members unci their families held at politick dinner at G:30 o'clock with a large attend ance present. . Day in rcmllctoii Mirs. 'Peter Arnoldus and Uobei'L sjirnt Knnday visiting Arnpldus in 1'cndlelon. . . , Improving -Mrs. William ICellner is improv ing u'fler an illness at her hulnc on Y a,venue. Ki'liirned llttme .Misses Kdllli Kbell and Margie Kelly have returned from i'orlland where tiiey spent the weekend vis iting friends. sroN'mOM'KHY; Ala., Ken.1 -IS (Al'l Although burred from be diming a candidate in the Alabama democratic primary which is to be held August 12, I'nitod Slates Sena tor J. 'I'll as Jleflln. candidate for reelecliun, complied with the corrupt practices act today by fil ial; declaration of his candidacy III Iji CJramU ,yun wc.eiarj . n . I. JIcL'ully. incniber of the 'Kin- . state veterans de.artment of Ore- senator ue in. uu .-i eu iro... ... i..,drUU vl t..i. In I.ii priiiiuiy i'v vim ui in.-- ..... Hero Today ' " ' Fred Carrey, former I.a (irundc newspaperman, arrived in Aa 1m Clrande this niornlne; to visit relatives. At present Mr. Currey has a. carnival, wiileh ho expocls to biiiiB to Clrande some time during tho year. gon. Is Urando today. In l.a (iramle l.loyd Itlneharl. of lmbler, was a l.a Grande visitor last weekend on business. Anions other busi ness callers from Klgin were Joe Scanners and William Wade. Ill at Home Paul Hansen, who is 111 at homo of tho flue, Is Improving. To linker ,. ' . , - Jfil and M.l'S. It. J. Kitchen drove In linker Sunday on business. They report that there is consid erable snow In the linker valley. 'Ici California Klmer "Snap" Mc.Manus left yesterday on his way to PUcnto. (al., where lie will visit Ills par ents. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. liyram. and Ills three children. He will ho gone about two weeks. A I. the llulels W. l.euelleyn. Henver: George and C. Jf. .Ylimnaugh, Portland; It. 14. Kinzer ' and . O. T. Klnscr. Portland are registrants ut local hotels. I VMtW Here .Mrs. Slarv llliyd. of Southern California. Is visiting Mrs. I''. W Wood and her son.' Joe Curr, this week. Improving J. T. Longfellow, superintendent of cllv schools, was able to attend tho school board last night for a short time. Mr. Longfellow- wus seriously, III during tho last of Uc- .ccmber and January. Lodge Meeting The L. A. of P.. of li. T. will meet tonight in regular session at the Kaglcs hall. Following the business meeting a social hour und refreshments will bo enjoyed. Keliirneil From California Mrs. i:il.abeth Donnelly has re turned from Stockton und Sacra nienlo, Oil., wliero she spent the past two 'weeks visltiug. Jluvlng Trill .Misses Adelaide and Ilerniec Mul.''!n hnvo returned from Port lan'u and Seattle were they have been attending spring millinery openings and on a buying trip last lug about 10 days. They aro of Falk's store. Ki'llirncil Sunday A. T. Hill returned Sunduy from Seatll" where he has been since Thursday trunsacting business. J'rom Vnion .Mis. Dvbliin, of Union. WUS lji tlraudp Aisltor yesterday. I-Yom j:lgln Miss Mafgaret Keown und.deni' vicvo Crum. of Mlgln, wero In Iji iraudo; Yesterday. Other Klgln visitors hero were: Mrs. George Hoger. .lrs. Lester Long, Mrs. Louella Jing, Mrs. Kate Kcuw n, and Mrs; Minnie MeCall. iieie, rlgiirlng thai, each day spent by tlio average tuilrlst In l.a Orando would mcun an additional f 7.50 in tho city's coffers,, Side trips, etc., wero mentioned, as well ns excel lent accommodations and means ot ontortnlnniont In La Ornndc. Ho pointed out that the fact that when th'o Mt. llmlly road is built tills would become a great attrac tion ror tourists It given Iho proper publicity. Uiiiing his talk lie gavo a group of figures showing that a total of about Ifill.JO people fro nioiltslde of the state, travel tho Old Ore gon Trail annually, In addlllon to another l.r,,(ill( from Oregon. Slate estimates aro that there are 000. KSu tourists In tile stato annually, spending a total of ?5, 1 J.dlii. Mr. Iticharilson said that It every tourist passing through here stunned a day. It would mean Jl.