LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVED, LA GRANDE. ORE. Page Seven Teams Compared Why Leave the i" " ,af " ?"'' - - ,VJP ,(ar Wjr ,ts, mmJnm I Kv Ynst'Snint Faini, Boys? - 7 I " - I Main Difference vr Vcrinesday, Novcnilicr 27, 11)2.) liv I'lciiiiiiif ir. v.isi l LA N X AltllOU, .Midi. (AT) At titude or spirit or tliu players Is ijtloiit tin only difference noted In football In the various sections. llhacrvullon of I'-loridu in one fjiinif, Harvard In two mid. of half !, uV ". dozen mid-western tcums t: tiroiiKhl'this jiulnt very forcibly to I' I iwy in In l. t ;y'r!ii; Kloridn team was made up of snappy, fust. Impetuous spirited !' 'I''1'''" played with .a i ,Bl)renes.H anil inadu quick ile- -claioiiH n lid fouirht liard JiiHt the I .Wn "r u I'ilflitliiK team yon would I t(BIoct of a. itoulliorn school." ; f-to'lils Florida team was heavier ! --Wn most of the southern leums f; iTliavo observed.' The uveraRe was gui pounds, which Ik hlch for a, icnm composed of. the tall hut ;Bmic youiiKHtiuH one usually finds Id the Dixie .schools. 3 I'hytilcnlly I could sec little dif fer-once between llurvurd and. Michigan. Harvard him been noted uh hnvini; tho most "impetuous" line lu the easl. If either line was qqlcker tlian the other it Was not ijotlccable in the meetinir. Tho iJa'rvuivf players nppeared experi (jpfd in athletics; their, bearlnij was that tif -'iili'rans despltu .tho presence of a half dozen sopho liiorcs. A'Klance at Die nuniher of sports members of the squad had n'njtnifed in save ffood reason tor this seasoned a.ppcurancc. . "V i ..... .' . y S 1 r V There was llitlo difference teeii j nlcally In play of the three squads. ; Jiicy mooned, lacllled and wenl through the mechanical phases of piay Willi about, the same excel W '""-vara, in -tlQ biiiuo 1ons .iLii-iiiKn iiiiii me staire sot Why boyg leave the farm la t purzllng question when one coi alders Lucille Newell, abave, 17-year-old farmerette of Wakefleld, Kan., winner ot a stnto-wlde con test lor beauly and brains among 4-H clubs ot Kansas. She eaU cook and sew ami Is an export judge ot- grain crops and Is she pretty? Woll, wo lo4vo that to you! Warm - Comfortable Shaker Sweaters For Men . ' rf a ty and Women" , A warm, comfortable sweater is a ill It Unit will ho uiireoi.itol tin vvliohi yMir round. Ward's Khnlicv swotitixs irre excellently " made, warm and durable1 for sport or' Ken' erm iviir. wnmen's -su-eiuer ontits are very simirt with ..their fa ne.v ' tltclilif and contrasting .-sO'lts. sites- 36 to A For Girls $2.98 J nnrl Rovs " " J A Intei: sporis wlll bp lots, tnnrd fun If. vou nlve llie MM ulrls and boys these warm, smart tfliulu'r 'sweaters. Aladii for durability. . Slues U ti VI vrs. . -! lu-uinpiay ine most iiarinir offense Ut'has been uiy lot to watch. It , Wfls also the most varied offense tylth lalerals,' criss crosses, split .li ijiucks, close and open formations '?oli'MUWlnHr, delayed bucks and al. - 3'itys a man In motion to draw nt- , tontlon ot. the defense. "-W'tat siRlial caller lo set sm ut lime In the teeth undue condl- sueli as -iin-Knancy when heavy di-iiiamls arc made on -the lime resources of the body.; ;-, Tho same tlilat; holds trunIn many ail ments of a wasting nature, I "' Granted that the stiite of general nutrition lias an important influ ence on the condition of the teeth. what is the essential requirement jiefy of plays, in motion and Wiod was all of that, - C'oiiipnrinK the three ll''ldi-lda of the south had dash and k"Oh and a well develooed rniine: pinrvai-d of the cast had ilnrinir nil vi.