Tuesday, December 17, 192!). ft LA Pag Five m Local News In Brief Itoy Si'inus Knjoy Hike i Box Seoul troop No. ii onjnvi if a hilt'1 l a poi nltiitit ihree mllesj over I'hk Hill, with ahum w .oi j them making iho nip. - A large 1 If roll hiked lo thf Spot .SltinvdilY 1 morning Ih charge, of Whotlrmv j iHMherell. In 1 lift evening .they j were mined bv I'l'nll kocheim- ; parget' and Itnrvey Carni. who 1 m- swpei-vl,ojl - tlic on, lug., Lame; VtfH enjoyed ami nhi using ffkrt a, joll.v Htnri(-H were emuied p mi 1 I'.; told around Ihe oauipflre. Kitrller Wj Saturday h"iuo.oI' ihe buys passed H.uhdny morning, repelling that thft rnadr wore muddy unit rather $ irm wuuowu -Air. mid .Mrs. c. A. Hunter, i.f IfvAydllowa. are spending tho day. in f ;ijy-.tirande on butdnej.s, .Mm, Hunl- ' cr arrived thin morning from Wul lown accompanied hy Mrs. Floss Hood it ml Mi'. J. McLean. , Mr. Jliinii't- returned on N'. -1 from a trip lo I'ortliinil. smppiut; hero to Hp4rtd thi' day. ; They will return lU'ftl" tiiis ovi nintf. .'. 1'IVtJVlllllOlOlt If ' VVlU'"' t'lJ'f bee' Ocitrieh recently I'L.VejM toTendleton where she joined half, husband-- and they continued E.$ 'tS'Jportland together. Mfcu. Molt- TJ!p expects to return Wednesday ' Imiovhm . ,71 1'H. Lowell, Williamson Ik I111- ! jirflviny: after a threo u-oolis illnf-ftf. Hhfe in at homo. 1 ... "" JcHuvtivd lo IVmllt'tnii ,nf' Jkl r. and .M i-m. (ToiKtl 6 an.son tUi'iied to thi'ii- Iionip In fondK-ton jtft'r sptMHihiff the weekend viHji. Injf Me., and Mw, O.' 10. Cudo and family. IIJIVO ItCltUIH'll Kir. anl -Mrs. Carl fonhan liavo rt'tiiriu'd from a weekend t rip to ?ijH1nnI and I ' una t ilia for hiiHi neiis arid pleu.Htire. ' k ' . 1-Xmi Not I -a he vjohn. H'etflund, of ll'ot J.ake, was ln.v'1 ft ru ndo yesterday on hust MUt'.. OA Uiiwhiess .''''jfi'Imer-y- Howell was in I .a CJramle yfyStorday; lrannaetlnK biisilieHs. His Ipatne iH ai Aleaehatn. v. ,,V ' - J'Vnm J'orilaml ;:Jacob,' 'I'liinchell, eon tract a r, of IbYtlaiWb, spelt;. yestCnlay in l.a ! Qfoindo, i(t .biishieKH.: Ue is at pfipseju -.(11 ployed in , const rai't ion ; vj6rk at 'HuiitinKt'm,''" , j ':' ' ' ' lirvvc to 01th INmiler i-Jt. l- (lodet di-oveio North Jow- 1 yesterday mornin?? on a Inisi- fu inp. . - vr' lpbit Itotnntpd . -VMisa Annetta Jfdinson has re tuVned to hei- work after a week's Coining WEDNESDAY THURSDAY ''.il VS. .. A t Sflcct ilaplione . Vk. Ac-Is GRANADA STABT0 Today The Musical pit:"""' Plus rhina Nite" V0v the UuV.es Ann TnlkinR Comooy -socM. e;BS" AU Slav C Vacation spent In Portland visiting leluiiveVi and li'lends. Ttt SOiuhtMii i alliurniit Mr. ami Mih, (.iron I'. Warner and two daiiKliieiH are having lain wetik on .their way tn Southern : ( 'alii orn hi wlittre tliev will Hpt-nl ! tin wlntor. i r perluipa loimer.. . i-niiilios nil . - ;t llnitKoo was re leaned 011 lur niHiiiiiK sfiM hall yesterday. He hup: niTentet overMif weekend lor pufOHhion C lit,i nor. At lend Mcoilnu Carl Helm. Hill Howard. Marl in Swansoa ami John Arkell ilrrivi to , I'endleion vesierdav where they 1 aticmled a inoptlnpr of Kiistfirn tlroj?