La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 04, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Ha Irani? lEufttta
, Oregon: Kbit- east, unsettled with
rainu went portion tonight and
Thursday, warmer Thursday.
State Legion and Auxil
iary Officials to Attend
Sessions Tonight.
District Conference to be
Held Here , Tomorrow
With Banquet, Mass
Meeting at Night. .
ISecause a meeting scheduled for
Milton-Freewuter 1ms linen post
poned, state officers -of the Amer
ican Legion and Legion auxiliary
will mil only In here tomorrow lor
the d'slrirr. conference, but will
nlao lie In La Grande lit t today
ji ml will tittend the monthly meet
ings pt' tio two organizations, Jn
the Sacujawcu Inn this evening.
Thfii announcement, coupled
with general interest in the Thurs
day conference, leads off Iwi'ti to
nnliclpati a particularly largo -nt-Itendunce.
Huuc Commander Hid
H. Ceorge, of Kugewv uml Slate
Adjutant Carl Moser, of Portland,,
are the legion officials to attend,
and those representing the auxil
iary "are Mrs." Maiy Chancy, ".i ate
president, and I-aDoeia Cobb, dis
trici comniitU'cwomnn.
Confcronci Program
The' program for the conference
tmnorro wopens with n luncheon at
the La CI ran da hotel for all legion
naires and a.uxillary members that
4-are to attend, with the sluj o offi
cers to ho the guests of honor.
At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the
disl l iel conference will begin at
the city hall. All ex-service men
us well as the puhlle are Invi ed
to attend. The conference for the
auxiliary will he hold in the Saca
jnwcn. (l::ll) OV::rk Hattmiel
In the evening at fi:3U o'clock a
dinner fur all ex-service men and
women will be Riven nt ilm Hnca
ja wea , wit h the yi a I o exec ut Ives
again the guests cf honor. A largo
i etnvil, from all punts of I'nion.
"Wallowa and Kakor eouni fes, is
(Continued on Pnge 6
Tuni Vernon, eunfessed train
robber and who is now held under
arrest In I'awnee, Okln., with both
Wyoming and California waRiiiR a
battle lor him, is none other than
"Buffalo' Vernon, who. Is welt
known to people of KuM.ern Ore
oii. "I'.nffalo' Vernon was one of
Hie star p'rCinners at the l"nlon
fjoel; yliow and the IVndleton
i:ound-rp m :re than a derade tmn,
and for several years thrilled
crowd.: at. both events with' bis
bulhloBRliiR and rouh-rldftiR feats.
In those days, as early as l!lO ami
for some time afterwards, "Huf
falo" was n blif shot I'endleion.
Jle was a clever per.'ormer and a
favorite with the erowds. Ilow
I'ver, he has not taken part in the
wilil west events at either show for
several years, am; news of his ar
rest on ehaiRes of robblmr trains
in tho two slates was the firrt re
ceived of him, in this locality fur :i
lun- period of tfme.
Royal Arch Masons
Elect Milo Smith
Milo Smith was eleeled exalted
hiRh priest at the meetitiR of the
Itoyal Arch Masons last night in
the Masonic hall. Others chosen as
officers for the coming year were:
Alfred J. Cook. kltiR: Joel Ulch
a rdsou, scribe ; C. M . II u in ph reys,
treasurer; If. Kussell, secretary.
Mr. .Smith was Installed last ove
idtitf. Shop and Mail
Early, P. 0. Urges
' I a your Chris) mas shopping
Already tli;it has apCMi'ed many
time.;" fn ffraude this season,
but a new angle was Riven the
warniiiR today, with tin appear
ance of: "Shop early, Mall early."
At t he pout office, it was a n
nouneed t li- ih"re will be no de
livery on he Sunday Chrisl
nias ;rnd also no delivery on Wed
nesday, Christ mii! day, and pat -
ona are tirK d to mail curly
enough tu insiii-e cl''lJw;y on r
J.boiit Saiui d iy, I f " I . "1 his
applie.-. Iolh tn c.-trds and parcel.
I'aekauc-. shculd be wrapped care
fully, addn s-ied plainly and mail d
arh, local postal authorities say.
wi:atiii:ii touav
?:,'t0 a. III.. .1 1 above.
Minimum, l'f above.
Cundiiion: t.'lear.
Wetil her Vclinlity
Maximum, miiilmum, :
Condition: Clear.
AVinlher l. I.
MaNfmum, JT; minimum,
Condition: Partly cloudy.
