EASTERN OREGON'S LEADING NEWSPAPER-EIGHT PAGES TODAY -FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE mi CI T Y EDITION THE WEATHER -OREGON: Unsettled tonight and Tuesday, probably 'rain west por tion, warmer In the southwest por tion tonight. :. VOLUME XXVII CALIFORNIA IS VICTIM OF ICYHIGHWAY W. E, Kennick of Modesto Instantly Killed in Acci dent Neai' Here. SEDAN SLIPS OFF ROAD NEAR GLOVER Skull of Driver Fractured by the Crash Body Is Brought to La Grande This Morning. . The. Old Oregon Trail hlfjhway In Hit; Blue mountains Look another Ufo this morning, the accident he lm, duo to the icy, slippery condit ion of the road, according :tu re ports. A, A cm driven by V. K, kcnnlck, of Modesto, Oil., which was appar ently going west, skidded from the highway ut the bridffo tho other side, of tho overhead crossing, al Glover, going over n .seven -foot grade and hunting on Us Hide; The driver was Instantly hilled, officers f report. His skull wua fractured bi lbo urnsh. 1 :? , .-' ' ., Others Taken to Iendleioi. UeportB horo uro that two oiIkt puM.icnecrH.iji.thft Ul?fu,un .enr;.worc ' picked up by puHSlngyuotorI-U. und taken to Pendleton. - : ' . Ii tor (his morning It waa Jearn cd .that two other .passengers of tho cilr Vei' Injured as follows: V. H.AVehh, 5$ of Lo.a Angeles, broken 'collar bone., throe broken rlbn und minor Injuries; Tvlelvln Kennick. 15, son of -Air... KchnleU, Injured hand. ' ' . :. A. motorist, coming eaHt'en ro.ute 16 Ilurns, passed the-car abort ly before 7 o'clock this morning, and on hi" arrival, notified rollee Chief t'llnt Hay-nes. Sheriff Jfse Hreahcais. necnmpu;ilvd - by ''0l Snodgrnss, drove lo the scene- of tho accident, extricated Mr. Ken nick's, body from the cur,, and brought It to tho Hnodgrass and Zlmi.ncrma n mortuary here, re turning ubout lit o'clock. " .Another Cur lht'hil ''rite motorist who reported th" neehlent. whoso name was not learned, said that another car went into the ditch on the slippery high way, but without iyjur.to anyone, f-omc distance from thh -Kennfclt accident. Ho- said that'. he ha 1 difficulty in handling his car. -: lilttlo Js known of the. dead man, other than his name and residence. He wilt! driving a sedan, and the lop or his machine was badly dam aged. The car was on ils aide, the froiit'pol.iting toward La. Grande. 01M,(.0 WOMAN' IMKS AMiANY, Ore., Nov. 25 (Al') Airs. K. W. Collins- of Springfield died yesterday from injuries suf fered when tho ' uulonioblle in which she waa riding slipped over ii bank and overturned. Tho car was operated by Airs. Clara Sawyer, daughter-in-law of Airs. Collins. . H was believed Airs. Sawyer lost control of the car after attempting to pits:: another machine. TrafN' was heavy. Neither Airs. Sawyer nor Airs. K. W. Collins, Jr., the other occupant, was injured. i;kuit hi ut xhah i'kxdi.etox I'KXDI.I-'.TUK, Ore.. Nov. (A 1') -Kight persons were hurt, one M-riously, in wo automobile wrecks iii'ar here Saturday night. Alo:r.o Kdinundson of Hcppitcr wan tn a critical condition suffer ing from two broken jaws, u severe cut on one cheek nnd an Injured )(n t))C, nl t WHH heavier in other I'and. His automobile, driven hy j Kt,rti0ns. The rain was expected Kva. Osborne of Lexington, slid off 1 1(, je f Krc,,t benefit to fall seed the road. Aliss Osborne suffered e j Wheat over the entire area. the Iush of three fingers on her left ) ; , ... - hand, and other cuts. Wilbur Klow- I - , OJl ct-M of Jlepp:ier received a badly ' twisted ankle and Irene Yocuiu. ! lleppne., eats, shock and bruises, j Kour others were Injured In another crush for which excessive t (Continued on I 'age Three) CHAMBER WILL nr. nnv.KTSi np wnmnr rTnWinnT