La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 09, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    AJL5 4
iA OltAK JJiTE V JbJN Lis U O l oii v Juiif
Id-tor bdJ Owaer.
rrt s3 at the putoffJc at La Grande
as uicon J-c'ass matter.
singly copy Se
I ill , per r.tik 15c
ir month 65c
t ...... - -an
A socialist speaker last night on the
streets of La Grande denied the Ob
aerver's statement that any city which
had adopte i socialism had regretted
Its action' and offered this paper a ten. litical
dollar bill to cite one inntance. Vej majority. WhyT Because the .city as
do not want the orator's' ten dollar bill a whole was entirely unwilling to take
tut we respectfully call attention to a over what seems to be certain if so
many of the principles which the so-,-""
ciaUa's advocate. The task for the i
voter at the election is a simple one '
If not, you must vote lor the Independ
ent candidates, but If you want to put
La Grande under socialist rule vote
for Mr. Wines. The Observer con
tends that it will be a mistake to elect
a socialist ticket in this city. The ex
perience of other citeg verify this
claim, and La Grande should not stand
before the world an admitted socialist
community. The best interests of the
city and of every property owner de
mands that socialism be defeated on
Monday. You cannot afford to tread
this experimental ground. Not at this
time, at least.
Los Angeles defeated the same po-
party by a very, very large
l 1 "" i ' ii. j w- '
. 0 r r- r 3 r 7ZD CZ '
C. JGC -
f 4
press dispatch of recent daw snt out
from Milwaukee. Here It Is:
V Milwaukee, Wis, Dec. 6. Tim
socialist administration hro Is
cialism prevails namely the odium of
the business world, the army of unem
ployed who chose to be "unemployed"
which army would immediately call
iBffering from the vWt blow of the city' ?ome that e,ecta oc,allBtl
Its 18 months' life tod'iv as a re- I to office.
unit of the decision of the su
preme court in declaring Us
choicest ideas Illegal, throwing g
1-fiumber bl Us official b .l of o1
ice and 'stopping 'i'n idrn.hiit'ra
) lion's efforts lo feeY'fttt a $15 car
' license fee for ten years,, frosi
wfclfcn H was expected to .'erivw
; $200,000. The city twiurer and
: city controller are In ft predlca- '
rnent as they are probably per
sonally responsible for the salar
ies paid the ousted officials, as
' -well as the money spent under
their direction.
On Monday there will be a city elec
tion in La Grande at which a muni
cipal administration will be chosen.
It happens this year that the social
ists as a political party met in conven
tion and nominated a ticket. Whiltf
we approve of this act of theirs In
meeting as a mass convention and
-making their nominations It Is con
trary to the Oregon system and Is
bound to be censured more or less by
those who believe thoroughly In the
system now in practice in this state.
' This ticket Is composed of socialists
men who will naturally follow close,
ly the teachings of that doctrine. The
Independent ticket is headed by W. J.
Church which ticket Is opposed to so
cialism as a party and Is opposed to
V '
adventureous bravery of a boy
In attempting to defend the cab
in against the attack of a band
, of Indians. - -KALESt
mated newspaper of the great
happenings and doings of th
world at a glance. SEE IT. '
can be "cussed" mean
sometimes, which is clearly
shown In this laughable comedy
picture. LUBIN.
; Mr. Williams will sing;:
In general the world looks bette?(
mere peaceful this evening that it did
a week. ago. All things are not set
tled; some will possibly be in a condi
tion of unrest when Gabriel blows his
horn; but the world of restless peo
ple has made progress. One ' of the
points where this is to be seen is la
the matter of the Jew who is cursed
by the, vapid Idler for the same reason
the Chinese resident is cursed simply
because he attends to bis own affairs
and accumulate . money Instead ol
wasting; it upon those who will not
work. Were all the world Jews It
would be better than it is at present.
Rhissia has' ever been a Jew-baiter.
