PAGE 4 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1911. THE OBSERVER BRUCE DENNIS Editor and Owier. eminent which the layman cannot unj ' derstand'unlesg put through the came kind of training. 3TAAMAHAS GUILTT. Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Dally, singly rout ...... 5c Sally, per wee-It 15c Dally, p r month 65c pf B EM Bttlft 1911 fsTA-v ! rr i w pfT 3 4 11 10 13 5:6(7 12jl3li4 192021 'f . ;' Jhurcli will 1 15 22 9 16 23 No greater suprlse could have spread over the world yesterday af f ternoon that the confession of the Mc Namara'boya who were on trial at Loo Angeles for., blowing up the Times building and also for placing dynamit i under the Llewellyn Iron works. It was the very last thing anticipated by the public. Those who had formed an opinion as to guilt were almost un animous In the belief that the wheels of justice would be clogged repeated-' before there ever was a conviction, and a great many felt there never, would be a conviction regardless of the testimony produced. jointly with England, consented . to his appointment. He off era to reeim; but it may be that some of the peasant soldiers will have to die on a field oi honor (?) and the already overtaxed laborers be obliged to shoulder a lar ger burden of debt just to please the Lion and the Bear. ' Cowper, the English poet, said; "War is a game which were th?lr subjects wise Kings would not play at" But then Cowper became Insane, the only poet who ever did such a tiling, and possibly he was a little off when he said that. Tripoli still wants to be IT, but Italy still trips Tripoli. Neither side of the struggle seems to outwit the other In the Invention oJLthlngs bar barous. In our own land there has been tin- DC OCDCDC DC It is quite evident that, the bribirt usual slaughter within the past four . t- t- e. J'. lULh BE ELECTED. iOW almost A certainty that be mayor of La What opposition to him tha f J outside pf the socialists' ranks bmeltJng awfcy before the stern fac; st permitting this city to go socialist. . The .majority of voters In La Grand? 5 not want a socialist administration, There Is a feeling whether well found- d or not, that eucn an administration would be 'damaging to the municipals tJi that 'it would shrink the city's jTrtttf take on andittori for which Stt G'r(SJl,e ' not flUed and generally tevoluttonlze affairs of Ihe public. Q meduced to a finesse the campaign jvbjcli confronts the voters Is: Church H cr socialism. Mr. Church has exten-' ' jive Interests here, pays no email tax :t : !ach year and he Is absolutely, honest. Being able to devote a great deal of time to the mayor's office Insures his areful attention to detail of city af fairs, all of which ,1s essential but . Jbardly ever .obtainable' In Bn officer elected as we how eWt mayors, for the office tarries comparatively no alary, thus preventing most men" . irom giving It their time '- as they would like to. In Church the city will tave one who will give that necessary thns.' He, has been a member of the . council for Borae time ani has in this way obtained experience In city affairs tecomlng acquainted with values, with cost of construction and with , nany Ins and outs o( municipal gov- tragedy had direct bearing on the pleading yesterday. The bribing was so badly done that the prlncipals'were caught red handed and its Influence seemed to disarrange plans. Then too, (here is some evidence to show, that Clarence Darrow was carrying a heavy fight forward whn it was ap parent to Mm, and Hk most men the weight of actual knowledge Of guilt tell8. It Is 8 weight that the best at torney cannot get away from; a weight that causes men to act unnat urally and such actions cannot last forever. For this very reason the old adage, "murder will our finds truth ful favon l the minds of everyone. The blow to organized labor dellv ered bv this confession Is fearful and it will be keenly felt. Not that or ganized labor wag responsible for tho Time disaster but because organized labor b9 been. In a large measure be hind the McS'amara boys' since they days. Never were there so many deaths by decapitation; surely the world Is growing worse! Unprovoked blood-letting was rife last Wednesday when from Maine to California and from the Sound to the Strait3 of