(n pPace offleerM. . I'mcllcp l'oKtpoiu'd 'I ho reKhlai' rohonrsal of , thf irtttniefpal hand will he hold to-;, morrow .niffht instead of toiilKhl heeaiiHO of the Mlks ilanro, nins Is-siM- 'lhe K'llvalion Armv will ho pro Kontlni?;, the tiiristmaH .number ,of tho War fry to thn publte Hiik w(kek. i api. ami .Mil JaeliHon nri anxlouB that, oaeli individual ho ettro a copv of Huh numher. Ii oontaiiiF Inn-rOHlInK and lm.'.ruotive lorleK and drtlrh-s hy leading writ er;!, which tiro' In keeping with ilo season . ; . r ,,t Oti'H In AiTldont ... .. v Car.M driven by X. J. Havhl.son, of 1'nVtlaml. iiml 'l irr Oailher we're in a, triiffle acoidonl at tho epnier of ; WuHlihiKton and Dopot yeHtt-r-day, acennlltiS" to ropoiV-s imulf to Hie pollee. No one wan injure'. Married lleiiw . Klmor Mrown and A.leiie Moore, both of I Inker,' were married hero Saturday afternoon by Justice of Tehee I,. Denham. i . .MrtiTlane lih-ense .'A iiiarriaRn license was issued Saturday at the county clerk's of fice to Orval Itumeu, of Maxvillei am) (irnce Thompson, of Kljfin. lonslt Operation t'lll'ford AlKtoit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Itay .A 1st oil. who underwent 11 l-eeeiit oiteralion for the removal of his tonsils ami adenoids, is re ported to lie improving IHi)rov!mr Miss l.iHKlu "Schubert. Wlio. Hiif fetnd a broken anl'le- about ollU weeks ajjo, 'K exported lo be al)Ie to walk without 'eriitches the latter pai-v of tills S:eek. The. p:tU has been J'.ejtipyei.l , Iteturnel lo In (ramh Misw Aline StiuiKe roturned to ha Grande - this weekend from , hej vork :ai..lhe I'niversity" of Orejfoii bi'eaitse ol'.lllnesH. . '. I.envr Here Ijtsl of Week .Mr. and .Mrs. K. U. Ueed expect ARCADE Soimtt & Dialogue MIDNIGHT TAXI ANTONIO MORENO HELENE C0STEIL0 MYRNAtOY WILLIAM RUSSfll Now Pluying . WILL ROGERS 'THEY HAD TO . SEE PARIS" 1WALTER CATLETTf 43 ($1 ! ' I Wwfe- UPON A T1ML i) u m m tt 11 d e r John H. Tow cm was hurled from a 'buck in K Hcuplune 1TU0 feel ubovo C )i e a p e uke Day, without n ptmuliule, und II veil .to he the olUobt flyer in tho "navy In poiutof nervico. It liupperied in 1013 j to leuvo tho laM of tlitn week ori I their way to ItcedAport- wlioro Ihoy i will npend t'lirhimaK vlBithiK Mr. 1 and Mjv. I-Jd ' l-'ord, Torilier . resl I .lento of this eiiy. r . - I Houk! for (he MoUiluy ' V; ; Mi:, Kdith Khell haw returned tiv-lt (fnitide tn Mpend -the .Chrifd piilM holldaysi with her parents. , . ' H'tiiriK'd lo Montana . v Trs. Thilitp Ibiwlev, who was called to Orejfon hy the illness of her sister, M vs. lorrest Scrojrtjln, hah returned to her home In Ureal Falls, -Mont. f.; , ' I'tOiii .Menehain - - : (Mr. and M rs. A. l Kodlee, lr.( and Mrs. ti. I:.' Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newell, all of Meaehnm, ar rived in l.a tirande this morning 10 spend tin day. . - '. lEefiirned (o Work Italpli !). HyerH. has returned to Ills desk in the railroad offices aft ol' a week's Illness. '. Mr. liyoYrf is assistant chief rlorii.V : -v. ' At I Ionic M'i-s. Gi-anl Hean and daiiKhler have K'ne homo from: the (irande Hondo hospital. . HI in l.a (.ruuilp Mrs. Harry IMass; of HllKard.. -1" ill at Iho home of . M'rH. . 1 oiivet" Charlton. " ' luliro in tr , ! W Ia Wheatley, who fractured ! hi1 hip some time ao. Is rejjorted to. lie Improving rapidly. ! hi fJooil CoiiiliHon I William . SelRrist is reported' to j bo in tfnod coiiilltlon followinj;- an appendix operation. , ! To I'.hlill Uioorird Scolt. .wont (n KlKln (Ills 1 mtirtiiliM', wIutc lies evpt'elK lo Ktsiy ' ort -hl:. ralu-'ll .llH'l- tint CI lihrtiil I 'lu-lstjiiil'H llllll.'