n!"IMar before Circuit Judffc J. W.i IMIiLhlt PhOPIjl'j Know Ics possibly llils uflernoon. Henry Hess will Klvc Ihc main lulk on behalf of the L :ilon county chamber of commerce at lite gond- will luncheon at the Imblcr gytnna-! t-Miiii ininoiTon 111 noun, n n bounced today. The response will j be made by a resident of Imbler. i The taamber of commerce mem- j hers aro to leuvc here at 11: .5 and i iiiiicneon Ul inioicr win i--.".... ' t drv r..mpany here. At. -re than 4 mi 12 o'clock, and end an hour later., ,N;rtI,,n, workers will be employed so that the members may return to ; ,n jangarv t-onstructlng these cars. Iai Grande by 1 :TI 5. i l( IP I(U(t fnr the Purine Fruit A large crowd Is cxp el il at this ; ,..vpr(im ,.0,Iipllny. foyers of the hmrheon. which Is an annual oe, j rnj,Hny are ntw parehaslng 3, and reports from Imbler are that j 500, "00 feel of timber, an especially tasteful luncheon is being prepared. WHATIIKK TOIY 7:30 a. m. 4 1 above. Atlnimum: 20 above. Condition: cloudy. AVI-;.TII Kit YISSTKII DA V AUxImum 4H. mlniinum IS ubovc. Condition: partly cloudy. WKATIIKIl NOV. 25, 192K Maximum 53, minimum 29 above. Condition: partly cloudy. . MEMBER ASSOCIATED Rotary Play To Benefit Scouts Of This District Full House at Presenta- tion Tomorrow Would' Provide Over $500 for Boys' Work Here.' I'roHcntation of tho Rotary piny, the threo-not comedy "Duley," to morrow night in the Ia (Irande High school auditorium, will mark the first major project since tho budget drive to raise money for the Uoy Scouts of La Cirunde. Tho entire proceeds of the- Hotary club play will so to tlto scouts, and ft is being put on at a minimum ex pense. , , The director. H. K. Coolidgo, re ceives no Hi hit for his work, and no complimentary tickets are be ing panned out to anyone.. The only expense will be the sntall royalty on the use of "Diilcy," rent al of the high school nuditorlum, a s m a 1 1 d ru y a go chn rgo and tho expense of printing tickets. If a full-house audience attended,, a total of over. $ 500 would be real lzed for tho boy scout work here. Tickets arc being sold by Hotar- ians and are also available at tho chamber of . commerce offices. K enervations may be made at (.liana Drugs. -julcy" Is a strictly modern Play, bringing out the Interest women in their husbands business too often with bad results. lor- iia Vuolidge Miller. played the part of Dii ley with Dr. Uay Murphy as her husband, Gordon Smith. Others In tho cast are El wood Owllllams, Hugh lirudy, Kdna McC'ull Helta, Ruth Bramwoll, Merlin Hutley, Oscar Wurnock, Warren .Gilbert, Robert V est en haver and Harvey Matthews. - a RAIN DRENCHES CITY AT NIGHT ; FoUl'-tenths of Inch Fall 1 - 11 11 ? ' AIU-" " Here Welcomed in . Spite of Tardiness. ('uiiiltit.. a, tHUo lulo, but. iiOvcr' IhrlcMi woU-omo, it li?uvy ruin foil In.: .CJrando durl:is l"t nlghf.' n nil reporlH lodiiy.. Il: gonornl ovor thn Inliind- lOmplro. In l.:i CTi'anilc Uio proeipitutiun wiih mi'tiH- uied nt roui'-tRntliH of .nujwb. thi-i fall and the,. first for a considerable. length of time. : -The rainfall occurred during weather between til and 20 above, but little freezing occurred herein spile of tho cold temperature. How ever, the mercury moved upward quickly and at 7:30 o'clock this Pull iinri II... Ih-ul f.,r .1 .OH9lilnnil.lliVn H'lUlKI nlllllllCIM. V morning was 44 above, only four IUU1 degrees below yesterday's maxl-4 ntutii. 