LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE. Thursday, January !), JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE House Frocks '89c HILL'S li Grande's Own Store TARTING TOMORROW GILMORE TO GIVE iPiielan Guest Of Alumni At TALK OYER RADIO Seattle Dinner Pagt Two ;Orange Full Back, Resi- dent of Union, Will Speak on KOAC Tonight IHtrinn rn: tit y-;in. intercut of j tunny local fiV"t(M f.nn, p.rti.'Ulnr (y those who urdor.tly- tmpM.rt ft 2 hall and tKisketttnii. have b-.n f turned toward ore run rtit rOlW'jr I W-oa uae of the pnsvnte I t'nion county )" n the t I varsity toii;i. J Ketiident" l"nln. with H iCflmore, fullbnrk.- And Jiuk Caa gtiurd have b-en iwirtlouUrly proud ftf-'ih howfnf made hy th foot- That tor en In OHmore. who wound up i hiit f.irevr this full hy leadint the Ornnjre mn SaB ncrtiurt the Jw- Suj'j. f ' troll iiinver-ity temn fr a 11 T ktry In th ;w ill Rive: n talk men mdin jit at ton ' KOAt which broAdrrts-t on So kilo'ycl"5. from t:JM to 7 : j o'clovk. (illnwr w III rive a few fUUWghm on the Kant-Wen ShHn- r:; benefit rume- in Kan fYanri.- Nw Year's day. Olimixr and Kits- ' 5-11 Striff. an rnd reprrFenU-l ; tniron Kt-ite -.n the w-t team In rnme. and ut tw rhown ;u a member of either of thr-M team is on:diLrvl a dWtlnrt arhirv- I.'1 M. (iiimorr's alnce from the O. :'. t team will W f. H keenly r.rt 1:1!. He erijt t I graduated from the reltoer at the er.i of this Wtu and thm rvi-vt to s ir.i Off GVt-:rt . SKATTI.K. J;n. (AM "Ikn'( ! (bin. l"m afraid or rrlti, im. ThU Iri-hm.m K- it. Hut ilon't rr!t Irixt ih i-at!i. T)i y'r mint ff"n now on." ; In (hi; dntiiialio way. Jimmy I'ht the l"niverity of Wash ington' nw foth roach con , lul.-. a ruuini: talk IW-ifv tlS ; aluuini. irrld tuns and n:rAfr ' mn a tniu-t h"-r lat n;rht. Th former Notn Damr iiartrr Tark u ho torhf thr I'urdue HrtUt-rnutkcm to the Hij; Ttn rh-union-hip last fall dropped dt.wn on Seauli ftom thp' Ky only rtfternom to takf ovr th Washtnirton roarhlnic hrtU nutdf recant hy tti tipnAtlon of Kpixh W. Itarhatt. ! A 1ik rally a staird hy r5 ' udrnts upon hi arrival on "h univrvity rantposand th monttr bntut h-W in his honor last niyht. " Mor battK nA binrr hatll-i. that's hy I'm out hrv,"' shouted I'hclan t the bnout. Whih a nmn Urei team and many friend a I lld he mttut lik d venture. And that thf reason, ! came. - "I !on't hk ny pUyrs t win. i ak them lo use thtr heads: to put everything they've jrr-t Into ih fiamf. The result will come. In hi talk to the alumni. Ir. f. I.yk' Spenrer, preeldent of Wa-h-inxton. U that "this U a day 1 have took t-J forward to for 10 ye rw. "We have had In harm any at the ot 1 '. cent rs Jr.Bt at psrt, mrh t; random fnteret in O. S. t .s.our.d l:i'harl .fn'" , rur;:y oitr on the itvnre ti:in t't. V:th ri'n:-rvrn-e play to ovn iorvaU: Krily r.irlit with ld--hi'- a tftr isttion. e;jher I.yman i sth In S4-nHns j A n nt chfok r.t i.rvaJ!i f sts rarsir.s; sxtJi In to i iA .rii'r lr. (raises t f.