- ois.sril. but .unliUeil,. out: that it v ronr was WOMAN' ON H.Wtltl'.X I'AMPAS I'AltMS IN I'ltlMITlVK STYIiIl' FOllT MVEK8. Fin. (AP) -Far PARIS CRISIS out on a ouui J-ionua pnurm n piunoer woman has been winning! her battle with nature for 28 years. .Miles from tho nearest town or neighbor, Mrs. John Dees ha.i wrested u living for. liej-nelf and two sons from thy. tU'oluto Ever glades pampas. X , little field of KOlden rlre. Krown without plow or fertlllner. and harvested with tier hands, pro vides tlielr chief food. The boys catch fish and alligators. When the rlco is ripened slit . beats it ulih a flail, much as Huth did in llibllcul days'. i:uu rniiiVLitv jii-;coiu DIlAPHlt. Utah (Al) KffK'S valued at J50( 14.4oO ot them wero stolen from a warehouse here. coxji iu:h was cm:vi:u hit so avas alihuxoi Inspires this speculation wus not at all apparent and there ws no Intimation In any official circles that there was ground for any such f en r, MVnnwhllo interest was centered on the probable contents of the note to bo lnsued by Italy. It was .stated that the Italian delegation will submit figures to show tluit In surfaco ships outside of those limited by tho Washington confer ence, Italy possesses cither on water or under construction roughly tho sumo number us Prance. . A sudden change of plans of the Krenelv delegation resulted in CREW ABANDONS, ADMIRAL BENSON DURING MORNING (Continued from Togo Ono) son, aground near the mouth of tho Columbia river - and' apparently doomed to Join the invlslblu hulks of a dogpu other vessels an the treacherous sands of Peacock P't. to formulate plans for un. attempt to refloat tho stranded vessel. The surveyors frankly were doubtful that the Pacific Htenmshlp company's -coastal llnorj - from which 3 a passengers und a similar number of tho crow woru . removed Sunday and Monday by llicbont and breeches buoy, would over bo pulled from the spH, Norhinlly drawing l! feet of water, they said she. rests in . wuter varying In depth from four feet at low tide to nine, or ten feet at flood tide. Hope, has not been entirely ubandoned, however, tho uurvoyora declared. They said If further at tempts of salvage tugs to shout lines aboard the stranded vessel -fall, u ne hers will be dropped some dlslanco south of the Admiral Ben son and cables attached and cur ried to the steamer. Willi thcHO, they explained, the ship may bo able to pull herself off the sand with power from her own winches. The surveyors, who will Journey from hero to the spit aboard Ihe powerful tug Salvage King, which was summoned from Pugel Bound ImnuHliutely after tho Admiral llenson grounded Saturday night said tho vessel was resting easily and not listing. Tho Salvage. King deserted the disabled stenmer last night but left the United States coast guard' cutter lledwlntt uni half a dozen other vessels standing by In caso of emergency. . 21 of Crow Aboard Aboard tho Admiral llenson to day wero only 24 of tho crow, lit A eluding Captain Charles Grahai: f 3 and all deck and engine room u6 fleers. Tho balance of the ore,l and flvo remaining pnHsengois were ; taken off tho ship yesterday, the ) passengers In the Fort Canby coast i guard lifeboat und several of lh$ k crow In the breeches buoy, , Those of tho crew who remained aboard 1 anticipated no danger, but thd breeches buoy, the ship end , ot which was Inn hod high to ono of tho vessel's masts, was left Intact in enso of emergency. Passengers meanwhile were scat tered between Ilwaco, Wash., antf I'orlland, many of them with only their hand baggage. MAlt liORuL G-lf, Irish . Kroe Ooyrges I.eygues leaving for Paris .Stato (AP) It was u chtvor cOn- connection with tho French gov- emlcecl to stop.