La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 15, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    Saturday. Fel.nuuy 15, 11)30
Pag Four
Am Indrpmdaml Nampaper
FltANK I). API'J.i:UV - Kdllor and I'ubllah.r
HAl'.VIiV F. MATTHHWS - , llualnna ilnnagcr
. - I'ubllrhed evtnlniia. went Hunday, lit Hid Adam Avenue,
CI flrulidi!, Orecnn. l'llo Olwrvi r-htar liilbliheil ovory Friday.
Knter.'d at the Polofflre of l.a f;rani oreaon, aa heconit
Cla.a Mall .Mullrr under a.t of March 2. !;.
IAI. I'Al'IMt OP twins' roi'XTV AND TUB
jii:miii:ii ok aksooiati:i i'i:i2ui
" The JUanr-lalfd Vrert la rxrluilvaty entltl-i! to ua fnf nnbllea
llon of all new dinpati-ht-a credited to It or not ollierwiae credited
If noMlaliad hr.:in. All fitrhia of r.-pohllriitfon of special dia
patrlira In ttlia paper, and alao Ilia lot-al licwa hurain alaO are
i National Adrertlalnir n.nraentallve
',' M. O. MiKIKNHKM '".. Ino.
' San Franclaeo, l Anirclis, Seattle, I'ortland. Chicago,
D.irolt. New York
Ily Carrlrr
' Dtllr, par month In advance
- IJAlly, alx month, in advanco . .
bally, jlnglo copy
By Hall
Pally, par month In advance -
lally, per alx montlia In advanca
(tally, prr year In advance
Weekly. Obaerver-Hlar, per year
. lie
Display, foreign, per column Inch J2c
Dlaplay, local, per column Inch to
, . TIiiio conirnct price on application.
'.".TJIK I.OIII) ANII 1IIS MKItVAXT ISemomhir I lie word Ihnt
.1. wild unto you, the aervnnl . la. not renter than Ilia lord. If
' they have pcraccmcd mo, thi-y will ;ili0 pcrwulo you: If they
halo kept my KiiyltiK,. Ihey.wlll keep yonra alo. John 15:1'0.
Abe Martin
J Ramon Novarro
(joming to
State on Sunday
"UevlI-MJuy-Cure." Kamon No
varro's first Iking muicul ro
mance with u score by Herbert
Hlothurt. lyrics hy CWford Orey.
iinl iiu elaborate technicolor
(iinre. will open Sunday at Ow
State theater.
The x.inpt In " I evll-. May-Can-"
are fa id to he unusually hcuutif ul.
The fowrl-li rient.iiKl fcr Indus
trial a hi it ml don't look much like
hti-lno u let tin' kmn. Tito
I no per rent nll-totklo .Art
i'UiU Is merlin' at III'
hoitlc o Mr. leTtthorn 'Ihurp this
ftfllTTHKHI, - . , , ,
rWhile Bcienti'sts are so persistently adding to the store of
human linowledffewe wish a few psychologists would engiRe
in the study of small hoys on the way home from school. Our
particular interest i.s in the obvious tendency to wade in all
the water available, to step in every mud puddle, to plow
through every snowdrift. It Is probably a childish mania
that is incurable much to the child's subconscious .satisfac
tion. '
The HUtomoliJie ' Jinluatry U
i-rcditt-tl uiih ii n niahiil'in to turn
out five ' million thin y-nr -which
hIU he all rinht ctiuiich If
Hie ram turn out for eafli othur.
"What in tlu iffirtr-nri ltwcf-n
ii tnrnudo ami u hnrriniiu?" uUx
The l.ilfrary DiK-t. Ounno:
Imil If it liiitM' a'l he much of
a -lilfVienrc, they'll haw one hl
luvu lIlIM' hvHUhk h.
tiisu r jar
Oiwn llluli Low pkMe '
Jlnr I.l.1,ai I.IBti t.liK; 1. 1-.'. 'i
May I .'-'il ft', I.JI ' l.ill'a j
lillr'i I.J3 l.-JI'.i I
m-im i.g.t 'i, i.3.n i.aaaj iaa '
' fiM!n 1 1 lull liw Cloae
Mar I. lit, l.lltVi 1.10 i l.ia
Jill 1.19 I. in I. ID I. IKS
.llll .211 I. Sit I. Ill l.l
M'il I. Ill I.IU l.lftli' I.IM'i I
I .
