PAGE 4 LA GKANDK EViING OBSEKVEB, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1911. u THE OBSERVER BRUCE DENNIS Editor sad Owner. sUred at (tie postoffice at La Grande as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Dally, singly copy 6c Eafly, per week 15e Dally, per montb C&e Election of a city ticket means more than some wlll admit. A number ar gue that It will make no difference If the socialists are elected here, but those very same- people will find out If socialism should prevail. It is too . important to treat lightly, this naming Ct a city ticket Were La Grande the Tillage it once wag the effect might not be so groat but this city has reached a stage of doing big things. It is the biggest business Institution here. The municipal corporation has more usances for small leaks than any other business In the city; it requires con tant attention and , earnest effort to tiring about good results. Take all of these matters with you to the polls and then vote against socialism for It is as yet unsafe to adopt No, ou cannot afford to vote the so cialist ticket. Think it over carefully Jefore you decide the matter. The rea- . -ons are many and varied which give preponderance of evidence why La Grande must not go socialist. Los An geles suffered a heavy scare over the - swlnllt. ad- jalnlstratlon, but at so time In the game did the socialists have a ghost of a chance of carrying that city. The election returns show that plainly. See that La Grande casts a proportional majority against socialism as Los Angelea did. The action of the business people of ij& Grande in passing the resolution night before last and the action of The maor in Issuing his proclamation do Xot mean tiat people are not welcome Jn La Grande. It means the rverse. All are" welcome, but the rough stuff must be cut out once and for all. f The county court looks tavoraNy n erecting a bridge serosa the river at the clty park, which is a fine thing to do. There are' few prettier spote in ihe whole northwest than the rond leading to the city fiark and to beautt- tj It means an added asset to the city which In time will show H value. rcatie Theatre REFINED EMEKTA1NMENT FOB ALL PEOPLE. "031 THE WAR PATH." The adventureous bravery of a boy , In attempting to defend the cab In against the attack of a band . of Indians. KALEM". niTAGRAPH MONTHLY OF CUEKENT EVENTS." An ani mated newspaper of the great happenings and doings of tb world at a glance. ' SEE IT, "COUNTERFEIT IflOLL -Fate can be '"cussed" mean sometimes, . which ,. la . clearly shown in this laughable comedy, picture. LUBIN. ' Mr. Williams will sing: GARDEN OF MI HEART." TOO ARE ALWAYS WELCOME Already lineup for county oilices Is, beginning. It will be noticed on the' news pages that the democrat con template bilnging1 out Frank Phy for' sheriff if he will stand for the naml-natlon. The Chicago butter and egg board boosted the price of butter two cents a pound two days before Thanksgiving. That's not only spreading it on, but rubbing It in, as well. ELECTION NOTICE. December 11th, 191L . Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of December, 1911, a general election will be held in the city of La Grande, in the county of Union, state of Oregon, for the purpose of electing the following officers: ' One mayor.. ; One recorder. ' One chief of police.' One treasurer. One councilman from 1st ward. One councilman from 2nd ward. One councilman from 3rd ward. ',, One councilman from 4th ward. . That at said election there will be submitted to the voters of the city the following question: "Shall the city ot La Grande, Oregon, reimburse J, K Wright, for the loss as city treasurer of the city funds on deposit In the Farmers and Traders National bank the balance being $1,687.07: said claim against the bank becoming city prop erty." ; The polling' place designated