PAGE 2 9 t 9 I A 9 n i! it n 1 V, of r on ""a " I ft We have just received 1 doz. 8-day , Fancy ; Mantle Clock Will sell as long as they last for $5.75 WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY $3 Hand Painted Plates, now $1.50. $4 Hand Painted Plates, now $2.00 Cup and Saucers, Vases, and a large line of Hand Painted Novelties, now. One-Half Price For only a few days more you can buy a Ladies' 0 Size, 20-year Gold Watch with a Waltham or Elgin Movement, for $13.65. 'TlCf7 IP) If V iCflVt LAKbto 1 J E. W E.LK I M UKt MAKES STATEMENT FLES. of ritixci- Vf. & Wines Defines HI rositlon and . and Declares What He Will Do -V Elected Mayor. Believes It Is Dae to the of La Grande." Having acceded to the wishes of my friends and now being a candidate fo mayor of the -city of La Grande, I be Here It not more than right that I should define the principles upon which I am running ana to hu exieui outline the policies I shall pursue If elected. It appears that some of my enemies are endeavoring to make this partisan campaign, at least so far as I am concerned. But they are ex tremely careful to avoid all reference to politics when referring to theln own candidate This is by no means a political ofllce and the word partisan hould be and will be avoided by all fclr-anlnded people. It would be a great pity if an election could not be Jheld within our city without gauging: It along party lines. Measures and methods, not politics, must govern our municipal affairs and it la up to the voters to declare this true, if the voters see fit to elect me to this ofllce I will never consider any man's poli tics during my entire administration The affairs (of the city will be conduct ed In a mSnner that will serve the best interests of all, without overbur dening the tax payers or retarding Jrcxress. In , private business mat te, s. or even in our homes, we heceB consider the things that wo would want, also what they might cost. . The people of the city are not in favor of retarding its growth; neither am I. In fact, I am Just as anxious to see La Grande keep on growing as any other man In the city. In order to keep the city growing someone, posstbly everyone, must help pay the bills. There have been hints thrown out that I might have a wish to hold up the improvements. , While nothing definite hag . been stated, yet they are definite enough to demand attention. There is no reason why I should want the improvements to stop at least so long as the people ; are ready and willing to pay for them. One thing, however, can be borne in Kind, and that is the fact that I an BOt in favor of spending the people's money in a reckless and useless man ner. It a thousand dollars Is neces sary to make some needed improve ment let it be used for that purpose also pee that value Is received for the money spent. In fact, use money for the city as It would be used in ordi nary business or at home. I am not la favor of denying, the city what it meeds, neither am I in favor of over burdening the property owners. Prob ably even the most radical "booster." will admit, if it is put up to him, that It hi possible to spend money a little too fast, even for improvements. Xhtie in my opinion the value of the improvements should be governed by the aJue of the propertythere are . Ustances when even this rule must be overlooked and Improvements go . ahead. The contract system should swt be interfered 1 with excepting where tbeity can do its own work for less money. Itis practically nec essary to let out all public work to - the lowest responsible bidder. And it is almost as necessary to know that the bids are not' too high at that and that the city gets good work for good mo"oy, uui allowing !l to become ln volved in needle? v) l expensive liti gations. It would by my ldof to look around tor a'l leakage of the public fund thai to a0 anything that - might possibly retard the growth ofi la Grande. Unfortunately the question of law lessness and enforcement of the lnvr tiaa entered into this campaign, v. 1 n good bit of "mud slinging" thrtvp it in lor good measure. It Is possible that ike opposition Is treading; over dell cate grounds. Aa I remember, I have been a resident of Union county for thirty-five years; during which time I have never been prosecuted for viola tion of the law nor even been accused of a crime. It is really out of place to accuse a man who has been a law Yoiers abiding citizen for that length of time, and especially in a campaign in which he is a candidate for an executive of fice. So far as I am concerned I am not in favor of violence, lawlessness nor mob rule. We must have laws and we must have them Judiciously en-: forced for the safety and protection of the people generally. - . : Property and taxes have oeen mttue too much of an issue throughout the entire campaign.. I am not posing as a wealthy , man, neither do I pretend thnt I am an enormous tax payer. I pay my tax and I pay it on property that I have honestly earned. Possibly I find it as hard to pay my tax as some of my wealthier neighbors. If I have l'ss to pay, I also have less to pay with. It would be foolish, to suppose that I vonld bring unnecessary burden up on myself to overburden others So far as any.; radical Or ridlcvlous changes are concerned, I am ho In favor of them, nor will I allow them if it is In my power to prevent them, I will say, however, that I am ina vor of giving the work for all publlo Improvements, so far as it is practical to our own citizens, rather than to im port Greeks, .Italians. Japs or Chi nese. In conclusion I wish to add jthat if I am elected mayor of the city, I shall give to the people here, a fair, Impartial, non-partisan, business-like administration. Respectfully, W. S. WINES. NOTICE. Notice of the recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon, of the assessment of Second street from the south curb line of JefferBon avenue to the north curb line of Main avenue. :.