'I he skies was overcast -ibis morning and more rain was ex pected. West Orrooii Has lrl.le Western regon had a light drizzle mid Walla Walla reported a light rain yesterday. In the high lands snow fell and highways In the mountains near here were ex tremely slippery, with scvcral'rarH going off grades and others having considerable difficulty In keeping 'on the road. Although the season Is too far advanced for the rain to benefit farming rtndltlon: to any great ex tent, the perclpltation is expected lo relieve water shortage in some section.-;. HI-VTll l."rV lli-n V.... T. . .... . (AP) A general rain In this vi- clnity In fit night brought to an end the cold spell that started last week. Pendleton received .12 of j Ufll (dlUlC kJVlVVy Arrest Two Men Tin- sheriff and his deputies ! raided a pluce at Klgin laat night, confiscating a small liquor st III, I which thy di'dar was In opera tion. In connection with th" raid Amador Slu-rwood ami Clarence I Coffey were urresti'd and are to p T( BuUd 400 , KefriffratOV LCD'S t , POUTLAXI). Nov. 25 (AP) Tho Union I 'acl f Ic ra I b oa rt a n nutinced today that four hundred freluht refrlgei-ator cars will be t..,m 1..- lln l'ifHn l'.-ir JC- Knlin- Men Fight lo Death For Love Of Woman PITTSIH'UO. Cnl., Nov. 25 (AP) Ilk-King away at each oih-r point blank In a gun dm I over tin- love of a woman, two men hu once wen- good friends kilted each ot ln-r h-re today while the wnman look ed on. n horrified witness. The dead men are Kneinelo Gal- ; vez. 25. and Andres Lopez. 24. both 1 employes of the Columbia Ktii-I Mills lure. The woman for whom love they ballUU lo CrScliua Oul- PRESS LA VALUATION OF COUNTY LESS BY $214,659 Total Assessed Property Valuation This Year Is $24,260,635. STATE FIGURE IS AT $1,11-4,988,691.82 Announcement Is Made by 1 ax Commission Ore pon Total Shows Large Gain. ;. - V.VION' COr.NTV FIGUtKS According to figures Issued from Salem today. Union coun ty's total- assessed valuation this year is $lM4.fi59.1!i less than last year. The total last year wan ?24.475,295 and the total this yeai'i using figures given in the Sulem story bo low, is $24,2(10,635.88. SALIC A!, Ore., Nov.. 25 (AV) Oregon's total assessed property valuation for 1JI29, op. which will be based the tax levy for li30, Is M,1iM,988.l!91.82'. This was an nounced today by tho stuto tux commission. The total figure Is a combination of $!I44,789,31 1.47 In local assess ments reported by the county as sessors and $180,199,380.35 usscss- TitZ-Zt commission The iotnl is $2,05li.51 1.39 more than the total of $1.1 22.322.- 180.48.. locul assessments IhisirearJ are. $1,843,70 1.53 less than the 1028 figure of $94(1.033,010, and the utility assessments are $4,500, 215. !2 In exces of tho 1928. total of $175,0911,11)4.43. The commission accounts for the Increase In public utllty assessed valuations by new development and expansion of utility companies,. t ChungCH Spotty . . . Changes .In local assessment fig ures , are spotty. . . Multmfmuh. county's assessment this year is 1331,380,310,. against :$32G,330.083 lnul fan .i ifiiIx r r". fiB-ft ( 1 rni... I..'tl of 'tho athc.r '33 vgountlW l ... . '.h,, ,u. " '"".uml..:veiit.pn .tuwiirU Croment ,jervnan-tHHe-' Sl,..- c1c,,.ouhcs, ' In lonal nwM.tH. Tlw'-ure. ltak.,-. rlai-ku- t , . , t . Ulver. JoHOphlne. Kluniu i , Luke,. I.lneoln. I.lnn. MIh-Ioii, . .Morrow folk. Shern.Hn. Tllbnnook, l!lo, !nnii - o .i.wi v.iit.ni Amnll!r hp Ulf.tt, 'iv utl.(l incuts are. tho following, showing (Continued 0:1 Pago Klvc) Large Crowd At Turkey Shot At Lone Tree Traps Mnny turkeys were Klvcn itwny yeslcnlny when the f.u (inmile Cun club held Its iiniiiuil sh.;ot the lurwest of the seusoni which fen-( lured not only Imp shoollni; bul horse shoe pitching. The weiilhcr . lfl,. ,.,...-, ll,.,wln.l r. .. ,,. " r ....oh "ic i, ,. niih-ip, which a coniolete list u-iim nut : uvtltluhlc. were: (.'