Tuesday, Decenil.or-17, 102'J - LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDEt ORL. Page Eleven wi 1;::. 9 'ISP I: D rl nt-i A XValilS VYUiLOJIlCU , 1 By r amines In I iinuKiner . bom nn uur- T i i -r-ii j ih,y inurnlwr to Mr. nml Mm, I Cricket r lui'JTi-v-:-,' lly .Mis. I.yiiu Hill (ilH'rvcr 'oni'HiiomlfMl) i;i.t;iN. on. (SiMciiiDA nuin- 1mm of fainilli's In the Crlchot Flat (llntrit haf r-asm l ft't'l ith-aMod with 1 Mr roinlnrT of tin1 mlny tuber. Tin- Wall'T 3IIII family :ih befit comiH'llfil through watr :, f shortajT'. t hunt wnlrr dally for. .fall llit'lr Hiiii-lt, riltliiniKh Ui'y hud S 1111 h'iun u..., 1 inn t j The .lohn UHIh hav hail to haul 1 all Utf wati-r tli-y u.Hf, Imlnm-H ami f out, shire I nut Jiitii1. TlitHf famlllt's ' f havt'fto ko mllfH nr nuuv to s thf I hpiltm that mipplicB tir j.1; vat'r'inrr troiiKh at tin A. II. Par sons farm on tho highway. Whllo tin- jiinnnnl or rain so fnt- fiillon has mil roini'tlit'il tludi- ilirflonlty, it Is om-iMiraKintf. Ml-.io .Mounlaiu Chaptor No. r!, Orilor uf Iho I-Iasti-rn Hlar 0I00I01!. lis l!i::n onicr at Mm- regular tii.M.lliii- l-'i-hhiv oVfiiinir. Mrn. .In- K....I.I.... Harris ,. , n-.l wnrllir g m.-iliyn. Mm. Mai'llui liiiolmniin, nssocfitio n niron .11 is. 1 an urn Itoo.l. ronilueirosii: Mrs. John Mas-. Ion. associate comlc-trcss: .1. V. llrouri. worthy patron: L. 11. Will- inms. associate pnlt-nh ;, 1'. ..- j- W. ImA. sn'ii.aiT: an.J Al-in. Vimlnla llioo, HvaHUr.r. .' Mr. anil .Mrs. Davo Pri.cir, of Iji OiuiiiIi-, Htiont Krhlay vlsltinl,' al iho homo i,r their ol.l t.lino-fi-Jimlii .Mr. ami Mra. It. I--. Wolss. ,-v 1 Joshua Witty, whoso honio lK hi .li-niiiip, Ma., has iu-pii npi-nillnir tho Dust sovpral, wi-olis Willi -ila,- IIVOB hpro. lln spoilt ThaiiKSKlVlhtf. as il Kliosl or his sislor. "Aunt. I'i-b- y aiiiioit. i.hsl w.-i ueiiii iin-y noin .visiu-ii ill ini- i rii'iii'i i-iui home of their brother. Quintan Witty and family. Mr.' Vttty left Ihi' first of' last week for Portland to spend a month with his chllTlren there; The Itev. Arthur Hairimiln. of Wallowa, .spent Thursday night wllh his brother. Dr. llnrrlman. of .'the KlKln Cliurch of Christ. I The 1 'rer.bvterian M isslona rv so- Moiety met on Wednesday itt tlio home of .Mrs. ,. It. Williams. The jsuliject for study w;ik "India" and f '-'"" e mm- mhhm-i NEW TOD AY -l-'oit SAM: 7.!ii;" Itoom 51 tonililo. Good iisot violin', l odd renown ' U--17-3 tp, M-'llli- li'l-Nt l-'tirnlHliod jionso. I2-17-: ip GLAS 8 gt' 1127 Wash. 'tllt UK NT IlllllSO. 1'hOIIO 96 T'lilar. room ftirnlshoil TN-lt in- rail r,n 12-17-lt. (Hi.. S.M.i:- (.'hitiln-n's Ith. liroakfast 1 2-1 7-1 1. Hotf;-7il2 .N StJIOt'SK l.-(iu im-:nt- lTnfurniMhpil Inq. at Oh- ! 1(1-17-2 Ip j or purl rnrnislii-il,' M H",'vr,i'- WWANTKI) Applo wood or oolloa i'H wood ror lln-iilaoo. Must ho 2-1 y to :l'i ini h sticks. I'hono Main 37. 