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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
LA GUANDK EVEM1N0 OBSEUVEK, TUESDAY, DECEMlTloiriloil n FHEATRE "THE HE ACT OF JOIIX BAR- LOW sellg A very dramrtic story shown in thorough "Selig style, pic turing the fervent devotlcn of a simple fisherm.?. - "JIMMIE OX GUARD" ..... .. Kosmlk A beautiful p! ture Nrh will flaVthi old ard yovme The fa mous boy actor In a fnjre film "CROSSING THE ALPS IN A .'MOTOIT ........... Gaumont 1 ; : One of the most onderful scenic pictures ever exhibited. "TOO MANY ENGAGEMENTS" Essanay . It's a roaring aide "splitting comedy. A good thin? to take. In after the election. ' r ' - -'illustrated song: "Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall." Sung by Miss Garrlck ....... Matinees Mr: Ferrln, . . ...... Evenings ' LOCALS H. T. Love, Jeweler. 1212 V4 Adams av Dont buy yonr dolls until yon aee my line whlck will arrived this week. Mrs. H. C. Vlnacke. 209 Fir. Tele phone 3231 12-4-tf A musical treat Is announced by the Ists management for Wednesday day and Thursday when those popular singers. Miss Garrlck and Mr. Ferrln will be heard In a charming duet en titled "Friendship." This composi tion Is peculiarly beautiful and all lov ers of good music should hear it. We have the finest line of gift books in Eastern Oregon. Don't fall to see them. Newlln Book company.' 12-9-tf o o All kinds of Toys ( Dolls and Chil dren's Books here at the very lowest r rices.' Newlin Book and Stationery company. ' ' 12-9-tf All kinds of gift books in leather chllds' books in linen and paper for Christmas at - Sllverthorn's family drugstore. , 12-12-t Beautiful oil' paintings will be given away with holiday purchases. Golden Rule. Company. 12-12-tf . . Don't worry about holiday presents we worried for; you months ago. Come ' now and .see what' this worry has amounted tQ. Newlln -Book and Stationery company. .12 0-tf A few pretty beaded hand bags and mesh hand, bags and all kinds of lat est hand bags made. ., You can find them Lt most reasonable prices at Silvert horn's family drug store. . ' " "'12-12-21 :- ; ' '. eautiful Oil Paintings Will Given 'V i at i ' mnrr" We have arranged with Prof. Burt, the lihtnin landscape artist, to paint fcr us a limited number or pictures, which will be given away during the fcoli . day season. Ve have gone to a great deal of trouble and expeni in getting thes"e paintings for our customers at thiy time. The artist could not be with us, and we indue-, ed him, through hard persuasion, to paint for, and ship us, these paintings, which we have now on dis play and will be given with $5.00 or $10.00 cash trade. as before. One of these beautiful oil paintings will make as nice a Christmas gift as could be bought at any price, and as the number is limited, they will not last long. 3E MOLDEM RULE CO I 11 Northwestern f amr Products SIio. . Or. Posey, Specialist 2or Eye, Esr, Hose, Threat diseases and catarrh. Over Setter's store. Eyes fitted with Classes. Hears 9 to 11:30; 1:30 te I and 7 to 8 p. m. ' s The ladles of the M. E. ennrch will hold a cooked food sale in Russell's meat market Saturdsy. Dec. )6th. All good things will be on sale. 12-11-t Tomorrow night the Rlcketts come to Ho't Lake for one night's perform ance. These high-school entertainers have been winning fame over the en tire coast and La Grande people who love music and entertainment of the highest sort are urged to be present Get a pocket knife, scissors and raz ors at F. L. Lilly's. They are line Xmas presents. , 12-8-tf Dancing at Rink every Wednesday and Saturday nights. . .r . 12-6-tt , -x i " Home made candies for immediate or holiday deliveries can be had by calling Red 352. Prices from 35 to CO cents a pound. Those flexible leather covered bibles of all kinds for Christmas you will find at Sllverthorn's family drug store. 12-12-2t What would make a nicer or more appropriate-Christmas present than a. beautiful oil painting, some pretty scene of landscape. We are giving . them away with cash purchases, dur- investigating .influenced by the wide ine the holidav season. The Golden spread "nacK-w-ine-Bou movement. Rule company. 