La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, January 17, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, January 17, -llKJU
Page Fiva
,t the Holds
A i j,' thuxB listed in ii,,. i,.,,i
hotels are: (. J-;, London, Si,
l-ouls: I". S. I'row.lor, Knlem; (.
I). Wi:ilcy, Uulse; a. Wlsnuir,
Mall Lake Clly: Mr: 1111,1 Mrs. Oli'ii
Handy, Portland; liny. II, Wahley,
Holm-; t'henoy basketball loam: A.
Johnson, I orlln nil; .Mr. and Mrs.
(I.-iiik,. A. llnil.T, Pnrll.linl,
Itelunieil . '
.Mr. Kvuns. principal of Iho 1:1-
ei-le- school, has roiurno,i to this
city after a trip to Snlem where
lie was e
tiled by Hit Illness nf his
Honald Coin, sr.n of Mo. nn.t
Mrs. 1.. s. Oulp, hnn rooovorea from !
it weokV-. Ulnoss ttio to tho flu. llo
ovhcota to rosiuiio lils stndiPfl'nH n
Miphnmoro In Iji flmndo lllj;li
M'hnol noxt weok.
Hero rwin llljrln
Mr. nml AIih. ltoan. of KIkIi'i,
won In l.n lirainlo yoitterday to
hoo thoh-son Clrironco. who Is horo
from J'ortland uii bu.HinosH, ,
1' ioiii ' Tiilon
C'Hffnnl Wnlf was a 'visitor in I
I. a tirando, yontenlay from t'ninn. ;
On Business
.Mm. K. b.'' On top, of Kanicla. w-n
in I-u OranU" yoaturday. on bu.I-
"(SH- " !
... '
Ironi Il.inlln.vton ; . .... .
Jomso J. lvorr, an omployo of ho i
O.-W, at Huntinston nnd fonni-i- :
ly ,01 La Orando, wa In thin t lty I
roeonlly on buyjnos,'. i
l;ajtlr ; Mooting'
I mo to tho cold w c-a t hor
rvonnif. the attoniianco of
l',aflos lotlf;o
Tho rcK.lar
took idacc
Aas -loss than tissual.
routiho of business
Tv lliikor
I-Jlinq Stevenson, acl iiif? ' scoc.t
, executive, drove to Baker Wodnos
, day evenjnic to attend tho scout
; master;! meeting thrre, - hold- to
' inako plariH for scoutlnfr week, l-Vb.
. 1t linblor
.11. I''. Oodel drove lo ImbH'r yos
. torday on business.. ti. ;
Horn This Moruin
( 1.. A. Ooodbrod, of ' ii ion, was
"j-r .'. W ,vM1 ,1i.'V , I hursday. i
if: LLa Th'fj5:' k -
7 JVI tiirai4lli.vJ N dor. u.h n r.-.l.t visitor lu this.
!'' .' T I "J'iri A cliy. I
J P MS.VAM 1ASHMAW T fn Ilusliie;s I
f K RCNTACUC lVCJ i ' C1nr.-nce llraut. of tho ilonKn.m- '
: w lTrtnils - ( ly 'iu tl f'loro of 1'nrtlniul, was
if A ( '' f TT&BKiiviCl '" '"' i:,';,n'l,! yesterday on ljusi-:
.-: 5 9p,cture
'S !' L f A The Ladies Auxiliary of tho R .
i: r X ' O. ii, mot last nlirlit In the Kaj-les
4 , X NfW A hnl! for theli' regular meetlnu',
: ? I'l.AYINf: V . ; during which tho routine business
f ; -i V ' w as reminded.
i 1 TaVkliuT Jl - Snv l'",l,lovv-
1: K 7, C'oltioily A- '' INiplisen, formerly of Du-
I Y luth. .Minn., Is a new cmjtluyo at
I ' ' i' i .Vows lh W. K. Ollbrrt Co.
