Friday, November 'l,li)29 Page Two LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE. it Style and Foot Protection W ' V'hen you buy Natural Brldse Arch Shoes you buy: Style and Foot Protection. At an extremely moderate cost. Heretofore wpmen supposed that Style ' was expensive and that health shoes were expensive. We offer you shoes whose smart llres cleverly conceal the fact that they are sci entific, health shoes. "Goal tn the foot... . food to the eye... good M the pacUethnok. " NATURAL BRIDGE ARCH SHOE HILL'S A Home Owned Store ; Hallowe'en Party ii . ........ ...... .... ... . - .... .. ... . . .... . . . cnvvKVRKnn WIXS Hhon. And now i..u,,,,m, ri -tiuui uiin ihii in inn v. ill. iiiriunnuil ny II. i.. n iiu.-i mm. - u . i .,... .i .1.1. n-i.. . . TAi!OMA. Wash.. Nov. 1 IAP)- ,or.)ir Ihftii. ' At SlUSher Home 'l' "lllS ,n ""' 'ho"l auilliorlum or row and whlin. rnmiw. on-hlrt ' "u Sniinenheri,- successfully do- it If o'clock, wllli Clark llui li. nm-v udm ulili ni(iv M"km-is:' fender lll. liwivyiii-lKht urextlinit S . . I'lAMt 11 MM. . llluli'K orihcmiii nluvliiK. 'Mlm miowlicrries. : title riEainiit, lledrKC JHUd of I- J. 'A'. KelluXK. . I..y..l lUHIH.y Will. IIIIHI ;n- H. ...... , ......... ... - I VAl.ri.uLi. i.-r .Icl.l In- win- .,,ii,'m K. la the time -to I l-l-ll KIK-kIm Wi-rilii-mliiy I'V.-nlnjf ut ft I jolly costume Mullmve'en parly at Ihc lioiiii' or IiIn aniu. Mrs. KluiJicr, on Twelfth mi'.'t. liurlnir the n v o ii I ti k plciisnnt, i i...r...i . r....i " irpuiluatc of I l.iilo TnnlliK. fruinca ivcru eitjuycl. A feiilui' ,Wa the fish pond, friitn which j i'ui'Ii cliiM .rciM-lvcil u iiinlty Mill- I loweVn fiivor. Ii,-I1c1o:im ri-rivsh. 1 luelili; were nerved. Hlllrloy Weaver I USHlSlcl Ulth IllC. K-HIH'H llll'l Pe- I 'fri-.'limi-nlH. . , :ii.;mIh present wore: James , O'Ni ll, lionalil I'lly. .IJvilya ll.-.-.l. r Junior Weaver, llu o'N'-il. l.'hlon f'lai-lt. Harry liaufcls.' It'elly llall I.Ih. Hoy O'Ncil, Arnhll- D'Ni'll, .Murlan I'lilmcp. Hilly I', I tick Hi. 1. 1. Inn. Hohhy Ituhhlns ami I'.ulli ; l'iiimir. , Miss Simmons Is Honored at Shower iiiiiu of Iho event. ' . 1 'Hit In vita I Ion committee con slsls of: Margaret Mad dock, Myr- He Wllrock find Myrtle llurnctt. i iiiIhth of tlii decoration corn- v j Voicing and llepalrlnw "t Valpii- I Tk S 1 i 1 n'mr tin ulinlirhi flllltl ,larty COmpiirnentS , ywiJ'oa Utt hlmnolf wMo oipp!ntlo. 'lnl. Ihvc onli-m ul AilliT'd -leur ov-pr Knimenlii-rjr mid fl I I ( ni - In luHior or Mi! I'Vita Tltorn- hurK, Si i h. V. It. Molvlllo hum myrl Mlll. r. rhalrifittn: l.orim MnrJ MrH AI('.vllIl..H homo. .OVon wftiv I ii in, i 'unn i n u, r,vi ij ii i r;ii!fll(ll nitt)' iln-: l-Miih SitttU. Ollvi I'.oyliii. Mai-y Howell, Kranc-.f TIrKl''lHTt fl 11(1 llom Kilwr. lietll- 'fell lieiivily upon - the rintr flour. I 'I'ho ( liamploii Immediately poun- I M)i;i'i:.M)i;VT QI'K'K fed upon him and pinned hn hack J ii:i.l'i:itV