La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 21, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, .November 21, 1929
Page Two
; Patterns g a 1 o r e. Gor
geous colors to jfo with
the color scheme of your
room. And reasonably
priced too .'. .
$1.85 to $5.50
till JnuitU'H Own' Stan
Four Races Represented
in Lineup That Will
. Face Oregon Saturday
I'OUTNANI). On.. Nov. '.! 1 (AD
'I he University of Hawaii font
hall team was 'in arrive here to
day lifter ;y 2hoo-nnlfi .Journey
from its fortmnn V.i the mld-l'a-ciric.
TvAi dny or practice lay
ir. kIoi-h for the JnvudiiiK Iland
. ei'n he fort etiKUfrlnn I ho I'nlveiMty,
ni.Orf'Kon i-leven o:i Multnomah
r; ltd I urn field Hnliirdny.
rhHdren's Colds
jk Checked without
' "dosing.',Rubon
Quick os light unerring os a chronometer, Edison Light-O-Matic
Tuning announces the stations of your choicel This dramatic invention
of the Edison Laboratories is but one of the many new features
that place the Edison Radio far ahead of its time. A great radio
has been made even greater by these marvels of Edison pioneering.
Come in and see the new Edison listen to its tonal perfection that
brings the breath of life itself into the performance and you will
realize that here, indeed, is a radio which is not a purchase for a
season, but rather, a permanent investment in better living. This
marvelous musical instrument that bears the greatest name in science
i:: iniw priced as low as $10(i.r0.
Easy (emu to suit your comx'iiictice
..... I
1 tlC IlllWlllltlM Kl'KIUni'H 11111(10 IWO
; itojtK cnrontn hero from, Honolulu,
; one nt licrkclcy TiK'tfliiy nnd tin
i ether at. Anh Ja im), Ore,, yemcrdn,)',
; All illU'llKiVC pllli'llit N-tfnl(lI IVflH
, held al Axliltiml h' Conili -Olio
' -Khun, 'a former r"Mldo:tl of thai
'town. The IhiwiillitnH hrec-zed
throiiKli 4f uilniiieH of mock wrhn-
' huik1'. (he X'lOiiil of having hen
divided lulu two leiunF, nnil Ininr
; h In in I dtilln hhw itif regtilitrH )t-
' r;i tie up nno' down (ho field,
) Mill'tllltt .MM1II
' Klhl unlive Jtiiwfilla'iri, it .lap
aiieKf, an American nerro from
( 'heyiiiuie; 'yo.( and a while hIii-d.-ni.
No-t iiuw.n. of Honolulu,
loii'.poxf me proponed HturtfiiK
tine it p iih ft 'moil need ly the i la
wn Hit e iiii nt(ir. It inelml.iH I In
NohrlKa twhiK, Ted mid Arlhnr.
and f'niiluHi Uumy Holt. nee hall
(olu'. 'lli'- latter In Lhi triple
threat menace from t lift mld-l'aclf-(-.
uridlrnri rtntnxH and ho umoii-
Jrhed Mpfclaiofn who wnlched li tin
yen1erdii with hi excce:ii push
lm, liicklnjf iiml running.
i;.-. It. Jl. KaiiM, phyHlrat dlmc
tor of 'the Inland nnlveiKliy, who
nefonipanled the Jlawnllan nloven
on it." Io.'ik Journey, did not appear
overly patlHflcd with OreKon weaLh-
"I fear I Hhall have more iron
Me. wl.h frost bile thnn Ki'Mlron
Injiirh-K," ho derliircd.
Thi' weather IW. Iiiih hei-ii n
usually. warm for litis HeHOn, how
ever, and Coitili Khun and Man
iwr. 'hadney . I',, Kifohn low,-: wr
, nmro npilhilxt fc. ;
"The weather won't liothur iih If
I it finyn llkn this." Khun declared.
J The. rijiviTHlty of Orenon leant
! will leavi- KiiKeno b'rldiiy, arriving
hero the kiiui" day in time for a
IUtIil workout on Mntiiomali field.
! DKS MOINKH, la.. Nov. 21
! (AT) Kd "HtrunKl-!" Lewi, for
j nir r heavj'wi-lKht wrHtllnif ehani-
filuti of I. oh AiiReleH, defeated Cut
' u'KhOfker of Salt l.nho t'ity h re
last nlRht.