'li Alr-htt, tho Sanuv
' The condition of J. T. Lonufel-
: " J s$ M&iiis low, city snperlntendr'nt of sehools,
v fp.jr-- .vffA&j I reporieu to no auoui me name l j
'f f' "-'--mnir-ni j m,ln j Men and the Truth
..: airs j i ... ... . - Men In all way uro holler Ihnn
' a they siieni. 'J'hey like llnllory for
if nSSrilji ' rZi aBn' the moment, lint thoy know the
' "l k - 8 1! M JM trail! for their own. II Is n foolish
I - iai fcfli tbi Ii til ' . GRANADA MiKliii them, nnd speaking to
' iPpij S Mll t pQDy ''"',C "'""'l:i"ora"1-
i ALAN 2y -tV II reduced il tfMMj
J BIRMINGHAM CLlL tCTk A iVTlVW lIl Pounds hy ,"k'?S '' H
: J yJooiC USLZT"" hr'"'on " Vl?r '
, ' jpgfJJf&4F nrur her umf tvi"-' )
SsSfS lso , mer home In K 'fV". '
- I Plus Tiilkinr Comedy iouiiK-nt ,'',,c;' 3f ,;
The Marionettes "Watch Your Friends" " -'mw' gawln
JsftliiK friends In l.n Ornnrt this
moriiliiK. '
.Mn minor if Now Modern Kioi-o
Aoeimllns to word recelvud hero
by M. M. Hum. H.w Johnson, fur
nierly of this city, 'who loft Inst
March, to take cVyrtfo of tin J. i
lyntuy store In Towusend, Moli
lalia, tins succeeded . well that
iho company Iiuh built a now mod
orn store that ranks nmonir tho
hading stores In Mom una for lu
now equipment anil fuel lit lex. Tlx
j Mlle prints of the l.uil.lhi' worn
lsi Hont to .Mr. 1 In nt. who Mr.
Johnson Iralnoil mitlor, and thoy
an- HnUl to imiloato a bountiful
s-truoturo. Tom It. JohnNon, of
("ovo, h .Mr. Johnwon'K lathor.
Illness ,
Jtohort and Prniifls Aloxaiult v
havo, lior-n 111 nt homo for about
a wi-oli.
Will rrrlio AloiHlay
liny Last, liitornallonnl orKanlz
or of. tho U. It. I. r. and A., a bar
lior'K union, arrlvo in thiH oily
Monday whon a . upooinl mootliiK'
will bo' hold in tho IMrIos litill.
with if. banquot and lofturoH. All
barlrrn- of Knlon oounty ur' ln
vitod to attends Tho1 laatlor of
oarllor floslnif Itoni-x for bat-born,
9 oVIook hiHtoad oC 9, will bo dfH
vuHHOil. . . ; ;,jL.
Illness V
MiiKH ll'uth Brown, .toacho'r at
Wiilow . ohaol. lmt boon .ill at
h,n(l wjth MrH . ,r rijiaV(.r
tvflchin lior oW. - Miw Hornioo
.MoKi,K.y M,.aHi ill. with Hurah
Willimriscn mibfllltutlnfr for hor.
Itoruniod in. School
M ins Vina Con ley has returned
to hor work as a teach or in tho
city si-hoohi
lifter several days III-
rmiti'ov in
Mrs. (. IT. Hlyslone is improv
ing alter "a severe cold.
111 Willi Die l-'lti
Valory Karpor has boon 111 with
the flu ibis week.
Itcluriied to Tills City
A". M. PfliiKhnupt, local navy re- '
crulihq; officer, returned to I.a
Oramle yesterday and will bo in
hit; office hero the rest of tho
month. . j
Illness ,
Hick Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. (I. Miller, has been 111 at homo
this week with a severe cold. Ilo
Is a student, in the first wrnde at
Willow school, I
l-'roiu I'nlon
Kdmi' Meeii i- nn.l mu.,m, '
i fit Colon in i 'i riMn.u
Holiirnetl Wnliicstlay
Mrs. Herman UitlofieM re
turned Wednesday from' Halfway
where she has boon for several
'okK visiting her parents.
Mrs. F. It, Crai, who has been
ill for aliont a week, in improving
and onjmmis to return to her wor'i
at tho Wardrobe eloaners next
Frmn N'orth Pow.lcr
Chris Johnson, of North Pow- I
in this.
ItcturiiM to Valley-
Kurl J. Stacklan.l. Piivo fniil
grower, returned to tin? (irand.'