12-12-tf . St. Paul, Minn., Dec. I The North western Land Products show, uudei"' the auspices of the Northwestern De velopment league, o'nx.d In ihe.aTli torlum today with e cr;- available foot of space occupied with exhibit- The object of the exhibition is to ad the development of Oregon, Washington, luauo, lUuiiimiti, iwii.u ia -law "v''- Dakota, Minnesota and Alaska. Scores of attractive, booths are fll'.ed with sample products from the soils, lakes, rivers, forests, mines and factories of the northwest. The exhibition is' in tended to be educational to the home; seeker, the farmer, the rallvoad man, manufacturer, and to those who are Good Bkatlng is now to be had at Perry and at Dutch pond. You know what fun that means. . Get your skates sharpened at Leighton's and you will know you have a good Job. ...'. A LIMITED AMOUNT of money to loan on first class real estate. The Slough Investment Co.. East door to P. 6. 12-12-tf Aanything you want in cut glass and silverware at Lilly's. 12-8-ti Ladles' Hand Bags at prices That Will ::'; v ; -; Astonish Yotu'v ''-;"": " Dont fail to-r see our "VlndW'of la dles' hand bags reduced to less than faetory prices. Newlln Drug company . 11-28-tf Those fancy plates and cues at F. L Lilly's 15c to 94-50 are just right. 12-8-tf The most sensible and best Christ mas present you can make your eon or daughter, is a scholarship In the La Grande Business college. Day and night sessions. Enroll at any time. Clam chowder and shellfish every day at the Snow Flake Bakery, ll-29-tf , Xmas purchasers' headquarters at F. L. Lilly's. 12-8-tf . Try our hot coffee and clam cbow - der. Snow Flake Bakery. 11-29-tf f Percolators $1.75 to $4.50 at F. L Lilly's. lf-8-tf Crecheet work done promptly and satisfactorily. Aviation caps a special ty. Mrs. Henry Moss, near brickyard. . 11-19-tf : PROF. F. J. FREENOR Sninnleirlst and Healer. Treats all diseases. 1417. Adams avenue. Phone iiiiua 724. La Grande. STORAGE WAREHOUSE We can store almoBt anything and at reasonable rates. Vatcrs-Stancbfield PrcdcceCo,2J!? C. J. Pomeroy of Pendleton was a Sommer hotel guest last night. Fred Falconer and wife were In the city from Enterprise last r.-ight Mt8. E. T. Moyer is here from Boise today, staying at the Foley. Dr.. A. E. Wrlghton of Silverton was a Foley hotel guest this morning. C. Hess of Union transacted 'bnsl ness in the city this morning He Wi7 registered at the Foley. ' , Roscoe Foster was over from Jo seph this morning. :He was quarter ed at the Foley. Mrs. H. Dubbey of Elgin transacted business here yesterday evening, stay ing at the Foley. Frank E. Smith, the -well known bus iness man of Elgin stopped at the Fo ley last night. He attended the Com mercial club banquet. . . . A. W. Yauncey, a deputy sheriff Mid T. N. Balfour, sheriff, of Prlnevllle were in the city last nigbt, stopplig al the Sommer. J. N. Kleese, prominent In commer cial affairs at Summervllle and con nected with the electric company at that place, spent last evening In the city, stopping at the Foley. ANNOUNCEMENT. The people of La Grande are cor dially invited to inspect a small selec tion of Oriental rugs, the most useful and acceptable Xmas present Come and see them today and tomorrow at Henry & Carr's furniture store. Notice, O. E. 8. Election. Hope Chapter No. 13 O. E. S. will hold their annual election Wednesday evening, December 13. All members are requested to be present. ; MARY WARNICK, 12-12-2t :'.''.': Secretary. - ' 4 KEN WAKTEB. Wen wanted for special police dntr in La Grande. Report tt one Dr.A-lRkihaxdson.ll-l-tl Arizona's First Election. FRATERNAL ORDERS OF LA GRANPE. " ' A. F. ii A M. La Grande Lodge NO 41. A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Maaona L. M. HOYT. W. M. . . A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary.' B. P. O .E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue Visiting brothera are cordially in " vlted to attend. ': H. J. RITTER. EX. Rul v H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec. I: Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 12. Arizona held her first state election today, vbt- of- lng for governor and other state of ficials, Judges of, the supreme and dis- WOODMEN