for said 6'ection and the Judges and clerks j;!zt;2 tc cc-i?t '' r n follows: F!rst ward Polling place, court house. Judges; W. N. Monroe, M. Mc Murray, A, Warnlcfc Clerks. R, S. Clapp and B. W. Kammerer. ' Second ward Polling place, city re corder's office. ' Judges: H. W. Stoner C W. P. (Ellsworth, j. H. Childs Clerkt: H. P. Oliver and J. E. Rey nolds. . Third Fourth George Clerks: Fourth ward railing place, new Karris building corner Monroe avenue and Greenwood street. Judges: G. W Allen,1 M. Mooney, J. H. Kochenspar ger. Clerks: John Ladd and W. A Thompson. Said election will he , xr., "on ducted and the retarne ..nmoi alert p.-ovided by law In the case of general city elections of said city. The polls, of said election will he opened at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m and closed at the hour of 7 o'clock p, m.on said day. All qualified voters of the city will be permitted to vote at said election By order of the council of said city of La Gratide, Oregon. Dated November 22nd, 1911. A. L. RICHARDSON. (Seal) - Mayor Attest: C M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder. ward Polling place, 2110 street. Judges: J. M. Hilts, Leds worth, W, D. Grandy, Howard Davis and B. L. Leav- '-. --'if 0 I Liassiiiea Advertising 0 a ANYONE GIVING the present correct address of Mrs. Zora Talbot will be compensated by writing to Bo 88. Portland. Oregon. ' 12-7-St FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 1914 Third street. lt-7-tt FOR RENTi-One furnished sleeping a What Makes a Strong Bank? 1. AEPLE ICESOnrCE! Our resources are $l,l0,0, eaniposed of, well secured leans aad cash. J ,; yv 1 AHPLB CASK RESERVES Our cash- reserves are '. asaally 21 to 20 per eont of our Immediate liabilities (de paclta subject to ehee., and always more than IS per ten ! er sotal IlaMliUee, the amount required by law. 9. AMQUAT1 CAPITAL. Our capital la llOO.Qfift.ft, aad our surplus, which Is profits earned and retained as ' addiUonal capital, to $106,000 00. ' - 4. CAPABLE KA5AGEMEST Ever since Its organiia tloa 25 years ago, this bank has been under eareful man agement Its officers and directors are men wfae have achieved success la the banking and other lines of bust ' ness. The fact that we have safely weathered every fin ancial storm during 0"ivr career, end are today greater and stronger than ever Is evidence of good management. If you are aot already a depositor or client of this strong and successful bank, become one now. .; If you are, tell your friends aboat as. . ' La Grande National Bank la grande, oregon. ; capital: - $ 100,000.00 - . surplus . . , RE&CUKC23 . . .1.100,000.00 FV J. Hetantv Vsa. W. J. Ohwvh, Vim Pres. :r P. L. It CccXxt , . -""""rt Ztmd(rt.1 Ctehm 1 - ' i IT 1 ( m L, 1 .... 3Q( )C DCZZ 5 err: That any lady will appreciate. It will be easy to solve the gift question at this store. Why Not Give Keiser Neckwear? We're exclusive agents for this .beautiful line of Jabots, Frills, Fichus, ; Stocks, Lace Collars, Embroidered Collars, -Etc. : ' ; PRICES, 25c to $2.50 mm MM p i '-,-- . A Set of Fiirs surely please You can select from our excel- ilpnt showincr anv nrice, aualitv or style of fur in a stole, muff or set. Prices, J'.-V'-; :: from $7.50 to $75.00 set "V i New Line of Fancy Dresden and Brocaded Ribbons . . . 25c, 35c, and 50c per yard f We're agents for. both DentT and Fownes - -celebrated makes of fine .; fTr for ladies and - -,... BV. $3.75. up Our line of Hand Bags includes all the latest novelties in Plush, Vel vet, beaded, silver mesh and leath era. Prices $1.25 to $12.50. ! : , M. J. w III t, I) -J I I' m svn . m ,u ., - -- l. All T.WWX ' . ' r 14 lr M 1 J "V X. ' si l i i I " t.-l 'J t 11', Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs YOU WILL BE BOTH SURPRISED AND DELIGHTED TO SEE SUCH DAINTY, ATTRACTIVE, HAND FINISHED HANDKERCHIEFS AT THESE LOW PRICES: THE WORK OF THE SWISS AND IRISH PEASANTRY? . ' .'vv'Vl:'-PRICES 25c TO $1.00 ' House Slippers $1.25 to $1.75. 