PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER G, 1911. l'KOFISSIO.XAL DIEICTrtRT PHYSICIANS AND SCEGEONS N. MOUTOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phones: Office, Main C8; Residence, 63. A. L. RICHARDSON. M. D. J, W. LOUGHLLN, M. D. Dm. Richardson & Loughlln, Physicians and Surgeons I honee Office Black 1362. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55. Dr. Loughlln's eRa. Main 757. DR. M. K. II ALL Physician and Sur geon. Cor. Adams Ave. and Depot tit Phone, Main 23. C, H. UPTON, Pfa. G. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Grande National' Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2; Resi dence Mali 32. PR- H. L. UNDERWOOD Diseases of the eye a specialty. DTX. DORA J. UNDEWOOD Diseases of women end children. Offices: Adams avenue, over Wright Drug Co. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black 851. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore VETERINARY. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Sur geon. Office at HHl'i Drug store, ; La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701: Office Phone. Black 1361; In dependent Phone 53; Both Phones at Residence. DOCTOR OP CHIROPRACTIC. O. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR All acute and chronic diseases. Not drugs, not surgery, not osteopathy. I remove the cause of your disease! Then you get (well. Rooms 20-21, La Grande National Bank, Phone , Red 3181. , MECHANO-THERAPIST DR. C. A. SMITH, MECHANO-THER-APIST. Successfully treats rheu matism, kidney disease, heart dis ease, weak lungs, constipation, pel vic disease, catarrh, and diseases of the nervous system. Consultation free. Charges reasonable. Phone: Black 3351.' 1411 Madison Avenue. ATTORNEYS AT LAW OOCHRAN tt COCHRAN Attorneys. Chns. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. T. II. CRAWFORD ROBT. S. EAKIN . CRAWFORD & EAKIN Attorneys flee In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. at law. Practices In all the courts of the state and United States. Of . ENGINEERS. D. W..C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City, Oregon. I0D OUGHT TO KNOW this shop, and Its ability to serve yon best. Our one strongest desire Is to torn out the best CLEANING AND PRESSING antf to price our wnrtcci to meet your satisfaction. ; We be; lleve wo do this. If your gar monts nd our attention sens' them to ns and, we will do your . work promptly am) guarantee not to ruin the materials, ELITE DYEING & CLEANUP V70AKS Vain 6L II. B. Waggonet Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN pa.'". I The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot 0. C. Brichoux.Prop. GEf JTHAL D 0 DY PlfflEH JILETING HELD AT SPOKANE RE. CE.NTLT. Slier wood Williams Loral 0rclurdl&t, Attends Interest Is Keen. (Portland Journal.) - In an effort to unite the Pacific northwest into a central organization for the sale of apples, the promoters of the Central Fruit Marketing ex change have established 12 districts, in which is expected to be Included all the apples of the four states. . While dubious that such a large or ganization can be made sufficiently yielding to enable the promoters to do Justice to each and every district, sen timent in favor of the plan is Increas ing. The fact that the exchange would classify the fruit of the better known districts with sections not so well known and for which product the pub lic will not pay high prices, is expect ed to cause much dissatisfaction. The proposed districts are as fol lows: i District 1 Southern Oregon Jack son and Josephine counties. District 2 Willamette valley Douglas, Lane, Benton Linn, Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington and Columbia counties. District 3 Lawer Columbia Hood counties. . District 4 Yakima Yakima, Kitti tas and Benton counties. District 5 Wenatchee Chelan, Ok anogan and Douglas counties. , Difcirict 6 Inland Empire Spo kane, Stevens, Kootenai and upper Whitman counties. District 7 Snake river Latah,' Ne Perec, lower Whitman, Asotin and Garfield counties. District 8 Southern Idaho Wash lngton, Boise, Elmore, Ada, Canyon and Malheur counties. Dfclrict 9 Eastern Oregon Ui.lon and Baker counties. - District 10 Walla Walla Walla Walla, Columbia and Umatilla coun ties. District 11 Montana. District 12 Western Washington. Sherwood Williams an orchardls: ot this city recently returned from Spo kane whpre he attended a meeting of the general committee, holding ses sion to devise ways and means. Mr. Williams was the first secretary of the association, being elected at the orig inal organization meeting in Portland. The general scheme Is similar to that used by the Northwest Exchange but s co-operative. Notice of School Election. Notice is hereby given to the legil voters of School District No. One of Union county, state of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district will be held at Auditorium of new high school building in said district on the 9th day of December, 1911, at two o'clock in the afternoon for tha following objects: to vote on the proposition c! ievylng a tax for th maintenance; and for the other neces sary expenses ot the district, and for the payment of interest on tie bonded debt of the district and for the pay ment of bonds of the district and for the payment of the debt of the dis trict. Dated this 28th day of November 13U, , ,. 