- it would result In nn average iiionthly "payroll" to tlie city in tlie iipiroxlmiite amount of ?22,i)t. He urged that a. com mittee be njipolnted to.wnrk out a. feasible plan of action, and tho president was given authority. ,4o, nppuinto such .a eomhiiUoe when rt niollnn. put by It. J U-reen( was unanimously passed . llJOFLIX riliKS CAXUIDACV ju.rer whol performer slelght-of-hand tricks at an entertainment for convicts In tjio penitentiary here, but he forgot how clever some of his audience might be. He was taking half-crowns from tho mouth of an assistant and dropping, them into, a hat on the table. . . ... - Kuon the hut was half fu.ll of i coins, and everyone ' .'applauded, i The .conjuVer 1 bowed' and snilU'd. I J.ater, ' he., turned -tq empty ..the hot. but- It' wus already -.empty. " .Someone had stolen the money. OREGON TRAIL FILM MAY BE eminent ci-IhIs. Previously ho had been ordered lo stay in London as a conference observer. ' ' Tho French minister of marlno was accompanied by r. Moisset, ono of the alternative delegates, ltene M'asslgll, tho other ullernute, remained here. m,;ais ani rrxjtu I'OimiAND. Ore., Feb. IS (AP.) Cano sugar (sacked basts)' steady; cane, fruit or berry, $5.15 per cwt. Heet sugar $5.00 cwt. l-'lour (city delivery prices) steady; ;fumHy patents, 4st $7.60: wno le . w neat, as, jtj..iu; gramuu Visiting, l-'ricmls Mr. "and Mrs. Karl Tutor, ol Pendleton, wero In Jal firandc last weekend visiting friends. Vcw JUiys ilero '' ;r Mr. and Mrs. Tom. )VllU mson. of Wallowa Lake, are spending a few days in La Grande on business. cratic executive committee, be cause he threw his support to Her bert Hoover In 1H2S, said he would comply with other, sections of Ala bama election laws by 1'illng formal notlco of his candidacy with Chairman Kd I'ettus or tlie execu tive committee. YOCNG IKISII NKT ST A 1 1 ro PLAY IX C. S. SOOX TAKTCN HF-KTH Uh, $0.50; bakors' hard wheat, 96s; . . $7-.20; bakers' blucstem patents, (Continued from Pago Ono) ' j tares nf the cotnln? year In motion pictures, , t . 't '''. . '- '' ', , -Mi. Nelson also included In his telegram lo: 1 1jo .governoi: the. lecommenclat ion that J. Nielsen Harry, of Portland,, be mentioned as furnishing historical authority for the picture, fr. Harry, Mr. Nelson said today, knows more of tlie history of the- trail thon any ' other living man. S&s, $7.20"; pastry Hour, ,4'9s.: $7730. LIYICItPOOIi WHEAT IdVKHPOOL. iKeb. H (AP) Wheat closi: March 7s lOd $1.14-71. May: 8s 2d $l.l'J. July: Ss 4id $1.22. lltTTKliFAT DIRECT FROM "THE PORTLAND THEATRE" RUN! To La Grande No Price Advance The Story No Newspaper Dared Print ' lOVKItY WOMAN' KXOWS IT! NO WOMAN Tl'.I.US lit VI usI'AI'KltK DO N' I'ltlNT I'l'l WIIV? Sill: K HUAK THIS Ahh TALI11X 8KXSAT10X person! about "ST R E ETof CHANCE RULE AGAINST LEGISLATORS' PAY MEASURE HAN' I.'IIANOISCO, Kcl). IS (AD Ilutloifiu f; o. li. Sun I'"runul8L0, J tic. ' " (Continued from Page Ono) NICK, Knmcc, (AP) Twunly- onu-yi'ii'i'-iMil l.ytllclon HokI'i-s, tho j I risk DitvlH (,'ui iiluyur anil chum- pion of Iho i'ko (onniM rliili. I.hi DKiiij; to niiiko u tuur or aiiht- minium' opinion Hayn: "Such. ullowancofor IHTHunill CXIH'IIHPS iK, ill Offl'L't, lid-- ditfonul .'omKMtuMoii vhlch - tho constitution oxnrcHsiy foruiilK. 'I'IiIh is . . . nn Interpretation, which tho legislature ItHdf recopnizeil from the adoption of the constitution In issn .until the pnssagi: of tho first i-csolutiou for incidental expenses in 1!IL'7." ..' The IIIL'T ICKlslnture adopted a esolullon to lhat of llln. IM)ISTIiAXI CASH I'OltTiAND, Ore., Kel). IS (AP) rash wheal: lilu Jiend bltustein. hard white 1.24. Soft wllllo 1.1,1V4. Weslern white Jl.lSVj. Hard winter $1.11 . . Northern Hprlni; $1.11.' Western red J 1.1 I Oats: No. 2-38 II). white 34.0ll: Today's car receipts: wheat 43, flour 5, corn 1, outs 1, hay 2. WILLIAM POWELL 'LI- f writes ' 2? '"" s Also CHINA NITK Ladies! (Jet the Bijr" Philter Tonile Kim ... "IS u Bin. 1 flpj ouc,:'"'Dr,r Clti... A'ullcn im O , And Orchestra 'IBl -"fJIi. 