La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 09, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday, November 9, 1920
rnge Three
Society News
Miss Bramwell To
Wed Mr. Davis, of
Longview, Wash.
' At u delightful dinner of throe
courses last night In the Ui Grande
hotel, Miss Kuth Urnmwoll daugh
ter of Air. und Airs. Lester K.
Hramwell of li G ru ml n, announc
ed her marriage, which will be an
event of January 4, to Holla Lewis
Davis of Longview, Wash., son of
Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Davis, of Van
couver. (.'overs wero laid' for,, IS at a
table attractively arranged In a col
or sehenm of pink und white, with
u lovely cluster of pompons blend
ing with the theme In t'c center.
A card attached to a rosebud at
each place told of the anfunco
menl. Mrs. Oliver Dmilid'of Wal
lowa, a sorority sister of Mint
Uraimvelt wus an out-of-town
guest, Tlny are affiliated with Al
pha Chi Cmogn. Last year she at
tended the University of Oregon.
Mr. 'lavls attended the University
of vashington and is a member of
llw I'll i Sigma Kappa fraternity.
Mrs. A. H. Stange 1$
Guest at Luncheon
A luncheon in honor of Airs. A.
H. Htange of Alerrill. Wis., was Riv
en yesterday at the heme of All's.
L. K. Kln.el on Fourth street. At
tractive bouquets of lavendar chrys
unthemums formed the decora
tion. Kollowlng the delightful lunch
eon the diversion of the afternoon
was bridge with four tables at play.
M is. Merman Siegrist won first
prize tor high score, und Mrs. Fred
Lanzcr won second. Consolation
Was presented- to Airs. ' Charles
Party Compliments '
Miss Naona Bliss
'In honor of TVHsrf Naomi' '"Bliss,
whose marriage will he an event of
next Sunday, Miss Corinne Baker
was hostess at a party last night at
ier home. The evening- was spent
tying a comforter for Miss Bliss.
The hostess served 'dainty refresh
ments. Those present were: Aliss Viola
Benham, Aliss Cressa Wells, Alias
iluida Anderson, Aliss Bernetta
Kochensparger, and Aliss Peggy
1-1 ess. : . ,
GalltU, Consti
pation and oth
er Roctal and
Colon disorder
undermine your
nervous system.
Our non-surgical treatment, used
successfully for 16-years, per
manently relieves those condi
tions, restores health and
rebuilds vitality. Our FREE
Booklet contains important in
formation and explains our re
markable GUARANTY. Write,
phone or call (or it today.
Seattle, San F&ancisco.
w Los Angeles
6c lb. Minimum 75c
"Wife Saving
Station" KT.WK.Mll) l,l l)HY
.Main 511
UJi!"'WHyiflli" ""
All Colors All Styles
Greenwood P.-T. A.
Enjoy Clever Play
A very Interesting program waa
given ut the meeting yesterday uf
ternoon at the. Greenwood school
when tliu . Greenwood Parent.
Teacher .association met fop its
regular monthly meeting. Tho pro
gram wus opened with tho Lord's
A group of first grade in from
Mrs. Beatrice Young's room drunm
llzed "The Wedding of the Painted
Doll," with a. musical accompaiti
inent by junior high pupils under
tho direction of Kldrldge Huffman.
Tho characters wero appropriately
costumed, with a real bridal veil
driiped on little Naedeau Wiles as
the bride. John Mathey was tho
bridegroom. Uutty Hamilton and
Bernndinc Lester the bridesmaids.
Merrill Katon the minister, Mary
Carlson fled Hiding Hood. Clayton
Itippey Jumping Jack, Kruncis Ker
guson Hunter Drown, YYynonu Pope
Mamma Doll, Bobbie Burnett Jack,
Marilyn McCIaln Jill. Helen Do
l-'rles Golden Locks. Mario ltamm
Bo Peep, Dorothy Combs Miss Muf
fet,. Hilly Tabor the Spider. Frank
lin Pyl'' Hoy Ulue. Donald Heverns
Jack Horner. Miss Myrna Ward
gave two readings: "Her Klrst
Baseball Giuno" and "At tho Meat
Market." Howard Jlanscom gave
two piano numbers of bis own
composition: "In a Persian Gar
den" und "Lullaby." Cecil Young
and Hernard Powell played cornet
duets: "Whispering Hope" by Alice
Hawthorno and "J low Can I Leave
Thee" by H.. Cramer. Miss Edna
Towery played "Jubu Dance," a
piano solo by Delt. Mrs. Claude
Puekett, secretary-treasurer, and
Airs. William Beery, vice president
of the organization, gave reports
of the stale convention they at
tended us Greenwood delegates.
