Saturday, February 15, Um LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE ond nriidng on hiit purt no long an I lio Tltfor have Charley (lohrlii HVV In Komi health. Wultor John hun ciiit pilch hut Iho llltf Trah) Kriiri') ly would Ihlok of living miy i'xt nded coinc-liaeL. Dixie Frolic Draws Diamond Gentry iSSSSEL A . ' Home . HILLS Owned Store Tho theory of henoh iiiitn:iK'' IhoriYorc. jici-iiiN thnrouj'hly in- l;iWI-hed. Spopt Slants Alan J.Gould AlltiHllKtl Mill" of tl.n tti illnU witk cuiiKil'iiMiiri in piwylnu day n nicuihor id' ohaiiiilmiHili oiultK, I'luyiiiK K(''-:illl-HH ha 1V lirt JljltMIM Im-i-ii ml Vtfi'ltbt re (illl''trwiil t Mi!tiinfti'i;i I hi iocOhh, (.'IiiInIj' .Mit It hew -Hon mill Ty Tolili were two of the jjrenti-Kt per- t i iitrni' iH of all lino- 1ml lh-y did of t ho hljjh'M, If not actually tho ' not tnu-oeid iih jtmnaKer. hiyln-Mt mill k rid Iron mentor in: On (In-other hand. Joe Mi-riiriliy ' ihe country. It Ik undrHtood Utile : f lit' 'ntM lover unit a major . lin t jiii .'iKrccmcnt cnlllriK fv an lenitm player. 1 1 wan merely a ! average wjiko of $L',a 00 for lliroo ; Miiwi-wfiil minor lamit manager. ywirw, apportioned ni JH.oOa rr j 'oiinte Mac k uiik Junl a fair out-:i- I : .'in. ?:.'"." lor 1131 and $L',- or, nlihoiiKh In played major I'mmi for llt.'tl.'. hiiKiit' ball with ritlshiirult at n" I ' Thi' Carnegie i'Kll, Oov'itIiik jovor I'io oftllejroH and ui)lvrltli-H, 'rovi-nleU (14,00(1 hk the hU'tn-HL j Hillary- paid nuy lund coach. ' Tlu hnsehrtll eitHtoinejn, niudn onihtndaMic ly 1 tut ti r yelled for Whether Hahe Until ciillfciN nuitt rimn mill pot thorn on much $75.0(10 or fKO.UM for hint pui'Hult ko that In tho Inst few yonrn thero I of (ho ItaNfliall a rix In I M0, (he hart hcon it re-netloh nnd much pay-roll of (he N York Yankee Invitation riKMnxt n continuation of Nllll will ho tho heaviest In tin1 ma- ;tho clouting. -A m counter move. Jnr lenKiio. ' iti'xln h:iH wrro nivi'ii to thn pll- Kvon with n tilt to i.rmiliiK lurr it'h't. Hpi'dal BirnnH Wcrf proi-d and l horn, hih-Ii as tho roloaso or lnt won Hon in Nnnio, parkw o ro Hoh MoiinoI'm $ f N.fMiO ronlraiit, the iluco Mliort-ranKo InrKftw. Tho Nu Ynnkoo wilm-y lis) rnnK up to jtlonal U-'miuo hnn InHtniotoil tho (ii-ouiid $:ji).000 for tho nonON. ' nnikoi-H lo n-tnovo iho ''hIiIiio" from Thoso who pry Into tlono flnan-'lho hall, h-o 11 will hoII oilor and r'al itin t torn fimiro Iho ( 'hieaio ' ho lini dor to lilt, i nlm Imvo a pay-roll aKKiocato In , VrnfrvKlojiiil hoi-koy. In n whnrl i xci-HM of $rii.oi)0, with ItoKi iH rr llnio. Imih had it .similar oxporl Horiinhy iind IIjhU WIInoii a iho r-iM'o. To moot iho cry for inoro top mi'ii, at $4.immi and $'T,iMto ifipaiK, j-iiIom vto radically chanod rcwpoi-tlvoly. Korn.shy in tho hlh-Jio nid the offoiiKo tlil houhoii. Tho c;it paid National hcnnc playor. j cont-iiuom o Hcorln rmnpiiKo roKiitt- foinlo .Mack, trouHiircr im well led In Xallonal h'UKUO soxtotn dnnhl HH