LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911. A THE CHEAT CHINESE BOCTOIIS iEE CinSfl THEIR SUCCESSFUL TREATMENTS FREE. To every ailing man and woman, who need no long er mSer with dreaded diseases. Let these . famous Chinese doctors ; Bena you a rree Prx ! treatment of their f a fVV '-a wonderful remedies ii,jtf They want to prove to you that their marvelous remedies will benefit your health. No matter what treatment you have tried end failed In. don't let this opportunity pass. It will cost you nothing. to try it Their aim is to restore your health and In return you can show your gratitude by reemmending them to your friends. Write them today and describe your symptoms. Write this way: Please send me one of your free treatments for YORK & YORK CHINESE MEDICINE CO.. 210 W. Mala St., Walla Walla, Wn. canyon pautt rorriAE. Ladd Canjon Ffila UaTe Enjoyable Event Other Items. Heinzc AppleButter Malaga Grapes, Oranges,' Ba nanas, Lemons, Cranberries None Such and Helnze Mince meat, Walnuts, Filberts, Pine nuts, Almonds, Pecans, Brazil nuts and Peanuts. Seeded Raisins a Specialty. Sour and sweet mix. Mustar, BUI, Sour and Sweet Pickles. The Grocery Phone 70. Stageberg & Sandborg If you need the Electrician call on The La Grande Electric Supply Co. Phone black 3141 ST? For WOOD AND COAL Phone Main 6 Ladd Canyon, Dee. 6. (Special) The necktie social which was glvea at the school house Monday evening was a grand success In every detail. Tha school children rendered a very good program that was appreciated by alii The house was packed with people anil everyone seemed to enjoy themselves j It was decided to charge 25 cents for the baskets Instead of ten cents as! was formerly stated and a fat sum of money was taken In which will be! given to the Ladd Canyon Sabbath school. j Miss Carrie Low, of La Grande, baa been visiting here since Saturday witV Miss Frankle Peebler, and was in at tendance at the necktie social. Miss Verdi Graham spent last week at North Powder visiting with rela tives and friends. Quite a good many of the young folks of this neighborhood attended the play at Grange hall last Friday evening, which was entitled, "The Old Maids' Convention." The play was made up with a large number of characters and was considered a ijood production. 1 Rex Conaway Is confined to his home with a very badly bruised limb. The accident occurred which Mr. Conawey was up In Ladd Canyon. A bunch of cattle belonging to J. A. Russell, of La Grande, on an npper grade, start ed a huge rock to rolling which Btruck Mr. Conaway Just above the ank'.e. He saw the rock coming with terrific speed but could not get entirely out of the way In time. However he la to be compumeiueu uihu . tzztz, nate enough to escape as well as he did. . WOMEN'S HAUL Easy to Make It Soft, Luxuriant and Radiant, Many women have hair so dull end faded that it is actually repulsive. These women have probably never heard of PARISIAN SAGE the Invig orating hair dressing that Is being used by thousands of refined women throughout America. If your hair Is falling or thin or faded or lifeless; If you have dandruff or itching scalp; if your hair Is not as fascinating as you would like, to have it, go to the Newlin Drug company this very day, ask for a fifty ent bot tle of PARISIAN SAGE and start at once to make your hair perfect and even glorious'.' ' . V " ; PARISIAN SAGE Is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back. Girl with Auburn hair on every carton. For sale by the Newlin Drug company and druggists everywhere. s $ 4 h f ' TO THE VOTERS. . i I hereby announce to the voters of La Grande that I am a candi S date for chief of police. My work : as an oOcial in the past Is niy 3 recommendation and I will ap preciate any and all support given ; me. ' .. .-. , . J. H. McLACHLEN. $ J SS'Sti THE IDAHO JUNK HOUSE AT BOISE, IDAHO. S KOPPEL, Proprietor WILL PAT YOU TOP PRICES FOB ALL KINDS OF METAL AND. RUBBER. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CONSIGNMENT SHIPMENTS. REFERENCE: BOISE CITY NATIONAL BANK. El B. B. NUTTER For Picture Framing and Mouldings. 