M.E. Choir Will
Give Cantata at
Church Sunday
's F amous "Holy 1
Gaul's F amous "Holy
City," Will be Presented
Here, Directed by W.
W. Nusbaum.
Nest Sunday evening, at the
hour of the regular evening ser
vice, members of lite choir of the
First Method!!, church, directed by
W. W. Nushtuim, will sins' CHiuI'h
fuincua racred cantatu, "The Holy
f.'fty." This Is one of tliu special
musical programs which this musl-
ma tho winter ion. mm tun puii-.Klamath Project is Allot
nc ik inviiun to .utomi and ho,,r ecj $269,000 Senate Re-
The euntr u is one of ten can-!
tata:: by Alfred Hubert Gaul, eight
or which were sacred and two hcc
ular. . Mr. Ciaul was an Knglish
inan, born, in 1S37 and an orgun
1ft of repute at the age of 17. . He
is known as one of Kneland's fcre
nuift organists and composers,
l he treatment of "The Holy
City' Is almost, entlrly reflective.
The flnl." part.. "Contemplation
'M.nrMi.wi t.v iho hMiL- of
Hcripluro "Here we have no con
tinning city, I'hy Kingdom
comu" and sets forth the desiro
fr-r a hiRher life, as expressed in
the words, "My soul Is allir;tt for
God," which deiro 1h followed by
uther pansaRes exju-esslvii of the
perfection of Iho higher life, such
uh ' Kye hat.h not scoii."
The second ,iart iif the cantata.
"Adoration," was suRRested by the
words "J saw a new heaven and a
new earth, for the first heaven and
(Continued on Pace 5)
School Budget
Hearing Held;
Election Next
The 1130 school blldRct for dl-n-iet
No. l. which . includes La
Grande, which provides for $ I 44,- j
noon and no objections were re
ceived.. Heram'o tin.1 builRct runs over
tho six per cent limitation, an
election will be necessary, which
tho hoard of educal ion has an
nounced will be held Dec. 1!7 In
Centra', and Greenwood schools
frm 2 to 7 o'clock.
The school boanL rocoiv-w.1 .vnd.,L
rejected hH for (he purchasr of'
tho dwelling houso on tho Dean-
Chadwlck? property near the IiIrIi
xehool which was rerently acquired
by tho district. II. K. Williams,
elcrk. was authorised to neRotifilo "''in- nammervuio iasi iuriu
u nrlviiln sale of the house. the,,ir,,'r Hnfferlnff illness. Kim was
purchaser to make removal.
Marriages Here
Still Gaining On
Divorce Decrees
Tho "parson" Is still called upon
mot- olt--n llu.n tho JwHjp
inree anti one nan unies us many
coujiles received niarriaRo licenses
'this year over a, period of nine
inontiis, as received divorce cer
tificates. The eounty clerk's office Issued
It!' mirriaRe licenses in the nine
mcnihs and duiinR that samo time
only :i 1 divorces were Rnmted.
Total: for the 2 months of last
year Were for inarriaRes, and
5S for divorces, and unless the
a vera Re per month for this year
(less than four a month) rises con-
Kldi-riilily Mii'io will lie a dpcreimn
in tnu mvorrc luim iuiy .
j show an nnusualiy low year, or
! that happier homes are bocoinhrr
''more numeroiiiS, or that people are
' waiUtiR until next year to Ret their
i divon-er,.
J The first nine months average
over i:i marriaRcs per month and
if Ihls averaRO 1;: true for Ihe la:
threo inontlu'. there will be liK
! inarriuRes or more this year. OT
J euiirse the munths of dune and
j September, reputed lo be the nup
' tin I months, are passed, and that
I tiii'.y affet t the (total.
Drunken Driver
Is Jailed, Fined
I . T. l"nyon. ilrivlfiR a I'tah
car, war. found Riiilty in city court
on a charge of drlviiiR while under
the Influence of Intoxicatins liipior
and wiifi fined $l"o and sentenced
to ten days In jail.
