Christmas Shopping Number EASTERN OREGON'S LEADING NEWSPAPERFULL ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE rattite Euftring Wbsnmx Christmas Shopping Number VOLUME XXVIII MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS LA GRANDE, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 . member a. b. c. , NUMBER 103 a A. A A A A A A. .A A. A A, A A A- A A 1 A A A. A A A A A A. A A A A A rOl?Vr fAAAi . A A A A A A . aa.aA.AAAA A 1La aA.AAA AA.AAA.AaA. Aj(lflV.-fti ffljfrdftMltT) l!Witir A -V A A AAfcAL ism C CHRISTMAS . . . secrets . . . rustling of ' paper behind closed doors . . . secrets J. , . and then that furtive descent down the stairway to have one peep at the dolly with blue eyes before father turns and cries: "Scallawags! Off to bed before I tell Santa on you!" We're all of us like children at Christmas. The giving and the planning, the promising sealed packages, the breathless dash, the love, the laughter that goes into everything . . . There's no denying it Christmas is a wonderful institution! We hope yours will be-