Mrs. C. l McPherson, fifth vice
president of the Oregon congress,
also spoke of the convention.
Mrs. Beatrice Young's room won
the picture for the next month by
having the largest number of par
ents present. Airs. J, K. Charlton
of the public wolfaru committee
made a list of women in the or
ganization who were willing to
serve on jury duty it culled. Mrs.
McPherson announced the budget
election to be held on the third of
December at Central and Green
wood schools.
The La Grande city council of
Parent-Teacher associations Is hav
ing a tea November ?0 from 2 to 5
at the Eastern Oregon Normal
A membership committee was
appointed during the business ses
sion, wijh Mrs. J. W. l-'crdnandson
as chairman. Others "appointed
were: Mrs. J. K. M'eMaiwis, . Mrs,
-ft'ntt!fto?mis,- :JriTs -cr 'Jr-Mr P torn
son. Mrs. Claude Puekett. Mrs. It.
G. Burnett, Mrs. W. L. Koberlson.
Mis. K. W. Dougherty, Mrs. Kred
Clio Club Meets
At Dinner Bridge
At a elm ruling dinner bridge
members or the Clio club were de.
light fully entertained Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. W. If.
Heutcr with eight tables at play.
,The dinner tables were centered
with rosebuds.
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Dohnenkamp
won honors for high tuiiy. Guest
prize was u warded to A. JI. SI an go
of Merrill, Wis.
Miss Conrad Weds
Mr. Doss Yesterday
At a (Uht wedding ceremony
Friday afternoon, tile Dev. J.
George Walz performed the nup
tial services at t he Presbyterian
manse, for Miss 'Margaret Conrad
and Harold Duss. hoi h of La
Grande. Those attending were:
Mis. Coimid, mother of Hie bride,
her sister and brother; Mrs. T. A.
I loss, mo: her of t he bridegroom.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pennock of
I leruiistuii: and Mins Chariot to
K ii 111. Mrs. Pennock Is a sister of
Mr. Doss.
Coterie Bridge
Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1 1. Dfeht enter
tained the Colerie Hridge club last
evvning at ber bona! with four
tables at play. Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Maxam made high srore. Consola
tion was awarded ,to Mrs. Guy
Spencer and Hoy Currey, A dain1
two-course linit'beon was served.
Tbi! dull will meet again in two
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
M. E. Girls Plan
December Pageant
Liirbteetl girls of the Methodist
ehurch attended the meeting of the
Girts Missionary society last eve
ning at the home Of the MisSeM
Mary Lou and Kvelyn I'iper on
t'cilar street. Supper was served at
six-thirty by Mrs. I'iper assisted by
Mrs. R. G. McCall, the girls seated
a . two tables. After the supper,
the business meeting was presided
over by Mts Be in i eta IMeraon.
i Plans werd made for tho pageant
which the society is to give. early.
in December. The lesson study
was presented by Mlsa Plerson. tho
country studied having been Africa.
A pretty duet "A Plea For Africa"
was sung by Kuth Aldrlch and
ltuth Magulro accompanied b: i
Genevieve Adler. Miss Helen Arm
field gave an appropriate reading.
Assistant hostesses last evening
were Lenoro Jleadley, Amaryllis
Knight und Dorothy Hhlnc.
Mrs. Miller Hostess
At Enjoyable Party
Mrs. Archie J. Miller, ''llM Slruco
street was tho hostess to a num
ber of her friends last evening
old friends who enjoyed very much
what was reported as an "old-fashioned
gel-together parly." An- in
formal social evening was conclud
ed with the serving o f r o f resh -nients.
Those In attendance wero
Pearl Interline, Lulu Conrad,
Gladys Johnson. Katherlne Rob
erts, Edna and Josephine MaeGreg.
or, Grace Comslock and Zoo Walsh.
