A A n j L . M I - ! : ;: M U ;J VOLUME NO. 1G GRAXDE UNION COUNTY, OREGON, , AVE IXi:SI)AY, DECEMBER G, .1911. V I ' I l 1 ' i 1 1II5IS SNOWED HI HARRIIIAN'S ROUT IN LOS ANGELES IS DECISIVE AS COOT PROGRESSES; LEAD IS INCREAING Indications Are That Thlrty.FlTe Thousand Plurality Will Be Margin in the Heated Contest at Los Angeles Count at Noon Shows Alexander . 6,755 antf Harrlman lias S7,06 ' Totes. ; Los Angeles Dec. 6V At one o'clock Alexander led Rahman by 3o,726. Fro. hibltion was swamped by 86,696. Los Angeles, 'Dec: 6. Completely overwhelming Job Harrlman, sociallst xinion labor candidate,' Mayor Alexan , der was re-elected by a plurality ex ceeding 35,000 and carried the entire good government" ticket In the stir-: ring election yeaiuraay. . - ..-.. Admitting utter rout, Harrlman and bis men say the McNamara confession was resiionsible. The vote was the largest In tfcfc-bistory of the city. ' -This Is the first time the women have been allowed to vote and they balloted almost unanimously against Harrlman and the entire socialist-union labor ticket. . ' : . As the ballot count proceeds, Alex ander's lead Increases. At 11 o'clock complete returns from 270 out of the 318 precincts gave Alexander 66,755 and Harrlman 37,066. . . V .Seldd Still Hopeful. Milwaukee, Dec. 6. Socialists hero' are nndlscouraged by the defeat of the socialists In Los Angeles. "It only puts the victory off a little longer," nid Mayor Seidel, a socialist. 3t RIVERS AM) HAUHORS topic. Mestern Governors to Attend Confer, ence Tomorrow. Washington, D. C, Dec. 6 In point of attendance and enthusiasm the 8th annual convention of the National Riv ers and Harbors congress, which be gan lta sessions at the New Willard hotel today, promises to eclipse all previous gatherings of its kind held in this country. Delegates appointed by river improvement associations, ana boards of trade, chambers of com merce and similar . organizations throughout the United States, as well as by the governors of a large number of states, are In attendance. Senators and representatives and heads of var ious departments of the federal pov ment will participate in the discis sions, and tomorrow the attendance will receive a notable addition in the delegation of western governors now touring the country. ' Representative Joseph E. Ransdell of Louisiana, president of tie con gress, called the gathering to order. In his opening address - President Ransdell declared his belief that the present gathering Is the most Import ant ever held In the Interest of Im proved waterways. He reviewed the work already accomplished, and the projects toward the fulfillment . ofi which the various associations ari bending their energies. The result of the work already done, he said, spoke well for the future and ought to Impress both the president and the members of congress, respecting the serious and substantial popular sentl ment In favor of a large annual river and foarbor appropriation bill. r.nnrinnu nrnrr HOW DEPOSED r DOWAGER EMPRESS HAS SIGNED ORDER FOR REMOVAL WILL BE BANISHED FROM'"' " CHINA IS BELIEF OF LEADERS WILLCASE HERE counsel on both sides argue ; ; ' issues. '"''.. Busy Day for the Governors. Washington, D. C, Dec. 6. An ex ceedingly busy day is In prospect for the western states'' governors who are due to arrive, In the capital -tomorrow In the course of their "get-together" tour of the eastern cities. . A reception ! committee will greet the executives upon thl rarrival, The Initial feature of the program calls for their attend ance at the forenoon . session of tho National Rivers and Hfrbors con gress. At luncheon they will be the guests of their state delegations at the capitol, and afterwards they will be guests of the Washington Chamber of Commerce and will be given an au- I tomoblle Jaunt about the city. In the evening they are to be entertained at dinner at the white bouse and Immed iately after taking leave of the presi dent and Mrs. Taft the eovernors will if depart for Baltimore. . 