. Olt iLlt.SilHVXK . 'Jli. ('. II. Klcklhi. - of llimtins (011. -spout --this motiiin 'lntwitii ti.tiiiiK In Lit (.Inindo on lininosH. Ill'io 1'or Iho Dny I I'MIsi: Vimlnln Perry, .ot linker, 1 Ih .spondins lodny in Clnindo : visit inw Itof BlHtop, .Mm H, G. f'olc- innn.vittnl lift liioth-!', .Mrs.. I.. ! I't i-ry. All.su 1oi,t-y In n formor j rosl.lotl: of Hi in olty. ' ; . " ' ' f;rii:i:.i.iui.' wins toiaV DKI'liOn'. Dor. .17 (AD -; Italpli Clrocnlonf, I'ornior-tlllolloliI ft. wort ItiM. Illlli vlotorv 'in thp wurlii'd chntiiploiiHlilp pookot blll itil'ii toiil'nniilont lhl afternoon by dofoatinjf liHqunio Nntniio of Do ': troll., 12s 'io lit, In oit'lit: Innings, llroonlonf liad an unflnlHliori lilgh 'run of. fil. Tin nlllHod tllo,.K.'itim ; Huh .ni'iornooii wild a, I'ttn ,ttf jntlilinK itrto hi.H unfllliHltod roll ol 1 1 2t; liiHt nliritt. ' ' ' ' 1 rut &jzsr?i f. .,Y- ttyts&''l': 7 JOHN H, T "HMOS Odd Fellows Hold Big Meet Here Last Night HitfhjL perHonn beeam Hifit do Ki'pp ineinhorH of I he Odit IMlow lodk'o last uventntr al a special nieelltiK in the I. O. O. i temple, with about tit In attendance. Two of iheiu, . ttnlph StrltiKhiuii and Union J Durkee, both of La Urnhde, participated in the Inltlut ory work, und then , received Hie first dPKrcc, alontr with Pluudo H. Wooilell, Albert Keopcr, lui(n t'oaktiu, l. 1a SuiulorHon, Zack titth, and Krriest Hutfh, . nil of Siimmcrvillo, , 1 ' l-'ollowiuf? lodn an onlorlalti ineiit ami banquet was Klvon, ul which M iicle" Jimmio IV Void ell, uwner of a fifty-year Odd t'Ml low medal, bilked on tho lirOffreMA of the ornnnlzutlom John Wutfunor, of Siitiuiiervlllc. spoke oh the J'hi ternai henefiiH, inrutiotilajc Hie homo and charily work of tho or ganization. Mehibcrs of tho JU bekuh loilpe assisted In Iho bah qtict. Ah Invitation wan oxtonded by the Huinmcfvtllf me tn hers to tho local ffroup to assist them lit con ferrhiK- the third dejfreo work,: l)ce. is, whou a hirKC crowd ot .thc or fTaufKiition iiiemhprH Is expected 16 attend. Those rece-lviiif 'dercen Inst evening will bo tim-onen tit partleipalo lh tho dog-ren work ul Hie Kunlmefvllie mooting. CATHERINE CREEK ltv. 10. II. Allies lOhsvrver f'ori'espohdont CA'lllKltlNIO CK10KK .(Special) I ho rirouirlit of many -weeks duration was broken Monday and Tuesday when n flue lain fell und to further add to the delight - of the farmers tho weather lias 'fe-4i mained pleasant. . ' ' ' I , Mr. and Mjrs. S. Klnssbiiry 1 made a trip to I'nion last Salui day. : , -' . '' Arthur -M'ondy and. family made a trip to l.a Orahdo last Satut'ilay. Miss l'rances tiodsey sfieiit ho.v-j oral days at, the home Of Kd I'TcUle j litis week. ' , ' ' - Mrs. .K.' K. Miles npont , -Hurt j Thursduy visItlnK at tho homo, of her brother, V. J. Ureeu, of I'niotu j ( Air; .iuitl .Mrs.": Kd ' Mhos frere j lileasanUy inrprlsud .last Saturday iilKlu. when about CO of their ! friends arrived ul their Jioine about ! S o'clbek and .spent the evenimv ! danciiiK. liainty refreshments were, served late In the oveniuy. ., ' lien Mlondahl Is haulhu? ' timber! front the hills for posts. . ' ' The farmers of this district who are. members of the I-'armers Co-! operative C'l-eamery ' company, of Knstorn Oregon turned out I'M! per- coni to attend the annual inoetiim' held at the, K. 1'. hall la lTnion on Wednesday. ; Mrs. V. l;. 