Friday, December (?, li2) LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE. Page Three Society Mrs;; Bedingfield Hostess To Club At' Afternoon Party Mi. '4hinlH Hedln)friehl wiifl homes yeHlerdny to u plenmint aft ernoon of i, tin lu (i ramie HrldRo rluh at her home, with throe lithlt'S lU'-jilay.' Hln tally wiih . made hy Min.iTmn .Maxwell. Sec ond it ws nil , wnH presented lo .Mrs. I, vie Kiddle, Uivhld rhr.vJtnnthe iiiimiik formed a lovely decoration, I'ollouiutr bridge n dainty tuo eourHe luncheon whk served. ' The inM mt'ctliiff- will ' hi' with .Mi'H. Kohm Kiildn. - Hulls Entertain : Their Bridge Club A. chiirmliiK dhnier-hridKe, al which .Mr. mill .Mrs. II. I,. Hull were host ami IiohIi-hh to their eluh. tuiik place Tuesday evening at I he' fcneajawen Inn. ChryHanthenr.iina decorated the dinner table, altrue tvely ttrraiiKed wltlv Japanese place cards. .; Honors fur hljrh tally were won Ity .Mrs. Lent Uusselt and Warren (iilhert. t'onsolatiou was awarded to Milliner I'htyle. . . Ladies Triad Choir Selects Officers Al the rehearsal qf the Ladies' Triad ehojr of the Preshytertnn church Thursday evening the choir eleeliNl lis officers for the year, as j follow: Mrs. L. It. Aloe, presi- dent; .Mrs. Waller Xowland. vice ' president : Mis.s Itnth (leihel. si c- letury-treasurer. The fnllouiiiK ' have been ailded as new members nf. .lhe organization: Mrs. ' M. A. Stearns,- first soprano; .Misses Mar ia! (1 1 e n n. .Mildred Class and (.nice Gelhel, '."second sojirano; Mrs. (icorgoHiinlington Curry and .Miss Virginia Class. - alio. The choir will sing (he anthem "Nearer My God, to Thee," by, Al arks, and Airs. Al. A. Stearns, soprano, will slug -the solo "Alone With Cod," by' Abbott, al the Sunday morning service. .Mr-H. r A.J,. Richardson is director of t ho choir, this being the third year of this organization ' aatier her direction. ?fEViEWS5lNEKGELEN CO 1 1 1 wjwi'-IJ1 .y-iwati ' NASHU ESMOND :;EANpY SINGLE BLANKETS.,,.'.. PART WOOL . $2.98 llllllBBIHllllllEIRIIIliaiBllIIlIEIIBHIIflllll i Grande Ronde Meat Co. a City Grocery and Market Main 75-50 FAMILY FUNDS CAN BE "STRETCHED" In the Purchasing of Quality Meats for Less. Round Steak, lb. . . . . 29c Tee-Bone Steak, lb. . . 29c Nice Steer Beef The Jiest Steer Beef ; Sirloin Steak, lb. 29c None Better, Young Steer Grande Ronde Valley Beef of the best quality. QUALITY FOOD FOR LESS Oregon Walnuts Fresh new crop, largo No. l's, 2 His. Tomatoes Standard with puree, 2ii tins, 8 for Sweet Pickles Knights mixed,' &-t qq gallon jugs MOi Rolled Oats Baby Stewart, a new product by Riche lieu with china ware, A rt large package 42C Y. C. Apricots Fancy pack, in syrup, 22 tins, 3 for Van Camp's Hominy fttm: : 32c News 'Parkdale Club In I Enjoyable Meeting A afternoon was spent ' Wedmsdny by the Park dale clnb ; when It met ni the home of Mrs. M'lyde Pavis, with Mm. Ueorj;e l.u . pher uaalHUii'. an IiosIuhh. j Kollowlnv i. lie business session n : program wits enjoyed. M Iss Lids j Jen 11 Davis and Helen Kallow phiy I ett an entertaining' piano duet. A i delightful vocal nolo was simp by !.Mrs. Leslie Slnden. The vocal duet .nun? by .Mrs. J'tunela Youns; ami i Mrs. Alma Cnrroll was well re ceived. ' - At. the close of the afternoon I the host esses Served dainty re ' f reshiiients. ! Evening of Bridge ! At Peterson Home i A pleasant evening: of bridge was ! spent Weilnestlay at tin- home of !.lr. and Airs. Clyde