Wednesday, NovemIer 27, 192$ Page Six LA GRANDE- EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. 1 - mmmmr-r ssgv in OFFICE! CAT TflADl MARK dig. Br Junius . T.(i Grande Man (rushing Into fniinly elerk'H office): "I want a lIcenHii, and hurry, pleaHe," '. Merit: "Marriage, hunting Or When would oven heat penetrate the t center of pot of beans? You'd have to (tuess. And guesswork is inevitable in ' roasting coffee in bulk. That's why Hills tiros, ronst coffee a ' few pounds at it time by their . patented, continuous process Controlled Roasting. Thisproc ess roasts every berry evenly and insurrs a uniform flavor no bulk-roasted coffee has. HILLS BROS COFFEE Frah from th orr'f inal vacuum pari, , tilt hey, 01929 (Kit UJ L. . I ' . - - . . -'I..- -'"1 - ...J l' I HP , --III M I.. .,, . I I 1 II! WMWI1 I I .-li .HW'.JiJ ! N.j ' J I MOM'NPOP , , , 1 SURE CURE v By Cowan OH'.OW', OH.TCKRW IV CVE.RY- ' H0M ,HE.RE X MRS. SPIFFS 1 WHY "iHt'S 1 ( COME. VW; V&S V' WHV, "SI f OW1. VOO'RC SffTiNG MtUtVE 1 i : POTPvVlLLOWWtiEW TWNG lNFOT! COMCa ttRS. I 1HE1 LOOKiNG 'J HE'S HKB f HKRD . CM1! MkCMS. W AND eVEWTmVJGl! FELT BETTER n.OH W BKCKOH-OH, J yOU.POP. WOPE SPIFFY TO 7 BLOOTt yOU GOT- ' V TME. 10 DM. UE ' f WW. GUNM VQU CERT MNLY J N W UFE.HOM ' wnKrt "SEE YOU J SOCHKCUOWOW I' 2? T0V1'"V LOOK UKE J JUST LOVES DOCTOP. OH Oh" j TtttWRMOTt "1 OVER W Wt BOM-- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS " " " PRECAUTION! : : By BbS f wes-ves, mssos 1 ( )( codex nziuiw VI I ll I I D f Hiuo- ac6 yx ) -miwu. i wmt to HflP RTD PL6TZEMBA0M-- IJWSSuSPLtTZEtUOM SPGAV FCCVA W UNDER J J J Kj TWAT 6T TUC MUMPS ? P CT) (. A mM r. nmt& TO TALVi L ' let WO.TAS'. f .1 Ml ..) -1-lXW k rv 7 Sec VH1Z i. TM A IC PV.tTZ.EMBAOAA - "TAILS I WIN; HEADS YOU LOSE!" What to do to get whlto handH: Nothing. . , ; .' -' y , dog license?" Man: ' "Mnrrliigo. ' I've, hunled long enough . urn! led a dog's liff while doing it. Now I'm ready to get inarrled." . ' " A liyprocrltn Ih u dunih-bel who will ravH ,uhout how tieuullful hlfl girl Is and then Hland In line two hour to see a. burlesque show. . 7 i referee u hundred huckH to let uh Illll: "r call my girl a 'Onlrjwlii the game." Mug.'' . ' l-'rlend: "And Ntlll you" Joes "Kor what' ungoilly rea- I1'- l. "Yeal. aim referee wuh Hon?" ' crooked!" Hill: "H'h her ambition to go , uronnd In tin Utile h poHHlhle," i If whiskey flnWrU tlfcn water over-eating Mould continue to kill'; inoro r"opl than over-Orlnklng, ! s-r.:;- j-.utnuu Huitiu au'i a greai manyj M..MP .rini.m anionic in y.MinBiT wt If III. liijcln't Invrntcil plni-lrlp! iik-iii. - Vu like people who are hroad inlnded onotigh to agre with uh. i Wherever a bade fence Ih con cerned there's n lot to bo said on both sides; ..' I'Mvc-yearold Oeorge was calling on Mrs. Jonen, u neighbor who wnn very fond of him.