83 - 12-17-21. von sale on traie i it ' sai.i:- dillon, I4n -Italian N a vo in A -I ron-1-lt. 434-.I. 12-l(l-2t. d'lllt SAI.H $1115 (Jl'thdphonln ViPlrola. vory silently uspil, ?l 10, ''' lCii.slorii Oronii Music Co. - ' 12-IC-31. 'l-'Ol:. SAI.K Iti-Kistoroil biff tylip y 1'olaml cliina hoar, l-'riink Mo-Ki-nnon, imhli-r. 12-lli-C li. J'-Olt' SALE L roenrds ?3. 1 'honnejuph I'll. 14S-M. 12 with M-:it. I-'OI'.-SAI.K -si.-c room l-'irepl.'l oo, I'oQlii, thr. -Modern rook .stucco, house nriir normal, rurnaco, Karayo, sun -e bodrooins. oloetfic rair-i--. built In kllchon with frigwalor, i-eiiicnl basement. ! Idiiiil Ineation for one to keep) teachers or students, price will sell "n.ulok, mlKht consider as part payment smalt liuliio on soulh side, fall 441-.1. . 12-M-3t. WA.VT TO TRAHK- IrriKaled land fof -house from nufc-r. Geo. Hon-drli-k. Ii'Hkoh. Ore. 12-12-5 tp. l-'tllo- SALi-Jr-Cliise-oi-t prices on nil! iilassvwii. alnuiiijtiui ware and llnner ware. Sonio very hiirli irrad'e plee.-s that, would he suit aiiio for' ('liristmas pifls. The llalles I'urnitilre Store. 12-15-61 - I l-oltj)l:i,lcl01!S AI'I'I.KS phono 2ff-W. $1.25 or JI.Bd per box. d-nevrrod. Herder's s r 0 c p r V. E-.'erythlnK cheaper. 11-27-tf rou; sai.i-j & bile R.-diin, pais?nffer liupmo $47B. S.Tle3 71" . MOM'N TOP f I'Ct BECN Z.0 BUSY CCVimCi EW3Y FOP pop s A,um.vjHo s CtlWMG TO STUD POUND'S tHC Fiytt Tin.r-10 Co ovtn Li v : . slilercd Hint the in inn subject will. hi- atudu-d at the- next monthly been confined 10 Ids home for tlm lust week because of flu, - . It. Dittlu, manager nf tho lo eni MticAlnrr store, ullondcd the Klks inltliUioii at l-i i ramie Thursday nitfht.. -Ml", itinl .Mrs. 1 R Weiss. Joe llallfrarlh and Hni. I. K. Aranl attended the. Bchoiit inciHliiK b'bl in I -11 Grande Saturday. , 1 Ah, rtml "if hi, Karl rhundler have it finished rcdccorntlntr. the In jHt flnlMhl-a IVtl t-COia 1 1 life, t li terior of their hmtm which Is lo eated just in'ross the river on Mi-' Wallowa J.ake highway. A number nf iolulii residents were In lax Orultde Saturday doins their hriattnua shopping. Anions them woru Mrs. OcDixc Smith, Mr. nad Mrs. H. S. Shoemaker. '.Misses Avoiill ami Wltlomt Stewart, Mrs. t'flltU.-Alts, flliv Palten. Ur. rVlora. Klllol, ..Mrs. Kverott Heehtel una t diss DorOtliy Hecblel. : ( fc.'TJiri 'fi'iftilui' miieilitir nf Iho ! kI woiihmi'h Hub Was hold Thuts- .1.... ... ..... 1 -.. . aJ.:... : ,.t. . . T- ,V " ' 1 host.., The sludy for the day wan' nn ..1.. t...u.... nr.. i. - Kolh.. who hi in Kluln as Iho director - of . Iho hand.- has linen ini Instructor Ih an Indian Kchnol la wjsonas'ln Hliil wi'iH ' nnltoil 10 loll Ronu, or JlW pjpcrioni'M 'ami liu- Dro.sslpna of the InillanM lliiollk-ll IiIb -work -thrro.' -IIIb Hi Ik wlm In- tr-hsi ly ' iliti-rp.it Ini; 16 (ho liiuiK-.i- any . im-, )rt,iinhor of im-inhora in-i-iioiit. -Muiili! by Itoni Mario lln. x,.n -!lm, wihna Harmon, i-pailini; hy .Mi llnn'ronl Itonl of r.niiKfol- low'H. Iioc-m,.