Page Six Saturday, February 15, 1!)30 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. ;.;i-.-4 II EADLIGI IT SI I IU1XK QteVbMf) Perfect OVERALLS Out wearlwo Ordinary Pair and HaveThi's EXTRA GUARANTEE A New Pa W fmmeSrm Mi-vftrul curs skltMcd off Into the tliteti. -Many of the H k at One art ru coverintf. M las JUhs Kelley, who ban l.-un ut the (Jrumlu KumJe hos pital, was brought home We'JneH day. I lnmr JliehutdH, koii of John IllrliurdH. who hut I Jim n III fot u week or ten dayx. van taken to tho! Jlot Lake hunutortum e(Jmiiay. j .Mm. A. I, lieeker ha, an her house Kui'HtH her rut her. John Troy, : of i'h'UHant Valley, and an uncle, Michael Troy, of Han l-'rancico. ; Tht-y ure upending only a few duyH; after which they will return to : l'b;iunt Valley where her uncle hati been visiting niiice Christina. -Mr. Stuart Kremh eurne down fruin Norili i'owili r Tuesday and I UIK.I.I I I... .. ill - 1 or he on hfn way. . . . 1 jazzy. dls KUHted. went to tn clubhouse and drank u nhot ofS loan's . . . that afternoon ho hlunked the Han Francisco Seals. . . . Iiiflery is a Kreat npurt ut lh I'niversity , of Southern California. . . . This year the Trojans will compete In .'6 telegraphic riflo tournamenU. . . . FIND IT HERE Oopj for till column rotut be to hj a, m. The lnlvmnlty of !IIinoln Is going your manager of the Alexandria, nut isuo.ovu football profits Into u new artificial ice skatinff rink to bo used by nil students. I'KI K KII.DI IT DIES IMTTsnrrWHf, Kan., Keb. If, (AJ) I'ete Kllduff. former major league baseball player and last' La., club of the Cotton States lea gue, died hero Friday following un appendicitis operation. lie was 3$ years old. Kilduff played with tho Chicago Cubs, the New York Giants and the Brook lyn Dodg-ru. climaxing his major learnt career by playing1 with the Dodgers 1920- . In the world series of 111 I KS Di;i K.VT ( I IIS VA.WorVKIt, H. .. K'h. 15 , . i.t t'i......-i..'U u tu. have h. .in. ;ind who are 1,'OillK no where in particular in this season's Pacific coast hockey league rare. (ToTTo I Uitt 40x33 J iiriniir.HTM Super 8 Ounce TRTs Ticket Identi'fi'e s HKADMI'IIT SHRUNK SOLD BY WESTENHAVER Inc. Hpent tiic night with h Mr. and Mrs. John Hiehardx, K.sther Andi rHun and Alton Kdith Johnson, who aru employed at ilut Lake Hanatui ium, m e hav ing a hhort vacation ut their homes h-rc. .Mrn. Milinait i recovering i from u fail when nUv Injured one I of her liandx very painfully. j Mr. and Mrs. CI. K. Barker camel home Monday after n ditrhtful t.. .... IleiilsMtidilrtff. nleMliiifr. tnitim , parents, 1oei!i( elc Norton's Kiddiu Shop, j Aav. -I! (PLASSIFIED AD w' I"" The Market Place of Union and Wallowa Counties I NEW TODAY SI'IX'IAMSTS In enlarging', hand tinting andl''UH ItKNT 3 riti, modern apt., framing of your pictures, at Itich-J 1707 Washington. -I5-i tp. lurdson'a Art and Gift Hhop. 2-Ja-H. . : rwi i .u.iica f, if rii.. iiirii, upi.. &oi u uve. I'h. ,'36-J. :-i5-i t. ek cpi'iit in I'ortland anil vic in- t ity. While In I'ortland they visited Mrc. Barker's pan-nts. Mr. and Mrs. XOTICK NOTIi'K IS JIKHKHY G1VK.V that the undersigned. W. H. Jlunch, ner