- Notice is hereby given that the as special assessment roll in accordance with the assessment herein levied and to collect said assessment," the same being In Improvement District No. 8, in said city of La Grande, Oregon, Is now in my hands for collection and sesament roll for the improvement of that any assessment therein may be Second street from the south curb line paid to me at any time in ten (10) Jefferson avenue to the north curb days from the 6th day of December, line of Main avenue, being in Improve- 1911, without penalty, interest or cost; ment District No. 8, in the city of La and each property owner is hereby Grande, Oregon, under the provisions notified that on application to the un- of Ordinance No. 573, Series 1911, en- dersigned within ten. (10) days from titled, "An ordinance declaring the the 6th day of December, 1911, which cost of improving Second street from is the first publication of this notice, south line W m-;"'.., 'ii "-7 . !" 8" north curb line of Main ave- sessments in ten (10) annual install nue in the city of La Grande, ments, the first Installment thereof Oregon; determining the property being due and payable on or before benefited thereby, levying an assess- the 6th day of December, 1912; If ap nient thereon to defray the costs and plication is not made as above provld expenBes of the improvement; provid- ed the whole amount will be and be ing for the assessment roll of the come due, payable and delinquent on same and directing the entry of said the I6th day of December, 1911. ' assessment In the docket of city All property owners interested are liens; providing a time" when, the hereby notified to appear at my office same shall become delinquent and re- in the city hall and pay the same, ) quiring the city recorder to prepare a The assessment roll is as follows; GBANDY'S ADDITION TO THE ITfY Or' LA GRANDE, 0BEG0S. A good fire to keep the chill away . T A good book to while the hours away, Good lights to drive the gloom away. ; Whether you read, sew, work or study at night, a good light is absolutely necessary. Eletetric lights save your eyes and, your temper They do away With danger and drudgery. More people are using them every day and wonde: I A A9. ing now iney ever gut tuuiig wiuivm umv, 34. Our rates are sure to appeal to you. Phone, Main EASTERN OREGON LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY A good high grad piano, slightly used, to be sold at a sacrifice and up on easy terms if desired. If interest ed, call upon Q. M. Ridiey at the post office for particulars. 10-S0-tf IJlock lot Name of Owner Am'Uf AsWnt 7 8 Cohen McKenzle n n i , 19.7V 7 9 Annie Alexander ............ 19.93 7 . 10 La Grande Investment Company 19.75 16 ' l and. 8 W. 1 and Ella Case .......... 44.55 8 12 G. Johnson ................... 60.15 8 West M of 13andl4 J. H. Peare ........ w. ....... 125.30 IB v 3' William B. Sargent 20.70 14 ; ' 6 C. E. Cochran ........ t 24.60 14 North 48 feet of lots 3 and 4 M. K. Hall ................... 45.20 14 Lot 2 and south 10 feet of 3 C. T. Bacon ..............i... 2&.60 14 1 R. L. Newlin 25.13 9 West 40 feet of 9 end 10 and V ' 19x40 feet in SW cor of- 8 Nellie M. Stevens 178:37 9 North 39 feet of 8 Joe Jones v......... .......... 51.42 9 , 6 and 7 J. D. Slater ....... ........... 158.74 By order of the council November29th, 1911. C. M. HUMPHBiETS, - Recorder of the City of La Grande, Orepoa. l2-6-5t HHMttvHiiMMMli IM I it I I M f I 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 If your eyes give you trou- , ble have them examined and properly fitted with glasses by a reliable optometrist and . the only attendance graduate OLD STYLE KRYPTOK. : optometrist in Union county. The most modern methods only used. If you have trouble glasses will not correct you will be told the prop er course to pursue. I make a specialty of fitting glasses. W. M. Peare, graduate Northern Illinois College of Opthamology, Chicago, with ; , J. H. PEARE, & SON La Grande's leading Jewelers and optometrists. Opposite U. S. Land office. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes. We grind our own ''lenses.:.,. ,' ' FOR BOYS BKTWBE5 , THE AGE ' " ':jl' OP 10 AND 1 TEAKS LD ONLY. u m ADMJSSIOX WILL BE "'BY TICKET. - - v TICKETS CAN BB OBTAINED OF VBL CHEIiBY AT THE LATJNDBY , AFTEB DEC U. Christmas Entertainment given to the u a 31 aim! By Miv A. B. Chei Kj, Christmas Morning, 10:30 o'clock, at the Isis Theatre A Special Programme of Moving Pictures especially for the boys has been assured by Mr. - ' - ' ' ;Sherwood. $25.00 in gold to be given to the members of the Co- oaver's Club. Any boy having $1.00 or more in the Postal Savings Bank before Christmas Day becomes a member of the club. All boys betwee n 10 and 16 years old will be admitted to the entertainment free IUE BOYS WILL BE GIVEN SEYEBAJL ( MINUTE TALKS BY PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN OF LA GRANDE. BOYS SEE MS. CHERRY NOW. BE WILL STA2T YOD TO 8 1 YE V