La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 17, 1929, Page 17, Image 17

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    TucHilay, DutcinLcr 17,-IU2)'
Page Five
' . Hy Mr. Alexander (.piii-hc
How shall the t'hiisitmts dinner
table he decorated ?
i Itlls iif evergreen, pine cones,
ilny Christmas trees and other
1 Inter fcreenery mitl berries add
Vuleiido chi.rm. of i'iiiiiw. They
are always kihhI.
HhwIk of raisins mill ruts.- In-
tersperscd wli h all la pre fn hnv
holders placed at regular Intervals,
increase I )n festive nlr.
I lolly wreaths laid flnt with
ran ilk- sticks placed In their een
iitk, malic a iltconitlvp tahlc. If.
tho IhIiIp k IiiIik,. the rentpr wreath
ran huhl a canloIahra with thn'p
hi' iiiuro randlc.-t,, anil at c-Uhi-r -nt
tho wi-paths ran Indtl HiiiKlf imiikIIp
(illllltf. .
Tall lvnry or whllo ciuhIIph tin
siiKKosiod whon ust'd with holly
detHirations. A tlclh-atp shade of
Ki'ppt also will h.'innniif't',
A low howl, filled with rod ap
pJpH aihl Kiu-nminicd wlth-pim',
coups and Ui'ei'lUM-y, Ih a simple.
. 2rZ& ws a ill nrJM ia l P5 B8
h -ill llfisei' m O IS
Artm-m M- ms.suEij'a oj5fc I I
' s ,
nitraetlvo renter l pro. lied candles
can nc-oiupnny thin.
?A lMiiLi.'t of winter berries nr-
ninUTCll ill II Wlel(.-I lutulrnl lu
..SUal ,.,) yol. ,.,tvo. ,,d .
well will, ,,ll,,.,- 1-lirlHtmnH decora-
,. .
;, ' ,, .,,,'.,", .
-alive si-ljcnipf-an lie put nt each
'place, illllliitllle. Hrtnlu ciiium:
, ul.l .l..r. . . .
r. Tho inivor fur nt least two 1
i-uiUHis sliouhl hp mi tho. tnlilo ;
when the Christmas ilhinof -jiii'sts !
i are .watt-d.. -of course. I hp water!
; gl:iss's should beitl place anil fill- !
;od mill tho bread anil butler on'
tho plait's. Jolly, relishes, candy;
anil nuts imiy ho j.n tho tahlo. -
If ciioktitils ' uro served, (hoy;
: should iio- in place hcfnro the ;
'guests nro. scaled, "ir tho fowl j
; course Ik the first ono. It anil lis I
! aoi'iiinpunyliiir vegetables should :
iho im tho Inhlo. If there Is nialil 1
sorvloo. purl or nil of these oan ho
f WothingSroiig, About This
served after the miosis have been
seated. '
The fowl, -of course, caii bo ser
j vod In the i. kitchen mid then
brought tti the table; hut tho fam
ily method, of hninir tho "head"
of the family hI: at tho head of
tho inhlo and carve and serve,
seems pref-or.iblo and a Uttlo more
hoepltnhta and Informal.
; Haludt? may already bo placed If
they are served "with the. main
"" " 'a- '"""'""I H !.-
' c""r""', ,"' ,,",",1"'
iUihlnff more time. Hnhul mny In
tho first course, purl of the main
"'m'!"y "r fnllow H.
! . Wood for ToolliplcU
. AVIiilo hin-h iw. unl ntnsl o1piv
plvoly for Hip maklnu of Initthpli lw.
Tho stat of la Industry U In
Mill tic. hill sin HP. iil'p linpiiitiMl fnuit
Japan nnd liri mjtm I.- Tin I 'n 11
fiilPKO lanlhiih Us iii'c ifiadt of nl-anvtl
wood ami an smaller and tmiuhnr.
Tlnisf from .Inpnn nro iiimic from )
lino roods.
Matt Youngitori Know It
Ants, wp are whl. pan lift wHuhlf
which rip iioiiicndoim cnniparoil
wtih their own, WaspH, rtmi, liavi
been known In rnlso. quho liirjM'
lump1:. IVIrnll Nows
Glad Rags
Reflect Revival
Of Romance
Hy liai'hnin I lean TO it
Kanhlon Kilttor
(,NK(rlnt(M I'ren lVuilll'if Horvieo)
I'AKIM (Al'l Uomantle ehilhes
are hack In fashion.
rych'iltiKiPtx nf the haute eon
lure pxplain It hy the theory Unit
poMt-war depression, which made
rumen want to apitear ax laenn
plcitiiK art possible, Ih flmilly
Xuw, (hey say, (hltm are koIiik
to nwInu tho other way ami every
woman wants to dramatize herself
In hyr elothes and Intensify hei"
pei'sonallty to (he utmost.
