La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 14, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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Friday. February 11, 1030
Nfcws of the Church
Scout Service
Will He Given
At ALE. Church
Several Interesting Sun
day Programs Announc
ed by J -a Grande
Houses of Worship.
Chuivli hcnhv la l.ti (inni.l"
Htimluy wilt Int-luilo Hi'vt-rtil vviiti
I'Xi't'l'Utnuilly tnltM OHtlnjf in'ottninm,
ltU'lllfllllK H llV HCllUl HI'l vlriMll thi
Mint. MflliitiliNt KInii)iiiI
Htimluy nionUiiK, a tiilk ul Hit Kiln
iMM'ttl rhurcli til It a. in, on "t.
iVIiV Clnii'i'h, J .a (liamli'," tuul
li WiiHhliiKloii-l.lnrutu ndiln-BM lit
tlio Huulli M. 10, ill in li tlittluK lh
murnlhir hour,
('Ituith tinmiuiutMui'iitM for Suti-
tlay follow i
M, IYIit'm l.pUioiwil t'liiuvh
Tho m tui'V Mormon HiiltJtHM, "Ht.
I'i'Ioi'm t'lnnvh, l,u tltuiulr," ilur
litK tlto uioi'ntiiK pruytT lyliuidiH:
at 11 o'clock, will ho n iMinsdlrni-
tloii of tlit) ItlMory or Iho rltuivli
Tito io'lor Ih t'lmtort ly ilonlrlnit lo
liuvo nil KnlwuimlluhN it nil lt lomlH
ItiTttonl tit thin tu'rvioo. Tito l.tmit'n
Ittcpiuiillotm will ulo lit) NtiultM n(
thh horvli'p, Mi-n, 11. N. AnIiUv
will lttvxlilo at llu uikiih aiitl on
ttnllicm wilt bo Htuttf liy tho rliou-.
Church nolioot Ih nt it. m.
HnpiUi ClHiivh
At tlto HuiWlHt rlmi'oh Humluy,
tlio inIor wilt ho In It Ih pulpit
hutti iuonvliiir ami ovcnlnur. Tho
Ktilijoct for Hit moinlhit mrtmti
will lo "Our HultHlltnl Tor tlio
ovonlntf Bot'ittoitt "Tito loctor'B
Wevimm." Tin tuplo ftr iho yonnir
IM'opto'H ntootlnit will ho "l.o.tjuut!
from Joltu'x Klml KittitU'." Hon
ilny Mi'hool nt 1 : 4f, inoniliw
lircttchlittf Moi'vloo nt it, H. Y, l I',
itl tliSO. ovonlnn prou-Mittr hoiv
Uo til T;30.
IVnyor nollnif U Thurn.lny ovo
tttntf nt 7;SO. A oottllnl Invitation
to thoito hiMvltv In cxtcrnlcd lo till.
Tho mttlr wUltoit to ttuiitk nil
Itiitito who mslslHl In carry hir on,
tlto Mot-vtoon timing his lllnosit,
MINI M, l Chiuvlt
Not Sunday uimnlnK" nt tho
lifOinl limtr of wovvlro Troop 3 of
UlO hoy HCOMlil Will 10 KUtstH of
Iho Mml M. K. chuivli nml tin t.
iitvorwtiy program will ho plvon. In- I
chuliim mi ttiMrotw hy tlio notlnc;
Hcoitt oxocuUvo unit apodal inunloj
hy tho choir. All p.irouts nml j
IrtotulH of Uu hoya ut o hivtloit to j
In tho cvonlnti nt tho oloso of
Iho i'ontiir Knworth l.onnuo Uom- :
tlonnl moot 1 tiK tho pstoi will (tho
Iho first of n Hotloit of moo voUi
tloowhlo htlttH Ifc. ThoKo MU.ll''H
ur motor iho rtitsplcr of (ho 1m
jtitn hint honln iromptly nt T:S0.
;voiyhoOy la wolcomo.
