La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 01, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, November 1,
Page Five
Local News In Brief
ltd urn to Im Cintnde
MIT delivering a prisoner to
he- mute penitentiary. Sheriff.
tlesse (Iroshenrs nuinuMi 10 i-a
mnde ibis morning. Mieriff lire-
Lln-nrs- left for Ha loin the luiu-r
iri Oi IM wet'K, n un iiiH pi is- )
llt:r. Iy Hiiiomufiiir.
iifV Hi
M r. Ji ii'l M i'H. A If ivtl 1 1 iat I tin
he imivniH nf-a-hnby hoy. Charles
Jliiilf, born yesterday at their lionn
11 Z avenue, lit weigncit six unit
no-half pounds, al birth.- Mrs.
tjlintt was formerly Alice Honk.
Koili mottier ani .son ait- repuneu
o Im- In good condition.
Airs. A. N. Muyvillo, Mrs. Corn
.j41snnk. M vWallaoo t 'asw, M rs.
Kellogg, Mr.-!, I 'ope Mrs.
Provost report u successful mcei-
ing of tho 'oinii of Montfihiart
l.cglou when they returned from
1 luir trip to Walla Walla to at
tend I ho district reinvention of the
l.ealn; I At Orantlc
.Mr. and Mr a. Ilmer Nellson and
luiiKhtcr. Jsnliel Symon.s. expeel
lu leave hern Sunday on their way
to tho vieiniiy of Salt l.ale flty.
where .Mr. NUkoii will operate i
rilling slatlon' and whore they will
make ihoir homo.
i;iks Moot
.- A large, number.s of members
wen: In attendance at the meeting
of the. H. P. O. Klks lodge last
night. 1 'Inns a to being maile to
liobl an- initiation early in De
cember. It is also announcedthat j
tho lodge recently had the roof j
of the Klks' building- repaired.
Tsttlng llor ousln
.f.Mrs. Henry Wntson of Portland
h vlhJting her cousin, Mrs. II. J
Thonfju:. - "'
gT Two Days .,-', ' MpaagjIiM'"
Your Favorite
Dutch Treat
In New Fall Clothes
You'll hardly know your old friends Dutch Maid
t Cupcakes in their new fall togs! Snow-white
cream icing transform their appearance and gives
them new lustiness. Regular .Iflc do'en yours
over the week-end at "we pay half and you pay,
lialf" prices ,
"Jack' Frost Cupcakes, doz 15c
Our Scrumptious Doughnuts, doz .. 13c
. Hallowe'en Party Service
Xa ihc Duirli Maid ltelp tiih your urtj-. Tlit-j'll
make .ollmalr of qiinnUltc nrrttiil. siiRin'l hM-riul kHt
ritvinl miunil rnkrv. riKikfc?, or AppmprJulf lirfi'k tfn
rrram. . llrlUi'rj- (i ytmr Itonii Jtisi. in linio lo Mnn
Monitors lunch
. The Im Ornnde Houlty hoard
- ,,. toiliiy al noon in Km weekly
luncheon. Thirty was a general
discussion of mullein of inii-nut
tJl(. srouv during the hour.
I lulling II oil '
air., nnd aIih. Paul Totniui
rived In l.a (Iriiide last nltrht to
spend the weekend horo IhHIiir
friends and relatives. Their Imnio
Is in llunilnntnn,
Ti Idaho
.Mr. and Mih. II. R fjodel nnd
ramlly mv leaving today on tholr
way to Idaho, on hnsim-Hs. Tliey
expect to return in a week or
To I 'ntcrpriH
II. I. 1 lexs wont lo lntorprlso
Thursday on WusineKH.
Here on ItuIness
.Matt lloswi'U ami l)on Meyers of
KlKin were in Iji (Jraiidi-, Thurs
day on business. 1
VlslUus Ihrc !
. MIhm .Margaret Wynkonp of Port-;
land is visiting in l.:i Clrande with'
Mrs. Doyle Zimmerman. She wlll'i
bo hem about' two, weeks. .