1-leUte was In t'tilon on business on Wednesday of Ibis Mr. and Mrs. V. I-;. Klcklo. and Arthur liivdck .made a trip lo Hot Lake. Thursday afternoon .lo visit It (die rt Huslek who recently under went 'an.' operation, iiiev report him to be recovering rapidly Which is Kod news to Hobert'H many friends and nelahbors of (his vicin ity. ' S. IHLLIAItH IIIHOHH 1U0THOIT. Midi.. leo. 1 4 (AI1) -r-A new world's record for hljfh run and best sanuviis well, as for the fastest i'limp ever played i'tfa world's championship pocket bill iard tournament Is In tho posses sion of Krwin Itudolpli of Chicago today. ' Another mark, that of an averiitfo of. I!h72 for af points made In three. 'Ktilueft also fs ptal in ert for this Beiisationul euelst who defeated spencer Lelaoinupiitipt 2 defeated Hpthcer LIvsey of Los An feeles, by to a jtilhUft two m four InnihKs In the Ileereallon buliditifc- last nljflit. Uudnlph mudo an uiiflnishtd high run of 111, breaking the mark'of TOl made by ltalph Oreenleaf affalnst Jei-ome IveoKli. In 1 024. It also broke the best game mark of five Innings, which .was held Jointly by.: four other players. He equalled the five inning maidc against Jiisf-ph J. Mo Cann In hit4 second game. ' Jtudoiph also claims the rto.rd( or speed, running out tho' 12.1 points 'in a7 mlnutert.. ''.;;. Two Moose Remain In Lane County ;1'OT:n"K, Ore. CAP) TVo of tho moose liberated in western Lnno eounty several years ago by the stale game cottimlsflon still Inhnbit the section, uceordihg to the animal census report of "the Siuslaw national forest, Iepreda tloiiK of tho moose were reported at first upon thelf liberation and farmeis in the lexion were IndlK nanr. Oi late, however, no report of tho moose, was heard and game warden were beginning to believo tlu-y liad vanished. Korest rang ers lb ed the two mooso us pres ent fn the forest. In addition to the two nioowo. I hero were T,:j'J5 black tall deer. l!7il elk and 4HH bfown hear In the forest this year. fid MEN ARE ENTOMBED IN 1 COAL MINE (f'ontlnued from Pogo One) Whether nhy of tho mJhCrff were ktlb-d outright. Inn not been learned. Fear wnn exprcsned that few of the entouibe.t men would be found alive beeauto of the potsoiirtiw gusen w hich wen; believed 'o liavo cpread through the mine following the blurt. Th body of Frank Parker, of KrHip, a mining enylner. who wan not with other men, was brought from the, mine shortly after the oxploslon. ITrat word of The dlnauler was bronchi out by two miner, Chftrl0 Abe Martin One would think that a Ktvut hi if hmliiy nation like ours, with fa ituilHiless Ktateineu, ; w rltei s nit'; Itmiilors, wraiHl I Inure out Homo nllior wity lo Im'Iji tluv TarnH rr iopl hy loAiilir hint money. "I rton t, Ih Ucvo I'd . like lo live In Htvrtt llf Jakcy New York whert Hie) ro Kni'ii enmiuh to av $$ in fww a nrnvlh' idclut-r," sjihl rm lohfiflld and . Jon ' Orlrfin. The iwv. who worn afiun feet ilowiCflio Htrtpe.f said ithev were driven out by smoke from; Hm- explosion wlljc.lu; they, Huld occuifrcd,, aiiiO I'eet down the stope,. where niosl bl iho inlners were worklnK--! I hreo AiHMimietl lr Sixty-nine ineh were Known lo liavo Konp io wont in