Sooth M 1 tlom li
'Wnilimloii ttiul Lincoln, or
Uw Hi Amorhiiii History." will l
tti uh,trct for tll-cu.viloii hy tho
VtiMtor, tin' licv, VViink llopkiom
tit tho M, 1v. iMittroh, South Sun
l;iy mornltiif. "Ammins iioa'ivnw
"yhiitu nml tho iiiitmt of thVtv
vrtm" (Acts i;t.i, Vtl lvlW
riiwtl Snjwlfty niht. 'IMip Sumtny
Whool AIU wwot til uiwlor Iho
uoovitiUMUlonoy of A. Klam, V,
R StRfmoo is tho prtiolont of iho
ariio tviojr poodle ;; whUU
moU ut :o iv uv. IVnnlsl IMam
wlt iottil Ihi'inwo iiutltisi-tnwi'
win (ottti ioo'tWoo uuH'unjri
lUhtr sillily WVatxl'iy Ws'tttJ
"Whiit u IVIonil Wo Jhivo lu
rii ii riiiircli m-hool IiokIiih nt
t:iU a. in., n ml tlio coiicluillittf mom
nloit of Iho lrnih'inllli (ralltliiK dun
will ho hold nt (1 p. hi. nl tho 1'ut
miitnuo. rroHhliMlaii 'lniit h
At Iho tl o'clock hour, Ktiiiihty
liiornlim. Mi-m. Ilitrloy ItJchantHoti
will iircNhlu at tho oihiiii, playhtK
Hut pri'luiln "Hoioiiitilo" hy (lott
noil. Tho l.iulh'H Tilml choir will
Hlnit Iho uiithoin "Open (ho (liitcH
of Iho Toinplo' hy Kimpp. Minn
Itltlll (li'lhot, HOprailo. will hIiiv Hic
ofloilory mtlii "I lllvo .Mytn-lf to
Then" hy lllnhor, Tho pnttor, J.
(loot-fio U'ulx, will hiltitf a inlNNlon
nry idchhiiko, titiitiK for bin BUhJool
Th I'rovliloittlul 1ml lout hut,"
AIIhm (llnil.Vri .Miller wilt play Iho
ovt'iilitit iti'ivlco, iiMlnir fur n pro
linto "I'aittltciio 11 Klut" hy Mos
inoi', mul fur mi offoi toiy "llytiin
of Niiiih" ly l.ofHutro-Woly, Tin?
choir will Minir "Tho Lord Ih My
I .Ik lit" hy AttantMiti and tlio pnnlor
will dollvor tho Bormon. Snmhty
Hlhlo hcIiooI m ot ;i:4r a, in, and
ChrlNlluit l'.'ndoavor nl (i;.ln p. in.
Mist rhttrvli uf Clu'lM, Sclcntlsi
Si-ivlccti will ho Ik'UI Sunday nt
II n. in. nnd V p. in. ul Find
t'hurch of riiilnl. SdonllMt. at I'
nml UihlMKloit Ktroottt.
"Soul" will ho tho mih.lcct of tho
loKflon-itoniton In nil churches tf
t'hrlNt, ScloinlHt, on I'Vliiutity 10,
Tho Kohhii loxt will ho "1 wilt
iot my tohoiniicto niuotii; yoti mid
will to your (lod. and yo ihall ho
my pcoph" (l.ov. lH;ll-t.
AmmiK tho clintlonx which will
roinprlHO Iho loHsoti-Hornutii w 111
ho tho following fruni tho lllhto:
"Tho Hhnll dollvor mo from
every ovll work, nml will preserve
too unto )iti lioitvonly UliiKdoin; to
whom ho is lory for over and over'
(II Tim. 4:1S),
Tho h'sott-Nornion will nleo in-
ohtdo iho following pusMtKCM front
tho I'hrlsiutn Sclonco totlook,
Sctonco nml Honllh with Key to
tho Sci ipluic.V hy Mary Hnkor
l-.'ihly: "As used In i'lnlsttati Scl-
onco. Soul l.i properly iho ynonym
of Spirit, or tlod; but out of Sci
ence, mouI In Identical with wense,
with material aeiiMiltou" (p. -4 S 'J ) ,
"lu Science wo lenrn that It is
material boiuo. not Soul, which
sins; mid It will ho found that It Is
tho ieit!o of sin which Is lost, and
not a tdittnl soul" ip. 4S1),
Tho eveimiff nervleo is a ropctl-
tfon f tho morning service.
Sunday school Is hold at :4S for
children up to tho ago of 20 ycai!.
1 ho cdtuday ovenlng moct-
Ing which Includes testimonies of
healing 1st at S o'clock.
Tho reading room In tho WVsi-
Jaoobnon building U open every
day except Sundays unit legal holi
days fiom lo 4:3o o'clock.