of the business of Hill Itunch Gunif,re Company in the city of J-u Grande, Union County, I'Oi: SAI-K-radto table. -Mahogany finished i'honc 3SI-J. 2-15-lt 1 1 r-i'Pim hfivitlt' till ci'hii uml r nrl . (I. A. Itrown. They bo ilrove io!,,.L-. i. t r ! aiem lit wan ut iiie home or -Mf. . Munhall und Fred Hutterfield in' i same. That all uccounts owing to I the fuild firm iiri unvjibl In the lerior cnat of paint. It. F. Muhu IcI .,,1,iNi.M.i n t.i.iAi.t..,inwi and Mrs. Bay Barker. The posioffiee is receiving an In- is doinj; the work. Hianding against tlie said firm is Five Pairs Of Twin. Lambs Out Of 18Voollies" Ity .Mrs. A. C. Coiikllu (OhHerver Correspondent " I'OVK (Srteclal) It Is lambing time at the Fletcher ranch. Ah yet only IS lam bit have arrived and of thi.i number there are five pairs of twins. Their flock numbers 15 cwoa so their buy season Is not really begun. Vic Niger is employed there tu UK.HHt during the lambing period. The high school girls played bas ketball with the Sacred Heart acad emy Tuesday evening in l,a Grande and lost ,11 to 1M. Both boys and irirls played North I'owdcr at Cove Friday night. B. S. Comstock and T. B. John son were representatives from Cove, to the cooperative dairy meet ing in Itoise Monday evening. There were nine representatives from Kaslern Oregon. Mr. Shilling, of the J-nnd o' I .tkeH Cooperative as suciatinn, who is the dairy repre sentative of the federal farm hoard, was the principal speaker. Mr. Comstoek visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John fomstcck at Nainpa while he was away. He reports the roads very ley on the return trip Tlieffday morning. Me said he saw ASSIGNMENT SALE Don't miss the extraordinary event given in (his 2 in 1 sale, as well as in the opening of our new ladies ready-to-wear department. As we arc placing the two assignment stocks which we pur chased in Walla Walla and Nampa, at prices that will open your eyes and lead you to the greatest savings opportunity ever offered in a life time. Read once more our Thursday ad in The Observ er and you will undoubtedly make every effort to attend this great bargain feast. BLANKETS llravy uplK'it doiillc lilaiiK Hs, plain o!nl with strip" bimli'i". Sin- "ixsn, tin- kin, I you pay J3.uu (or. Awien- prlii: tpJ.OJ Men's Fine Dress Hats One special lot of men's fine Felt Bress Huts In fedora style, others in nup brims. Colors: brown,, gray; bluck.; Kegulur J3. 50. and Sfi.tM Sellers. Sizes (j to ". Choice while they last. As signment Sale (jJ g(j CHILDREN'S' SHOES Just what you need for this time of the year. Gobb-n calf, neat, .strong and durable. As signment price- $1.49 Turkish Bath Towels Sl? 2-JaII Good full size, weight Turkish w it It colored pink mid blue, for this event, menl Sale Brie. guod heavy Bath Tuw.l. stripi-d ends Ftra special Assign- . each 19c Charl. y Ilanroik Is .sail nK !" n u.s3uiiili1 Ijv tho iinck-rniirm-il. Iltt- Innjr row of cottonwooU tn-t-st j uL'NL'ir. that hiivi; adorncil the front of his j 2-12-10 t. pr-'iniKi-s for so many yearn. Tli( l.-r.'H ulll br niaili- into wtoil and) .i:W (TSTI'Mlj ill;Wl;l.lV tin- stumpH will In- tuki-n out anil Nkw cnatioiiH In costiimi; jewi-l-Khli iialk Imilt tli.