W1 Saturday, Feljiuary 15, 1930 LA GRANDE L.'ENIWG OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. -.' Ju lrllunI !j Fred K. Kiddle, whit wok lloov-sV-r's enrmmipn manar in the Oro l i-'oit irentdcntlal iireferontinl prt i mnpie., was a l'onland visitor ""-wsterday, from Im ; ramie, whore lie Ih erurauod in milling. A stale Senator for tho roontl.-s of 1'nhtn, i-inulllla and Mnrrow, Senator Klntiie win ikpk ronominauon in tho- romlm primary eleetion In MaV. The Henatnr ways that It in . loo early to make a foreeast about v ' ibn ititM wheal . eron. Tho fiie- ;,;J,'Ollluil. f lAWi Idi fiiofMle i""1 ManiMiiieM uhli-h reulnto hu- Mrn,' A. i- Marr and dnnhter man health wan announced offl Ilernlce rind Mary, left, her last ''hilly Friday by .Medlll unlvernliy. lilnlit tnr Wrtrn Orefron. They Mo Important wux It comilderrd Will nialcit tltelr home near Itilbt. thai Sir Arthur Carrie, head of tho )oro. Mi. Marr'H. health tmide It university, nnbl; "It in u reninik. 4lott1ra)do to cbanse to a lower able dlwoveiy and whould brlnfi: eltinute, but ahe PxpreftH' regret relief and eonfort to eountless that who !mh to leave her many thoiiHands of women throtiKimut friends In this el.v. 'the world." ; , . -. Tlie new substance haa not been NrrvlreM Tomorrow Jnamed. It in n erytalline rodtict Tb Ri A. A. lianUn. neuro, derived fmiu'lniernftl Klandsy -The tf leatello, Ida., will deliver two announcement said its effects were jierraniiH tomorrow at. the linyd's somewhat similar to those of one itemorlal Uuptivt-rhurch at South Mr and 'K streets. - The- first is at 11- n- m.i "Without Kwnse' and Hit second iit 8 p. in. "The Olory tp'f tlie Cross." The church here won organized lost sprhiK and ha Been Browing "consistently. A cam-Daltn--Im to be-Marted to build a : chureh. . The .-lot-nl. -pastor is the tev.;W M, Torrenoo. ; HI lfltfll mc; 4J?iande, were puests of Mr. and Mrs; ,I..'M. Aram over the .week-. nd-V -Mr.. Cooke recently resigned , tut .huslness manager of tho I.a ) tf-mmi Iiitrlet News and will leave soon for the const, where he Will be employed In the same capa cliy. l-:ieln Hordor. Observe Vakiitlnc Day Yesterday was the day when St. Valentine was remembered and his any observed, especially in many nf the grade' school rooms, which hat valentine port lew and ex rha.ntfcri tokens of tlie day. Mer ftluuits this year reported an excep tionally, heavy sale of valentines. Jjrcrvkw Monthly ' l c KvaiiKeltstic nveiinTs win uemn londay nipht . at Cove at 7:Ja 'cloek at the Jtecreational hall California. incrosM .from the Methodist church. . jn .nnnouncEng her candidacy r "fjervlces will lie cohducteil by )illle Sirs. I-'oltz so id -she haw no reason V'cJjWiwes,. who - is -widely known ; '.'why a qualified woman" should throughout . the . .valley. Three not HecU .the governor's officf." She ' iiiglits wilt be set' aside to explain ('ited her legal, experience, ' her : the Kingdom of (Jod... All arc in-jstudy of state affairs and. her yiied. : ' participation in them as sufficient " - ' ,. r-1 ' '. background for a. serious campaign Club Meetings by. her. 