- This day h said: "(leorge, 1 thhik I'M buy you from your mother," ' "You haven't got enough money," replied (ieorge. "How much would it take," Hhe asked, smiling," "Oh,- a hundred dollarH," re plied Oeorge, thinking t li Ih would Mettle lljc mutter. '"rhen ! can afrord that, piled MiH. Jones. re-jnf I "Well,", said fleoi-Re; "Mamnui rrom Kallslones. (live KltriTOLA I wouhln't Hell me anyway, fur lit chance. You yhn have Hie satne Mhore'H Ml,((r uh In Ihe family and experlenee, Kor sale, recommended Jshe wouldn't, want .to break ihejand wnaraiUerd by Mr. on Di-uk Co., "el." ' iinf oilier letxlhtir flnuri'-wtM Ailv 1 ha flrallde Happen "What d hi dad w.'inl to see you for?" Nervous Suitor: "He wanted to know if my intentions were strict ly honoralde," Flapper: "And are they?" If your wife laughN at your Joke you can he mire that It Ik a darn good joke or you have a darn good wife. Kootlmll (Mayer: "We gave the In keeping with his pHf policy we suggest that Mussolini ought to place some wort of II ml tut ion on the length of spaghetti. A nu'ssage tlvft ; (p ' a Mi.lil t. l- iVii "i r ,.wllr .,..,. ,nvs. ' : GALLSTONES CAUSE TROUBLE Don't use home treatments Kor pnhiH in your hark or side, or If you think you have stomach or liver trouhlr. try KItl'ITOLA. Om- done kIiowh rcMullH. l-'or over twenty yeaiH Kltl'ITOI.A Iiiih been used by many Hufferers who have thereby been saved from the pain and risk of an operation. Tho KltflTOI.A riH-iniila Ih the mime today an alwnvH and often hrinjr.H relief af ti-r 1 he iIom, Many people Mtale they pave tip hope of j : ever helntf relieved, but one dose KUrri'Ol.A convinced them that t they need no longer suffer nuln I Englishman To Wed Negro of South Africa NI)OV, Nov, 7 Ml') Owar HImHt, vrh npcnl. mnrly twenty yr:ir of liff jimUT Meiit'ine ami fiinvlciiort for murlr, pnly linally to be i-xom'inU. a ml iiiviinlwl f:io;o)H for wroTiKful im jiijHOnnicnt, w'uh.kkIi) ly tin Imlly M;iit loilay to be ronri-nipliitlnK ntiiirliiRt with a full Moodi Homh .if'rirnii Kaffir woman. "My fiunci'o wuh lnn-n In Hamiln la ixl." the Mull iuU-i Slater In in: hilervlewi Kivcir Jit CHiVpow, "wlwrft lier pnri-ntH, who arc walthy, have plantations. J met lu-r more than 2 y-mn ntf when KtnylriK In I'arlM. o were at the tut mo hotel iiihI if'rn nit very friendly. Hlio wan luh w reply yeiii H of affe a tul, li;nl. JuhI fln f.shed her edtieaf ion.' "VV wrofe to each oilier oeea- CLASSIFIED ADS NEW TODAY KOIt SAI.K -Two-Htory house lo cated' directly, went of the lo mestUvHclence huildlh. Jloime to he moved off the properly wlihin a roasonnhle time. Healed hids will he received .hy the clerk at the Klectrle Service stoic, 1110 Adams avenue, up to 12 noon, J tec. It. Tilff tioard renervcH the rlKht fo-rifjeet any and all hidM. - School No. I, il. J5. Wil IhunH. cXvrU. 1 1-27 It. I''U JiKNT 4 riu. llrtJilern .house, partly furnished, imp Jli-rer's Kroo. Y and Spruce. . l l-i'7-tf. KOH HKNT F room furnished or unfurnished modern bungalow, close in-wlth heating plant, fire place, garage, all In first class condition. Substantial permanent teilantH tleslri'd, IMibne' 214-11?" 