O'Hhoeker whm Injnrfd when
l.ewl topwed liitn in iifi tnlnuten,
4 KecondH, with hlH famotiH heud
i look, u:id wttH tiniililo to return for
' tho Horond full.
Yi:il, T1IKY I)ST
MICXK'O, NoV. 21 (AP)-
What will the rot k 'em nnd HOck
'cm boyH of Yale football I earn of
.yore think? KcKlfmH) Hoot, who
once played nt Vnl0 and Ih mw
! teachlnif the K"(he here, cmbruei.d
li Ik Mexican pupllH before they
went on thn fluid' ror a fcuino witli
MHKiMlppl. Couch HtcveiiH hotter
:ot try it In the Harvard Htndluni.
Mlsflsslitpl won
Yale, Harvard
Big Attraction
In East Nov. 23
NKW' YOliK, Nov. 21 (A l
Willi tho olimnv of the lirjfi fool
hall H. dHon eonilnif Halurday for
half n dozen (tf the ntont Import
anl fiiHlerii fdi'VMiM, hard work haH ,
all h:M la i n flnlMhed for the week ,
The hlr iiUHtiiiii all aluntc the !
Atlantic- Henhourd Ik whether Alhlo
Hooih. will he ullcto had Val'M
attack In the Carvanl Hladiuin.t
.ind If no, for luav Ioiik il period, j
rhe tiny minute man of Ihe ICIIh(
ippf uit'd in tinlfot-iii ut Hie irae j
lice field in New Haven yvlnluy. '
hut tin rely tried IiIh hand at for'
ward IiukkIiik ami Hpun u f v drop.
UlokH nl the liar, il Ih the uhly
we nf tin- hud ln,' utdem Heor.-rH
with a field uoat lo hl r.rodlt IIiIh
.SfiiHon, utid Iiiih yet to mi km il poal i
from luiiehdown In ii major KaiiM. j
Ituolli limped lent, 1ml Hal KU v- j
eliK, Vale coach. JriHiHted that It
wan llll "unccrtuin" whether the
Toy Itulldotf would face the trluir
Hon. J
Adam WiiIhIi Rent tlio Yale line
IhroiiKh it Ht teflon of "Hvi;" taek-llnj-
uh the hitckH went through a ,
pitKalnK drill, liter n dummy ,
HTilmmue wiLH held ttKftlnnt thd
KcruhH. who UHcrt lliirvnrd forwnrfl I Orem CiiHCtuleH arc frOKen over
und lateral panrteH. 1'hc pmcllctn i and many Itr-nd amn;ut,-tMic per
wnH Hecrct.' '- ;' i Kon.1 are plannlmr Hkntlnt? partl"K
At t'ttmlirhlire. Harvard reported. ; Huuday. ' .
Ki'eut nucfrcHH hy !tH vaihlty hi halt- j
iiilf the Yule running . ntlnck. ' n On Id Hcach Mle pOMKlhlo
pluyef hy tho CiiuiHon HeruhH. The j LhrouKh tt hltther aNHCHHcd value
Harvard learn returned to work i tttnl lower htM.?ei, furry county'.!
after a hrjef vacation al I ho Myo-j taxe. for IW.H) prohahly will he
pin. TI:int cluh. ' . , lower than for a Kroat many year.
;iKii is 'ui:.mati:i
HltKM KHTON, AViuth., .'ov. 20 '
(AC) Wbrcnoi!, 12, wa burned to ;
death hero curly toduy when the ;
home of Mr, and Mrn. JameH MaH-!
sey, her parcntH. wuh deHtroycd by i
fire.' A blanket huntf near a hIovi-I
to dry. marled the fire, l-'our othcrj
children eHCapeU the fliinicH, hut .
l-'Jorencc, wua overcome by Hiuoke ;
and died on her bod.
jioi nut: n xi JtAi
RAJ.KM, Ore., Nov. i'.i (Ai)-r-A
dotiblr. funeral nervier will be held,. probably Thursday, for Kern
und Kveiyn KlchardH, II and HI
yefin: old. who died of pneumonia.
They were- UaUifhterH of Mr. nnd
Mi'N. William UlcharUh. Kern died
Hiturduy and Kveiyn Sunday.
