k Page Eight LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Friday, February 11, 1J30 Over The Valley ( ,: Maliel H. Mnrtun, Valley Nxwi Ml lor Wheat Is Tested In This Locality , (Coii'lma-d from PiiKt- Kven) Grand Saturday. Mm, NIederer taking little V'rnon to the doctor. Vrnon Is not linproviutr us fat mm lihH filwids would wish. Flu nri'l nqiiipllcutlonM have been renponsl bio for his fnli - ' tfty In IniVrprr- Mr. iiiul Mrs, Ucurw K. Melton alii of the Iowa district drove In KnttMprlse Monday wIhti- they iii tended the mcetlm; of tho lionnl ul directors of the lIl.K-k Marble Ar. l.tintj Co. ; s ..' . --ft-'- . , To Portland '.Vr. and Mrs. CJIIi' it CowrtrlKhl and Mrs, l((rw MeAHslcr, of Alloel jand Island V'lly respectively went lio Portland and olher points In that ' valley y-Mii rdiiy, and will spend several days thcr on husim-si una pleasure cumhlned1, rVitrirur thfir absence. Mm. Jreiib-r if d'nlon. In r-iiriiiK for the CouvfriKht UiJ.lrt. while lint other children in kn'm Ibe 1'oyal ConJey home, - I Jtoy Joimh nf I aion movul hi horse from lh IiIIIh tri lust ot ih ( wt - k to the f 'IjLiirlc fi-a) ranch , ii'-ur Hot Lake. o - . I To Have Pftriy Hock Wall Omruro or north of , KlKln is planning to uivo a man (-uerade daneo at their nf bait it wt'i-k from this evening. Thin f-antfc ha horn huvintr a number Tftw VniaA fi( (of parties since iH'lr hall linn lM?n llCTf T ill IL lj Ji competed an.t lhow woo uuy iti f tended have reportid splendid fit jhndanco antl a wood time, I . o To California Mm, P. A. Meltonald, of th Iowa district bfl from I.u tirnnde this w-k for California when she will visit at different point for Hm sfc few' week, but i.pi''uilly ' rh homo oi h r ila nsr.i t-r. Mr. MvNirbb u Uf,n Anjielcs. . Wolf Creek To Be Host Feb. 15 To La Granders llv .. .V XIcp (Observer Correspondent) WOLF f'HKKK (Special) Some Extraordinary oSADLIZ BRANDES RADIOS Tlio-e beautiful sets lire the latest nuidclK uH electric empbiyinif the latest principles of radio eii(?inceriii(, usin(f seven tubes the powerful 215 tube and push pull amplifica tion. ONLY $89.50 H & S ELECTRIC CO. "You I'hone for Us . We'll Wire for You" - SOMMICR MOTEL IJLDC. ' PHONE M 127 rr-lnllvi'H in tin- v;i lly litin- r ct-Wf-il wuttl Hint -M. M. M-l'-liiMin ftt I'lAfkrMvillc. ArkiiniaM li:nl r-r-nlly Nitf fiTfil u Alroki' niitl irtntlillnn. 1:4 nwL what IiIh frilils Hirth, Mr. anil Mm. Itotii-t HYi ru h of t'ovo aw ut flarlti-HVlll at rii-''- At tlii i-runonili' rimfpronci'. flur llIK Oliii Of llli H-:Uii)nH wliin IllM tiiTiiiii'iitM U-iriK iniiili with a iniiiili'-i, ol in vai iittli-K ir w lir-at ' of ihu uu-mlit-i-H of tlit I'liion rnun-wi-rf hririi; ii-vii-wi-il. tho iiui-Mltun ! ty t'liarntn-i nf I'liiiitm-rre of l.a of til" ni-w ito.sh li-tvvi cii 4u-l''olil Cranili. Hill meet with Wnlf t'rrok anil I'.'H llyliriil. a varli'ly proiliift'il v.i'Hnno Satui'il'iy nlliht, FpIi. Ki. at tin- Miirn Mtaiimiiti-aiiiii up. It i Tlil 1m a KiH-l"U''l)iir nioi-tln anil HiMV J'uiuiiI that. 1-MMin Mi'CaiiHit of all Kl'"'i-'i'tit afn lirii! to. attend, hi-iir Nnrlli I'n Wcli-r ohta ini-l 'Hoint J. II. t'arr. who In worltlntf nl ulii-at fiOMi lln Hiiitiun two yiarH rilirki-o, niinnt Snnilay hcrf. auo anil tin' varii-ly ilt.l vi-ry Mr. anil M rx. .Matt Nleii Kpont wi ll la that locality an fall xowil liml Sunilay at llalno with liifiir l.'iain. ruin Cin-titfr anil family. A. Ihiili'Ison also of North' William Ki-Mtrr anil John Tlatltih- I'owiIlt al tltf Katun linii' iihlalno'l