Methodists Plan "
For Coming Bazar,
Tho Missionary . society of tlm
M. K. church south met Tliursday
at the parsonnge, with Mrs. Prank
Hopkins as hostess. The devotion
al was led by Mrs." Effle Ifelvey.
(,inal plans wero completed for the
buzaar to be held Saturday Novemi-
ber HI. They will servo cafeteria
luncheon nt the bazaar..
Mrs. J. K. Charlton outlined the
program for "Week of Prayer." V
Delegates elected from the so
ciety to attend the district confer
ence nt Kiehland, Ore., November
20-21-22 were: Mrs. Evclyne Hicks,
and Mrs. Kfflc Hclvey, From the
church the Hev.. and Mrs. Frank
Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs, W. AV. Star
mer, Mrs. H. IC. Tlakor, Mrs. Eula
Webb. Mrs. Putnam : Yock. and
Mrs, Dennis En 1cm were elected na
delegates to tho conference.
' -.":"
Lucky Dozen Club :,
Meets at Bray Home
Members of the' Luoky Dozen
club spent a pleasant afternoon
yesterday at tho home of Mrs.
Ernest C. Bray with Mrs. H.r G.
Anderson and Mrs. Fred Cross as
hostesses. -
The afternoon was spent sewing
and visiting, about nine members
were present. A dainty two-course
luncheon was served. "
Attractive bouquets of chrysan
themums formed the decorations:
White Rose Club
Sewing for Bazar
Mrs. Mike Sullivan and Mrs.
Charles Sloop were hostesses to
the White Hose, . olub Thursday
Vvetflng'iT'ln'e lionie" "b? Trs'BulI)
van on Adams uvenue. Tho eve
ning was spent sewing for their
bazaar. Dainty refreshments were
served. .
They will .meet again with Mrs.
Orln' Larson next week. . ,v
Mrs. E. Jacobson Is '
Hostess To Club
-Mrs. K. Jacobson "was, hostess
last evening tu two tables of the
C-go 1-go club with , Mrs. Nellie
Spencer winning honors for high
score, f'onsolatlon was awarded to
Mrs. Don McKay. Lovely clusters
of usters decorated I he home. Dain
ty refreshments were served during
the evening. Tin; next meetinjf
will be with Mrs. Jim Morelock two
weeks from lust night.
Camp Fire Group
.Meets at Church
Members of the Sucujiiwca Cnmp
Kire group met yesterduy afternoon
at 4 o'clock in the Lutheran church
when the Rev. V. K. 1 In 11 of the
M. K. church talked on the subject.
"Why Girls Need the Church."
Some of the girls were unable lo
attend this part of the meeting due
to their participation In school
sports. Helen Hughes presided In
the absence of the president.
Kollowing the address a business
meeting was held and pltius were
discussed for Ihelr leadership work.
The next meeting will be at 3:30
Monday. November IS, with Mrs. A.
L. Richardson speaking to the
girls about music.
Initiation Feature
Of Lodge Meeting
Initiation was held hist night
when Mrs. Oliver Stoneklnp became
a member of the I'ythhin .Sister
bulge m their meeting In the K. I,
hall, with Mrs. C. L. Kerry presid
ing. A sueliil committee for tho next
meeting was appointed, with Mrs.
Ray A. Cook chairman, and Mrs.
Jack Oliver, und Mrs. Clura Moss
Women Make Plans
For Future Work
Women of the Mooseheart Le
gion met lust night at the home or!
Mrs. Krltst frSteffen on Hpruce stn-et
and spent mi enjoyable evening i
pici-lny a iullt. and makfjig phms
for future work. Final arrange1
ments were niHde for their cooked
fond Kile that is being held today.
Mrs. Don Shanks. Sirs. Charlie
Spivey. und Mrs. Ha rah Hut ley were
appointed ns a committee to r
range for the luncheon that will be
given by the foelety. when the !
men's organization hold their
shooting nititeh. Nfivenil'r 17.
'I'll-'p' "HI lie a TM'('tln of tll
W. II. A. Noii lliln r 12. Willi l)l.
Irii.-c l'iuty I'ackiirii, und Htal
I i"!J Vir.L'.ot Ju!u v. V.'ar4 m it-
tendance. All members aro urged
to attend. Guard team members
and officers requested to come at
VThe So-Ne-irc club will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Walter Hutchison, 2204 Cednr
street, with Mrs. Zonule Lilly as
assistant hostess. ,
The members of the Women's
Relief Corps will meet ut tho K.