1 1-27-tf. , KOIt HA lAi "'JMio World Hook" ; very cheap, also would Mice to r buy set of 'The. Hook of Knowl- , edge." State edition and price. Write box 100 c-o Observer. " 1 1-27-tf. ; I'Olt JtKNT One apt., newly dec orated. Apply Ixindls Court aptH., cor. Spring and 2nd.' hIh. - U-27-:i tp. WANTIOH Kxp. Rlfl for ironcral housework, l'honc Mi. Wonth uh'V' i 27-tr lick, ImS-H. II- WANTED Uik'li school fflrl watitMj - -to wrJrlc for room and hoard, j Phone .mother, :MG-V. 11-27-1 tp Kiill ItfOUi'lOrS APhLKH phone L'.Hft-W. $1.2f. or Jl.T.o per box. delivered. riorffer'H lfrocpry, Kverythlnj; eheaprr. , ii-St-tr LOST Key rlnjr with four keys Reward. Call Mrs. Wood.s, Maple apt. r.lO-W. 1 1-7-tf LOST UK. heavy-set Airedale male doK1. between La Ornnde) and Telornset; T'nion rounly li cense No. 35;' answers to name of Klnnks. Owner. H. N. Ashhy. Itewartl. Main 8 or Main 107. j 1 1-27-.11. I HIO I ANCK Thursday lilKbt. No-! vember 2S at Kittles hall. Hill Itrov n's orcfiestni playlnp- ! ll-27.2r.; WAN TKI You to !;nw tll!U Mrs. L. A., Wihiam! Iras boim;! the Ituffey contet'tlonery, now Known as Mother's Lunch, and Is serv ing hoi stew, chilli and sandwiches. Call and see us. . 1 1 -27-1 1 p FOR SALE OR TRADIC wlutially hut I iiiil not .' lui- for many yearn until one day when I wuh In l'et'rhead prison hIu eanie from I'arln to vy im. Her faith In ine com fort ed me treinendoUKly. ThroiiKhout the lonjf yeuiH In pris on wo wrote and when 1 va re leaKed we met In (llaM;;ov and llo eaiiH! envatfed. Hhf nuw 1m Htayinj; In (iIat(ow wliei-4- iMir iiiai-riae may take plaee hi April." Slaler waK accused of te mur de( in tltus of MJw Mary UllclulHt. nr. ane woman, although he waM not arrested until the following year, when (Hastrmv asentH mt-l hint as he Htepped from the LiikI tanhi at New York. He v;i rxtru dlteil, tried, eonvleted ajiil m-ut-eneed to ileath, Ijls Henlenee laler l-eliitf conwiiule'd to lite Imprison ment. Scottish law nt the time did not provide for erimina ease a ppea Ih but from agitation Krowlnj? out of Klater'H vnf a Hpei htl aet of par liament wax parsed c renting; a court. 'of criminal appeal. for Heol land. Hi?) frlendK w on interna tional support for Iim cuxi with Observer Want Ad Rates Hv , (Count flvo average worda ' to the line.) Per fine, 1st Insertion ...10c 'er line, each added conaec- utlve Insertion .. 7c Mlniniuai chargd on one order A-.i....! .....-25c HATliS RY MONTH 2 llnoa, per niOQth 3.50 3 lines, pr month 43.25 4 lines, per month $4.00 5 lines, per month ............... $4. 7 5 Knch addltionnl Une over five dun i;t d at 50c per line per month. CASH IN ADVANCE la re quired on all Classified ordera to eun these rates. Higher rates charged on all credit insertions. Copy for all Clarified ordera must ho in this of Clce by 10 A. ,1. IAV OV INHIBITION. Stop orders on ad Inserted until fur ther notice must be received hy thesa mt hour or extra insertion Will be charged. Telephone ordera solicited. Cash rates may be earned on B hone orders by payment on or uforo date of hist insertion. PHONE MAIN 5, "An Obaerver Want Ad Will Do IV laud til) Sandridge. City.. I nq. 11- Itox 2-1, 2t;-2 tp. KOR HA.M G-rnu, moorn houno, MaKiinent, lat'KC Karao, I'urnl . tare, hiL-liulinK p I a n o, phalio- ffntph, electric vanher;, Kll;Mti'( : Imp.; paid,1 I'riet; '" cash, hal. $:t5 mo. $l'i!io; $tro At uTl-t 2ml. Wrlli- (ho. KnjfiT,' 4f5 MorninK Khlc 'st.