nuinaifor of Iho NVorld'H chiitnp-1 'njf tho output of iouIk. Now fho Ion AililotloM, will hIkm chockH tfiidowy Is to hcoU n hn)py mod nmnunlliifr to more llian 't'UHi, ooii 1,1 in whlh-' kUII furulHhltiK onoiiKh for l!i;iH, a flKUro Which-prohahty (..scllonii'lit. to knop lip Iho Intorowt alsi iw oiiunllod If not HiirpaHwrt hy !or tho ctilomrrn. Iho New York (tlanlH. -o flu d tho mien tiro oonoovnod, 4. .... one ':t h'-oiijis iih wood an nnothor Thoro was a ttnio when Htar pitch-So tho Uonton llrnlns, who won the cis drew tho hlirirot pny choekH. ! wm ld'H chuiiiploiiHhlp lat Winter Thov Htlll oolloct ononuh to keep !mtd liavo Hproad-oai,'lod the t tin waive away hut Huth, llornM h', .(tohrlK U'llHon now an 1 1 lime. Jewel i'.jo, H'W puui 01 iie J'jtaten, war never a major loo no performer uud lan llowley, now at Iho helm lor Cincinnati, wan In I (ho hlje how otity orn year or a catcher, with Ihe I'hlltiex. j Mill .NOKerliulo huM hail Hie I inoKi cherkend cmeer of any pilot. Ftarlitifc IiIh i-kperl-ii(-e In the ma joiH In 1 t)u7, McKwlinh played with four National, one AiiuTiinn mid two Federal IcaKlie cluhK. IN' then ilio(ed pennant winners fur two t oh him. I'lllnhurKh mid SI. I.oiilv, IohIiik hU- Joh I'oIIowIuk each vic tory. Now he hu a roar-year con Iract with (ho Uraves. t:;'V:M STATES An to tho pievioilM condllioil of Korvlludo oiiionif the pilots. Hie ovldeiico Ik yomcwhat ronl'tixhi. t'Xvt ul It may Indicate thai caleh- I ir; and lnfi ldeiK make iho hest maunKOl'H. i Klvi. how scrvleo hi'hltid the ltd j Alack. Howh-y, Uuhiiiscin, Kllle- fer und Klreet. , KUihl vvero.iiitJoldfiH AJeCarthv. KnH, "M'cKecliiiie, Mc(!ravv, Warner, I'ockinpauijli and liar . Hliawkey jtnii .Inlinsun . Htar plii'hci'M and ittirL Sliotioti, the i'liijlli, huw. a Kauil oilllielder. They're oaniiiK inld iho HprlnK" liulnirik' promam down Ui-Kloriila. It's an Indlaii war oluh iho u hlnu Is rlppIiiK.., .Hwooilund. I'hilly pitcher, lui.s, n.i in for huh ian and ConnloMack Is touching ' " his nolf :i , j. OREGON STATERS ISpearsft, Find MICKEY WALKER DEFEAT VANDALS J IS EASY VICTOR uuou ai uregon ouixiox. :Leo Lomski Little More Lyman Scoi'es Frequently in Moscow Game Ore gon Beaten by Cougars The Toy Bulldog. 'thin tu'.'imm Willi rcrnnl-lirriiUliiK ' rn hi. ' CARNERA PUTS SI OMAN AWAY IN THE FIRST tho hlKl)i,t P Id playorH, to evl ileneo Uio powor nt. tho homo run in tho front offlco iih well oh tho hall park. On tho other hand. Chuck Klein drow down a moro 1 7 0 f ) U from the 1'hillioH lat year Tor hri'iikliiK Iho XallrMial To.'iKilo Iiduio run record, and hlH teaiiu-nuito, Lefty O'l )oul. not miieh nun-o for loadim? I he lcaue'H hatHtiiVii wit h a mark of . AIaii;iKlK " major h-aKUe. Ik 1 11 cluh in coiupllcalod hiiHlnosH. Ho Ik Iho tak of t'liultnK' a niitiuiKor; thai Ih ,il Hiicci'w.sful mmiauor. .Many have, h-en called, tried and j ' M.KMVinS?; l eriu.. l-'eh. IT. (AC) UlK Jim .Slyinan, He If ntyled Hall- or from Noulh