PAGES LA UKAKDh E VtSiAO OlfcUVEU. SATURDAY,' DECEMBER 2, 1911. i i m ta Is Society and Giubs 00 On Friday afternoon Mrs. H. R MacDoiiald entertained the older pu pils of her class in music at her home m Sixth street. A pleasant and prof iable hour was spent in conversation was packed with guests of the young men and extremely pleasing in every way was the verdict pronounced on the venture of the hosts. The patrones ses for the evening were Mrs. W. H. .on musical topics, bringing out some. Bohnenkainp and 'Mrs. J. T. Richard interesting facts along these lines, af ter which the following piano num bers were given: N'octurno Schumann Mary Monroe. : Waltz '. .'. . Gurlett - ' Mary Scbwebke. ' l'eri Waltzes ...... Sara Williamson Soldiers' March .. Schumann Amelia MIchaelson. Hungarian Dance (Duet) . ...Brahm . The Misses Wilson. , Berceuse ............... Gottschalk Ruth Cotner. Others not appearing on the pro gram, were Zepha Kennedy, Muriel McKinlay, Stella and Cecil Anson, Sirs. L. D. Irwin, and Mrs. J. McFar land. - ;.' . A delightful surpriae party was glv- en Wednes3ayevenlng In honor of Miss Grace Ball, daughter of Clint Ball. A luncheon smacking of Thanks giving day was served the guests who were: Miss Grace Ball, Miss Zoe Kiramell, Miss Florence Kimmel, Miss Clara Horstman, Mtes Georgia Barn lam, Miss Emma Windburn, Miss t zel Young, Miss Edith Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. George Ball, William Thompson, CJi""r' .- Walter Young, Boyd Pidcock, Elmer Horstman,' Pau vCrouter, Clint Ball and Howard BalL : A :The subject for study at the Lyle "Tuesday Musicals on next Tuesday .afternoon will be "The Orchestra." Mrsl Polack and Mrs. Frank Rechlfn are the leaders for the afternoon. A profitable session la looked for. Mem bers who have no answer book may consult the one at the cluo room. Following this study Is a recital of "String instruments will be given on Dec. 19th. Those who are to arrange the recital are Miss Nell Young, Mrs. J. Frank Maguire and Mrs. L. F. : 'Dunn. , - Mrs. Fred Kiddle entertained th Five Hundred club at her home in Is UN TROUBLE son. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Knapp enter tained fifteen at Thanksgiving dinner at their "home on C street Thursday. The guests, who were all relatives. 1 enjoyed a ' sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner. Those present were Mr. and Wrs. Jake Clark,' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clark, Mr. and Mrs. G rover Farrls, Mr. and Mr3. Forest Farrls. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knapp and three children. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lincoln gavs a Thanksgiving dinner and entertainer, a few of their friends at their home on Penn avenue. Covers were laid for the following guests: Messrs anl Mesdames H. Pattlson, S. Lawrence J. Tomassine, W. F. Pattison and Miss V.'pattlson. , Mrs. J. F. Campbell entertained the South La Grande Thimble club this week and she was a charming hostess. The guests were: Mrs. J. W. Bush, Mrs. C. E. Tuckey, Mrs. Earl Zundel, Mrs. J. A. St. Johns and Mrs. Ed. Wright. . ' - . 4 .Mrs. Fred Dittebrandt entertained the Bllllkin club this week a a Thanksgiving luncheon, served In a Mrs. Lloyd Scriber, Mrs. H. M. Bayy Mirs. J. G. Snodgrass, Mrs. Oscar Jack' son and Mrs. Herman Selgrlst. The Elks, their wives and sweet hearts were gathered at an informal dancing party Tuesday night which proved one of the important social functions of the week. guilty to the charge of placing dyna mite under the plant of the Llewellyn Iron Works and enter a plea of guil ty." It was done. People sat bolt up right and this time gazed at John X AlcXamarn, the labor leader, who sat quietly before the bar, chewing a toolh pick. lae Painiul Iause mc followed KELLlJi, KEEFEItAJ DAYTON OX was brokeuby Captain Fredericks, ; TRIAL. ' who arose with the original indictment1 charging James with the murder of III CITY COURT T w V FRATERNAL OIlDEIiS OF LA SEANBE. Charles Haggerty and walked over to James MeNamara who arose and gaz ed squarely In his eyes while Freder icks hurriedly read the" document: "James B. MeNamara you have here- WHncsscs Tell of Fltrkt on Thursday Sight Between Strikers and Brcak DEFENDANTS ARE RELEASED. tofore pleaded not guilty to the charge S Kellum, Keefer and Dayton were of murder contained in the indict-' released at the conclusion o" the ment Do you wish to" withdraw that plea?"'- ' J'- . "I do, sir," was the answer. ' ' Do you want to plead guilty?" "I so plead," said MeNamara, ana he sat down without a muscle In his face twitching." ' , ; . trial late this afternoon on a not $ ? guilty verdict by the court. 4 Joe Kellum and Keefer, both of Im bier, and a thjrd young man named Dayton, laborers ta the stockade at the O.