-"Tho llrnth of flls- tpi5'viihcl 11 vooal nolo "-0in the ljimlnf Iho Kky-llluo Wati-r.'- hy Mm. C 1. Hasten, mndo up tho pro irrnm fnf Ihn nrincnnnn M'lm hiitl- m.a of tlio cltlb wan taken up by tic pii Hldelil. Mt'.s. Karl Chamlh r. Tho report by Mrs. Keller, chair- j man of Iho swimming pool com- I 1 mittee. told of the work already ' aernmpliHlhil and the amount or money received. To date half of the o-xeavalintr has been finished the 'di'aih dutr, tlio laid and cover ml - lint ntiln mm-it iu nvnnniml t he done on the pool until next. sprlnff. . Mrs. Kvertoa Reott was vlHttlnflf in i.aunnuto faiuruay. SIFIED AD Observer Want Ad Rates (Count five avorRR-o word to the line.) Per line, 1st Insertion 10c Per- line, each udded consec utive Insertion , 7c. Mlnliuuni clmrtfe on one , utK oruer .... nTl,tj nv MONTH 2 lines, per month , J2. .B0 3 linea, ixir math . 4 lln I, r month J'l.JW 5 liaea, pr month $.7& Kneh nddltlonal line over five chiii-Kud ut 60c per line Pr uiunth. . CASH IN ADVANCE la re quired on all Classified' ordurs to earn these rales. Higher ratos char Kid on all credit Insertions. Copy for nil Classified orders must bo in this office by 10 A. M: DAY OF INKlCUTlON. Stop orders on ad Inserted until fur ther nottett must Im received hy thesa mo hoar or extra insertion will he charged. , ' Teleyhoao ordflra solicited. CrsIi rates may be earned on thone orders by payment on or vfore date of last Insertion. - P HON 13 MAtN "An Obierver Vant Ad Will Io 11" Knuiklill 6 paMsonser seikin. j 4n7ri. Hoc Iturry WuwKOnnr. 80 ti i Adaioa Ave. ,' 11-20-lm. 1 l-'Olt SALE Cliolcii lot, lmiirovn i. incuts air paid; also 2 Iiousph; I tpi-tns, only small down payment required. See Earl Znndol, ui tlrando .Nut flank. 1 l-10-llli . pofi HALfJ Used electric washerB. Mnytntf Shop, Main 639. 7-3 1-1 m. i , . Foil SALE All Kinds of Heaters, lletrohis from $32.50 up. Other heaters lis low as $5.00. The Scllca furniture Store. 10-1 7-1 m MISCELLANEOUS STRAVEI To my place. 2-year- j old white heifer, branded ll-harj on ritflil hip with crop and under lilt on rlclit ear. Owner may j have same hy payinl? for ad and keep of -cow, J. T. Heeni, Iinlih-t'. 1 12-Hi-O t. ! HOARD AND ROOM for normal slndeiits. Call Observer. 12-14-3 tp. I GOOD OPPOUTI'NITY for two men with cars. Call Main CO Tor Interview'. 12-14-4 tp , r F0PE.VE.P' ; THC COURSE S GOING "TO BC CVLW EIGHT ' TREKTMENT 'if) mmm ti bv I Alan J. Gould j ' I'VW fori bnli jtlttyf'fH "IlilV t i'vcr I rmlt'tt uiiUrou ratoovK with a 1 . KroattT variety uf tiuittM mUl tlu-m thai1, h.tt Ik en tho r:im with j l.'