Kenyon was arrested (he last of
the week, but his trial was not held I
ri( it Illi.'i week. JuiIrc C. M. Hum-
plm ys presided. j
Appoint Assistant
l Iii,Jl
Car' W. Heyt. formerly of the
Hotel ("reefers or America mid
the I "ni nl i 'oiiniierei;'! tiaveh.-rs
HM-ecIa'ton, has lak-n the position
o ar.-fslanl malinger ol the At
(ininde hoiel. It was announced
late ye.-terday by W. lieckteti,
piopi letor. and will share the re -
sponni Id lilies or operating the hotel
fill C. H- Devine (luring Mr. Heck-
tel'.'.: absence. Mr. lley) ha had
t.'i years experience In hotel work.
mo-l or lh' lime in California, but'
in more recent year with the
Heiithiiian hotel in Portland. Ih -sldei:
hit liote) work. Mr. Heyt took
an active part fn civic orgautza
Co' . a ivililK In the citfe.' in
whith ho lu.-moily iiiadu Ula lwi..c.
Largest Single Item in
Hoover's Budget is $2,
000,000 for Owyhee.
PUT AT $545,000
"sumes Arguments in
Vare Case.
President Hoover asked congress
for appropriation totaling: $8,34fi,
ouo to carry on I ho reclamation
work of lite department of the in
terior in his first budget submitted
today to congress. Of this total
s.Huo.utiu wouio oo used in tievei-
u liny tho Owyhee, project In Ore
Ron, by far the larROsl sliiRlo Item
oy tho ImdRct. '
Tho amount was $2(!S,000 more
than apiiroprlated for the current
(1!U0) fiscal year.
The Minidoka project in Idaho
wus second to tho oreRon Owyhee
project in point of appropriations,
and will receive $1,128,000.
The Vale project In'OreRon would
Ret $15,000 for operation and main
tenance and $.30,0()0 for continua
tion of construction, while the
Klamath project in OreRon and
California was, allotted K'Gil.OOO.
"Uilo in the day Senu or Heed
s:iiRht a recpK-s uniM tomorrow.
Senator Norria pleaded for an im
mediate vote, hut Itoed asked that
the senato wait until the report Is
received from the elections coin
1114 tco which decided late today
against William 11. Wilson In his
contest wit h Vare.
1ljTrri rif 111 IIPfl
Was First Woman to Ride
Into Grande Ronde Val
ley in Stage Coach. ,
, ....'.rr-r,' v' .(
f'l'irissu Lncinda Slack, who Is
' 1'v had the distinction or
H'" frl woman to rido into
,h" CJrande Kondfl valley on a
""' coach, passed away at her
a pioneer of this valley, comftiR
across the plains to OreRon from
Iowa In 1X70 by train and by slain
coach. Mrs. Slack was born Jan.
20, 1845 in Ohio and at the aRe
"i a, him; uiovf-p io iowa wrvre
roie Krew IO WOlltil n lluod. Mie WaS
married to l Slack In 1K70. iho
year Ihey came west.
Mrs. Klark Is survived by three
sons, Utirr, Dennis and OeorRe, of
Sun,,,rn.1V1,1. ,;
daughters, Al-
Shifk. Mrs. Jella Walker and
(Conclnuod on Page B;
! Entertainment
At Christian
Church Friday
An i-nl.TtiiliiiiK-nt. Inilurinu "Tlic
Suiunu'rvMlo Hlnitlnir M"i-" uml n
llart'cl noht Hal,' if In hf L-lvcn nt
tin. I'hrlatlun t-liurch Crliliiy crvn-
ink'. I no proKnnn to fturt ut
The fir event takea the form
of a play in the early 'His, .with
1'ncle Silas Itineharl. Sunwnerville
I'ost master, conduct! mr his post
office in one corner of the living
i fmiii In his home. Aunt l.lz'Je,
bi'i wile, ir iho hub that keeps the
liinehurt wheel idllinR and Hecky
Jane is the spoiled dauRlitei. 'I hen
the sniffers of the community nieiv.
at the Itlnehart home for a rinal
dresa rehearsal for a concert lo be
Riven the next evenlntf, and the
pi-ORiam is uiven us follows: ".lin-
Rle tet," by the chorus members
1 (Arabella Shaffer, Itebecca McClu-
nis, Samardha Smith, Tabitha
I Woodell. Matilda I iiuamlierry, Car
f oline. HoldfiLSt. Clolilda Sawyer,
I I la nk l-'ord. .losiaii Ciaeli. .lere-
miah JudRon, Oliadiah Comi) ock.
Silas Klnehai t, Mecky Ji; ne ltim
hart. Mirandy (Ireen Is concert di
rector): duet t.y Arabelhi and
lla-ik; solo by Ha inn ul ha; recita
tion by Aunt Uitxie; ' Massa's in
Tho Cold, Cold C.round" by cho--
iis; Sfdu by TabiHia; jews harp du l
by Homer and Neut. Wondell; reel-
, tatloM by Caroline, and "Love's
Old Sueet Sour" t.y chorus.