erty wi-nt to Uailil Canyon Monilay on WnlnMitay of ''" Bl' k playinj,- near 111- Kind "''" " IM-'hOol. Tho ijowin-; club will hold a mi'l-tlns "t the Krhonl liotnw r'l i rfay nhi-n tlu-y (oipi'.t tu liiuki' .pool holilPi'H wlili h "HI '" fifth and Iftxt piM'i' nf hand work f h, will than nmlii- "at tlii ir final ri'imrfM anil si-nil tin in l paili T sin!' ! Walter Wlu-lalr 1 l.aeU in wliool asaln nfler an alweni'.' m ' ,av on arciant of Hlnes--. jIU; Kraacis Smith enter-d the flaM of the l-a ('.ratal lluine- ,-,ill.K.' last 'Mamtay. 'ihpinlniv MalliHi.n hn '"" liveiinf iliy wood to I.U rWUH'M thin week. Steiihen I'liirtor anil family wet' reeent elty slioppe' I MWH Aita Mllflillr tecentlv vluli rd her fllend. Clara Cailsoii. Midi: Vi fila .Mjiy Morris Ik on the UU lift thin weeli. HI,,, makes her Ininie with Iter mint .Mr. Hob Myrli li nf I'lMU'i' l''lat. .Al. ami .lira, vne .iiainson ucire i ilv vuuiut'H ono nay last week. Harry Coalwell and J.,e tt.itii mailt' a trip to the valley one ,j, last W'ei'K ail' r nay. ill ami tho time of lln lr r. lurn In fjv.,. Mat.u , , ,Mp,.v.., liir, .v,i- thi'lr homii In the valley him he retarded l,y Mr. MeKi-nnon'H ill lu'i, Mr. Melvennon Im a brother of I,. T.. MeKennon of li tlramle. Atltf'njl. (4immtKiini MpoIIiik lA a. Wright of I'nion attended a fnei-tini of the Slate (lame rom mbotiun In Iortland early thin we.-lt eraiioa. as Im known an the Hlatirm. an Selwlinn No. :il, whleli Is a spriiiK whiai and yield oiie-fnni-th more Ihaii the regular Hard i''ed- after a dratf snwl outfit. 'I'hey Hald they didn't know thifc wind eonld blow" no- hard. Charles I'earwon delivered iv eral head of fate ho!,'H In town hint eralion o.i dry Kround. and about : Saturday. tin- Hame an Soft l-'eib-ratlon on Irri- ' IIukIi Krwln i helping "Wilmir Kali-d .soil. 'Taylor with hin work. II mal ireM in about one hundred: On Sunday morning Ht?veral peo ilay.i, t;aj'M Mr. Iluif,-laiin. wlilelt in pie of tho eottyminity mot at tho ,linil tli-np MinipHon, Kiiperlnlendent alrnut three weekn ahead of other Charley Nantz hoini for a eonstinK of tho Mliilo Kame farm returned lo vari,-llen which In an object ileHired party. Another party will he held I'nion with him on Wednend:iy. an It Im ji-i-ncraily matured before , an soon hh tho tinow free.ea aualn. They made a trip lo the ri.ih hatch- Hie hoi weaiher. Mr. Iluilelaon has: Hick H.-ikc left L-urt wek for the ory lo look over the KroundM with over iioini biiMhela Ihla year to din- 1 WllliinW'lto valley, a view to enlnrtfinic the Kame iiaar- pom' of an h 1 wheat. The. wheat Jack tiiirhiim purchased a stark tern, (juile a numher of Chinese has la i n (-. i-ilil, ,1 by the ). A. ; of hay from Kllen Mann a few" dayn pheattantu are reared and liberated Hlation. ' 'Jiiio and ha started to haul It troia thii premises uach year. I'lann ; linmfl. woro dliieusHi'il to Increase the WASHINGTON tOl .NTY STAT1'. j Clifford Cillklson thlpped some number ot wire, pens and to keep I. K(. INI. .VI oils CANIilHAI KS capons lo the I'ortland market a lull the birds enclosed until time lo ; few days uko. Ilaymond Asdell llherate Ihem. In this way. they SAI.I-.M, Ore.. Feb. in (Al') liilped him, drew them, would hav a check on the nunih r WashiiiKlun county Is the rirst In'' James KesKard. of Ktnmett, Ida- ( hlriM raised. No definite ar- the state lo net its camliales frs- hoi director of the ChallenKii Ilnt- ra.nKein--nt have be.n announced i,e leialalure iilfleially in the l"' company of l.os Aniteles. and . r.l(.p i.li. cawtoru, oi I nmn, uireciui oi --0 i ' I!.' Krank I'l tersof Hlllsboro and !". Kaslern' OreKon Dairymen's ' .,, , ., ,,. .,.. r :nsoclinion, were here a few days as- III- K Mclnih or ll... v,.l...ln .llo i.... rii...i ...i.i. .i... ,....,. ,.r iiua slKtlini; up niemliers ror a c:o- trlct Is repnrle.l as b.lni,- ml her slato their declaiatlnns as candlr ' operative creamery In I'nlon coun- Indlspnsed ut his home. Mr. Mc- .b.tes dot- the leaubllcan nomination ; ' Alllsh Is iinite advanced in years In that county. John A. TliornliurKh nrul does not throw off physical , l.'orest drove filed his declara Illness easily. , fr. n. ,,.,.111,111-1 1, nomination 0 several days uko. The county sendii Mr. roller llrttrr . n.reo members to the lower house. 1. Kay Fuller of I ho louvr Cove road, who was operated for np. penillcltis. early this week Is ffet- lln(t aloni; nicely accordini; In re A meotlnK of all the county ncrl- cullural committees of tho tmbor- '. !dlnate and I'omona Kranses will be held at the office of the county I agent on Feb. 20. ' F. U Italhird be presenl. will ports from his bedside at thi (Irnnde Hondo hospital. FIKK IV MI'.XICO CITY VKItA CKl'Z. M.'Hlco, Feb. Ill j (AC) Fire Inliicted a. conslderabb-1 loss In the business section of thl city ilitrlnn the nixhl. The blaze i broke out in a hat factory spread rapidly to adjolninu l.ulld- ltOMI lll,AST TATAfi TUfKSTi:. Italy. Feb. U (AP) (Initio Nenl, reporter who lost both leifs In a bomb explosion spectacular display Which Monday nli;ht wrecked tho in the miilsl of thr .aitoriai. and composlm-' rooms of cu Aiita:H with mansi,ai;iitt:r PORTLANH. Ore. I'eh. 13 (Ar) Albert I'arker. I'ortland. today .n.l 'was charired with inanslnilKThter 111 oxis oi'tiik rii:sf ni:w iioti:i.s i kastijkv okduon ""-t ?j?rr?-f spy The La Grande Hotel at la UramliY Oti'Kon. On "OW Oreiton TraiP aiul I41 Oraiulo-Wallown Ijiko llliiiiiviiy Come In ns You Are . . . Your 1 lome gillie ,1 leuft lilnln Itoom Coffvo Khopp (Mean, Comfntiuble, Cozy, Warm Iloouis. 1'elephonn Hervleo VV. C. lk'cktell, Owner ami Operator. ('. II. Devlim, Asm. Mux. Curl v. Unh Assi. lcr. 3 IFYf rBMf" Pop-ili m TrlfHtl. dlid tmhiy. Thrt-p othci-H Here Injured HcrloiiMly and 12 to a lesser di-jiTep In tlw xploHion. Th paper was the of ficial l-'aHrlst oran. it'roniliri MiiKKollnl has offered n reward or $5.0(1(1 for tho an-Ht of thOKi ifespnij.sllil-ff for llio lionvhlnw. conneiuion with the iloath of Mm. IriK.s and to an armory. whre i-vji"'1' -- 1 , , V, ' 1ilm of Kiord aiuinuniiion nnuli omuir, nv. I wiiPll 5110 was sinu'h iy u u.m Hie (illy'n 1 ""lH' driven hy I'arker. He al- 11 re- reatiy nas iieen cuawn im u-.-imk .in liR-anti-i-uii u river uh wen n wator su)ply fire failed and lhi llioil ire alliiOKl. lielpleMH to en hat the flames. ; posspssintf Honor. I koy iSKir:i:(.s chosi: S.X KliANCISCO, Feb. 13 A I' ) .-liny UHtf.-l.s, siar foolhall center j I I "nivi'ifd 1 y of ( 'uliforni IIOI.STt:L-V MF.X TO MKVT (illKSIIAM, Ore., Feb. 13 (AP) Th annual meeting of the One- was 'non JlniMteln breeders unsoeiatioa ; WITIIDH.AWK FKOM ll.f 1 NACRAM l-JN'TO, Cal.. Fi l. 1 3 ; Al) Formal anouneeuient of hi withdrawal from, the- rueo Kvtrnor was made hy Itav I,. Itiley, slate eonl roller, here today. He wild .he would siek roeleeilon to hl prevent office. last nihi eh own us a-ssistant to Head Coach C. M. 'Mhs" I'rio. fo.