La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 27, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, Novemlicr 27, 1929
Page Five
I I .rical Nftwsln Rripf I
Vlerco ill Portland
.VotwlthsUHuling dry conditions.
"Walter M. Horco. ex-governor and
f:irnicr and stockman ' of I'nioii
county. Ih keeping butty. "Wo have
just finished plowing 500 acres."
ho explained nt the Imperial, "it
Is our experience that when tluv
M'cd Iti planted In the dry ground
It will get vjjo .moisture later and
(jive us a crop. I know some farm
its think otherwise, hut that has
been our experience and we
following' the practice." Air, I'jerce
in running' 100 head of cattle and
three bunds of sheep, so thut he is
deep in the sheep industry. Hut, he
mn-ji, Hheep are low, wool 1m down
uffil lambs are 25 per cent under
rhat they should he. " have never
seen hay so- high nt Thanksgiving
time us it Is now in 1'nion couniy,"
continued the ex-governor, 'it is
-f 1 H a ton. Of course wc have seen
it higher at the end of a hard win
ter, but here it is scarcely Thanks
giving day yet und the price Is
high, very high. 'Phis is partly
due, I think, to conditions In Cali
fornia, and the discovery that alf
alfa yields are not us abundant as
they were, it seems that alfalfa
takci: something out or the ground,
undone scientists don't, know yet
just what to, put hack. They think
that after a few years of alfalfa
maybe the land should be planted
to wheat. Tills is another reason
for the reduced hay crop. .We had a
fine crop of wheat. .tf)is' year, but
there isn't much in, It u.1. n dollar
h bushel. You kno'yj-. rvolgot my
: idcati about the geiie.ral siiuat ion in
! thin country; 1 wjs working two
j (oinhlnes during harvest and there
wi-ve H automobiles belonKlnjf to
! thir hands at the home, ranch. None
of the cars was paid for. We had
u crew of ten men recently, and
nine of them had cars ,only one
; of them paid for. We had a couple
; of . cooks for the men during the
. aeason. Kach cook had a finer en
closed car than 1 drive, and neither
of-' the cars was paid for. Hut I
don't see how you arc going to
remedy this condition by law."
lire Oregonliin. "
' : . ' .
Here ri' Tlmnksivhig
T Miss Kslhcr Koont'., of Los An-
j geles, is expected to arrive today
to spend Thanksgiving with her
brother and his .Viic, Mr." and Mrs.
Ira Koont:;. She will be accom
panied huuic by her mother. Airs,
'. K. Kountz, w(io has spent I he
past year hero vHUi her son. Mrs.
Koontz has made many friends
s while here who .regret to. see her
In Play ('act 1
. (ieorgo Anderson, of La Grande,
who is a junior at the liilversity
of -Oregon, niajoring in pre-law. has .
iH'on mimed as one nf the prospee-
Give us a trial order we
know we can please you.
A carload get yours.
Last Showing
r nipuii & uuiidiiu
I . , : 1525 Jeff erson St.
rf Granada fl
41 i Continuous Showing Thursday jSikis&mBs. 1 ' 1
J t All the Thrills of the Air which will entertain (fQlMi ' 1
y ' you as it thrills you with 1' R ' ' M
1 f '(JC'& DEATH MADE t. Mfr Mri W
') , With Marie Prcvnst Husscll (ileason V. jJTJ ffl
.AliTnedy . JHjilNgJ 1 M
i , tjr i ---- - ar
I ; "H" r i?ivii'i nnvnv
tlve memberH of the cast for John
Galsworthy's play. "Kscape," which
will bo presented at tho university
the nights of December 0 and 7.
The selections for tho final cast
will be made sometime next week,
it was announced.
(i really Improved
Miss Katharine WJssler, -daughter
of Air. and Airs. G. Wissler, who
has been quite ill of flu for the last
two weeks, Is reported to be very
much Improved at present.