.irt llany lliuti-h) ClarU. AH- ; AllM'lU'l. qiliti'tn W:r. 1C at 'uhu a'.la 1 i'mII:: in lyjs nml an outi:ui' inu i star In this, IiIf, last f.uiiMi. ) Wa.n the AM-ltiK'Uy Mountain' I'ttnO'i cm I- ht-'i'-ciioiiK win1 t-ctin- . ' tihll hy 'I In A.'inK'lttUMl 1'rt'KM, the i'XicriB ;imttl DiVec of i;tah' ) ihaniiiionHhlit quiiia. aiul Clark, j . Ai'U'r Ht'tiiinv. niriht pnintii hi his U-ain's I K -i vli-tory nvcr CohnaiM j iMliH'c In the i-om-lmUn.? K'um -uf the Hi'asiin, Clark v;ti thus enlii- ; ul.i'il in ne tMithuHinstii ni'c'iin: "i-lul-lt has I1U..U-tl ll.--ro..lh.i 11 J"'.'1 ut . lho'(Miuntry laiti. i0tic.e( of I (the lint-ky .Miiuntain) c-tm- ferem-v. !! ha .m:ule..: font ball -pnpular lo piM'suns who never he fifrn rrilhiWf'il tlie tfh im 'HA IH ther:L hel'O oil Wall c'liililnja..' faiti 'yo-' , i'iIh. rtKTli -inf enllfKtuns, el.lerly ' matrons, lie Is the Anielci in thin h eounlry ami he l iilol of Voiin: ethin of the t:.e llhlitl of everyone." - - , . . IT tlih. isn't fi pite:Vn of. praise. It i will !o, as they nay, until h.i.ter ' paeam; aVe.ffmml. " ; Those who hail any eiuife fit! iMttsbhrRh's roothall sclu'tlule llti : VOMr wlU hanllv find any flillU: with 'tlio biff prejnam ni.ippeil for lb. Panther aexl Kail. Pitt, in addition to inking on Its trudltMn'nl rov" armtlul Pennsylvania. nfid'West , Virginia, has hooked KyracuKP and Notre I u me l or add It tuna I en ter- talhment. Tho new contract 'Pitt ( hah with (lie Army does not taki 1 effect mull lfiin.' .: : . ' - " ! Apparently something will be ilmio al.'out- the ciiticisni resulting from leedimv a number of the smaller .Ww rint.'liunl colhMres and The Market Place 0 Union and Wallowa Counties CIVK I.1VH PU1:SI:NTS. . Boston puppies for Bale. Reasonable. Ph. 354-W. after 11:0(1.- 1-H-S Ip NOTICIO Col, hororu bad wi your trash tiauloi alhor; 1'h. 227-W. 1-1-2S-II11 ROOI'-lNCt WORK Hopalrs, any iiind or ,a now t-oor. Call ('has. l llldohrand. C20-W. . 1 1-4-1 nip SO.MJIHU MOTIOL Inq-.ilro for vory spooial winter ratos; nlso mothrn ntiartmontH. ll-4-lmp LA GRANDE MATTltESS & Up linlKtenim; ft Km? Cluanln Works. Phono 424-W. Chns. Ed wards, I'rop. 12-1-lm MONEY TO LOAN We ttro rupre uentotivps for the Prudonttul In surance Co., and can muke farm or Cliy loans at urn auii u or interest. Unas. ti. itoynoms. Insurance, loans and bonds. EASTERN OT.EGON School of Music, violin, pluno. voice. Cred its. 1. O. O. l' tomplo, 447-J. , . 0-24-1 111. SIONET TO LOAN on Improved city property, stralKht loans or Installment nlcn. Lowest rutPS. United States luvestinent Co fhone Main 3.1. X-16-lro l-'oit m;M ; koii Rlo.NT 4 room partly fu i nisncu House, roup l eiin. 12-10-2 tp. ' i.oit UKNT l-ai-lly rnrnished i ' ( npartineiil I'lien,- .Main St or 1 2-1(1-31. 2II4-W. l-'Oll RI-:NT -I-'lirulshed desiralilo - home. Garage, (-lose in. 1'hone 145-W. 12-M-lf. FOR UKNT house, W. - I'urtially rurnisli(d II. Hohneukamp. 