Flori da one universal wall went evciy wbereward that the axe had visited the turkey-coops. La Grande was not spared. Tb? Thanksgiving serviced pvep were preliminary to (he second chapter pf the onslaught when at the homes of our very best people the re mains o the. departed were fearlessly picked to pieces and hidden from sight. By the way, by actual count by one present, there were not more than two of our bloated millionaires pres ent to hear the very practical sermon oy iu lU "r. Herd""?. Th"y who at tended and gave thanks were of the steady rank and file of the 'laboring class, the wage earners who, after all, are the true sub-stratum elements were arrested. Union and after ha3 of every community. contributed money to "assist in this To be eure to be honest the world trial. Individual members have paid ( of true laborers are thrown intj ex more than they were able In the fulljCltement. t-bhsteriiattdn tti(J liidlrec bellef that union labor waV bit tHal tlon by the" urieiillected denouement at hnd not tti8 Tluies murderers, ' From Lofl Angles yesterday. Long since ho on members of unions will be , the writer learned that "labor Is holy." slow to take lip the case' ot accused Who treads on the toes of the laborer criminals and contribute of their earn-'or who invades his rights is a Vr.rlel. lngs. Organized labor will not be so The first thing the Almighty did when anxious to lend its dignity and Its' he created man and woman was to earnings to aid in trials of those who Bet them to work. The real noble commit crime or. those who are chargr man today Is the laborer; such has ev- ed with having comimtted crime. It er been the case. As It Is now, It ever Is a dear lesson; a bitter experience; shall be. a frightful confession, and withal U Labor leaders are not always labor! will cause a complete revolution 1 era; but often are leaders of person among the honest laboring people who better than themselves. Thus the Rrcade Theatre "Child Crusoes"-tf t is like turning the pages of a book ot adventures and seeing the pic tures of all the wonderful peo ple and happenings come to life YITAGRAHI. "John Oakhurst, Gambler" A faithful study of an old western type. .8 ELI Q. "A Cure'for Crime." A lively comedy with Interesting Illus trations in mental suggestions EDISON. Mr. Williams, In pictured mel ody, TLL 00 WITH YOU TO TIIE END OF THE WORLD AMD ffltEJT TO THE WORLD BE. TOND" COMING DEfEMRERl 6 AND 7 F0l?L PLAY" A a Edlsoa mas terpiece. Thre rert, (ChiM. Iteade's famoas book.) belong to unions. A WORLD GLIMPSE. Taking a peep around the corners of the world tonight we see things standing thus: In Asia, the Manchin are steadily and surely yielding to, two mercflesB forces, the , Chinese proper, and public world wide opinion After the three centuries of heartless overlording they must retire for good and permit the owners of the soil to retake their p'l'ace on the throne of Btate and commercial, financial, soclpl and educational circles. Wu Tint; Fang and Yuan Shi Kal are both pro gressives of the most advanced type and ought to make a good team. Even though Nanking had continued to hold out yet a while; the balance or power Is against final success for tho Imperialists. Unrest appears In Manchuria nat urally at this time and It seems on the point of declaring its independ ence. To do so It may have a three cornered tight on hand: Japan, Rus sia and China may think there Is some thing for them to consider. Persia is in the throes of flnancla1 difficulties. Mr. Morgan Shuster, nn American, has been trying to ferre: out their woes In money affairs, but is now being opposed by Russia, who, honest man Is often led into unwise conclusions and to unrighteous deeds. When men who are self-confessed criminals and caught, the eye of the world should stand by ready to ceo them have fair play, but should not prejudge the matter lest they be found I filled later with shame and confusion. Such use of prejudice Injures the cause of righteousness and makes them who would be the most valiant helpers stand incredulously aloof. It also' strengthens the hands of them who now in too great numbers are op- I II.. 1 A, . 