America, fs tho i'lt'ilij j victim of Ci lino Ca ruera'n cam- palKti throiiKh I'nlteii Htaten i-Iukh. I he nianuootli Italian knocked I MOSCOW, Ida., I'eh. IT, (AC) Oic-koji SL:ito eollotfo ha.ketl)all iiilnt-t turned hack the Idaho Vandals. :" to 2.s. here lat niKhi. Claying a fast offensive. pmP, j cuopled w It ti close K'lardim;. ihe j Virnoi" . ioiju iiii- M-uii ivt j field ko.'iIh Ity Hallard, forwurd, il.ymati and Mallmd thou gathered i in more field Kftnlsand increased the lead S to I boforo tho Vandals could net siartcd. Tho Htalers led, 17 lo li'. at. tho half. I.yrnan and (Viaysou jfalhoiod In olht count ers In the second half and Oregon State was never In daiitn-r. Itlaho levcn players in their of foil OrailKeinoii. iiisoanieci wmiioih yet siaiioarui.- ( WKIIIItn jn ,puto and :tfi hoc Inc tho nrndnot or ilrvoloidn: an ... ,i.. , aeciirato vardHtlck of measurement. , ..i,.,,, ,,, i,..,., i,.,,.,. ,u. tl.i.i ued The itroldein Is of importance lie- u , . r. ....... ,(,,,, ..-...(..,'.' to K,,m 1,1 oaiifie oiKht of tho lfi major leanuo, viPliMy ln lhiK (.(lllt,y , previous " eluhs nave nexv Hltit this prt). vii Unm haviiiK l.een ug Hv Color-I (Htl.iiOV VOSI'.P OI T l ho noilon prevailed ti fow years niW,oy Owens. Itusi.'-r Alar- j Cl'l.i.M AN. Wash.. J.'eh. 15 iiMT- lhat honch inanaK'erH wen- Un ,,' y:wmr m,Ui Twil l(f i ( A C) Washington Stale collpffo rnoto iloflraldo than playing pilolH. ,jiow, Owoiih and Marlin Inxtc-il iiHktniU loam dofoaLed I'nivor- Thls Was based on thn huccossom of. lW)( ,.,, ntiaUtli (iie Italian. Tho !Hy "1" OroKan .11 to iS. horo la Alctiiaw in iari, an won as upon IWIVKItSlTY O).' Kuene Kci,. j:. (special) - Ai- Than Punching Bag For hoilL'h three iv-u-ii .i i-m hi" LimI v.-.iii-V-' ... 13 Ki-ir learn w ho un? expected to form tho nucleus of this season'! eleven. will h watchiiiK practice from the,! liy CliarUt V. Ihuikley Kiandstand, l)r. C, W. Spears, Ore-' (Associated Cross Sports Writer) (fon h new. foolhall coach, will ho KieotOd with ul h lotos as hue ropro;i -uted tho Wehfoots lit o decade. Tho throe I'oku1;i.i who will not he aide to turn ouo are Johnny Iviumillcr . the "llylnK Ijtitchuian," who .Captain John J'. AloKwa n, former Oregon ouach. Fays H,the greatest lutlf haok in A morion; Kd Mueller, Jiuwo dlKcuH ' tossor and fullback, 'and Jerry l.illle. K'lard. selected on tho J'orllmul TclcKimu all-norlhwest eleven. lCilKiuitler jleforo closing iho utiilomenl of financial affali-H, It may ho noted that I -on Utile. Columbia's new head football cnach, becomes ouo 7' ino ineory uiai ino masiei'-iiniuiHU u,e rjiMi i-,inn,i ,nohi.coui.i no none wnuoin auui- onv about II blows wero .ini.'K ' in last nlKhfn encounter, (wo uf ' ";IS to" l""'1 them hy Simmm. Camera stair- forward, started Olhe thre all failed blirvi Don't Whip Children i tiuniil rosiMinHlliillili'H on . the field. '. Then ulonn oaino.Hucky ILarrls and i lloern llfirushy lo lead world's i i championship c In Its. Thei1 wan d niKhl. 