'V The Art llt'searcli club will meet. j rs. I-'olt. is es)ecially well with Mrs, F. I. Italston Aionuay, i'eli', 17. at 2 o'eloel;. Iiupi'ovlnjj . "f Oscar Warnock, who recently underwent . a lruijor ' operation at the-tlrando-Itonde hospital is Inv- Ir6vlng. 'lleiHi nu Business t- Mr. Ljcigh, superintendent of the Tlnton- Pacific stages. Is in Ui Orundc today transacting business In eonnectlong of the remodeling of (,ho Currey building prior to the in Ftallatlon of a tT. V. stage depot there. From Menchoaii II. O. Casteel, of Meachatn, was In Ixl Clrande yesterday on husl iiess. . ' i. o. o. ,r. m'(1iik ' Meinhers of tlie Odd Fell own lodgo met In regulnr session last Evening In tho I. O. O.-l. temple. 'l the meeting next week tho Can ton of Oddfellowshlp will demon it rate giving drill work and degrees Sit lis . orderl Hero Today K 1. McCully, of Joscidi. rep rcsontative of the world war voter-ait- state aid commission is in T-a tlrutide today on business. To Mlflilgan i .Mrs. Alinnio Meserve and two children spent yesterday in iiaker visiting with her sister, before con tinuing to Michigan where they will visit the children's grand - mother. Ijeft tlie Hospital Winifred Coble has left the --Grande' Honde hospital ufter leing Hi there for a few weeks. ,T llrlef' Trip Mi. Max Turn left yesterday on , her way to Portland on a brief business trip. i Moved to This City Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Durst, form ally of Portland, have moved Into ' the MoKennon apartments on Plrst street. Mr. Durst has accepted the, position of supervising the plumb ing department nt Mclvilles. At. the lintel. K. J. lllder, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. O. Cam'flMU, Wallowa; .1. U. Wraith, Walla Walla; liill Pruitt. Announcements A bridge und plnoelilc party will i lie Riven Moinlny evenlni;. Mnrrn 3 In the Iji Orumle hoiol ly llie St. I'eterii ICiilKeopnl Kullii with Mm. 'hurle. Irvine oh general chair : l.uio with (he following to alt her: Mm. II. X. A.ihliy. Mrs. 11. K. ; WeHtenhaver. Mrs. Charles ;ruli i am. Mrs. r. Hoover. Mrs. H. Vyliln. .Mrs. Henry Hill. Mrs. M. . Hill. Mrs. l-'red r-ross. Mm. (i'-ore Tiray, Mrs, Curl Helm. Mrs. l-'raiilt -' Kiiekninn, Mrs. M. a. Tennyson. Mrs II. II. Itiiwll. Mrs. I-'. A. i Weill.. The ParkOiilu club will mer t V..ilnes.lay. Feb. 19 at the hnnil of Mrs. K. V. Walker on Snrtnjr stre.'t. t .Mrs. Uoyil I'lerco and Mis. Matvla llitlille arc to be ho9tc-8seg. WVlHpr: Samuel Ward, WeUer: 11. 11. Sloan. Spokane; It. Suihei limd, (taker; John li. Sur. Spo kane; John HoRshnd, Intw: and I u A . J rn nk e, Wa I la Wn t la a it 'iruintpr d at lorn I hotelK, : Tr,Tf - , , m r w, N LW HARMONE IS ISOLATED BY SCIENTIST MO.NTIIKAU I'eb. in (AI')'T (Discovery of another of the jiower- of the pit nary glands which have whlely recognized runetloiivi ih con trol of f;inanticihin jit Krowth. of: some phases of women's .health,'.'- Mj-sv M. lirooks anil XIIkm Alia and in wau-r - control ineUidlhvc. Kmith; Knmela.