Tho public is cordially Invited to
itlend tho ehiuvh sorvioti and visit
ami use tho leading room.
t'hrl.thm Chuivli
Kanscti!itic services will bo held
at the rhristiun churvh ut V:3n
o'clock Sunday owning, w ith the
smg service n-tstcd by the nmi
; people's, choir. Tho sermon sub
ject Is '"Tho IHvltto Magnel."
rhwwh school Is nl i:4A n, m.
and v'hrtaibin Kndeavor mods at
ii; SO p. mwtth divisions for jnm-'
ifli'-ttVlon nuMiato, high s'hool and
older onng people, Tho morning
worship is at 11 a. m. villi sjmvIiI
musto by Iho choir. Vhe p.islor'
ermon swb,iect will bo "V,ilkiui:
With Odd."
I i0 : tiosH'l MKMou
JServ Icvi .M ih .vOoAc mission
fo Stthflay oH'n il h SM.i
school at i;! . m , followrtl by
morning vrhip beginning at it
v'c Uv k. Tho rvo n t ng r viH e a
irimp No. 8, tiy NcuiitH of
A int'i'lca, will lio Ktioslrt ut the
I'ltHt M. K. diurch Hutiday morn
lug, with tho uctlng Hcout execu
tive to give mi iidilrotfM.
Tho fotlowlug tnoollngtt iiurlntr
tho coming wi-ek nro uiimmticed hy
Iho ChrlHllau clnirch: Wcducmluy.
a:at, l.uynl Hlsiors Aid gi'inrul
meeting ut 1.. It. i'urdy homo, 90s
O uvoiiuo, IHvlslon I, to ftuiilith
IMOKram; Wodnemluy, 7:0, or
choHtiH luactlco in unmx; Thurs
tiny, 7:. 10, choir practho In' un
ncx; ami Ki'iitiiy, y:H0, MlMHlonniy
society ten at homo of Mrs. Kd
Kholl. Uiil I'entisylvanhi iwenuo,
wllh Mrs. Oiiiu Ijiphani ami .Mis.
Harry Kandux as liosieNSCS.
A WnshhiKton and Lincoln ad-
ilronH w ilt ho given nt. tho South
M, VI, church Htimlay morning. Tho j
church a lno announce that tho I
young pi-oplo'H Sunday school class I
will give a Valentino party at tho
church Friday ulKht, In which
othei H of tho Sunday school w itl
tKo purl,
Vodiita services nt tho tlos
pol ntlsshiu iucludo tesilinony 11 11 1
pleaching l'Viday ovoulng at 7:4;
Thoso v ho deslro to hoar the
t'hurch of tho Air broadcast Sun
day ariernoon front 4 to ft from
KNX, Hollywood, John Matthews,
minister, nro wolcomo to listen In
at 1002 It uveuuo.
Ml Kpl.seopnllans are urged by
tlio rector to attend ttioir church
Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock.
TnamiH-to-Tokyo flight U. UuroIU
llroiiiloy oxpcctH to. chart U10 upper
mr wimiH,
"A v I morn know what that mounti,
If unit filer run tell other what
Louditloim to expect at a 4000-foot
altitude, ut points along a route,
they can ddormliio .their uctlonu
Grinding IHir I hid ILiy
AMKH, In. (Al) 'IVhIh nt Iowa
stuto collogo lovdal ihui cows iro-
ier w tiuio nay or foddirr to ground
rougluige. (Irimling alfalfa iloc not
Heeni 10 add to tho digestibility of
1110 hay, or mako It more palatable.
J ho oporuiiou 1 coiiHldcred tin 1111
iiect-MHiiry expeiiHo,
imiuiiiiiH Mxm Canada
WASHINGTON ( Al) I'uiiuda
export .1 bananas to tlio 1'nitcd
Ktaten. tut of more than 6,000,
tioi) bundles iinporletl ono month
last year, nayH tho coinmerco do-
paitiuent, 3;i,3 wore supplied by
t.'aiiadn or rattier, via Canada.
Aid Oyster Hii-merg
ItAl.KHlH. N. C;. (AI) North
Carolina Is giving tho oyster u hlg
hand. To encourage private oyator
funning, tho slato board of conser
vation ami development has offered
to h'iiso stalo-owned bottoms free
for two years. ;
I'l.mi.ors mops i:ssi;ntll,
plam: nt ii.DCit Assi.itrs
Turkey Co -Ops Co mo ltuck
llAt.KUilf. N. C. (AIM Itnislnff
turkeys for cooperative shipment
to central markets Is staging a
comeback In North Curoliiut. In
Anson county, ono of tho lrndors,
homo demonstration club women
meet ut a central point where ttie
turkeys arc picked, dressed and
Stars of Spring Beginning To
Appear In The East, Led by Leo
Hy Jtobcrl If. Itakcr bo reckoned In million',
(Professor of Astronomy, L'nlver- yearn.