12-14-St. l-'Olt 1 llll RENT O. Famished apt. 1 2-1 2-01. t-'Olt itl-;N't' I-urn, nouses und opts., with baths clean, ouiet. :-lw rales. Adults. IUIH Green - : wood 7-io-im. WAN'TKI). .(land cow, fresh or soon to be frmh. Write ' II. ih c-o Observer., 12-10-2 tfi. W'ANTKD Widow woman wanla work by ho.ir or day, 'tnui Q. St. ll-l2-i; tp. THE --FATTED CALF i O.YOiJ'LLtUt1. tT' ) t SCWE.tt-l. THEV - put you k sum . Si OUT OUR WAY OH , tcKl rN-- : fi y heo. u. s. PAT.orr. universitleH Vo the lions, especially In 1 he early part of the season. Such schools its Vermont, Middle bury, New HaUipshlre, Norwich. Sprlnrield, Tufts and others do not relish the idea ol bciiirf man handled by the bin- fellows fort woiknnt pnrpnscH, even tljotitfh Uio j llcKliiK may ne au lor.tue nesi so ini- at; the athletic trenrtury Is con cerned, la other worilH, It Is some times a matter of financial .lcces :ity for the smaller rolIotfrR.- Vermont t which wh fed on Its iiril two Kalurdnys IhiK season to New York ami Yale, hits llKhloncd I- k schedule foi' li'HO in stay more within iu: own class of tMitupetl lioh. A nioveiiieul is on fool, spnn .ined at lloston tlnlversity, fur or--Kanixatlon of a footlmll conference anions the smaller Ins,1 itutitms playim; a less hijih-pow'i'ed bran of football. The Middle West. h:is largely dr patted rrom tho idea that II. Is necessary for tho biff college to be built up like a heavyweight bosef and itake mi a few set-ups early lit the season. This is especially trite oi the lllff .Ten, lllff Six and Notre Dame. MoM. of these outfits pltiy ! major oppmionts front the outset. I ; -There st-eijis no reason nOiy. tin y hUi'uer colleyeH eisewpere, c-speciai-i l In the Kast, shoiihl not stn 1 within their own class of pompetl . tion, despite the old arffurneiil ! tihoiil thn difficulty ;.of "pcakinK ! for one riiffffcd foe after another. Notre Dame furnished td;iysic proOl i this year that It can headline. , , , Once their season is under wn biff Icaffuc baseball teams do not sook minor league opposiilon to ma kr the April path any easier, nor Is it -the custom in other col lefto sports such as rowing, boi:ke ! liMsUelhiill, to look Tor sort spots. Illll VOI' KNOW THAT j Jimmy Nolan, viii-slty end on tho ! Klin Ida. olovon, stu nt I'lvo of his HI i yarn In rnh litn ooiintrlos. . . . ! Whoi- ho was nine yours old lip was I shipw i pi kod. holir Japnn and illdn t roaeli port surely until 42 days lal- Nolan's rather is a cn.nili in tin- Meilleal Corps br the lT. H. army, which accounts for Jimmy's varied liavols. . .William O'Dnwll, 'IVAiil: AKHll' cll'K walUed liu i-i.-fool rd in a hllmllti rain and hull siorni down llli- street from Ciai-lt l-felil lo the rci-t or or iron Worth's liusine-f: ilistri-l. . . .On Ills liack was tin- sltin. "Amities 7, Texiis Christinn 13 I lost.". . .O'llowd's aKl-eeinent with tile 'I'. ( '. I', player standn ni-Nt yeal'. 