- Ktrt'rtdieeperH,. were forms of fatness. The newly found l.u- (trtindo1 Tlim stlny on but-1-harmone, however, Is. ttseful- for- noss and " pleasnrc!.- ' 'A.'. Kcnnifton feminine health.- . - - Tho announcement says It' .ln fluenccM "in a very remarkallo manner" the general health - and i'nielaholism". of women. Metu--, holism Is the process .whereby the body elm uses food into enorKy by. hulldliik' up and learlnt? down iiv liif? proioplitsms. The dlscovei'y Is credited' to Div. Jntnes Hertrani Colllp, a man tin-' d e r -In, who was a sso elated w It i i lr. c. liantin in the discovery of Insulin. Colllp Is chatrinan of the depnrtment of biochemistry."'- Woman Candidate In Governor Race t i.os Axr:u:s. ivb. ir, (Ai')-r Mrs. Clara KhortridKc Koltz. sister: of I'nltetl States Senator Sa)nel ShorliidKe of California and for years n lawyer here, - has" nit- nouncetl her cnmiKiacy as ;i repun- lican cjindidate .for governor known for her activity in estatitistv Ing the present system of purdohs I and iiaroles in California vand ob 'talning the right of women to m pear In .court as counsel. . She Js a widow and makes her home here. BANTA MUST SERVE THREE YEAR TERM (Continued rrom Pago One) Monday Judge Knowles will, hold motion day. takkx to 1i:mm;tov l'red Towery, arresti-d by local officers, was taken to Pendleton lust night, where ho is wanted on charge of passing bad checks. FIVE POWERS FACING MANY DIFFICULTIES ... : .. , ' at'- (Continued from Pago Ono) With his daughter, .lshbol'-t-'hoqUers he received a party newspaper' men from all parts tlie world. of of ' Mystery! Excitement! In the amazing society racket NEIL HAMILTON Jqt Playing 'the STARTING SUNDAY g M Rf At, Nfe A D A df2i Steam Shovel Is Being Moved To The Bluffs lly Mrs. C. :. Thnmlmrx Observer torroponrt,nt) KA.UKl.A. Ore. tKperiul) Ka mcla. I Ktitt pxperlrmiujf very tin muni went tier,"' inmrtltne wmw somclimeH rain. It rained prnotle ally all Thursday niu'ht and most of hliday and there Is Mill plenty I of snow aii( lee under t'O'tt. The highway Ik in Rood condition. Worli with the. tiieam shovel be. tween Kumela und O lover is fiu- Ik J iel uiul tli -xc.iin Hhnvil Is be. lag moved to the blttflV 'overlook . hk he. (Jninde (tondi' river just west of Five 'olnts service wt i-r iSelRiiro of the nil fleet climaxed , -r) '4 tlo'n.. The 'drills have been at .work. an outbreak nt In wlessness which J J TlSOHGr Infill I there for several days. t has been worry ik the aumomies! School was not lndd In Kainelu jnf tills ( Kwanntunj,') province (W t on i-'rlday as tlie tenclier, Mrs. Ta- sometime. The nntionnlM Kovern- '.merls and her husband w ent to ! ment. aroused by the extensive der -i l-a tri-amh' to attend -the funeral ' predullons. sent im exieHtlon (f ; of Henry If. ' llxiii. who 1 was an troopn and orderiMl .five cuuhouts : . uncle of Mr. Tnineris. Armin llutrito proceed aKaliv.it thejawli ss elo- hiiK hern in i.a tfinudo since hisjm.'iit In the province. fnHi.sr'r. Ho;i1 h Hi- tteCn Wftl'k. ' 1 111 Iltllt aetlvltieS 