tim mmo this ninrnliif,,; only three of thise liad been accounted fdr at 1 p. hi., W'roOkaKC. In Ihe mljie ami the dangei' of .polHonoUs ksscs slowod tin. work-of. reseue crews as they attempted to' reach Oie bal-rler which ImjirlHoned Hie mem Many houis. It wan otf Imalcd. would be required to. dlK through 'tho bar-'b'1'- ' . . ' ,r: ' ', . A crowd of. several hundred or .ons. manv of them aUNioiiH wives Und children of .the entombed men, had gathered at thiamine ent I'nnoe. ; Hereatiis' . of , the women pierced the-alras, the rescue work Veiitv forward. ' - r. ( auso t tikliowik Cause (if the o.plosion ltnd, not been ' determined. 1 The m(ucrs worked with elertlrlc lhmp. ' i '"Tlio. 'mine, .forinorly- known ok the Little Itoleii, is one of the Old est' coal .properties, It liuvhiir been opened before statehood, ;lt Is what la known as a "slope" - mine, ! filnnlliitf from tho entrance for .a 'distance of : !i6n 1 feet. At That point thorc 'iK' a level rhninhor or 1st) feet which Kradgntcs into tin other stopo 'Of 240it re'et.; . i 6mciujH ot tlte" )id"l"o.drn-; pii nyrri'f U (Mif n i re 1 1 flwTWrtxirfcfy Aon.', - -V it -WK Keller work Vas helriK oranlxei hv lied Cross workers. . v Miller H. Hay. state mine inspec tor, wan reported on his; way hero front Oklahoma City by automo bile. . . ' OFFER $1 00,000 FOR CAITURE OF REPUTED KILLER (Continued trom Page One) l obbing gang, in!, tlchlgan,. Iowa, Wisconsin and other fiates, Tho. orsonal .found in the Tiurlte liomo; :In Si,. Josepi) where lie osed ok a etillomnri of tneatis Is beihg shipped to Mojot4 OodriarL balllsllo expert . of the - imissacro ttivestlgatlon; . Should the Intricate characteristics prove the samo In Ills study of the bull"!: and Vveat nm:, Chicago pollco will be con vinced, they ay, Utirko Is the kill rr of the Mjirah. men. ; . ' - OBJECTS TO FARM BOARD ACTIVITIES t (f.'outltiued from Pago One) ' . Itlnihe .said Hie president told the flKilcullural group lhat "inteiest eharges thusl be Kept down." , vihais ai ihe hean of buslnets stability," llnrnes wild. Harncs Wild ho wns In faor of coopera tive Inarltetlng and had been since t92. Itobbers Overlook $3,000 In Cash ' KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Dee. 17 (Al) Itobhers broke open the vault In the Paisley bank at PalH ley, fire., early Sunday, escaped With $04 and left $3,fino which wn;i lying lh plain sight, II wns learn 'd hero upon return of a private de tective from the Lake county 'town. Tho robbers gained entrance by breaking a window. MOOr;v papi:ks it i ; i .1 i;i SAN FHANCISCO, Dee. 17 (AP) -A mass of documents hearing oh tlio case of Tlio mas J. Mooney, con victed of Jthc FrearednesH day bomb outrage, was placed In the hands of tho governor' advisory pardon, board at n meeting In the Slate building here. Member Mid they would meet again nUor rttudylttg Ihe papers. an TORTURE CRIME" TRIAL TO BEGIN (Continued from Page Oho) dlfeafe. Sh wild lie Is nuirriet) and huit threA children, hut has been separjted from his wife, for rive ynrH. Hho Knld he probably changed hln tmm to prevent hl w1(o frotn knowing hi5 where uboutH und also to prevent capture oh on escaped Inniato of the hos pital. Hho reeognized n news' puper photoffruph ui hor son nev- Improvement Of Kamela Highway Still Under Way Hy Mr.. C. r:. T