P. hall Monday morning at 10:3(i
o'clock to ride In tho Armistice day
' The . Neighborhood Literature
club will meet Mondav evening in
the Gold room of the Iji Grande!
hotel at 7:3U o'clock. Mrs. F. 13. 1
Appleby will review tho life of
Florence Nightingale from "Kinln
ent Victorians," by LItterf Strachey.
Miss Alyco Cook will report on tho
third chapter of "What Literature
Can do for Me," by C. Alphouso
Smith. . .
' .
i A community dinner will be held
nt the Island City church Novem
o n all
ber 12 when Mrs. Walter M. Pierce
will give an Interesting address on
"Tho Incident of my Trip Abroad."
Those attending aro requested to
bring sandwiches and a covered
The La Grande Neighborhood
club will meet In the L. D. S.KTAO
club will meet' in the L. I), S. umuso
ment hall auditorium next Tues
day, Instead of the 1-n Grande ho
tel, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. W. P. Mc
Adory will speak on tho subject.
"Interesting things you want to
know about her recent trip "around
the world."
lly Sister Mnvy
Very often the sauce- over the
meat, pudding or salad shifts a
meal from the realm of every day
Into the unusual and popular.
The following dinner ujenu gains
much froiu tho tomato sauco used
with the veal cutlets and tho but
tet'rfeoteh sauce served with I he
$ 1 5.00 to $200'00
SPORT COUPE-New Price.'. .... :
TUDOR SEDAN-New Price ..... .
F0RD0R SEDAN (2 window)-New Price. 763
F0RD0R SEDAN (3 window)-New Price. 788
TOWN SEDAN-New Price. ...... . 833
CABRIOLET New Price 808
PICKUP CLOSED CAB-New Price. . . . . . 607
STATION WAGON-New Price. ....... . . 809
DE LUXE DELIVERY New Price . . .... .. 699
CHASSIS A-New Price 497
CHASSIS AA, l-Ton Truck-New Price. . 654
Above prices include bumpers, front and rear; ex
tra tire and tube; 5 wheels, tire cover, in addition lo
regular equipment. On truck chassis, front bumpers
and extra wheel, but not extra tire and lube.
The answer: 40 per cent of all new cars regis
tered in the United States during 1929 are Ford. '
M 500
cup cakes.
Tho three menus for tho day aro
simple hut plunned with- the neces
sary calories, mineral content and
vltamlnes carefully calculated. .( '
mtEAIU'HAST Htleed pineapple,
cereal, cream, soft cooked eggs,
crisp toast, milk, coffee.
LUNCUKON Cream of spinach
soup, croutons, cottugo chocso and
brown bread sandwiches, applo
tapioca pudding, grupo Juice.
DINNER Veal cutlets with to
mtbto sauce, twice baked potatoes,
siiuush croquettes, stuffed prune
salad, cup cakes with btutorscoich
sauce, milk, coffee. , . ... '
llutterscotcli Kaiico
Ono cup cream, one cup brown
sugar, 1 H.up medium, corn syrup,
1 tablespoon butter, 1-2 teaspoon
Mix cream, sugar and syrup,
stirring until perfectly blended.
Cook In doublo boiler over boiling
water for ono hour. Remove, from
beat and bent In butter and vanll-
New Prices
New Price vr. ; r. .
Cor. 4th and Adams
Monday, November 11th
Store Closed All Day
la.." Pour o.vor cup cakes and gar
nish each cake with a spoonful of
whipped; cream.
Any plain enko or slmpto sponge
enko can ho baked In Individual
cups. The cukes should not be
made of a rich batter, for tho sauco
Is rich with cream.
This dessert would not bo suit
Is excellent with veal which is
ablo to servo with a fat meat but
lucking In fnt.
cars and
rv; . , . J,, . ;$5:
... ........ 588
. .
. .
. .
Jud Tunkim 7
J i id Tunklns says he never lost
a friend, but ho lias met several'
folks who sinned In friendly, for
business purposes, nnd afterward
strayed off on their own account.
Washington Star. .
Summing It Up
11 not afraid of life. Relief,
that life ts worth living, find you?
belief will help create the fnet.