'loo. Willi the los er walking liarofool rive miles rroln vh. KleW to tile business, section llr.van. . . .Arter Tnlano hud triumphed over C.oorKlti Teell, I'oaeli Hill Ali-Minder said, "liank er of 'liiliine Is death ami conster nation." " I ft CttlU UeSlYC 10 , Ttl Play Orangemen COKVAIJ.IH, Ore., Dec. 17 (Al) Oregon .stnie college football toain In becoming ah oiitstamllnrl ini crseetiona I a it i iicl loti judKinu from a steady it ream of Invitations beJiiri received from tnlddlewestern and cast em Institutions. Hluro lo;ieh I'nill S'-Illf hl''s re. 7 CT VEtOHT f,T 4 --UVVVIIWUW'-Bt-yw--' J -v. . 1 . . . I l-E CiOT A BOIL ON OS BACtf ER MAVA K1ECK ANVVJHEM AvA -Toil O. BOS.. AH COOLOM' vsiuK. CAUSE AH CAMT RftE MAU HAVO- OAT MA4 ,HATe. S0' BaAO) -Te.F? 6Et AKiSCOV UOAFiKl', He PUT ME "TER. A DIME.' HE. LOiT -E.AH ERGO. - 11 - .',.. A (OOD . LOOKER S TOYS-BRING.SMILES 7c -fjfv TW ICS fllllllj It itllONll'l lllkp II Kll'lll tlPlll lO lll'lll ( Ill-ISIIIUIN nIiiIIin. Ilolt'-s il rnnv Hiv iluir anil Kink tit till' eiliiH tin iIickii IWO llttlo flK-Pli. turn from lietroit iVboi-i' Iho Holiv-pi-s siopppd it tht-on-your wlnhlnit il.roaU -of'-llle: 'I'ltalts, ho has re-ei-ived flv'o di-rlnfte bids fur iiiter- sectlonai.-Kiiin.es ioxl year, One caiuo from l-'orilhnm .and anothei froin 'thn 1'hlvprslty of Ki ii.'Uclty. Ah droiinit Statti In ttll-i'ilily flUhod' ulcil for a'.posl-tteuson Kiimo in chlf ciibo with Weilt Vtriihla.hoxl sea son. It la doiilitiul If furlher inter-' secilnnul tilts can. bo nrranitCil iiu less a Until Ik lirntiKlit west rut- tin early atul'. 1 : '! ''( VOltlt, Doc. IT (AIM-To-J. l-'ranels Honan ffoes the honor of bcioff tho first New York (Hunt to sIku a contract for limn. Tin' hilt catcher a M ixed his simiature oh Iho ito'.ted line yesterday. Oregon Five Has Lone Letterman Ml '(DINI'I, Ore. (AIM-WlMi but one basketball letterman itKinie, Mel-via chiiHtatn. and his whci c nboutM unknown, the 1'nlverHity oi c M-effuii this year will hold the nnhiae podrlnn of enterlnir its TWfc.T P(k,TE Byv Williams LOOKtiM' Y-fci-i- I SOMEWH - h'' 1 10:0 Y MCA 5EBVtC tllC. coast scheiltlle witli an entirely now squad oT incil. .The Webfoilt schedule will bo all asset to tllc'Kreen tealll.wllll tho .j -first seven iinferenee Riimes on tin I Koine cnurl. The oroij'hn lealll will play l.'l . conicroiice nn s iins J-eaV' an eompiireil to III last soa- AtlcTour Dealer By Cowan I. t OCW I A jiftof I Ol 37 I BETTER XJT'yJr I RECEPTION m ! r 0E.E.,. f you t0 lAPS.PRyE, ) ( viill yoo owe ME ONE. V Or VOUP aTOCV.lMO'-. TO HMir, OP FOP , . CAIMIY'K AIHI ST.WK IIAIl CHI.CAOO, Dee. 17 (APJOper-J utlona and tieatiucnlH have failed to Impi'ovo the condition of l.eo (Oaldty) H;iitn'lfx allliiK nrut, and the ChlrnKo Culm are looklnj? about'! for another ratidicr. Murlneit has