1 . t I ! i i i ) ' j STRIKERS GAL BlU INVITE WOMEN AND PUBLIC - '' LARGE. AT i j i s i Clergy of the City Agrees to Be Pres ent and Hear Strike Discussed. . Closeted with laboring men out on a J strike in this city, Joe P. Ryan,, vice president of the Boilers' and Iron Ship jpuilders' unions this morning deliver ed an animated address at the labor temple this morning to labor men and ithis evening; will conduct a mass I meeting at the Steward opera house to hlch women and men, and the public fin general Is warmly urged to attend. "Come and hear our side of the strike rase," say the notices of the meeting. An innovation In connection with '?he meeting will be the presence of the j'ergy of the cIty followJng oc. ppants of tb La Grande pulpits have greed to be present: Father P, J, friscoi: of the Catholic church. BIs ?P C. J. Black of the L. D. S. church, f faynard B. Thr.ajpson. of the Christian Jirch, E. P. Borden of the Baptist, 8. Seemann of the Presbyterian 3J D. Glllllan of the Methodist fnnrcbes. Judge Lowell of Pendleton Here Brief ly Discusses Politics. Walla . Walla's famous Stubblefield will case switched Its stage settings this morning and became a matter of record In Union county when counsel for both side of the extended litigation debated the issues before Circuit Judge J. W. Knowles presiding be cause Judge Phelps of Umatilla coun ty was originally affiliated as associate counsel with Attorney C. E. Cochran. The Stubblefield will endowing . the Walla Walla orphan home with a sum aggregating $140,000 prescribed that Oregon and Walla Walla orphans should reap the benefits accruing. The school was established at Walla Walla and is operating there now with 29 In mates. The will has been probated In Whitman county and effort Is now be ing made to probate the will In Uma tilla county. The aim is to attack the validity of the will. Attorneys Steph en A. Lowell of Pendleton and C. M. Rader of Walla Walla are handling the case for the executors of the will in fact, Mr. Rader is one of the ex ecutors while Attorney Cochran ap pears for the administrator of the late widow's estate. ;' ' ' Lowell Well Pleased. Laying aside his official duties for a moment. Judge Lowell today, took a moment off, and reflected on political affairs readers of the dallies andhis friends here are of .course aware that that the Judge is to be a candidate for the United States senntorshlp. "The prospectus satisfies me abundantly," Is the way he summarizes the ante-campaign situation. "Of course others look at the situation In the same light from their angle of view, so that may not be of much. Importance." Mr. Lowell will not commence bis active campaign until after January 2 when declaration of candidacies can be filed. BANKERS IN" STORM. Banana Crop Injured1 by Storm Which Banker' Excursion Feels. New York, Dec. 6. Dispatches Btato that the three United Fruit company steamers bearing 600 members of the American Bankers' association and their families, from Panama where they have been visiting, have weather ed a big hurricane sweeping the gulf and the Carrlbean sea. All are safe. Tho Costa Rica banana crop, valued at $60,000,000. li badly damaged. Regent to the JIancliu Throne Is De posedSuccessor Is to Be Named1 Boy Emperor to Be Raised as a thJ nese, the Edict Decrees Chun Ee tains Annuity of Considerable Pro portions. . . . Pekin, Dec. 6. Prince Chun was to day deposed as regent to the Manchu throne on the order of Premier Yuan shi Kai.;1;1, ':" ; v Chun will probably be banished. Shi Sal, a Manchu, and Hsu Shi Chang are named as guardians for the baby em peror. ' . ' ; ;'. ,, . . Empress Dowager Orders It Shanghai, Dec. 6. The edict depos it C 'CZ. Z.Z T"C?rt T"m empress dowager , and grants the prince the right to abdicate. , It al lows the premier and his cabinet to take up the appointment of a substi tute regent later. The emperor will be raised as a Chinese. The prince re gent retains an annuity of 50,00 taels. Revolutionary leaders declare , that this doesn't satisfy them. , A Senator PomereneV Birthday. Washington, D. C, Dec 6. Atlee Pomerene,. the first democrat to rep resent Ohio In the United States sen ate since the days of Calvin S, Brlce, celebrated today the first birthday an niversary that he has observed In Washington. Senator Pomerene was born In, Ohio 48 years ago and receiv ed his education at Princeton and the Cincinnati law school. Prior to his election to the senate he had never held any high public office, although he had been prominent In democratic politics in Ohio for many years. it ' nnrim.ii rn .iillilbiiL IU RELATE GO HIS STORY WILL STAR TLE THE NATION IT IS SAID. INTEREST. lVMcNAMAUA CASES SHIFT TO BRIBERY quicker ork and thaf ! I f f 1 I fl fl H P H te tail be turned over to j JM j it ! ! j j M j ra nnin IUUUL IILu Big Chain of CJIIoh to Feel Effects of Grand Jury Indictments That 'Will ; Be Hi turned Purlrur Next Few Days 3Ic5Ijinlgal's Story promises to Startle the World, W Ithln the Next ' Few Days. . ,: I - $ s ? $ $ $ $ Q fr 4, $ CHECK USED TO CONVEY SA .. TIRE. . : . Stinging satire Is reflected in a "stunt" engineered by railroad men this morning when a La Grande National Bank check was made Out in favor of the Mc Namara, brothers for One. Hun dred "(iOOf years In Sari Quen-' tin. The "check" Is signed by "The Public," and wag mailed the Observer In an O.