-.r pta '. ihi h-ayaa.' lt)i pir.t, , tie j votta! 11 ei'lM coa and ! frvy i rnvs. WitlM k did ti, pl?ny mw h at the M.irt of ttf nur-ri- f.Tt'.i"C l-iit In a;r nmen i -tartrd wi;h t:ttitii!- ' tpv t r htm. Sm" po:t fritf" at nT.:l;.- , pi-t l.ymsn lit the iine ' rt.V. madf l y hi eldt-r Vrv,fc-r, : tin- "Moa." I.ynwn '!!tr d-.y, v hen It t. A. f". university sim IMS and thi t-n- j qoiH is nymbtttireil of a reunittl 1 U ashir.jttoa. a reunitetl state of V:ishintru" v "Wr do not evpect you to h a mtrarlr' man." mitX Tracy UrifTin. preetdent of the Vahiagtoa alum , ni association In adlreitjc h j t.n. "I; does not nvik any dif-fenf-nee. whether yu win or hse. We jit w-ant ;i lichtfuff t-jm " I'hk-lan intlidtt tb stay In Ke. r!t:e for week rvn t 1 afayetle. Ind . to ire: few IhhiUv, He id he antsl to ltim- no H'.ia!.ntd with t!.e Wujihinptn ttwt- s iu r Aon thtm my curv s a;ij a cf tbinre." EW ORLEANS BALL MAGNATE KILLS HIMSELF t STUr IMIYMfl.W KII.I.VI HAlUtlSIU llO. 'a, Jan, & iAT ' !r. li, tl. Mirier. M;f ph-sician at the HarrlM-i-nf t;e hpital. va killed tc-iy by SweT, ;-n insane i'.rt who had at ; (-fn com?nite-i t the intttHt:-:.n. The phs threat w?t cut. i ihi m.K kil l ; ATI-WTa. Jtn. Al' J--hn It- Itamett of 4iatlanKa, Tnn.. f !xlay shot and kiite ;ore Mm : fatally Mind4 Mr. Mao 1 and th n commit tt-d s-uiv-ute. Hartietl was a former h)!.an! -f Vrs. Mvnn. -v not :i',un Ty Harnett ar.-1 l-?t in the autrubde Kid f hia former wife ha!wr4 wa ixsptnihle for the hMinc. It rotn more :hn t-a r-.jiii niMnn -ntal ?.'f:fe, ac-'riiuic the ii -nr --v XKW Oi;i.K.K.J ut. Ml')- A!i Julius iHne wio NcY! the ner t the ciuh w hlrh once empiy-d him t w lar.ut ve ndor, kl.'hd himsetl Ut rtcht m his nfflce t the -w ir 5rs park. W a ; A jrroundkefprr' who f.-mnd the ltv Mid he had w-n the r:.itjfnatc rehtarse the h"iinc whi.e eitttnic at his dk ywral 1as .t,. Kriends watd H Lie:;w.nn !.? bt 13Si-"" tn o."k.s m't-nr-ly hut t tr--e-l the heitt'f that ill helih haa prrnp;ed his act. J-.rn 1. Mnrtin, pr-dnt of ;he Souirrn a.ointi(n. who came here todby tor the fwn- tat pd trihu! to 4lnemann as a faith fa! fr(rn1 And a is win char.taMe In .i.irid and hrart. lttr 'Tvnn. a rvitix- N w Orlc-ir. and a harhelftr. d-TOtd hi tif (t MhuR H "!M manv YAf Jifu- Mars whiK hu;VJ int the NVw Cr leans ' team into a P-rsninvt con'; ader in h- S-uthm iv.-!tion. n:' 'his i:r.tdU;.tes :-, Jre Jacksc-n. ltcry Vir-e. tiTit.K ll-rr?. Jim Haby. lwidy ;-r. lE j:-nt:h un& J- !