ItniNivt (idling Old
UAI.KKJir, N. C, (AP) Horses
and mules used on farms In North
Carolina are got ting old. There
were 40S.4U in 1926 and figures
for 19 US show very little change.
Imports of ft 000 work animals an
nually indicate tho utmost entire
absence of colts.
LnglUb l.iiiliorHii Clmtvh
Tlio pastor will gno his fourth
brvlcnten svrmon at tho Luth-
i'ri ohuromv,tvui- wohrp- I'eviinWivi bc?nV at r.45 oVKu K
Hfntrfrrf' aT H o'clock, taking for! with KvrrvM wriwmler scheduled
Ms ub,wt, v'Tho lieneiii!s Hf ,ivt." ! to speak. Alt ate United to a
Vh ctuvlr wilt render iho anthem. ' teid.
rgr 1 tie? il ,
CrLlTN'OALK. Cat. (AP) l.ullg,
hiiKiirdous flights are essential to
advancement of flying, concludes
Allen Louglnxad after HI yours '
spent developing fast utrplanes.
Hut this does not moan indis-'
crlmlmtto ocean flying, ho adds. j
Long hops. Look head says, give'
builders an accurate record of per- j
fornuinco and stability. They do-I
termlno what weigh! can bo carried
without danger. Also, II is learned
how a plane acts in Iho upper
reaches with a full load.
"Only through these experiments
can transcontinental and lutorcou- I
tinental air passenger .service bo de- '
veloped." he assorts, '
"Wind and general weather eon-j
ditions can become known only in
this way. 1 pper air winds espe-;
dally concern long distance fhers. '
"is second protected non-stop
Auto t'so Itixvts CTironiiiim
pansion in chromium consumption
Is attributed by Lewis n Smith,
bureau of mines, in part to exten
sive adoption of the metal for plat
inr automobile parts.
Tomorrow's Observer
M ill Tell You!
Hy or illlnoln)
UllUANA, 111. (AP) Willi Iho
npiiroacli of njirlnif, Orlun unci the
Uo ntnrH liuvo inuvt'd Inlu Iho
HOuthern fky in tlio lurly uv.nlni,-.
1 lie alum of Hprliif? urc brKlnnlnjr
to upppur in thi! cunt, led by Die
CUIMK'llUtlon I. co.
On tho firat or Iho mouth l.oo is
In lull vkw uliuvo thu cuhUtii hori
zon urtor 0 o'clock In tho owning.
una conalt'lllitlon la ouaily rccoir.
nliccl uy Ita Blcklo of brlcht atiira.
with Iti'KUlua. ita brlBhtiat Btar, at
tho pnd of the hundlo. Ilt low Iho
alcklo la n rlltht tllunclo whose
lowest atar ia Htni boln.
Iti'EUlua niarka Iho front uawn or
Iho lion und IJonobolu loculva tlio
To tho li ft of In tin. 1101II1-
oaal, Iho Btoat dlppor la balanced
on Ita handle. It ia IntorostlnB to
w-ntch ita upward proirreaa from
nlBlit to nlKhl nt Iho aumo hoop,
until about tho first of May It will
bo found Inverted hlcll in the
north. .
A lino from Iho lowest alar in tho
dipper two-thirila of tho way to
ward Donobola In l.eo directs tho
iyo to tho laiBo faint star-cluster
of Conin Ilerenlc.a. Tliia clualer
niarka tho location of tho north
Bamelic pole, the point farthest
north of tho milky way.
With tho Jelcscopo the rcKion of
l.eo and Uomn ia remarkablo for
tho enormous number of aplral
nebulae which can be aeon. The
apirala are vast systems of store
liresumably like our own ami so fur
Just ih tho alara lu our own
Biilactlc aysiem Balhcr Into elua-1
lers, bo thesn exterior Baliixlea are
assembled Into "Baluxlea of Bulnx
lea." Hundreds may bo counted on
a aliiBle photograph in this part of
the oky.
toiioaa crnft, lio and irawley Bou
lua, Blldi-r builder, marie a tour
uf exploration to discover a place
when) wind velocities would nuiko
it pdsslhle to attempt to establish
a record for glider endurance, now
M houra held In Cennany.
