La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 20, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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    & (Sranite Eimttttg QDtomr
NUMBER 106 j
Mubel K. Morion, Valley Ntnva Editor
Phones: Residence, 82U-J; Office, Main 87
lv Lovt'ly DlniH'r
Ono of the loveliest dlnimrs or
tho pro-holiday season was the one
Klvon Tuesday evening by Mr. ana
Jli'H, Gilbert Hunter at their homo,
Hunter's lJino, when thoy hud for
th i'ir guests, members of llio Din
ner club.
ThiH club Is u group of friendly
folk living mostly In the Moan
(impel and I own districts, who
huvo been mooting regularly for
several : yours. Tho dinner was
Horvoil in several courses, tho six
toon guests being seated at four
small tal)leH, und tho decomtion.-
being in perfect accord with tiio
(ihristmus season. After dinner,
lj'uvo on Ti-i Dinner (jurats
Mr. und Mrs. I. K. Chenault ni' j Mr. and .Mrs. C. H. lildwell of
tho Valeria district left thiB week Island city guvo a dinner ut their
on a trip which will consume the I homo Wednesday evening when
next few months. They went from they had for their Apodal guestsj nroachlng winter months. This
imn tiling mm iu j All'"" i'H. UI1U ,W 13. A. IV. iLUIIier Ol I Al
whero they will bo guests of Mrs. Itirando and their son and duugh
ChenauU's daughter. Alter their I tcr-in-ln w, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
stay in Calll'orniu they will go up j Hunter, and Wr Wray Luwreiiee,
into .Washington und visit at the j o -
homo of Mr. (Mienuult's brotlior in;ur(v 'j'i,js iycnliitf
Seattle before returning- homo. Tn6 nR1'niu'lVH of tnt) AvH jublo
. ""0 ' (class of tho Island City Commun-
llas rinc Cow iiy church will have a politick
Klvyn Hunter, of near Wallowa,
prominent dairyman of Wallowa
J county. Is very proud of a cow
I U'Mfh lw 1i,ih In Mu ln.rr which u
tew hours wore spent at penochle. - t,1(i ollly dllUfflu,.r of viola's liinda
Mr. una Mrs. August i-.ricsson m.v H(,nH,nnn, WOVe:ir,
supper this evening at tho church
Union Farmers
Start Off On
Dairy School
Karmora interested especially in
dairying, und living in tho vicinity
of Union mot Wednesday ovenlng
for tho second in tho serica of ten
classes to be held during tho up
claws Is being held under tho uus
pices of the Smith-Hughes depart
ment of tho Union high school,
with tho Instructor, Prof, Cecil It,
Griggs directing tho work. This
project Is In keeping with tho pol
icy of tho Smith-Hughes work,
which alms to be of practical ser
vice to tho individual communi
ties. Such departments all over
tiot be able to be here fur Christ
mas. This was something ' which
had beer, looked forward' to by the
entire family and by their friends
an well. Mrs. H rooks started for
home, hut was detained at Havana
for some reason not yet known by
her relatives here.
M km June Conrad, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Tod Conrad of neur
Inibler is recovering very nicely
jk a snecinl eomniimont to Mi. I te ""o o conducting inoso
and Mrs. Kddle Blokland who are ! schools of instruction, covering a
moving to their new home near I variety of subjects, but tho major
Lostlne. Tho ovenlng will bo spent ' HV Im' studying dairying. At Jm
Hoclallv. and in nreimrlmr tho . course which was just
old .Jersey heller which on tho last j treats lor. tho children of the Sun. ul"i"-'u covurcu pouury
day of "November ut independence. Jday school. The Kpworth League The work ut Union was hnndl
Omgon, established a new wurldjof this church will give a pageant capped in the beginning by the
record for senior two-year-olds ofjnt tho church Sunday evening ut weather, but Mr. Griggs is expect
Uie Jersey breed, following a 36:- the regular League hour. I lug that when tho work is resumed
day official test. Mr. Hunter's anl-I o littler the holidays tho altondanco
mal. "Tristiun St. 'Mawes Lottus," In (cresting ami Interested twill bo quite large, and tho sup-
will bo- out on official tost as soon ! Union county boasts of many port 1 per cent inusmuch as
as she freshens this month. Tho residents who have reached unite ) dairying Is a lino which is recelv-
mother, which made the record, advanced years, pioneers most of j tug very great prominence at this
nine, i nero is no mo connccieu
willt the school and all interested
a re 11 rged to at to ml , M r. G rlggs
Ko far. the attention has been
centered on the problem of feed
ing and such good feeders us Mr.