'I lie Wehfoots staged a doa porale rally in tho lasL few- min e.tes of the Kmuv. hut tile time i l. ' Hockley, - Cougar tho scorint; by Keicil Iho huiuh American a few ' helping a Moid oal and llion. HoentniK ..ri... it... n.ui ,-,ti,x. ,) wtlli HolsLoii. Van Tilvl and Mo - OrroM-o!i1 nvorlo iow4M'uwwW(ritivv-aM-w ( (.( Rirh a.h,..,vy , rll(l ,,,ljh I im-noy more tuinkoU-wor oorf bed or nro unable lo rontrol their j Now Uio pendiilum has Hwiniff hmU A(U.,. n(M,, ,inK a lew more rixhtH ! before Oregon Kt tarlod. The urine OiirliiK tho niKht or day ho- aKaIn the other way. following the U , , ... i)mil n,e iiui-lKame was '12 niinnles uinl-r. way ian IlKhtly a couple of lime but before Oregon scon d. ( wiih 17 (wok a ilmiiiiKlutr tlKht lo Hie mv i to Mi at (he hull". The CoUtfarH lor hh. niiins. A few more iniooliow! levelled two field tfoals .at th and thou Camera lauded a terrific' iljtlit Hint sent Siriioa u prawllnM: caaso it h a disease and not a t sticci-sm-K oi alick and Alci army, habit. VVrltn to uh today and wo'IjoIIi honch pilots. will Hond you free Honied Inst ruc tions how lo ifulckly banish this trouble without Ihe uho of poison ohm drilKH. 'eineto Co., Oept. SVU, llo IC4L1. Mllwaukeo, Wis. Adv. DHTItOIT. I-Vh. I.l (AC) Mick- is fim a Kroup of. ' oy-..valkrr Is one step nearer his third title today by virtue of a de cisive, victory over i.oo l.omskj in a ton-round -bout in Olympic arena here last- nbrht. . Walker," world's iniddloweib; champion, wiio I'orim'rly wore Uio well erweijf lit crown, d em oust rated lhat a disadvantage of nine pounds or more moans little to him in his Invasion of tho HkIU heavyweight Hold. I.oinski was little more than a broke hb .:iliki( In puncllllii; h;ltr fr Ihe toy hullduir i;atne last fall, thron-rhoui the riirht. Which rob discanled hi ! hod hlm of his record of never having boon lofea(od (wfco by the r-.ume man. A ft or hnldhiH: S'a Iker oven in only one round, tho third, l.amski Raw his rival ji-adua lly pile up a lead that made the bout lopsided in favor-of Walker after It passed tho half-way stao. tic was a badly beaten fighter when the i,ut ended. Tho- l'iKlit tjiat dropped Tonuny in real ayalnsi i Walker while his loft did nu car ry Iho (Stint? that Wallior s did. Walkor ciiucoded nine ami (hree- The Lover Divine imum in Ihe Oregon Stale Soino timo iiko h crutches, and while .hi ankle is mciidiuK nicely, ii is not believed he will bo In shape -lo play boforo fall, l.illie and Alfoollor-wore in jured when their, bobsled collided with v. telephone pole, -.Mooller breaking iis dhow and l.illle his ankle,, NciihiT will be in shape to take active part in sprinjf practice, l.illle.-liowevcr. Is not so much In Hoed 'of it U: Is Mooller. who has Tho noason of Hijn will hoc every I Ik Io.ikuo pilot directing iho Hlrat okv fi'om tho bench or nido liio-s. Mucky 11 m i is hI Hi can play hut there 1a.ho rieces'ilty for any sec- through the coanied iMit. 