- Says Sargon BrougH Back Hisjieaith IMSIns Ariu Itest WICHITA FALLS, 'I'ex. (Al') An arm rest Tor itntouiohJIo drivers has been patented by Mrs. Albeit It. Itlevlns uf Wichita Falls. Tho device, altaehcd ih.. ilii' sleeiinir atl;tralu,. is tntctol.,,) i,. ..,1,1 ... .. j itiivi-r's comfort on lon trips. Tomorrow's Observer Will Tell You! 6 ?????? 'I .... Ul I m ' I 11 ' - ruiMi ujiiMimimnaiiM m p r 'TimrilfTminirliiiiwi iii Tl mmi una iihim hiimii.TiI M cClay's Grocery The Store of Quality Service " Economy Fresh Meals, Fruits, Vegetables, Groeeries 170.1 Adams FUKF. DELIVERY Phone M-.r15 JASPER'S CJRAIIAM Very good for Ginhuni HufCins 5 -lb. 1'kjr. 23c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Li Cnn.t . 17c SAU DINES Noiwejjian in puto Olive Oil 2 Cutis 29c PURITAN MAI.T For llousi'liold I'sc PEi: CAN 57c WESSON OIL For Salads QUART CAN 49c COFFEE OUR BEST GRADE .'i Lbs. For $1.05 OATS Cninalion Without Premium LARGE PEG 29c CATSUP Preferred Stock 1 Pottles 35c CORN Country Kist Yellow 3? Cnis or 35c TOMATO SAUCE Spanish Style 3 25c JEI.L-0 Royal Club Assorted Flavors O P-R's. For 25c FRESH FRUMPS AND VEGETABLES CAULIFLOWER Snow Whilo PER POUND 12,2C ORANGES l-iij;v anil Sweet liz 57c CARROTS New P.imch 3 Bunches 23c GRAPE FRUIT Texas Swvets 3io, 25c will bo held hove- startlnc tomor row, I'aul.C. .Ailanis, secretary, an nounced today. !R KM,r.i;r I KI SSIA l'.OSTOV-ON-IlON. V. S. S. It.. Feb. HI ( Al') Twenly-ciuht per sons were killed and sixteen others Inlttred serionsly in-irn explosion al I he stall! icruln milk hero last Mon day. The casualties were officially aluiounceir only today. . may itfc: ;ivi-:x aviation WASIUNC. TON (AO ,chedul of broadcasts by the utr way radio stations of tho dftpupl ini'iit of romnitfrct; mjiy sooa ho re nrrniiKed to si-iul weather informa tion irvtiry tf. minutest iUHLead, of hourly, says F. C. 1 liiirMhurK, chief eiiKineer of tlm airways division. Tho clianK( Is recommended by C ;. Andriis, meteoroloeiHt, who accompanied th national air tour In it radii equipped airplane. lie reported to tho chief of tho weather bureau that 'for rift min utes not, a ho u rut could )n heard over the radio;, then. 011 the hour, five stations came In. all with rea sonable clarity, discoursing on the weather at the sending station and at. other points." JOHN C. SPICNCLTIt "l-'or the past year I have hoen In wretched health. Three bottles ( of .Sargon put me In wonderful con- j ilitliwi. My appetite Im splendid now i and my ilitct'Stlon Is sound. I liavu , Kai tied ti-n po:imls and my stC'iiKth has returned in proportion. : ,-l wouldn't he without Sargon If It cot twenty-five dollars a hot-: tie." John C. Spencer, Sixty- 1 third St., WeMt. Allis. MHwanUee. ! Wis. ( ; H:n'Kou's record of marvelous achievement Is an open hook to nil, ! anil only thosi. who have used this famous treatment know its real 1 powers, lied Crnss I'm;? stoiv, A. ills,--Adv. .N.VFriiAJj i'AS I THI CKS MOOItP.VUK, Cal. (Al' Nil turul teas. In hiiuled hwrc hy truclt and then distributed in the main line It Ih com pressed In tin; trucks. Zorn staiids fop nothing in niathoinatles, but on a thermom eter It means a, lot. PERRY PERSONALS SPECIALIZED r TR E ATM E NT 16 yeara pent In f m 1 Rectal and i. IN. dltions. Naturally, from n Innd n.l unrlnj an experience In treating Hemor rhoids, Colitis, fistula, Conslipa liun and other Rectal and Colon conditions the success of our non surgical methods Is proved beyond all doubt. However we make a very remarkable GUARANTY which is explained In our KR EB book. Wtlte, phone or call lor It today. Dr. ClI AS. J.DEAN RECTALW C O