Vogei. . Mr. Kdvulsim. and others
have contributed much to the pro
gram. The classes are conducted
after the fashion of round-table
und may bo of groat benefit to
those participating.
winning first honors. The next
meeting of (ho club will be in two
weeks at the home of Mr. und Airs.
J.oren Tucker.
Have Disappointment
Mr. and Airs. Sain Williamson
and their family woro consider
ably disappointed a few days ago
when they reeolved word that
their daughter. Mrs. Wade Hrooks, I produced Hi. 738 pounds 'of milk i them, who have watched this see
wno lias ne.en living in uuoa wouiu and UiiG.DU pounds of Ijiillorfat. inon ol trie state change anu nn
ut- prove through decade after decade,
i i There is none more interested than
Mrs. Aluiiru l'carson who lives at
N'nHll lftwilf V..,.- Vn..i-u .Intf 111-.
try t.'Iub district Is quite well I again " hS specla, si(rnlfi(.anei.
for Mrs. I'eai-son, hut none mnro
so than the one just approaching
William Schroede
Mr. tJchroedir Is quite advanced in
years. t but came hack remarkably
afterlthlH illness.
Dinner Guests -
.Mr. und Mrs. Charles Sanderson
pf Dry Creek had for dinner guests
from her recent operation for np- Sunday at their homo near San
derson Springs. Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne l'ark. Mr; and Mrs. John
Wagoner Knd sons, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Woodll, and Glbbs Wag
oner. -
on which Mrs. Icarson will bo Hit
years old.
(Continued on I'ago Ten)
pondicitis although she will not re
turn to her school work yet.
1'ractures Hilis
Hob Mastorton of Cove avemid
met with an accident last Satur-j -
dy whihi loWlnK which rosultol :.,., ,; ,.,);,.
in the fracture of a number ol ; ,., n,r
iro not ! . r . . .
ciuu was organized Kaiurday at niC'
i homo of the leader, Lester IJlok-
land. near island ('Uy, wllh sK.
mt'mbr'rs enrolled and a prospect
for additional members within the j
noxf few weekH. 'liio i-liih worked '
ivory successfully last yc;ar with
five members. Herbert Hlokland
3-ibs. While tho injuries are not!
serious, liiey are painful and
would have necessitated a few
days lay-off in outside work.
Camp Fire Girls Meet
Members of the Tapawaki Cninp
Kire group at lieasant grange held
u very uiiertiiiiB h ... 0,(.nl(,rt n,Ut. Mi.n1.1 'm.
day at tho home of Miss ftludel no j jrlcki yco AUon Wns
Oliver .in Dt:y .Creelt. . lliQ K-rff?cr4)UiPy.. lister JtlbklahoT It-hdor.
Rpent tho major part or the tlmoiTho otl)(.p niemlj(!ril an. AltIV( hn(l
working on the blocks for the , Gpne niokllul(1 an(1 Ijloy(, Mil)
quilt whlcii they are making. liTh,8 iH thc firHt nvi,slo(.k cInb lo
Ava Woodell. assistant jeo . for lhc y, Ar-H wo,.k an.,
will have the girls at hor home maMnK Un earlier str-rt. 'the
1 ne naiumay iuu'i nwn -
Chrlstnius for tho next meeting.
, members believe they can show
I better results next fall when tin
' , Icinb year is over.