(. Alcohol Will Be '" Further Denatured Cold In Head, Chest or Throat? Rl'R Mineral weH iro veer cSett . J tamit alr.wt im-an:h- vca U-ei caixr. ktivjt the Murn4e-rub oner an hour r 5 hours , . , what a Kio.Sows rtirfll 1 ivrrc f.xxi tk:-ii.Hj.'v-rJ cJ rcfte tJtt ! ot miwtarJ. m-cptKA. cjwrti-4xx rx nue-j i:h othmr a.h;a,;ii! Kutr &sei in Muwtroie. It ptnetrarrs mJ rtnsUtt IvvJ circalatsi'a aJ h;tf to out mt- tsa ni I J hv r he ?t) J'jrk Krcwn-irtJff h tr.irv J xt aTid rtiri. Keep Mar.trvk kiady jir. tcSrt. AH tiruti-wta. To Mot hrt Must erof is iio mU in tnildrr hm ft baiirt and small chiUren. Ask Jor CAi drtn's Musttmle, WASMIVOTOV. Jan. T (AIM Ir;r.i-tif n that alcohol v:i :n mak:f c vrnhe? and lao jers rir? S-e further denatured were 1-m-J XTnda Ky rhthttivn . 'o?i ml .lor -r 1 k r. n . It had t-en repTi-4 to the ma !r,;;.'.r,fr that K:tiyl akxhol vi in thr- manufacture of -arr,ishes ;.nd itv-ur w-a W ar ovnert-.l y K.oUcj;ers anj ued for lr- T1-" order- provvJe thi: to ry lr4 milcitt r-r K'.hyi aii-vh"-! '"' n-ut h aJii (?;;r ci!!on. if df.-tjr-d !d ak-ohcl tri nlK-r.. of normal lEatl ak-ohc!. or :-t.r.J f;i-l ml tr Amvi iNrar. wid lhrt;fht the n irrfd.f n: ViT'u'.J t i th ..-x.r. v r or. famMM &m0A wmm lWn vfml AT REDUCTIONS FROM gg to fo) Our Annual Inventory which has just been completed, leaves us with many items, such as drop patterns, odd pieces, merchandise that has outlived its alloted time on our floors all of which has been grouped to gether and drastically reduced to compel immediate selling. In this group no item lias been reduced less than 25' V many are offered at Half Price For your convenience practically all the merchandise included in this event has been assembled on the west side of our main floor - -AH reduced 25 to 50 EXAMPLE Was Now SI 12.00 ' ')-uH-e Ivory Rei Room Suit? S S LOP S2S5.00 S-piece Walnut Bed Room Suite S142.50 $149.00 Apiece Walnut Dining Room Suite ... Slll.00 S 107.00 G-piet-e Walnut Dining Room Suite . ...S 99.00 S272.50 2-piece Mohair Davenport Bed Su'iet S204.00 S2S5.00 '.'-piece Mohair Davenport Suite -. . S225.00 S142.50 2-piece Tapette Davenport Suite .... .. .8112.00 S 29.50 Odd Walnut Chiffoner . ....S 19.75 8 54.50 Odd Walnut Dresser S 09.50 S 35.00 Solid Walnut and Tapestry Chair S 22.50 S 73.50 Cogs-A ell Chair and Qltoman S-57.00 S 52.50 Odd Overstuffed Mohair Chair S 35.00 S 33.50 Odd Overstuffed Velor Chair S 25.00 15.00 Junior Floor Lamps, ' -j price S 7.50 EXAMPLE ALL BLANKETS 25" OFF Was Now S 39.50 Junior and Bridge Style Lamps v:...S 19.75- S 17.50 Martha Washington Sewing Cabinet 3 12.75 S 27.50 Walnut Tilt Top Table $ 19.75 S 22.50 Wrought Iron Fernery, Decorated $ 15.00 S 27.50 Walnut Occassional Table ...