Pay e Ten. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. AIRPLANES AMONG MOST POPULAR IN i: MECHANICAL-THINGS YOU CAN BE A SANTA TO THEM "Well If It wnnn't for tho children f )i r I h t hi n h wouldn't amount to vury muen;' 1 doubt tr wo'd 'f'von hot her about It If It WUHn't fur thorn," it unman Hiifil tho other iduy. , Isn't It tirue, though. Ihut Krowti ups lilt to look at 1oh JuhI km much um tho littlo folks? Anil mmiy it fun a faUuT Iihk helped Hobby put his "olioo-rhoo" tnirk lotfnth or, not "Imjpiiu; Hobby unrl nIiow IniT liini how." but hern into tin foinl father wants to play with, the toyn he never had a chuuco lo vrt Joy In )iIh you Hi. '. Kor the toys today aro uh varl aiih hi they; urn numcrotiH; unl they urn certainly numerous I-:ni' of Aviation '. This Ih tho era of aviation. The ehttdron of today are Iho men and wduton nf tomorrow, and the mai jmlty of the children want Hnntu ClaiiH to brim: (hem an airplane, ! eMhor a kind that ran bo construe- j led and "deconstructed" at tlo j owners will, or tin kind with u propollor thai "ko-h round and ' round when Iho plain; Ih pnlhd over iho floor." j ' Whether or iot. It nuirltH iho fu( uro piiHlaMr of tint train. It cannot ho truly said, lint a market decline tn tho demand for traliiH )iuh boon j noted, with tho inn-ease for, air i planes, wllleh aro larger and nioi'o numerous la dlfforont typos. Of course there aro many bov who delight In tho rhiiK'-ohnK-chiiK iif tho toy oIikImo uh it shams alonjf Up tin rails, hut tho majority fa No Matter How You Fire It Your Furnace Must Be Right You mny Imve nil oil burner, an 'automatic coal sloltcr 6V you may fire, wood or coal into your furnace by hand it makes no difference your furnace must, be in perfect order to give satisfactory vcsults. ' We are experts on any kind of furnace work dirty, leaky f musices fill the house with dust nnd pases. Let us make a check-up of your furnace you'll have a cleaner, healthier house this winter. LYNCH PLUMBING CO. to resume his work. .Mr.. and Mtm. Crcston Hinghtar- y. of Sonorn, annoiinoo tho arrival of a baby dan alitor. The llitlo irl 1 Iuih bot-n named t'onnle It ay. Air. ami A1 rtt. William WIkkuiiii (and .Marlon Hammock won dlnnor KueHtri at tho homo of Mr. and .Mrs. .Mack Cook H.iuduy. I into I'urson, of Walla Walla, was horo last week renew Inn old aciiunlntuuce. () tamo la with J. If. I 'arsons. .Mr. ami .Mni t l. ('hlbbrs uml family and .Mr. Ityason. of Joseph, came down and won accompanied to I -a tlraudo hy Mrs. (leortfe 'ii 11-di-rw whoro they did nnn t'hrlst imiM shopping Albi-rt Vamor and Herman fill-bt-n havo brouKht nix brown SwIkh vow from Itoilmouil, ( ul. Thoy wiro In hopon that (hoy would bo ublo to K''t a car hut were nimble to. One row weiKhfd I0"ii pounds. Tuesday, tJweniiw u, ivm ,lnjK HiIh wi'clt i-lnHlnir hi-r iliumlis Arili Wlllcil, at Hnli'riiHm' t liiillillnir nil nrllrlo la I nkuiliiK Mnd Bouih of tin- i'Oiii-1 i.r, Un i......... .i ii nil (trumlt. . ,., h,..- n ..nir;iir.'il . Hnow Hmi.l'nr 'mornliiv followo.l ii iti.ln' ruin llirouiriioiii nit- wi-fii l.:c 1 i top i in, Iumi "!(. ..mim' xliapi-. Thi- firal c-ilil nlulit Hi" plinl. will la' floe ill. . I front I Ii." vIIV malnu mul uiialn until tin4 xlcat lilK J)hI. wilt bo iliaili1. Mnt. t'lun-ni'i! Alien nml ilaiiKll tT. Ni'll. iii'ir ia 1 1 i iik on Mm. Wil liam Wlunaim l-'rMny nrii'inoon. haJ irrf lirniiulit irrimt n-lli-f lo tlm fnrliif nml muck mi'"- ''''' wil"' hat iinllr Hl.