111 t Ills Im.' In Kaniela for srtme lime with Mr. Tamer i who Is euttliiK' and sUi)ltiiiK Ioks for'lhe 'Alt. Jlnilly lAmiber company. . . . .Mis. Wi W'i'lK' and Utile dauffh-Uar ler Jacqueline 'went to J .a Clrando h K,f,ijiy, ; took irhfirge of the,Hllf ' "!ir , ,M.f,vinees. piUngihg towns, .hainper nbsenec. ' -: : 1 luK shipping .iiud'malclng travel in' - According to Mr. Konnlson, wh;iho ilUo,.10l. tl11,:llfo foreigners.. olnUer frfuuent trips Into the hill ( niV(i. hmH hetween. vilanlii.w fin rounding Kamela. (lie snow ! j nja . i'hnngking have, been, fired aho.ul , two .and .a - half feet deep..; upon '. rronnHUv as' hnve'. Vessels though, the- Vain -I. prhbttbly nteU-.j pjy, , between ChungliKha . and lug It nb'- '-.f- , ' . Hankow. Marauders ' In- Hunan Winnies, Maker wonl.tf I.a iran,,t' j province, pnsing. 'as provincial snU on Wednesday to iittcnd the funeral , (,hJ.Kt hjlvo stopied -.diliis. of the of.hif; brother-in-law A. C. Marlln. inndnrd-OM compnnv and sea relied C,ilbert MTd lin, son of the (let'cased j ,lieiu iin lUix pretext that they were and a friend "of Mr.- Hro.lt, both Misp0(,r, Gf carrying contraband, front Wallowa, were In Kamela on (ipnernl Shih Yu-Hat). former na Tuesday yisiiing at tlie (taker -; (onaiHt , conrma Oder who Tied bis linnio and also to sec ah. ai.ii mi eousln, (iaiev lbmlen. Mr. and ;Mrs.' Kelley ni-e leaving; Saturday morniug for Holilepdale. ; I Krlley's sister.. -Mrs. . Knrl llulicr. Inmi -tlii-i-i', thi-y ai'c'oliii? lo visll liiiv mollior. Mrs. I". I.. Ki lli-y nl Wjilti . .ftillnon., .Wnsli. ' Tlii-y rv-lu'C-t.ln be Bono- for' nevei-ii! ilaya (mil lire iiiiiliilii? llie ti-i liy our. M'c...M. Hionis.mient WOilm winy of'nnii "I liinxfliiy In (linmle on linslneKH. ' .'J'li li Hiiliool cliiMren lnlil ft vnl-i enllllp piirly in I lie eoinnllllllly hall on 'riiiirwlny lAVnliii; lirnliinlnu at 7 o'clock and ending aboui, io:aii which -'made it iui(e an adventure 1 for some of' the younger ones who are. not. used , to such late hours, tiu ihoi:-. were; played, -valentines dis tributed and refreshments Hcrvedq None hut schrtid children and their teuvher. . Mr.'t Tn nie'ris,' were there. Some of the -older' glrls helped f.rK. Tamerls, serve. .Mr.'.and. Mrs. Hoy Huves nod family e.pecj to attend two fare Svol! parties on 'Saturday. One Is at .McSichi'di 1 eivrnV'by AhW Houser for Mr. K. K. Kobinette who Is leav ing .Meacham for her home in Newport, Ore... .-where her husband went ti work some lime ago. .Mrs. Kohlnette and Mrs. llawes are sis ters. - The other Is In l.a Grande given by Mr. and MVh. J. Larson honoring Mr. nnd 1 Hawea who tire leaving for Nevada. Luck ily one is a noon' affair and the other an evening one. . L. Hawes Is a brother of Hoy llnwes and Mr. Larson Is their sister. .Mr. and .Mrs. C Thombnrg were in La tirande shopping Wednesday. Jlmmte ltnJter.'who has been quite. HI all week Is recovering nlee 1 - hill Ills little bro1h.fr, Donald J.loyd Is linc-weH now. ": fona Hrooks has been lit for sev eral days hhl Is' ithprbvtng; She -very: high fever, on Thurs- j tiny.. ;.;- i;ieanor , and Warren Hawes , j penl . Kriday visiting' relatives In j , Meacham".