1 Silk Hosiery 50c to $1.75 pr. Fancy Linens of Every Description. Silk Scarfs and Mufflers.." If in Doubt Give a MercKahdise , : rf . Made for any amount, or any .article, redeemable any time. Coup on y n DOC room, wltU bath. Phone Red 332. 147 Ninth street. ; 12-7-tf ;':' MESSENGER SERVICE P O. News Stand. Phone Red Jill. Mrs. O STRAYED Yearling calf, red C. Combs. ... furnished house or. ' housekeeping . WANTED1 Have a ' buyer for ; cheap. $l,000:vCall at- once.-' Second door out of towa property no higher 'thanT6a8V -: 12-tf : - . Gelbel'a store.' 11-28-tf an' white spotted, branded G-& on lef hip, two silts la right ear. G. Q TAAIi, La Grand. FOR SATJB Bedsteads, mattresses, " springs, dressers, bedroem sto es. carpets, window shades and other things too numerous to mention FOR SALE, 574 acres about nine. must be sold berore the ltOh ot De cember. Call at 1311 N avenue or phone Red 3712. " ' 12-6-Bt -i miles from La Grande and S miles due east of Island City. Mr. G. Bus- j rag. ' a,fky 15-M5-22 t i a t" t r fn FOR SALE During ten days low pric es for barred Plymouth Rock cock erels. D. B. Stoddard. , ! 12-6-6t ! FOR RENT Light housekeoplag rooms. Modern. One parlor saite for three gentlemen. Apply 90i Spring. Call Black 3881. . - 12-4-tf AS FOR SALE Two choice Duroe Jersey male pigs. Will weigh 150 pounds each. La Grande Roate No. I. Tele phone Farmer 87. Robert Clark. ; i H-4-tt w-lt FOR RENT Furnished hoase u South La Grande. Inquire of John Adams at Eagle saloon. , 2-4-tf STOLEN The party who took a blood hound pup from the Savoy hotel la known and will be prosecuted an lees returned at once. D. C. Brl choux. 12-4-tt FOR RENT Tw.j furniBhed room with board. Electric lights and bath. 1031 Seventh and M. 12-4-Ct FOB RENT Lljtt hoasekeoplng rooms oi furnished 4-oom with priv ilege of using kitchen. , Phone Red 1311. !i-a7-tt 4 WILL TRADE Good five room house .Md I lota Win trada for' horses or cattle. 10-11-tf 1A GIU5DK HITKST3nS5T 00. WASSSS3 O CHSk Odd 604SAB&S GITI USALTII WELL AS STYLE. Bp wearlas the Goeeard Corset, which is bailt RIGHT, tboasands of women are gaining remarkably In heaUfc. ,. .: , ;n ; v-. ': . Phyalclana trace many tils of wo men to tight toeing or tanlty o reels and prescribe the Goeeard tar ail ments eaused by other eovaeas. The Gossard is a God-aead to the woman who wants solid comfort for her back, perfect freedom la breath ing, is walking, or when seated, or whose pride demands a stiflpj, dis tinctive figure. . Ther la a Gossard mode 'r ewry figure. . $3 60 to $8.60. Try one and be onv'need. A com plete line always on hand. MRS. R0BT. PATTIS0X. l'hone Blk 1481. Coraetlero . i. m. M fi vf ... . -..y .i v. 1. ... ,. li. 7 Q) msmmj Reliable Dentis'.s eastibSces PKHMAXENTLY LOCATED Oar untarnished renutation wherever w hawk atKlla1iAi1 nfflriU Is a recommendation we look to with pride, and our motto, "Honest work," "fair dealings," baa always made our success continuous for the .past 10 years. .. , ( . We, gutranteo ear work, and If It is net right we make It right without any extra expense to ou. -. - We would rather be busy all ths time and make a smaller profit from each ladlTUaial patient than charge prohibitive prices. Peo ple in aU stations of life patronise this institution of Modern Den ' tlstry. . . PAIXLESS II Prca EXAMIf AT10N, CONSULTATION BXTBACTION OwC jj mj advice Prices for the Best Work $15 Set ot Teeth fS40 iu cnage work Test) an qq iu uoia crowns zzk . yr Gold Fillings ... Silver Fillings , Plates Repaired 12 year protection guaranteed. ILSS up .75c $1.00 oi Pv5odern Dentists DEPOT ADAMS AYE. OYER JfEWLIir DRFG CO. Our ofBceg' Slt Lake. Baksr. La Grande. Portland. r-ilf... f II if a A r eExcellent; W&CairvianWlri