( l.oaL- Ih-ach, t'al. i i-ar-otp ..0t SA UK Ilarred Hock friers. ducks, Keese iiml fat hens. I'h. Kainters ll-25-4tp KOIt SA LK fi passi'tiKer llupmo- bile st'dan. $-175. Series 'II" Kinnklln ! passenjeer sedan. $.'"5. See larry WaKtroner, Kf(i , Adams Ave. 1 1-20-1 in. OK SALK Choke lot, improve- ; meats all paid; also 2 houses:; terms, only small down payment reunired. See Karl Cirande Nat. Hank. Zundel. l.a j 1-1 ni i FOR SALE Used electric washers. Maytas Shop, Main 639. 7-3 1-1 m. KOH SA LR All kinds ot heaters, llelrolrts from $a.r0 up. Other healers as low as $5.00. The l!c "urnituro Store. 1 0-17-1 m MISCKLLANKOtiS VOK'LL KINO Marshall, ator man, at lied's the radl-I fc Kred'sJ WreeUinff House i-.ttpf jcpreentntiomt itmt although a maid -i liu1 murdered woman had Identified another man an the tdny er thlK fact hum not presented t" the jury. Veteran Actor Is Recovering Slowly HOI.I.Y WOO, 1'al.. Nov. f.l' Hndoljih Hehlldkraut. vet eran of the xtae and ncreen, Ih recoverlnjf slow ly, liis physirlan, I l. I', K. IteynoldK. made known todaj", from a . severe attack of asthma suffered Monday nlhl. Sehlld lira ut, witneHlntf a pre view'' In a Hollywood Bheaier at the lima of I he attack, whh taken ini mcdialely In an. a inhulanee to a hospital. Dr. HeynohU wild It wuh feareil for a time that the asthmat ic seizure would he fatal to the elderly actor. He said Schildkraut had milled, however, and would recover. : The Market Place Of Union and Wallowa Counties ! l-'Ii Kii Charcoal; and firewood. Sheet Iron for sale at island Crty lire.. Arthur , llamann. . M-Ufi-i't, HOOKING WOKK itepriirfl, uny kind of a new roof. Cnll' Chaa. Jlildehrand, Cl'0-V. 11 i-Jmp lil.ACIC PINTO 1 6-ln. wood. $10 cord, delivered In J-a Qrundc. Cull 295, Cove (collect).' 10-30-1 M.P. MONKY TO LOAN on easy pay ment)), monthly or straight time. Seo J. H. Oliver,, 1708 6th at. i . . " ' . ; 11-2-lmo ! SOMMKIt lIOTEr. Inqulro for vnry Hpcclul winter rates; tilso modern apartments. ll-J-lmpj LA GRANDE MATTKBSS A Up hoIater.lng Jb Rag Cleaning i Works. Phone 424-W. Cha. Bd j wards. Prop. . lZ-l-lm ; MONEY TO LOAN We are repre- ' sentotlvea tor the Prudtmtlal In surance Co.. and can make arm i or city loans at attractive rates of Interest. Clius. It. Reynolds, i Insurance, loans and bonds. . ' EASTERN OltEOON School of I Music, violin, piano, voice. Cred I Its. I. O. O. l' temple. 447-J. ' 9-24-1 m. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved cthy property, straight louns or Installment plan. Lowest rates. United States Investment Co. j - Phone Main SS. a-10-lra IKOrt HENT Phirnlahed, team ! heated apt. Waverly apt. . ! 1 1-fl-l nip. FOR RENT Purn. houses and apts., with baths clean, quiet, low rates. IS 10 Green wood. . 