Vest Bak Style
$1.69 Pr-
Egg And Butter
Quotations End
Week Unchanged
Thu iM'ttii'oal Is coming back,
which aliouldn't lie Interpreted a-i
down In front.
Wheat Lower And
Unsettled Today
I'lllCACtl, Tel), lfi (AI-) Willi
Argentine wlienl bellur offered to
Kurope ut below ti iarity with
wheat from the I 'lilted Stalea, the
when! market here allowed w.-uk-neaa
today. 1'riee mlllea in I'hicoo
fiilled io hold. Wheat exiKirl lii.i
llesa from .North America totalled
only Sno.opo imalicla. .More than
half of it to china and ronMKtlr.x
nearly ultojrether of wheiit prow n
- Soon the nuitorist will lie able to drive across the Columbia
between Knnier, Oregon, and Lonfrview, Washington. The
hew toll bridge, one of the biggest of its kind in the world,
In rapidly being completed. Then nnothei1 will be started to
cross the same great river at Astoria, congress being favor
ably inclined. Such are the fruits of an automobile ago.
Perries were efficient enough in yeain gone by, but modem
speed requires uninterrupted progress, closer communication,
u greater variety of travel routes. .
A ; Union will continue to be the friendly, pleasant community
of the past. Not that there was any real danger of it be
coming otherwise but the re-appointment of Tony Smith as
postmaster at Union for another four years makes it entirely
safe. " It just wouldn't seem right if Tony weren't postmaster
over there. It would lie like having a new secretary of the
livestock Show and Tony has held that job so long and so
well that he has become a fixture. The Observer coiifriatu
lotes aB&JUoierTOUufli rttfUlifchope that his smile.
will never fade. -
With Sally O'N'oll ulnt-ln for the
ftrat time on tlie.aej'een. anil John
Mack Itrown playim,' the piano In
tho- role of u youn composer.
' ' i "Jasiz Keaven.". briKht. tuneful
When the country waa wet the ' mu,lra romance, opens today at
drva were reaponalbie for prohl-1 ,hs smle theater. - It la n llaillo
bltlon conlroverny. and now that incturea- production which h.m
the country I.- dry. the wets are. j ,., wt,n received w horever ehown
i J all over the country.
Ooctor advnculca walking to pro-. .
lonK life', but when people walk 1
nowadnya. It'a generally hecaua.
they're reduced to 'extremities.
I'llltTI.ANI). (ire.. IV!,.
Kelt and luitler quotations ended
the we.-k steady anil unchanged.
I The '-Kg demand has been aliout
I even w ith the supply. Moral;.'
IstiK'kH of butler were still lurK".
Isilil-e tile produce cxchum;f, which
U-onlrols butter prices, holds no
Saturday meeting, curivnt values In Canada.
j will be In eff.H-t at bast until the Wheat closed unsettled to
.Monday arternoou session. , I lt d net lower, corn closed a to
lleviewinjj llie fruit and vege- 3,c down, outs to MiC. oft an. I
table situation, the Portland bur-: provisions varyiiiK from 2 Si 5 do-
,eau of the l lilted States depart- cline to 7c advance.
! meni of agriculture says: t . .
. j "I'rillt and vi-Belable .llstributioli ; rOKTLAXI) CASH
In I'ortlalld shows less netivilv :if-!' I'dlrTI 1V1 nr.. l-'eh. I r. til1)
DC30THV JOD0AN ana DWMON iter sevenil days of unusually active Cash wheal: Hlt llend bliiestem.
"WisHmV in UCVIL MAX WMt. illslrlliulion. I'ric. a B-enenllly show hard while II. :.
little variation.
"Spinach from The liallea made
lis ilrst urriiul today, tonality was
tjfood. ulthouxh of ralher small
sine, anil It sold at about the same
price as Ciilllurnia stock.
"Onion shipments from Orejron
suddenly increased ti, 11 carloads
Thursday. The outside demand
continues very slow, and the mar
ket ir d ill.