It is a crime in Russoland to be born
descendant of Abraham. It Is so
diligently intolerant to him that even
when an American citizen of that faith
goes to visit the land of the white
Tsar he is treated with indignity. This
week Uncle Sam wrinkled his brow.
stuck hiB chin whiskers out straight
and "said things" to Mr. Russky. The
gist of it Is that an American Is an
American. If black, white, yellow,
full blood or mongrel, he is of the
blood royal and if interfered with to
too great an extent, our good Uncle
will send some of his puppies over
there to bark at the doors of the vod
ka drinking country, Our sea dog
leviathans of the deep were not made
for ornament; the Oregon proved that
under Capt. Clark once and Is now
ready for such another trip. .
On a pension of 5,000 taels ($3,000)
the prince regent, father, of the land
less emperor of China, has been con
tent to retire with his head and shoul
ders still connected, and will for the
remainder of his days look- for the
regular remittance from the seat of
the new government which is rumored
to be at Nanking.
The two messages to congress con
tain texts enough to furnish lay and
profane sermons for the sage adminis
trators of national advice for the win
ter entertainment of them who have
nothing to do better than to peruse
the Juicy columns of the congresslon'
al Record.
The grand Jury mill at the court
house, sifting testimony, grinding out
Indictments; the cltlsen commlttee-of-the-whole
self-appointed for the ban
ishment of lawlessness In Its inciplen
cy, and the latest appeal of the strik
er through the opera house meeting
have been the Items of local interest
most noticeable. That honest wage
earners should be under the fear of
attack by any class of persons what
ever and should feel the need of police
J a V ...
Vilf a V '
y bc
Elf Ufl
- - - j
t j i
That any lady will appreciate. It will De easy w soive
the gift question at this store.
Why Not Give Keiser
We're exclusive agents for this
beautiful line of Jabots, Frills,
Fichus, Stocks, Lace Collars,
Embroidered Collars, Etc.
PRICES, 25c to $2,50
ija' .j-(rt; "t-"l
New Line of Fancy Dresden and Brocaded (j;
Ribbons . . . 25c, 35c, and 50c per yard f
A Set of Furs
vill surely please
You can select from our excel
lent showing any price, quality
or style of fur in a stole, muff
or set. .Prices, J : ,
from $7.50 to $75.00 set
Our line of 'Hand
Pi l rrtltllQ all
We're agents
for both Dent's
and Fownes
makes of fine
dress gloves
for ladies and .
Prices $1.50 to
thp latest, novelties in Plush. Vel
vet, beaded, silver mesh and leath
ers. Prices $1.25 to $12.50. ;
Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs
PEASANTRY. : ' PRICES 25c TO $1.00 i
House Slippers
$1.25 to $1.75.
Silk Hosiery
50c to $1.75 pr.
Fancy Linens
of Every Description.
Silk Scarfs and
If in Doubt Give a Merchandise Coupon
" Made for any amount or any article, redeemable any time.
Nc Cio ;.;:WESI9 Tlhe mgiiflty
Z5 C
or other protection . savors rather ol
border-ruffian days too much to suit
the average La Grander, ;.' ';"''' ' ;
. est Invention, a combined moving pic- he would rather tend a furnace than
tore machine and phonograph, he can run a lawn mower, is now convinced
address ' 60,000,000 persons'" without that running a lawn mower is hilarl-
Mayor Richardson's proclamation
had the correct ring to It. There w
an earnestness all the wn through
which shows the chief executive means ,
just what he says. This insures to ov- j
eryone the right to walk the streets of
La Grande without being molested aid
qf -molestation does occur it will mee$ ,
with speedy punishment. ' Tn boys,
within the yards, however, must bear
leaving Washington. ; The scheme is
not likely to appeal to the president,
however, for leaving Washington Is
one of the best things in his repertory.
The man who, last summer,, thought
What Makes a Strong Bank?
L , UTTLB KES0CirCE--Our resources are TU0O.M,
cempossd o well secured leans aid oash.
i lKPLBOASS KSSERTES Our ash' reserves are
usally 16 to 84 per eest ot our immediate llabtiltlee (de
' peeits subject U ebeck., and always more thai IB per
, cent ot our total liabilities, the amount required by Uw. '
8. 1DIQU1M CinTlL. Our capital Is $100.Qfl.H.
aad oar surplus, which to profits earned and retained as
aMitloaal capital. U $105,000 00. .