I'm Is. always oIiIIkIok, provldea
,pluintiKO for some IiIkIi powered
personalities hi Its lntrst offerings.
Velvet and fur concoct Inns,
labeled ".1 10 K" ensembles look
like modps made for the Princess
of TonInht, at one of the most , .
eonservalivo ohl estnhlishnients In a ooinplalnl In a Detroit news
the Due de lu I'aix. i paper says tho motorists are vun-
Sklrts are toe-length, fur hot- nliiK down the squirrels nt. ilclle
defed and full, on sneh ensttiiues. , Isle. Maybe tho squirrels tire
;There are wasp waisted llttb' elinslus- them.
velvet jaeUots, hordorod with
lo wear with lomr velvet in
froelcs having fur hems. 'I'ho !
, riiniv type of ensomhlo, uImi fur i
' hordered, is made In ehtffon and
'. neoi'Ketto erepo, J
1 Tho desitiuei' rospnualhle for j
these doinantic clothes, remluls
cent of tho tlays when there was!
witch U thins on "cnrrhiKO trade," j
says that he hopon nueh words as;
sedticiive. oneliuntliitf and "stun-!
. nin will he revived In fiuiirtly i
dreseil woniens' voeahulailcM.
Ho wants to see women revive ,
Kood dressing to a full time uocu i
patlon. .
Colonial National Debt
' The national deht w SHHMMxi
when the Tntled Slates L'ltveruntPni
was formed Itnd Iho ilehts of the
Colonies In'ouhl loseth(r.
r't. I .on is loses between sar.H10
and $:!5.HMi dnily to rneketeers and
eouinierchil swindlers, ( Is estl-
limied by the better buslnes bar.
iniYuletide Trees
Begin lo Move
' .. Toward Homes
IIOMTtIN' (AIMDowu fwin the
ureen New Kntrlnnd IiIIIh the arinv
in t'hi'intmuti trees has hoKau Ifs
anniuil uiareh .....
More than 7.iHin,utui trees are
hlartim,- out this your for families'
scattered ul over th nation, ae
eordlntf to nil estimate hy officials
nf the I toston and Maine rallrund,
aloiit; wlioito lines the
trees tfrow.
l'lrr anil spruoes will find their
way an" far Retft as Chicago and
Kansas t'lty, far to tho south; 10
I u llnri. to New Orleans whlle'th-.
ureal eastern' metropolitan eei ers
! about New Vork, l'htladedila and
J lloftmn will absorb htimb-cdK
i thoiisamls.
j Tho (Ireen inOuutalns of Vermont
, " " '
"00 trees; Maine Is shlpplmr 4,00ii.-
mm; New Hampshire has started
SOU. 00(1 mi their way, and western
Mai-saehusetts adds 300,000 lo the
I't'epartnjr this "happiness crop"
U' a Iremendous task', Kor weelis'
the rlDK" of axes has echoed
through tho forests. All nhd
shapes, of evergreens fellod.
- Home are tall and stately spruces
destined lo jfo to schools,. churches,
hutch: and other public places.
Down Hie liho they po. lo the tltiy
llr -that, will adorn tables in apart
ment houses, : ,'
Tho "crop this yenr, woodh-nien
sjiy, Is especially Rood, woll
hoiiKhed and attractive, v
When the axes are stlllea, trucks
and horse draw n wagons (oil tft and
fro over the roimh hill uoads. tiatil
Iiik tho trees to -;ho railroad lines.
There ifov'rtitucnt luspeetors scan
the trees to prevent possible spread
of Insect pests. K very where Is
luard the sound of saws, trimmiiiK
unit ttitmn-liif Mil' lliii lutuou nr Him
liees to Tit th- honsehohhu's stand.
'1'ii.ivn.M M..i,.ii,ii.Hr in i.i..
in bundles of three to five, and tied
with ropes. About tiao biiudleH, or
approximately i.aun 'trees, can he
piled aboard each flat car.
