" PAGE 2 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. MONDAY, DECEMBEK 4, 1911. llliiN 111 BUY YOUR I II AYE 2S NEW DRESSERS IN SOLID OAK. MADE 131 NFNE DIF FERENT STYLES THAT MUST CO f 15.50 Solid Oak Dresser $12.50 DURING OCTOBER! $16.50 Solid Oak Dresser $17.50 Solid Oak Dresser $18.00 Solid Oak Princess $20.00 Solid Oak Princess $24.00 Solid Oak Princess $13.25 $14.00 $15.25 $16.00 $20.00 BIGGEST SNAP YOU EVER SAW. BUY NOW Want Your Heat ing Stove Set Up? WILL DO THIS AND GIVE YOU A WANT TO TRADE IT ON A YERY (INE COMBINATION HEATER 1 1 Perfect Heater VKRT LOW PRICE. , HEATERS, ALL KINDS $1-00 TO : $33.00 ' m - COMPLETE HOUSE y ,,V15W . v ,.V . . ..... " ' XVTSliJ .v.:'".'" gwij-j . i . iiiyjrgr.".'.'.!gw.; irv1, .'itJ,jgjar.n,..&'lV-MB " 'i . ' nv DPnmiPTQ 8.;; rnilllllliin Sheridan was at Brighton one sum- Ul I MUUUUIU ORDINANCE NO. 570, SERIES 1311. An ordinance declaring the cost of improveing Monroe avenue from the south line of North Fir street to north line of Spruce street la the city of La Grande, Oregon; determining the property benefited thereby, levying au assessment thereon to defray the costs and expenses of the Improvement; pro viding for the' assessment roll of the same and directing the entry of said assessment In the docket of city liens; providing a time when the same snail become delinquent and requiring the city recorder to prepare a con-ia! as sessment roll In accordance, with the assessment herein levied and to col lect said assessment. The city of La Grande does oidaln as follows: Section 1. That the council has con. sldered the proposed assessment of ihe property benefited by the improve ment of Monroe avenue from south line cf North Fir street to rorth line of Spruce street, in the cify of La Grande, Oregon, and all objection made thereto and hereby ascertain, determines and declares the whole cct of said improvement In the man ner provided by resolution duly pas sed by the council on the I2ta day of April, 1911, to behe sum of and the property heerafter described Is 6pcially beueStec by said improve ment and the special and peculiar ben efits accruing to each lot and parcel thereof or parcel of land within the assesment district and which Is so specially benefited by reason of said improvement, and which has bpn oqwitably apportioned among all blocks, lots, parts of block and lots lands and real estate, bunding abut ting, contiguous, fronting and adja cent and tributary to such Improve ment and within the district created foT the purpose of making such im provement to the extent of the beae fits to such ci, parts of lots, lands and real estate by reason of such im provement and in no case in excess o; said benefits, and the amount set op posite the description or number of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land for which said respective parcel? Is assessed la as follows: il Wihiet oimons... Block 124 123 123 IK' 147 ' 147 147 147 CHAPLIN'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LA GRANDE, OREGON JIONROE AVENUE, Cement Sidewalk Improvement Lot Name of Owner Ami ef As'sm't 16 and 17 Dan Marks $74.72 - Freeman Ladd 50.00 Steve Richardson ....... . . 25.00 Joseph Petch 49.68 Ed. Ml Cross V.. ...... 80.07 Wm. Sailing 23.25 Estella M. Davis 46.50 16 Iff, 1, II and 25 'A. m Flowef 144.00 $ and 9 10 1 and 2 7, 8 and 9 10 A trood fire to keep the chill away ' A good book to while the hours away, Good lights to drive the glooin away, j Whether you read, sew, work or study at night, a gocd light is absolutely necessary. Electric lights save your eyes and your temper. They do away with danger and drudgery. More people are using them every day and wondei ing how they ever got along without them before. Our rates are sura to appeal to you. Phone, Main 34.- : ; , .. . EASTERN OREGON LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY i Total .......$493.22 H WASTED JELLIES, JAMS AND VINEGAR ARE OVERLOOKED O. A. C Professor Urges Installation of Small Plants. ' Sl.aridan'a Retort. Sheridan was at Brighton one sum mer when Fox. the manager of the theater, took him all over the building and explained Its beauties. . "There, Mr. Sheridan." said Fox. who com bined twenty occupations without bes Ing clever In one. "I built and painted all these boxes, and I painted all these scenes." "Did you?" said Sheridan, surveying them rapidly. "Well, I should not. I am sure, have known you were a Fox by your brush!" , and th recoJ. cTtte nf u r.rande la hereby directed to prepare a special assessment roll in accordance ! with the foregoing assessment and en ter said assessment In the docket ot city Hens. ' Section 2. It Is further provided that said assessment shall become due and payable Immediately after the same Is entered In the docket of city liens and delinquent within ten (10) dav thereafter. Section 3. When the recorder of the city of La Grande shall have complet ed h anerlal assessment roll in ac- cordance with the provisions of this ordinance, he shall without delay give at least five (5) days notice in one or more of the newspapers having gen eral circulation In said city, of the time when such assessments will be-j come delinquent and also that said as- Bessments may be paid In Installments,! provided each property owner shall make application uii CRAFTSMAN HOUSE PLANS Corvallis, Ore., Dec. 4. (Special) -"We should be