-. : r- - -. , - , , '.(iiiiald iMeXson'ofi-IVrry. was in i Kamela .on''-Thursday, visiting at the lioiues of his sisters.' .Mrs. i '.vy..rt,1l Mjs; JLorsinuin'.- Sr:K n'tiac a woninn will renlly ilo ror love. i:elvn lln-nl's rlit slarriiiR rolr. Sir IMilIlp (illibs- hre.lli-taklillt Imlr-r.-lMnt; s'B4y llnt.-l. Heal i-xcllhiK mnmiKel tVELVM Darkened Rooms Min TaJkbig CVinuMly "MY WII-'K'S MKTUnAY" 1'ullie Sniuiil .VniiM and SUi-nt KliMijcnuim. Mary Nolan shanghai lady" CHINESE PIRATES SEIZE OiL SHIPS Tu'ohra Vncaata Poi'i'vinnr 50,000 Cargo, Captured I by Bandit Gang. CANTON', rdi. tindi 1.5 tAI) r eliurter : Twelvo vewseln Iiy !the Kiamlurd Oil enmpuny t( Xow-i j York were m'Ued by a ff I'l1- ; jates operatbiK In the Weal river,; siMUh if here. Thursday. The,-vex -i wels are Chinese jnnliM mid were .carrying, oil wnrlh $"i0,aftn wold,- 'The Auierictin consul w4nt a protest to 1he Canton military authorities. T iSelRiiro of the nil fleet climaxed ftrfa 'comprise only n small part of tlie lawlessness which has swept vari-, Ous provinces of China recently., The nationalist .Kover.tunent thus., apparenll.v lijiK taken no con- J j certed action ninst. banditry ex? j ept In KwanlunK. Several IhindlcArtiitcs; Itaodit armies - . are' rooming through: Hunan. . Klani. ' llupel f.uvision In a mutiny at I'ukow last Jleeeinlier. 'wns' reiioru-il to linve ; 30 llllll nien III Kwellell. I lonnil.l iinivinee. remly for a jlrivo'aiiilii.it : tin- nalloniillsl liiiveriiiiu'iil.;, , ' Health Talks .-; WHV DO TKi-rril DlAV-.' Al one time II' was miiil tliiit li-iin loolli . never iletuiys, ami In , (.onstMiiloiu-e , hi'i-ii)11oiim i-loiinllne.sH onHettneilee, Herlipnlonn i 0( lni. month unci ti'vlh va ivitnn- j ,m.n,i,.,i ,is n nn retina nl airalnst nen- lal caries (tb'cay of the teeth). - (if late, howeve'r, It has been rec ognized, that while a clean tnouHi is desirable for a -variety of , rea sons. It Is not an, absolute safe guard against carles, ' . '; In a further study of the.' cause of dental decay,' the, matter or heredity came, into .' prominence. The health and .nutrition of the mother during' Hie. 'child-hearing period appeared In, some Ways to nffi-et the. develonilH nt of the child'n teeth. j In children of badly nonrbdicd ! mothers, ioeth were found to have been imperfectly developed, show ing upon careful examination mi nute pits and fissuresthat is. de fects in the enamel. . More recently, -'a. group of scien tists working at the State, diver sity of Iowa demonstrated that mi tritinn deeply affects the -power' of tooth tissue to resist decay. i .