IV.v Osmr l.cltllnu
Aviation Kdllor
(Associated Itchs
d Itchs Kcatutv Kerviee)
WM'IUTA, Kan. (AP) "The
Heebie Ittiw" may be Just another
airplane o the public, but to Ward
(Scrap) I Ira ley II Is Mte Rod of
lilB-ht.' ; s-
Hemp Is only IS. years old, just
out of hltfh school, hut he Is a pilot
In his own iltfhl, bus designed and
built four "llccxlc lilies," and is
eoinplelitik' a fifth,
" dtaU In bnrnstormlnK" days,
Herap reeeived his iHipLism in Iho
air and free lance plhHs wave him
"Mtlck work." lie was Ifi years old
when be soloed. .- . 1
. 'poro. wasn't 'money enough lo
take him to a flying rehnol so he
ili;ew up hludprlulH spread ThOin
iieTore bis father, and sought per
mission to const mot his own plane.
Weeks passed until due day the
craft was cumphl ed with a Ki'in:
nln; demon, "The lleexle lliitf,"
painted on one side. When Scrap's
hit, brother tested the plane, the
father became so excited (hut he
'formed an alnraft company and
named the yomiK son as chler en
gineer. . . '
Tlie name for the ptane came
from an al'.eratlon of "Huelzelnih,"
prince of demons In tho lllhlo ami
destroyer of flh'S and insect
"Heeizebiih was h nod." yotim?
Seriip salrl, "and my plane was as
near to belritf n if oil of flight to me
as anyihiiin: ever could be. That's
why (bo first one carried (he name I
and all the rest will.'' ,
l!eceitily the youiiK eiiKlneor and
hit: assistant, Hhlrley f'rtniphell.
What :m.
is this new and
astonishing Agmel?
Why has it this effect upon
kidney deficiencies, high
blood pressure, indigestion?
AGMEL. is astonishing both ' turies in Mexico. Now this pure
. in what it is and what it sup bus been concentrated for
doe. Agmcl is a great health export, and the name has been
food, a vnlunblc tonic in kidney
deficiencies, high
blood pressure, in
digestion and gly
cosuria. It is an extra
ordinary discovery,
a real gift of nature
an imported vege
table milk from
Mexico, tn its native
country Ihisplant sap
is called "aguamicl."
It comes from the
famous maguey plant
and there is nothing
else in the world
like it.
Fresh aguamiel has
been used for cen-
Klitncy 100 Itrllrr
"I couldn't tat, had
dlrzy ipellt, not up
mAtiytlmct every night.
Then took AttmH faith
fully for a month and
everything wai chanted.
My blood prcure wal
60 dettrees luwer. ap
pel itt ret urncd and kid
ny, wr I00i lt-ter,"-
Mr: J W. Sin,
Lor Anfrlta, Cl,
j Chilly London
f ' Theaters Defy
I All Save Robust
I.ONHON A.IM It must htivo
heon Imnoiisllile for Aniuricans to'
; reallxo wh:T It uioaht to KiikIIhIi-
j niep when Kintr (leorne attended
a theater for iho first tiiuo slnet
he lell ll a your k.
In Now Vork an evening at tho
theater may be expensive, and
oft -ni niiliiteresilntf, hili seldom Ih
j attendanco at u play roR-nrdcd nn ti
I teat Of Kirtiurlh.
Tho Hit i jt I in ii Ih different hero.
At thin lime of the year lu London
only those supremely confident of
their health think lightly nf spend
ing it whole evening in it theater, -
I'or London theaters do hot
j coddle their etui auierH. They uro
I supposed to he sufficiently Inter
ested tit tho Idny not to notice Iho
absence of heat or tho presence of
a few drauKhts.