Peterson with ;four table sat play. Atlniciive yel- low pompons formed decorations. Mr. and Airs. Italph Hutchinson of 1 t'nion were out-of-town KUi-sts. . Awards for high scores wero presented to Airs. Hert Holllster and Or. Krank ICamc.s. Airs. Frank I lvalues and Herlert Johansi'n re ! celved consolation prizes. Pari lift : the evening dainty refreshments ! were served. ; Mrs. Harry Sandoz Hostess to Group Airs. Marry Sandoz was hostess Wednesday afternoon to the Wo man's .Missionary society of the Christian church, with Airs. J. IT. Snodgrass and Mrs. George L. An dt-rson assisting as hostesses. Mrs. C, F. Alcl'herson. president, was In charge. "Joys or the World" was the opening song, followed hy ja prayer by the Jtev. It. L.' l'ul- nam. It was decided by the or jganization to send (Kin of Us funds jlo ine Aincan ncm to support two native evangtdists. This followed a decision to send some of the funds to a definite place. The rest oC the money will be sent to tho I'nlted Christian Alisstonary socl ely. M rs. Arno Voelz was program Packers and Distributors of Mt. Emily Products Economy Grocery II and Market Main 573-48 Delicious Apples i? Bushel Basket, faced and CQ filled, 'special OiC 50c 98c Firm Golden Fruit, (not over ripe) 4 lbs. large snow white heads, Special, per II) Real Cake, Dozen 65c 3 Dozen Cookies . Mince Pies lender ami Mh: It.' I.. Putnam read the nf riptures and led the devo tlnnal. A circle of pruyer wan held. Mrs. Voeht gave a talk on tho snhject of tin arternonn, "Witness Ihk Through 1-1 18 1'owhi'." The pro grams of the missionary society for 'the lust three yei:rn huve heen leading to the peuleeoHt in l!3a. ' M rn. r. I1. Kdison spoke on "Teufc- Idale I'hina." Irs. ( K. MePher Hon nuil Alin. Onta Lupham sang a ' vocal duet. "It t'ume I'pon ti Mid night t'lear" l ;MrH. T. Thbmas told of the life of Dr. Ilira Lai, u native doctor of India, who vns reared in the I'hrtstian orphanage in Indin. i Uefreshments were served by i the hostesses. i ; Officers Elected. ! . At G. I. A. Meeting Officers 'were elected yesterday at the meeting of the C. I. A. in the K. I1, hall. They will be In stalled ami the appointive office ri chosen and installed at the next meeting of the organization. Mrs. Alphu Cunlil'fe was re elected to the presidency. Other officers are: Vice president.. Airs. Clara Smith: secretary. Airs. Wil liam Marclay; treasurer, .Mrs, Kffle Hradshaw; relief secretary. Airs. ILiidit Humphreys; chnnhiln, Mrs. Ilosa Kbell; - guide. 'Airs. Helen jljtne; sentinel, Airs. Una Hul- iisier.. . ... - . . " Riverside' Ladies Aid Entertained IA Jolly afternoon was spent by the ItiVerstde Ijtdles' Aid members yesterday when they met at the J Lane elm pel for a hard times party. l'ri.cH for the best costumes .were awarded to Airs. I. Al. Ken i nedy, first, and. Airs. K. VI. Mc I A unity, second. -I A business meeting was held and j pheasant games were played. De licious refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. Airs. Fra n k Al a rqu Is and Al rs. . Leslie Slnden were hostesses. The next meeting will be Jan. 2. r 1 ' Bridge Luncheon Thursday Event Honoring Airs, George AIcDonahl and Airs. William . AIcNab, All.w Alarguret Anson and Airs. Turner Oliver wero hostesses yesterday afternoon al tho home of Aliss An son on Fourth street for a delight ful bridge, luncheon.'