-n-. Wlilh- the ry havu Just ln-i-n rwi-iviil at liull-tn-n wi n- a ih ioratlon and nmny J ardKon'n Art and Ciifl .Shop. A pioplc hat.- to wi thini ko. yit beautiful amortim-nt of c.i.ituinc they Wi n- also a nn-nari-. un dead I nines Is now In Htoi k. Vuu will brum-hen were bluwn off in every find Junt what you have liei-n look. hlKh wind which made it dangerous i nf for in 11io Ting assorlinent. jto iiassershy. : When you want the latest in Art Itetty rresto, small daughter of .Merehandlse you will always find Mr. and .Mrs. I.ouis I'resto. Iiad her it at Uicharilsou's Art anil Gift ! tonsils removed a few days ajro. i.Shop. ii-ly-lt. ' .Mrs. f. K. Itertseh has been! sp-ndliiir several days In Ut rirandi - .VOTICK OI-" TINAIj ( Willi her sister, .Mrs. (.;. Klopfen- ' SKrN.K.MKNT ! stein. Sin- w ent .Sunday and re- Noiice i.s hereby piven that the 'turned Thursday. undersifrned executrix of tlie estate 1 Mis l.ola Manin was ill at her of Cora Mr-Id. deceased, lias filed j bom.- here .Monday ami Xuesdny in the founty Court of I'nion ("oun- anil unable to attend to her sihiiol ty. Orison, her finnl account, and .at IlilKanl where she is t--achinr. Ithat siiid court has fixed the hour ! of ten o'clock a. m. on Wednesday. j l)ll VOI K.NOW THAT j 1)1 Mh day of .March. I-.-3". at us - After Jackie (Kid) Hers h-at'eourt room in the court hoase at ; 'r-my Cunzoiu-ri iec--ntiy in New 1 Grande. I'nion County. C)rei:on, I York, he cabled to t It . - folks back as the time and place for the hear- in l.on-lon"s east end. "Won iuit--jn of any objections to said final easily. Left the rini; unloueheil. account and for the final setile Vlddle." . . . Viddle means "lltl le : lm,t aI1j distribution of said ij Jew." . . . as contrasted with Yid. ijnc. which means a Lpikc one. . . . Hated this 1st day of l-Vbruary. Itfll ltod'-rs. munaci-r of I'ort - i ii;;a. l.iM.I in III.- Pacific Coast leaeue. T,AI!A SMITH. K.-acut rix of the tell:; a story about I l.iz.v Vance j Kstate of Cora l-"i"ld. Deceased, di lhkihi.- liniment. ... it was af- cOCHliAN & KUKIill A 111 , Attor ti r an argument w ith Uo.lKeis, w hu neys for Kxeculrix. loin cie iaZ7.UT to pel in shape l'Yh. 1, WANTK1) l-"arm hand or tenant. Kann. 4X. 2-15-1 t. AGKXT.S WAXTHO Illlf Ohio cor- pomtlon wa-k.i manager for open territory. Opportunity to earn J3.5UII. $5,1)011 and more yearly. We furnish everything. Experi ence unnecessary. Kyr-l-'yter Co.. 1552 l-'yr-l-"yter Uldg., liayton. O. 2-15-1 I WHO HAS some I!I2!I baby chicks' from Hollywood? Call .Main'520. 1 2-tSr t. ' l.O.ST Wed. niKht, lady's purse ciintaininx J-;iKin wrist watch, lieturn to Observer. Heward 2-lb-3t 15. 2.'. Mar. 1. I'KACOCK COAL Tor a quick, hot fire use IVacock Coal. Mom: iu:at l.l.SS MIIIT i iavi:i: siii:s t NIwYORK b TD RE VAN PETTEN LUMBER CO. I'hone Main T-Yl "(iootl Service Quick" CAUI) tlJ THANKS We wish to thank our many friends wiio so kindly extended their sympathy and kindness to us during our recent bereavement. Al so for the beautiful floral offerings. ' Mrs. Susan I'amon. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hamuli and hrothers and sisters and Mrs. draee Kuller. -'-15-1 t STOI.KN From Central school l"riday afternoon C'eitlta-BeBuxe bicycle, brown and w hite. Be- waru. an jacK .Macpnerson, Main 7Jt. 2-15-3 I Observer Want Ad Rates (Count fiv Vfrpo words to Hie line.) Per line, 1st insertion 10c I'er line, each added consec utive Insertion Minimum charge on one order .. ..25c BATES BY MONTH 2 linen, per month ..$2.S0 3 lines, per month .. $3.25 A lines, per month 00 5 linen, per mouth -$4.7j Km eh additional line over five charged aC Otic per line per month. CASH IN ADVANCE la re quired on all Classified, orders to earn these rates. Higher rates charged on all credit insertions. Copy fur all Classified orders mum be in this office by 10 A. M. DA V OF IN'SKItTION. Stop orders on ad inserted until fur ther notice must be received by the same hour or extra insertion will be charged. Telephone orders solicited. Cash rates may. be earned on phone orders by payment on or before date of last Insertion, niONE MAIN 37 "An Observer Want Ad Will Do If MONEY TO LOAN Wo are repre-1 entaUvea tor the Prudential In-1 aurance Co., and can make farm ) or city loans at attractive rates ; of interest. Cbaa. II. Beynolds, Insurance. loans and bonds. EASTERN OREGON School of Music, violin, piano, voice. Cred its. I. O. O. F. temple, 4 47-J. I 9-24-1 m. MONET TO LOAN on smproved city property, straight iounii or J Installment plan. Lowest rates. : United States Investment Co. i Phnne Main 81. 8-16-lra FOR RENT J.C.PENNEYCO. 10S Depot St. La Grande, Ore. Chambray ! Work Shirts For the worker or the out doors vacationist this sturdy in. diso-blue, chambray shirt U just the tiling. Cut roomy ud Well-made. 49c lOK RENT 5 J303 .M. Ave. furn tj nuffeu d their third straight shiit- Iout defeat when the league lead ing I'ortland Huckaroos scored u i ftjur to iiuthinK" victory over the ! liiitish 'olumhia capital's team : here la."t nifjht. I . I'OIt RENT :( nn. furn. apt., heat and parage, 101 Greenwood. :'-14-L' I. KOI! RENT Mod. Newly kaf.somined, furn. npt.i. HUM Wash. 'J-U--2 I. ItASEIlALL FANS M 1.17V AIJIAN V, Ore., Feb. j f, (AR) . ( A meeting of baseball onthusiauts j here niht for the purpose ot roi iniiic,' a Willamette Valley bam:, . Iatl le.iKue composed of team from jcoivallis. Eugene, Salem and Al j bany, was tOHtiioned until noxt i Wednesday when .several repre- heutatlves were iinablo to attend. WANTED should not continue to be so. If interested give this a thorough investigation. It has a bright future, will sell reasonable.. Write C. R. M. care Observer. S-12-4 tp lOR RENT 17 acre ranch adjoln- imr city Hunts. I-ine for truck ....... . Eardeninff and chickenH. Kivo '' ,) 'vV, ALN room house, barn, root cellar und ! ,." I" '- 15 (AP) a chicken houses. Ini. Standar.1 "V;";t nn'i Kn-'y from the re. Laundry. U-7-tf. sul s of 11 ,1,M,1'If' wristlock in tlie i-ui it 1 1 in mi. i un j ruwe, voiltli. FOR RENT Light houseke rooms, 1512 Adams. : WANTKI) 4 mi. furn. house near .ML Emily mill. Rh. 44U-J. r-12-t f. POTATOES Good clean culls l.0 ! sack. IV