- In children wltii extensive eariefl they have actually secured an ar rest of the decay process by feeding them diets rich in mineral and vitamin content; ' " '' MIGHTIEST Irt Bigger Than J ll ""' JSySfUiUl : .' "BE A U GESTE" iJILiM J what Mi i i u i i y m What A l l 41 iC'jLJ Thrills Irtr'r ' Lm .7 a 1 I VA,. -I Horn- i Urn They rojtor that t1i rhildren mjf ihrir ut'Jily nere.fod dally a quart , of, milk, one ckv, a Imnpoonrul of ? liver oil. one ounce of butler. orange and two itervinKi of HUtvaleal veic'tallr. Thin wan , raipplemcuted by proUdim or nu.u fowl. Staivhy foods, (ncluding- micdrs. were kept to the mtfe mlnitniim. In all the children studied, tooth de cay wan arrested iu from one to three months. Where (he diet was not followed after the experiment i was over, d"euy el In once iikuIii, Tlie. iisi of tlie tooth hrilMl i seemed to have had little If no ef fort upon ileeoy of tho teeth, these . sclentihlH report, , but that should . not In- construed as n warrant for neglect of ino-ith cleanliness. ( Remember Who 1 1 Vl ll V C f rPU0Hl POItTI.ANO Ore.. Feb. 15 (AC) - 1 Two hours after I.. V. .leak Ins. ' Portland police ehlef. started an invotfiixntion Of the : release from the city jUIt of Nels .Anderson, R4, - Anderson stepped into the jail cor- Idpr and asked lo. he locked up. -' ... Jenkins' Investikuthui followetl a Inns' 'session witlv Mayor OoorKe. I,, ..iiaucr. uunnvr wntcn ine mayor ; :k-koi.i-io i.avp given tne pouc ,, luuuig. . ., . . .. unrn as.ue.1 wuo miowe.i nun to wan: .out -oi i ne jiiii arier jie nao serveil . but IT. days'. of a "Ml day jail sentence. Anderson said he did not- kmtvC. He said he did nt know who : 'engineered" , his 1 re lease. - ' " 4t . I recoi ds Indicated tlia.t Nelson was released by "order tf the en ei, --niiiiungn '.teoitios sain u i ,i it.. .,r the case. ' ' ' . t. K, I'ler, city ' .commissioner, 'continued, hi: Investigation Into jull .releases aitd. non . payment ;'of fines. I'ler said the city Is short fi5rta in fines - which have not j been paid by persons who were ar- i i nno Kiven 11 -vii-ciir niiiim In lllillllelliill eoill't..; . ' j . - , . , Xi'Vl lo -- 1 (Iiiik,. irylnj! lo tt i-Iie' il eollimil v.'ille .llie Iinliy Insislft on iiflilllK "III lii'i'p ymi .1 It.- l.usii'St. Hall' lIMilliolll.ill. i . Porout Human Skin Tim nkin or u iioriiial niliilt linn T.ihki iiot-es. wliicli. iiiimtit? Iliiintrli lliey nre. tvoiilil ONteiul J7 inlle.s II they were iilnceil in line. ; Perh.pi Some Day Some ilny n inntorist will srol Into n ililllniliy anil will, reeoiiiilzo nl oneo Mini ho illil sniiieililtiR lie slniillclii'l linve ilinio. Then lie will liniiicilliili'ly nseeiul In I lenven.-. llnvorhlll l':vptilnff;(inzetto. ... .' ' , " HUNDREDS IN CALIFORNIA; " , FOR SERUM (Conlinncil from iaifo On.) selves of cancerous growths, be-sh-xed the clinic 'yesterday, more than t0 of i hem receiving injec tions of the new serum. . They came in expensive limousines, rat tling old automobiles, on fool and fin stretchers. !. With a corns of assistants. Or. Number worked steadily with his hypodeimht needle. Patients too ill to move froin:thelr cars wore i treated wt the curbing. There were! THRILLER SINCE "CHANG!" Willi William l'oivi-ll. lllilliirl Ar ' leu. I'liy Wrny, I'lhi- lliiink mill Nmili lli-ery. It is a picture supreme! It stuns ana siupcncs wun us swcepniR '.ln.i..M ...wt ll.iin.Uninrr I.i!Ml' 2'nviiiin unu iiiuiiuvnii iniiii.