May tectum Mmmlay ,
Letters from Mrs. W. O. Slir- I 0
wood of the sldehill road who has j X Quite rinlshed
been In I'orlland the lust few j It is reported that two or threes
weeks consulting specialists, slato : days at the most would ave. boon
that she may possibly be home tho enough to have seen tho Improve
first of tho week. Cecil Sherwood. Intents on tho Dry Creek road
son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood, and; ready for winter. ' ho bridge, over
star athlete ut O. S. C. has boon
homo for about a couplo of week.s
recuperating from the injuries
which he received during the foot
ball season.
0 improvement is a part of tho pro-
Communltv Tree I w hich when completed will
A community Chrislmas treejSive an additional seven miles of
will be the big card at Island City ! market road to the residents or
next Tuesday evening, to which j that section in the north end ot
all Island City residents are in- f tli county. Much of tho prelimin
vited. The affair is being arranged jury work has been done and conn
In the church and tho school, tho i officials believe lhat the re
sehoot children under tho dlreet!6n ! maindor of tho work, will easily
of tho teachers,, furnishing tho J l,e accomplished next year,
program. The hour is announced j 0
at 7:!iO o'clock. 1 Inlliato lurgo Class :
o At the regular met-ting of I ho
the oreek in its now bod, is com
pleted. The county's big crane
was moved over vo Art Hebron
place v here tho gravel will he se-
; cured to surface tho roar I. This
Coming I'or Holidays
Miss Kdlth Drown,
Odd Fellows at Kummervillo Sat-
studont at urday evening a class of six can-
Oregon Stale college is expected to
arrive In the valley this evening
for a visit nt. the home of her
niece. Miss Holly Juno lawrcnoe
didales was given tho Initiatory
work,' (,'laudo Woodell, Albert
Klefer, J avid Sanderson, Krnost
I'un-h, Zack J'ugh, anil Datus
ut Island City. Hetty .lane and hop CoaUlln. After tho meeting, the
mother were counting on being i Uebekuhs sprung a surprise on llio
bio to leave thc Grande Hondo;
hospital today and (hero will no
doubt be a happy family reunion
at (lie Lawrence house. Mrs. Lawr-
men by going in with some ' di
lleious baskets of food suppl
men ting the oysters which the
men themselves hart arranged for.
once Is also expecting her parents j The Itebekahs met Wednesday evo
to eoine from tho other valley forjnlng and Initiated Hurley Mc
Chrlslmns. Donald of Pumpkin Hidgo,
Special Fruit and Vegetable
Features for
Saturday - Monday - Tuesday
New Crop Valencias,
Size 252, 2 doz 75c
Size 200, 2 doz 85c
2 Quarts 39c
Sweet Potatoes
3 Pounds ..: 25c
Utah Celery
Crisp Bleached Bunches, each 15c
A complete assortment of other season
able fruits and produce.
Within tho week, wo have been 1
asked for some favorito fruit cake I
recipes. In most instances such re-1
el pes ai'o just a little bit late for
this year. The recipes are given
j nowever, anu inity ou mm-u iui
m"M. mminier ur mil, ur n;in;vri
the family Christmas cukes are
made. '
Wlilto I-Yult CuRu
One-half cup butter.
Ono -cup sugar. ,
Ono-hulf cup milk.
Two cups flour.
Three level . teaspoons baking
Ono-fourth level teaspoon salt.
; One-hulf qup raisins. .. , . ,
Ono-fourth cup fine sliced cit
ron. One-half cup blanched chopped
J almonds. .
I 'Four egg whites.
Cream butler and sugar, add
ft our mixed with baking powder
and milk alternately. Take; out two
tablespoons of flour out of the two
cups and mix with tho fruit. Now
add tho fruit and mix thoroughly.
Add well beaten egg whiles last
and bake In a greased paper lined
loaf pan for ono hour and twenty
minutes at 30 degrees F.
Seok-li Fruit Cake
Ono pound butter.
Ono pound light brown sugar.
Ten eggs.
One-half cup molasses.
Four and three-fourths cups
flour (hard wheat).
Ono teaspoon soda.
Three teaspoons baking powder.
One-half teaspoon cloves.
One teaspoon cinnamon.
Two teaspoons nutmeg.
One-half cup sour milk.
One-half cup heavy fruit juice.
Four cups raisins.