-i-satility of ilay and Michi gan ill Hie middle NesL met eon- f n.uoiis waien alloweil it to use Its power when alertness irave li . nn. IJpilrliiTiily. Th'ere was little " eai. is ine croeiiuai reiiuiremenc ) it took a n mili-itUm to preserve the teeth? li suen vai- . -n, ,ii,... i . ... a . Other Sweater I i - Values I: li; Thi' (ltKfnvi'M'v .Iti i-i"iMi v.-firN at Btmy ;tht rolo plUyod by vimniiiieH lia.i 'iliol. 'I'ho viininin II l'oiinl in ron- ki toiiiriH. tain oilK, piu-licularly pod liver oil, 3 lms iiocn shown to bo fib.soluli'iy j cHsoiiiInl to tho, fixatioti of calcium J in tin- iionoa unci it.s nrtontion in tluv I)Ofly. ' .- - : . , , fct 'lhi modern rai.slni? -and niann-i W fact 11 10 of f ooristu f f ; un rort u mttoly has i-i'Hiiltod in piacintr nmcticaliv . 5 -j . , ... " an oi im 'Country a 'POpiiituion on : ..i , t-ni-i; U I m. (MJitJIl V ,i.t.l .... (.1 -l,lnl, I, ..I H pri'Hflll.tMl D.V IIIQ rcpi'O- ;ir,. . Im-L-ctv l'lnlrinn- i.vr.f.r fnn V -eflUUiv.-. of lllroo wi.lHy diffrront rmv tmmIhH ,., th ...- TM iCHOOIM. ; - , i , .,:, ,,,., ,. '".. i ' " . Ci : I i wiiu'ii - tin roou in (tenvou niusL , navi niM'n n.ui.i'ctoii to tno notion i of tin HhorU-r uitra-vlulnt rava of ' Die Mu'n if tho" fnodH (ire t have .any vMamin activity.., Intonsivf! lt)arn lnt .t'iMMlin'g" of cows, ruisin InnK wonr and keep its now apppni'anro. 1 $3.98 1 Shaken and sllp-ovors at prices' much ,belov d i nary tor sweaters of quality. All arc wan wen maun unci durable, slues 30 to' . Men's Three- Piece Belt Set $1.00 A. Rift that' Is certain to please a 'man! Cowhide belt witli fancy, buckle - anil belt chain of 2 ..vcur ; guaranteed . si vcr )late. The bell, aenillno , r o w hide . j.catiH'r. will civo . ; Colors tl II . 1 U Shiw Chirron or ffi. r . ah silk Sen ire .. ,. , -'' -TRlL"; Always-Welcome Gifts For Men iind Boys Plain and Figured A-i Dress Shirts ip l.tO A lilft I hut reeelws I be siune enthusiastic v no matter how many duplicates there innv """"" ""laiieiotn, plain while, stripes ami fluiires In varied ussortiuent of colors, sizes 14 to 17. . Tailored Shirts . : For Boys' Is'luo. bl-naOeloth shirts III plain col : N udo ' - t'StT ilnnmtUK . (lull Metal AluoruMi . Sun Iliwun ni-s,; stripes, apd lt-ures. . , attached slvle Pajapas An Acceptable Gift tfllf 89c MJ $1.59 .Collar Sizes n to 111 yi- Hosiery - The Ideal Christmas Gift (tlft to charm anv feinlnlne heart ... . exquisitely sheer chiffon r sorvlee weight of a fine even texture. I'Mll-faslilnned, silk to the toi. French or pointed heel. ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' . -';.',, (lft paJamas;ol! splendid quality pereiilovvjMtKf jContrastlnercolor trlilis. llayon frous.-: Drawl's li taite at waist of trousers.' 3(1 to 4 Attractive Compacts 98c A dainty . compact Ulailes'.-.ji : Irirf .it.,.. y1 i.fl any woman, will ap preciate. , and here at Wnrda-vou may Colorful . Costume Jewelry 0 ehnoiie from a fliieassortmnnt' of the Hew-'' f..-t styles.. The style llluslmted has a, whjti : metal case, decorated, with flo'ru'l onnmn'l.,1 ' u.iie-is. . i.oose powder slfte.r style. ruu;;r and nili-ror,: '..''.' ' i! Health Talks uiiv Tr.;i7ni ii;av; Ily (.;. .1. Waiiishius. t. i. si .-Milwrnihlo, W'Ih. iAccnrdinf to conipctonl. ohHorv- cra. !ifi por cent of childron .sliow oyld.