When the kliij went, for a walk
several months uko his people were
Khul lo hoar his health was Im
proving. When, a Tew months lat
er, they read In tho newspapers
that tho him; had resumed hlM t'Ptf
ular horsehaek rides ami was en
joylnK an occasional shoo!' iiKaln,
they were pletised to heilr his' re i
c'ovcry was cnusluiilmjr.', - . s
( Ilut-whei'i they learned , ho had
been to the theater they looked pt
one anothet! , with real jpiitluinlaxm
und cMdainu'd: :'. ' .' ;,." :
' "Thai settles i. "ThO lilntf MVHT
be.well!" . i;
Actliallv the functlnnaVles of the
oyal household did OiHr hest'to
rediiee the risk tn-n mltllliium. ,
Members of his majesty's . staff
vct.t, to the thqnroi In. the after
noon nnnd Inspected, the,.ro'nl lox,
(hocking the arrangements which
had been made to keei It. free of
the draughts prevalent In other
partt! of the house, and niaklliH"
pure that I he retlrlpK rodm ndjoln-
' ln the box was aS eotnforlahlo tut. Women. They sent Miss Pitt, who
I nosMhlc. -i 'promptly nettled a slrike of men
1 ;,Tho klnir himself Is not over
1 1 PiiithMilar on such oceasloiiH,. but
ho loes Insist on . ono thlmr: an
evenliiK paper to reail between the
nets. . , ,
Am ftit' the fashlniui hie irowned
women lu (the stallH on sueh a1,
niKhl. 'Well, -they have their f.ur
coals whieh can bo pulled up over
bare -shouldcm when the curtain
rises ami the lights are dimmed
And if they
feel chilled at ..the.
end .or tho net their escorts can, ' strumental IiKsettlln? tho- KHui
and usually oo, see that they, Ket , bethlown, N. J., textile slrllte.
KomethlnK warmlmr to drink at Ihoi ;
tbeator's conveniently loealted bar. :
Hut generally speaking only gyr (jrOWIlS
about their robust hciflth .'lake' a
chance on silling through n play
in November. '
I'lM.AM) I'ltDI'l'.ltW lll'SI'.K
' JI I'il.HrN(H''OltH. Kflllajnl ,(A1),
hMti liinil'K iiloloi IniH ro'ntoH' Ira-
voi'Ho' hovoii tlinoH.-tho inlloiiKO of
NtMto t'lillwnyH.. Noiirly 1.G00' Iiunoh
aro 111 oporatlon. , . ..
' ' ,
ki'.M'; i-'i :i ,i ii:k. '
miK'rr.Mf'l'. I''la. (A I') Roaplano
lii'OoiniiifMiaj.ioiiH. iloKtroyoil hy: a
hurricane horo, havo not heon re-
Moroil lint loniporary facllltloa nro
afforded until future rchuildliifr.
Hard and Soft Rubb.r
Soil i libber rnlilillim nhout ? In
4 per cent "illplnir, linrrt nihber
nlxiiif Jin ier eeiif. A relnllvele
loiuier iorliid In rrnnli'cji for;t
linrd ruiilior. ' -
. FUk Etiquatla -
III (lylnR II Ibis lit llillf slnff, It
Kliould HrK be hnlsicil in full ttnlt,
I lien Inwered slowly lo half alnff.
who Is Sit, went lo Washington to
secure a. satisfactory rutin from
tho department of commerce on
iho newest "Jteeule llutf." . They
are. probably iho yomitfcHt lulldel-s
in tbo-nallon.
shortened to Agnitl. Everybody
can now have Agmel.
This is fortunate for
those men and wom
en just entering
middle life and for
those of all ages who
are being warned of
'danger by frequent
arising at night,
backache, high blood
pressure and other
symptoms brought
on by modern wuys
of eating and liv
ing. Imported by
The Agmcl Corpora
tion, New York and
Mexico, D. F.
Ask about Agmel At drug
stores and get free Utet&tur
Labor Heads Believes
Knotty Problems Give
Way to Feminine Leads
WAHlMNCmiN (A I) necause
he helleves women o.1 on are inoro1
valuable than mm III the field of
labor conelliatlun, James J. Davis,
secretary of labor, entrusts some
of his most knotty strike problems
to feminine solution.
- lie arffuus that a. woman Ih very
likely ko be host able In hand la
woman strikers and that a woman
certainly can bundle men.
"Hometlnies the smJle of 'a wo
man ran ilo more to settle n strike
than all the arguments a' than cnit
make," said the secretary, "Homo
tlmoii a capitalist very Vet' In his
luthd looks at a woman's smile ami
says 'innyho I'm wroiiK-'
"A woman ha the saino sooth
ing way of pacifying the eonlen
tlous mlmi of u labor loader that
hho hs In, mnmiKinK her Imslness
employer, She Is used to 'taming
tho wild beast at home, and whcre-i
ever wo m,en ore she sets us rlht."
fAs an example of the able way ,
In which a woman commissioner
of conciliation adjiiHts striken in
which iifcn worlvcrs are concerned,
Kporetary Davis cited Hie. record
orMiH .f, lOmmeline VllX of IMtts-.
biiriih., ' k; . -
A woman of Independent means,
nn ordained preacher of the t'nlU'd
J'l'csllylerian faith, Miss ,lHl en-r
tetvd cojielllntlon work six. years;
iik:o, because she was interested liv
Its huinaiil(ai-hn aspeevs. .