Afte,- the M he;-.sal is ovr ClHle.
' ! Silur-: U 111 Open tile
I d lie
udienfe may ptirchi-he paek -
hwx. containing handwork and
i oilier articles.
The easi f',llov .M rs. Si anion
( (.a pha m ( A ri bell:' ); Mrs. I'arfeil
i f Rebecca J ; Mrs ( '. .'. M' l'her-on
I (Saiminilia ; Mrs. i.' iil ltu-sdl
f Ta IdMia.) ; Mrs. Fred It'irfman
j d'amline) : .Mrs. AudtiH-r Phiyie
(Clolilda ) ; I: nth Cnllen (Hank):
I J. C. Caldv.eli "(.loslah); Waller
j PrU e f.lcrcmla h ) : P. I.. Putnam
1 (Ohadlah): Mrs. A. P. Nelson
(Aunt IJxzic): Dr. .!. I,. Mcpherson
(I'm-h Silas): Marian Nelson
OPel.v Jaliel; ftilly Iloilh and
Vern Kirickler (flomcr and .Vein ;
and Mrs. Du Mas Ore n (Mirandy).
Pcfn hnie;it.-; v. iil be iX-i'ved dur-
lnj tlifc evtiiii.;.
Reminder of Kellogg
I'eace Fact Kesults in
Harsh, Accusing Reply
Unconcealed A s t o n i sh-
ment and Vigorous De
nial in Washington
Greets Sharp Charges.
L'neoncealed astonisliment and
viRorous, If unofficial, denial to
day Rreeted the charRe of soviet
Uussia that -unfriendly motives
lay behind American efforts to
prevent warfare between the so
viet union and China. ,
Awaiting receipt of tho Uiis
slan memorandum, forwarded
thruiiRli K rent; h diplomatic
channels, government officials
studied the text of the com
munication as transmitted by
press correspondents and Infor
mally oxpressed complete sur
prise and amazement at the se
verity of its tone and Ihe harsh
ness with which It criticised the
action of tho United States In
calling attention lo coiikmlt
monts under tho Kellogg t coaly
for the renunciation of war.
MOSCOW, Dec. 4 (AC) The so
viet government notified the United
Slates today it could not consider
the American note reminding the
Russian and Chinese governments
of their Kellogg pact obligations as
"a friendly act."
In a inentornndum handed the
T-'rench amjiassador, Maurice ller
bette, by Maxim l.llvinolf. acting
commlsnr for fu retail uf fall's, tho
soviet gov ortimont oxiiressed
(Continued on Iage 6) ;
Honan Funeral To ; -.
Be On Saturday
''ffltine'rVfl . servleVs ror- MrHAtina
llonan. pioneer who died yesterday
afternoon, wilt be held at Ihe Kds
eopa! church Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Jt ii rial will lake plaen
in the Masonic cemetery beside
the body of her husband. Dr. Hon
an. Snndgrass and Zimmerman
are in charge.
Mrs. Honan will rest in slate at t
Iter home until Saturday. !
Skit Is Given At
Normal Assembly
An entertainment skli, songs by ! at (i:;!') o'cl'-ck at a dinner in the
the Re,. dub and some elevei La. Grande hotel with the district
danceti formed an assembly this j governor, Dr. A.. T. 11. Cunning
morning for I he students of the ; hum, of Spokane, as the honor
Kastem Oregon Normal school. j guei Attendance of every mem-
The dance of the wooden soldi"!- ber of Ihe club is hoped for, as
win: presented by Miss Irma Meek., this will ho ;n the form of a reg
Kllzabeih Hesse gave a gypsy i uiar meeting of the club, but held
dance, and the lvo girls also gave
an attractive Hutch dance together.
A skit under the direii ion of
Miss Lena Koley was presented
wit It Marjorie Kelly. Irma Ken
nedy, Huth Sma lley ;i mi Jesse
Whillock pnrtielpuili-g.
Officers Elected
By Organization
Ofl'leer.'i for next year wei"
eccic( and a dan'c enjoy
meeting last night of tin It.