M. Littler, phone 31 C 1 I nion, Ore. - 2-12-3 tp. i FOR RENT Furn. apts., with baths 't)w rates. Adults, wood. pinr -C-tf i I nouses and clean, quiet, 1810 Green- 7-10-lm. I tut I'ortland matninn, was unable to answer the gomr in the list round of a wrestling bout with Ed (St rangier) Lewis hero last nKiii. Tho referee awarded tho decision to Lewis. WANTED Ry local firm, sales man who has the ability to call on home owners. Must have tho character and perseverance to earn $:;,o''0 a year. Reply in your own handwriting, giving aire, past experience and pres ent occupation. Must, bo a J-u Grande man. Address R. C c-o Observer. 2-12-3 .1 URV ONIONS at Eerger s" Cash procery, 2c per lb. Everything . KO, RENT G room house cheaper. Ph. 2S9-W. Classic laundry soap, 10 bars, 35c. It's good. 2-12-1 m. Wash. 2-1: 1415 ? tp. i KOR SALE Piano. Ph. 31S-J. 1 2-S-t f. OR RENT Newly rooms for sleeping rm. housekeeping. 224-W or Ki"G O. avenue. 2-i:(-S t I Ambassador D a w e .s lijnju-d away from St. James" palace in Loudiiu tho otiier day with the re mark. "Diplomacy is nut sn hm-A d"corate.l on the mind but It's hell on the or light ; feet." The ambassador is hav ing a little trouble with tho doya nf peace. FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Lu Grande clly properly near Greenwood school lor hogs or cattle, phone 4t'J-W. 2-11-5 tp FOR SALE Good, dry, lG-ln. ' wood, also posts. Ph. 1M-E. j 1-23-1 mp j 2 I FOR SALE I'sed lumber and dryj wood, W. Hendricksoii. 16M3 x!j avenue. 2-10-C tp. j MISCELLANEOUS USED CAR FOR SALE .OLD TIME DANCE Sat. j Eagles hull. night at 2-13-St. CARD OP THANKS W.- wish to thank our many friends and relatives for their kind ness and sympathy and for the bea.uiful floral offerings during the Illness and recent death of our father and brother. Mrs. Edwin Hug. Mrs. Mabel Sanderson. Mr. Arnin Hug. Mrs. Arva Townsend. Mrs. John Niederer. Miss Lydia Hug. -15-t 1. i: i;itv week New things of the very latest creation are received by Richard son's Art and Gift Shop. These arc especially selected for Rridge Prizes and are distmcti e and different. You will find it vvry easy to select your card prizes at Richardson;" Art and Gift Shop 1N1".-1 t. FOR SALE Work horses. Ton-' louse geese. Art McCall. ' 2-I4-3-1p I IF YOU WANT cherry trees or other nursery stock see Karl J. Stacklund. Cove. Ore. 2-10-tf. With An 0. K. Thai Counts. Larison Chevrolet Company SO MM ER HOTEL Inquire for FOR SALE Good guitar. Call ut - modern first class apt. 2-4-1 mp 74 ltke a' 2-13-3 tp. FOR SALE 7 room modern house. $1,7'"'. $'"ti down and 25 per mo. or ll.yio and used car. Call ltlt'2 Jeff. ave. 2-13-4 tp. FOR SALE Haled hay. 1 O ave. 224-W or ; 2-i3-3t. ; I HOOK YOL Il ORDER for baby I chix at Mossjicrcs hatchery. Farm. 273. 2-4-1 m-p , ROOFING WORK Repair work 1 or any kind of a new roof. Call Chas. Hildtbrand, 620-W. 2-4-1 nip. TYPEWRITERS I have all makes i of Portables, Underwood Stund- ards, and several used machines ! guaranteed at bargain prices, i Also al makes for rent. Expert repairing on short notice. E. C. Tuckey, Room 1, over Silver thorn -Wright. 