Claw) Organizes
If. If. Hunscom with his Sunday
school class of Intermediate boys
met In the Presbyterian pastor's of
fico Tuesday evening, and complet
ed their class organization, and for
mulated plans for work that prom
ises to be of large' Interest to the
boys and tho church in general.
Service Stations Closctl
All of tho main service stations
in I.u Grande will bu closed from
12 noon on tomorrow, Thanksgiv
ing day. It was announced today.
Went to Spokane
AIlss lianmi Clark went to Spur
kano last night to spend Thanks
giving vacation.
Biishies am! IMcnsuro
Arr. und Mrs. J. K. Oliver went
to Portland on a business and
pleasure trip.
At Km: Hotels
.' Henry IT. Hewitt, Houston, Tcx-
as; George ATcNally.' Twin J alls;
j U. O. Allies, Junction City, nio
I among those recently registered at
j local hotels. . ...
Working at the Foley
Kay mom! Harlow has accepted
n, position as bellhop at the Foley
hotel following the resignation of
Ardel Uradcu.
Hero Tuesday
' C. K. Anderson was in
Grande Tuesday on business.
U. J. Williams is reported to be
seriously 111 at his home.
I'ndcrwcnt Operation
Airs. J. AV Hriggs underwent an
emergency operation yesterday af
ternoon. Iteturns to Iai f inutile
All km Gertrude Wallers, Instruc
tor at tho Knstern Oregon Normal,
who has been nt her home -'the
last few weeks recuperating from
injuries received In an auto acci
dent,, has returned to Jji Grande
and resumed her duties before her
Main 792.
Today "Pleasure Crazed" All .Talking.
I Homo Tor Vacation
I Miss Alice Doylun left tndny nt
I noon for her homo nt Pilot Hock
i whero she will visit durinti the
Thanksgiving vacation. ,
Driving to Portland
Air. and Airs, lid W. llnckinnn
are leaving In the morning for
Portland where they are driving
to spend a week.
rift Horn Vittvlt vm
Airs. Cap Tuttle of Imbler and
Airs, Haskell Andrew drove to
Portland yesterday where they wlll'l
spend a few days.
In Kolio
E. Larklln. brldg'o and building
supervisor of the 0.-W., is In Echo
today on business. .
Will Itelurn Friday
Carl a. Helm, district attorney
for Union couniy, will return Fri
day from Portland whero lie lias
been for n few days transacting
Tonsils Itemovcd
Helen Alartin had her tonsils re
moved Monday.
I'rnin Portland
V. A. Hatliday of Portland spent
yesterday in l.a Omndc on busl
ncsii. .
Hero Yesterday
Air. and Mrs. It. Haynes, of Im
bler, spent yesterday in La Grande
on business. . . :
I la by Horn
Air. und Mrs. T. TV l.eavltt are
the purents of a baby boy born
Hero Yi'storday - -.'' ' 'i
Alfss Klhcl tfargcant VirA Jn l.a
Graiido yesterday to rcceiyo 'medi
cal treatment. .
Havo Kctiurned . . - ,
Mr. and Airs. Charles Iteynolds
and son Junior have returned. fromj
Portland where they nttemleU the
Oregon-Hawaii footbull game.
From Hot Mtlte V . .
Hnvvy Hill, of Hot Lake,' was In
La Grande Tuesday.
Eddie Mack Wins
From Morgan In
Non-Title Bout
lly I'iiul '. y.iiuiiierniiHl
(AKMK-liiti'il I'ih'kb KporlH Writ'T)
l,OS ANGIOUCS. Nov. 27 (Al')
I'ctro. Quktana thoy call him Hil
dio Murk foi hort today siunds
out as a flehtcr who iwieo )ia ilc
fcatfd a champion,- with no crown
to show for hla offorlH. '
. In u ton-round non-title buttle
bel'oro 10.II0U Tana last 'night, tho
former St. ItcsiH college youth re-j
pcated a previous non-lltle vlcfcoi'y j
over Tod Moruan, junior littlit
welKht king, in a rouslns . rally
wliiclL.suwi him win .the,lattle. In
tlio cloHinK jieriod.