lo the null. Kniinenher won the (;0 tmywhere. iUiKKnH"- HtoraK". second fall with a hwIm of flylntf t., r ' d-mw NealteU. iMtiln Murva l.yinan. Kdnu WlllfuitiHoit. ' Kdiin iliirt and .inanltu I'raufonJ laid for nix at th' (aide airancd In i he theme of i lullou e'en. t . XUhh 'riioruhiirjr Ih u Normal tarklex. S77 are mi'inl'fi'H of th nfrtnlinirrit , , 1 f-Uov attendant at the Normul. V.lma U.wth la rhalr.nan of AMM T,l01.IlM1 w MlM AlrH Al.,vll1 the hoxpiiHlliy eomnilltee. with ni0MHi .Ti i Hi i niii i 'H-iii, iwi iiniyri .inner, i'.Vtt U'oOrlK, AHUH JollllKOIl it lid Marjfiih' ItiiiiKolf nnlHtln$i. Hehool Htudrnt ant IhctfucHtH wern- A HiirprlHe Hhower wa iflven In honor of MIkh lorolhy HlmmoiiH WediieKday '-veniitK ul tho t. . J'ronly homo In iHlnnd ( 'ily. wilh MiKNr-ti I jl Jit and Hcilali I'rouly aid MIkh Kdllh llerma un UH llOH Ichhoh. ,MIhh HlmruunK' onKftffeinent to Klnior Chhc "wna recently an noiineed. ; '- ', A. plenwinl ovenliiK waa Kieiit playing KtrirK, l(t u neitin of Hal lowe'en rleeorrtlioiiK. .Many lovely Mr. Can Guest At Birthday Dinner A lilrlli'lay Hitrprltic ilnnr pa'ly wild bIvii for J. J. fair In apiii'lmi-iit al tin; Sacajau-ra Inn inly hy I1I.4 mnlln'r. .m,h. Mur- Announcements FIND IT HERE Cop for thix t'oltiimi niiiNl ho J11 by ft a. ui. , HOUAIfl If- M.lNsrOM j Teacher (daao. orKaii and '' : pOillliOII. I Iiiionoallon call 1 a.i -l nip j IlLMiislMrhliiK, iileatliiK, billion ! hohv. eto. Kurfon'H Jihhllo IShop. Adv. Al TO.MOItirr. IX)AS VR MAK'li IXMNH on untomo hllefl and'furnituro. Contrarta re finuncfld. ltoom JS. Grande National Hank Hldy. 9-2S I -in The Wmncjt of MoOKi'liearl 1 irion will meet at tho Moose hall ; ut 7:3 o'clock l'riday .ovenlntc. ' AM mi'ttiliei-H ttr ereiiin-Hted to he prc-nt. I 1 ' , . - j HPr'rIl mei'tiiiK of Mip fhap- .ii ' , . ihr No. 13,. O. R, called lot I he (lirls" .MiKHlunary noch-ty of , .,(,,,.,(,, nl.ri,, . K ,.1,., in ward Can- Wood, Thoxe utlemlim,' Hie MHhodlM church will have ft hall " I'jHtrlct meeting Ity were .Mr t'arr'H Mnr and l.rmher- ; -hine bupper H.Ik evenlnK at tho ;on(.r of W0.,iy llmlron. .-Ioi- , ' : T ... -i.- cure Macon, Keeretary. derwon, of KllciiHtiurfc. W.ihIl; Mra. , JefferMon avenm. Hupper will ho " odi h tiH'Cc, ,m ihh Margaret Catji. Jrvei at fi o clock, to he rol ftine Ito.lcro, who Ih attending Kr. j lowed hy the retrnlar nieettiiL'. I'aul'H Fwninary in Walia U'alla, ' 4 ' lll'l Mia. Myrtle liiinkor ofljt;- Koid tntvu u-.i.... wnn'i n-n. ! t ! NY IJTR INS. CO., .lullaii H. l':leiH, res. rep. I'll. SS&-J. ' Kl-S-I Hip. FREE! A miniature Cotiur Chesi (o every buyer of a Lnne Lane Cedar Chests $15.65 to $39.50 See our window display. Carr FUKNITURE CO.. Inc. , : Mnia 770 K.IRlern Oppjron'.s T-nrgeat . ihimii KnrnlKherM Society News r ridge-Luncheon Thursday Event j At The La Grande At a ehnrinluff hrhltfn luncheon ffMlenlay afternoon ut the M Uinmle hotel. Mix Hi M. liny was )ioKtfa lo tint 'Alpha fliih. . 