1-1 7-1 m. FOR SALE Planing mill. Situated in a town of ISOu, in a good' farming community, the only planing mill within 2 5 miles. ! good shipping facilities on ry. ! spur, ii million feet of Pondosa ' pine lumber available for this i season h operatii;)n. lori milHnn ! feci, or more pine timber avail-j vA GRANDE MATTRESS & Up-j able, also some fir. This plant! bolstering fe Rug Cleaning! has always been a money maker.- Works. Phone 424-W. Chas. Ed- 1 and can see no reason why it r ward. Prop. 12-1-lm Used Car Phone Ml j Lot iffigp Main 508 i j 407 I--irSt. j I ! T 1 1 ! usea iars g PERKINS MOTOR CO Main 500 . 4th and Adams MOM'N POP MISERY LOVES COMPANY By Cowan I BOtMU'KSt ? XOlJ HWtK l CKOUCH tO KtE.O simcc Aowt Kn- tt-OPtD MltH WE COLOMCL - A 1 X tHIliw Of THC DlfttV Dt.Jli iwt hmiscd nr. i rccL unc fvFiv a M.V.. no Wits VSI IT CKtCS VCS-J TO HekW coi-o-i'i. m:b n.-E sil I toMdvc unouiS'.'jco Mtp in i-x.BjSO-f .cooi-n voo c.wc : 1 . x V t A-lTl TfiKC lut i-V-l-lOUS IVifVT I I P "sTCaviNO tN THE PHiCL Or I , v J H t vir -:i v rinv rrKT. iq t-- I I wut;C.tiv rvta icr w-r.-?. I r"v M It wKr isf-mci-ii loonucrtia stxEN.K;a sm kin m sw.ta -T I-el v t cwws you io Hew about V etvJ. VVE KKOHOWTO '7 S SO En-STV THAT F I J ST J I " -r; T Ue I . I I ttj CA j F "o V T r t ivr I'D V . V V J II FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS FRIENDS! By Blosser ' Professional Directory This dlrectorr U trclallf hnnJr for Die noni-onier or for (ue oot-of-town readrr who mnr naut Uio oiune uud address of some professlonAl man. It bag own carcfnlly in-arrd and will prore to be a readj aid to auj n-aii-r lu obtaining prompt prutesaloiiaJ errlce. Classified for Quick Reference Phyncikna & Surwss A. L. HICUAltDSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Otflco over Glass Drufrs. Office phone. Main 15; residence phone, L.KK B. BtlUVZ. Al. U. LEW A UILKE5, M. D. Practice limited to dicenji-a of oht Ere. Ear, Noae and Throat Building vili m Jjf Mpathie Physidarm . U IJIt.l.R. D. O. HAIlUAnET i.via.E. u. o. Qvs;K!v?r.?c,lc" "d 'he Toil flomm? U for archen. ; I A" V0O CiCSD A.VE f.iJ VJ.I. (JJ;0 j Hey' s-cp Ucwi j W V0O OOSAT TO 8 1 VCX) UOIT TJAT M'CS UTT-.e DOS wv.-uts Nice E,OUSU TO Vlil A P3IZC AT SOWS vj-. i k -rr i cr . , 0S A CEEUNd WATREO A SO US T02riS .To oZ CP AiJO P2IDS JJST Li'S THAT!1. SAV.' IT v!OOuO 6A1 1 I COOvO 6T UAV IM A DCCT fV iv ' Ta' vjuol NO2L0 FOX Astrologer MRS. FREDERICK BAIJirS 101 N Ave., La Grande. Ura. Rcadincs daily. Readlnsra by Mall a Specialty " ,1 I- I COOvO 6T uav im a ) l t) P2-.ZS TUiS W'SUT 5 T-S !2S -i bsst dos Jyr i -v'ta- viuoue C i ( no2lo rez y j i K'' '- j -jRve re u .t orr v i f M.iln f,5. "is. .i. i:. vooii:i,l flllIoi-l!A(T, .IYMnAV Otiier m-thoiis iq. plied. Diathermy, l nitr.i Violet liny, i.-oud Science, ami llalvanism. I'ool troiiiili-a corrected. :" F0"'-n- r tii-ig. 1-hono 457-W-"-S Ite.i. 190-W. Trf iTWi J Ml all STAGES LEAVE From Corner of Elm and Jefferson Wallowa Valley Coaches La Grande for Joseph S:45 a. m 4:00 p.m. '' Makes All Main Line Connections. Fnr infoiTnntinri mil MAIJ 70) Buy Itound-T:ip Tickets and Save Good for 6(1 Davs. 5 v ' .i-.l -.I j