It was the third nieetinir of Uie
pair at calcli wclKhls. 1lh the
Hcnipper from Denver holding two
triumph!! by the decision route.
Tho second entfUKement terminated
in u draw.
. .Morgan looked very much like
a chumplun in the opening slanzas
as lie rushed Mack before him
with it aeries of crushing rights to
tho head,-followed by left, hooks
to the body. Sensing- an- oppor
tunity to square accounts with his
opponent, the l.os Angeles scrap
per followed his advantage by
tearing Into Mack with a two-fisted
attack to the body.
- Complete Submission -Trailing
. when tho fourth came
up. Mack rallied to hold the cham
pion even, and then rushed put to
win the fifth by a wide margin,
bringing blood to Morgan's nose
and mouth with a. series of bruis
ing lefts and rights to the face and
Muck hammered the title holder
Into complete submission In the
dying moments of the tenth..
The rally earned him tlio deci
sion, for up to tho tenth, the scor
ing stood at three rounds each,
with tlio othor three, called draws.
Tho battle wus-wnged with Mack
entering the ring' ; tlhree pounds
over tho .iao-'potmu' iliiiu.' Mor
gan weighed 13 1. 111 .
NO Mnntioll Klglit r,
-:.5Vhalever hopes Morgan enter
. tallied of meeting Huniiny Mamie!!
' In lightweight elianipioiiMblp bout
ct the Air I .1k 1
faded Into oblivion. Alack made
it quite apparent that the Junior
lightweight tltleholder Is doomed
to be shorn of his .honors should
he ever risk the crown in a cham
pionship fight, ttnd is no fit sub
ject to bid for the 136-pound
In a fast feml-wlndup, Sid Tor
res, local l'hillpino 1 1 ti-pouuder.
was given the nod In n close fight,
with Kranklu Alurrny of Philadelphia.
Man Wanted For
Local Robbery
Gives Self Up
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. i!7 (AP)
Oscar Hanson. 62, wanted by
federal authorities for robbery of
mails at La Grande. Ore., and for
forglm; a govenmieitt warrant,
surrendered to Portland police to
day to save his woman companion
from the disconVfurts of starving.
While Hanson was booked "hold
for V, S. secret service," Airs.
AHnnle Itotherford, relief nurse at
a San Francisco hospital, enjoyed
a meal in the woman's detention
ttunrters, wild to have been the
first food she tasted In 24 hours.
-Polico said Hanson, who Is al
leged to have tdolen money from
mails nt the Savoy hotel, m
Grande, told them he had served
two and one half years In the .Min
nesota state prison at Stillwater
and 10 years In Folsom prison for
' Hanson told police they went to
La Clrando where pickpockets stole
his -money and it was to obtain
money to return to Portland that
he. Mole the money from the hotel
mail. ' . ; .
- AKTOK1A. Ore.. Nov. 117 (AP
Frank Groinll. who operales a fill
ing station south of Seaside, was
sentenced to. one year in the state
prison today when lie was con
victed 'of possession of a set up
Still. V
-: -V Delaying Debt Payment
, "Moralnrluni" Is derived from
the Latiu "inorntorliis," meaning
delaying. A moratorium Is n lo
giillzeil permission for n debtor,
hank or nntlon In suspend the pay
ment of debt In nn emergency. This
permission Is not n moratorium un
less It Is granted before the debt
actually falls due.
The shortest distance across Hip
United Slates from const In roust Is
helwecn ..Snn . Diego. Ciilif., und
Charleston. S. (.'. It Is 2.1 .TJ miles
I'nlhltnder Magazine.
(Continued from Page 1)
Jenry"1the "butler (Harvey Matth
ews), was discovered to be a par
doned convict, to the time Schuyler
Van Dyck's cuusin came to get htm,
because he wasn't In his righl
mind, und wasn't Van Dyck at all,
unusual developments followed
each other In close succession. Mcr- i
lln Hatley wus Van Dyck and it. K. '
Westenhaver his cousin.