Frn nco wih wit hou t a Kvcrn -munt
for 12 dnyH while ;a now
premier wan helm: phrkHd out, hut
nobody made, the inlwLake of Hend
Ifir,' liny of (hat hmii to the iTnlled
Hlat-oi?. ' tJk t
HOl'HdKT, Kmncfi, Nov. 21
(AC) f'nptnln Oleudonne ('onto
nnd IiIh companion, Man rhe
,laeiirn Midlonlo, lumlort Ikm-c at
ll::ii a. m., xeuinis n new record
of four dnyn, f.fl minuter frmn Ha
noi. French indo-i 'lii'.ia, to Pari.
'IliiK witt hIx hoiiiK nnd Iwomy
mlnui' THMKri thHn Cntc and Jos
eph J.ehrK traveled the mime ".Tt'Mi
mlh-h laxt year on their roimd tint
woi Id trlfi. '
, The two. flleix today wort! return
ink from' thr-lr, flight over Asia
a few Ui.ckH tixti whltdi o:utu with
li rorocd laTidlot: a t TfdtMlurr, .Man
cltLiria, v.vouUtttg. a new rccm-d til-
la n o ciitlunincc fliKht.
A" hiiKfi vrnwil ;t pi to the cd'
of the field hy Ihe police hrok
iim- I'nrhuclftKHu chetiripjf ah tin
avKitorl: landetl,,, . 1
News Briefs
i Hy J'lio Aw-H'liilo-l IT?fiK ,
nnd l.aln-n In Hie Ctntral
Mend A turnip with leaves In
stead or rootn growing under
Kioti:id Ik on displny ber nllm A.
N. JHcks round the vojfctable freak
In a K.iraKe. v .
Kurciu Oellvory or Latm coun
ty turkeyn rr shipment to San
I'ranciffco on consiKiiment by niem
leiH of the ImmikIms couuiiy Co
operative Turkey Urowers asHofla
linn Htarted.
SabMU Hr. J.i N. Smith, for
n.or than I 4 yeui'H Hiiperlnleudem
oi the stale home for feeble mind
ed here, submitted hi resiirnallon
lo Ihe board of ilircctorH.
Thlrly-rour HcholarnhlpH are
available to the llfi HtudontH en
rolled In tho depiirtmetit of Sla
vonic IftiiKUUHVH ill Ihe Cntvot-Hlly
of Texan.
depend upon
It has been the experience of many smokers, after trying other brands,
that Camels give constant and unfailing pleasure. Their mildness, due lo
choice tobaccos and expert blending, makes it possible to smoke them
liberally without, any tiring of the taste. This quality, which smokers have
learned to depend upon, will be maintained, because Camels are made
for those who know and appreciate the real pleasure of smoking.
when they learn the difference
they flock to ri '
Washington High
Will Play Bend
On Turkey Day
J'OltTI.A.VlJ, Ore., Nov. 21 (AC)
Tim Wuphlrifrion llitfh w-honl
iVinthull team, winner of tlm I 'o il
ia nd InleiMcholuHllc. will accept
Urn cluilleiiKe fathered hy official
r.f IP-nil illicit tudiool for a khoip
to hr played at the Mullnnmah
rttidiniii here ThanknKivInK day,
Vom Wlnd:iaile, alH;am princi
pal wlm liaw heen m-uoiIatinK for
the, announced thin morn
1 1 a.
Whetlu-r or not the (,'olonialH
: of I'orilaml s on f J or would :ut
j accept. thi chaileiiKe dep. nilf d up
on the Kami? W'nhintflou plnyed
; wi.h HeiiHon yt.'Htfnlay. Am the
j final neore wan it 7 to 7 lie and this
j did not alter the tatim ot Wash
luKtun I:i the fori land standing,
; Hie Itljfh Hhool officialK a nnoiincf-d
, that if Heiiil defca.N The I Hill. h in
, the m-hediiled fr..:iie Friday the
Timltey day fray here would no
throiiKh hm oriKihr.tly planiu-il,
Kldon .lenne, conch of Washing
ton. xtatcH that hiH team Ih In top
shapo and Ih realty to meet an in
vading Item! ch ven.
Jessup and Kelly
Summer Friends
CIIKWOO, Nov. 21 (AC) Tho
rnlvei-Hily of Washington and
Chicago football teatiirt hnvc not
n'ii before, and the rival captains.
CaUl JeHHIip, Uf IJie HllHUifK, and
I'at Kelly, of ChlraK'). came, from
different part." of thr, country, but
Katurday'H Kanti- at MtaxK ff'dd will
not be their first ineetint;.