Hondo valley early this immiln;
front r,,rtlan,l, where he Mas spent !
cunWdei-.ihle lime. .Mr. Hi m c K i n,. i
' toll,l,,,0",'(- Xn V ""' ils iimrn.
,I1S' Ui "n1 01,1 ,,hn,,t the teinpur-
a mre iimi wiih told h wax zu no
low. Hi! caiil that 1M ln'luw weath
er limy damnuc frull tres unless
they are completely iloritimit, lmt
ho hook no reason w hy l ho t roes
shouldn't be dormant, due to the
proviotm full I weather." Mi-, stnek-
laud enmo limtio mi the ti-iiln. mid :
says thtil in tin' wind belt Iho other !
side of the lllno Mountains, It was i
almost Impossible to koop tho train
warm Inst iii-ht and Dial passed
Kent wtiro forced to wo:ir iho!r
NVw ArniiiKoiiioiit
Hadio has mudo posslblo a now
arianu'omi nt for hanquot.t of
ohaniboi-M of o.ommor'o nattti-o nav
A. W. Nolson. On Thursday ovon
I of;, Jivnian- 'j:;, from II until Stlto
p. in., oficoifi of tho I'nlon county
ohambor of comtnoroo havo boon
invitoil to bo tipoolal listriiors In
llioir own homos to tho annual.!
banquet of tho Kpokano 0)111 mb. r i
of ooinmoroo. In a personal Invl- i
tation 10, Mr. Nolmm and Albi-rt
1 Cunt or, pronhh'nt jind soorolary
ropootivoly, of tho local rhambi r,
rroHfdi-ntrt Klzor roouo.lM tlmt
thoso mon opooially listen In, and
also iiriroH that all oitfzons who
caro nivo tho Spokane station sonic
titno on that occasion. Mr. N'clfon
lin? acocptcd (ho Invitation In be-
half or I.a Oramlo eiti'.enK.
Auvilfary MoiMs
,., ; - j neiKni ui uio rany, uie oruwu mi?
ftinnor lo Speak ! ward and Hulllvnn at' Kurird, the j ' a ('l,n,imimi 11,1,1 rr,'n!lf111 l-
The ltev. A. K. Hitnnor. dlstrl'-t I squad . fouml Itself nud in a sus-I ,'0'11'- Ib-low-zoro weather pro
suiioriiitondeiu of the Mnho-Oro- ! lained .burst of stieed, dazzled the I. ',,,d the attenditnoe from roaoli
uon district of tho Naztireno ! ('hney quintet and nearly took ! In Ihii'Xpft'H-d size.
rliui;oh, will spend -Sunday hero. ; the load. Tho local team njipoared ' - x- Seconds l.oo
sorakini- at boih the mnrnliiL nn.l ! like :m iVntiitdv diffot-ont o.l-mmI. i 'An " prollmlltary. tho "Ollt-
evoniiiK" services In the local !
church. Ho also will he tho main
speaker for the Kastern' Oregon
Holtnesfi assoefalion which con
venes,, at tho Nazarene church
Tuesday. Services tomorrow are
opened with Sunday school at H:-iri
aj. m. The pastor announces that
Ibe hours for meeilmr of tho Holi
ness association Tuostlay are l(i::io, j
l':fiO and It o'chfok. The Hew Mr.
OrlHsiim, of Hie M'. V). church of
N'orth powder, will speak at Iho
a i'lornoon service.
Number of Days Illness
.1.. V. Kariss. manager of the
local Montgomery Ward store, has
boon III nt homo for several days
with tint rheumatism. Mr. Ma -well,
the now assistant manager,
formerly of Nampa, who has re
cently arrived In tills city. Is taU
IiuV M r. Karlns'' place during; hix
licit Today
K. O. Harlan, edlior of "Oregon
rtiifflness," Oregon Slnie chamber
of commerce puhlle.'i I km, was in
I -a tiia udo today rrinn I'ortiani
conferrim," with ot'Clcor.'