'Alt nut live eluHtorH of lull llover formed 'ih'.eoratloiiM. ''.. 5' Klvu . tnhlen of hrhlKo . wovu at play, wllli Mra. CliarleH Huynolda m-rved ilminK ihe affair. TIioho preytnl were: jIr. K. T. HlrninoiiH, .Mim, -J. Kmalhy, Mrx, V. Prouly. . M t'H, Jlenry Her ruauii. I-tiey DHty, Vera (ue, Wll ma Khrocdt'r. Kiilh Hmalley, Hitlh tHIoddard, .l.ydla I'rouly ami Mvh. Herthti Way, the honor Kiiet nml HlO llOHti'HWU. ,, A. G. S. Girls Enjoy Hallowe'en Party ; A novi-l IfiillowcVn parly wiih ; In-lit hy Hie A. (I. H. In lli. lilxh j kcIiooI KyinuaKliim Wi'iliu;iJuy art IiuIIcn will la' ln'tf for a two-ilny c.rnoon, with approximately ir.ll confi-n-nn-. I Klrl promi. . Thi! Iti'V. I.i'lf II. .A won hiioIio j . 'riifi nrti-nioon wad Iickiiii by an aliont l.utliiT anil thr rrininaUoij ,.,,u,rm'iniiiK KhuHt ilanra hy Sully piTloil. A 'coininlltPi. wbm appoint- Hl.-wrl.-t and . I'nfify Holincnkamp. imI hy Mih. I'oliiinan, lo iirraini! ,V, r,, Introilunml Uy l.i'ini pi'OKmniH fop alii ini'nllnicH. TIiIhIi,,,,,, Th(,y ,.0r ion,i,,,i (o 1'iilnlilllliii' rotlHlNlH of iMi'H. Jim (Mioori.. . Alli'ii, IlllOtt' Kuvn un III Hlillllnir, Mm. Aiiiliro;.!' W'rlKht anil : torcailnif poudlnK. "rim Spirit, of .Mtw. Awi Dm violin," lhli-h wum .mii IiiihIiih- liulnly 1't'rri'nliini'iitH wito Hory- tlcttlli' ',!tc1vi'i1. 0(1. Till" xooloty will llldft UKulll Tli'kl'.tll warn' HOlil fnr Mil, lv In two wi'Hih ill. .Mph. WoukIo'h, Jcn'nival hootlm. urrniiKi'd In Jlul Willi Mm.. Aiuhi'iiHc Wi'lahl as liOH-jiou,.',.,, ,ocorallon, ami In chaiwi irlflN worn nlij'iilc.l to lhi lionur .. '. ' . i i'omi nt KiimL IMIoloim rofroKhm-nlM m 1 ' "".'!'""nI.. waB. ' Induatiy mu. l. lr,nK(.,' hwrniw .....i ..un. ,,uu.i I'uuiiiiiK . niiy iloirt thlnu. Hut do lliny ami ik'iiIiik Un. flmi tuili(,y of! Imvn lo think whon tiny hnv- tlm lli' wi'IIhoii. A hii'fi' hli-ihdiiy i-iikn! fiim-c'; l l-l-lt in ii u;i- sai.i: jln haKoruont of Al. K. t 'huri'li, Sal ! itrtluy. Nov-. 2, lii-BinninB !' o'rlork. lu-:io-:u TAXinlWlMY. work hy a very coin pnli'DL mini. All kinds of lilnbj and unlniala monnloil. r'liono 3SI-W or rail at I I0S l'enn. Avn. K. !C. Il-ralwr.. JO-S-liU; . . j sii-knm and donlli of oup Infuiit C'Altl) (IT THAXKS !. ulm tor (. l(.Uinriil flow.: Wv lo I hank our many ; .jj, . ,j( mph. Alfmd J. l'.mih-. filimlB for llnlP klmlnii-syimi ni ll-l-llp' syiupiilhy A ltKAI. SI'WIAIi v and 'ti'nl''(l iik dni'inirMhe irlnnliiK llu ill.(. was pi .l.tlllXPIV i-.lllli pl'l'.n. A ai'lilod lo Mrs.. Mrs. Tinton Will Be Lodge Guest I Mis Ficd Bidden Hostess to Club a MPS. Kllxalll'lll 'I'lploil of I'ul'l-. Jund. wpplhy Kiand malpoti or Iho j'i'und cIimpUm'. of Cii'i'Kon;' lipili'P llio I'aslri'ii Slai'i ' Mph, Ciii'i'ln ui'Iimoii of llaki'i', iiKHui'lutrt Ki'and ; 'luatl'rMi; Mrs. fapolyii .luhnauii of rim I llirhii'i ! lll'lldi' Mlliln-d Apmill, fortiiiin tell Iiik;: .