17081-2 6to St. Next to Observer Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Rubberoid . . . . ' WENAHA LUMBER CO. Greenwood tnd Madison Sts. Phone, Maia 732 "(m 7 1 i (ri Yr;) v-i ,-rz "7 . f . 4 V s ON jjU hJJ hJ JJ-12J A fortunate purchase of a sample line of dresses enables us offer vhat ve think to be a bargain. These dresses are Messaline, Taffeta, and Serges, and all this season styles of course. ., i:, I' I If which will be sold at LESS than ONE HALF THE ORIGINAL VALUE The Sale will Start Friday Morning and Last Until Saturday Night, if the dress- es do. r;-:- ;v'' Your Choice of the entire lot, $9.75 is ft P h ft H 3 Q &0 F MARKET RlEPORTS Local market quotations todar., . . Butter and Eggs. Butterrat 38 cents. , ' " Cheese Hazelwood and Tillamook, 25 cents. Butter Creamery, 45 cents, one lb. 85 cents two lb. roll. Eggs -Ranch eggs, 46c; storage, 35c. Vegetables and! Miscellaneous. Potatoes Per cwt, $1.50 ", ' Cabbage Per cwt, $2.00. Onions 12.25 per cwt. Cabbage Per pound, 2 and 3c. ; Celery Per bunch 15c, two for 25c. Sweet potatoes Six lbs. for 25c Sugar cane, cash price, $7.00; 30 days' time, $7.40 per swt; beet sugar, cash price $6.80, .30 days' time, $7.20. Beanp White. 8 l-3c: lima, 10 cents Fruits. ' ; . , Home grown appies$1.25 to $1.10 per box. Grade establishes price. Cranberries 20 cents per Quart Bananas 40c per doz. Foed and Grain, Alfalfa Hay $13.00 (retail). Timothy $15.00. Grain Hay-$13.00.y Snowdrift Flour, sack $1.40 Bran and Shorts $1.30 and $1.40. Oats $1.50 per cwt. Rolled Barley $1.70 per cwt. Cattle, Hogs and FowL Cows 3c to 4c , Steers 4c to 5c. Hogs $6.50. Chickens Hens, 10c: old roosters, 8c and spring fries 10c to 12c. Turkeys, live weight, 17 to 18c Ducks, live weight, 12c. Geese, live weight 12c Union county, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of Bald district will be held at Auditorium of new high school building In said district on the 9th day of December, 1911, at two o'clock in the afternoon for'tha following objects: to vote on the proposition ol ievylng a tax for the maintenance; and for the other neces sary expenses of the district, and for the payment of Interest on the bonded debt of the district and for the pay ment of bonds of the district and for the payment of tha debt of the dis trict. Dated this 28th day of November, 1911. , v- J. W. KNOWLES. Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: v . ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, .District Clerk. Jfotlce of Scsool Election. Notice la herety given to the Ug voters of School District No. One of ;.' -Notice. ' . Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of tho La Grande National Bank will be belci at their banking house in La Grand", Oregon, on Tuesday, January 9. 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of direc tors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such oth?r buel ness us may properly come be'oro Bald neellng. " '; ' ' December 6, 1911. F. L. MEYT'US Cashier. 12-6 to 1-9 Jiotle for Sale of Improvement Notice is hereby given that the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the pur chase of improvement bonds, in the sum of $11,37.97, in. 'denominations of $"00.00, bearing six per cent Inter est per annum, up to 5 o'clock p. m Tuesday, December 13th. 1911; said bids to be filed with the recorder of the city of La Grande, and to be ac companied by a certified check for the sum of $550.00. The successful bid der will be required to pay for said bonds within ten (10) days after no tice that said bonds are ready for de livery.' . -" ' La Grande, Oregon, December' 5th, 1911. C. M'. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. ' 12-6-6t Complete Equipment tor Resetting ana Repairing Rubber Buggy Tirei LA GRAWDE IR0Il WORES D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY I : i if i ,.Hy : NOTICE TO VOTERS. ' I hereby announce my andi- dacy for recorder of the city of 3 La Grande. Thanking the pub- 11c for tbelr support on Docem- ber 11th, I am, Yours truly, C. M. HUMPHREYS. i DRINK America's Best Mineral Water It's Good for What Ails You ift 5SC