I 'iiion .county chainlu r
merce. Mr. 1 firlan is
: of the
of coin
j ineree. ii uian i very co-
. thusiastlc as to the I IK! a plann for
land settlement. 1
Miiyscr to Take Part
When representatives from
men's oranlxa lions on the ea m
pus participate in a three day fra
lornily disomsion this year at 1.
of O., Morlyn' MayKer, of l.n
Orando. will represent Oatnma
H'all. This fralernlty round table
sponsored by the Y. M, C. A, will
meet January 14, 21 and 2 a. May-
K'1' ls 1,1 J"inallsm school at
Church Services
Church school begins at !i:ir a
in. at the Christian church, fol
lowed hy morning worship at 11
r.'clock Sunday. The sermon will
bo Kamlly in the l,ord." Christ
ian lOndeavor meets at tl:30 p. m.
and tin. evangelistic service will be
at 7:.ta, with the sermon suhjoet
"Power In the Blood."
.MoothtH; lnslponeI
'I ho nit-oilnK f tho What Shall
I Head Circle, which Is held reu.
Inrly on Sunday, has bei-n post
poned until further notice.
Ueliinicd to Work
Warren K. Oilbert, who has born
III for a while, returned to work
Wooden-Legged "Billy'
1 '
When you got Ernie IIooho's "koik" you get one with k wooden leg.
Kour yenro uro Reese an Omaha fanner, cut the leg tiff one of bis
cunts while nut inn huy. liimeud of shooting (he animal he doctored
It mid when the lee hud healed, fashioned u wooden support for the
animal Thu Kmt Is perloctly itt home on Ills "pcg-leK" now and
wanders nrotind aiutentedly cousumlnK x many stray r'iu and
I'lothes its It did. hefoie it lost Us member-
I ,,XTV x,rvrk., . r
, ftWft 1 iNUKJUAL
CHECKS e: o. n.
(Continued on r'a;?o Two)
.a linn' in tho latter part of tho;
Ilollmva.V Illuti i
llollow.iv, all-state forward ( !
Wasbiiqrton durimr his lilh school'
days, was hltth poim man, oaKlnff
IS PoinlK. all from Hie floor. N:,r-
ictt. who was seennd wllh II,
equaled H'olhnvay in tho last half,
oil counted ronr liohl
( 'i!l ileit1 who replaced
H.mcherm nt forward when lloh
ohrus loft I he name, la I or to o;o.
back for Crawford, rolled in throe
Held Koals in the second st a nza.
II ii f f ma n, t'heney center, who
linked llie ball thrice in tho first
half, wa held scoreless thereafter,
Willi. Sullivan and Sarreli break,
im: up -Cln ney offensive ihrusts
l line and a train.
II. . N. S'ores 1'lrst, '
'I ho Mountaineer;! seon-d after
a clever display of teamwork after
I he opening Hp-off, with Sullivan
under the haskei, and Jiokl a -to
(i lead for a moment! Soon, how
over, tho visitors look Hie utTonsh'e
ami with Peck llollowny and Huff
man regularly finding the hoop,
soon had the score L'fi lo . In the
closing mlmiles of Ihe first half,
i-arreti shot a basket and, three
free throws! wore made, brinslirf
tTio score 1 to li.
Thoseoond half was hardly utu
dor way, when ihe team found It
sol,', outplaying Iho ClnMiey team
L'l lo IT. Coach Boh Qnlnn used
seviq-al different. combinations,
u iih tho team siartlujjr to click
after he placed Sullivan at nuard,
wit h 1 louohens. ( 'a rdou, 1 q-lco.
Crawford and Sarreli working the
Cheney half of the floor.' Twice
Karrell. slipped In beneath the
basket ami was overlooked y th(
opimsiiiK Kimrds, who perm It led
him to make set-ups. Cjirdon's
MtVIt H.tMHUOKK Is seen ' havlni; this cvoiiIiik on his way
oi( straws lor iho souih. This ' Vancouver, Wash., lo attend n
wide-brimmed model or natilrnt moeilni,- Monday of tho Oreaon
baknit 'has three open hki.;i;:i nt Washlncton I'ylhlnn home hoard,
each side of the hrim lain, wllh of which he Is a member. lie will
wool lo give the openwork effect. 1 1,0 1,1 lrhfleld Tuesday, In Ilend
Wednesdny. relllrn lo Portland
Half a Ton of Pork
tuu rould m t a lot of pork chop from the loln of this hoK He' h
jiiiitlircd rjuioc )0ar owm-ii ,y Krcd Lmnad of Midland. Kan. The riant
hoc, welching more than half a ion. measurM seven feet Inchcr
(rem i atcm to tcrn, and la used for hrneillni; purpumm. ilia oirnprlnif an
numbered, hy (ho hundreds. Th. boar la hown her Willi Alice Uuptad
a dauKLler of, lb owner.