hoiithurif . tiinserver I'orresponneni) j KA.MI1LA. Ole (Hpeclal) One of tho steam shovels which wore being used for tho Oi'cgoti Trail work near hero has been hroitghL to Kamela to ho shipped elsewhere. ! The other one Is still being kept hiiHy day and fdghL Tho improve ments In the road widening which liavo already heou made hnvo to he suen In he tealUed. To tlioso Cam illat' with the Kamcln-L'i (irande highway, a wide road, such a is gradually boing made, hardly seenwd liossihlot t I U-nt: K. J'. lirooks spent a few: days In la Uritndo lust week vis j itlng frietidM and shopping. On Katurday morning she atlended the j school hoard conference which I wuh held at tho conH house by rfuptt Hi A. Sayre. Thin, sho re ports, was, very Jnloresllng 'find helpful to school hoard members. Hho roturned to Kmnla Saturday, Mrr. Polo lilover drove to La Clr'ando Saturday. . ,Mri nttd Nrrs. Tliornhurg and son Ian spent Wednesday and Saturday shopping Ih li (Irande. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Uorsthian spent Salmduy shojiplhg Th La Orunde. Hieona Thorhlmrg. . of Joseph, who Ih .visit lit)? -at. the homo of her uncle." c. JO; Thorhburg, went to Lu (i in ndo on : Wednesday.' to 4 visit at tho V. ,H. Melville home. Sho t returned to Katnela ; on Friday. ) While ln;.)a (trahdo tht attended the Normal school -play, j MCs. CO. Schubm't find dnugh l!ei', TimalVi'lshtitir-SnthVdnyin' La I Orando; .nmoiig j, the . iMirlstmns shoppers, ' .Thoy expect to go lo ; Pprtlrind to visit Mrst Schuliert'H two fdaughters thei'o .during tho holidays. . ', . j iMiss Alia .Wiggleswot'lh went, to ' Tai (Irande on, Friday evening to visit, her sisters, Mrs. "W. T. lirowii and Virginia. "WigglewwntTh, during tho weekend. 1 Sho returned on iSunddy. ' t j' A cant parly was given on r ri-; day night. In the community hall at which Mr. and Mrs. c. JO. Thorn- ! burg were host ntid hostCH.'). Prac tically every otio in the community allohdod as well as a few11 outside r'1 gnosis'. Among them were Mi and Mrs. J, Ousey and Air., and Mrs. L. ; lloblnett, of jMhneluim, .MIsn Leona jThorjiburg and MlVs Helen Mel V11I0, of La Clrtuidfl ;Tlnse; Wln liiing high sc.oro-prjV.es Wero Mrs, ijO. Hobinott nnd Peii, llieyej-, Con .Holntinn i prixes wero'. (iVnded to IMi-h, C. Kelley and It. Itlgga. After j refreshhVentH had been mu'Vod 'dancing van enjoyed for tt short ;tlme. ' . ) I Airs, 1. Ulever rccelved tho sad news Sunday mornlng'of ':tlio death ".of her niece, Mrs, Howard Maek. of OUpwOj.' Khn, Mrs. Mack, who: .' was ifnly it))0ut ll'-i years of age, idled after a short lUnesn pf soarlot Ifover, leaving her lltllo hoii, Lung-.. don,4(afod 4, who . filno has .kearlet I fever. ",. ' '. 1 ' 'M' j lOriKlneer .T, Carlson expects his jwlfe und ftiinilly home front PnHa jdena, C'al., In a few days. Mrs. ; Carlson usually spends tho wlntors In California, sending thej;hiblrnn lo school thorp. Their school closed on, I)ic. 1!1 so they .nro coming norm lor cnriHimns. ? j ,.. Mr. nnd Mrs. flny Tamerls spent Saturday In La firande shopping. Mr, and Mrs. Mllrrtum tiro how; , living In , Kamela, They moved hero from Menehum. 'Mr. Uroms Is tho ngent liofor: : taking tho place of "W. Kvnns.