. I.. Korresl er. 1 J. II. Smith, I,. Ilnnneflclil. (leolcn other I linn to authorize W. .M. 10 " la"' "'"""B I'1""' In the .inlet Cooper, Hurry Huyllss, AV.. K, (111- I'eiiro unci )r. j. i,. nKir to se- I "r 11 "" In (he province of Ven berl. Ira Kennedy. Will Uobbln, I euro eslinniles of costs, c(c., for ' ,Ipn. J. I!. (Inrlly und Oscar Wnrnoek. Inter ennslilerullon. If Ibe club! "I'l"'le was no niiifried drilln belli. Ahhiiik w inners In tho horse shoe should npprove such n piOKriiin, 11 no oraloiy. no .icclninntlon lo speed division were Clint lliivnes. .1. II. would be taken up Willi various ! ",p l,0l,y "n II" lust Journey. ln- Slnllll and Jesse lireshc.irs. i -I bou rd. Te li'Klon .'ind Its auxiliary, the Ulrd floilolrintl lll-Llsds. Itolnry;' Minis, und cbaiu- IsieVtlUflU lber of c,nmen,e Kvre represented Dies Early Todays" ,hB u7l, ning at the Grande Itonde hoMpiial after a lingering illness. Kuueral services will he held Wednei afternoon al s o'clock at llu- Si mi lay nuuti -' ,. ... .,, , I IHMIIK IIIPIIHC Ifl ' I MN 'II IHIUH in- .trass .In, ruiiin niorluary w lib I ,,y )y ,,.,.,., hl,llu.nl m.re . burial In the I.. 11. . section of j,,,. , ,,. Mx,ry , ,p ,., the Musonlc cem..t. ry. l()t.k ,., ,,.,., ,,,., ,, luiK Mrs. Clcvelimd. who uus born In f ,0H.rriiil Ioiim were linloa.led null. April III. 19(11. haves b.-r , p,.ers' liens without KO husbund. (irovcr: her luolher. -Mrs. lnll i,rouh the Kenerul innrkel. lien del: one duiiKlit-r. Normal Tot.il reeelpH of Iioks were (he Snillli; three slslers and Iwo broth- laruest for Ibe year with 7(1,0110 ers. .Mrs. J.-lliili- Hroi k of Cn swcll, ' crowdlnif Hie pens and alleys. Ore.. Ksllu r uud Tlielliia of La As u resull or (he btme run to (Irandc, 'an Vales of l.i flrando day. the t (urkct dcclinisl from 10 and Ho.' Vnli.s of l'cmll"lon. lo EUc wl:h Utile biiylnir. Methodist Pastors Exchange Pulpits; Many Interesting Services Sunday X utjinti'-r of vry in 'rent inn 'liurch lu't-fuini wTf Ii'-hl in Ii Cruiifle y"htT'iay. wl'li llu varimis hoiiHc.: of unrship reimrllntf lai"K'." unKi f-ifalhinM. Th- :e xl wrvU-i. will ( Im I I WciliHffljty 'vrnlmf. when the I .a flninrie Ministerial nwoefuMoa will tioniir a union Tharikb'ivitu; m-r-vhe. M' thtMilhl rlmri lii.t tlulcl ,n Xnin ye:pi'f)ji. 'I'hi' Hoy. V. 11. Hull, cif f.a Gram)''. mokc at llani) rity; the It. .v. II. I. ilauHrn, uf h laml ity, preached al I'ovr; the lie-. It, Lee. of t'nlwn. oc uih .1 tiio ia Gia.nJo yulplt, uud the I'.u. GRANDE, OREGON, FOREST FIRE i TOWNS TODAY Mountain Trail Only Ave nue of Escape Left for Oregonians. BLAZES BAFFLE FOREST SERVICE Grave Fears Held Last Nipht for Families Turn to General Alarm at the , Fire Spread. (.'HANTS PASS, Ore., Nov. 25 (AP) A remote mountain, trail through forests threatened bv fire today was the sole avenue of es cape for ranchers and residents of many small towns botween Gold Hill and Palmer Butte, Ore., whore a. forest fire of incendiary origin baffled hundreds of fighters, and seared Its way toward the coast line. . , , Grave fears United States fores try .service officials were held Ism night for families in the narrow valley leading Into Gold Hill, turn ed to general alarm as meager news of the .spread of the fires reached them. Hundreds Fighting lilnzn "While hundreds of mon were fighting the 'Gold Mil! and Jack Creek flrea and scores of others were pushing through shortcuts in the wilderness ,to augment forces. rangers, under the direction of MHmf1eo. supervisor of 1 Kisltivou ""Hnul forest, were 1 ,jeali"S hvu?h f!' ""Inliried ',eIleVed fc'UlIty C HtU'tInR , . . ? he luH, ,l"e l cemmun enllon If". . :''nn n. tt d , Mk- lugs,, a small village of two hun i dred - persom; and a half dozen j buildings, crumpled tinder -tho ad , vanelng Itoguo Uiver vallev firo last night itnd forestry officials " "l "A, ' U""V,H lo lllu,n w,in i 'lianti'roui Kanod liy a hrlKk. wlnil -whinh shifted tlurliiK Iho nlKht, the Cal- irui'nin-Uri'Kon houndury lino lilu.n I which kuvo fljfhtei'H Ktu)born resin- i tnnce Hlnee veuneauay, wan re ''"t ,l ,huve chuUKPfl llH ,,.o O till ; KVt'fflit. nn tiiw'iifd IVauiinii J ,,.,'!,, ,.,., ;.i,Ai.., f " . ' n ' "'0H" fl; "K1 ! 