Thursday, January 30, 19.10 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE.. ORE, Paee Three J.l'.llll-..l .fiU.l,. -..'! '.. SCOOT NEWJT Mrs. C. W. Envin -Entertains Home 1 Missionary Group Tin lluinV Missionary orlety of the Ktrst MtihiMliNL KplMcopal chiirvh met ycMerday ut I ho homo of .Mm, V. Krwin for an ufier noon or Hi .lily and social hours. Mrs. K. .M. HUkuv, proHidont, wan In I'tmrtfi! of the meeting. Iur lug ,lhli htlrihlf'H HONhlOIt, U vtw decided lo have a n ull-dny oulli Ing at I In church next Thursday with, a pot luck luncheon. Mrs. Ilob nj't Clark was appointed chairman for ih lom-hcun. At., thii close of . Iho int'fliir-r. tlalnly ri'freshiiunis were served hy tho hostess. Rebekah Lodge . Honors Founder The anniversary program follow ing Ihe meeting of irytul Uehckuh li-tjfp( No. fin lum ovening. In honor ; of Thomuti Wlldoy iho founder of the Order of Odd, pYltowH. ron- HlMicd of musical numbers uni i roa i hum, mid wuh- iimmuuliy well attended, . Tho opening number e,f the pro grunt utiri a Khort history of .Mr. ; Wlldoy, given by ( I'. Md'horson. 4 TW O VOCtll Ki'ICCtiOlH, "IHOW W ! Wind. Wow," and "('hint; of tin t Kiuge.'! were sung ly W. V. Xus- Iiautu, nccompunlcd liy Mih. Lee ; Reynolds. Mih. Alma Carrol pros, i t'liliMl a rend in k. I Two voenl uumhorK were sung by t ; W, fai'ioutcr. "e(ir ll.-nrt,''. und temple, with the Htai Novelty or. i smlultun will hold ilw ivgular i day morning for jtocUaw.n' .Ihucp,, "I'orft'vt Hay.'' wore I hp hoIpoIIoiui ehOHtrn rurnlylilniMhe mush'. "- nncollng In tho Central ho hool Sho ujsp; hits llti-oo . MlsiprH,, MhW wilh MlHt K;in'l lliiriHiMi. au neeoin- j Jock IVnro, imi. ojinlimi niler, huthttiw' Kiidny iM'iernonn at J: 16 i Kloivnoo 1 Hovers' of Keftttle, Mrs. o'clock., "no children in mih. A. i nonnio itobort, or Tiicoma, und J. Oowop'n room, with Mr.. A. .1. .another dnter, in I'Qiilftnd Cook an (lim tor, will kImk a rroup I . jami l-ulp, who dioll t U MimI of hoiikh. Tim pupilH In Mr, Cuy,,ol, ,IIB,na sundny, wuh w1i l'attn'H room will nUo mIuk. Tho ; known in fovo and vlrlnity. Ho principal Hp'-aUoi' of Iho nfu-rnoon iKll n allailt of flue two your ElGCt Officers wlM 1,0 MiN I"'0"' !. iro from which ho lu-vi.r fully ro- V-,AAV'VA " ; rot-tor of phyHlcal oduoatlon ul thp lov,.,!, Ho ,lUrt ,(ll0 i, homo KttKt. rn Uicuon Xornial fchtioi, Mt Halfway whore ho had u.larna panUt. hvo tho II. aVIorU tonnl of tho A rmdt"if wuh. aWvn by.Alrn. ordor of KMi. Vclnm Kon Maude liojioi-M of KnttTprlHO, In inriy orod punch, oliodntr Mr. Alol'hnvon rooltod two' . : "0,"," ... ,Good Will Club ' Wednesday Nig'ht ! . Club Entertained' Mrs. I'Yanci'K I'lanl; whh hosiers j tmhjcft doaN with Iho ivcroatlon McmhoiH of the WNdniHihiy N'IrIii cluh .wort wnoHtH of i1in Iti'riha Wallslnfov hist night M htu homo, llrhlfro. wail llui dlvoi-Hion'of tho ovonlnv with Two tuition al play, Alow Murwuivt Ammoii won Iho honoiK lip- httih tally. Oulnty rc rrofhinontM. woro worvod followlnjf cards. " . ' Reunion Will Be : Event of Tonight ; proKi'aui in tho Hchool. t tlic (lood rlub of tho W. H-! ( at hor