(.'ui'olyn tlpay, fuvorsi 'I'lii'lma Sir'aln. JIoub Koiib nxpn-Hs; vir. Klnla Wnlnid, inysiiu'y vi'i Kvi'. lyii IMpor, c I il ci r, and Dopolhy Inydi-r, douKlinulN. 'I'Iiohd kIpIs i'mi'Ii had Hivri-ai asNlslanlH. . , A nlcusaiil, hour of iIuiii'Iiik ron ludnd tho onlii'laluuii'iit. ..tli'l-IOKi'lhiu' rluli wuk du lly lUili'Plallli'd hy Mrs. I'Yi'd i yi'Sliu'iluy al'lcpiioon al linr , . livi'lllin al'll JIullow- , Tni ,j wllh HnuMjuul '. ilcconi.. i V-iltl I CJfB JHtUILclUl . At, Bridge Party honit! utt 1 e'en parly, lioiiM of lihiek rata. wllcheH, inurl K'dils it ml ol her I lallowc'on nyni holtt. A kIiohI Kreei-d (he mem- .Mi. I Jink Ntiiill) 1,,.,., ,. , .. i imp . he i'H a 1 the door. ,Mr. Olnlt Hnii'lli f . ',lollwl111 evonliiir wiih apent vl.h a: T. i',.,pah of I' Wand rily was .), ' ! T''f ! .J'1':'; ' tlpim.lo woilliv 'fiand tmlpon and 'I'" ' " arii'l'lioon, Willi ,l1"' Alhfl't 1C. Cnrpoy oil i ." ' ?:,..!i 1 ' i . im-mi.,. ..ii,' tfi,:"! "' "" "y ,.,.. nost ,,;.i i.'i,. . i i. . mi "'"iiowihK n hiiMinoss mwdinB a.''": .t" 0 "u l:: ",s or.,,-u.,, III a .llntrlct inwtlnit lo h.i l.nhl In "" wa '"luyoii, .Mia. c. V. (his pity lonioppow .vi-nlnif. Hi- w"'il"t tlrm nrlw. Dalnly 1,1, h Ui (Iriiml.'. iniHiih,.ps of llm nTivshiiuMiis wcpo wi-ycil. . ru ili'p I'ioiii i;iKln. Union ami "tivo j " I III parlli'lpalP In III" ppoKialu i)f . TJi;.f . !n llu- liVPtllnic. Plltlll I'hapli'P lo hp JJIIIA.1 Ucllll VjlUU fi-HpoiiKlhlo fur Hit! I'M'inpllflrai Ion nr koiiio paii of llm plluallstic fvopk. A vt'py lui'Ko pompany Is fxppptod to ho liopn fop IhiH iin pual Kiilhppinir.' and Hip pxppcInph of tho pvpnliifir iipoinlH,, lo la, v,'py iiii!pi,HtliiK as wi'll as lilirlily In- (iiPUI'tlVP,. . . At Dinner Bridge Lutheran Ladies Alp. and .Mrs. William HptiKlmn wpru host unit hostess last 11 1 1 IK 10 III tin1 Kura.luwi'a Inn. l.ovoly rhrys alltlmiliuins i','-nli'P,d Iho illlllli-r lillilo. .. lion, il-s wi'Pi' won hy Mrs. Wur ri'll llllhcrl iii,1 Osriir 1 U',, i-tniflr i Aid Plans Supper i";1' ""'v."" f'vn..,,,' 1 1 play, ( (tusolalloii wart presenled 10 Mrs. (hoi'Ke HoffmaH. A KUCMt , A lartf" tutemlnnco wrtw preaent j ,u.izi, WIIH au anlod to ltohrt y-HUMdiiy aftornoun at the meet. (jhIiiii. IttK of the Lutheran I.adlcK' Aid j )ield ut the home of Mra. A. H. j , Wentrl.. on Cove avenue. t Allphinn RvirlO'P l ft Wit Iti.n li.l .,. .. i " of the (iixniiixntlon. presided at Iho NeHHlon anil had ehaiK'o of (ho devoUoiiSi.1. The various commit 1'ch fnr the rountry fair save in count Kin !? repoits of tho nH'illH fit HiIh recent vent. ' The nocle'y voted 10 K've n fhmch Mippi- ahonl the third Week III NiiVemher, when the IteV. William ltrlnktnau of Vortlund and tin Hev. WuMer Krk of Tlio wllh Mr; iiikI Miu Clh'Hler Thoinp'- Non iiHnlnllntf. . IMuh tnllloH were won hy Mi-h. I;eHier S I o tl d ti t d nnd William lleiiKhun.. Mr. and Jim. Ch-nn Thompson were- awarded coiumln- lion pllKf-N. Si'nHonal