1 V . W. KNOWLES. Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: ... ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, ' District Clerk. I . m FOPULAP 1 fc-rSD 'V . THE Magazine that makes : Fact : more fascinating Uuiu Fiction "WK1TTSN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A GREAT Conlinu.d Story of the World'. fmurtU wlii.'h Vim mnw Iwcln ..a.4;n.r nl any time, end which will hold your iulercsi lurever, tsriuiiuns in Popular Mechanics Magazine Are you rendinc it? Twd millions of your nuiRV.bora ire, tma it In the lavorue manaiine in thousands c( She best American homes. It apiK-ala to til classes old and young men and women thuws who know ana those who want to know. ISO PAOIS EACH MONTH 0 MCTUMt tOO ARTICLES OF ttCNKKAk INTMW The "Shop NotMM IeDm.nt (20 JWftns) gives eKy wnys to no thins! now to make uaelul article tor hove and ahop, repairs, etc "Amateur Mechanic." (10pates)teUthowto make Muaion furniture. wireleaouthts, boats, ermines, manic, and all the Ouniit boy lovea. XM n VCAW. INOLB COWH IS CENTS wkitb roK rtnm muhi copy today IOPULAU MECHANICS CO. ORDINANCE XO. 5T3, SERIES 191L An ordinance derlarlnf the cost of Improving Second street from south curb line of Jefferson avenue to north curb line of Main avenue in the city of La Grande, Oregon; determin ing the property benefited thereby, levying an assessment thereon to de fray the coats and expenses of the im provment; providing for the assess ment roll of the same and directing the entry of said assessment in the docket of city liens; providing a time when the same shall become dnlia quent and requiring the city recorder to prepare a special assessment roll In accordance with the assessment herein levied and to collect said as sessment. The city of La Grande does ordain as follows: '.' . , Section I. That the council has considered the proposed assessment of the property benefited by the Im provement of Second street from south curb line of Jefferson avenue to north curl) line of Main avenue In the city of La Grande, Oregon, and all ob, Jection made thereto and hereby ascer tains, determines and declares the, whole cost of said Improvement in thej' manner provided by resolution duly passed by the council on the 5th day of July, 1911, to be the sum. of?820.21, and the property hereafter de scribed is specially benefited by said improvement and the special and peculiar benefits accruing to each lot and parcel thereof or parcel of land within the assessment district and which is so specially benefited by rea son of said improvement, and which has been equitably apportioned among all blocks, lots, parts of blocks and lots, lands and real estate, bounding, abutting, contiguous, fronting and ad jacent and tributary to such Improve ment and within the district created for the purpose of making such Im provement to the extent of the benefits to such lots, parts of lots, lands and real estate by reason of such improve ment and In no case in excess of said benefits, and the amount set opposite the description or number of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land for which said respective parcels is as sessed is as follows: . i ; Mock , 7 7 7 16 8 8 15 14 14 14 14 9 GR.IXDI'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LA GRAXDE, OREGOX. , West Vi of North 48 feet of lots 3 and Lot 2 and Bouth 10 feet of ; Lot 8 10 1 and 2 12 13 and J4 ' ; 3 5L 4 3 1 Xame of Owner . Am't of As'sm'nt Cohen McKenzle , ..$ 19.75 West 40 feet of 9 and 10 and Annie Alexander La Grande Investment Company W. J. and Ella Case G. Johnson '.. J. It. Peare .................. William B. Sargent ,. ,, C. E. Cochran M. K. Hall C. T. Bacon . R. L. Newlin North 39 feet of fi Vallla Vf Qfavana 8 Joe Jones 6 and 7 Y J. D. Slater Total 19.93 19.75 . 44.55 60.15 . .123.30 . 20.70 24.6') 45.20 2S.60 25.15 178.37 51.42 158.74 ;. $820.21 and the recorder of the city of La Grande Is hereby directed to prepare a special assessment roll In accord ance with the foregoing assessment and enter said assessment in the dock-" et of city Hens. ..."