$ 19.75 S 39.50 Decorated Tea Wagon S 27.50 g 24.50 Mahogany Davenport Table : 18.00 S 27.50 Mahogany Console Table S 19.75 S 19.00 Walnut End Table $ 14.00 S 15.00 Mahogany Windsor Rocker S 11.00 S 40.50 1-piece Universal Urn Set S 30.50 S 25.00 4-riece Urn Set 17.50 S 11.00 Wrought Iron Magazine Rack g S.OO S125.00 Orthophonic Victrola, i i price 62.50 All Dishes, Glassware, Silverware, Electrical Applances 25 off CARR FURNITURE COm Eastern Oregon's Largest Home Furnishers Weather Below Zero This Week AtKameIa,0re. j 1 iJ'Tir. M ' .. r .tv! i j ld i '.'.v j, it r f. V.r.s aT:,i : ! iar.S'P. I'rAni is. Mr ;.r;4 Mik i Johr, H.:h .Vr. t. J- Tlio: nir -'"hri Ji,-r::h. who in fr-rm-.n fc-if tiknur r. h.r. 1 AC-:'.;.-. I- )- i--:nc7. :r NyV Or-.. d C-, -r.eiit S.T.:;jr,lny .he Woman Allowed To Sit In The Senate f'Koin cram ntronTs crio iiki. 1 1 Kl V,tATiiV Kl-l .: -.. .'h!T ( Ai t A. ion no tht .rvhrt e-f K irr -r.-Mr.t r.f fs U'. to rorfva'.i'. rt t -La,n th. l"c.i.! vo-ir.t in Is irk -r.-.t .lr..-.r-i r.,t.v ' n . -.r, ..n v iih Uri r" -r.i (:!! :, )e , s!,c-.rt .;n- l,Si- lnlrnvat hCvm l.nir t 'lo T'MiVSTAltT. nnry ( I i - - .e"i 3tiJf.ilT 1 . rcf-,y, ..- -j-!-.l t' horO-tr- t-;k rr".,-. ' ttudnt athletic f hafr purip JrcTiidJfc finny Ariwn'-ar.s n 11 Mr-, . 1 1. Tlribtr I Of ' yii'F ( ir.-pt-.U,l t K.WKI.A ure. Vcod.iy t'.c-rriiiifr at f .': nit-rv w n- tr m K::r. ' f - i ;riii T?i r: ; -it the satrcury f''I" to ft.tir l-- !oh ar-'l he whiii It STi:rHli -:.M3 ly oi the i; ;ir..1 t ia t?1; .1 rwrvi:-s to sv at tt- r.n:. m h ;I .1 n w (V"! - on i ' y . Ali hPl.'.-y t'.,.1 r. r.v rifarr.d t ietr rY.vrr hT.:-.--A-.oiii; the :;a.x- i,i n'-rr U-rr -.rr:',. M J. o-. ;.r.) r-;:-.::v j.r-.l j-t- hiT M'lirr.ric il t:i;.e To.- .uN.-..)-. vrv '- (irJe ot, :,.rd3 n rrlliv :io-r T(7l Mrs 1 "arisen -It Jt.o;;E !H V. t" V rf;rr;-e to tv ,it .o- -1 at N-m i !' - ,. an-I s- n i;m. M -. .ir,,) Tvr. I h-';o of V i-..iNr T-".; - i r, K.-ri'c, Mr. r 1 tn K-tw-l-i on hn 'jy to w: k n Ct-v I it:wi r o,. c;rvind.. Wa-i. Vi!lr.. V-i. 1m Mta y. Hur and li;:vIl- r ! li.- --r: il. -h:;f. r.' ! s- P'.y. , -.'n: JjVsMsv h r in 1 v--r.t K-:--.- ' p-r- -j'.. at:-i.I ''r'r. 'n r-r iy hi.pir hr. the- T-:i;: t te r-n :ft hf r r '"r?" Mr. -r. Mrv J.-fi,; 1. . (i-':i!' on S.":ri v. l!r t. h re. M . Ho. r'..:- Mr. Ti-:a l:i.utor. b ,1 ,Wf r-c. Joft .-nd l-rra;re are sat w o: ij. 1...-. ;-.,? d.- ; t :hff hnie ur.Ky : ' th;- fa.-ru - o. S:!e ! - jr rrs V. Jt..rtt. t r:rt- ! !:t,- of Mvki'v -v ! - j-.: W: ' r --r si-rd- Vrs l:,-.y H. -n Kr.m-'.i on ' ' ' !"" f --f -r !vfir-! ? ver;rr v r " ?- Or t-...e parr.js Mr M- :. Sj. ih-T;-. a v,irri:a t Tx,-se t rt ' O.v TaMtr;. r n-' h-.'i.:rir s T. r'y Vvi-i k I'lnr-' w-rih..r. e..ja ta Kr.--U r re Mr- -r.Ar-? J.--1 .it a J..T-- Vi;--U tf 5. : rt i r-?U-M :" Mis- Hs" vrvi.l i-,r.- h to In ;r.--,r.-- s,, ' ,ir :f er h.-.TfT:i ho .fk here. imilt:-'! ff ar. o,-i i:;f.". i w .