'in nora L'ii7. ropoK where he was SiKlaau woiK'hot) L':tf; BETTER MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOWER PRICES FEBRUARY BARGAINS Miltene, Gloves, Caps, Suits, Dresses, Rubber Aprons, Sweaters. 25c -50c -98c NORTON'S KIDDY SHOP Ashland Normal Wins 2 Out of 3 MONMiOCTir. Ore.. Keb. If. (AC) OloKon Normal's basketball iiiin tet. slopped Kuiii horn t ronron nor mal, IM In -7, here lasl nUht. The yon t hern ers hail previously in ken two of a throe-Kuine series. The loeals led all tho way. Tho wore al tho half was h". to S. A lout-year inwsttKutiun by Ihe ltab depatlmeiil of agriculture sliowoii 'iluif a l'r.:f per cen( pro di per vi'iir was made on a sow. opening ('C bo second half and Mum ran (he fr-eori to H.' Ore Kon then fiartoil crawling up und came w ithin three points of the haderr. at one lime. With throe minuter, to ko anil five poiutH be.' hind Olliiffor, Stevoiis. Hughes and Moll shot short baskets, bat Alc l.aruoy ca mo In with a -timely loop lo stop the ralloy. - ' , yhown irroaL noHtiihilltlns hut niwil n lot of oxin'i lenoo to become a fin- I '0,W,1,i"1 'm only Ished player Hut while (hose three Uinilnaries wilt nut take tiart In snrinc orac- ! tine, there are tin or 70 candidates i ior PO.niidM to ihe liht heavy- who are ready to dnn the molo-i w,',Kht I'uUoiiicor, Healing Hi;: 1(1,1 : -f to 1 7 :t ui for l.otnski.- , ' 1 lie match iirew a record-hreak- ho loll. IvuonhnK. vntWlV lr (Hyn.pla. attracliic-C ! In excess . of 1 7.iiM with receipts ; around JfMl.daO. The bijr arena was ; jniKiiMMl d standing room capacity. Walker eaily won seven of the by a convincing marniu AfcKwan, befor for tin- euM, suid lhat he hco,ticnlh od to l)r. Siioars tho k ecu test lino that has over playo.i under hirn. i lllior al Oregon or Coin!. Two of tho line will lie mlssinir. I ..... " , j Ho bepiii lo move ahead in ihe Rosenbloom Is Given Referee's Nod Over Ace t bill five will be left. Tho two Who : win iM- Kin' .i i e iicurKi' nia neiniau, e-.rtu - 1 . 1. ... r. .. . , . , ull-.-U:,Ht cm-,,1.-,- I l!,--.s. ,,n,l M:.r-! , j,, ml of .-ill tin- first W MMWIMW,imMllWMMH(r) T I - 'ji-HC .'.HIP 5Am INVESTMENT. 6 for the Thrifty -in STAKTS AN ACCOUNT 9 Wo furnish a pocket or shelf bank to accumulate your change Guardian Building & Loan Ass'n. of Portland, Oregon La Grande Branch La Grande National Bank Bldir. Ni:W YOltK, IVb. 15 (AO Maoy Slapsey ItOStMllilooiil of New Voik has cleared tho last oh.vlaole In the way of his forth coming title shot will) Jimmy Slat tery of 1 1 ii f fa to, roconixod In Now V uik st a it- as If lit heavy weight champion of Uio world. llnson bloom cuffed Ace Hud kiiiii, Nobi-aska wiblcal. diz.y In u loiifrh and hilarious ten round bout in ."Cadisnn Sirua'"o (iartlou last uiKhl to win (ho unanimous deci sion of the JioIkoh and iho referee i an well as tho 17.UIM) spectators. I There was no Uosilon of Itoa i en bloom's superior ily after tho 'lirst two rounds. At Iho start