Will l.lut in Portland
Mr. and Mm. Walter Kirby left
Wednesday on their way ot- Port
land, win-re they will make Ihoir
home. They wore recently mar
ried In this city.
Trip tp Joseph
m rs. Kranels Burns wont
Joseph today on a .business trip,
To Portland 'lmlglil
Ujiy Price, (ioorgo Barbonu.
John (larity, "Peto" " Itussell, and
Doyle ' Zimmerman are going to
Portlancl this evening. vThoy will
probably return Sunday. r '
SHI IVmmiiN -
illss Hester Hopkiu mill Miss
Jane. Statute Innv been chosen to
h twist' in the salt which tho Wo
men's league of the rnlvvrslty of
'Oregon Ih sponsoring for Pad's
day. the proceeds of which will bo
added to tho Inflrnmry fuml. Haiti
girls will aid In the ennvns of t lo
men's houses, nnO Miss Hopkins
linx charge of the vali hi her sor
ority house, Tl lift a I'hl.
I'Vimii Xrar Mnwllh"
Mr. diwl Mew - A. It.
from irejir Mawlllo,' nn visiting (ttoppi-a heiv. .Mrs. Jtoss nnd Mr. j0f a qiilto different character than
in I-t (IranOo at tho homo if Mr. ! KMn -won Mi'hool frlonds when'ithoso orooted hy I'olynostaiis. H
and Mrs. W. l HalUud nudity hoth attondod the Cnlvorslty mum hm-hil ouvoh havo ffiveii up
frionds lu l.a Urando. The
also visit their' son. Mead
;inl. of t'ninn.
They nrrlvotl In.M
I.ctljrc .Mcotln
R O. K. IdiIj,',. met last ntKht
al the KaKles hall with Kay rat
ion presiding. I'lans wero dlscusM
ed fur their regular Saturday night
il antes. Mem hers of tht linker
organiuitlon visited the local so
ciety last niKht. Officers of tho
Kat;los will nioet Momlay nlghl ut
7 o'clock lu the Kaglos hall.
Hero fr"iii Wallowa
t .Mrs. K. Medlnnis. of Wallowa
Ih visiting her (laughter, Mrs.1 W
P. Italian!, of l.a Grande. Sho has -
been hero slncP the first of thejlH-nve to Pnrthuul
week.-Mi-H. Hallard. who htiH been' MiW lleruloo ."aKS
III, is Improving. ' . ;
llehiui to lown
Mrs. I.afo 1(111, who lias been
horo for a. month's visit at the
homo of her daugliter, Mrs. It. R
Tyler and family, has returned to
her homo at Nora Springs, Iowa.
Attend Cumo
Mr. and Mrs. l-yle Kiddle " and
son Robert, accompanied by their
parents, M r. ami Mrs. l-'red IT.
Kiddle, of Island fity, imvo gone
to Portland to attend the O. S. IV
Washlngton State football game.
VNjling More , " .
Mr. and .Mrs. Hay Knight, of
Wallowa, are .visiting In l.a Grande
this week.
Fox Movietone News
Sliced I Irea d I
You certainly have n treat in store
when you first try SLICED bread!
All ready to serve, toast or make
sandwiches. And it Stays Fresh I
Try It and you'll never
change. Loaf
Autumn Pies
1'iinipkln and mfnee pies are lu
their prime right now. Cnmbi-rn-miule,
they have nn extra hutch of
goodness. I'utnjikin or
.Minoo for OUL
Tiity Cakes
Thoso nro fl I hit eh shop
nnd 11 wonderful value.
i:.ich . ,
Mary Ann Cakes
A tdsty r.ikft cril-'l with purr lem
on pl filUnjc. You will pto,u'il
st'iiioi- nay rnwt c ...... .'unt coTir:xT or 311
Following rehearsal hut evening j , TIL-U'I.I IX OLI. hlOM S
tlui cast of tho "heniur play woro j " .
gucatt at a Hallowe'en party given j . VAl'UKTK, Tihitl (AT) leg
ly MIkh lCathcrim Fnrtain, dlroc-) ends of the lost continent of Slu.