JesKiip, who Mvch t:i He Hi UK
ham. Wawh., and Kelly, a Chicago
youth, conditioned t hemselven for
football last summer, "mucking:"
En the same lead-silver mine nt
Mullen, Idaho. They will nut be
dlret-tly opposed Saturday, how
ever. Kelly heintf an end, and Jes
mip heinK HtntloMed at cenier, al
thouKh he ha.; played ut tacklo
Lor. AiiKeh'f writers had no allhi.f
to offer ufier the Tiiunderiiitf Herd
was throun and branded by Cali
fornia. . . .except that meelintf
Stanford and California on huccck
hIviv' Saturdays. . '...oh, well, you
know how that Is. . . .The lrnlver
c!ly of ClltsburKh used tu he
known as Western I" diversity of
Cenm-ylvunla.. . . .they culled , it
W 1 1 p lor eheerln k purposes. . . .
j boon mukintr riiilto n lot of Wupfi
i thlr ycHf, ch?. . . .Jimmy rhelnn
my Jet Wehh in the hot half
, hack he ever coached. . , .and he
I had ldoli spiadJlnt,' and Cotton
: Wllr.dK- too. . . ,lon Hpfurs wy
llronko NaKi'lfi Ih h hetler all
around player than JochHIhk wan
... .which l a mouthful of won
; df'Vful wordi. : ' ' : '
Too much sleep Ih n vlchniH
;hahit; uiyK ji irnlverKity of 1'iltK
hurfirh profwHOr. It oertninly Ih,
t prnftfOauy the way fulkH Ko .almiit
ithe. jdh -with;a nnnrl.
Alan J.Gould
Hnh JCuppke would prcftr foot-
;hall on not quile ho hkh-powered
und CiinpHcated a flcule im it has)
f developed in n'cent yenrs. , t j
) The UlhioiH coach, who ha heen.
devn ophiK championship . iotunn
I about -us 'consistently as anyone
clue . over a period of. 2:i yeara,.
; wee the college pinn- now Hplil iu-
lio ui . leant two oIiihsoh one lor j
jtlm Hchools who play "stiid-uitH" )
jand the other ror the iitHiilallonH
that have "lootljall players." , '
i "I'm not takinK a rap at nny-
hody," UKHe.rted "Zupp." as lie
: walked briskly up and down (he
; fhdd in the wake of n cruh pras
, lice Hession. "but tho fact-H arc
llitire. -Hen-, nt IllinniK wc liave
just a lot of boys who like to play
: football; but , wlio aro hero pri
marily for an education. ......
ilohlo Ih Hitunted tho Hume way at
j Cornell, . . . .Hut I wish ho would
I do Hoinclhint" about that pass de-
felloe. . . . He wouldn't liHlen to
me when I told bini how he ouhl
; havt! stopped those lYnn passes
; last ThanksKfvinx day.
"You think we have had a great
:teiim because, wo won the Tii Ten
i chniupioiiHhip ' t;ui last two years?
. Why, they are just lucky. Wo won
I iieenuse tne oilier icllmvx were In:- uIhIich to reach all thOBe who have
ins Itnoclteil .-off nd then not Ix.c n helped aud to do no l
'we jjot knocked off ourselves this inakint,- Ihe alartlins Bfer -ot -u.
year hy Northwestern. . . . They I BeiieriniM treatment free to nil mif
suy we have a lot" of veterans Imv. j fe.rcrK. Anyone,, afflicted should
cause the boys iro arn-.ind wcnrliiK wrile for this; freof. trealincnt at
Kold footlialis. . " . . Wiiy, yon pace, Kivlntf ape. - Adv.
Camel ha
the quality
that smokers
know, I Just have 'm -Ivo' out
IIiomo iIiIiikh o jio BonrrouH. . . .
"'Iim oerls kvpt wrilili- HlKMt
Imhv Hlriiiiir mir nwrnn tm 1
IIkhiuIiI niiiybn ttu'y . Tlulit
I kcnrlcit tlH- w-cmiil Blrhiit mmi
iimiliist town. Whin liiiiM IV
1 1. ii tvrui rlitlil llirimwli un for it
liiin-liili)ii. I round mil I i-nii'l l)i
lUw n-m ionil In llu iiix r."