OF tTHB WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebert. welcome, V D. FITZGERALD, C. G. J. TL KEENEY. Clerk. trict courts and members of the legis lature.' In addition, the voters also ex pressed their preference for two Unit ed States senators and also voted on the proposal to eliminate the judicial recall' from the state constitution: Complete tickets were put in the Held by the republican, democratic and so clalistic parties. Owing to the multi plicity of candidates the complete re sults of, the electon probably will no be known before Thursday. ' ' , If. W. A. La Grande Camp No, 7708 meets every Monday In the month at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting p neighbors ' are cordially InvlteJ to attend. " ; W. A. DUNN. -J ' -WILL LANDRUM. Clerk. B; B NUTTER For Picture Framing Mouldings. 1708 1-2 6th St. Next to Observer YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE, Pain along the bck, dizziness. liL-sd.tcheandiri-ncra Inninior. Get a bftckiua af Moihttr (jmv-a Al.-ik. MATIO-LKAF, the plnumnt root and lierb cur iur ii niuunjr, Diaaueraua urinary irouo int. w htn KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cro Lodge No. 17 meeas every Monrta? night In Caatle hall, (old Elk's ball A Pythian welcome to all vldttni ' Knights. " ' ,1 A. C. HAYNES. C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. 8. THE IDAHO JUNIC HOUSE AT BOISE, IDAHO. S. KOPPEL, Proprietor MILL PAY YOU TOP PRICES FOR ALL KIKDS OF METAL ASD RUBBER. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CONSIGNMENT SniPMENTS. REFERENCE t BOISE CITY NATIONAL BANK. I t ' yoo feel all run down, tared, weak and without -energy dm this remarkable oomhinatlon of nature'! nern ana roots. . At a regnlatorlt baa no eiual. Mother ray'a AromitMo-Laf la aold by Dm.' Kieu or aent by mall for 60 eta. Hample tent PKttK. Addresa, The Mother iinj Co., Le Koy, K. Y.. t YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING. The time ta aot far distant when S everyone will be arranging for holiday purchases. It is very 4 wwentlal . In' order to get the greatest satisfaction that shop- ping be don early. It . Is better for the shopper; better for the merchant, and decidedly ..better for the clerks in the different stores. La Grande stores are filled with splendid articles that win make useful gifts. Take a look around and begin figuring out what yon are going to buy for he holiday season. It Is none too early. ' ' REBEKAHS Crystal LodKe No. U - meets every Tuesday evening in th I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting mem ; bers ire Invited to attend.' MISS HELEN McLAUGHLIN. N. G MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, Sec O. E. B. Hope Chapter Na :'X8, 0. 1 C. hoi stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays o) . each month. ' Visiting members cor dlahy invited. " CARRIE B HUNTER, W. M. MART A. WARNTCK. P- l 1 - TT DRINK America's Best? Mineral Water It's Good for What Ails You 0 ascaire room WU OCGUT TO KNOW this shop, and 1U ability to serve yon best, Onr one strongest desire is to tnrn ont the best CLEANING AND PRESSING . and to price onr services te meet yeur satisfaction. -We be Ueve we do this. If year gar ments need onr attention send thetr to mt and we vtiri io yenr wo k promptly and guarantee not to rata the materials. ELITE DYEING & OLEAIIINa WOEH8 This is an age where pure air is being rec jgnised as one of the great factors of health THE O.TJICKWORK CLEANER A MODEL OP PERFECTION. hen you use the broom or carpet sweep er you get only a small percentage of the 5 dirt and a large percentage of the dust geims is either breathed into you lungs or set' ties on funiture all over the house, to be stirred up again when dusting is done. By use of the QUICKWORK, you draw the fresh air up through the carpets, so you not only take out all the dirt, but you also air them. ' J Regular Price ; of Quickwork Vacuum Cleaner $10.00 Te have made special arrangements, whoreby we are allowed to sell them during the holiday season at one half the regular price $5.00. This Vacuum cleaners works perfectly, and will make the housewife a very accepta ble Christmas present. : it li