La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 02, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
So JnjuricH, o Defeats, Nothing but
Profitable Fruits.
$ S 4. .
La Grande 11; Elgin 0.
La Grande 14; Enterprise 6. S
La Grande 12; Elgin 0. 3
k La Grande 23; Union 0. 1
La Grande 5; Second team 0.
La Grande 0; Baker 0.
La Grande 11; Elgin 0. 8
Total for La Grande; 76. $
Total for opponets: 6. $
: '
Xngr Forward Passes, and Two Pretty
Drop Klckg Feature of Game.
-- s
S' J $ J- 3 ?
S $ ? ,? 3 3 3 -? '
La Grande:
& Yards gained on straight foot
ball, 201.
Forward passes, 102 yards.
3 Onside kicks, 12 yards. $
S- Elgin: J
Yards gained straight football, S
33. . . '!
S Average puntg 22.4 yards.
3 Forward passes, 10 yards.
Onside kicks, five yards. S
$?. $$845,$$3'fS
Tinale was spelled on 1911 football
In La Grande high school circles last
Thursday afternoon and the moleskins
have been shelved for future stars of
gridiron lore. Along with the "thir
ty" curtain, discussion of the years'
work is appropqs. Going through a,
season with a total of six points scor
ed by opponents is an enviable record,
a record that betokens alertness and
adamant defense for no team so per
fect but what is oftentimes scored up
on by the fluke route. Enterprise
tears the distinction of being the only
eleven capable to mussing the grass
tack of La Grande's fortifications and
It was unfortunate that the Enterprise
eame -was scheduled before Coach
Caylor bad time to Impart to his pro
teges the science of tackling. Enter
prise was the most dangerous team
played this year and the match was
scheduled -when La Grande was loose
Jn her defense. Had the Enterprise
game later it is doubtful if La
Grande's goal line would ,have been
crossed this year.
Cohorts of the La Grande eleven
have Justifications la swelling, their
chests with pride and gloatation for
from almost every angle the career ot
the team was surpaaslve ot hopes as
certained by the most sanguine. Sni
der, Cusey and Covpe Mere new men
The first two had never been inside of
football trousers, yet. became formid
able both' on aggressive and defensive
before the season was over. Few
downs were caled last without either
Snider or Corpe breaking through
Casey, too, caught that fundamental
requisite of a lineman breaking
through and stopping plays before
they got under way. Dohneukamp
the center rush, was the bulwiuk of
the middle Hue and played a luminary
and powerful game throughout the
season.' He has developed speed, is
accurate of tackles and is a tricky and
foxy fellow, continually keeping the
opposing center 'guessing. ."Bohnnle"
was down with the ends under 75 per
per cent of the punts during the year.
Grlmmlt, diminutive and young,
playing the first year in football, held
bis own with the best and won much
admiration during the season by his
bulldog tenacity In matching strength
with men far his superior in weight.
La Grande's ends were the envy of
all coaches who saw them work. Gor
rlty was constantly on the extreme
wing on one side, developing speed
and craftiness in handling forward
passes aa the season progressed, until
en Thursday be became a veritnble
bad man In handling punts, forward
passes and messing things for the op
posing team's efforts at forward pau
ses. Ills work Thursday classes him
as the peer end of Union, linker and
Wallowa counties and probably Uma
tilla though tho writer Is not versed
on Umatilla players. Tho other flank
position has been handled alternately
by Couch and Crawley .both playlnc
their first games In a regular team.
Couch, c-specitilly, was now to tho
game, and after discovering the little
trick that goes with tackling become
a clever end, meeting the requirement
of a present day flank man in handling
onside kicks and receiving heave.
Crawley throws "prp and g'nper Into
sv. ....
ms niaying, tacKiing viciously and
BpecIMly In the Enterprise prime was
he successful In smashing Interefr
ertee and nailing his man. Lack of
.rordupols Is ' the youn rater's nry
stumbling Mock to attain fame In
Two cleverly executed drop kicks
from Bolton's toe, on the 15 yard line
once and the 30 yard line once, cou
pled with a touchdown earned by a
series of forward plunges " and line
bucking, won for La Grande from El
gin last Thursday on the local grid
iron, score 11 to 0. Because three oth
er touchdowns were not socred was
pimply because Elgin's stonewall de
fense on the one and two-yard line
would not crumble. Elgin's eleven is
rejuvenated and while its offensive Is
still weak, it did put up a ratling
defense on its own goal line at three
different times.