-. ; fT. nurton, vho has been work ing tho afternoon shift an opernlor at Kamela, haH been assigned the night shift. .1, Crawford is wdrk lnff In Kifmela at present. ..Air. and M,'rs. T. Iiurton nnd llttlO son, Knrlee, woro lh La, Cirando Saturday, "j : - flXP 1lACXriOTIOi;il IMOTflCKS TOKYO; Dec. 17, ( A I') lehlva Kumagae, acclaimed tho greatest tennis player Japan over produced, had announced IiIh retlremont from toui'hanvent play, having reached tho rlpo old age for tennis play erH of 40. Henceforth he wilt eonflno .hl tennlH. IntercstH to coaching promising young players and engaging lh an occasional mild game for exoreiso and recreation. FLIERS HURT AFTER TRIP OVER OCEAN (Conllnued front Pago One) landing aL Murneuja crowds of eager slghtse'tw began (io leave the surrounding countryside for Iho village. ' First reports of the landing of the plane reached t he on I side world by way of a small prlvalo telegrapli line to Katiil. : From tlie meager advices which trickled over this line It appeared l lw. the airmen lost llielr way nfler nti'lklng the coast and landed at a point, about sixty mlh'H from the const near tho border line of the, states of Itlo (Irande do Norte and Pnrnhybii, The landing wan made sometime between Hi'iO p, m. and midnight (between 7 p. m. ami 10 p. m. Kaern s-tandard time). This would mean that the fllern were In the air between Utt and 110 hours. Tho plane Was reported to have turned over In making the hind Injuring both men. The uvliitors were found hy a grohp of horsemen from the in terior who wero riding toward the eodsL 'Hie spot at which the ma chine came down was dlrfunt rrom habitations and it was several hours before the horsemen Could reach a lown where It waa possi ble to get In touch with Natal and tO give rin account of what had nil dyi ago. The Franklin the ttnto conlendu was slatn has not been established as a former Inmate of the hoKpltal. The four men on trial for the "torture" crime are. Herman Oreenway. Hubert Hosier, hill Youiitftr mid Joe White. Draw Up 1930 Grid Schedule For West Coast . SAN KltANlMSrt), .Deo. I 7 (AI') Willi liiolr iititiu liulnoKH oom. (il.lior of thi. I niiu fooilmll xoliod nil riniliod, i-iidiinlo innnaHor oi' tlio aolflo Const oonloronoo litrncd ullonlliin tiidny (o ihu minor prohloniM iiu.riiiiant in tlio minimi llipotllli.'. , . t At ninuoniont or lmoliiill iiml Iraolt diitoH woro llnioii rnr lodiiy'w llrourtitn wlillo 11 iroionnl 10 tnovo lip tlio nionliiK dllln or lonlllull pniulioo iiIko wuh HllltOll lo conn, in for dim'utiKion, i.'ootlmll tralti Itlf,' HOW KlilI'lH SOiMill,('. i,-, li;tl It had hoon Kttr.KoNtoJ Ci.il 1!:! -. ti..i.t lio ohnnsoii lo Sopn i,,ii; r M, I'Wtilly iltiliolkl n ;il'0:Trilallv tnooiliiv !ti ooiijiinolion wllli tlio Kraditnlo tnaimKors, liiut lioforo thorn tlio tniittor of wliotlior or iiot io appoint ii cominiiiHiinor or root bull, mild oonuiilMtflonor to lio .tlio final niiilioi'lly In nil mlilli on din- PtllOK, , OiH-Kim "l.on Om" OroKoli fnooH Iho uniiKiiiil Hltita. tlnn oi' not, hti.'ltm' a kuIho Koliod liloit willi a. California inotnhrr of tho . ''ItlK; l'-nnr." Ili'OKon Ktato, howovoiv hiin hoon nititohoU with Hntithorii Cnlli'iii'iila nnd Willi Hlali I'ord on thoir limno iioIiIk, 1 JaiHt llonoflol. irniiliinlo IniinnK or of OiTitmik linmuiticiM lam tilRhi thul' Orotton will moid lirnko' iinl vorslty in n : ulirin liaiito. in lio i.lnyo.l oii'SiiildlolB' hMolii. CliiuiiKrt, Oot. 31.' lit ina'l ln'.tlio will oiimo lo tiroiion tor n kamo. itrnhnhlv to ho lilnvod hi' rnwliniit. : l)i'i!?iin Winlo. loo. di'ow n lllf;hl iiniiio. 