had Uvo , tnnlt operations, and hci-iiium and lrTht j trcatmenln have been lined, but j wuttoui iiwniiK, nan neit, aow t j ever, ha: not yet kIvcii up hope and J I:: continuing with powerful elee- trie lltfht irenlmenN hi an cffnit Wanted! Turkeu8 Gee8e, Ducks, Chickens and Country Killed Meats ; A most reliable' house to do business with. -Kefcrcnceg Americmi National Hank , , ,v The NELSON PRODUCE CO 151 FRONT ST. ! POUTLANdoUE. USED CARS With an OK that counts Larison Chevrolet Company Used Car . Lot 407 .L.. :!! MltalvMIIWMV. l Peacock Coal , f PEACOCK Coal is the best brand for the parlor J furnace. There is no soot to fall out on the floor V when burning: Peacock. i 1! .i i 4 j ni?rt;m ETTtr LUMBER CO. Phono Main 732 "(iihhI .Service. Quick" 5 PERKINS Main 500 Hi Used Cars Professional Directory This directory In eapeolaltj handy for (lie nowcomer or for tiio oot-of-towu reader who may want tlio namo and address of some professional roan. It baa been carefully prepared and will prove lo lie a ready aid to any reader In obtaining prompt professional service. Classified for Quick Reference Physicians & Surgeou A. L. UICHAIIDBON, M. D. l'hyslclan nml Surtfcon. Orflco ovnr Glass DriiKs. Office phone, Main 15; residence, phone, Muln 55. .1. A. VOM)l;lll,ICK, M. I. lMij-sli-inn and SurK'eOn Orflco and Hospital over the Tiffin Tel. Mala C78 i, ick n. bouvt, n. n. I.ICWA VV1I.K1C. JM. I). Practice limited to dln.sset of Hit lilye, Kur, Nose sad Throat New Foley Telmihdnl Uulldlnic Main It STAGES LEAVE From Corner of Elm and Jefferson Wallowa Valley Coaches Leave- La Grande for 4:00 p. m. Makes All Main Line Connections. For information call MAIN 799. Ituy Hound-Trip Tickets and Save Good for 60 Days. : to hrlnir his throwintf nrm liark to. ! iifo. ," . .: ... . ' " i - (iltOH MAY TI IIN MA.XAfi:it ? BLOOM'INUTON. 111.. Dec, 1 7 (APi Htdnle' (iinh, rortueij Jivf Vork Cllanl Inffelder, ha friiril mn name for conHhieniMon art inan-f, axer uf tho HprlngtiPhl Huh pt tho Throe Kyo league wsx year., British barrister cay thaffew women make Rood HpeakcrH.iTbat seeinM to rrute the rule thai prafc life makes perfect. - Phone t Main 508 Fir St. Wisdom demandeu that.. you secure the services' of ex pert -morticians who: know the science and ethics of thoir profession,; and who have demonstrated ' their cnpftclty and ability. We Understand: ' ; Snqdgrass & Zimmehnan Phone Main 62 ' MOTOR CO 4th and Adams IDA McMEEKIN Tciu-her of Tlio lliirlicrutix System Voice llriiiuntlcs Melvlllo Apts. I'h. Main 741 Osteopathic Physiciani J. V. INGI.lt!, n, o, TAHGAItUT 1.X1I.IC, I). O. General practice and tlie ''I'Dat BYBTBJ1" for fallen arches. Jomnier lelephona lullillna Him iub. Astrologer urns. Fiti:ni-iticK riAuiF.a 101 N Ave., La Grande, Ore. : HcadinKs dally. " neadlngs by Mull a Specialty , Joseph 8:45 a. m., WISDOM