-uillly tln lat - i.layn. hrliiKliiK rain oadi nliflil. Tin' laillii" of tin Nt'lirhhorliooU Mali ln'lil t It - i- annual luutiir innl. fiHi.l wile In tin- ol.l llimtlnir Inill'I- Mrs. Kilii .McKinzii. Hlu'lil w vi ral lint Sn I ll nlny. For Mr. Motorist... ! ujith YranlcCleavinger ;j Egg Maker Scratch Feed Charcoal 1 - f'B' J Oyster Shell Soya Bean Meal Unseed Meal Whole Com Cracked Corn Grit, etc. wmn Dun i Phone Main 792 1525 Jefferson St. vor holiiK "up In the nlr.' ' If "air-miuili-dnoHH" oould ho cnllod "hlh'h-niindodiiortM," thoro would he a lot of hlKh-uiimtod, oxtroumly In Hollftfont younfffttoni lonkliifc for Siuuii'H whllo honrd und red co: huh iiocomhor. Homo Ufo riu-JmiifcoiI Thotifrh tho mochnnlcal world may chaiurn, and bocomo dlfforont, homo tiro Ih Mill the ttumc. OliiN Htlll lovo dolln, nnd tou HotH; ovon thoiiKh- thoy -do. wnnt oloctrlcul HtovoH, and doll Iiouhoii, and moro of tho n-'w thlnKH thnt nre bolnip offorod for -tho tiny play hontoHJi and housowlfo. Thor am littlo oloctrlc hIovoh that roally cook, und potH and pimn that will roally Mund tho tent, uIouk with tnhloH und chnlrif to Hot 'r'Lostiiie: School Children Making Ready For Xmas Wooilon pull toys, und tiling nt ttw. v,n, n.v Whnn Vn.mK- I ',K'll,,"n vtoK Ol tW. trooit, , howovep small hrijrhtoh i visltinK his paronts. Mr. nnd Mm. jioinoono elwo'w homo, without ono j l.lndwy. Hammock roturned thin In t hoi r own ; , , , i wook to his homo In Malhour l ominty. Ho was accompanied by ; If Ih brother Krod. who will vlHit t horo. j .Maurico Kloyd httH boon quite ill I at hi.s lioiuo but w.ih able to tnko bin part in Iho Hchoot day. Korriw CiinhIiih has boon conflnod Uo Ii Ik homo tho last wook bocauso iof tho flu. ; MrR.. M. O. Courtnoy. of Shoep : Crook, han boon vlHltlnK friontlH around l.ostino for tho lat wook. i I., t'ouoh. of Wallowa, han boon j in l.ostino tranHactinK business 'duriiiR tho laHt wook. ( Krod KdwnrdH, Iai fn J lammock 'and Marion Hainmock wont in Hcrmlston thin wot-k. Itohort. Hondorson and Miss An nn Uond, of Lostlno. wn-o married at KnlerprlHO Satunlay Dec. 7. , Mr. and Mrs. I eo .Muko wore Hy .Mrs. William WIroiw (ObHorvor t'orroHpondont) 1 I LOSTJNH. Oro. (Hpoolal) Kach i school room U proparinff a fhrist- . jinnn program and each will havo a! l(roo.. . - ' t Wallowa county hold third place j jin tho unite of Oregon in the ilalry ! jloMt (lurlUK -Ootobor.; Tho fhurl.- with tho.dlHhoH und orvo tho hont 1 ' r' ' UT" J'-nrprlHo. wuh t , of moalH. ""h ii ; ; in win ii, lim )i IMIUIUIUU HrO)llt'(l How much to whore? , what's to po? wo will let you Toll uk nnd know. . Wo conduct a Ronoral transfor biiHimwH and will be glad lo ffivo you quick OHtimatos. I s 5 Jj Mr. Motorist would like to see some Jj dandy auto accessories on his Christ- mas tree. So if you have a motorist to remember, drop in and select his gift j from our big display of accessories, J Special values offered Christmas shop- pers on many items. . ' $ Jack Allen Supply Co. S v Auto Accessories Shop 3 Homo during tho mouth, 37 ' herd ; Hini.le, would HaliHfv ,lt reulr-.' niany littlo tin dollH at tlln cUcuh. or toetorinK'. (JuhI so they'ro inov i , in.., ,. ..t ...... niinuiiy Kin"fin ill im inline ui t 11- u.jllny doll or axottpn.jJui(wWiiJwi , , , 1 ., . , - ."ilurd sirah-v ',. . TiMf. 7, trtTil -iiotwt ohiHod down -Tor tho month ! " , . UHMOpalr work .Will, Ko Oil - Ulllll o. Hon.o-tliiio durinff tho firnt of tho ":isi'- was '0fi,l" Monday vIh f...... -i'i... ..,. in . . .ltinir her dauuhler. Mrs. Honahl hue.) or a do tall wkh and "'j '.. j 1 ' 1 Douns. bin oat-H pork up. to HntlHfy -Sonny;, lj ! ' . , ! , ' ..,,,,.,,,: Mm. Merkh-y Candle wuh nbop- lloy," today, If ho lmmi't 'H''V ,to Zn Z 1 S ' ' ('-" Tiinmlny. roAchod tho airplane H.atn. , l0B Mr. Uif and dauKh- Vonl tabloH form a irrrnt alti-ac " "J ,"',,m Ml n . n Ut ll ! ir. HonsU.. visited at tho homo of Hon to tho boyn who aro JuhI urow- , A , , , . t inn Itoher at tlte Hebool .Monday by tho fifth ' and Hixth tirade. . .Mr. and .Mm. A, H. Miller, of KutorprlHc, vinitoil n. Uosilne with Mi-h. Millei-'H Hintor,. Mh. Juiuoh Uoiiunrd, , ; Tho community club met Friday nfleriuion tit tho homo nf Mi-h, Hon t'andlo. Mih. Stella