"Potato loadings from lit! sec
Seventy-one (ins. or f.t per en!
j of the total. Were caused by I he use
iof ihc blow torch in thawing frozen
pip. a. explosions, open nres. aim
overheated liml defective- stoves
chimneys. etc., during Hie fold
,n..n ,,n,l were resoonsliili! mi
i $ I .'.4.IIOO or per cell.t Of the lO
llal damage ill the slate. Kiglit other
i Instances ot blow torch and trozeii
Iplpe iiccidenls were reported with
Mlamage unestiulaled. Sixty fit's
i destroyed city dwellings anil eoii
Itcnts lo the valla, of SIT.ilS and
11 firea ihilllliged farm dwellings
!and eonients in the amo'.int of H4,
j 85l. One -farm barn, with mil
jtenas. was burned in M .lllmr.nah
i county. ' believed incendiary, with
:oas of $;l.Iioo. Matches and care
! less aiuokers were charged with
three fires, to'.al loss u. ami
! 43 fires of unknown and undeler-
or tlo ir families and sums paid as
.compensation for Injuries, limited
l the amount not compensilled fur
by Insurance, ale proper deduc
tions. When llie amount of tho
: mlary of an ufricer or employe Is
paid lor it llinlleil time to Ills
' nlilow or heirs In recognition ft
' hervlceK rendered by Ihe ileccus.'d,
such payments may lie deducted. .
Salaried paid employes who lire
absent In the military, naval, or
' other service of the government,
but who intend to return, are al
lowable deductions.
mined origin. Including the ..,o;
iniu cannery fire at Astoria, lies
troyed 3!.:l.OO" In property values.
having u. semi-classical nlr hut u
catchy swing. Jt la predicted that
"Charming," the principal song,
w ill he ona of , the rnost popular
numhera of tho year.
Willamette Wins !
At Whitman, 38-31,
News Briefs
Soft white t!.15i.
Western white Jl.lSii.
Hard winter $ 1.1.1 U.
Northern spring Jl. 13 it.
Western red 1 1.13 14.
' (lata: No. 2-3X lb. white $.",4. Iin.
' Today's car receipts: wheat 42.
barley 1, flour 11, corn 1. oats 3,
hay 3.
Only prohibit Irmlst.s ami tee
totaler wilt he amiointtM as foil-
tionH rontinuo I i hi ml, with Snn-aoo eral prohibition c-nfnrcfmint offi
rar daily. The market continues crn, ki.vm Attorney Oeneral Jlit
firrn ut Vakitna viilhy poinds; but chell. Thoy'll be In hal company,
at other KhlppiiiK- (ltstrictM, ay won't they?
Southern Maho and eastern points, j
WAl.l.A VI,1.A. Wnf-h., I-Vh. I
la (A I) Willainetto uiilvprnty J
' Ily the A-ovlatCil rc:
Wiif h 1 hpt on 1 It o vpr
! haJkfihall loam defnitd Wliitm;rnl ratrhe lrt pounds nf fish on last
x state sometimes fails to appreciate the advertising:
'.value,.of -its good highways because it never suffered long
from the advertising of mud highways. Oregon takes her
excellent road system veiy much for granted but Iowa, now
getting into the good roads class, is not forgetting the years
of mud and the unfavorable publicity she received
pf poor roads. As a result, Iowa people are telling the world
that they built more paved roads last year than all but two
or three states, that the paving of cross state highways this
year will exceed the road construction of any other state.
iThe day of the famous mud'road in Iowa is gone. Hut for
Jowans it is riot forgotten.
yf It you recall the early days of the World War, you will
doubtless remember the famous legend of the Angels of
Mons. It was a legend that appeared in the fall of 19
, and it strengthened the Hritish morale inuin'iisurably, at a
tjme when such' strengthening was badly needed.'
'-.When the Hritish army was falling back before the first
ih'(?sistiblesweep of the Germans, the allied cause seemed
lost.. It looked as if nothing could stay the retreat. Hut this
legend popped up to help stiffen morale, the Hritish were not
driven into the channel after all, and the German advance
was halted. .