In the second quarter Boltdn lifted
two beautifully executed drop kicks
between the goal posts. Several oth
er, attempts were made but with no
success, principally because of the
heavy wind blowing across the field.
Punting was difficult except when the
team had the wind to fill its sails
consequently alternate quarters saw
one punter getting long spirals away
and the other unable to register niorw
than ten or 15 yeards.
' Holton, Garrity, ..Reynolds, Ralston
and Lot tea took turn about at appro
priating long gains. The first drop
kick came when Garrity Intercepted a
forward pass on the 3," yeard line and
raced to the 15 yard line with It. From
there Bolton dropped It over the bar.
On the kickoff following from the ten
ter of the field, Bolton carried the ball
20 yards on the return, but a penalty
schools. So It Is seen that with a
line made up of only two veteran men
La Grande was indeed -.successful.
Reynolds at the quarter position
bids well to emulate his older broth
er us a pilot. He runs in punts espe
cially well, dodges well and shows
much better headwork in handling the
team than any player he lias faced
this yeur. In Captain Lottes, Bolton
and Ralston the team was well sup
piled with backs and .the loss of at
Jeast three of the back field next year
will bo a serious blow. Everyone of
them have tenacity in staylilg on their
feet In the thickest of the fray. They
dodge, tackle, plunge and skirt ends
with finish, und, individually and col
lectively, are the most finished and
versatile back field in the three coun
ties mentioned.
All these virtues radiate principal
ly rrom "Foe" Caylor. One can't get
blood out of a turnip very handily but
Ciiylor has gotten football out or an
ulmost red corpuscle squad this year.
Ninety-six variations of his open at
tack were taught his cohorts and they
knew them well. He taught his men
ahove all how to tackle and how to
tarry the ball against a tackier. New
football Is a badly misused term, but
it can fittingly be applied to the pro
duction sprouting from the lessons In
footbnlldom rooted Into the squad
nylor'g Tersatlle brain. OUl
style football with Caylor has the
same relation that a duck has to wa
ter, but he discarded all that which
whs old and Required that which was
new, and. above nil, was not only able
to devise the newest but could Impart
It to his students.
Fortunate In that no Injuries were
Incurred, resultant of much physical
development of the men, mnrklns the
return to the fold of good graces o
Baker, showing a wonderful tartety
of the newest football,. anJ without a
and a fumble cost dearly, and from
the 45 yard line La Grande punted ov
er fof a touchback. On the klckout
Elgin relinquished the ball on the 35
yard line and from there Bolton again
hoisted it over the goal post. The
quarter ended after Lottes, Ralston:
Reynolds, Bolton and Lottes had ac
vanced the sphere 29 yards on flashy
In the third down La Grande scored
its touchdown. 'Lottes booted the ball
over the Elgin goal twice on the kick
off, forcing touchback, and a mo
ment later one of the longest forward
passes of the year was negotiated to
Garrity who went 45 yards on a beau
tiful execution. Lottes, Ralston and
Lottes carried "the ball over the re
maining eight yards for a touchdown
in three efforts.
In the same quarter Elgin held for
downs on its two yard line following
long gains by Garrity, Reynolds, Gar
rity and Bolton. '
One long run by Bolton, one by Rey
nolds of 15 yards, a forward pass of
10 yards t,o Couth, a 15 yard negotia
tion by Lottes, 10 yards by Garrity
and an Immense amount of punting in
the, gathering darkness were the fea
tures of the last quarter. Elgin held
for down on the 10 yard line again in
this semester.
Punting was impossible except with
the gale but Ralston sent his spirals
lower, consequently covering more
b TOUT.; J; J j-rd; Cn t,'vftrnp
than Flagg did. j
Dodging and shedding tacklers, en
abling La Grande backs to tear off
long runs were features of the game.