tor nf tho play "So Thin Ih
don," to 1m presented November
21 and l':. " i
I'nawnl llirouirlH
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hohk pass-
od throuuh Iji Ornndo rooently nn
their return to Seattlo aftor an ,
eastern trip, .Mr. and Mrs. Hohei t
U'Jakin .nioi ihcm lvhllo their, tralu.
of Washington,
CalliMl Ut I'm otte
Mrs. W. (1. Nohlo and- son of
i: I gin left lat evening on Ihoir
way to T'uyotto, W'horo lior fathftp
ts seriously HI.
ilotv Tlioi Mlay
J. R (irodttkl, general wifoty
agent of the 0.-, spent Thtirs
day in La (irtiudo on business, lie
returned to his homo lu 1'ortland
lust eveiilns.
Weekend Trli
Mr. and, Mrs. A. W. t.offol nnd
grandson. "Sonny" Wnttonburj;,
left, yt-Nierday on n 'weekend trip.
and Carl,
Klanery and sister, .Myrtle, drove
to Portland recently and will visit
there for n week. ' -
Ileii Yesterday :
Miw. Kiirin Hang r.f Covo
in l.a (JraiKle yostorday, '
To Portland
.Mrs. W. II. Houter wont lo
Portland yesterday- to all end "he
O. s. -Washington State game
this weekend.
SAL KM, Ore., Nov. , 1 (AP) -Crant
,1. Williams of Gold Iteneh
was yostorda. appointed by. 0.ov
ornor I'attorson as district attorney
for Curry county, to succeed .'ol
lier II. lUifnugton, who roslgnod.
STKAL l!."0 Tl ltKKVS
G HANTS PASS, Ore., Nov. ,1
(Al") Thieves using a motor
truck especially eouipped to cart
poultry slolo 1'50 j urUcys, valued
at if 1 ,00(1, from various sections
of .losephinu county, Sheriff . 1
II. Lister was Informed today.
' Old Miitake Rare .
People, rarely nnilte the snmo ml
tnlie Jwloe. Thero nro two inuny
pnlhlliiles for innklny new plies.
Toloiln Itlado
Thnnk for the Tip
Tho reason snmo Hnns cmplo.v
such fluiiih-loo!;ln Rnlostnon is In
let HiO onsintnors think Htev nro
fiNtlriK llio host of 1 1 iti harsnln.
I'alhllndoi' Mnn-!tif.
Take. Long Time to Cool
Liivn Ktronnis mi nmro tlnin l.S
lo 'Jll.fflot Iudep(li nro said, to rta.
tpil.c a year m cool, l
The biography of n navy. diver
lias just boon published. Down tho
ladder to simoons,
Hy .L Kpslein. 'M.
New Vork. N. Y
Poor appetite: .Mothers frouuont
lK complaih thnt their children do
not eat enough. In tho majority
of cases this Ih only in the. lm
aglnalinn ornn ovor-ntixfonH moth
01'. IMnr appetite In children may
be duo, however, to. Improper
food, improper feeding, constipa
tion, or an unhealthy mouth. ,A
proper and Tegular diet will tins
prove tiio appetite.. A mild, pleas
ant iuxatlvo should bit given when
necessary. '
Vomiting: Vomiting ! tisuallv
ihe result of bad or jfurood feeding.
Morning vomiting pury be Out to
const pa t Ion, lat e suppers, or to.
chr inic throat Infection. In nervous
children., excitement or an aversion
', for food may ho tho trouble.
Chronic consiipnlion: .In the.
majority of oases, chronic const!
pation Is thP result, of Insufficient
i food, improper food or irregular
. habits. '. : k
cmtgli: Cough In a child rimy
bo due to largo tonsils und ado-
1 nobis, bronchitis, asthma, chronic
heart disease, whotrplng cough or
, tuberculosis. A persistent cough
; must not In neglected.
"Fatigue: When a child Is easily
lireit and Is unable to carry on the
usual activities of childhood, lift In
suffering from lack of food, In
sufficient rosi, anemia, or .. some
chronic ailment.