1 " 11 "'" " l'nporti.,1 to be threatening several homes. "d " ' " ''or coinpuny,. tl ..H'" , '", "e '"f. '"'"""" h co "').," , ""'"'"V1 Cllll- llll fori'st offli'lals cnlllni; for morn help. In tho young redwood forest on the AVInchuok river near the state line in the Siskiyou reserve, tho. fires arc still burning fiercely. (Contli.ued on Page G.) Discuss Plan To Improve School Athletic Field Tim Presidents club, in u im fhcnii nice) lug at the La Grande .hole! totliiy. discussed a prooosul for the iiphulldinrr of the I.. II. S. jUlhlctfc field und pluyrnuiuls In u ( periunnent way, particularly lovet- " w.i.iH uni n.iiniii f ,,l, .!. ,.l i :. : : , , ; 1 ., """- j,,viiL-im. run ijh u, i ill! nitxi Siep wool he linnrovenif.iil of the truck 1 No (lefinLle liclinti wi.s -Inltnn ! civic, oruanlzutlons und the school i Receipts Of Hogs Largest in History j f'llll'Atid, Nov. (Al ) , 1. 1.... ... . 1. . .. 1. . . . Mr, Wi'iiver. uf iSal.cr, Kpuke .it l'iri'n 1'KiMf' fni fit I'ttillltihii.a a- ., ... .... .... .... t ruls 'hi- , ,, . i. rM"n'',''"M iiioinlnic KMrvh-H in the (Ve.yi,.,-- inn church. n,H, nr. ) lold lite. Ktory of Aching I hifk'H Kon, ihet ' tell inr. the rejl are the word of a. huuery hoiiI tlml hac heard a i pari r the ;oiy or Jmhiia a:id Hlx hue. That piirth nlar Hptrltual fowl IniH been laid into the IiuikIh if tht: ihituli to ree( the im n M l - ! India. Mt nl the c hun h i eacU. i ICouUnuca on rat'b b) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, OREGON STATE llio, )iiiiiBfiiu.ii fir (In. orvullU cnlli.tfo mv .imtvliw imil'li iikiii. (iiicfcMsnil In IiiIoimikIIoiuiI Mmri, Willi cnsli-iii chniiiiilunHhli) elevens Uni In Htelr own confureiuv, , Jjist year, aflw IohIiiu to ()n-icn. dm cui'iiunl SUiieiH liiiinhletl iilIkIH y i'w 'ork i:. Iiack In (indium, '(lib) jir, iiuali hiinibleil hy Oi-cK-nu. the Smu-rs slepped on DHroii unlvurally 14 lo 7 In Doirolt HiKuiilay, Uij)lmi ili lent. llm 'l ltaiiu liavo Miiriered in iun rly llireo yeara. I'nloii coiinly? Iiml I(h Nluiro In" tlic, .bviK-i-nl (tlni-.v, with loin-, and possibly flvo,, local Iiojk plnyliiff oil llm team. . Mimvoral, or m (.Mimic, (iliclil) flashy linllbnek. seoiHid (lie first IoikiIiiIowii ai-alitst Detroit on a imum, Jlilil-hi. warn ahly usKlslnl In the backllelcl hy.Cail Ollinole, rullhiick Iroin I'nlon (upiH-r eenlei-). lliiti(l Kill-, hallhai.ki .lack Cox, biiuhI) anil Karl liiuwn. itual, aro oilier local boys u Mm liHon sinio tci Kerr (mil oi lioili KtH'Imr noiloii Kiilurilay. Whellier "TIko" (tot Imo llio "'"!" "r Is nnl'nowii. In tho abovo nli'luro, uilillllini to (lllmoro. (who inplalned tho team Siilniilay) and .Sherwood, are: left, Honolulu Hughes, halfback;' ccntur, Couch I'niil J. holilssler, und lower ei'iiler, Chuck stout, ;'- ' ; :., c ; ;, v,' NATIONS MOURN Cannon of the Armistice ; Lowered in Last Rest- ing Place Today. I'AltilH. Nov. 25 (AP) "The cannon of the 'armistice" at noon today began the Mil kuu salute which was notification to the popu lare (hut the body of George Clein eureau. father of victory, hud been lowered to Us IuhI resting plaeo l:t the hills uf his native Vandee, near Aluneliamps. J The ro.ar'of the guns, localid on Hie parade grounds of Dos Jnva)i der. reverberated