. ability to drive throuirh the ('honey
i defense for close shots it hied ma
1 tcrlallv in Die scorliiL siiccosm. nml
at. jruanl. Hullivan was frequently
rintorccptiuk' rival passes.
!. " Uy I:iHt ha,tV tln
(asls," a. teaiu from 'the high
school whoso members are Ineli-
Klblo to play in liitersebotastlc
anien because of 'thu lltt-year and
previous semester ruliUKs of. the
' Ht"u' wliitloitH. easily ib'i'ealed
tho Normal school seconds, :i! to
lfi. Paul Newlln, with his sonlh
paw shots, scored ij nf tin. wln
nerti' points, with his bralher Vln
cent second hhfli wllh ha If Unit
amoniM. '1 ho 'seconds showed up
better in the last . I wo quarters,
rliiKlnk" five field Koals in tho Oul
casta' seven.
('honey dofoap'd l.ewlslon Nor
mal ut Hewlston Monthly nUfht r 5
to :i!t and lonitrht play Iho Wash
lnj;tmi Slate frosiimon at Pullman.
To I May Mount' iHh -
Tho Norma 1 Hi hool tea in will
leavti here probably .nest Wednes
day for Western Oregon for a tuo
Kouio series Thursday and Criday
wllh Monmouth Normal school,
Kasl OroKoli
IfoiieheiiH. fe.
Sullivan. I'-k: ...
Crawford, c,
foCiilly,. j"
Sarrett. jt
Cardi-u, f
Price. I ....
KO h'T I'K Tl
...,n o o n
...i i i :r
z i " ,
...a a I o
...r. i - ill
a t a 7 I
...i , o .11
13 il S 1111
, K( .-T ..' TI'
.... II. , II II 0
....ii ii n i s j
i ii 7 1
...n , a ii ii
...1 I 2 III
...a n n ii
o I n ; ;
...o o i n
..." ,01 o j
17 2 ki ul
llosenhaum, I
!'(! 1-T I'll" TP j
...II 0 I , fi
...0 0 1. 0
...I I 4 II
...I' 0 I 4
...I fl I 3
...II (l 0 II I
7.1 K If.
ko .t I'l-' rr
...2 I 10
...S 0 ' II in
...4 II II S '
...I ll II 2 '
..0 I) I n j
Cheney Normal
Itardwelt. ,f
Hollowiiy, f ......
I luff man, e . ......
Womaeh, K ... ......
Peek, f
Hupp,- I'
OJa, c r
Plerson, tz
ItefiM'ee: Jimmy
f). K.
Wildo, f
Wolfe, f i
Harder, t
I )evaney,
l'alsley, i
Sayri', c
f lutc.'ists
I'hnrupon, f
1-. Newlln. f-
X. Newlln, e
Patten, B
Walle, K
15 I 2 SI
Ira Woodle.
. E. Dixon to Visit
Lodges In Oregon
If. Iiixon. Ri-and chancellor of
the Knlulils of Pythias of Oregon
Thursday to attend u mooting there
Thursday ovoniiiK, iimkhm tffhlal
vislls to tho K. 1. IoiIkon In these
various oltles. I Jo will return
home next l-'ridnv.
I !
Willamette Wins
From University j
HA I. KM', Ore., Jan. 17 A1'
Wllla motto uuH'oi-Hity'N baski t hull
quintet dofoatod tho I'ltlvoiHily of
1 Crot;i)it for the sooond thno horn
last ni'iit by a score of 4" to :tii In
i a non-toiu'eronre k.huo. After
KettliiK off to. n four point load
OroK-oii failed to wore n t'lold r'!il
for more than I- minutes while
the ItoaroatK ran up a HI to ft load
and wore loadlUK to S at tho
half. In tho second ' half Conch
Holnhart sent In a bunch of sub
Ht It ill os and Oregon took tho half
'2 to 20. I'anllnnl, Scales and
Adams Htarrod for V ilia motto,
looping tho not from nil direction.