Mudkins chased tho Harlem lik'ht heiivywciKht. all around tho rlnir and. allhoiiKh Ko.voubloom was an elusive target. Iliidklns laildetl enoui;h blow s lo Kain him the cdo In both of the first two rounds. I Then Mixoy bcan to gel Kiting. , I lo uij;n il and hauled tho Aco ' mound the l inn, slapped him with lefts from almost every initio, led with Itjhts iUut Invariably found , tlwii- mark and tavo tho Nohraft ; kan a dlslressin ilmo of it In tfen ! oral. Willi Ihe exception of Ihn J seventh loutid when Uosetibloom Hied to slug it out with iho inld jueHornei. lludkins could not win ; a round after the second. Ho tried i hard but bis attiuipls to slow down j the speedy Harlcmlto been mo more .i nd mot-c ludicrous an tho flK'ht w nt on. Kuard In ' l.omskl s body in the earlier round r?Jf TV ', """"I'r1";', 1 H.-U.1 rl ..! ,.,,,! up n oi tin- "Krcil.'st llm- dial hi- li:id i-vor i-o:ieh-l." "Artificial Digeation" Trnf. i:ilo Meii-hnllioir, of lius- j Sl.lll lll.-ltl hill II IVOI'lll-H'lilP Sllllll-IK 1 rUymivM 11"' llipnry in iluit ! iiiuiij' nf Oil- itlltnemg of initn, miti 1 .! n-vl n il.v tin- lici'iiih-iici- nf nlil ni!.. j were In Intcsl Inal iinln'rncilnn j ivliirli mil-Ill. tin ( ( ... t whli liu lie (fi'i.icnis nnil liiiclcrin. t'oui-lli rounJ. lloiti (j(i-i-;iiiiiii ilnwn 1.-c'n fiu- ami in lliu sntisi-iii-nt i-oikuIk ihp. womul providnl a lav-1 K'-l which, Wallicr st-liliim missel. Metia-Coldwyn-Maveis' Special HIS FIRST ALL-TALKING AndSinging.Triumph ... . Ruiv-ancc . . youth . . love . . moonlit nights . . daring dt-eds (o win (he lady fair . .. pas sion . . baldness . . plus melody, song and Ihe voice of the new lover divine . . Itaimm Novano. FIRST SHOWING IN ENTIRE NORTHWEST Note "Devil - May - rare" was awarded high est picture rating in Liberty, magazine 4 stars. Also M-G-M Colortone Revue Hearst Metrotone News Can't Re Ourselves Human hetnjrs would net moro human if I hey wore loft more alone and md hindered hy too tnaiiy fnlno tonchlns. Woman's Home t'oitipantou. lOUAY OALY "JAZZ HEAVEN SALLY 0 WEILL JOHNNY MACK DROWN A Melody Drama with -many (Jay Tunes. ALL TALKING I - Itot-i'iihloorn wHkIh-iI J T 15 ; Hu-l-kins Hi. ivOM-iihtoain's m-t Important iiintrh will In- iiKainst Slatti-ry. MHiii-tiiiii- within (he nost two llltilltll!!. NIGHT FIGHTS lv iIm- .V.sot-liitil 'rt Ik tnilt churlry lti-llafr, H lulh. out Tonv Taim-I. Wall.-. Wall... Wash.. ;). Nrw- Viii-u l-ivlilv l.mhart. S'u1.;!!!.-. Wish.. ai10iil, Osy U--. I 'li-vi-lrtttfl. (10). II. ill t 1. I 1,1.1 ..i lar. I :i. I .im Aiiki'Uii. I,nn.'l..ri out Cliai-llr Sullivan, llukrrclh'l.l. fal.. tC). FEU. 1G-1!) A urmo-coixmx-MATm MUSICAL ROMANCE RAMdmOVARRO DEVILMArcigE 4 La Grande Now Knows Of THE BIG FKH. 20-22 I; sun st Wf I S " MARIANNE H A MAK. 2-5 K tflwJ ' ! I S MAR. 9-12 - K 4 MAK. 1G-1S I , STATE HAUEIUJAH X& KING ' VI DOR'S TRIUMPH "Whciv l:c Li- Metro Goldwyn-Mayer I'irtuies Plav" ' MAR. .iOAPR. 2 "HIT THE DECK" i 'ith JACK 0AKII5 With