through the city, and good l'renchmen mopped and raised their hats la their own sal ute in the statesman who died yes terday morning. Parin could not hear hut every Kri'iuh battery throughout the re- I public and ils possessions and every j I'Veneh wandiip on. the high seas ! joined In the twmc salute of 101 guns. I tody Leaves Capital Tim body of clemencea u, left the Cllplllll lit a. in., toilay enroiile Hcud Ibe fui nicr premier's lust be hesl was curried out lo the letter with all the simplicity a id calm he di-slrcd. A heul'se drove up berore til" IlKht In front nf the ileiuiied sliili-siiian's door, tip. only IlKht kept thereabout In Ibe dimly Ilium unlimited street, l-'our men dressed fcnntmuen on pn m Nit Itonnvts tfrnni " ' " r i 7 m f III. Searching Parties SIIATTIJ;. Nov. 25 AI) Knur dti' leu m purtJcH Hearehlm; the Hlherhifi const near North (.'aie for the veteran Arcile flyerH. crarl Men ' KleUon. and hl mnehnnle. Karl Itorlmid. mlHyliitf Mince early In Nov aider when they Het out to reeij). the ejew of Ih. heliouiid fhlp Niimik. liad not reported early I toihiy. t'l(t Frank or hnnrll. ulm Iiml made one fliKht with Klelxnn lak- Intr fix lieioiiH and fur off the liadtfiK Hhlp, wax n purted from Noiim- .'Htcnl;iy jim liuviiuc repair-' oi) hin iilane nnd ready io nvikc a Kfiin-h hv ii fur hu rt.it,.w ..ir. mini, . I .. WJ ! .1 f ' ),,,.,. tiW HAVANA. Nv. t' fAI') Jilted ),y i,f.r Hwceih'nrl. I r-ysi r-old Mnrvarfta 'irr!,t romniltied Kill- tnd.i.v by witumliPK lier cloth- lim wllh ah ohol nd Keitlnt; it s,t)n: i fMricfut; a L'rue.,iiie dunce of i ii Hnd calling the name f tho. hy, Mirt Karlla waa inorlnllv barn- Ud before meintu r of her family could f;U!nyu.Kh tht flumes. 1929 AGAIN UPSETS EASTERN ELEVEN ' jHs Five Accused Of Torturing Burning Youth MOUNTAIN VIIOW, Aril., Nov. 25 ( Al') AeciiHetl of torlurlnt,' anil burnliiK lillve a youth und attaok Ini; his 10-yciir-olil flunceu as they were on t hull way lo he married. ilvo men were hold In widely seal-I ' WAHKINOTOrf-Nov.. 25 (At') tercel jallH today for crimes which """Hi liun tulien Honulor. Kranel autliorliles said were comiiillluil I Warren of' Wyonilng, a veteran clKht montha uko. 1 of Die rugged,' ploheorlnff days uf ChaiBeu arlalni,- from Ihn Itllllnff wem, who canlo to Washlng or Connie Krunklln, sn. a farm '"" 10 "crvo lonifer In tho linlicd hand. In the Ml. .lanies eoiiimunlly, Kioto, senate than any man In hls M miles eilsl of here, lust March Wry. ; ' . 1".. cunie to liBhl yesturdny wllh ! 'Willi bin wlfo, his son l'"red, und the iirrest of Hie' inen, who pre- "n-iri-aw,'. Oeneral John J, viously liad been Inilicled. , " ! i timr. at Ills bedside, the elderly Those taken lino euslody weroi I'hInIu't died yestorduy inornlnK Ifermun Ciraenivny, Alex Kullis, fl'"1" nn "t'aclt of pnoilmonla nnd 211: Dill c. Youii)ror, 24i Hubert ."""chills. Ho was 86 yearn or llesler, 2:1, , ami Joe While, 2d. "B'',', ' (Ireenway. who is iiiiirrleil. and 1110 ''H honor the mao Hester are ulmriwil wllh ullaeklns the Klrl. The Klrl told a.llliorlllen she nnd l'ruukllu were on their way to a Justice or tli.r iieaee lo he married when they were seined by rive men. who beat and tortured Krunklln lllltll he Tainted from I lie 1,1, In Tho men. evidently tninklm, 11.,' v.,n, dead, built a rlre or logs and plnu- ed Ibe body on II. l-'ii II luir to de slroy Ihc body enllrely. they picked up ' the remulns In a suck nnd slarled toward ll earhy White river. METAL PLANE CRASHES; NAVY FLIER KILLED VASIIIN(;t.V. Xov. lf."i fAI) Ueiilciiant flenrne T. f.udilliiy, one if tl?e navy'H moHt exeiieiieeI plletM. wan hilled today when the llrUlxh MrlHlol KulldofC ulrnlane hi , whh Ipntlntf craMhed in n dive from la HMmmi fool, ullltuih and hurled ho fr I" the earth that only l,,1 iif iltt idiot were viwihle vi tha plowed Kronnd. Mm'e (Iniu half an hour after ll" neeident lle navut perHonnel ,n" Anaeontin air ritatinn liere w,'ro "'KKimr In an effort to extrl- e,1,' ,,H' hody. 