1 1 I pressing me sweuiy uruwu, iuo lull ing hand and the aching heart. It is pessimistic to say as did Low ell, "Right forever on the scaffold Wrong forever 'on the throne,"' and stop there; we ought to go on and repeat the rest of It; "But that scaffold sways the future, And within the dim unknown Standeth God within the shadows Keeping watch upon his own." That Is true optimism In which all- may find comfort. Do Your Xmas Shopping Nov and save the inconvenience of shopping during the last few days when the store is' sure to be crowded with many who have put off making their selections until the last minute. Give Something! It is not always the cosily- fcift thatjpleases, but the t Usefu Gift is Always Appreciated We were never better prepared for Xmas than we are to day. Every department offersTsuggestions in acceptable gifts for the whole family, ? , ' Watch our windows and our Ads. w THE STOREOFtUSEFULGlFTS 11 ' -LP ,MMMrnrrirr"r"r"rr"irr"r"f"r"nrr'irr m Just a Few of Our Bargains: Elks Memorial. Sunday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Hon, C. W. Fulton will deliver the memor ial address at Elks' home. Public in-Tited. 4 1 What Makes a Strong Bank? 1. AMPLE KESOl'lTl'KS Our renourceB areUuO.OiO, composed of well secured Isans and oash. , 2. AlaTLE CASH RESKRVES-Our cash reserves are usually 26 to 30 per cent of our immediate liabilities (de posits subject to chock., and always more than 15 per cent of our total liabilities, the amount required by law. i. ADEQUATE CAPITAL.-Our capital Is $100,Q0.(H, . and our surplus, which la profits earned and retained as additional capital, is $105.000 00. 4. CAPABLE MANAGEMENT -Ever since its oranla- . itlon 25 years ago, this bank has been under careful man agement. Its officers and directors are men who have achieved success In the banking and other Uneg of busi ness. The fact that we have safely weathered every fin ancial storm during our career, and are to.lay greater and strr nper than ever Is evidence of good management . If you are not already a depositor or client of this strong end uuiccssful bank, become one now. If you are. tell your friends aboat us. ;'. La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON. ' CAPITAL . . . $ 100,000.00 SURPLUS . . . 105.000.00 RESOURCES . . . PrH T :4n1m. A nn. ; . ' . W. J. Church.. VC Pres. P. L. Meyers, Cas . . --1' -'-lr. . . 1 J.E.StevenSOn, D. D.S. "x ."' r ! 1 ' it . i i i i I0 IT 0W is an old saw, but it applies to noth ing ho vitilly as 10 the care of your teeth. There's a reason why you should call at STEVENSON'S DENTAL OF FICE If you want your teeth put In good condition. In fuct there are sev eral reasons. Reliable work and fees consistent wtth same. 120 acres in the valley, 7 miles from La Grande, for only $5,000.00. Just one year's work on this property will double it in value. It is for sale or trade. 40 acres, fair buildings, 30 acres cleared, 5 acres orcharcj, water for irrigation, 3 miles from town, 1 miles to school. This property can be handled for less than $bi?.uu an acre, a small amount of cash, can take city property for balance. Wje Handle Property Everywhere and have some Splendid Trades, We have a hotel to trade for city prope rty. Rent of it pays 10 per cent. Fine acre tract, good orchard, nice new house, near Palmer mill, cheap and on easy terms. : ; i . . Nice little home at 704 Main S. Belongs to a non-resident and will be sold at a very low price. , ; fmm 1 Iffli 1,1111 u 5 room modern house on Sixth street, furnished or unfurnished. The lot alone is worth the price of the property. , ' . Modern six room house at Sixth and N. Very low price and best of term.s Small cottage on N Street, splendid loc ation. Can sell on installments. Fine modern home on X? street, close in; small payment will handle it. Small property on Ninth street, belongs to non-resident and he is very anxious to sell it. Price very low and will take m onthly payments. We have some fine homes and vacant I ots in every part of the city. Business properties that are paying good interest and increasing in value; also money-making business propositions. We can save you money; come in and see us. ti -.- SECURITY LAND & TRUST CO. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK BUILDING . OUR FRESH TAFFIES A r eExcellent. He Carry Vanilla Strawberry and Molasses 2 IP I ITh'T? ID f the palace of swEtTs luLnJLMy 9 v