.The legend had it that the Hritish rear guard, amid the
battle rack, suddenly noted gigantic, shadowy figures in the
clouds, discharging invisible arrows at the Germans. Some
Eoldiers even asserted that the Germans fell in rows lefoi'e
this defense. At all events, the tale nfade a big impression
und thousands of Hritinhers actually lielieved that some
supernatural force had I wen manifest on this occasion.
Hut now Colonel Kriedrich Ilerzenwirth, formerly of the
Imperial German Intelligence Sen-ice, says that it was all a
trick a German trick, which had just the opposite effect to
that which had been planned.
A German plane, he says, hovered os-er the Hritish lines,
and with a movie projector cast moving picture shapes -on a
cloud bank where the British soldiers could see them. It
hoped, by doing this, to spread terror and confusion; the
sume stunt had been tried on the eastern front and had
worked lieautifully, filling the superstitious Russians with
fear and awe.
But It didn't work that way. Instead of terrorizing the
Hritish, it actually strengthened their morale. So the Ger
mans never tried it again. This revelation is extremely in
teresting. Wartime legends sometimes have strange origins.
college. 3x to 31 hero last night in
the first of a two-game encounter.
Wlltametto university's eham-
(ilonutilt. Iwoies in Ihe Vorl Ii u est
conference basketball rose last j
night when the llearcats, by a great
and final spurt, nosed out Whit
man before a' frenzied audience.
Whitman led. .1), to 15. at half.
Cln the broad shoulders of Kd
Curdinal, Willainette center, the
mantle of victory rested. His 14
points. 11 of ttiem In the second'
half, piovcd the telling factor.
Nine limes the teams were tied
and ten limes Willamette had the
lead. I'ive times Whllman led.
I'ntll the flnul minute, neither had
more than a four point margin. Re
moval of Whitman's guards, t'rox
dale and lloveiuby on personal
fouls, gave Willamette the chance
to pull ahead after a final tie of
30 all.
Clark Wood
inundH for Inert- tien In N'
Htrriiptlr'nrtidllt, And Ihlrr,
pcrhapH, Mill to puiul u lottn
in ord-r I' huiM tb jhips.
When Polly ban tin- phlttaOnt-t,
rvt'iyhody wii niji lo ra k Vr,
(. O. M-'Intyrti my hf h i
TrcflJeui lluOvrr tnndd v-ro-foot
lallflvh off th roit of
Florida, but If he run aKain th" ) observed that pie-e.m-in .,ri nt
piplotl m:y cot him the ti 111 or- j nm.-t Iuvarluh1 tiei ithfui nn,l
na rot. ieiiy. l hey 1 he, win n
their M-atu an al the rovi-r iimetit
'Yrani t Blitndi A Ion in it vounlr.
Italian Premier's
Daughter to Wed
lld.Mi:. Feb. IT. (AD The rn
Kax'nieiit of Kdda MiissfiUni,
daughter of 'tie- Italian preinier
and dietator. to Calb'aKzo t'luno.
son of the iuinlKt-r of eoinnttiuiea
llon, (oiiMtnnxo I'l.iUo, was tin
nouneed today.
1'remier M u."H'dlnl w ill Rive n
teoeptlon for a few frlendf and of
Iteials tit Ik aftrni.on tit hl home.
immune ri.ii us kii, 1.1:0
JKXA. la.. Ki-h. 1:. (Al !.n
tnar Whatb y. 1?, and Orndy What
ley. 22. brothers are dead nn tic
rentllt of the eranll Of n fltihtse'
inir airplane.
full day of president?!- vacation.
New Vork Klihu Koor on eve
of STith birthday. In wiirnt of honor
at dinner Kiron by lrhot.iH Mur
ray Itutler.
' HoHton Wllll.lm M- IhitUr. for
tnt r chairman .of ' national repnb
liean rominittee.-itnnoiinees candi
dacy for republican nomination to
I . H. nenute. .
'l.os Anereies -Mr. flam. Shor
ride Koltz jtnnuunn-s vandidary
for (lovernor of, California.
Auburn. S. Y. Jury pet cnsi
of nix Anbiirn -onvictM on murder
charges resulting from riot.