Lottes electrified the Turkey day aud
ience at the opening of the game by
taking a forward pass and going 27
yards to the four yard line when El
gin held for downs. Bolton, Garrity,
Lottes, Reynolds and Ralston were
the ones who were showered with the
most applause, though the linemen
came in for theirs on various occa
sions. Except in places the game was
snappy and thrilling because of the
many long gains through broken
book a game for his Michigan eleven ''
against Princeton in 1912. I
In five games this year the Villano- - '
va eleven did not Bcore a point while
its opponeU were making 83 points.' PHYSICIANS AJfD SCBGEOJiS
In. MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and
Twenty members of the Dartmouth j . Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and
football squad were guests of the Depot St. Phones ; Office, Main 68;
e $ 3 3 ?$
Jt looks as if "Kid" Elberfeld would
land a berth as manager of some min
or league team.
The Bloomingtou club of the Tinee
I league, will perhaps engage Harry
Bay, the old Cleveland i layer, as pilot
next season.
If Patsy Donovan doesn't catch on
as manager of some bit, league team
he wijl stick with the Boston Red Sox
and act as scout.
Ted Sullivan, the well known base
ball scout, is to publish u weekly
sporting paper modeled after Sporting
Life and Sporting News
President MeCafTery, of the Toronto
Baseball club, declares that he Is wil
ling to spend $:0,0()0 to get a pennant
winer for Toronto next season.
Manager Roger Brennahan, of the
Cardinals, says that he has 33 players
on his list and is enj-er to sell, trade
or give away about eight of them.
Walter S. Woods Irs been engaged
a coach for the Dnilir.outh baseball
squad. Dining his career on the di:i-mm-d
he played with tha Chicago and
Pittsourg Nationals, and the Louia
v'He, Buffalo and Troj teams.
i s - e 4
defeat to mar her rwrt th nnn
schools of higher curricula than high has truly hen profitable.
Tommy Ryan, Instructor of boxing
at Multnomah club, and at one time
the champion of the country In his
class, has been appealed to to settlo
a local wager. His decision is that
Johnson is much more scientific than
Langford and thereby changes a pret
ty neat sum posted by local peoplo
who had formed a pool to determine
who was right.
Kid McCoy is in Paris gathering
some easy money by working against
the French boxers.
Ed McGoorty has called off his bout
with Jim Howard, scheduled for Dec.
1. t Fond du Lac, Wis., on account of
Injury to his hand.
The New York Boxing commission
has turned into the state treasury
10,000 so tar this year In cotnmls
alons received from various boxing
, YEAH. '
Wording Slightly Different but Mean-
Ing the Same.
New basketball rule books have ar
rived and fortunately for the fans they
will not have to lea.rn them all over
again. As far as the average specta
tor is concerned there are no percei
.tlble changes In the rules this year,
over last. Only In one respect is there
a material change. Previously it has
been deemed a foul to carry the ball
out of bounds; this year such an 'act
merely gives the ball to the opposing
side. There are a dozen or more
change In the wording and phraseol
ogy but In no instance does the mean
ing and Intent of the clauses change
over last year though there is a dis
agreeable conflict over the dribbling
rules which "the committee aimed to
alleviate, but made worse. However,
the rule Is so complicated that a cur
sory discussion of It would only serve
to muddle the fans and the referee's
Internretatlnn of the conflicting rule
will have, to be abided by for a half
dozen plausible opinions might be
handed down.
One week from tonight the La
Grande basketball team (not to De
confused with the high school team)
has hopes of playing Union here. Fur
ther announcement will be made dur
ing the coming week of this.
Captain Ralston will Issue his call
for recruits and regulars of basket
ball aspirations within a few days for
football is now a matter of remini
scence and not fact and the strenuous
knee-barking pastime is at hand.
f !
The La Grande high school has yet
to select a manager for Its quintet
this year. Prof. Nelbaurer was select
ed last year but didn't return to his
position here, hence the vacancy in
the nianagerlal department.
With, all of last year's team Intact
and three or four new men that are
as a good as the regulars and a whole
grist of youngsters growing Into good
form, the race for places on the first
squad of the high school will be halr
ralstng, to say the least.
Harvard A. A. at the Yale-Harvard
game. .
Just to show how easy it is to dope
out football results. Cornell defeat
ed Michigan; Chicago downed Cor
nell and Minnesota whaled the life
out of Chicago.
Residence, 69.
Notice of School Election.
Notice is hereby given to the Iegl
voters of School District No. One of
Union county, state of Oregon, that a
special school meeting of said district
will . be held at Auditorium of new
high school building in said district
on the 9th day of December, 1911, at
two o'clock in the afternoon for the
following objects: to vote on the
proposition o levying a tax for the
maintenance; and for the other neces
sary expenses of the district, and for
the payment of interest on tie bonded
debt of the district and for the pay
ment of bonds of the district and tor
,the payment of the debt ot the dis
trict. Dated this 28th day of November,
- Chairman Board of Directors.