-W. shops were p ced on tr'.ai Judge Bordwell i quickly announced before Recorder Humphreys this af that he would impjsc sentence at ten ternoon on a charge of fighting and o'clock next Tuesdav morning, which disturbing the peace. The first witness Is election day here The fame procedure waR gone through with John MeNamara. Al though he was in Indianapolis at the time the Llewellyn Iron Works exphv slon took place !y wca an accessory, before the fact and hU plea wa? there fore entered as ttiat of a principal. He. like his brother, was impassive. ' It was plain they both realized that the end had come and the last act of the big case was closing, tp,(,A. M. La Grande Lodge No il A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to a'.l Masons. L. M. HOYT. W. M. A C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. , B. P. O .E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at o'clock In Elk's club, corner of De pot atreet and Washington avenue Visiting brothers are cordially in vited to attend. H. J. RITTER, Ex. Rul : H. E. COOLIPOE. Rec. Sec. wnnnMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W meeU every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. nalL All Halting mebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENEY. ClerK. Savoy .HoM I europeaTTplaJ! ! The rooms are gocj a Steam heated ' only c, block from depot Et.i. i i'iU jO. C. Brichoux.Prcn called was "Buck" Hartman who pleaded guilty yesterday to fighting and was fined $25.00. He admitted on croBs examination that he struck at Kellum before Kellum had made any attempt to strike him. Mr. Gutrldge was also called but he didn't see the blow struck as he had followed Kellum, Dayton and Keefer to the toilet rooms of the Foley hotel and was doing picket duty by asking Dayton what his business was, and Then the prisoners were remanded ' consequently did not see the blows BRIBERY J CASK MONDAY to the custody of the sheriff and crowds rushed In to congratulate Fred ericks. .,-,.,;,.'A .;. K "I've simply won another murder case," said he. "That's all.' Others crowded around Darrow seeking an explanation of the sudden termination of the case. His face pal- struck. , .. ; Kellum who was really the only man hit in the fight, took .the stand and said that he . and Keeter were wiklus together In the toilet rooms Thursday night when he heard .somebody say "scab" and then felt a stinging blow that knocked him down. He wen. to W. A La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. O. 0. F. hall. 'All Tislting neighbors are cordially invited to ttteod. w! A DUNK, - WILL LANDRUM. Clerk. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cros Lodge No. 27 meois every Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's halL) A Pythian welcome to all TlslUni Knights. " , ' T.C. HAYNES. C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. 8 lid, the famous lawyer stood stern, ' get up and grabbled with the man who every line showing that he had been struck a heavy blow. He had little to say. ' . . 't. . ... ; When the courtroom was cleared the jurors were notified and excused. They expressed pleasure at not being had evidently struck him Hartman. Much the saVe story was told by Day ton and Keef .. All three denlel that a vile answer had been hurled at Hartman when he addiessed th trio as scabs. Attorney Baker Is handling tho case is (Continued from ?aKepne.) ; Namara, secretary and treasurer of the International Association ; of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, I who was charged with conspiracy in near here." Then the buzzer abbve the clerk's Itinrl fltw TiiBHflnir rnmnllmnntnrv tn Mrs. Gene Moore. The ladle, played amltlng the Llewellyn Iron Works Five Hundred until the noon hour arriving at the suburb on the morning train and were guests at an elabor ate course dinner. MTs. Vau Buren won the honors at cards. The after noon train brought the ladles to La, Grande again, much pleased with their compelled to pass on the case, It's a great load off my mind," said ' for the city and T. H Crawforl Judge Bordwell, simply, as he hurried counsel foi the defendants, away. ' j Oth'srs witnessed tin fight but they Burns Expresses Satisfaction. were not called as thev were 0", of Chicago, Dec-.', 2. William Burns,, town. - head of the detective , agency that. . The i Is one of thase-'oral of hunted down the McNamaras, speak- their kind that have occurred l ! lng of the confession of John ana ous times end places since .tin i'rlke James MeNamara said: . , , j commenced. It Is a great vindication of the pros- ? ' ' desk hummed, indicated that Judge ecutlon. Ever atnee the arrests were Bordwell was coming into the court- made, labor papers have reeked with room. An instant later he appeared imeious cnarges. men uko amupi jfoncn La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 21, 19H TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRN: No- end with set face took his seat. (Compere charged' us with conspiring tice is hereby given that the