A. It.
I'. I n t lie Sa ca ja wea I n n with
nhoiy. 50 pernrns present. Dm lag
the mcclini., H. K. Clark was i-lcct-nl
com) net or: K. a. Hoist man,
engineer: It, K. Ityi'is. secret a ry
treasiiier; trustees, I;. I .arkln, (lay
Spencer and Joe Diehl, Other
offices- are appointive. ,
h'o Mowing the business session,
dancing was enjoyeil to music
plnyeii liy jJndsey's orchestru.
Secretary Mellon Presents Tax
Reduction Plan to Both Houses
WASH IXfiTON". lac. 4 (AP)
Secri-lury Mellon placed a tax re
duction plan formally before con
grew loday along with a statement
thai business was good in in;! it and
promised lo he good in in:! a,
Ciling a surplus of treasury re
ceipts over expenditures or $1X4.
iiiia.iniii for Ho- fiscal year ended
last .Pirn- 30, and estimating 22'.
Olio. nan would be available for the
ivielve months -tidiiiK next June kh
iaiid $ 1 22.omh.ihki for I'.f.U he nug-
1 K'sled Mi following rale changes;
I A p-ducKon on normal incomes
;,"d corporation liuuines of I per
'eiil, making I lie levy on Individ
ll;.! llll'OIO'-s p' r eenl Oil Hie
flrsl $4,000, ' p.-r cent on the next
S4.00M nnd 4 per cent on all above
thai (igure. with a drop from 12 to
It per c-nt on corporations. Mr.
Mellon said the lowering of (he tax
on corpora lions would benefit (he
lark-em mmiie r or persons. I m v report, containing his reeommen- known within Ilm memory of any
business orgaiilwiliuu. he said, dations, d-aK with conditions man."
were overtaxed in comparison uMh which governed ieore the recent Norris said the "Vare machine"
individuals. Mock 'm.ii k-l pluime, l.nt it con--in Phllaileiphla. levied axsessinents
The i-ecretnry ( n;ptiamd his lulled lio litte or pewiim Imii for ayailist tho nalarlcs of city cm
known v iews In in.tM.lng his re.- the f ilurc. As to lust ar he . ployea for polltlca I purooues and
t'lnnieiMlnlioiiM. Tin-He included one
which lie hud orcviuUfiiy tuado iu-
K'f an old Joiirnallllc rulo that "for a dog lo lillo a man Is not
nous, liul for a man to bite a dog Is news," and w Uuiisiin City
nowspajH'i'H had n printable item iho other day when Donald Hop
ped, 4 years old, hit his jiup -so severely on the. hack (1ml the dog
had to ho treated at a hospital for unlnmls, Donald told Ids ihi rents
it was in itMallation for the pup biting htm while at play In the
kitchen. Hut Donald and Ills pet are fast friends again, this pic
ture having been taken aher they becimio reconciled.
Camp Kearney Is
Recommended As
Dirigible Base
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 (Ai')
Secretary Adams today recom
mended Camp Kearney, California,
UK the West Coast naval dirigible
base In a communication to con
gress. ;
Adams in hia report said 'that
either Sunnyvale, Cn!., or Camp
Kearney, whle.lj Is near San l.'legu,
would, in his opinion, bo satisfac
tory for the base.
"In accordance with your in
structions," Secretary Adams said,
' recommend the Camp Kearney
haso been use it is probably some
what better strategically and be
cauHCi U will allow a closer contact
flnrtv.ijpeUer cooperation "with tin
"fleet." - .
Jo the report it was estimated
thai, the cost to the government for
the Sunnyvale base would be $li5,
G0O while Hie estimated cost of the
Camp Kearney would be
tiMM.Ht'i. .
District Rotary
Governor Is Guest
. te;id
The La tirnndc Rotary club, in
of its usual Wednesday noon
luncheon, will meet this evening
at night hntead of at noon.
Accuses Mannix of
Writing Bad Checks
S.MJJ.M, Ore., Dec. 1 (AI') Al
leging that, Thomas Mannix, whose
disbarment he demands, has at va
rious times Issued cheeks totaling
nioro than $:J80. on which eollce-
lions wero impossible because of
i vep kick of funds in .Mannlx's bank no
1 at the count, Ceorue Joseph, Cortland at-
i torney, today filed an amendcil
coiuplalnt In his action against
' Mannlv.
Joseph charges that .Mannix Is
sued five checks of 910 each lo the
' I'askct ("Jrocery A- Delicatessen,
I nc., a ml t hat this firm when It
could not J sh theiiL at Ihe bank.