Loss of weight: This Is an al
most constant symptom of some
chronic ailment. In some cases,
it may bo dju to Indfuesiion, con
stipation, improper food or Im
proper feeding. A persistent loss
t in weight is suspicious of tuber
oulntds. Anemia : This is usually dlie
to malnutrition. unwholesome
food, lack of air and sunshine.
Chronic' diseases, loss of blood, or
blood dlM-nscN, give rise to anemia.
Sleeplcssm'sa: When a child Is
resteH or sleepless nt night, ho
may be suffering from large ton
sils and adonojds, loo HUH' or too
much food, late suppi-rs. nervous
disorders, excitement, or pin
worm. Fever: A rise In temperature Is
tho fb'Kt evidence of hoiiic ubnor-
ma) luncitmt of tin body. Fever
in a general Index to some infec
I lion or Intoxication. Pining chlld
. hood, it preslstenl daily ri!e In
temperature limy in'un heart dis
ease, tuberculosis, or rheumatism.
Do not ait until tlm child Is
really sick to ronsult Oir funifly
doctor, Have him tO"kU over at
j leant one, a year. (Jot Ihe preven
tion in nhrad of the trouble und
avoid tli noretttdly of cures. Frepli
air ii nd hunchin-', proper fef-dlug,
' cleanliness find good habits, and
a fa mil r doctor who is a cox?
friend n id not a sirungor held at
j long dlstancft (or einorgcnclen, wit
J prevent most nllm-'nlii In Infants
and chlldien.
Lon-.which orl.ntnl tradition says tllti-j
j appeared in fire and flood leaving j
the. Islands of tho south Pacini',!
hnvo been revived by finding ovi- i
jdencoH of u moo that peopled these !
j Uthuidn before ..the amienl coinlns !
i of the 1'olynesliinH. !
Itocent oxplorutions hy uiitliro-1
poloKlsts upon inoimlalnoua pla-j
(.-hok Imve shown Mtono Hlructiires
skulls not Polynesian.
Tho futile Is that Mu ouoo com
prised !und filling a vast region of
tho southern Pacific. It sank,
leaving only tho tops of1 volcanic
mountains above water.
i:iP)-.uoit si:i;s
TOKYO, Nov. I (AP) Kor
tho first time in history tin em per
or of Japan today attended a base
ball game, making ono of a crowd
of 40, not) at an intercollegiate
game between Waseda and Kelo
universities. ,
. Kelo, which was runner-up to
Waseda in the championship, won.
Whatevor else it may accom
plish, tho now-Tamous Oarneglo
li'oundatlon report on college foot
hall recruiting and subsidizing
methods give just about a "clean
bill" to. the hitherto much-maligned
"Old Gradx," who can now
give three cheers for (he old al
ma rim tor without being put under
Specifically, tho reports says: "a.
common- misconception touching
the personal recruiting of athletes
for Intercollegiate competition is
that most of the work is done by
"The facts of our enquiry prov
conclusively that this is not the
case," the report soph oh to say,
MOf ono hundred ami iwclvo col
leges and universities visited, .al
only a little over thirty per cent
was recruiting conducted by alum
ni. In slightly over half of the
eases, it. was an affair of the ath
letic departments and In eight per
cent it rested upon administra
tive, executive or academic .offi
cers." V
fl'lie old grads, at least have the
last laugh.
Tho Carnegie retmrt set forth in
particular the keen rivalry tor
schoolboy and prep talent among
(he loading colleges of California.
