s f! . I v h Just Arrived: Fifty dozen nor ticc; twelve dozen the latest shades in Cluett shirts; nice fancy sets of all kinds. In fact vo have everything the well dressed man wants. A. V. Andrews i V V.,' .y . - . - J ' j TO.TIIE YOTERS. I hereby announce to the voters of La Grande that I am a candt- $ data for chief of police. My work $ as an official in the past Is my $ $ recommendation . and I will ap- preclate any and all support given S me. . . ."" J H. McLACHLEX. Heinzc AppteButter Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Ba nanas, Lemons, Cranberries. None Such and Helnze Mincemeat,- Walnuts, Filberts, Pine nuts, fAlmonds, Pecans, Brazil nuts and Peanuts. Seeded Raisins a Specialty. Sour and Sweet Mix. -Mustar. Dill, Sour and Sweet Pickles. V' The Grocery Phone 70. Stageberg & Sandborg You will find that druggists every-' where speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience In the" sale, of It that In cases of coughs and colds It can al ways be depended upon, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. If you need the Electrician call on j The La Grande j j Electric Supply Co. j j Phone black 3141 I For ' WOOD AND GOAL Phone Main 6 Cnsswd AS GOSSABDS GITE IIEALT1I WELL AS STILE. By wearlns the Gossard Corset, which is built RIGHT, thousands of women are gaining remarkably In health. Physicians trace many ills of wo men to tight lacing or faulty corsets and prescribe the Gossard for ail ments caused by other corsets. The Gossard Is a God-send to the woman who wants solid comfort for her back, perfect freedom la breath ing, in walking, or when seated, or Kuv. yttwi. .a- - . . .. tlnctlve figure. There is a Gossard model for every figure. $3.60 to $8.50. Try one and be convinced. A com plete line always on hand. ' ' ; MBS. ROBT. PATTISON. Phone Blk U 81. , Corsetlers NOTICE. Notice of the recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon, of the assessment of Monroe avenue from the south line of North Fir street to the north line of North Spruce street. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the Improvement or Monroe avenue from the south line of North Fir street to the north line of North Spruce street, being in Im provement District No, 7, in the city of La Grande, Oregon, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 670, Series 1911, entitled, "An ordinance declar ing the cost of Improving: Monroe avenue from the south line of North Fir street to the north line of North Spruce street lu the city of La Grande, Oregon ; determining- the property benefited thereby levying an. assess ment thereon to defray the costs and expenses of the Improvement; provid ing for the assessment roll of .the same and directing the entry of said assessment in the . docket of city liens: Drovldlne a time when the same shall become delinquent and re asses in lime Save Sight. Neglect to have them properly exam ined may cause a lifetime of sorrow and regret. Small disorders grow more serious ev ery day. There is satisfaction In knowing for sure that your eyes are all right. I CAN TELL YOU. I GRIND ALL BIT GLASSES. HEACOCK I j Eyesight Specialist THE IDAHO JINK HOUSE AT BOISE, IDAHO. S. KOPPEL, Proprietor iWILL PAY YOU TOP PRICES FOR ALL KINDS iOF METAL AND RUBBER. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CONSIGNMENT SHIPMENTS. REFERENCE! BOISE CITY NATIONAL BANK. B. B. NUTTER For Picture Framing and Moulding 1708 1-2 6to St. Next to Observer Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Rubberoid . . . WENAHA LUMBER GO. Greenwood and Madison 5t. Phone, Main 732 special assessment roll In accordance j with the assessment herein levied and, to collect said assessment," the satuej being in Improvement Distrkt No. 7. in said city of La Grande, Cregon, Is now in my hands for collection "and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time in ten (10); days from the 6th day of. December, 1911. without penalty, interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby notified that on application to the un dersigned within' ten (10) days from the 6th day of December, 1911, which ; is the first publication of this notice, they will be allowed to pay such as-1 sessments In ten (10) annual install ments, the first installment thereof j being due- aiid payable on or before the 6th day of December, 1912; If ap plication is not made as above provid ed the whole amount will be and be come due, payable and delinquent on the 16th day of December, 1911. . All property owners Interested are hereby notified to appear at my offlca in the city hall and pay the same. 'i ns amxteBuiouk tw2 la quiring the city recorder to prepare CHAPLIN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LA GRANDE, OREGON , Lot Name of Owner Ami of As'sni't 16 and 17 Dan, Marks .....,............$ 74.72 ............ 60.00 Block 124 123 123 122 147 147 147 147 3 and 9 10 " - " 1 and 2 v 7. 8 aad 9 ' - 10 11 and 12 16, 17, 18 19 and 20 Freeman Ladd . . . Steve RichardBon . Joseph Petch .... Ed. Ml Cross . . . . . Wm. Sailing ; . . . . Estella M. Davis . A." E. Flower ..... 