-i. in uiiuni u illioiil a wni'fl Siixikon. i PPVWi Also ' Fables in Sound and Pathc Sound News STARTING SUNDAY about twlrfc a many men n wotn- -n. Optimism Hhono from tlioir I'urt'H iih llicy : burnt tin If nriuH. In tbe liuue that a orum would rid them of (be deadly tirom-go, To lr. number ami Dr. -Coffey Mlllor thlK- phane, of tho work in Hlmply Maromlx-r ... a eoiiiinuatUm mi u luive- ncale ofjnlnn the experiment they have been j Nushnum .... eoudueKMtf for Khk yearn in l- j t nee. 'I hey Imve -Invited utl per- . hoiik. tt hone eaM-vi ni-o considered hop.cles to .tmhiujt .theiimelv fur' I i ticadiieiit. Ait putlents must have letter from physicians; who, have been . iri'a.ting hem and complete records of thejr rases. It Js the 'hopc: )oK!iv caseN that lim'tors ll'umbeif and .Coffey desire pmsl. j . Anumg tho sufferers reaching j hero yesterday was.; Mhs. , I rvitifr ) Kdwin. wife of a- Wenatchoo, I KVah.,. oi;ejiardlst. 1-MwIiih char-;. Ucred an airplane, which was con-j verted Into , an aeri.jl nnibalatice, ' ,,mI nunKhl Mus. Kdwins here late ' ycMeida , Tho plane,: piloted by .Charles Itecior. negotiated the 7oi ; miles with only two stops,, i Or. Huinlfer visited Mrs. Kdwins 1 at a hotel last night, made a pre ifmlnaiy examination and arranged to Kiart trwitiiiff her today. She : was ilescrlbcd as being near deuCi, ; too. weak to liave survived the 70a. : mile journey by iraln. ; She i was- isald.to have, suffered. fcw;,ill; of-, , frylK fmtii the Ioiik, "i' piaii-nltU- t . ! .-: , , " ... 'i ; . ; ;t 4 ,- - - . i I1YI1TK III llVl ttL ' -itig . VWIYWV I , OV''WUU fv-vrm. due to M( KLELook Over Our Want Ads for Bargain .niin Pntm nnn) 1 . - - - - . . Conllpuca frum Togo One) ) WuKiihiiriiiu; I'pi'. coiifrroiii'c, kiih'm i Willi , AVilliiiii''.ui'. sVlillniuii ' "nil I 'inl'li'lik ' mill. Tor il ' wrj.-H .' Willi , ' , . .,,,,' i V,. , olmnbla university" in Portland. Miliiee. .I.lnhu.. 'WIIH , out . .iUiHII.lt nlKlil'ii Kiime iliie to-,' a Kiinilneil nkli-. anil 1'oaeli noli Qilliln, was without the Kerileesi OI' l."al'ilol rof- wanl, uiul. Mei'iilly. Kiianl. woo ar Inellk-llll" IlllKiweeli DecallHe of Ktllilll'rt. . ' ' ' ' " 'J. , The vletory 'Kave ;tho lnvaie' -n ineasnre ur revenue I'or the lit tit 7 loiillmll'uln hcoi-iTI ov. i- llielil' liml rail Iiy llie Kaalerii .Oivkiiii eleven. , I'lny. AliilulHiillll : Xevr ,i Nevl week l.he lliiiiilalll'ee'rs will eoni lnile ilieh- Bi-l ies ol' ruin' Kainci Willi M nil month Nirni;l. ' Heiiool, lilayllll?- tlio WeKtern .OreKnll team here Krlilay nnM .Satimlay. Aahliin:! Niirinal Iiiih ellm-liC'l lljn , iilale Normal .selnml ehaiiiplonslilii. wln- ninif two out or three ennli'StM I'rofn .Moiiiiioutli. . Miiliiiiary lilllllO I'lillOK' Nk-Ule, .r '. Milieu, r .louei;, e Howell. K 'Kfl .Kt,. Tl' ....is' . ' II1 . Ill ...'Sr- -i) "., 'ii .' ii :i 'ill:" : ii .....a : ;:'.'" :i ' ill ' ',' .if ' 41 . hi ' T.. Tl! ...-.'. .4 '.'-,. i' in r, I I .:.'.;..'' a o '...'..4';-y .i '. R ......I . 