-W. envelope. The pun on words and satirical wording reflects In a concise manner what the feeling Is In La Grande labor circles over the confessions. This Is especially true among non-union men who contributed to the 'defense fund some time ago on the strength of solicitation of a prominent so cialist of this city, It is said. I couils can ilu quicker ork and th Cui nd' evident tliem. It id s are soon to be Meanwhile 500 secret service laon have been placed, at the disposal of , Lawler, who has charge of the probe here. Jt Is unlikely there will be any! further criminal proceedings in Los Angeles as far as the dynamiting Is concerned. James McNamara will not be requir ed to tell his story to the grat.d jury. Owing to his confession he cannot be qualified at; a witness. John. Lov. et,-, nsy be col'ed, although this is doabt iul. LtMvler "Is still debating on tho matter. Until he decidea the brother wili' be ept here. " . ' Chain Is IMng Forged. Indianapolis, Dec. 6. It Is asserted here today that the confession of John McNamara is relied upon to furnish the last link in the chain of evidence being forged by the federal grap" ury. "If John confesses I feel ce' - -t indictments will be returr v .at prominent laboritea in C .De troit, St. Louis, Indian- a afl'alo. Boston, Louisville, Kansas City and Peoria,"' prominent tnvernmpnt nfflr-l-' arthed. New clews In volving John iN mara as Interna tional secretary or the Structural Iron Workers are reported today. Secret service operators are endeavoring to connect the McNamaras with a long chain of other dynamltlngs. It has been found that John had many monciy order transactions with outside per sons and also received mall as C. J. Sandusty. .-. Hi t $ k $ 4t 4 -'' - ' " To Discuss Merchant Ufarlne. Chicago, III., Dec. 6. Announce ment was made today of the comple tion of all arrangements for the con gress of the National Business league of America, which is to hold a ihree day session in this city next week. Several hundred of the leading indus trial and commercial organizations of the country have signified their inten tion to send representatives to the meeting. One of the most important matters to be discussed will be the creation of an American merchant ma rine. . ' " . : ' Olynipla Elects Republican. ' Olympla, Wn., Dec. 6. The commis sion form of government was rejected and the republican ticket, headed by Dr. Brldgeford, elected here yester day. -' Los Angeies, Dec. 6.With Judge Bordwell jjnying the McNamara con fession was due to bribery develop ments alone, and : District Attorney Fredericks determined to push the charges against Franklin, interest to day has switched from the McNamaras in their cells, to the bribery and the federal probes. When Franklin appears In court on Monday It Is problematical what sort of a fight will be made. It Is admit ted that It Is up to Fredericks. The federal probe Into the dynamit ing cases promises soon to overshad ow the original, McNamara case. The grand Jury meets tomorrow and Mc Manlgal will be among the first wit nesses. Agents say his story, when It Is published, will electrify the coun try, . ' It is intimated Viat the first Indict ments are to come out here and not In Indianapolis. The proceedings will be pushed before the eastern ones In or der that the indicted men, who might escape, can be entangled. In addition to evading numerous expenses, Fred ericks is convinced that the federal if More Cr T- Jl 1 1 .N MC RQOBED, DEAD SULZER ACCUGL3 RUS SIA OF BREAKING TREATS' EFFORT TO ABROGATE THE EXISTING TREATY UNDID W Ar UlnQucnthil Men Assembled In New l'ork to Perfect Abrogation of Trea ty Which Russia Is Claimed to Have Broken American Jews Are Rcfas. ef Admission to Russia Is Also Charged. Washington, Dec. 6. "Congress will force the abrogation of the treaty of 1832 with Russia," declared Congress man Sulzer of New York at the white housa today. He claims there Is strong sentiment against russia because sea refused pasports to Americans Jews who wished to euter Russia. Sulzer Claims to have proof that the treaty was violated. llUnUniU M M M M Man. ' . j mm m . ! w Sacramento, Dec. 6. Assemblyman Smith's resolution memoralizlng con gress to cease discriminating against American Jews by denying them pass ports was adopted by the assembly to day after a Bplrlted debate. A BAD EGG. "i j. 11 1 1 .. ' ' ii There wee eomthin8 rotten in Denmark, and Dr. Caw . u ".u. Thomdike in BaKimore Amtrloan. re-' New York, Dec. 6. United States senators and renresentativea ' illnln- 11 i I riliri m mats, educators and prominent men I f" ln r I P H '".'