-! a:-;s . vv;V;'v' irs Kih ta".-' ;rc-n J ' .-'v 1 .. -a e k t'--.r )".-- er .r.. . H-i).s ' h.- : . i ! t" i". !if" vrr,'3iy $ , WASHINGTON, j .r ? t.: ) Tfs- ditinct.on t-f 1.- c the :.: ..'-iu.n. othr t!.-r. a r: -'-ilr of rco.:'-v, r l J-.: In r a : -.' r. rri t- '.- lla'.her rt-v.i. irl rt r. .; :t on l!.e :..t.,'I i" r W.dn--..?. th- r- -I .-.h.-:.' v rf-riof.-j f.or '--r-r..-.':i' r.-aU-n ar. i S.-rvi.Or W.sls'h M.s vv.ov r.-T.:. .-!;. S r..-ir:irrri :. it Mm SALF.M. Ore.. Jan. I tV) A nts of the :ate prohibition dt-r-srtmen; dstroye-d 355 p lions tf r,.h and lies rllor.s vf liquor d-.:r:nir the m-nth of Icmbfr, -as a re-w.rt f;ls with Oovtrnor N--:h'.vi, hy rrvhtMtloo Commit-i-n.-r Al-vaader. TTrie amenta in 93 arrets. Kin-? tow! antf Joil aeut noes total ; re :J."a diya were iaip"ted. Trn s'.:Ss und thr-e automltilw wrr ; the miiidrf ony of his lip. . . One day last stimnirr Hrh k Owens railed ti third ftriko on hitn. . . . Nt nftorttoon Shirts vi-itod Hrivk i tlio dnssin room .tnd tuib'tr drtted iifriiolf in this wi-: "Mr. 0onn. you mtist ho n jrir:U inn-pi-o or you wnchip't in up her in t!i- h lenirue. 1 -voknn I'ri-d-nt H:;rn:mi uoiil.ln't stnnd for r t'iin-l umplrts. Itv.i, MLstr Owens, whon you niUod n out on th:t third stride ysterd.-iy. 1 don't think your mind waj on v-t:r work." I ' Xegro Colonel Is Sentenced to Jail urn-. i r e or: I f Kj.--l, .v. sst.-r '. t i f X. fits - t. i. ; t-j;: r,J .o ',.1TC. ,Vt:. li 11. . rLV i i w ;:.' .s f Of te " ha w at or. de l.-ata -tv. j ;-r a :. di Li,t ,u -rft-; t O. e.-,Bhert afcd 4i$,,tr h --- hre r.-p tvr---s. rt pfiT - iii'- -i d .?. "v. W. f? ; -fii.'f-Eeit. MTYl Ks tllVs MATCH r"'iTl.Al. Or.. Ji-,. (Ai'i -In ir. of the fa Meat and mot -r-tifift wr-.l;nr,h'-s s?.'-! "T- It iiany jrs. li"h 'r-r-n i'v ront-r.i-r for thf rrV! n?.;SlwttjxM rhamfJcnhit Wir. KM on en of -. ''S here tsiir t. M-y. rs he or'y till or the evf-.irsf i o hi-ir .icd 2i nm.n Ml VOr KNOW THAT' Le-..' LlMje'5 idsjresa w.c te x rt t. t""ljrM irm Grrco. thl yvar aa b-:t th fviiiatiM!. I did not r-nie to r.. -vrMa to faiTL" ... ft w tSr teuieaTi an. humr. a-'ty ?w jft. t?ae !erttr ltertg a ' m,ie IB ChK"fC. . . . Jtf. rre V-i t-wrtSr ,f Cl-4tro tjsed to Jrtef tletrtive t th" riihl. ; . . . rt Shire n.?rer t-!res ' The Food That It t njrvt fcv'. gn, n J prog srf hrnim rj :c (1( -.u.-!, ic- U v:o- hm i K,!,.v it t!-f wwH ercr. -. P,l!-.'!? r"rw v--u.ii im hwrarr. n.i ; J'T". Y-u jc-j tU tniiwVfv..r -ixl;. F.u is tiic cscvpticwi now. ft.'.-cs.a tollct. cn:;y-i!T ? wJ-rr. -i r!HJ. iv-ple fcn-e a-J t rcn:r oin (hccj, deck 's t-T j.H,--pu w h-t ;h. Td . ' --!.Un ..ire vj r-hal they br "J ''" ",. " nv.;T. Th nrju'a i : : u . ,v re .si. . V-. in tsfri ti-s c::vt. tV oow tf.J en-s f(.r a $; l,n nf Nf.r-