! ; Section 2. It Is further provided that said assessment shall become due and payable immediately after the same Is entered in the docket of city liens and delinquent within ten (10) days thereafter. ; Section 3. When the recorder of the city of La Grande shall have com pleted the special assessment roll In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, he shall without delay give at least five (5) days notice in one or more of the newspapers having gen eral circulation in said city, of the time when such assessments will be come delinquent and also that said as sessments may be paid in Installments, provided each property owner shall make application therefor within ten (10) days from the date of the first publication of said notice. Said appli cation to be made under and by vir tue of the provisions of Chapter 5, Title 26 of Lord's Oregon Laws. This ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after Its passage, approval by the mayor and publica tion in one Issue of tbe La Grande Evening Observer. Passed the council on this, the 29th day ofNovember, 1911, by seven coun cilmen voting therefor. Approved by the mayor on this, the 1st day of December, 1911. A. L. RICHARDSON, . ' Mayor. ATTEST: f ; C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. UY YOUR I . DEESSBR i now I HATE 23 SEW DRESSED Tt SOLID OAK. MADE IS XIXE Iiij FEEEXT STYLES THAT MESTfii $15.50 Solid Oak Dresser '? -! DUEIXG OCTOBER: ' $16.50 Solid Oak Djeseer $)3v $17.50 Solid : Oak Dresser $i4 " $19.00 Solid Oak Princess $u ,? $20.00 Solid 0k Princess $UL $24.00 Solid Oak Princess 0() BIGGEST SXAP YOU EYER gAJJ BUY NOW Want Your Heat ing Stove SetUp? WILL DO THIS AXD G1YE YOU A WAXT TO TRADE IT OJf A YERY FIXE COMBINATION HEATER! I Perfect Heater FOR A YE BY LOW TRICE. HEATERS, ALL KIXDS $1.00 TO $33.00 . . ''1.''"'' .' ' ' " '; k ' f V r n iiRinTrirfisss??7.T I , Ml . IIIIIW I I , -1 COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER.. XOTICE OF STREET IMTPIB0VE3IEX of a resolution adopted by the, com- ' mon council of the city of La Grande, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No- reSon, on the 21st day of December, tlce Is hereby given that In pursuance 1910, creating improvement district No. 29, and designating X avenue as such district and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said common council on the 8th day of November, 1911, whereby said council determin ed and declared Its intention to im prove all that portion of X avenue In said improvement district as herein after described, by laying thereon a board sidewalk on north side, the council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected "d benefited by such improvement, order that said above described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said dis trict to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of X avenue from the east line of Spruce street to the east line of city limits. (A) And the property affected or benefited by said improvement- Is as follows: Lots. 14, 15. 16, 17, 18. 19. 20. ?1. 22. 23, 24, 25 and 26, block 1, Pleasai ; f Home addition to La Grande, Oregon I Notice is hereby further given tit the council wil levy a special sssmh ment on all the property affected mi benefited by such improvement Io:! the purpose of paying for such st provement. That the estimated cot of such Improvement is the sum c;! $145.00. That the council will, on ri 6th day of December, 1911, meet t the council chamber at the hour of!! o'clock p. m. to consider said estlmatf ed cost and the levy" of said asses ' ment, when a hearing will be graatei1. to any person feeling aggrieved ti each assessment. La Grande, Oregon, November t' 1911. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDF, OREGON. ; , By C. Mv HUMPHREYS, j Recorder of the city of La Grind1! Oregon. f r "gn-iMj.iMwiiMWMr iit. avz. .tt rrvx Tni--y llsmj!WJXXJSi.'a BIS and put I Select THIS Gar you can in the bank. If you have been figuring on the purchase of an $1800 car, you can now buy the new Maxwell Spe cial for $1280 and put the difference in the bank. Pn invAstlivaiK. nA jwvmviM i.. will A uivGObiiabiiig auu w.uifai.uj.g juu wm l cau- Jl xl t iv . a m n w, . m $500 Its distinctive Style and abundant Ppwer added to the known Maxwell reliability, economy and durabilitymake it ily see that this car is the equal of any car within iftin) T T 1 i v i $500 of its price. 15125 s Undisputed Leader The New, Powerful well Special Compare the surpassing style of the new Maxwell Special with any other car near its price. The new ventilated fore-door, flush-side yestibuled steel body, wi!h inside control, the Columbia Honey comb type radiator, new designed bonnet, rich fin ish many of the attractions of the expensive cars Stylishj 36 hp. $1280. make this an aristocrat among automobiles. The remarkably low price is possible through the great ; manufacturing and purchasing economies of the United States Motor Co. Let us tell you about this car-You will realize that $500 can be saved. Mean while, our advance catalogs are ready write for one today. A postal will do. R. W. LEIGHTON'S GARAGE, AGEN1S