LO N 1 aU x 1 a ttw dian nw, oppos court tiouse nr IH & MAIrrOKTLAND.OfflliON I 1 TFLEPMONt: ATWATE.R 2061 J V AfflLlATCO OFFICES J v Ssattlc.San Fpancisco. Mrs. .Mary II. Kitlt (Observer Correspondent) I'MI'KY (Spoclal) Mr. antl -Mfrs. Kenneth J'lerson xvure mid week Kiiests at ihe hoiae if My. and Mrs. C, f. Ivelley of Kaluela. Thi' pupils of the IVrry school h.ivc a ra ten tint box nml each havo draw n tho name of. a school male to whom he w ill present a val'-ntiae I'Yidav. Mr. nnd Cis. I.. 11. Hallmark and family wer shoppltiK in town last ffciturday, Mr. and Mrs. John Itelclud and children attended a dance at Kl Kiu lajtt Thursduy eVvlUUii. Theodore and Lois Muthson mudo a trip to town last Saturd;i after a load of fved. Hurt Kiill, who wa, taken sud denly ill while at worlv here last Tuesday, was still seriously III of the fine at his. homn in twn. Clarence- Sinclair hud tho mis fortune to cut Ms cor quit- badly - b IVI U La IUN - -atWvouUuKt 4 a . ini rsi 1 1 : ; sb;.;5mii rrrrr oncrt: -mmrm SPECIAL For Saturday Only Fruit Stralen Coffee Cake, regular 2."ic, Siiturday 'I for 25c Sliced Bread You certainly have a treat in store when you first try SLICED bread! All ready to serve, toast or. make sandwiches. And it Stays Fresh ! Try it and you'll never change. Loaf 10c m - 'Autumn. Pics I'limpUin and mince pies nre In their prime rlaht now. Dutch nwulo Ihey have an extra touch of xooilness. l'uniikin, i,r e'ryaiii Tasty Cakes . These are a Dutch -hop Special and a wonderful value. Kaeh Mary Ann Cakes . A tasty cake crust with pure lem on pie fillillK. You will be pleased with It. Faeh 30c 25c DUTCH TREAT Fruited Cup Cakes, regular 30c, doz Our Scrumptious Cake Doughnuts, doz Iiutter-Nut Bread Always a Treat. 2aa'i"aas.'2SS'" .irc i.-c 30c 'Wind Up at the Windmill" BeforeYou Buy Shoes . Read This BUCKINGHAM & HECHT INFORMATION BULLETIN Choose wisely when you buy shoes, for nowadays you wear them a long time. Don'tbe in a hurry, but be sure you get the most value for your money. The name BUCK-IIECT on a shoe is your guarantee.' The idea that price must be reasonable, quality of the highest and that fit and comfort are wanted by the majority of shoe buyers is one strictly adhered to by Buckingham & Hecht in 1930 as in every year since the company's founding in 1857. BUCK-ITECT Boots and Shoes arc made in the West, of wonderful leath ers, to meet service requirements of the West. inr! C nrcK-iiECT H f-C Mi or cn t'u r;i n cc and. softness. 1 Ef They c-irry you thrbugli every IL'VVip time. Thry lor-k t and wear "like .1 ff million rfolbrs. Your Feet Will Feel Good in a Pair of BUCK HECf SHOES When you go tt your dealer's, with the thought of new shoes in mind, be sure to hive him lit you with a p.tir of BUCK 1 1 Ed's. Most gooj dealers have them, or can get them. You arc sure to like the"en?y feci" I Imliln-r.in nrnce will, nil I into the leather), the gootl lotiks and best of all, the very reasonable price. A wide variety of style; for hard service or dress wear. For men and women. Made hy Buckingham & Mi-.ciiT, San Francisco, niTK-HECT Work sii'.t tii.it work. 01 i-luy lilt in. Cnr.klrl andatrsf.ietiii all (hroufh the d-ty. livjV 4ict loo, nt'CK-HECT IMod h tiint-ar.ir . . . for women, misses nnd cliil .dren. FHth Ave-nuem-le. PriceJ lo i-tify you, ItlCK-IIECT lJirs h-c tint m.irlc di tinction ta the we.irrr . . . All of Knckhrct qu.ility with iq;o ii le . . . Abo in boyt' sizes. BUEK-HECT SHOI Lxlra Scrticc Every Step . . . Comfort Every Minute