Hoolt and Mrs. Kdcll HrlKlit had charKe of tho program. I ioUcIouh rof roshmentK worn Horvod. . V. U. Hitntor .in huildiiiK' a now NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT BUT XMAS BILLS In,' up; many of the More have already Hold their Mock in thin lino: for pool tahloH nro nomethtuft the whole family can enjoy, und i Ih also a km mo of nklll, much more than card Ramon, And after alt Iho yoai'H that par ontH havo had (MirlHiman jtint for tho children; then tho children Krow up and ffo nway; tho old folkn aro Junt In the ' f'hrlHlm.iK habit, and keep on kMdk KiftH, and planning fur the holtdayH. when will come homo with tho rand-I ",lul' on M.lldren eo -Kianny and ."" ,h ' mvn- f f, ( "Kranpop:" and even If there!. I he t)rder of tho Kantern ' aren't any trrund-chlhtron. ilio t ,lt',lf " x'h vt ,m f; rn;"''H at their fhrimmaH xplrlt ! ho deeply em J ';",ir ,,',l",1' hursday evonlnif. ho.lded in thoir heartn. and under wore Hello 'I.Hon, their HUln ho far, that thov co-.tldn't j wo,'lll" mu1,r,on; . "?" Unirn- W0l'lh iron;- Vie. KoarloH, aKHoclato imtnm: Klla, Hocrotary; Ousflio jt'row, troaHttrer; Ituby Keonard. i conduct rosa: l.rla Hnun, asHnolato f'onductrosM. . ' -. Tho froHs , Con nl ry Hitch com jpany hold a metlnrr at the office jof l'Ved 1-MwardH Thurnday evontiiff to consider uayn and iuouuh of ibuildlnt? a ditch to ho taken out of (the Wallowa river. I The Men of tho Christian church jluno been huttltnn wood from tho Homy Kuhn place. Or. i. A. Ault, of KntorprlMo. i Jwas In T.Ostlne Prlday vacclnatlitK Uhe Hchool children. Orval McArlor went to Cove lust .week and brought In a flno Ouorn jhey hull. j John Hammock who nun (won This fellow seems to think that they are bad enough. But he isn't really in trouble. He doesn't know what trouble is. We just wish he could talk to the fellow who dropped his just before he had a bad smash-up. Then he'd think Christmas bills are pretty soft. Paying1 little insurance bills is better than paying- big damage bills, any way you look at it. Get a policy quick let iis worry about the cost of accidents. "INSURE IN SURE INSU.RANCE" UNION MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. Jack R Ferris, the Insurnnce Man Real Estate Loans NPNV Foley Rldjf, ns in Kntorprise Sun day. I Mr. and Mrs. Arch Wlllett, of I -a Grandf. vtalicd their daughter, .Mrs. .lack Hood, in Kntorprise, se' .eral days Ihi.H week. Mrs. Joe Caudle and Mrs. Wal 'ter Kranklyn, of KnterpriHe, rutin1 i down and attended tho Hchool play Krlday nlRht. Hoy Martin was hit with a board at tho sawmill in Wallowa and hurt quite badly, but is now able Children Like This Safe Prescription Coughs and Sore Throat Relieved Almost Instantly Stop children's eonirhs and sore throats be fori those ailments lead to dangerous Ills. Thoxino. a doc tur'n proscription, now assures re lief within IT. minutes to children as well as adults without tho dan Kor in tho use f patent medicines containing harmful druus. Thoxino works mi a different principle, noes direct to the source of trouble and relieves tho Irrita tion which causes tho couwhltiK and sore throat. Ideal for children ho eauso It Is safe ami "does not have tho usual 'nasty. medicine" taste. No g;irglink'. Just ask for Thoxlne, put up ready for use In 3re., t0c, and I .no bottles. .Money back If not relieved. Sold hy Hed Cross Druj; Store and all other Rood dniK Ktoro. Adv. ' AH Pianos Reduced -in , v Price at ADLERS for Christmas Easy Terms East Oregon Fast Freight, Inc. .Over Night Express Service at Freight Rates Insured Carrier Auto Freight Terminal Phone Main 673 - 1-113 Jefferson Ave- LET SANTA CLAUS . BRING THEM A LINCOLN BANK and 50c This Starts A Permanent Savings Account Paying- Guardian Building X Loan Ass'n. of Portland La Cramlc Hraiu-h Ii (irantle Natiomil nnk Ulds. n iT Hi. i r. -.! t m ll-