I assigned tlieiu lo !. C, l.ynch for
cidlfcl Ion, Lynch bruu lib I suit lo
collect, a ml Hie elise is pending,
says tho amended complaint.
formally, that congn ss adopt a
flexible provision for 1 he tax law
which would enable the govern -1
meat lo lovser or raise taxes as j
the condition of the ireuitury's fin- (
anees warranted.
liii'oines Increasing
SpeaUlliK of the KUI'plUSe.l, the
Seereliiry ;iai( the cxn-Kfl of re
ceipts was due to a grejil Inerea.t
in individual income, vthieh in 'J2K
showi-d ii nriin of $L'.oaa.oini.iMHi i,i
profiis from sale or capital asse!.i,
due o Iradinj on the stock mar
l.ei. It -.situ dirtie.di lo determine,
lie said, tial ffeet "(lie preeipl-
loua d"cine of security values'
a oil hi has e on f-ceiirity 1 ransac-
tlons "whieh uri'iuesltiinably yield-
ed a very hire income in 1H2S and Vare of Pennsylvania from a sen
ihe nisi eii:l. mouths t,f the fneii ( Senator Norrlw, Itepllbll
dar y-ar IfJIt." jean, Nebraska. !isered in tin- sen-
No Niile of IV hul-in ,oday that an "honest eleelloii
Most of the secietary's annual n H eitv of Philadeiiihii) Is nu
(Coutiuuod on i'ugo &)
La Grande Skies Cloudy
Prolonged Dry Spell
At Eugene Ends.
Hope for rain here thiH week
dimmed somewhat when M. 11.
Summers, senior meteorologist, an
nounced that a. disturbance which
yesterday centered off northern
California hud 'turned northeaster
ward find wuh moving in front the
Pacific. ln tho direction of Oregon
and . Watdilmslon. This. juoriyliur
ilio center wils K(Ki mHos west' of
the Oregon coast,
Kain last night and this morn
Iny full In western Oregon, Iho
weather office reported, and Indi
cations were Hint wed-ern Wash
ington and northern California
youjd probalily reoeive rain lo
ll 101 TO V.'.
I.A (illAMlM SKir.S ti.(rlY
In l.d (friin,h,1 llic Hky whh ck-Jir
i-nrly thin MiornlllK hut hy ntxitl
hnrjiTin, cloiKly, with loml pciiith'
pi t'dii'tllif; rlllu-r rntn tu- mtow. The
lufiiiiuuin Icmpi-rnturi'! during lat
nlKlit wuh lit,
KIKIKNf'I, f)re., Dee. 1 (AC)
Driving away the thickest fog seen
hero for'Heveral years, a drizzling
rain fell Tuesilay nfglr. ending the
prolongi'd dry siell and bringing
hope (o farmer. Several runncra
near here rep-d-ed their wells dry
ami that they were hauling wal-r
from Ihe river.
$20,500 FROM
HA MOM. ' Die., Doc. 4 (AP)
Whether (he slate highway com
mission can ret over llifi.uou from
the slate on account of the burn
ing of the lodge ir.l Knilranl park
at the summit of the Blue mountain!-.
In ('mat Ilia county will be
for the attoiney general to decide.
The highway commission lias put
In a ciaim under the state restora
tion fund act. However, l docs
ii. t intend to rebuild .the lodge.
The statu boa rd nf control takes
the position that si'uec the fund is
ii restoration and not an Insurance
fund no depart in eii. should col
lect under the act unless II intends
lo restore the properly destroyed.
Garment Workers
Strike Authorized
ChKVKI.AND. Dee, 4 f AP)- -
Sltilio ';f aiiproxlmately 4T..0OO
I liiciiiheir. of the liilernatiotial l.a
.; dlett (iarment Wtn-kei'K union in
I New York city was in ' iiorl.ed by
UliiinlUiOUi: vote or 200 dcli eM
or the union ill convention here
; today.
vahi: ni;iivn; (ontim i;s
WASHIXliTM.V, Dee. t (.AI')
Ite-aiiuing arguui"uls in support of
,is resolution to bar William
nsrtertcd he had Information fallow
ing "how It is doiic'
Healthiest Boy
And Girl Named
At 4-H Congress
Florence Smock, of Flor
ida, and Harold Deat
line, of Indiana, Win
High Honors.
CHICAGO. Dec. 4 Up) The
healthiest Krj in the Utilted,
tit reckoned by the Kour-H club
congrosB, is 17 yearn old, weighs
U'li pounds, stands 5 feet 4 1-2
inches In her medium heel shoes,
lives In li ust Is, Lako county, Flor
ida and her nmiiQ Is Florence
Harold Dentline, 18, of Morgan
county, Ind., la the healthiest' boy,
the congresB decided last night.