'DulClnca Smith, "Duley." (Lorn:i
Coolidgo Miller) was a well mean- j
ing wife, who just couldn't stand
by. without trying to help her hus-
bund in his Jewelry business, which
was about on the rocks. She
schemed and planned lo have C.
Jtoger Korbes (Hugh K. Hrudy),
alfo in the. Jewelry business, ul a
weekend party and enjoy himself
so much thut he would give her
husband, Gordon Smith. Itay K.
Murphy), more percentage of the
slock, when Mr. Forbes ami Mr.
Smith's companies merged. Her
every effort to please Mr. Forbes
resulted In Just the opposite, es
pecially when his du lighter, Angela.
(Huth Hramwell), eloped with u
scenarist. (Warren I. Gilbert), and
he discovered thut "Duley" wiij
responsible for the occurrence.
Mrs. Forbes (Kdna McCall Sell.)
wan considcrubly worried when Mr.
Korbes refused to speak f to her,
when he found that she too., hud
assisted in the elopement.
There was n disappointed lover
und a Jilted lover in the. drama.
Angela refused to listen to Tom
Stcrrett. (Oscar W. Warnock) be
cause hu was too Interested in
buslm'sa; und Vincent Leach (War
ren 1. Gilbert), who is jilted after
they started an elopement. The
successful one of three, William
Purkrr, (Ktuood Gwllliams). fin-
The Lady There is no doubt that
. . . . our lady assistant, is
Assistant onc 0f most valu
able helpers we have.
The Golden Rule funeral director,
pledged as he is lo maintain at all
times strictly modern and complete
scmcc, at moderate prices, of neces
sity includes a lady assistant on his
Ished the elopement, and Ravo An-
Kela tin romance und thrill she had
been longing for.
If there, ever existed a woman
liko "Puley" It was easy to kucsh
whero It begun that women talked
InceKsnntly.. Her chatter rippled,
thut nnyono could talk so fast was
a marvel: always she was telling
what she shouldn't and doing just
the wrong thing; but it nil ended
satisfactorily,', not as liulcy had
planned,, but satisfactorily caused
indirectly by all her blunders ami
All tho characters were well
portrayed", und it was much better
than the usual "home-talent" play.
Hay Murphy was a very serious
husband who loved his wife dearly.
but wished she would let his busi
ness affairs nlone, (Hut Duley was
so anxious to help.) A big brother
and a hero who took advantage of
un opportunity wus Klwood G Wil
liams. Hugh .'lirudy was a very
business-like business man, very
gruff and determined; his wife,
Kdna Mcl'all Seitz. was a typical
business man's wire, who liked to
write as a hobby, but whoso most
Important possession was hor hus
band. Ituth linumvell was un at
tractive heroine.
Oscar V. War noc It was a man
in love, but just didn't understand
women. ' One of tho most enter
taining scenes was when Warren
Gilbert gave a synopsis of his next
moving picture, while ho was ac
companied by Merlin llutley at the
piano.- An Interesting Impromptu
sceno occurred when, nftcr mem
bers of the cast had been present
ed with bouquets, two men were
shown, hungrily devonrlnK what
hud been presented to them in
Mr. Westenhaver well portrayed
Ithe part of u lawyer, ; and. Mr.
Matthews wus enjoyable, his ap
pearanco being greeted with smiles
of pleasure.
Several times during the perfor
mance hearty applause from tlu
uudicuco showed their appreciation
of the acting. Mrs. Miller received
an ovation at her first exit, those
present realizing the difficulty of
tho part, and Hie skill wjth which
it was portrayed.
Ooollrtge director
K. M. Coolidge directed tho pro
duction. Other members of the
management were: general chair
m:i. Merlin Halley; business
manager, Audmer l'layle; stage
manager, J. T. Longfellow; proper
ties, Charles Koehm; publicity, Mr.
Matthews; printing, Hurley Uleli
anlson: music, W. Nusbaum.