' Her. ability .to deal with nivii
workers was dlscoverel through mi
error. A telenram to Washington
told of a Vfahrle workers' strike.'
Department of - labor officials
IhoiiKliit tho fabric workers wort
making steel fabrication for street
' cars. . , ; i .
) In tho last five months, Mls
' Pitt has adjusted six strikes, all In-
volvhiK men workers.
Knterlnif povercnient service nt tho same time as Miss Pitt.
Miss Alina welnn:oelv of ltoston,.
who was once n member of n neck
I wear workers tinlon, devotes her
i tlmo to women strikers. Hhe was
, hailed a heroine when she was ln-
Big Help For
Corset Makers
; ClllCAqo (A.P) Thorii'M a
Ki'oat 1 yoni'- ahoud for tho; oorHof
mnltorrt. .
j Tlio rotnm of. tho ininoepH Kown
j la oxiioctoil by loailoi'H In tlto in-'
liltlHtry to carry tho production of
jutm-H in ioao to iu itiehmt ponit
i of any tlilio. . ., ; ,,
1 Homo,tKht ,f .Ijuve
thought tho hoylali fiKiiro vowu'o
'hail workoil a hm-ilMhlp on thorn
that they couldn't recover from
I Apparently that wiih not a truo
deduction. stittlHtU'.a Hhow Unit, nl-'
Mfiuutfh the comet makei'H ticemed
j lonely nnd not invited to the. party,
jthey were there Juat tho wimo. .
They made done to $S0, 000.000
j worth of KlrtUeH (wholesale vnltie)
biNt your, and one mall : order
house had piled up HalcR of S2,
000.000 to Soptomher 1, thin year.,
Tho renewed fad of the wimp
walHt wiih Jiint beKlnnliifr to f?ot
under way tiboiit that time. And
It now' lo flteadtly increasing tho
viiluuio of un article which really
never hai (tone out to llio extent
11 mittht havo upiiearcd. ,
'(llrln who Ki'ew up with .tho Idea
tliat thet-o wiiHh't Hitch a thing oh
a curve any more', and Hnilled ho
phlHtlcully lit girlhood plcturCH of
their . inothei'ft. . uro lenrnlntt. Unit
fashions move In cycles. . ,
Thfl ppsult of their discovery hmi
heltied the federal department of
commerce to frnmo.lls optimistic
foreciiHt for 1030 In llx Ulennlitl
. There is an example ,of- how tho
reaction of flappers wields Its In
fluence on trade conditions.
Then, statisclans estlmato that
at the outset of the pricess stylo
revival about 20.000,000 wonion In
America wero eorseted, with tho
uvorriKo wonwin buying two of llui
articles a year,
Specialist Scores
Military Demands
W'AHll.NttTo.V (AP) Aircraft
etiiflno designers of the whole
world are too greatly InrluenPil by
mllltnry reftilrctnents, says 1V
(losstati. (lerinati research spe
cialist, In a report to tho Naval
Advisory t'ominlttee for Aero
nautics. -
"('onitnerclat aviation in suffer- '
nu," ho said, "because It Is com
pelled to use very lltfht hlR-h-p'W
ered etiKlnoft whose structural parts
are loo highly stressed.
"There Is no reanotl for JolnlbK
In the pursuit after extreme light
ness, which lends lo more forced
laudlmtH than cotulitorcinl aviation
cart continue to tolerate."
Temperance Slogan
Adorns Paris Bars
PaIUH (AP) Tho cocklall fans
have stolen ('"re hell tent pern ncfl'
worker;' slogan and made It thotr
"AlteiJ.lon u raleohollsmf," thfl
phrase which appears on slickers
in l-'reneh tramfears, subways and
buses, Is Interior decora tors' pet
motif for tho household bar. 1 . .
t'oi klall liapkliiH have thu words
tmbfoldred In tho corner. Cock
lull cozy corner, pillows wurn
utftitnsi alcoholism and there are
I Hi,' hi colond worsted cross stltoh
tnottos to hanft shove tho bar hear-.
ing th tompcranctt romlndtr, ,