Both MIbh Smock and Dea' lino
were chosen front a group of 28
atate. champions.
Deatllnc is 6 feet 8 Inches tall,
weighs 1 60 pounds, lias brand
shoutderj and Is strong muscled
because of Vplenty of gcori, hard
work" on his father's farm.
' Sunshine and Oranges
' Miss Sinock thought tlmt per
hapn she was healthy because of
"Florida sunshine and oranges,"
but with the aunahlno unit orangew
went regular houi-fl, ten ho,ura
sleep, and ploii y of oxereiso. :
Tho "healthiest girl" awlniH.
dancea and occasionally "has
dales," sho said, hut nlno o'clock
in bedlimo every night, Just as 7
a. m. in "getting up time.". Flor
ence uses no rougo nor lipstick
but has rosy cheeks. Hhe wants to
he a physical education teacher.
She Is a senior life saver in tho
Ited Cross and has been In tho
Kour-H. club work two and one-
half years, specializing in homo
Imp rove men!;, nutrition and health.
Doesn't Kmokn
Tho boy champion has boon out
or high roh'Jol a year and Isn't
suro about college. Ho doesn't
smoke nor does he care for dune
ing or "Budding about." Kor rec
reation ho goes hunting and fish
ing Hometlmos, but for exorcise he
workn rn his fathor'H farm near
?,iariiiiK'ille, lnd.
Harold wauls to be a successful
farmer. Ho has a flock of 200
chlckenH and has ralHed' plB and
calves- and corn. Ho doesn't pro
fess to know the way to health,
but ho gets eight hours sleep every
night uml likes green vegetables
and meat with his meals.
Five, other:; won blue ribbons for
health. They were Ferdinand
Hasting, Illinofs representative:
Hope Hail ley, lowu; Herbert Clut
ter. Kiinsan: . Mary. ' Virginia - M
Neal, Mlsslss,lppi, uud Jahles Orr,
West Virginia. w
Husband Shoots
Wife and Self
CUKVAI.MK. Ore.. Dec. 4 (AC)
Theodrwn Holmes, 30, Devil t.
Ore., was deadi his mothor-lh-ln-W,
Mrt. Lillian Minimi. 40, whh prob
alily wounded fatally and his wife,
US, wan recovering slowly from a
wound In . her right arm. today
at'.er Holmes is said to have be
come enraged during a series uf
family titiarrels and shot tho two
women and hlmseU last night.
Holme, rejected seven times in an
attempt for a reconciliation with
his wife, climaxed his pleading
with lh shooting.
Charles A. Mintun, 43, father-ln-
la w . n a r ro w ly esca ped w h e u
Holniei: is said to have fired two
shotn In IVIh direction.
Corvallh; ofiicialR said there
wore three children in the Hnlmen
family, Marjorie, 0; Vivian, 5, and
Patricia, 2. There were also five
grandchildren or Mrs. Mintun tlmt
wero belny cared for Under tho
Ilolmen roof, ranging In ages from
' do 1 0 years.
County authorities said no in
ouen would ho conducted.
Mrs. Ilohihes and her motlu'r
am In a Corvallls hospital when
physlclani; said Mim. Mintun prob
ably would d'e.
Bums Fatal To
Labor Executive
James P. Noonan, vice president
or the American Fed era: Ion of li
bor and president of the Interna
tional Hrotherhood of Klectrlcal
Workers, died here today rrom
I burn received In an early morning
j fire In his apartment,
I Firemen, who iiroko Into Mr.
N'oonar's apaituiftit after an alarm
Mi ad been turned in by a iielitlitior,
I round the labor of Nehil lying on
I iho ri:xir beide a burning couch,
lit. was believed to have gone lo
sleep whll esmoklng, . he fire starl
ing from his cigarette.
Aircraft Carrier
To Help Seattle
, WAnilN'tTON', Dec. 4 (AP)
AssoraiKCK wire given by Hecre
' lary Adams today (hat Ihe naval
a it ci a 1 1 can ler l'xIuKtoti would
' be pemltted to furnish electric
j power to T'a coma and Seattle.
were appointed by Oavi rnor liart
; WaMilngion, if an admfufstra: or
'ey f allocate the supply fro... ihe
ship s generators.