honto Tuosday aftornoon Kloctlon of offhcrH was hold dur- rtrn hi im inirp na tho hiiKlnoMM hohhIoii. M ph. I f UtilMtdli C U V lU i 'ia ii iv wnH ciiuin piotnu'm, .um. i Mfflo llolvoy. vlpo pi'(ndoni: Mrs. 4 Klounor f'arr, troaHuror. and Slvm. l.nurn IthodOM, Hoorotury. i Aftor tho hulnOHH mooting a j . pnxanl Hootal hour wax o,n.foyciri land rofi-OKliiuoiiiK woro ervcd. WOMAN DIES IN COAST TOWN Announcements Hy Mix. a. (i. Conhllu (OhKorvor Corroitpoiitlcnt) ' i'OVK, Oro. (Spoolat) -Mrs. Kld rldiyo Mooio. bettor known hero u Mra. Htolla Oeiin, died ut hor home in Itocknway Itoucb. Only inonBer dotailK of heruleath havo reachod hor friends hero hut It 1m thotiKbt nine I; ranch for tho hint an yeiir.t. , tie hft his homo beforo ChvlKtinuh jto vi.stl a Hun, )ohiuoiiiI at Wutd lort. Htuylni- ihoro about two weeltM jand from thoro wont to Medfonl to Vlnit .rn. Mury Wajmei,.- Ho wuh i taken 111 und his J'rlrndn tool; him to the hospital Thuixday and (loath e(ibie Sunday front honrt I'alluro. He wuh SO yoiii'H old at tho time or 1 Iih death. He wuh born in Win- i-onsln mid later lived In Texas, Mr. Ifulp punnj wont when u younjr man and was in tho pmptoy'of one of tho entiy pioneers of i'ovo, Jamea I'uyno. He then spent some t'lniu freighting; In Idaho. Jlo married NEW DRESSES In the Styles for SPRING 1930 See Them in our Window. PUTMANJS RoH(ly.(0'Vr & Millinery JUST RECEIVED : New Shipment of LOVELY FLOAVER BASKETS . , Select Yours Now! MM orists llinio Adams Ave. Phono.JI-11 I'lu rt-unton -of lit.' l-MrHt Wnr.l i.r 1 In- I.. I). S. i liun Ji will lalit- J foiimvlim nr.- iiumiiIioi-b of lilu.i' thin . v.Milni; In Hie It.Tr.- , ,iinnor I'oniinliti'e for ilu. w. ....ii... 'i n,.-.i an 1, 1,, mnpiipon, Nntiii-clay, Koli. iln-oni llilx .Mswia,. f.,t- iilunv yc.iiH. or tho l 'li War.l nr.- lnvilo.i. , hc k. .1', luill: i:ri Hvlvoy. ; MrK Morp wuh formorlV Mlw. Th.'iv will lie no I'liiirgux." . Murcy 1 1.Tiiinii. ' llobeora Koniu'rty. jjiollu B.'voi mid lived Imrtf rop Al 7 o'clock a illnn.T will lie i;nil,ul Kllnmoll, Wlnnlo Klinnu-ll. BOmo youra. liwhinir 111 tho pulillo wrvoil, ami pri'piirntloiiH niv Ih-Iiij? Art,.ln, KKclion. Fallh II.iI.hoii. l.ol i-i-li. ir.i In .1. . anil Klonnor lllcks. . I I loan. - Sho mail., (.'ovo hop homo 1 1 luvo KfunililaOKhloiM. Ml'. Ilnlll . - . . . ! unlll ii row youi'H hko. . Hor liro-llni7.lllo. Mr8. Uhy Kiioklor, o Tho IVntral I'lircni-Toni hor ns- Ihor. II. W. S"or, loH oarly 'I'lion- covo nn.l MiH. Huliy l lui ll, or Hon vop.-I'olo.- .Thii rimoral will Inlioj Inhu'v hero Krlilay lit 1:30 wilh i liiiriai In Iho I'ovo eomotory, A son wiih horn 'I'luirH.lay. Jan. IH to Mp. nllif MrM. 4'lny HUKK. of ' .Montiioiiiopy. t'ul. . Mm. Nutrtf In tho (tHUh'hlcr or Mr. und Mr. Joo Cloy lotto an.l nm.l.. hop homo In Covo ; until two y on rs ittfo. BRILLIANT NEW STYLES in this display of Spring Dresses SMART .new Spring dresses in the very .latest sillionatte ef fects, lHflny of thein actual copies of much higher 'priced dresses. Skirts are gracefully long', with the new modified flare . . ; wnist lines are almost nprlnal . . .sleeve