Tho I'lilversliy of California In Its
August "C" Itnllotln, Issued for
tho benefit of alumni, published
'a nu m her of let I ors w rlucn by
j various ' solHo.H)oy athletes to
friends. Those won) some of tho
! pxcrpis: ' i
I "1 have already received ffnmo
offers to soholarshlps from other
fiehools, some of them In the con
ference, and jobs thnt. will pay my
expenses through school. My dad
cannot so my going lo. Cat. and
pulling out a lot of money when
I can go to several other schools
wltjiout tho cost.", , ,
"J don't expect you ' follows lo
hand me a Job on a silver platter,
but 1 received a letter from tho
scholarship board at, . . . yester
day stating Dial I had been grant
ed a. full scholarship to . . . Also
ono of tho fraternities have a Job
for me. So I would bo foolish to
go to Mcrkolcy under present, cir
cumstances unless I was sure of
a good Job. L Mill want to got 16
"Tho conch from . . . cimc up
to the park to see me and as a
oonsofiueneo-1 went to . . . with
him. I worked out with the varsity
throe days and nt tho end of that
period lie told m0 1 was a cinch
to tho varsity. Whether he was
kidding I don't know but I rrifhor
think ho meant It for ho has call
ed up throe times since 1'vo grit
ton homo telling ino the same; I
also went to . . . with the fros
coaoh and kicked it little . . . of
fered me board, room and tuition
but realty ono can't class . . , as
a college." ,
"There Is ono of tho men here
at . . . that has a considerable
peevn on at tho school. Ho eame
to , . . with (ho understanding thai
he -would got n scholarship be
ing a very good football prospect.
During practloo lie broke his knee
and did not get his numeral nnd
they have refused him ft scholar
ship and do not offer any hopes
of him getting one untlHie makes
tho varsity in his sophomore. Jun
ior or senior year.
( From a brother of n promis
ing young athleio): "ID wishes to
enroll as a freshman. The t'nlver
slty of . . . insists that he come to
, . . to school and has offered a
nn Inducement room, hoard, tu
ition and books, provided ho play
football, of course. I inn very de
Firo us of his attending Cal. 1". If
you think there is any possible
choneo of arranging for his room,
hoard, books."
On the same day thai the Car
negie report become public prop
erty, Knooh llagshaw resinned ns
head football coach at the Vni
verslty of Washing! tin and two
Iowa gridiron athlete set forth
to disprove charge involving their
umutcur status. And these nr
only two or tho disturbance.
lfugshaw'A dirficuttlen have been
Ipng-slnndlng, especially slnro last
(ten son. yet his withdrawal after,
the. Huskies met two stunning re
versals at the hands of Southern
Calllortila nnd Washington Hlnte
added significance to tho Carnegie
report's disclosure that In about 3
OUl of 7 Conejos ihe football
coach's tennro depended on pro
ducing winning teams.
Sporf I
Alan J.Gould
Alabama women make good In--
comes from pipe pei-dlv basketry.
Tho' extension department of the
th'tieval lVderatloi of Women's
claim promotes the Industry.
1 L
. lilts. TAPI' A PIAXIST
William Howard- T-afi In an ac -
compUshcd pianist and holds
diploma emitting her to teach.
(Continued from Pa 1)
"Heeause they were not holding
""JT:""1,'; ,A',''""'' ' "'
if Senator Mcichcr, democrat,:
Klorlda, made un engagement with i
Smoot for WLIson, ' '
Tho suggestion was made- in I
It not her letter Irom Arnold to i
-Wilson to "flood Senator Smoot ,'
wit h telegrams' urging removal j
of the seasonal clause oil' Gulf ;
i 'oast products. Arnold did not
know whether tho suggestion was :
carried out. Ho said the provls- j
ion discriminated again he Florida, i
A loiter from Arnohl lo Senator !
Watson of Indiana, satd Senator j
Hefllu Would "i.ocolve an urgent !
request' through our connection" !
lo vote for the flexible provision. ,
"Did you tell anyone lo com
municate with Scant ur Heflln lu
behalf of the flexible provisions,"
Walsh asked.
'. "Thai letter indicate that," was
the reply., " "
Wnlsh read a letter from Wil
son to Arhl whleh.snld "Sena
tor Rb'tohor was u traitor along
with other deniooyntlc senators."
11 added that Senator Trammel),
the other I'M o rid a senator. Is "the
host log rolling politician that ever
came out of any state. In the un
ion." . The letter said Wilson would
got In tough With Florida "land
Interests" who might have' more
Influence with Fletcher and added
that Wilson thought Fletcher
realised what tho tariff would
mean to Florida, .'
Other Loiters Head
In another letter
Arnold sahFt
both Fletcher and Trnmniell,
choose and save without delay s a a
Gur One Week
Citrus Powder
Regular large pkg..... 2 for 47i.