Delightful selections by the high
school orchestra under Mr. Nus
baum's direction were: "I'roecs-Me-nul,
by M. Huron; "Hungarian
Dance, No. 2." by J. Hrohms; "lly
tho Sea." (Am Meer). by l Schu
bert: "Patrol of the Tin Soldiers,"
by G. Picnic: und "Minuetlo,"
(from Symphony No. 2), by J.
The auditorium was practically
filled, with only a few vacant seats
, un tnm.t, p.-oc.i.dH f uie
, play will go to the Kastcru Oregon
Hoy Scouts. ;,. i .
Cove to Observe
Thanksgiving In
Church Service
Hy Mrs, A. 11. Conkltu
(Observer Correspondent)
COVM, Ore. (Special) Pnlon
services will be held at the Hup
tist church Thanksgiving morning
at Hi o'clock". The Hev. W. A.
Winters will preach the sermon.
rhnnksgivlng evening a service of
songs will bo held ut the sumc
One of the pleasant sociul events
of the week wus the curd parly at.
tho new community" hall Saturday
evening sponsored by a group of
women belonging to the Wonfnn's
club. They were Mrs. C. K. Ilertsch,
Mrs. Melene Lincoln, Mm L. K.
Anderson. Mrs. C. G. Springer. Mrs.
Hichard Wade und Mrs. L. It. Luy.
Hrlilgo was played at nine tables,
Mrs. K. K. t-'oud winning the high
score for women and It. 1. Parker
for the nu'n. About 60 people were
present. There were several women
from I'nion Including Mrs. Hilda
Miller. Mrs. T. Hulrd, Mrs, Louisa
Bin-well, Mrs. Holly uml Mrs. May
Hutchinson.1 Lunch wus served.
Mrs. Carmen Daniel Miller, who
has Fieen suffering from nn infec
tlon caused- by a snake bite, wus
so fur recovered that she resumed
her duties us teuchcr at Alice)
school all lust week but she has
suffi-red a it lapse and her trouble
la very much worse.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hefty were
hol and lmnh-KM ut n small party
k ted
mm MM
W Mi
m m
Fiidny evening- The guests were
Mr. uml Mrs. K. K. Coad, Mr, and
Mrs. It. H. Comstock. and Mr. and
Mrp.'J'K Mills, Bridge was played
at two tables, l.uneh was served.
The Hev. if. I, Hansen, of island
City, preached at tho Methodist
church at C'uvo Sunday morning.
His subject was "Ilcsisting Temp
tation" rrom James 1:17. Tho Hev.
, A. Winters occupied tho pulpit
In Jhiker at the same time.
Tlio Veil, S. W, Oreuscy, of Pen
dleton' came In for services at the
Ascension Kplseopul church Hun
day afternoon at 3:110, Service for
tho winter will be held at Morris
hall. The Sunday school Is now
being held at Morris hull. The Sun
day school uiulcr the efficient lead
ership of Us teachers Is growing in
grace and number. Mrs, Carol Con.
ley h; superintendent, M rs. It.
I. ay, organist ami Miss Dorothy
Murker uml Miss Thelma Anderson,
Mrs, Kvu Duncan had the mis
fortune to severely burn one of
her hands with hot water Krlday
morning. She has continued her
work nt school uml although the
wound b; not serious it Is extreme
ly painful.
Prof (', G. Springer reports an
attendance of 5 per cent for the
last six weeks in the Cove school.
In Ills report of .tardiness through
out the entire school Mrs. Duncan's
room has the fewest in number.
hYuncls, Curl und Hubert Coud i
and Kdward Illooin, who are stu-1
dents at the University of Oregon, j
are expected home t'ur the Thanks
giving vacation. Q
Miss Hernlce Via spent the week-' 2
end with an aunt in Hatter.
Mrs. G. H. H:il er u;.a heirless
to the lAm und Joy Bridge club at
her homo Suturduy afternoon.
Three I ihles wore at play. , Mrs.