treatments are now and interesting. Exceptional Values $9.90 $14.95 $24.95 Our liberal payment plan is j of fered to all reliable accounts made for throo hand rod. A pro yrram fuaturbit? hoiih:h and readlji: will fn lluw .din nor, 'wlth.Ylumdnj? hh a diveiion tutor In the pvoninK-11" HurinK t)ie prourum Mifl. (ieorKe A. lieu n will f?ive a hisioryoKriudt of tlu' I .u Grande Vaid sinei' Iih : orinizattiin- 30 yars uro. to the ; present -date. .' , I Mrs. Jack Oliver!; : Hostess -at?R!atf'ty.' At u pleiisant uftornoou of lii-lilKre .Mrs.'Jaeli plHer'wa hosteHS .to tlt Helonialo i olub yoslertlay' al her homo on KlrsL 9 trout. Throp tubb'8 WHiiiTiijoyt'd. with Mi-h. Art Veuf?ro ; wlnninK; biKh scoiv ', at cards. Second, award wiih pron ontetl t6 .Mr-s. jValter Lane. j A dainty twn-cuiirso luncheon ! was si rvi'd Inter in( linv iiftciioon. i I'retty decorations wt'rfr'lh a coloi isohomo. of red and white, tislnjj j potted plunlH. .Mrs. Clyde. Chnr: llon will bo' hostess to the club IKeb. 12. !A. G. S. Entertain v'i i Freshmen Girls that death caiuo Huddenly from 1 Miss Klh'n WaKiior. a dauRhtor of heart trouble as sho hud suffered ! Mrs. Mury Wagoner in tho onrl tin's. 11 in Xo died shortly urter the birth of a son, Klmer, who Hurvivos his father. Another hou, )emond, of Wuldport, Is tho cliilu of a1 later mnri'lano. ' Ifo loaves Large As Oxen But Looked Like Fish IMIOIONIX', Arl. (Al1) Hroros of. foolpiintrt of labyrinthoUoniH, Houpi of them i t . Iik-Iu-h louir und nine ' wido. hnve been found In HiindHtouo near thtV'liltlo (clorailo river in northern AriKoim. . v , ,. Tilt ho, oroatiires betramo cxttuot ut u pin'loO whloh HejoAtiMtH iiiate us leu. und, OOd yrain U(;o. Tho find prints wore exravnted hy J, I. Healer, who ropor(od to tho Arizona museum that "tho tnirl'vH huvo boon madn . by hibyrlnthodonls, which wer hutfe, urinored ajiltnalH Pftpablo of living ell hoi' on limd or .In tho hoo. Ho hi'ltoveH thut thoy lived whnn froHh-vvater flish wore tntUHforinini? Into tho first uir-hPoalhlim vorto- brales, and ho voconstruotH thorn uh "blicarru . beuHts that. hriHtletl with bony arm or, InhdrltoU from1 their fish fororathorn."' .V ulna ere lla Shop In compliment of tho new fresh man pirls at the Ji Onmdo hiaii school the Associated Girl KtudoniJ! woro hostess at a jolly big: und little sistor party yesterduy afternoon. At. S:S0 o'clock a proj;i"ani or talks- ami niiisleal numbers 'wan opened. Miss Kloanor Glass, physi cal education instruotor, explained, lor tho benefit af tho new frosh men, 'tho OroKou point systom, und sovorui girls from thp'KViH claHsen told, of tho various ways Ihnr points may bo earned. The advance ed freshmen presented a progrum for tho mld-yeiir studentH Including: tk piano selection by Nancy Guild ft'nir d"lilitho,'dtbV'1Hl V11riM"ill" .Madeline GabiRhoi'. ' - A liappy hour of dancing, which was well attended, was enjoyed In the gymnasium. I u freshmen tK wore served. , Coasting Party . Enjoyed Tuesday Twelve employes of tho Moik ftotiiery Ward store in this rlly,. en joyed a coast liitf parly Tuesday ovonlnK on tho