'linn" Tte , to, GRANADA 01, Starting TODAY ItllVTIIJl" And ' Al'lHO UEVIIOW 2 lea this yen r to Iay in Hie princ ipal lurnanientM. lumber- i JLnfjei-s lorin nas 1111 proven UiisIiiohs Visitor f 'tm r-lnu Mlmnii nirli. man of I'orlland. was in Ui Cirando : iPiiy mat .u, yesterday tranmictinB bualneMS. Orriclal HhsIiicjw Charles H. Ciram, state labor commissioner, was in li Urando on official bUMlneHs Monday. critlcH believe thitt in another luo years lit? will I bo ti Mcriou-s contender for Kuro i pean honoiH. Kve.11 now It is doubt- ful of there ore others than TUden 1 ami Coehet who can beat liltu on tho Jtivleru. this weason. Ia I'ortlanU Mr, und Mrs. C. S. l'adduek ami Dallas tireen drove to 1'ortlanu last weekend. Mr. Green expects to be gone about a week. Indefinite Visit Raymond Cornwell. of lithrhlKP, Is visiting at the homo of nis sis ter, Mrs. Adann Cyr, fur an indefin ite stay. In Vortlaiid Mr.. and Mrs. Nate Zwulfel will return In a few days from. J'ort land whoro they went last 'Week end on a business trip. From Kiinu'la V. A. lnyerwon was in I-i . ramie yesterday from Kaniela where lie ia employed by the U.-W. Jlcni This Morning Mrs. I. V. Thomas, of Mearliam. arrived in Ii (.'.randn this niornlim. Mr. Thonuis is tho O.-W. usent iw Mcachain, Short lluliMs Trlh W. II. tiulld went to Portland lnt nlKht fur a shm-l, business trip. 1I! in division superintendent of the" O.-W. oiiio ro-i;is tkm) iioi.kk TO MAS'l'KK lIOMi; THICKS ATKKXM, O. (A I) Sinks and psychology, )lpUins and itoets. are all one to Ihe co-eds who study home economlcn at Ohio univer sily. Tho unlvi'i-slty has bought a ?!', 000 Ijouso near tho ('(nnpus with a furnace that has to be tended, a sink thai has to be cleaned and a budget that has to be kepi. The it was not conicsieu in conn umij all meinbei'H received their money except sonio who declined to, lake it. -.', Itelatlve to tlie right of the Irgls-. laturo to appropriate expense money the opinion draws a sharp distinction between . personal and official expenses. "' Tho opinion' cites in olher stales as precedent for the opinion today. Cases In Kansas and Okluhoniu are empha sized.; "We are not unmindful.' tho opinion concludes, ."that tho com pensation fixed by the constitution, In view of changed conditions, wholly Inadequate, and tends, In oitr opinion, to defeat jjoud fr0V. eminent In that the. poor Hum. al though well qualified, Is often thuft precluded from -rendering this Im portant public service. However, tho Inadequacy nf compensation 1h ARCADE STARTING TOMORROW In ivnilliloii :. Ijirltin la in I'endlcton today on bu.Hlness. a IN TM1 WBT In a fjnuido TmIhj C. ik Tuttle. of lmbler, was a biiKirie. visitor In the city today, -Mr. ami Mrs. James ISllis, of Klein, wero calling on business; nlso Mr. and Mrs. 1. T. liumyardncr, ut KlKin. Hero KM wk Miw Dorothy Kreneh, of rarma. Idiihoi teacher In the tichools ut Apple Valley, Is spending tho week In Ia tlnindc with her parents Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Kreneh. Iter school b;is h' Vi dtMiiiv:e0 for a ucck due Store No. H Ia Grande. Ore. Rayon Taffeta 39c yd- A new material in the choicest of Spring shades. Serves a multi tude of uses. 36 inches wide. MtC9Ctttttttettf?t A merry, mclodius, musi cal comedy riot! 10 big new tunes! The newest dances! Romance, fun! NOW PLAYING "THE FOUR FEATHERS." ALL STAR CAST t T ? T t t f Y t t f t T t t ? f t ? ? T t f t t t ? ? ? X ? t ? f ? ? f ? ? ? T ? ? T ? ? V WhenYouMiss Your Qbserver- 1 (Tnll 11! Vt L M AT. I w m ain 24 And a copy will be delivered at once free of charge. For change of address, please do not notify carrier boy only call the office direct, giving old and new residence, and you will avoid errors in service. The Evening Observer Main 37 A i ' t t t T t ? T f t t ? T ; t t r ? T ? t ? ? T ? t f ? ? f t f .: t T ? f ?