Jena. I-a. 'Two killed. one
b.idly burned" In airplane crafh.
Honolulu Plain I rtv naval plane
jliil; in Ocenn aftei- b in hroiiRht
down from l(t(Mi feet; three oitu
puntH ita ved.
W'MnhlnKton Krert T. Unbolf, 7 9,
Idaho'. first senator, die.
lhilnth-'-KmineH J. White. I'. S. .
rtistnuiJi patrolman, say hi kill- OCiWiel MO WlllinQ
the market in dull thi week."
XKW YOI:K, I'eb. 15 (AD
The Irregular-advance of the past
week ua.s partially cancelled by
henvy w.ek end profit taking in
today's short nekton of the stock
market. A few specialties con
tinued to make mih.sluniinl lteud
wny. but leading shares generally
were depressed 2 to 6 points.
The reaction reflected (fowingr ood rrado steers
j 1'OIITI.ANH, Ore.. Feb. 15 (AP)
j Iteeelpts: hops 120. all direc.
p'attle 35. Calves 2. Weeks totals
i approxlinntely: hos 4670. Cattl-
1S25. Calves 22t. Hheep 2SO0.
Ho.-s: compareil with week ago
mostly 25c to 35c higher, spots 5e
up. Hulk light butchers J 11.25 ii
1 1.33. Mostly $11.35. One load
each on Monday and Thursday.
1 1 1.5u. Over and under weights"
$11.25 down. Kxtreme heavies
down to $10.25. Packing sows $!.o0
i $3.50. Hulk slaughter pigs $10.
25 fi $10.50, a few at $10.75. Hulk:
feeders $10,50 4; $10.75.
t'attle: compared with week ago.
and she-8tock
No. .12.
An employer may deduct from
tirun income the amount of bonuses
paid employes when such pay
ments are made in good faith as
Additional compensation fur per
sonal services actually rendered,
provided that when added to the
stipulated salary the total does not
exceed "ii reasonable coni'ns;t- j
lion for services rendered." !"
nations made to employes which do
not have the element of compensa- ;
tion for services, are not deduct- ,
ible. t
Pensions'pahl to retired employes :
Wisdom demands that you
secure the services of ex
pert morticians who know
the science and ethics of
their profession and who
have demonstrated their
capacity and ability.
We Understand
& Zimmerman
Phone Main 62
uncertainty over the technicul po-lquotably steady, spots 25c higher
sltloil of the market, w ith the ' for steers. Medium and tinder
steady elimination of the short in-J grades esp'ecially she-stock, dras
:erest ilurinc the past few days, j K,-, heavily all week at prices
While commission houses generally barely steady to unevenly lower,
have been advocatlnir the retention I Around 3. loads of hold-overs still
of kooiI siocks for lone term in-! unsold, ilulls steady. Calves and
vestment. Several of lale have been j vealers full dollar lower. One load
advocatini; profit-taklna-by traders of pood steers each at $11.25 and
playing tile mark'-t for a quick $n. 75. Medium (trade mostly $ln
1t $10.75. commons dow n lo $7.f,o.
"Em rr
' See him about your foot troubles
Dr. ScholKs foot specialist. Come in
high level for the year yeHterday. t odd head of good cows $9.00. Hest
lost about three puints. (load lots $S.75. Hulk she-stock'
Total sales ' approximated l."ort. j $ s.f.ft down. i,ow cutters down loj
mot shares. The closing tone was $:l.5i. Hulls mostly $7.0ftVi $S.00,
heavy. odd head $5.50. Hest vealers ur-j
. Hving brought $12.00. .Strictly '
(choice quoted $12.50. Calves mostly
$10.0u down, off jrrades down to ;
lug of tttmt Henry W'lrkkul.i whll
searching for contraband liquor last
summer, was accidental.
London- Oreat llrilain. France
and Fnltid .States start work f
harmoiflng I-renrh tonnage de
mand ft Mi general tlan of confer
ence. Paris -'- Oovernnient announces
French soldiers have put down j William Itondolph Hearst's
eomiuuniL agitation in " Indo- ' milk fund show at the Yankee
t'hfna. stadium the latter part of June.