W. .1. illullmnrk' won high score
and Mrt- Stewlii't French won low,
Mrs. Louis Presto was a guest. A
dainty lunch was served.
jlrs. it. A. Hercher, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Ken nd b La Vlulette for u couplo
of juonths, left Suturduy morning
lor her home hi Koseburg,
Tho Hev, li. 1. Hansen, or Island
City, wan a dinner guest of Mr, und
Mrs. K K. Roberts Sunday, .
afrs. l.ucy Duvls and son, Uriah
Davis, of Jerome, Ida., are spending
the winter with Mr. ami Mrs.
George Goluy. Mrs. Davis is Airs.
Goluy's mother.
The Hoy Scouts who hauled logs
for u cabin a year ago are planning
its erection in (he near fuluro.
When the logs were hauled they
planned to build the cabin on the
Ascension grounds but circumstan
ces have changed their plans and
they now hope to build It on the
lot belonging to the Woman's club,
next to the library. ' ' : !
Mr. und Mrs, l.uren Carver,-of
l.a Grande, wcro visitors, ul; tho
home of Mrs. Carver's brollier;. Mr.
und Mrs. V. J. Hallmark, recent ly.
The Ladies Aid Of the "Methodist
church Is putting in double-tifno
Ihls week getting ready for their
bazaar to be held next week, Dec.
(Continued from Pago 1)
In addition, the proposed rule
would affect a large number of
work men u t N luga ra Fu 1 1s, 1 in f -falo.
along tho Vermont and 'Maine
honlcrs and at FA Puso oil the
Mexican border. Other loculM lew
p4mHv-: treat If
pvl' ' Featuring ' "Mrt?'
W illi a Choi us of
GLEN (1100)
The Lady Lies"
also would bo affected to a lesser
Canadian real estnto dealers
were said to have been uctlve re
cently in attempting to persuade
aliens ami United Stales citizens
to move their resldenco to Canada
on the ground that taxes were low
er ami living conditions cheapen
Tho proposed regulation wus
fu Id to bo substantially the sumo
us one recently put Into effect by
tho Mexican government whTch
provided ifiut American citizens
working In Mexico must " make
their residence iii that country.
A Laxative Tonic uml
System Cleanser.
Makes you eat better, Hlecp bet
ter, work better and feel hotter.
if you are weak and nervous'!
have that tired, worn-out and run
down feeling, you should tart tak
ing H'y-PlCP-Scn toduy.
It will give you vim, vigor and
vitality such as you havo not known
In years.
Jly-PKP-Scn Is a lasting Tonic
and system builder.
For sale by Moon Drug Co. ,
W. C BECKTELL, Proprietor
Rock Point Oyster Cocktail Coupe de Fruite Favorite
Consomme a la Balzac
Cream of Chicken Flakes Valliere
Celery Hearts Pickles , Ripe Olives
Lemon Ice
Planked Eastern llrook Trout Lorenzo V
Braised Spring Chicken, Apricot Compote' ;
Fillet Alaska Reindeer a la Chancelier :
Boned Young Turkey, Chestnut Dressing and
' Cranberry Sauce .
Salmis of Domestic Duckling en Cassolette ', '
' ' Salado Banane Golden Gate, j
Potato Long Branch Sweet Potato Southern
Cauliflower Polonaise
Pumpkin Pie and Cheese .Hot Mince Pie
Strawberry Ice Cream, Petite Fours Cookies
Heinz Plum Pudding, Rum Flavoring Sauce
Hawaiian Fruit Sundue
Assorted Nuts Dinner Mints
Cnfp Nniv
ft 11:30 A.'M: to 8:30 P.M.
Look Over Our Want Ads for Bargains
Collins and Singers
. Revue in
And ,
In Songs
Acrobatic Dancer
All Talking
Vilaphone Acts
Thursday night at
Union gym. Sponsor
ed by the- Woman's
Club of Union. Star
Novelty Orchestra
Day and Evening
La Grande
Business College
otel p
$1.25 Per Pldte V
fife; i