.,. , t came to New York today to I IU L I LLLl I , assist ln the formulation of plans for a nation wide agitation for the abro- gauuu ui lae ireaty or 1U KUS- sia Because of ttiat country's refusal to honor without discrimination the passports issued by the United States. The Russian authorities have persist 1MT:1" '"iYirvn iv c ' rrnit enlv refuBed to hoanr riBsnortK' in m.iv A A 1 -1.UC . . ' . . , . .... - t . ' . '. JANITORi ijnucu io jshj. ajs a conaequenco ot this attitude on the part of the crar'a Janitor and Elevator Boy Held os Susi government many Jewish citizen of pects ln the Crime. Vl rt iTnlf.d Otnfatf mmamm tltoM v AM IUD kUU PiaWO, 111 u of world-wide prominence as schol ars, philanthropists and men of af fairs, have been denied the privilege of visiting Russia. Beginning with , a meeting ln Carne ge hall tonight, presided over by An- New York, Dec, 6. Murdered ln anj elevator for his diamond worth $10,- 000, his body thrown Into an ash pan i of the furnace to burn, Isadore Fogel- rich, a Jeweler was found dead in the basement loft of the building here to-, drew D. White, former ambassador of day. Asher Schapp, engineer of the the United States to Russia, a serieV building, and Joseph Roberts, a ne- of great mass meetings are to be held gro elevator boy, are arrested on sub- In every large ,clty of the country to plclon. A gold pen and two diamond protest against the attitude of the rings were found on Roberts, badly Russian government on the passport blood stained. The negro claims he questions.; Among the prominent men found them. Schapp found the body who have given their support to the ln the furnace. It 1b believed i the movement are Andrew Carnegie, Vice skull was crushed while ln the eleva tor."' .;:'' :-! ' TWO RESIDENCES SOLD. President Sherman, Governor Wood row Wl'on, William R. Hearst, Sena tor Penrose of Pennsylvania, Senator O'Gorman of New York, Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst and Bishop David H. Greed. Grant Lincoln and W. II. Casey Invest In City Property Tliils Week. The business men have faith in in creasing values In city property as Is evidence by scanning the record of real estate transfers. Yesterday Grant Lincoln purchased the D. B. Cox prop erty on Pennsylvania avenue, now be ing occupied by F. H. Green the cream ery man,, who, by the way, Is arrang ing to build a home in West La Grande the plans for which are practically completed.' ;-'.'-'' .-. .'. . . W. H. Casey this week also purchas ed a fine home on the corner of Adams avenue and Oak street. Geo. H. Cur reey, the land man negotiated 'the above sales. If La Grande did not have a future the shrewd business men would not make such investments. Wants Rockefeller to Talk. ; Washington, D. C, Dec. 6. John D. i Rockefeller and his agent, dates, were j formally presented with the opportun ity to tell their side of the sensation al stories of the Merrltt brothers re garding the steal of the Mesaba range by the house steel Investigating com mittee today. Stanley invited them to do so. Merrltt's charges are that Mr. Rockefeller, through Gates, defrauded them of millions of dollars' worth of mining property. GRLIND JURY MEETS. Many .Witnessed Relnjr Called Before August Body at Court Huuge. Grand Jurors convened this morning and have spent the day hearing wit nesses called before them. There arc numerous cases for the Jurors to In vestigate.' and It is not likely thai any report will be made until tomorrow and maybe not then. Circuit court will not convene for a while , as Circuit Judge Knowles goes to Walolwa.coun ly next Sunday to resume the cases on the docket In that district. ME PICK ? HDWATBIiy Court In Sesston. '" With Commissioner Galloway and Judge Henry present, the county court convened this morning. The day Is being given over to auditing of bills and tomorrow the court hopes to clean up the docket and adjourn. TRIAL OF INDICTED KAISONS COM- ;' MENCES. , ' '' 1 " '" ' At Noon Temporary Jurors W the Number of II Are placed In Box 1 Chicago, Dec. 6. Brousht to book . after a hunt of more than seven years J. Ogden Armour ar-" n.'ne other Chi-; cago packers were placed on trial here today before . United Stales District Judge Carpenter on charges ot crimi nal conspiracy lu violation of the Sherman anti-trust law.' The court was Jammed when the packers thlt morning pleaded not guilty. Wcrk of examining the veniremen, began Immediately. - , At noon 11 Jufori In the box were subject to peremptory challenge.