'inlrtlhy had taken the plan" uiom to lent ll, iheHlilpliad lieea neiivereo io inr navy only IuhI w1''!. 't was eonlruted to make 1 'H"K ler hour with full mill- Ul,v ,"H"- '" VJ2 'uddlhy enl uldHhi'd a w,,r''1 f-crd fnr Keaphine Kpeed at mlh'M per hour and the fol- Inwlmr ye; tc piloted n l;rvy phi lie hi Mm Hehnepier eup rni. fiAS lll.AST III 'UTS KKillT .;HSi;f,. Oernmi.y. Nov. (AO Vte !iniirt were injuied Merl- "nyy nnd four olhi-ni hurt nightly I" a, terrlfh: rpl'tnori thin morning III the pnhlle nia rl.el hn II on Welier- plnU. The hhiHt whm iitliihuled te Ki.H eal;ne. It wa fenre, there i"lht he other vIcllniH ill the del rM. The market hull rullaiiHcd in the explosion, burying uhoppein. rimro v.uu constUerublu uiu'.erlul dainugt. MEMBER A. 11. C. SENATOR WARREN f MESJW1TAL Veteran of Rugged; Ho' , neering Days of West i . Passes On. " . HH 'ncnuern con- llnuously for 36 years wllh a slule funeral tomorrow . In the senate chamber and uricl'ward delegations from both bouses or congross will escort die body lo Wyoming whero It will be Interred. 1 1 "r I'lirco Weeks Illness l """ "" un, Illness or Hip o, weeks. Several limes, the aged senator rallied and seemed on hit: way to recovery, but a turn for tin' worse on Saturday night no wenkened his condition that he sank rapidly thereafter. In spile of his yeur. Senator Warren had the reputation of be ing one of the senate's hardest workers, and the robustness of bis constitution was a source of amazement to his friends. Many (Conllliuod on I'age Three) Cardinal Orders Cemetery Closed iMAI.IIK.V. Muss., Nov. 2i"i (AP) r.ndintf one nf the Kreat rellKioiiH deniKMHlrailunx la the hlBtarv nf ihn country. 1 Inly Tiohs cemetery wiih clntied today to all except runeralH hy order, of Cardlnnl oVonnell. Homaii Cathnlla arch- Ihi of BoHton. 'Chn third throng of KiO.000 dur- M(J nie IuhI three weekH Journeyed yextnrday tt the firave of the Itnv. 'att it-k J. I'ower MeekhiK inlracii- (Mlt r-ures. A week hko 200.011" 1 vMlfil .11. n .-- v Thft 1'iinllmil I ,.Hd the remeifry in order tot ,HVft repoitw of curcH inveatl-; Ka ted. Xgx.,1-S i ... . Jor rV UUltl-IV I fill IWVI Escapes Store Man "nald-he Intruder had a narrow ewape front capture .Salur- ,lh,y Rjlved him. AecordlliK t ,1... puhce. a yotniK man weurliiK M ,lu(. cniit. a cap, und iippearlnit to he ahoul l!t yearh of afe, broke Hu. nhin t In the rear of the Ui lirandn Itook atoro Haturday night, Mr. .Myriek, who hapencd lo he In flm aloie ut th time, immedl- lately nve chae, fidtowliiK him until ha iiinnauml lo elude his niir. hiipk In tho vicinity of tho pout yfflc. NUMBER 333. FARM HEADS GATHER FOR CONFERENCE Attending Final Business Progress Meeting With President Today , OTHER LEADERS PLEDGE SUPPORT New Programs of Expan sion Announced Daily lr.btea Sent Hoover .'WASHINGTON,. Nov, ; 25" '(AP)V Before, meeting' with the president : today In the - Inst ot ;the white house conferences on business pro gross, bends of the major' farm orgunl-atlonu of the, jcountry were In conference during the foronoon with Secretary yde at the depart ment of agriculture, "ts '" " The secretary wiii able to out line many of the "detalle "of tho slt uatloii to the.. form .leaders with particular attentloh' to export pos slbllltleB as a' meUhi of '-Isposlng of the surplus crops and thus In creasing the .furidsVovhllable to tho farmers In - preparing for the next season- Among, those who came here In response to the presi dent's ln.vltutloifr'.w.ere jLouis J. Taber; of the' natlbnat ftrango; O. P. Huff, of the FarrrioM Union, and Samuel H. Thompson of the Furm Bureau Federation. . ..