L CXTAULt BTASAGliMEBIT Dver since 1U organlaa
i' tlon 35 years ago, this bank has been under careful maa
agement Its officers and directors are mea . whe heve
achieved success la the banking and other lines ot bus)- ,
nees. The fact that we have safely weathered every fl
anclal storm during our career, and are today greater and
stroager than ever Is evidence of good management
It you are not already a depositor or client ot this
strong aad successful bank, become one now. It yea are,
tell yojjr friends aboat us, '
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL . . . $ 100.000.00 .
SURPLUS . . . 103,000.00
RESOURCES . . . 1,100,000.00
Prd J. Hoim& Pre. " W, J. Cbureh, Vico Pre.
V. L. Keyorfc, Cmhm , ; Earl ZUndaLMX CilRjr
In mind that this movement is so one
sided affair, and when they enter La
Grande as cltlsens they must be men
and not resort to any "rough stuff",
either, for it will not be tolerated. A
strikebreaker because of the fact he ii
strikebreaker will not have a passport
to do as he pleases unless he pleases
to do right.
By wearing the Goasasd Dorset,
which la built RIGHT, thousands ot
women are gaining remarkably in
health. ; -
Physicians trace many tils of w
mea to tight lacing or faulty corsets
and prescribe the Gassard Hr ail
ments caused by other corsete.
The Gossard la a God-aead to the
womaa who wants solid comfort for
her back, perfect freedom la breath
ing, in walking, or whea seated, or
whose pride demands a stylish, dla-
ous sport compared to tending a fur
nace. '
Speaking of Greek reunions, there
was also something doing in that New
York theatre when 75 Irish policemen
were called to quiet an Irish mob at
an Irish play.
George W. Perkins announces that
the Sherman law was not handed'
down with the ten commandments
T..l J ..ii w. . .
cviueuuy oir. reruns Das Deen re
newing acquaintance with the Good
Miss Alta Scott,. a school teacher at
Gillette, Wyo., threw a stone at a coy
ate, Btrlklng the animal and killing it
How true it is that truth is stranger
than fiction. - "
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam Heated only
blockjjfrom depot
0. C Brichoux, Prop.
- Fred Lockley of the Pacific Monthly
ly has swallowed the Sunset magazine
and hereafter the two magnificent pub
; Ucatlons will be merged as one. With
. Fred Lockley In charge of Sunset it
will cease to be an "organ" of the
railroads, a thing that has always ban- tlnctive figure
, dlcapped the Sunset and caused peo- Ther Is a Gossard model for every
' pie to lay It aside In the belief that it figure. $3.50 to $8.50.
was printed solely to assist the trans- j - Try one and be convinced. A com-
1 1 portation companies. While we never pleta line always on hand.
J believed this was entirely true, yet the - MRS. ROBT. PATTI80S, :
' general public thought so which made l'hona Blk 1481. -Corsetiera
I ' the road Just as hard to travel as
though it had been a fact Fred Lock
ley never ran an "organ" In his whole
life. The Independence of his nature
G. T. Darley
Cement Contractor"
Consult him before letting your sidewalk:
tils ever reflected by his pen and heroJ
i; Is hoping he will make amuuoa doi
' ' lars out of the venture.
1 1 The acquittal ot Mrs. Patterson In
I Denver, should have the effect of put
ilnr nnnnar Intn thft rtffoniiA rvf Mm
Vermllya, in Chicago.
Thomas A. Edison has demonstrat
to President Taft that by using his )at
Good Cheer to All I
Is our frequent wish to the public generally and wo'
are surely doing our, share by furnishing you strictly
fresh good Candies.
We will be pleased to give you prices on your Xinas
Candies, which are home made. v nm rrn t&
Hot Tamales5cand25c. ' ' OLlJJilii D