decoration with in n Hallowe'en moilr. ItefreMhincula were nerved ilurlnr tho evening. at it rhiinnliir; dlnner-hrldso Q4 Ppf-Ala Alfni e mem hurtt of (hdr rluh utwl" A bociety In Meet Club Entertained M rtt. .1. i ', (lulling waN hoHlewt yesterday afternoon tp, the Thurs day Auction HiltlK'1 Vluh with n I oVIta'k luncheon at tin Saea.iaweti Inn. Chrysanthe mums formed an atlruetlve dco oraiion on the luncheon tahle. Durinir the al ternoou Mrs. (iVore i 'ocli ni n won hlKh score tlit-ie tiililcs at play. Th The Hi. Peter's Altaiv society met Wcilntsday evenliiK t tho reclory In regular monthly session. The Hiudy class was under tho super, vision of Mrs. M. (J. T- nny-ion, when she considered the. snhjecf. "Churehmanslilp." A country fair Is h. lmr planned, or which Mrs. (Iioiko Cochran will have fhtuw. Follow imr the Htudy class u phasuiu social hour was onjoyrd, with Mrs. Jolin Camp and Mrs. Kreil i.'ross as hostess.-n for the ovenlUK, who served rc fivsh meats. Party Given'For Observer Carriers Regular Dance Saturday Nite Eagle Hall Good Music Good Time Adm. 50c Will IlllPt Ivanlin,'. II, xt w llh Mrs. I'. S. Ti n hoys. Ohs.pvip wllh spin' a .lolly I'vi'iilnur last nlitlil rluh at tho Pomp of Mps. Aplhiip liahl J. B. Club Meets At Sacajawea Inn Mcinht'i-H of the ,1. It. el tih were ffiiesls of Mrs. Aiidmer I'layle yes terdny afteruoou al the Sncajiiwen lUn at a drllKhtfut luncheon and tifii-rnonii of hrldK'1. Mrs. K. Jiteohson won honors tor IiIkIi score wllh three t aides ut pl'ty. Second iiwnnl wns pre-H- III. d In Mis. J. I. Caldwell. at a Hallowe'en party, luirinir the 'veniui: Kanies were enjoyed and refreshments Were served, Women's League Will Give Dance One of the most important so cial events of the Kaslern ( reron Special For Saturday One Lot of Childs' and Misses Hats 9Sc COATS-pRESSES-SHOES-SWEATERS BcmI Quality Lower lVicc:l NORTON'S KIDDY SHOP L & L Cold Capsules Uelief is Kiuininteed o' your money refunded 50c a box Keep them on hand The DRUG CO. Active People want and need sugar The "Fuel of Preference" in the body An eminent food authority recently stated' that any person who has a very active body is likely to be alwayB on the edge of the sugar reserve in his body (glycogen). "That is why," he said, "the soldier and athlete wants and needs sugar. That is why the active child wants and needs sugar." He went on to explain that the fuel of preference in the body, that sugar can be more easily and quickly con verted into enerpv than rtnv nUr tr. I rj . emphasized Hie fact that sugar should form a part of the regular diet of every family and that any reducing diet, as well as any other diet, should contain sugar. .,.. . The best way for sugar to bo eaten is as a flavorcr of other foodR. In that way, it serves the double purpose of furnishing energy to the body and also of adding appetizing delight to other .healthful foods. SuRar added to healthful