Curtis Brand Spinach
No. ,2'j can .18
Broken Slice Pineapple
No. 2 can 19
Our Regular Every
New Crop Cal. Walnuts
Diamond No. 1 grade. 1-lb.
bag 304
j r 1
The new toilet soap made-' by
Proctor & Gamble. liar ,....8
White Star Tuna
No. 14 can1,l(S Nc. '.. can..22
. ,
Black Eye Peas
2 11)8 27
Single bar .....7-
f'-irton, 10 hars..7c
It Pays to
were "functioning" and he thoitghl
.they would vote fur the bill. In;
another te.tter, this being to Am- ,
; o'd rom G. rt. KP'icher, It watt
; cult I Senator l-'leteher would vote
! for the bill hei'suso "there nevor
j was a senator who had a hotter
j tire built under him." .
! "The more he kicks, the harder;
i we fight." it said. -( ,
; "If. things come to whore they
(i iv iui iviiik ue u n. no ivti i'i 'in
di'd, '1 will come up nnd see. my I
frii'nd Hoover again and mako !
them all bo good, as I am In re
eeint of n nion letter from , the- '
white .showing that l am
'still In Hue yet." 1
The committee . then recessed:
until Tuesday.
Rector Fined $250
un tseer vnarge
Goorgo Hector was fined '2T(i
yesterday by t'ounty Judge V, (I,
Couch on a charge of manufacture
ami possession of beer.
(Continued from Page 1)
as regards the number of divorces
compared twlth the .year 1 S2 i ,
ranged from decreases of HO.K per
cent In the District of Columbia
ami 12. a per cent In Florida to In
creasea uf :i2.! per oent In Ne
vada and f LI ' per cent lu Ver
mont., -
Tho ratio of divorces per 1,0(H1
of tho papulation in the Individual
states In lii'JS ranged from 0. 1 Ji
In tho District uf'Columhh and
O.-Ht In New York, to 3. US lu Oro
Koir and .1.1. ft',! In Nevada.
Oregon rigurcK
Marriages In Oregon In 1 1 2 K to
taled IMilb compared with 7. 3(1:1
the yeur before. The per cenl of
Increase was JU and the number
of marriages to one divorce was
2.B. In divorces, H.ofiH couples
were parted In 12 compared with
:i,H7 In l!t:'7. Tho decreaHo In
divorces. In Oregon equaled 2.T.
There were 2!i anmilmcnLs in 1U2S
and :i I in 1 P JT 7.
Peifect laundry starch.
Factory Demonstration
A representative is here to acquaint you with
the .superior qualities of Fels-Naptha and give
you a Soap Chipper free. . .
' '
Study the Swinging Price Tags
Onyx "Pointex"
Gotham Goldstripe
Gordon Silk Hosiery
Helialile brnnda only sold
exclusively at our store.
1.50 1.65 - 1.95 2.50
Jt (Irande'H oxop.islvo ready-to-wear
and mlllinory
, (Continued from Page 1)
land coaled with frosi, but as warm
In Its welcome as Us weather was
chilly. f
On tho dock, , white with frost,
a few hundred friends and well
wishers cheered him. Crowds .of
workmen shouted, "good old Mac,"
and "glad to see you again, Mac,"
as his party debarked and made
for the train shed where a special
oar- was attached to tho regular
boat train to London.
Lord Derby, Lord Mayor Hitler
of Liverpool and delegations , of
city councillors ami labor organ
Mentions wore- among those who
went aboard the ship to greet the
premier. Miss Ishhel, roeolvlui?
flowers from them, was an attrac
tive demure figure.
S A Chicago' man ufferH to -trado
his typewriter fot-, a shotgun,.
Probably , this should bo a; warn;
lag lo a couple of editors.
Schilling Baking Powder
l-lh. can :........39
Lux Soap Flakes
Large pkg. ................................22c
Com Meal
Yellow or white No. 10 bag..38
Day Prices
Van Camp Hominy
No. 2 can..9 No. 2 10 can.,12'
Armour's Deviled Meat
(5 small cans 25
Old Monk Green Olives
10-oz. bottle 2 1