The hit,- "hreakH, of the'' wimo
haVcn't heen cytrucled fttim 'fool
hall hy Hie new fuinhto 4ule. innlc
iiih' the hull dead ut the point of re
covery "liflor it Kir iko the (fiM)tiUd."
Hy Homo Mlrolif1 of' fortune or oth
.rwiKO the idKNkln lutHn't heen
Htrlklntf tint Kronud In nil chhch ho
that there huve heen ti n;imher of
oik dawheN for tutichdowtiH after
pluckfnfir looso hallH out of thn ulr.
Olio f YuIc'm touchdowuH uf-nhiHt
Onrtmouth came on a play wlu-w
Alf Hejine, Mi hack, (rrnhm'd n
hall that ha) Mtuirted out of the
iu'Hls of Al MarrtlerH. 'In tJm Ohio
. Ktule-Northwe.slern Kame, Wesley
l-'eKler, the tfrent Huckeye end,
I snared n "flying funihlo on hiH
1 one-yard line and dahm the re
j mainins f! yunh to a touchdown.
J It was juHt iih had a "hrcak" for
the Army when an llllnoin end,
Wolffust. lnte.rouiled a literal pass
lo so yaPrM for u touchdown,
If Ule nii-mukfjrn waJit to
eliminate the breaks" .ulloffeihci
fram the uine, Jt HftcmH the' intiftt
t adopt a hlanket. rcHOlutlon bitrrtiiK
proKTCKH of.;- any
whes wUI 4W you that miy
U-kiiiK lUay -tmt takeK mi iwn
."ocoittlH to oomnJeto. rwiw tlio risk
f Iniir: ldo(Hvel, 1'iuter -orfilnttrr
circiintam-cH any kick taking ha
loitfi: n trm ami tuxvfifibs f
oiuIm Is foitHlilerffl otf-tntn to Ih?
snlkd liy Hie ofiHKtitjr obarsf.
To drill Ms toe expurtn In inak
ln; upend, W'oHt loint ItaH a timing
device, connected with tho point
Finds a Way to Stop
Attacks of Fits
Itc.portH uro received' of un
iijii.'izIiik truatment that cpllcpticd
stale lias proved auccvKHful in
HtoppiiiK their attacks. It. J.epo,
Apt. 02. Inland Avi-., Mllu-allln..
Wlr.i.. .ha.s ihec.n . xupplyiui; iuiffc.r-
lrH Willi thlH -trealme.ui. tie. now
It is a1!! right to expurinn'n!
but a pity to spend loo inn !i
time experiment in ji wiit-n j (,u
mht be enjoy inil the frafiraiit
pleasure of smoking Camels.
fi-om which On- hull Is snapped hy
1 li.- ri-nti-r unil rlnslns,' u hell ut
iim nil of Hih l-wo-i'coiul Interval.
Mnjnr riiill.ii Fli illlliB. the -Anny'Mi
Kni'lHiiU' niiiniiKi-i- of ntlib'IH, lc
vlsiil thin coiuplli-Jitcd appanitim.
It hn h- cn it ructor In hclpliiff lm-
Iii-n.'o thn UlrklliK perfni'mrtncftw
this Hoanon ut Wi'til I'olnl. where
Vlo Kommril, I he ohl liHi-vanl lot-
Hpi-1-lall.-jJ. nleo wbh i-alloil In fop
t'xpf-ri. ii'i:niii(iii ii-i ii-u.
Umly JOKproHS Scrvirt ,
' 'Dt'lWGPU
Portland & Boise
Hontlcil lanuri'il Onprlcp
rii-tlniMl-lkis Aulo
1'rclirhl. Iih1.
-Trunk Harris, Local Mnr.
Main nnd lain Wash. Ave.
to lutodle our big tine of fruit uul
ornamental treed, evergreen-, vines,'
berries arid rate. Sell readily became
bjvlced bvanbUtJependablecompanv.
Cath weeltly. Pornunent and profit
able,. Middle-ailed and elderly men
like ihte buiineM and make ood
noocY. Sttlti Departatent v
in thi watt
Store No. 18 La Grande, Ore.
. ' Misses' Unions -
Wool & Rayon
' 98c
Popular Dutch neck
knee pi- ankle length, lots
of protection with little
weight. Larger sizes.
W .H. Bohnenkamp Co.
'JotapaiYi W tat tu SaUa N t