j.a'tne-- day's Junket and entertainment. ; -Miss R'una Baton and Miss Hilda -Anthony entertained the D. L, T. club girls and a few Invited guests last evening at the Bacon home on Second street. Elaborate refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by the guests, who were: MIrlan Smith, Gladys OeHterling, May Nell. Ethel Wright, Lillian McDonald, Zioo Bragg, Leona Newlin, Olive Mas see, Enid Stanchfleld, Ida Billings Hilda Anthony, Runa Bacon. j Last Saturday night En Bagera' Du sen, a popular club of young men of high school age, were hosts at a danc- "Tiie state vs. MeNamara, the Judge. Lecompte Davis rose to his feet. droned against labor, and insisted on it de-8hp of Black & Pratt has rWs day spite our absolute denials. been dissolved by mutual coajeM "W'e were certain .of conviction from j. Black continuing the business, and "On behalf of my client, James B. the beginning. I hope the authorities c pratt retiring. All bill du said MeNamara I desire to withdraw the j will now Viake the rest of the guilty plea of not guilty heretofore entered persons come into court and plead in this case and to plead guilty," said ' guilty. They ought to be forced to REBEKAHS Crystal Lode No. V meets every Tuesday evening In th IO.0, F. hall. All visiting mem MISS HELEN McLAUGHLIN, N. Q. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, Bee. 3 ?;vs, 'fMz:S 0. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E C. hoM stated communications thi second and fourth Wednesdays o' each month. Visiting members cor c"!aly InTited, CARRIE B HUNTER. W. M. MARY A. WARNICK. 8ec 10 U OUGHT TO K50W ! this shop, and Its abllKjKr, you best. Our one siroaf desire is to turn oot Ihj bi? CLEANIJiG 4ND PRESSING an to , price oar ierrli fe meet your satisfaction, fte Ileve we io this. If jow p mentg ned our attention i them to us and we win Jo jj work promptly an frnan:: ELITE DYEING & CLEANING m& Vain 64. H. B. rTaemi be $100 Reward, $109 Th readers of this Danef Will pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease mai science una wen able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly ' upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all DrnpirlatR, 7Te. . Take Hall's Family PUls for constipation. PAY T0l"R WATER RENT TOMOR ROW. he, his voice cresendolng. When the crowd in the room reallz- do so. , V "I think one result of the confes- ed what had happened there ca'me a slons will be. the election of George deep murmur, almost a sob and every Alexander as mayor of Los Angeles eye sought ou the slender prisoner next Tuesday over Job Harrlman." who sat impassive As for the first time It was admitted that he was the agent that caused the terrible explosion that killed 21 men last October. "And on behalf of our other client," added Davis, "J. J. MeNamara. lndlct- ' Elks' Memorial. . - i Sunday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. ' Hon C. W. Fulton will deliver the memor- ed Jointly with this prisoner we want' lal address at Elks' home." Public In firm are payable to C. J Biack. and both of said parties hold themselves responsible for all bills outst-wdlng. C. J. BLACK. L. C. PRAIT. ' Dly 11-28-29-30-12-1-2 4ng party at the ITonan hall. The floor to withdraw the former plea of not yited. Still They Come. Adam Beck of Island City a few days since purchased through the real estate firm of Couch & McDonald, the house and lots north and across the street from the M. E. church, and will remove here to reside. He will soon build an addition to the house. Wallowa Sun. i s s s , s Gi F T Order Your Christmas Goods Early and You Get the Best Gifts for Everybody: Toilet Sets Choice Kodaks Fountain Pens . Brass Goods Hand Painted China Cut Glass Fancy Box Stationery v Hand Bags Manicure Sets Books Games Fine Perfumes Candies Cigars j mnnji rmnxH kffi rrrm. Phone Main 4 :L......... ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA -Will, meet at I. O. O. F. hall sec ond and fourth Fridays at 2 o'clock p. m. ' KATE EARLS, Oracle. LILLIE KIMMELL, Racorder. ll-28-12t Glasses in Tim: Save Sight. fai k : Neglect to have them properly eu:.' Ined may cause and regret. a lifetime of tort;) fr 11 r Small disorders grow more serious er ery. day. There is satisfaction i knowlne for sure that your evejit all right. . I CAX-TELL YOU. I ORIXD ALL MT GLASSES. ! H E A C O CK Eyesight Special r You'll find it harib get oyer- TOUR SCRPKISE AT TIIE DIFFI' EXCE BETWEEN "JSjEAL TAILOUII CLOTHING AND THE "N'EARLT GOOD" Kim ORDER A SO" FR03I IS T(h ENJOY THE EXPE ENCE. YOU WON'T HATE TO PI' ANY MORE BUT Y0UE APPAB WILL BE BETTER1 THAN ANT EYER WORE BEFORE. SUITS Tailored to your measure $18 up The Wardrobe 1113 Adams Ave AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 735 Alteration and Repairing, I.arliV' nnrl P.nfa' rrmeii' -A Dyeing, Cleanin; and Pressing of any kind. CRAFTSMAN HOUSE PLANS FREE "it. SI fDayxd by CUSTAV STlCRin -h!