-nco, of, dental doi sot oi tonh in an adult is horom- lng inoro and more a' rarilv. 'I'lio ijtu.ct mai iiiiH-condition i inci'fas- intrlv liri'Viilftit hi nn tur.. t.l.-i 'spotli. lu;tlsh..H nro a part of every one's daily life and inaRazinoH do i.j'lve no. .small part of their income. lla;rTMbnlll nilMln n,lv.iHiUi.mnnlu u convincing evidtncc that Home ;othcr elcmoTit than direct , Infec tion is roHponHible. Many ohservatiun.s in practical experience indicate that tho stain ofnutrition haw much to do Willi ine aointy ot llie teeth to re.slMt ttr.cay. Ofien we have hocii, for ex I ample, children whose teeth were of ; poor (puility and brittle before, puberty show a decided Unprovc lnpnl in this roKpect with the t-hanffe in their phyHlcal ch.'irac- -?tor(Htlcs ris they mattir. '1'UIk is .vn noiiceamc in i no tact tno cic- j-ay becoinen arrcHted ivKardleHH of i Jji'ulinent, even in teeth which r nuvi' developed cavities, I i)n the other hand. - tooth, will luontly continue to crumble and I'UIintfs become loose In IndividualH Where the. undmlyiUK" nutritional BlBturbanco has not been corrected. The old saying, "Kor every child "teeth." is an example of the Iomh ,of foods under fflass,, harvesting' j them uiu ipeni'd, all these nro praci ! tiees to which Ave ' can attribute 'the ravages of dental decay anil ,V sound th0 'ompllrations resultinB from Fleecy Cotton Double Blankets dental abscesses and pyorrhea. ('IlICAtlO,: Nov. 'J 7 (AI) Gun rtei jfhernT. North u'estefn fullback, finished the. season at the top' of the scoring in His: 'JVn competition with ;tS points, ;i. threp point inur win over Cilen Hanneson, Vttrdue star. Art J'liarmer. who tied with Hei'tilicrm at ft 3 points, for seor int? in all wines, finished third with 2-S points. i-,n:rjs. m;ht mat'hi:i) CII.ICAOO, Nov. 1!7 ( AT Jackie l''ields, worltl weherweltrht 'champion, and Hilly' l.ijjht,' pf Ht, Haul, have been matched by Pro moter Jim Mullen for. u 10round bout at the White f;itv-arerifi Dp. eember 2. . HOUTLANI), Ore.. Nov. 1!7 (AV) Police, hero said the arrest of. 'a Vancouver barracks soldier, .an al leged deserter and d former army man had cleared up )jinn holdups and two robberies perpetrated in Portia ad 'within tiiOi past. tSvo monthH. . . tatrjmm f. ! "1 All filled wltlr Are fluffy, close-woven -in pairs . . . KCV aliy hdusowit'e.iWlll appr'eeiiilo. H:ze; "tl by,- SO' inches,;:.-:.,, -, . , '. .. A Dainty Watch $31.98 tlaii ii white (iflld pmlcd case, fsuar nirieril 'for 10 years! Thoi-ounhly reliable ' Very ntti'iictlve with Its . silvered dial l)nd black nll'k ribbon. Other wutehes SS.HS In S;t5.4N. mm its. Smart Ties 'for All Tastes 89c Snappy'; rjtripes neat smnU fiKuros and lni'KO, more tin rink pattorris.K Plain colors and pastels. Alt are wool lined. , 69c In un "entlelnn: array of j;ny 'en Mrs. latest noveltleH-rliroiiches, nyklnees, ;.' 1' ' ,v V": All tho -. :".":.'-.".'.'."s. earrings, '.:. - , ' B A K I N T. I N. S U R A N C E ilr fi f 1 1 i, ii you nnu any lauic wnatever m tins baking powder, or think you do, your grocer will return your money and also pay you for the eggs, butter, flour, etc. you have used." That -tatement is printed on the label-and means just what it says. n;ilnnjtPowilrr:TfH 3-' KTlrnrti:47 Spicea i A Rich, Brocaded Bedspread $2.98 -inn, nnuv rimil?IUH.f , ; ' . . ' . , ;' . S.v . ; j ; ' Decorative Turkish Towel Set 85c " Gold Bond 'Treasure Sets" $4.98 In Of,' durable eottoii and rayon, flvo lovely .colors'.. Kljies 81x108 In, The Gift of Gloves 79c $2.25 Character Dolls f'liic III Slvle ' To delight youiir? mothers! Easy ;! tn sew for easy to dress. Un brenltable bodies, Jointed Icks and arms. AVInsomo palmed features. ' Other IJolls at 51.33 to $2.09 Free! 500 Toys Free! Untertalnlns Toys for.rioys and Olrls pre sented with Ward's compliments, to the first r,00 children who ,.tnpj..j puni.toj. n. f I' , . .... " n Si J I ; ; ever In this bakinr powder, : I yn la W: 11 k ' II : win tetonl jour noteyud , I iljMIlT. lilt tx V ' 1 J .hop.lth.en,b1,; 1 J I I 1 dour, etc., yo ...e .i B M i! I I 4 1 ' B Bf liUviiys' an.',nj v ashn bl fa brie (.-loves ha v. ...oroiiierod cuffs, also ( style- In hew shades ; ,. OlhPM tit B0c to DSc Charminc- Sillc Chemises 4 nne, em- ulfii'On - I' o v (i I y -underthlncs .that a n y W D-m iin . would like. Of crepo do chine, trimmed :', w ith lace, , f I n J,-: tuelcs, embroidery Jlalie benutlful Kifts. Kountaln pen and 'pencil ot Irlilesceilt . pearl and "blaclc Jet effect with 1 4-karal sold points, .fluaruntecil a -lifetime! In an attractive gift box.-;' -1'ens Itnnco In IMice from : -. - ?2.8(i to $1.(18 ".' . Dainty Gifts - of Lingerie Women's Lovely Crepe-de-Chine y ' . Gowns ,3.98 Msiitiislto sllUPn KOwns In dellcnlo iiusteis. Some nro tailored, with hemstltchlnB ami tiny rosebuds their Only trlinmlnit others urn frilly with lac.. consists of a soft white towel and two wash elolhs with fast color borders In ,: bine, wild, Bi-een or pink. , lu a ulft box. Gay Colored Bath Mats K V,4 f,JC'- -Hi' Handkerchiefs l-oii-m fir- ,iu" C imtleras ; .-Kaeh 19C . ) '" 11 i-K vn- with AN ) ''i.yi'Hi, r-oiiM:riH , " 'i l-urc Hw An linen. Kach 10c Filmy, Lacy Dance Sets Jb'lltjhifullv frivolous bnhtles and brassieres " wepo !n nhlim or Keoi-Ketle. There "in tailored sets loo i fi,.Khi ,, ' -"lie Ki-een. Christmas Tree Light Outfits genuine Aiazda Nationally Advertiwd I'oi-use on any IIO-IO volt en.-nM.i loifiirr-MOUT OUTKIUWlth heads to bold lights en u. i-or muoor or outdoor uso. (ien. D PTA ulim Mazda bulbs. With 2-plceo plug1,'. WUtltf KI(illT-I.K;llT OUTl.-ITi.-or Indoor use.-Assorted - " coro vun nangy udd-n- n IlKht. prong type plug. Oenulne Mazdu bulbs. VOC Heavy Steel Zeppelins firing- IMcntj. of Thrills di no u m Mr Mr "s tier JF 79c . V' J0,.. A; W lk W 57 Ml ? HI Is 4? s $34,651 Majestic Electric Vacuum Cleaners KPt till the (leHtruellv iiiKH, Iniprlefl, fiirnittue ni'M eoHlliitf $7S. niirnn(eeil rr ft Yniis dirt from your KUinl to -clean-' Toast Two Sirloa oi liread at Once! HI'HBrV IVI,-.V TOAHTHriN Don, shies i of ,,, nr hr,nil''n,p ' eiM-tanie ,..! sturdy - d ,'. $7.50 1 WARDWAY GYRATOR A Practical Gift to Liahlen tho. Housewife's Labor .-usJiloned of hea-y steel . strohtf enough' to eup port ti small boy! Modeled ofler the flrnf Kennelln, ' with gondola bcneatli. Two propellers revolve when pulled iilonif, ui-ikiiiK noise like motor. - 2 Inches lonj,-. Oilier model Xcppeiins, !i2c to $2,60 nnu you save $r,n to 0! fion't buv anv Vaher uiiiii you try the flyrator! It has all the fealin- or dashers selling for as much as $l;.v see (HirONHTltATKI) IN OI'll STflltl-:.oV N-l'osltlon Knfi'ty Wrlncer. No celiler iost to tenr i-lolhea. Hi I ii sli -pi oi,r Klcclrlii Motor. All copper tub keeps water hot. Sold fin l-:nsy Favnicnis m r'i--,E i-..-i ti ' a f 1 F-r.l eWSKeS t es AWSrl I $88.85l M ONTOMERYtaD) 1101-3 Washington Ave. Phone Main IS La Grande, Ore. J I