Two cups currants.
Ono cup chopped citron.
Ono cup candied pineapple.
Ono and one-half cups candied
cherries. ,
One cup blanched whole ul
mondss. , 1
Ono cup chopped pecans.
One-half cup candled orange
One-half cup candied lemon
One-half cup candied peaches.
One-half cup candied apricots.
Ono cup daleH chopped.
('ream butler and sugar, add
well beaten egg yolks. Sift flour,
soda, baking powder and spices
Ihreo times and arid to creamed
mix tu 10 alternately with sour
milk, molusKos und fruit Juice.
Chop fruit and flour It with part
of the above flour. Add currents,
raisins und almonds whole, pecans
chopped. Fold in the stiffly heal en
egg whiles. Hake in oven, 75 de
grees F., for three and one-half
hours or until 11 straw comes out
I toys I Fngllsh Fruit Cako
One-half lb. butter.
Onc-hair lb, sugar (white).
Six eggs.
One-half lb. flour.
Throe-fourths teaspoon salt.
One. .teaspoon allspice.
Ono teaspoon nutmeg.
One-half teaspoon mace.
Ono and one-hulf teaspoon cin
namon. Ono-hulf lb. oil ron.
Ono lb. seeded ..raisins. ' - .r r
One lb. currants.
Two ouncos candled orange peel.
Two ounces candied lemon pool.
One-halt cup preserved cherries.
One-fourth cup orange juice.
Ono-fourth cup grape juice.
Juice of ono lemon.
. Almonds ami red and green
maraschino cherries for garnish
ing. Cream butter and sugar, add
beaten egg yolks. Put tho raisins,
candled orange and lemon peel
through food chopper. Mix 'flour,
salt and spices and add to tho
fruit mixture and add it to the
first mixture. Add preserved fruit
and fruit juices. Mix thoroughly.
Heat egg whiles and fold Into the
prepared mixture. Grease two (Jix
4 Inch) paper lined pans or uso
one largo on. Now. put a half
Inch layer of tho do;igh In tho pun
and spread evenly with a layer of
thinly sliced citron, add another
layer of dough and citron until the
dough and the half pound citron
has been used, having dough foe
tho top layer.
On top of tho cako arrange
whole blanched almonds und rot
and green cherries in a conven
tional flower or other attract ivo
I'lace cako in oven and bake at
T 0 degrees for four hours, longe,
If larger pan is used. This cuKm
weighs five pounds when baked
and will kep Indefinitely. (No
baking powder or soda is re
fill I red).
Fiah With Wings and Fint
Tho htillorlly fish from West Af
rica luivo largo wings as well its
llns, and jump Hiroo or four fool
out nf the wilier, Ihen nlijrht and
glide along tho surfaeo. It is a fa
vorite sport nu Hie West coast lo
shoot nt lliein with revolvers, but
they nrn seldom hit.
Summing It Up
Strength of chnracler may ho said
to consist of two things, power of
will and power of self-restraint.
One Oold Star mother, who re-
Istfh's In I'ninM county has signified
1 ln-r denire and Intention to accept
1 1 lie InvPaliim of tho government
' of 1 he l.'nited Stales and visit the
'grave of her son in France. Th;s
; is Mrs. Mary Kelley of Cove, whoHu
'son, Charles U. Kelley, was a pri
vate iii Iiattery F, Fifth Fhld Ar
1 llllrry. und buried at Kuresueh,
j Mrs. Kelley Is a long Mint: resident
of the Cove und now makes Imr
home tln-ro with her son, tho pro
prietor of the drug Htore and hei
duiighli r, Uliss Bohso Kelley. Oilier
mot h'-rs of this section who an.
'eligible to a place on tho trip are
! Mi-k. Julia lleesou of,
; mother or Harry C, Iteeson and
j Mrs. Anna Nolan, of lostlm,,
'molher of Albert W. Kdwardn.
, Mrs. lieeson Is as yet undecided
' about tho trip, while Mrs, Nolan
has expressed a desire to go wltli
the party next year.