Houlua has established an Amer-
K'an record of slightly more u.
five hours. It la not bollc'vo t'
airport offkiala hero that lle f.r
lim colonel will iitlempt tho rcco1(J
Somo pooplo can mako u
go a lonif wuy, and others can ka,.'
it from goiliB at all.
run ;i.ii)i:i( ltixoiti)
KAN lUXrO, Cal. (AJ') Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh hua a new
hobby closely allied with' Ills pres
ent activities. Jf.u has become u
glider enthusiast.
After his first trip up ill u mo-
Soda Is Bad For
Your Stomach
Recognized authorities say that:
soda, potassium,' pepsin and other!
temporary remedies do no per- j
mnuent good often harm results
from their drantic action in treat
ing stomach disorders. The new,
scientific treatment known us
Huenger's Hl-KKX Alkaline Pow
der is mild and soothing. It con
tains special Ingredients that goj
right to the root of stomach 1
trouble. Tho action Is quick, but!
without violence. Within 10 min-
ut es you feel relief, a re-establish-i
ing of tone and Imlanco of tho 'di
gestive tract. Get HI-HKX today;
a big advance over violent, harm- j
ful effects of soda. HI-HUX is sold;
under a. satisfaction or money-back
Meadow Harvest Butter is one of nature's
foods in highly concentrated form high in
food value and relished by every member of
the family. Your grocer can supply you
with Meadow Harvest.
1112 Jefferson Ave.
Creamery No. 51
Main 122
guarantee bv tho .Moon Drue Co. I
beyond it thai their distance must Adv. '
Clover Honey
of the finest
at. Valentine s Day an
occasion of fond remem
brances, light hearts,
merrymaking and the de
sire to make others happy.
Let Safeway brighten this
occasion go to our
stores for bigger values on
better foods. These prices
will make you happy-come
and celebrate with us.
I serve i
5-lb. Pail Ol:
Crescent Brand
You will marvel
at the results of
this baking-Powder
U Lb,Tin
Feb. 14 to Feb. 20
Raised at Cove and A 11 QQho
have a special flavor los Oit
COFFEE fatdssfy 3 lbs. $1.25
Peets Granulated wash
ing machine Soap.
Ktijoy the Very
Loititt Conveniences
SH i KS h N-sv.e lniui:;-s. l.w ;,!v u:do
''itimwl vhnj:v . . . tntor.;w n-.-oMvl;
vus new v.d i-nnv jM-.wt:cl
rv '.ov'.i'v. New jv fosrau'.iUxi
lvr.t . nvv ivnvetsteitt ;;;r.r,cv:v.vt.t
.:(.Nw.,.'l-he..o !v..Wr,i iw.vec.u-.ioi jvav
lf ivT,;ti ia HHT. ho:iv. Wo'iS
5k" J'..v Uksv tv uxv-: i :;. ;:ue..; y
1 Kv ! wJ v 4 ; vv s
jt - -i oc; 1 1 1 . - i va w
Oiryv t Sf m c I Si
c.w. Se m'; "t.-v
M't.s. I mr.i V I'-iUi
IS; C -
beatuse they
are always
Snow 1 lakes have in apiv
lizinj. true-wlx-Jt flavor.
You will always; find them
oven - fresh. BakeJ daily
near your home, their de
licious crispness is sealed in
wax wrappings. As a final
protection, they are sold
under cur nioney - back
"Guarantee of Freshness."
Get the economical family
si;e package today.
rACinc tvT Kscvrr company
DonX ask for crackers u-
1 1
Firm, tender
Sweet Ieat
2 Cans 33C
Everybody knows
1Mb. Tin.. ;. ..13c
Carsten's or Armour's
Kettle Rendered
Slbs. si.19
Good Quality
Netted Gems
lOibs... ... ...29c
Oregon Beauty Flour
needs no introduction
It's the Quality.
49 lb. Bag
Alaska Pink, try a can,
so different from the
2 Cans 35C
Made from whole wheat
flour and white new crop'
2 lbs.
Your body requires a cer
tain amount of iron, get
it from nature.
2 lbs, i9c
Phone Your Orders We Deliver
Pure C & H Granulated
lU,b8 59c
Solid. White, I
Bald Heads f
iund.. gi