. Decorations were in a seasonal Christmas mo tif of red and green. Four tables of bridge wero : at play, with Airs. Loul Kussell win ning honors for high score. Prizes were also presented lo the guests. Home Department Plans Xmas Work The . Home departments of--. luv j Presbyterian - I'lVurch. met yestPrday afleradoit" in the -cnfiich "parlot1 iwlth Airs. p. K. Aloranj Airs. jOeorge linker, ' Aliss Voung- and j Al rs. W. W. Holden as hostesses for the afternoon. About 25 per sons attended the session. Airs. Ilernlce Webl had charge of the. Hoover Market Main 755 m Bananas n 29c m m m Cauliflower 10c J I Doughnuts 15c Bakery Specials 25c 20c I devotional.' Several ' entVrtalnlnff 'Christmas song were sung by Ilt jtle OrlKcldit MiiHey. j I luring the afternoon plans were i iimilr to send Christmas boxes to the girls' mi-hoot in New Aluxlco. jantl lo Hive ChrlHtmas dinners for several families in Iai U ramie, 1 I The next meeting will be with j.Mrs. T. A. AlcKiustry, Jan. 2. I)e ' Hclous refreshments were nerved ( by the hostesses, t a , Mrs. John Ward j Entertains Group The social club of the L. H. of B. or L. F. and K. .met yesterday j afternoon at the home of Al rs. j John Ward on Ninth street, with Airs. Fred Wltliams as assistant : hostess. I'leasant social hours and an In terest I ng contest was played din ing the afternoon, First prlxc was w o u b'y Al rs. Fra nk I e ka I b : sec ond, Airs. Fred Mavles; third.. Airs. IS. O. Coleman; fourth, Airs, Wal j ter Lane; fifth. AIih, 11 race Humes, j -Airs. Dekalb was presented with jthe chain prize of the club. A de I lielous two-course luncheon was i se rved at t he eloso of t he a ft er j noon. 'Early History Is ! ; Subject of Talks An Interesting meeting was held yesterday afternoon by the mem bers of the Diversity club at the home of Airs. Otis Huff. At the business' meeting Airs. 1'hil Lock wood reported on the topic. "How Astoria Was Fstahllshed." AirH. Herbert Kvans spoke on the sub ject "The Lewis and Clark Kxpe- i dition." i .After the business meeting games I were enjo;etl. Airs, l'hil l.ockwootl 1 won the prize for high score and !the attendance prize was awarded ! to Airs. .Marion Ilachynskl. Ten , members were present, with Al rs. !Orland Lewis as honor guest for the day. . Following the games refresh Imenls were stirved. Announcements The study class of the Allsslon ury society of Hie Freshytot ian church will meet for a study pe riod .Saturday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock at the home of Airs. Wal ter Carpenter at 7 ci 1 Alain street. At this meeting the weekday for the .session is subject to change. PERRY PERSONALS ll,v .Mrs. Mnry It. Kali (oiWrvor CnrreKiKnuU'tit) I'EltHV, . On (Spt'cliil) M Ina l,oi-uim Kinith, whit hud hvv Um Bll i'iihciv(m1 ItiHi l-'rldiiy, Iuih rc ooverod nit-ply and in' buck lit hfi hlsh -fjohuol (IuUph In 0tnl1 : 'M .ji'rtel!Sfl iW,uVjif::ilj'-ll- ami vy tho first .of tin wet-It from I'on dosa. 'Ihey huvc tw o . ehildren In school. This hrliiRH ihe sehool en rollnitni to li fi with all tlu Kiiult-s rt'i'it'.sfntt-tl; .MLss l-'niilft-H Smith, of I't'liille ttm, spent Thnl(HKlvln" with her parentM. Mr. it ml Mih. Jou, Smith, hci e. The I'. IT. llnmlnm I'linilly Hpent Thunksgivlnff In Walla VVnlla with Mrs. Itahdran'B mot her. Tlielr Kim, Stephen, who mukeH n home with hlri Kramlinather, aft-oni-panhMl the tuinlly home Sunday and he ami his nisi it. Norma, went hack to Walla. Walla Monday after noon. Mr. anil