It in reported that iUO wearer
.of gold stars In Oregon and Koulh
jwewt Washlnglou have derided lo
; take (he I rip. In Oregon. t,:i have
expn-swd their desire to go next
year, 22 prefer to go !at-r, IS are
iMtlll -indecidod anil 21 have founa
jit lmpOMihk to cross the wnlein.
The Aiii'-rieu n war cf-melerles
which will bo vlnib'd on Ihe cxpe
jdltions are located at ihe Meuse
lArgonno, Aisrie-.Marne. Oise.-AiHii.
ISt. Mlhii'l. S'omitie and Ktiresnes, (i!
j France; Flanders field In Jielgfum;
jand Itrookwood in Knglnnd. It Ik
jsnld Hint there are more soldiei
from this part of the t niled Klat.s
j hurled In the Metis -Argonnc thun
In any other cemetery.
In arranging for the trips, con
gress set the time limits of May I,
IHKO to October 31. l!33. and gave
the mothers or widows their choice
nn to tho year. It Is said that the
majority of those who feoi thoy i
) xft .vtTli f jams CAKt&,A H ,Jt?x&$T?
Clu-iKlmas time is "goodie" timo us well ns gift time. A nd what a treat is in store for you at MACMARR'S! For
months our trained buyers have searched the world's b est markets for the most desirable items for Yuletide.
These seasonable items are now here in abundance awaiting your selection. So do your .Christmas food buvinir
early at MACMARR'S.
YULETIME OFFERINGS Saturday, Monday, Tuesday
JELLO All Flavors, 3 packages ... . .. .. .... ......... .. 23c
WALNUTS-Diamond Brand No. 1 Fey. California, 2 lbs 55c
BRAZIL NUTS-"Niggertoes" Nice and Fresh, 2 lbs 33c
M. J. B. COFFEE-1 pound tin . , . . ....... . . 49c
POPCORN Fancy Jap Hulless, 6 pounds . ... . . . . . . . .,, v . .,49c
Libby's No. 21. Can
2 for 43c
Libby's extra fancy No. 2' tins
2 for ..33c
3 lb. glass jar . . . ; .... . . . ... 53c
A good heavily tinned baking pan
FREE, with each purchase.
lib. tin.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..29c
MacMARR FLOUR, 49-lb. Sack $1.75 Barrel.. .... .... ..$6.89
SLICED PINEAPPLE-Libby's No.2 tall can-2 for .... . . .... 4QC
PIMENTOES-For salad decoratiori, 2 4-oz. tins . . . . .. . . . . . . . 23c
SHIIIMP-Gulfkist Brand No. 1 tins,2 for ............ . . ... . . 29c
WALNUT MEATS-California Standard Ambers, lb. .y 55c
MacMarr Coffee
lb. .
3 lbs.
... 45c
Swansdown Cake
Large package ...... 35c
Powdered Sugar
5 lbs. 39c
Ground Chocolate
lb. tin 35c
Plum Pudding
Crosse & Klackwoll or.lleinn
16 oz 29c
Brown Sugar
3 1-lb. pkgs 25c
Carnation Milk
Tall cans, 3 f or 27c
Christmas Mix Candy
2 lbs 25c 5 lbs. ..1...59c
Broken Mix
Assorted Large Pieces
2 lbs
Fancy French Creams
2 lbs 49c
Peanut Brittle
2 lbs 33c
Chocolate Drops
Assorted flavoi-s Sugar cream centers
2 lbs 33c
I)e Luxe Chocola t es
J lolly Decorated Boxes
2V-i lbs 79c
5 lbs. $1.49
A fine clean, high grade assortment
2 lbs. 45c
Fancy fresh churned Creamery
2 lbs ..83c
Grape Juice
Church's A Northwest product
Pint Bottle 25c
Market Day Raisins
4-lb. bag ..... ..............29c
Christmas Wrapped makes a
splendid gift.
Half or Whole, lb 29c
Best Foods' Products
Pint Jar :.38c
New Salad Dressing
12-oz. Jar ...20c
Del Maiz Fancy Golden
No. 22 cans 35c
; w
can go, have decided eti next year,