Scales was disqualified In tho sec
ond half on fouls, Lovoff and
Koenau woro Orowon's best point
Tho Men's club of tho I'resliy
torlau ohui'i'h n'et last evening at
lint home of J, J Havonseruft. K.
K. Hurley was In charRe of tho
proKraiu. opening with the sinn
ing of woeiiral and saoriMl ' hoiikh
followed by av devotional plven by
the How J, (Iooi'ko Valz. Air. Hur
ley spoke to the Kroup on ''Hob
bios," and afterwards nave mech-.
aiilcal puzzles to tho men, which
thoy enjoyed solving. -Mrs. Km'-,
enseroft served rtreshmonts.
i' (ContlmiPd from Paso One)
Mueilrans discussed was the qu's
thm o Mr. MaoHouald'H statement
f o i ewspapor men on Tuesday.
over $25,000,000 emit year
Blue Karo Syrup
No. 5 Pail No. 10 Pail
39c 72c
Corn Meal
No. 10 Hag 40c
Bar Soap
10 for
25-lb. Bag. ..$1.53
Pure Missouri Sorgham
5-lb. Pail 73c
Corn Meal
Small Car Ion 12c
Virginia Sweet
Pancake Flour
This is Our liesf Ono
Small Pkg. Large Pkq.
lie 38c
One PL Jar 32c
1108 Adams
Koewh nitltr.
! " tsump trusri, oc a lu. 0m l
Pjf Hough Dry, 9c a lb. YfY
I I Are you numbot-ei' anions tho 1
I I Uorno-mannKcrH of Ui Orande who ' ' I
I havo discarded homo ' washing, ' J I
I I alonx with candles and spinning i fs I
whnoN? The up-to-date laundry
innken one a. uteless as the other. 1 M - .
f' -a ;-T --t---- ' -r.
Kiom - tho 'garbled reports whlcli
tin i American .lekalon received
aboanl, .their ship, ,tho -Hrltlsh
prime minister was credited with
hnyhiK that ho Intended to pn
post tho abolition of battteshlp.f
at the conference. benlnnlmf Tues-.
day, '
Doubt Value or Ships '. !
Secretary Stlmsou w'as able to
learn thai. .Mr. Mae Dona hi said
iiidhim? whatever about proposing
the abolition of battleships, im
mediately, hut that he expressed
the British Kovornnienl's' doubt :of
the value of battleships and the
British hope that 'In due time bat-
tleshlprt will cease to figure lii
! fi
fleets. Thai instead of abtdlsh-
tMK battleships, the prime minis
ter really hopes- to, hrlnf about an
aKreomeut durlmf the. fiirthcom
ItiK five power oiinroronce to ex
tend Iho lives of oNislliitf 'battle-
3 Pkgs ... 25c
Solid Pack
No. 2V2 Can .. .15c
3 Cans 25c
Blue Rose
5-lbs 35c
Operated by La Grande
shlps until Ht or HU) nnd then.
If roidac.ementH are considered
necRtfsiiry, to redtico tonnntie and
KunnnKc by. International nKree
ii lent. , .
(Continued front rngo Ono)
ato to the extent of -a per cent
tho commission would call hids
Immediately on tho nssurnnne from'
WushhiKton ttint nddliloual money
had linen appropriated. DoukIus
eounty'H delofrutlon said they did
not know where tho money was
oomlni; from but ono of tho road
commissioners suKKcated I hat resl-,
dents of DoukIuh county approve n.
special levy. Xo action was taken,-.
V I T .1
White King
Granulated Soap
Large Pkg. 41c
Shredded Wheat
2 Pkgs. ..... . . ,25c
Special Coffee
lib. Bag 3 lb. Bag
35c - $1.02
Del Maiz Corn
No. 2 Can 17c
Soda Crackers
3-lb. Cady 39c
Baking Powder
16-oz. Can 44c
Krafts Cheese
Vclveeta 23c
Swiss 25c
American 23c
Per Carton ... $1.25
Comer of
Depot nnd Wash.