Mrs. Walter I'eriKho Hpent the hulidny'H at (rrepnlt-af, Idaho, with relatives. They re turned tu erry early this week. Mr. and .Mrs. tlfrahl l'lerson and ehihhen recently visited Mrs. T. N". l'lerson In lown. Mr. and Mrs. If. I. Mention were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Kail on '1 hanlisffivlntf day. The two families were former friends at Cove, later near KnterprlHe, and now they nre both ' mukliiK" their honu-K in l.a (Irande. A lai-jre eominlny of patrons and friends altemli-d the proKam Klv en hy I'oi ry school lat Wednesday. John and ChnrleH Hiffler, of l- Grande, reeently visited fricndM In this vicinity. Walter rerlsho and family moved to l;a Grande Wedneslny where, they expect ,!o nuike their V. U a:kw hits heen husy haulliiK hid winter's supply of wood. .Mrs. J. IT. Ilooher Is husy this week dresHlnx capons. to fill orth-rs. Her chickens nv very larKf, hclnir the .Jersey tltunt variety. All-, and Mrs. W. W. Holden were recent, dinner Kiiewts of .Mr ant! Mrs. John HennWt, of Kruitdale. Negro Wins Bet But Loes Life Kl.nollAlX). Ark., Di'i'. 0 (Al') Tom Knkiim. Ncki", "' hi Mpek'B wiikch I"- lonlcl .1 vllik ci I t Of "HIUOMMllInc" Wlllllllll t01- pinK, walk I'Ht y.'irdx willliillt wlnK K'Mlik' JinO return. I-Vllow om liloyw In u fllllilK ntiillun arri-iui-d hlf phlilliMiK'". Tom ilnink llw 1 1 r, n r unil viilki M k h' hin wiiKrt-il. JU. illcrt a liort time litter. Veteran Telephone Official Stricken HA S VHASriXfd, l.c. r, fAI Sudden death 1iM ni'ht ended the career of John W. Gllkynon, veteran offh lal of llw i'acirit Tele phone it ml Teleicniph t ompuny. as ho drew up tils rarrliiKe und pair to he awarded first prize In-fore an audience of persons al the reventh annual horse how of the Ht. IVnncIn Kldliiff ctuh. Mr. Gllkv Hon wan ft fi years old. I tenth muh due to a cerebral hemoori h;Ke, I oal mines In Illinois prorlucd &4,tS.V.tU tonn of Jioft conl Inst yi'ur. Produce Houses Are lrow Licensed ..SAliKAf, Ore. (AIM A total of tiii - produce commission houses have been licensed in Oregon un der the new license act passed by tho !!-!) leultdature. accordimr to j Seymour Jones, state mttrket agent. Another net of the liU'H leglslat-ui-e wus to Increase the license fees of tho public warehouses from $2 to $ 1 u a year. The check fund therehy creates an opportunity for tho market agent to keep a closer cheek on warehouse businesses, A particularly close watch Ih kept to see that the wheat on hand In warehouses tallies wllh tho out standing receipts held by growers. This prevents the operator from appropriating the wheat to his own use, ' poUcRu.w i:xom:h.ti:i . VA.VCOl'VKlt, Wash,. Dec, ti (A l Kzrn J. Cum, Camas pa trolman, was exonerated by u coro ner'fi Jury of lilame for the death of Carnti Weidman, whom he shot and killed whim the latter. fled from arrest. Crum said he shot to halt Weldmau, alleged bootlegger, and not wllh fatal intent. MENUS Ity Sister Alary 1 There Is no gainsaying the fact that sugar Is a good food and oc cupies an important place In tho normal diet. Heat and energy lire supplied quickly and economically whenever sugar Is used In a con centrated form. However, It Is a one-sided food In Its refined state. Alemis must be carefully planned to furnish the necessary building materials and body regulations In order that a balanced diet may be maintained. An excessive use of concentrated sweet "spoils" the appetite 