shipping out train loads of high grade vinegar, Jellies. jams, canned apples and evaporated .trnits," said Prof. C. I. Lewis of the Oregon Agricultural college division of horticulture In a recent address be fore the Hood River Fellowship asso ciation on the utilization of law grade a spies. He advised co-operative vine gar and evaporating plants for grow ers to handle the culls. "Many communities make a serious J blunder," continued Prof. Lewis, "in making these plants too expensive. Elaborate machinery Is Installed, tying ud capital In unnecessary machinery. The result Is that many thus prove - failures. By using proper precaution la establishing by. product factories and employing men who understand the business, we wll lbe able to manu facture our culls Into products that we can dispose of at handsome profit.:;. Llk.d Them 8hort. "Do you think thnt under any cir cumstances a minister is Justified In using another clergyman's sermon?" "Well, yes." f , " "Indeed, sir! Please state the cir cumstances." "If It wan a very short sermon." Cleveland Tlnln Dealer. (10) days from the date of the firs publication of Bald notice. Said appli cation to be made under and by vir tue of , the provlslc i of Chapter 6, Ti, tie 26 of Lord's Oregon Laws. , This ordinance shall be in full fores and effect from and after Its passage approval by the mayor and publica tion In one issue ot the La Grande Evening Observer. " Pased the council on this, the 29th day ot November, 1911, by seven coun cllmen voting therefor, r Approved by the mayor on this, the 1st day of December 1911. , A. L. RICHARDSON, Mayor. ATTEST: ' CM. HUMPHREYS. : ! Reorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. rrji-i? r1 ifDvQ by QJSW STIWEX fi) F IC9 AT PERRY SATISFIES LARGE ' ' AUDIENCES. Sfm Go to Perry From La Orantfo $ Spend Sunday Aftcrnoe. Not in many years has tee skating keen so near perfection aa this year and ."cores yesterday glided over the glassy Ice at Perry. The area to be skated upon is large, extending from the lower dam to the red bridge and tn most all cases it is very smooth. Large parties of La Grande people went to the sawmill town and spent the afternoon there enjoying the ex onerating sport which la so seldom followed with any degree of enthusi asm In this section of the state. Both In area and smoothness the Ice excels former yeRrs by far. Tkprp la a mnxtm of nnfnlltncr truth that nobody ever pries into another man's concerns but with a design to Jo hlra mlsvblpf. South. Discards Badipe to Marry. Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 4. Miss Lucy Beech Johns of this city, who is said, to be the only woman deputy sheriff in the United tSateB, resigned her po sition today in anticipation of heri early marriage to John C. Grler, a Pittsburg traveling salesman. Miss Johns has been deputy sheriff of Eav ette county since the beginning of the present year. At the time ehe took the badge of ofilce she received a handsome gold mounted police revol ver and a badge studded with Jewels. Since that time she has assisted in the . . v capture of several men, including a murderer, who bad escaped from the county Jail. . -aaaaaaaaaaa You will find that druggists every- cases of coughs and colds It can al where speak well of Chamberlain's ways be depended upon, and that it is Cough Remedy. They know from long pleasant and safe to take. For sale by experience in the sale of it that In all dealers. , PAT Y0CR WATER RENT TOMORROW. MtmHIIIIIIMHH'lll IH KltlllMi H'fH 14 r If your eyes give you trou ble have them examined and properly fitted with glasses by a reliable optomttriBt and the only attendance graduate OLD STYLE vKRYPTOIv. optometrist In Union county. The most modern methods only used. If you have trouble glasses will not correct you will be told the prop er course to pursue. , i make a peclalty of fitting glasses. W. M. Peare, graduate Northern Illinois College of optnamoiogy, unicago, witn 3. j J. H. PEARE, & SON. ;; i . 1 La Grande's leading Jewelers and optometrists. Opposite U. S. Land - ofilce. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes. We grind our own . lenses. . . lllllilllMIIIHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMlMIHIIHtM FOR ROTS BETWEEN THE AGE : OF . Id AND 16 YEARS - OLD ONLY. Ma ADMISSION WILL BE BY TICKET. TICKETS CAH Bf OBTAINED OF MIC CHERtRT AT THE LAUNDRY AFTER DEC; U. Christmas Entertainment given to the A Dps Moines man had an attack of muscular rheumatism in his sholder, A friend advised htm to go to Hot Springs. That meant an expense of $10.00 r more. He sought for a quick er and cheaper way to cure It and he found it In Chamberlain's Linlmcn. Thre days after the first appllfstton f this liniment he was well. For sale t7 all dealers. i . ..... B0 a rand By Mr. A. B. Cherry Christmas Morning, 10:30 o'clock, at the Isis Theatre A Special Programme of Moving Pictures especially for the boys has been assured by Mr. Sherwood. $25.00 in gold to be given to the members of the Boy. Saver's Club. Any boy having $1.00 or more in the Postal Savings Bank before Christmas Day becomes a member of the club. All boys between 10 and 16 years old will be admitted to the entertainment free THE BOYS WILL BE GIVEN SEVERAL I MINUTE TALKS BY PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN OF LA GRANDE. BOYS SEE MR, CHERRY KOW. HE WILL START YOU TO SATE