7-10-lm. WANTED VA NT Kl) Woman wants work In mnth(.rloss or bachelor's home, 11 'i.fiin WANTR1") Woman for general ; housework ami care of children, j (ilve ajje and references in first) loiter; all .letters returned or j answered. Ilox 162. Kltrln. . 1 1-21-0 tp V O M K N WANT1CD Tho New Iryer. Piece work. Opposite La - Orando Milling Co. 10-3 1-lf WANTKI) A maid. Hot Lake Simatorium. Only first class. Ap- ply manager.'- li-2fi-2t -DELICIOUS- HEALTHFUL' REFRESHING LARGEST SALE Many Bargains Listed on Want Ad Page aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ''"",,,,,,,,,"J,"J : (Hvubltir'actmg) Same Price - for over 38 years 2ounces SorS Thepriceis right Quality is Wghf (every can guaranteed) MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT "T ..m.....mitmi Look Over Our Want Ads for Bargains vn iu ii im rmiir. Peacock Coal Not a Clinker in a Carload VanPetten Lumber Co. "Good Son Ice Quick" Phono Main 731 PERKINS Main 500. Used Gars I! Prof essioeal Directory1 Thla directory Ih especially handy for the newcomer or for the r profemlonnl man. It has been crvlcc. Classified for Physicians & Snrgeoas a. :.. nicHAi:nsoN'. ir. d. I'lty.siciun nnd Surgeon. Office ovp Glass Drugs. Office phone, Main 15; residence phone. Main er. J. A. WONDKm.ICIC MD l'hvslcinn and S'lravon Office and Hospital over the Tiffin Tel. Alain GTS 1KB B. BOUTT, f. D. IEWA WILKES. M. O. Practice limited to dlstnses of CEit Kye. Kar, Nose and Throat Nw Folejr TelephOM uuiiaiuc Alain 1 STAGES LEAVE From Corner of Elm and Jefferson Wallowa Valley Coaches La Gn:nde for Joseph S:45 a. m.. 4:00 p.m. Makes All Main Line Connections. For information call MAIN 7D9. liny Utrtind-Trip Tickets and Snve I Good for 60 Days. Awarded Cold Mt'tluli and l'irst I'rie. India and Ceylon, as 1'incs.t Tea urown. IN THE WORLD mi LOS ANGELES . M & A v n Convenience , .'r Comfort UCospitality .; Vou will appreciate the excellent . service and moderate rates. The ' city's most centrally located hotel. One block from Pershing Square t, convenient to all lcadins shops, , theatres, financial institutions and . electric depots for ail resorts. -Garage adjoining. All OuKiJe lioom Hach Wiih Bath Iwu IVrruns - (. 15 " Vncxeetled Food Friendly PnVrj t Fn-Nit Simpsow, Jr., Diuaor ? ! Hotel Sav;; Sixth & Grand ,i ' THE : HIGHEST IDEAL5 THE highest code ot ethics -governs our professional ser- i vices. We uo everything w'.th : the most delicate and metl. culqn resjicct tor tb'j, fishes of' ihe "bci-eaved'. ' 4 We Understand. Lung Motor Always Available BNODGRAS9 ZIALMER3IAN nlaln 81 MOTOR CO 4th and Adams; v uuurfsa oi soma - carcrnlly prepared and will prove 4 "wmiiiuiK prompt proiessioitni Quick Reference IDA McMEEKIN j 'J'cnclior of Uic nnrlicrciix System Voice Dramatics Jlelvllle Apts. i)x. Main 7ll Osteopathic Physicians J- I.. IKGLK, D. O. HARGAIIIQT l.NCI.IC. 11. n. SYSTEM ' fur f.llen .rhu. 1 li0?!?!" , .9 TlephoJl WBin i in. Astrologer MRS. nSKDliltlClC BAIAlSt S01 N Ave.. La Grande, Orlj uoauinBs dally. Readings by Mall a Specialty. fc. li ,i