'for other foods and is detrimental to ( good nut rlllon. ' i The use of sugards tn their more natural stale makes It possibln fur I he homemaker to satisfy her fam- ily's sweet tooth In a benefhial fashion. ' j .Molasses Important Food j Alolasses Is an ' old-fashioned means to this end, ' . i Alolasses ,as well as1 granulated sugar Is a product of the sugar cane. Hut the Important minerals and food elements found In thu plant arc lost In the extensive, re fining process required to produce the sugar while they are retained in the. syrup. 1 . To HER say it FEOWERS THIS CHRISTMAS Not only do they convey your high regard, in the best pos sible manner, but each blos som fjjii-ly sparkles with the spirit of the season. Say "Merry Christmas!" in this nicest of all ways. HOOK YOUR OKDKR NOW WITH Clark's Florists 1115i2 Adams Ave. Ph. M-ll Say it with FLOWERS We j Calcium, phosphorus, iron, vita ( mln It ami a little protein uro I present In molasses. These quali ties are nn excellent argument In (favor of Its psu In recipes when ! ever possible. I A plain ginger bread can be 'served In neveral ways to dress It 1 up for 'company." Whipped cream or hard sauce make warm .ginger bread into a delicious pud , fling, Thin slices of ginger bread put together sandwich fashion with cottage or urcam cheese are 'inylllng wiih afternoon tea. j (Jin ner Ilrcud j One cup molasses, 1-2 cup gran ' Minted sugar, 1-2 cup butter, 2 1-2 leaps flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 j teaspoon ( ginger, 1-2 teaspoon "cloves, a' teaspoons soda. 1 cup hulling water, a eggs. Soften butter and heat with Hug- (UM Oi Ut Coats- and Dresses Reduced CHOOSE from our very complete and charming collection of the newest modes of the seasons . . . styles sponsored by Paris. Both frocks and coats show the smart, princess silhouette . , . as they gracefully flare their way to increased lengths... Modes for sports, afternoon' and formal wear ... at special pricings for this holiday selling! g $9.90 to $42.95 $7.90 to $34.95 g THESE jiff Adorable Robes & I Ijrj attcii an aoorauie gut; one mat is sure I W to gut a lot of applause when the Christ- I C I ,1 1.1. lL .. 'iffl mUS Be"'S 1,10 ')10'ten- it ful striking appealing. sortment will make selection an easy LM task. $6.95 to $24.95 Jjl Dainty Lingerie V I'llllltr linilt-rflllliKx urf f ron'liHMl (III till- IIh nf F. what iwi-ry miliuni Hants V for OirlHtnuiN, Here yoti M will riml the newest ile- M MKtw Rllrl allluleM In k'iuiim f teilillen, Ktep.lim, ilanee VI M-tx. $1.95 to $9.95 ---Cinderella Shop- La Grande's Friendly Credit Store 9 8 Buy Ladies' Gifts at a Ladies' Store PUTMAN'S "The Gift Shop' : ar until creamy MUl molasses .and mix. thoroughly. Mix ami sift eggs well beaten. Turn 'into, two j flour and spices and udd to first oiled and floured miunrc. pans and j mixture. Stir until smooth and bake -ill minutes In. u moderate acbi bolting water with soda discovert. ' For Useful Christmas Gifts and Your New Holiday Wardrobe LOVELY GIFTS FOR HER- Negligee II.' I I .... They are color Our lai'ge us- GIFTS OF PURE SILK HOSIERY Such beautiful hosiery as we are showing is sure to be doubly welcome all the newest shades of lovely lustrous quality. Dear Santa is besieged with requests for hosiery it is one gift that will please one and all. $1.50 to $1-95 ; solved tn It. Heat hard and add -JVVlik T .V. 91 0 r3s i Frocks Hf m I J --to A ah