1.'' .':t 1 1 ii i , ii'1 i ' ir. 4 :i l Itlllleil ; . i Nol.,lmi 1 I'riee,. r Sillltvan: 1 lollehellK, l.'rnwt'oril; lilliHley, it i Sarrr-tl.'li Personal fouls: N'ickle.. Hates :. I Jones S. Howard. Ifutledge J, Price. Sullivan :i, lloui'hens. Crawford; Paisley '2. Kreo throws missed: Nlrklo Jones, owelt.; itiHldege Price, Sullivan' 3, SaiTetl aV.i Iteferee: - Jimmy Itosiibamut Timer: J. K. Ileyiiolds. I'utdty Te.im lioses ' In a prclliulnary '-content,' the . Normal school gym class defeated ; the facility loam. 16. to IK. , Tlie i Kacnlty rallied In 'the second .and third (inarlers to even up tho ance All mi j ,iii; nccre nt 13 all, but lout out In tho final period, tjulnn wiih ; his"' point man with 7. The MntMip: I Fut ility (Kit t!6) Oym ClaaH ...i-v. Itoylen T Carter I ,. Wakefield White Kiilh-r ... Itowumn Ten Injured When Hits-Auto Collide SAN MATl:0. fill.. Ki t). 1.1 ( AD -r-Tbfl colllttlon uf u uori lilxitiiifl imitur )uk of -tho IMfkwIi'k llrit-H with nn automobile at n tiigliway ; ciOKsintf here early today brought j iniurkr. in eight pijit'ons, one of whom, a! woman, may not survive. The utage, en route from l.os Angeles, eareenod off the road and crashed Into thv front Of a house, tearing away a section of the wall, ( Uie him was wrecked, l-'lve piis- sengeiv; of the vehicle who were j asleep at the lime of tho crash j were thrown to (he floor and :hnwered with glass, j Only O. M. Stewart, retired j rancher of Vancouver, It. , ami (Atrx Thompson, driver of the stago ' escaped Injury, The other occu pants of. the bus were cut ani bruised, while Mrs1. Krank tV C.i-IwpIi Vuifrk-ille - Wik1i.. - suffer- j r,, u w'plniU ij1UT, which doctors (said may cause her death, Chick Starter 1 Chick Scratch Chick Charcoal Chick Grit ' Chick li. K. Solution If you are going to raise chicks this year, see us for your feed. Won & Durland Phone Main 792 1525 Jefferson St. Presenting . . . STAR BOOKS The worth-while in today's non-fiction in a format worthy of the con tents, STAR DOLLAR BOOKS are full library size. Price S1.00 each ABRAHAM LINCOLN Lord Cliai nwood. Chum-, wood's biography is one ot the greatem of. our time. -.Former price $3.00 ADVENTURES IN CONTENTMENT David Grayson. Life seems more sunny after adven turing with this philosopher. Former price ?2.00 ADVENTURES OF AN AFRICAN SLAVER Captain Theodore Canot. Desperados, sea fights, and brandy from Manhattan to Futa Jallon. Former price $4.00 ASTRONOMY FOR EVERYBODY Prof. S. Newcomli. Former price $2.50 . THE AUTOIilOGRAPIIY OF BENVENUTO CELLINI translated by J. Addington Symonds. Artist, lover, debauchee, duellist, Cellini reveals himself with unabashed candor.- Former price $8.50 AUTOIilOGRAPIIY LIN. BEGGARS OF LIFE Jim Tully. Gusty experi ence as a hobo. Former price $3.00 La Grande Book & Stationery Co. 1114 Adams in tmi Wairi Store No. IS I Grande, Or; Men's Footwear S4.48 This is a winner for- the man who demands com fort plus appearance. Of soft kid roomy lust ad.1 comes in black or brown.; OF BENJAMIN FR'ANK Former price $2.00 Phone Main 90