'I'hl: inliloh with I'. t". I,. A. will ho iiinyi'd In llio l.rix'AiitioloH t'ollswiini lis-1 liro-llRlit, tho firm I linn sitoh'ii. I'nolrlo rnn: ounroi'- Olll-O ItltlllO llllH llOoft FOllOlltlllMl. r ' llnxkv Siill'lllllo IIi'iivICnI riilvornlty or. WiinluiiSlon wns roK'iH'doil Iim 'lin'vliiK tlio ioitvliwt nohodulo of Iim Iioi'lhoi'ii roitri'l' OilOOi w'llh ' WllKliillKtOli Klato; lloXl In lliiiC : OrokdnV ..OrWVori ' fili tV. Idaho nlid;, 'itlomnim' l'ollov('oi' lit that ordor."fc ' .' ' i,..-, 'I'ho" noliodlilo !' rill' 'ovi-Roh ''illlil OroKoli Htiv'ijri-n'i'fi I'oIIowh: ' . !i'':' lln'Uoil Soiilonihor 27- .Monliinli :nt Mla Konln. . ' ' . '. . ' Orlolior ' 4lnittiV.ta'; ('HlontfO (lllKlll Klllllo). . v'i. -' V v.-. : . ootoiior 1 1- riiion iiaio,! ., . Ootohor i WiiHhliiK'Inn. , .' ootohor 2r.--idnho. ; , ' ' , Nuvoml.or t Olioil'daln. :. 1 . j .' NnvomlHT St -V.. l-'i I... A. ; Nn'ollihor tr DI'OKoli Slnlo. Motoi who it Smooth thewny . 1. A A W2ill A Caterbillaf TxsudtotS Cheaper Bunting Tractor Company I I 2(! Jefferson Ave. You can install n beautil'iil linrl usurul ofiuipninnl, like this youisclf. Cnmo in and Int tin sliow you how it actuMly looks, Nome Lumber & Coal Co. lS02Covo "Quality and Service".' Phono M-218' Cull us for any kind of building materials. Wall Paper & Paint. You will like our service. ' , November Ii7i Saint. Mltry'8 nj. . Han FranclHcn., -t v:. oremm state : Hei( ember til open dale, " u. , rCictoher - 4--Hiiithern '(.alllofriiia at Los Angeles, : -. . October ..I I -"Open dale,. 1 . Uetober Hi Hlanfoid at 1'alo AltO.: h::Vt--:t.-.,;, ; i j (letober 2A-Opeti ditto, ,'r, " November l--VaKliiiiR(on, Hiale, November K Open dine, Novcinhi.'r I ftt J Oregon, i r --November VI I-.-1 L. A. M l.on..- Ah go I os. ''V . f ' i. . November 27 v'st .Virginia at Chicago. j ; ' . ;C:m ' . NIGHT FIGHTS lly The AHsik'Inlrd press Salt Luke Cliy Kddio llertag- , nole, Ifla, Uock Spriugs, Wyo., out- , , pointed liney Oiirflukle. I tin, fS;ilt Lake Clty.'til, Art J'aliiier. '.Los , Angeles, Ia4..; JutpoiiH't'.'. ltueky Moore, 1Kugeei' Ore;. 15m, (ti)., Chicago Holly Schuiuau, Chi- cago, outpointed Irish Mickey Oil), . Ireland, (Ti). ,'rrcrJ.ont N. .L Paul Wolker, Trenton, y oul pointed Myer (!raes j Chicago, till). .. ... , . llototi Al Jrledmnn. Itoston, ; stopped Hlg I toy Ita wson, Huston, ' (S). ( ' . I . Indlunnpolis Tracy Co-, Indian , a polls, outpointed Joy Itovehaii, Newurlc, .Oj4 ( Ml)i Royal i:ox; in- , rtlnnapollsi outpointed Ituy JMlmer, St, Louts, ifi), '' -" B"?-.'. -".:.M:m: . . Prof. Vincent . Leaves S.T-ni.V MOHXIN'G J MMMMmtMVMWMW1 ', E It i Olll) tllltJ (Illy, 'IhUi'J , iMniiMiithwr .. IlltUlVI i SPECIA. rt. uvmjjiuiu nut ui itni ujjpt,f uiirl tnVvoi hhiiiia ni' f'nmonu Hecolite ' $67.50 : Gimi'untccd Gmniinc I'ulnless Extractino; ifl.00 TltTMlKUPLATlOH I as low oh as low us i tlTllDOIl WOltK ns low' oh .:..,...!.... GQIAij st.'UO W'NH J ,OS ,10 (IH i.. ff)Lf JSrlA H flll lOW ftH $20.00 $1.50 $7.50 $7.50 5.00 Dr. Kmehart , .Vork Ounriinteed Orruind Moor So mm or llldg., on Adams Ave. -0smi 1; venlngs Phono 107-d ,V7"-'' 1