-' . In replying to 'the ohlof execu tive's requast for cooperation to promote business frrogrees.und prc vent unemploymlent an enormous nrogrnm .of public works was out lined to ' President :Hpover toduy . by the governors of a., number of slates In telegrams received ut the whito house; -: . ' ' IT .Stoics Rend Messages . L'non reaching his office In tho. early forenoon, Miv Hoover fouhd walling rbr blm messages from the governors of IT sta,tes which had been received oyer , thif .weekend. A number of. othcya ;came. In dur- i Ing' the day. . . '.: i:. -,, '.!'"' Most of them, gave uncalrlu (In ures ns tQ vthe. .ooste . of. varloM's kinds of ilubllo.works which hnvo " been eontraetcdf tor'or which are to .ho undertaken, by. Jthe states, : munlclpfllltle. jinfl.'ijiuntJw. durlng-i the next oi montha' (I'protitlsBilA hearty cooperation .In-We move to speed ud and expend the programs as fii-i inay bo done with pru, dence. ': -: ?Y.- .-vva '.' : Among the governors who have replied aro Roosevelt, New York; kohier, Wisconsin:. Carlton. Fieri- da: Sampson... .Kentucky, Horton, Tennessee: iTQbojVj Now' lramp shlre; t Clirlstlunson, ' Mlnnesotu; Kltchlc. Wnryland: iKIsher.. Penn- sylyanliii Johnson, oklahomn; Dil lon; fc-Wi'MexIdqp.Miirtley,-, Wush InKlon: fooner, Ohio; Adams, Colo rado;, Phillips, 'Arlaona; Hardmojt, Ueorgla, ohd Ailop, Husaachusetts. iirpuisT iio,oon,oon CHICAGO,. NOv;,. 25 (AP) President' .;II;oovcrV 'business pro gram found support today In tho announcement that the' 1030 im provement budget of the Rock Is- lund lines will- total about 1-0,-000.000, the largest In the history of the company..... .'' This ninnunt, J.; 13.- Gorman, president . of tho. rood,, announced, will excocd by Bllghtly more than ' 1 0,000,000 the Improvement bud get for 1929 and will be exponded for new equipment,, new lines, gon- eral improvements and miscellane ous construction, . 8KKK FKOKnAIj AID INCICKASE WAHIII.NOTON. Nov. 25 ( AP Chairman Uowell. of the houso rondn committee nnnuunced today he would Heek. an InereuHe from $75,000,000 to $125,000,000 in tho annual authorization for fed-oral highway aid for the flueal yearn 1031 and 1032 in response to a gen eral movement . over tho country for expansion of bead building proKrnmtt. - Conferences with officials of the bureau of roads, members of state highway commhtHLonH nnd Amo elnthina ttpoiiftorlnK hi eh ways, had -nhown hlin, Powell said, that tho . county nn a. whole desires to ox- (Continued on Page ft) KHAILAR CITY IN MANCHURIA IS IN FLAMES HAIiniN'. Manchuria. Nov. 20 (AIM The city of Khatlhr, In Nnrthweniern Miinehuiia, wns do Kerihed iih ItelnK In flames 1n metis- ajres received here today. All t'hlnefe officials and anldlers have evacuated the city which fell latn yeMterday before a tforco of tmvlet cavalry und tanka. The Chhieae Kastern Hallway today continued to operate trains . evacuating C'hlneso and HuHMlans from the . district but all of tho refutrees cannot he accommodated and many of them, are camptnff hy the shltt of the track. The idtuation at both tho Kast ern and Western ' ends of tho Chinese Kan tern railway was ilea cribed aa precarious, the Russian troops apparently seeking control nnC only of tho ftilalnor mlnoa liul ulso the mines on the eastern front us well. The Ja pa nest, consul here haa advised Japanese subjects both on tile east and west brunches of tho railway to -como to llurbtu ua quickly uit pOHtfllle.,v..,,-.