Washington avenue hill. At Intervals they would slop at tho home or Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan l-'recman to "warm up' nnd for an occasional jjanie of cards. Later in the evening; n dolloio'us Uimnlo supper wiih Herved at tin. I'Vooman home. .''','. Enjoyable Dance . Given By Lodge Another of tho Klk's dancon. huo oessful both from the nt tendance und tho onjuymcnt viewpoint, took place Taosduy evening In tho Rlk's Photo Reunites ' . Mother and Son r STATE THEATRE $1 THLTISD AY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY mxicAii roen n J S VI A COLORFUL AU-TALKINO ROMANCE jf " X'-i , . Of OLD MEXICO Ii 2 ARARAJTANWYCK Wflfj ViS Evening Adults 35c ADMISSION Kiddies 10c Matinee Adults 25c J' WBUWJU'JJ,WJlUUIXiMWJJMiJAJlt , Separated from hi nudher wlnre he w;i.h a biiby. 1 C-ycnr-nld John Krirkson was runltod wlHi hor through thin picture of him which i nplioared in tho Albany. X. Y J Knlckorboekor press. A Idowert und pennilo.sH fifteen years ngo. Mm. Krlckfon hud left her child In an Institution. Iater, morn w l-to-do, she hud returned to nt him hut was told falsely that he tt'fin dead. Xot until the other day, w DBcaMty f r tSae New Foi'dl ilr xTXif..uA' ' ANOTHK II ST E V V i tt WA U D T II E' IV E W F O H II TOWN SEDAN fit iho Town Sedan you toe a (UiilnguUheil axamplo of the nnhrolim ,ircn;i 11 lino which ndilt 10 much charm to all Iho. ' nctvt roomy Font haillvt. HatUator, ltoodt cotplt latcer roof llnpf. lendvrt, tvhnmU avrry point of tlenlpn reflectt the new itylo noil benttty thill havo hann plttcail ivlthtn the means of everyone. All of the now lord cars are fiiiiihcd in a variety of colon. The introduction of the new Ford bodies hns set n liigli standard of motor car value. From the new deep radialor lo llic Up of iho curving rear fonder, there is an unbroken sweep of line a flowing grace of contour gaining added charm from iho rich and allracllvo colors. You will lake a real pride in the smart style und; fresh new beauty of the Ford just aa you will find an' ever-growing satisfaction in its safely, comfort, speed, acceleration, ease of control, reliability and economy. In appearance, as in mechanical construction, erai'tsmanship has been put into mass production. New beauty has been added lo outstanding performance. A feature of unusual interest is the use of Rustless Steel for the radiator shell, head lamps, cowl finish strip, huh caps, tail lamp and other exposed metal parts. This steel will not rust, corrode or tarnish and will retain ils bright brilliance for iho life of liie car. Here, as in so many other important details, you seo evidence of the enduring quality thai has been buiil into the new Ford. ' Itondblcr, 135 Phiicton, 110 Coupe, S.00 Tudor Sedan, $.00 Sport Coupe, $530 Two-window Forrfor Sedan, 600 Tlircc-wiiiilow Fordor Sedan, 62.'J Coiivcrlihlo Ciilniolel, $613 Town Sedan, $670 . . Ml lriri f, o. h, Ih-lrnll, tlui frviifn ami ilrlit eryt Hntitnrra umt iiwr tin mxirm.1 when ho saw this puhttflipd photo j l ll junn r,rieKnn himi in-t'ii- jinn tilrloM, did sho know that hor son wuh alive.