!.: KIM, II 1M
OAKLAND. Ore., Dec. 4 (AP)
When a I H-foot log struck him
after he Siad been thrown frmi a
partly loaded logging truck, Judson
Jackson, 2S. employe of the Huff
I ogglng company, near here, was
killed yesterday, '
i-- . '-
Hoover Requests $3,830,
445,231 for Government
al Use Next Year.
Chief Executive Draws
Bright Picture of State
. of Nation's, Finances in
Message., '
WASHINGTON, !)-. 4 (AP)-
Tho ailmliil.itrutlnn'a $100,000, OuO
Incomo tax i-ciliicllou plan, wait up
proved tockiy by t:o liotiso wnyft
nnd iiieniis txliuiUttoo mid will ho
bitMiglit licforo Uic liougo for uctlou
'I luu-tHUiy. . ,
Prosldont Hoovor today laid be- ','
foro cohgress the limzo of figures
dutlon for tax reduction, a request
for $3.S30.44D.231 for government
uso next year, and a bright picture ;
of the stato of the nation's f In
ances. . .
Drawing a lesson from the low
ering of taxeH In. the , past, the
president said that thoro wus no
doubht that Increased revonuea had
aireauy louowea ana mat inu
HllmuliiH given to; business wua
partly responsible- for these up
wards Jumps In receipts. - ,
in jiib uvvi uungec mossago ne
estimated tho treasury's outlay for
the twelve months beginning next.
July nt $4,102,938,700 and figured
there would bo a $122,000,000 sur
plus at the end of that period.
Tho difforonco between appro
priations asked and expenditures
due to tho fact thut tho president
had not Included any amount for
the revolving fund of tho federal
farm hoard because It had not been
determined how much would : ho
necessary. In tho estimate of out
go, however, tho amount ' was
placed at $200,000,000. A further
difference of $72,000,000 was due ,
" ii lunjyvrr ul upprupriufciunn .
from the present your which will,
be available next year. As submlU
ted, the roquctuVwus for $145,630,-
flOA lau ll.ur. A t.l."UMJ
Tux Cut Suggest ioii i
'J'he tax roduotlon suggestion foi
lowed tiiu previously announced
nrntrrnin nf lh nrimttilut-entlnn
which desires a decreasu of from
12 to 11 per cent. In corporation
income levies and reductions of ono
per cent on normal Individual in ,
comes, making thuso rates range
from t per cent to 4 per cent.
. In addition to the appropriations '
asked. 17lin.470.Fi77 will 1m mmrlnri
for the postoffjeo department but.
Inasmuch as this government ac
tivity pays tho turgor amount of its
cost out of Its own revenues, tho
treasury will bu concerned only
with tho deficit.,
The president called for in
creased sums for a number of gov
ernment efforts and organizations,'
including tho army, tho navv. riv
ers and harbors, t flood control, In
dian care, and forest, protection.
Congress was Informed that tho
'treasury would expend $69,600,000
In the present year In carrying oh
the huge government building pro-
Hl" 111 UIIU 11 Mil. IL p III (1 LU UllUL
and additional $30,000,000 for next
year. In addition ho wilt submit
later ii request for $6,000,000 more
for this' purpose,
Navy Needs Mora Money .
A total of ' $380,392,620 was
399,000 more than last year.
Alterations on battleships, safety
and salvage operations for submar
ines. Increased navy pay, improve
ments to air stations, ammunition
sloragu facilities, aviation, tho
construction of the two new dirigi
bles and other Items wore listed as
contributing to the Increase. As to
the cruiser construction program,
the president said: ,. - .
"For the 15 cruisers and 1 air
craft carrier authorized by tho act
of February 13, 1929. provision Is
made to carry forward work on
two cruisers already laid down, for
3 cruisers and tho aircraft carriei
lo be laid down lato in tho fiscal
year l:3o, und for tho remaining
10 cruisers to bo commenced lato
in thn fiscal year."
The war department's total es
timate was $4110,026,332, Including
tho funds needed for the Panama
canal. This Is $3,173,000 tnoro
.than was required lust year." Pro-'
i vision was made for carrying out
It he five-year building program or
'both the army und tho navy avia
! Hon branches, the army being nl
j lotted $:ifi.7(;ii,H25 for this purpose
(and the navy $32,230,000. No es
itlmatu was submitted for ltoulder
! flam construction, the tie tails not
' having been ready In time for In-
(Continued o:i Page Flvo)
V7 Shoppinp. Dayr ;