grain cereals makes ' them welcome and enjoyable to growing children. Think of how many health-giving fruits are objectionable to the taste without sugar. Scientists tell us that we need the daily roughage of salads as well as cooked fruits and vegetables. Any good cook knows that adding sugar makes all of these welcome and pleasant to the palate. In addition to being the best and cheapest fuel for the body, sugar is nature's perfect flavor. .It makes nearly a'' other foods more enjoyable. For health and enjoyment, thf . is nn substitute for sugar. The Sugar Institute. ' ' IS Oregon City . Pure Virgin Wool - .M7y:s- Extra Pants, $S in ii t ii 1 1 m an m mm, m rn-n Tkc'Stowc Fop Uetiy Man It will ho well worth your time i f lo visit r Itlehurilson's Art & Cirri 'Shop tomorrow and pret one 6f the j ! beautiful Italian design vases! j which arc heinsr offereil at most ; - unusual pHccs. These are the host 1 ( values over offered on real art . ;poiteiy hi eastern Ore-iron. See the display in the window when i i you are down town this evening. i . i t-j-jt . TIIIMi ; When you thin It of personal , Christmas cards of distinctive de i sign and character, you naturally ( ' (think of IMchnrdson's Art X (lift : East Oregon Fast Freight, Inc. Over Night Express Service at Freight Rates Insured Carrier Auto Freight Terminal Phone Main 673 3413 Jefferson Ave. Grande Ronde Meat Co. City Grocery and Market Main 75-50 Packers and Distributors of Mt. Emily Products Hoover Market Main 755 Economy Grocery and Market Main 573-48 . ' "PLAY BALL!" HIT ON ALL CYT JNDERS Demand HOME PRODUCTS. Help Build Union C'. - by Purchasing Home Products. Over $480,000 spent lor livestock and produce in Union County. Keep the dollars at home in order that you may see them- again. A Jo PorkChops 25c lb. ,. ' x r. ( Bacon, lb. . . 28c Picnics, lb. 19c Hams, lb. . Home Products of Unexcelled Quality QUALITY FOOD FOR LESS! Shrimp 31c. Extra special. For the small fam ily 3-oz. tin - 4 for ., ... .. 49c Coffee . "Monarch Brand satisfaction guaranteed "or your money hack. lib. 49c 3 lbs.... ...... .. $1.45 Flour Sea Foam Brand made in La, Grande, i 49-lb.sack .. .. ... $1.59 Macaroni Curve cut, Made from the best hard wheat flour. 3 lbs. 29c Sweet Corn Yacht Club Brand sweet and lender. No. 2 tins, 3 for . . . . . 49c Peas Monarch Brand fancy pack. Reg ular 25c seller special 3 for,.".. .. : .59c Marshmallows Campfire Brand in bulk. Special, lb... ...... .29c Clorox For bleaching;. Regular size bottle. ' 15c each Saturday Only Heinz Rice Flakes Ready to Serve Regular package 2 for 25c Super Suds For laundry and dish washing large size 19c Pure Sorghum Just arrived. Highest grade made from the pure juice of the sorghum cane. 22 tins... .. .. .. ..".40c M -gal. tins . . 75c Oranges . Sweet and Juicy 21G size 2 doz. 69c Lettuce Large, Solid Heads 2 for.. 15c Sweet Potatoes Fancy, Smooth Stock 4 lbs. 25c