Mexico I'lty I'arllon Heals, j
American newspaperman, released Mr. t'uolhlge ays that "in any
after -hours detention. .estlmule c.f the power of the!
Hucharest : I 'eputy expelled country, we find the chief asset
Tn Untile Winner1
J Sheep: compared with week ago:
I i.ur.tilil. I I it it Inu-op nnd CTtrcnipIv '
YOUK. Feb. 15 (AIM ! ,ow a( th fiPC(ne jjtri,.tly choice
Wk state athletic com- . , . 1?1.a , nnu.
above $11. no. Hulk of offerings
stopped from $10.(Mt down. Com
mon grades down to $7.50. Thin
culls down to $6.00. Yearlings
quoted $fi.50fi $$.50. Kwos $U.50
down, culls down to $2.00.
When You Plan A
Bridge Dinner
The Xe
inis.iini today received a cable
gram from Max Schmejing raying
he would meet tiu- winner of the
Jack Sharkey-Phll Scult fight for
the heavyweight chain pioiiMhip in
from government party for having Jin spiritual values."
moved for discussion . of thrashing wasn't brought up
of peasant by Prince .Nicholas. I ennferenee.
Funny that
at the naval
j poim.Axn Pitonrci-;
j POKTI.AM. Feb. 15-AP)
j Hutter. ejrgs. milk (butterrat) poul
try, ctmntry meats, onions, pota
toes, wool, nuts, hay. easeara bark
and hops steady and tinchahi-d.
By Williams
''X. AT Hemimds; I', ?$,'.';
"T 1 t f ' WAR6H Them J iji!
VOOS, f'OAV. J iff, f
.'i W . - S - V
M'ftAft AM HiOl It
POHTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 15 (AD
Cnne sugar sacked basis)
steady: cane, fruit or' berry $5.13
per cwt. - Heet sugar $.oo cwt.
Flour, (city delivery prices)
steady; family patents, 40s, $T.6o;
whnte wheat. 49s, $-70j graham,
4!1s. $6.50: bakers hard wheal. 96s.
$7.20; bakers bluest. m patents.
Sis. $7.20; pastry flour, 49s. $T.S1.
Hutterfat t. o. b. San Frnnclsen,
1 uTBurf
You are concerned with two
Jmportant factors Hint will make
it a success. First the menu
must be satisfying, appetizing
ooth in appearance and in taste;
.snd second yon must have pleas
tut and comfortable fueilllles
for the evening of cards.
The Saeajnwea always meets
voir needs with experienced
service and the accomodations
;f an unusual hotel. KHher the
ftird room or the Mezzanine are
available for tables luxurious
surroundings to contribute to
the parly's success.
"Points (lie Way to llrltcr Things."'
(Continued from Vzge On)
of" fumes hi o . n. Accidental In-
j juries: .Morton lunp. Portland,
(feet froxen while turninu in fire
alarm; . A. Tyler. SI. Johns, cut
by flying plass at dwelltn? fire;
Fin Chief F. If. Ornhner. Haker;
fell Into open coal hole durfnp fire,
lire Ixs4 High
The total estimated fire loss In
January from 132 fires, In the state
outside of Portland, was $561,
the heaviest January losses In the
history of the department records,
lit Ix $?1.0(,0 Ereater than the los-
es for January 15T, the previous
record month: $3l.0ou u renter
for January 19-. and $.tJ2.ff
Greater than the the average Janti
ary losses for the previous six-yeir
period. Of this total, $,t77,ooo or
7 per cent, was suffered in seven
f i res, one of w h ic h . the ca n ne ry
fire at Astoria, amounted to $2."i0,
(mi. Other Urtco fires were: Klam
ath rouniy. manufacturing plum
and contents $&,oo: Alseu. school
house. I.S.ooii; lmh. r, wan-hous".
j apples und othr contents $;'. f.fto;
Ciinjou I 'hy gamge und truck,
j $J",0o; ,st. He), ns. mercantile e
; tiiMUhim at. $1 i.Oioi. uu I Mult no
, mah county, tlnt-lling and ciOiten'S,
$12. van.
SO GOOD, , .
at row w ? mm tun net
m .
?r 3