Dlstrict Clerk.
Drs. Richardson & Loughjln,
Physicians and Surgeons
Phones Office Black 1362.
Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55.
Dr. Loughlln's eRs. Main 757.
DR. M. K. HALL Physician and Sur
geon. Cor. Adams Ave. and Depot
St. Phone, Main 23.
C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician
and Surgeon. Special attention to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office
in La uranae nuuuutu oaun. o unit
ing. 'Phones: Office Main 2; Resi
dence Main 32. '
DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Diseases of
the eye a specialty.
of women and children. Offices:
Adams avenue, over Wright JOrug;
Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7,
8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332,
Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black
. 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore.
Tablets. Druggists refund 'money if
it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig
nature Is on each box. 25c.
DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Sur
geon. Office at Hill's Drug store.
La Grande. Residence Phone, Red
7C1: 0?,.'? Phone. Black 1361; In
dependent Phone 53; Both Phones
at Residence.
Rochester,, Baltimoio and Toronto
rau a great race for batting honof3 In
tho Eastsrn league the past season.
Rochester finished first 'with a per
centage of .273, Baltimore ran second
witn .272 and Toronto showed with
Charley Williams, the Cubs' secre
tary, say3 that major lctgue umpires
should go on the spr'nrj training trips
w'th the players.
They say that "Sam" White, the
Princeton star, doesn't really like foot
ball, but loves baseball.
Quick, Sensible Method That Doesn't
Upset the Stomach.
Have you heard' of the overnight
cold cure that is putting colds in the
head and chest out of business be
tween sunset and daybreak.
Here it is. Cut it out and save it
If you don't need it now. If you ihaVe
a cold, cough, throat soreness or acute
catarrh, be sure and try it tonight
just before going to bed. Pour a
scant teaspoonful of HYOMEI (pro
nounce it High-o-me) into a bowl of
boiling water, cover head, and bowl
with a twel and breathe fr several
minutes the vapr that arises then go
to sleep and awake with a clear head
free from mucus.
HYOMEI is guaranteed for catarrh,
colds, coughs, croup, asthma, -sore
throat and bronchitis or money back.
Bottle of Hyomei 50 cents at the New
lin Drug company and druggists everywhere.
: All acute and chronic diseases. Not
drugs, not surgery, not osteopathy.
I remove the cause of your disease.
Then you get well. Rooms 20-21,
La Grande National Bank. Phono
Red 3181. '
T- -
Successfully treats rheu
matism, kidney disease, heart dis
ease, weak lungs, constipation, pel
vic disease, catarrh, and diseases of
the nervous system-: Consultation
froA PfcariroB rananimMa Phnne
Black 3351. 1411 Madison Avenue.
Ohas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran. La Grande National Bank
Building, La Grande, Oregon. ..
flee In La Grande National Bank
Building, La Grande, Oregon,
at law. Practices in all the courts
of the state and United States. Of-
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer,
Baker City, Oregon.
If you suffer from bleeding, ltehbiji, blind
or prutruilfnir IMItK, Kvml me your uillrr.-.M,
and 1 will tell you bow to cure yourNelf at
Lome by the new atworptlon treatment ; and
will alio end Borne ot this home treatment
free for trial, with reference)) from your
own locality If mtiented. Immnllale re
lief and permanent cure axrared. Send no
money, but tell others of till offer. Write
Coach "Hurry Up" Yost is trying to '"nd."" "' Sun"ner"' Bo 1' Nf re
I hereby announce to the voters
of La Grande that I am a candl- $
date for chief of police. My work
as an official in the 'past is my
recommendation and I will ap-
predate any and all support given
S me. '
' . J. H. McLACHLEN,
Now its: ---Jl'Jqie li.MnnLe
To Think About Your
1912 Motorcycle
We have them at the right prices. We can give you
terms on them that will make it very easy for you to
pay for one. We handle the following models:
Indian 24-4-7 horse power
Flying Merkel 4-6 horse power
Excelsior 4-5-6-7 horse power
Call and investigate the machines for yourself
Call Main 758