25.00 49.68 80.07 23.25, 46.50 144.00 By order of the council November 21th. 1911; i-l C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon. ' - - : 12-6-5t ' . ' ' ' NOTICE. special assessment roll In accordance Notice of the recorder of the city of with the assessment herein levied and La Grande, Oregon, of the assessment to collect said assessment," the same of Second street from south, curb Hue' being in Improvement District No. 8 of H avenue to north curb line of Cl in said city of La Grande, Oregon, is avenue. Notice Is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the Improvement of Second street from south curb line of H avenue to north curb line of C ave nue being in Improvement District No. 8, in the city of La Grande, Oregon, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 671, Series 1911, entitled, "An ordi nance declaring the cost of Improving Second street from south curb line of H avenue to north curb line of C ave nue, in the city of La Grande Oregon; determining the property benefited thereby, levying an assess ment thereon to defray the costs and expenses of the improvement; provid ing for the assessment roll of the same and directing the entry of said said assessment In the docket of city liens; providing a time when the same shall become delinquent and re quiring the city recorder to prepare a now in my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid to me at any time In ten (10) days from the 6th day of December, 1911, without penalty, Interest or cost; and each property owner is hereby notified that on application to the un dersigned within ten (10) days from the 6th day of December, 1911, which is the first publication of this notice, they will be allowed to pay such as sessments in ten (10) annual install ments. the first installment thereof being due and payable on or before the 6th day of December, 1912; if ap plication be not made as above . provid ed the whole amount will be and be come due, payable and delinquent on the 16th day of December," 1911. All property owners interested are hereby notified to appear at my office in the city hall and pay the same, ' The atXesBment roll is as follows: ; ORIGINAL T0WNS1TE OF LA GRANDE. Block . , . ( - Lot Name or Owner 2 D street ' ' 6 Lucy Nelson 2 D street , 4 Albert E. Patterson Ain't of As'sm't 133.52 32.02 ARNOLD'S ADDITION TO THE- CITY OF LA GRANDE Block Lot Name of Owner AmH of As'sm't 7 B John McNeely ....J38.68 T 4 John McNeely . .;,..., v.. 33.95 ARNOLD & DRAY ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LA GRANDE Block . ' lot Name of Owner ; Am't of As'sm't 3 J, A: Rlggs . ..$90.11 8 1 ; ; 3 H. C. Dray, Jr 40.92 8 ' ' .v"".' 4" H. C. Dray, Jr. ...i. 41.54 13 6 Leo Bowers .................. 40.57 13 4 Leo Bowers 41.61 CHAPLIN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LA GRANDE Block 94 Lot Name of Owner 5 J. H. Wilson Ani't of As'sm't' 9.42 By order of the council November 29th, 1911. ' - CM. HUMPHREYS, . Recorder of the City of La Grande, ' Oregon. 12-6-Gt Saved His Wife's Life. "My wife would have been in he grave today," writes O. H. Brown, of M'.'scadlne, Ala., "'if It had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bron chial trouble and a dreadful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery, and she soon began to mend. and was well In a ahort time. Infal-1 Jlble for coughs anS colds, lt'i the most reliable remedy on earth for des perate lung trouble, hemorrhages, la grippe, asthma, hay- fever, croup and whooping cough, 50c, $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. PERMANENTLY r i r , 1MKOBUCING located lieliable Uenus-s eastern prices Our untarnished reputation wherever we have established officei is a recommendation we look to with pride, and our motto, "Honest work," "fair ' dealings," has always made our success continuous for the past 10 years. We guarantee our work, and If it is not right we make it right without any extra expense to ou. . We would rather be bmy all tha time and make a smaller profit from each individual patient than charge prohibitive prices. Peo ple in all stations of life patronize this institution of Modern Den- tlstry. ' . PAINLESS EXTRACTION 50c II Fre EXAMINATION, CONSULTATION 'S ESTIMATES AND ADYICE Prices for the Best Work SIS Set of Teeth ...... ...3)Q. $10 Bridge Work (best) $10 Gold Crowns 22k Gold. Fillings .......... U0 up Sliver FMingi v...;. Plates Repaired ...... $1.00 u 12 year protection guaranteed. Modern Our offices DEPOT & ADA3IS AYE. .il OYER NEWLIN DRUG CO. 8lt Lake. Baker. La Grande. Portland. J ; V: i'Gall": IMIaixiL.--! Eighlt' I M v Retail Department r Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Ruberoid Roofing, Sash Doors, etc. George Palmer Lumber Co. i .... V. G. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing V Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRARIDE IRON W00I1S . , P. . FITZGERALD Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY If you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle ef fect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case, For sale by all dealers. DRINK H America's Best Mineral Water Its Good for What Ails You