H f v 1 1 N n! Uv VOLUME NO. 16 LA GRANDE UNION COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19J1. NUMBER LIBOR LEIK Mil THE MM ' - ' "IPOSTERS", "PLOT" IS CRY JF SOCIALISTS conn SAYS GOMPEHS 'MOYER IS LIKEWISE BITTER IN ATTACK! ON BROTHERS LABOR CIRCLES EVERYWHERE . ' EXPRESS AGER AT MEN Has Received Setback--Clomuers Is Angered and Calls Men Imposter, In Explaining Why He Supported Them at First Darrow Eiplalns Atti tude, New York. Dec. 2 Samuel Gompars today denounced the McNamaras who fore. "They're a pair of impostor : I thought they were the victims of Burns. It Is a f rameup. They im- - posed on, my credulity," shouted Mr - Gompers. Moyer Admits a Setback. Denver, Dec. 2. Charles Moyer, the of Miners today said: "The McNam aras' acknowledgement of their guilt wjll give the cause of labor a tem porary setback but only until the rank and flle can prove that Individ uals and not the unions are on trial. I think there is something deeper In these confessions than the labor move ment can grasp now. Likely as not pressure will be brought to bear by the forces of the opposition. Surely the confessions at this time can hard ly give to labor Its just dues. Yet If .the admissions are true such an ex posure must sooner or later clear the atmosphere in the labor world." : McXamaras Are Denounced1, . San Francisco, Dec. 2. Labor lead ers here are United in denouncing the MIcNamaras and declare they were duped with the others. Roosevelt Voices Opinion. New York, Dec. 2. "My ideas on the McNamaras is expressed in the Outlook editorial, "Murder Is Mur aer," Bald Roosevelt. "That's the way I feel about it." Mnrshall Is Vindicated. Indianapolis, Dec. 2. Governor Marshall, who granted extradition for the McNamaras and was harshly criti cized for it, today said that the con fessions vindicated his stand Which the labor leaders termed "kidnaping." Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 2. Declaring the McNamaras confession is to shield the labor leaders high up, John Klrny, president of the National Association of Manufacturers left today for In dianapolis to participate in the feder al probe of the McNamaras there. He said "The McNamaras' rnnfeaalnna should be a death blow to organized labor. V !BRIBERfCASES DISTRICT ATTORNEY DENIES STEFFENS ; CONNECTIONS PREDICT "SOMETHING INTERESTING" FOR THE EVENT Bl'RXS COMIXG TO PROSECUTE y "HIGHER ITS" IX BRIBERY Secretary Moyer Admits That LaborlClulrolMg the Election Sext Tuesday Is ' Federal Investigation of the Affair to Una fr.iu.tnAj L'n,l.n 1. n w I ALU. I -1 t . . - . t V J I f , II. , ... . uMjct iu now, sociuusi-Liuun rur-i,- e Mune m luiuornm vtnen vrana EFFORT TO DEFEAT JOB HARRIS AX ASSERTS I'XIOXS tV Advance I! xciih for" PuniM. ti6ns In Los - Angeles Steffens fs Claimed to Have Been Behind the Confessions. Los Angeles, Dec. 2-Postive charg es that the. plea of gnllty of the Mc- Knmrm yf Arrinv woW nr rf A plan to discredit the Socialist-Union , party in Its fight here and prevent them from winning the election here next Tuesday were today made by fol lowers of Attorney Job Harriman, the socialist candidate for mayor against the good government candidate may or, Alexander. They, declare the ad mission of Lincoln Stteffens, a, self constituted go-between, that he con sulted only the biggest socialists or their followers and that Harriman, who is a member of the McNamara de fense staff, was not told of the im pending confession they say, proves the alleged plot, Steffens says he worked to get the McNamaras to confess simply to pro mote harmony and the golden rule in Los Angeles and he had no political idea la mind.j ' . " v ' Harriman Believes "Job" Existed. Absolute declaration that the Mc Namaras' confession Just four days be fore election was carefully planned by "b,S business" to encompass his de feat next Tuesday was made here to day by Job Harriman, socialist candi date for mayor., DARROW TALKS TO PRESS. Explains vthy He Took the Case Know ing Their Guilt. zClarence Darrow. to a United Press correspondent said that he took the case because he wanted to save the McNaniara's lives. "They figured themselves soldiers on the firing line in the war between capital and thn common people. They thought they were taklne- the nnlv pmirca win the fight In Los Angeles. They ' e(l roundabout offers are not murderers at neart. Jim Jnry Reports at Indianapolis Sitna. Awaited With a Great Deal of In-"twi, S STEFFEiS; AFFAIR DEXIED. Los Angele8,,v-Dec. 2. District $ & Attorney Fredericks positively $ denied that Lincoln sleffens was 4 a factor in arranging for the Mfc-" Namaras to plead guilty. He said 3 "The defense offered to have f 8 James confess In July if we let the case against John J. go free but the prosecution would 'not agree." " . 1 bomb under the Llewellyn Iron Works and then his sentenced to be suspend ed, anr which he will ba taken to; Indir.napollg to be the centrol figure in ',he federal probe there,, is circu lated today. Fredericks wouldn't con firm the report. . ' The Coiifession In Detail. ' Log Angeles. Doc. 2. The confes sion of John and James B. McNamara yesterday afternoon, which brought one- of the greatest murder trials in recent history to a sudden and as tounding termination and ended for all time . the . controversy regarding the manner In which the Times was blown up, was dramatic In the ex treme. For over an hour previous Chief Counsel for the defense, Clar ence Darrow, and District Attorney Fredericks, surrounded by their as sistants, had been in earnest consulta tion with Judge Bordwell In his cham bers. Then shortly after 2 o'clock Fredericks and his deputies seated themselves In the courtroom and were followed a few momenta later by Dar row and his aides. Then ensued a tense silence through ,out the crowded courtroom which was' IIIIIG FILLS- iSTHIll TEE1 TO REBEL IDS EXPLOSION OF LION HILL MAGAZINE IS SUCCESSFUL c nsiiK TROUBLES IX PERSIA GROW WORSE TROOPS APPROACIIIXG Violent Antl.RusHian Disorders Are Expected and During All the Ex citement, Russian 'Troops Are Ap proaching Capital City American Officials Life Is at Sake but He Is Well Guarded. , . , , FRANTIC MESSAGE FO HELP RECEIVED LAST NIGHT STEAMER MISSING MAX1 DAIS PARTIALLY LOCATE Great Danger to Forty-Two People on Board Says Wireless Message for r Help Assistance Is Rushing to tie Scene Disjointed Calling VTm HearJ T1U Morning from the Dlf tressed . Steamer. . 5 Los Angeles, Dee. 2. Assistant Dis. trict Attorney Ford, speaking It the case against Franklinsaid he saw' no reason why the bribery complaint would not be pushed Monday. He ad vised the newspaper men to attend as It "might be interesting." It is rum ored that Fredericks may transfer the evidence to' the federal court in San Francisco swhere James, as 'Bryce,' and others made a plot to dynamite the Times, the Otis home and the homes of bmclalg of the Merchants and Manufacturers asoclatlon. There may be more arrests; . Bordwell Is 'ot Pledged. Despite all contrary rumors it was? learned today that Judge Bordwell' had made no arrangements regarding the sentences for the McNamaras and he will do as he pleases, although the state is expected to ask for mercy. Another sensational devoiepment to day came when Fredericks admitted he had other moneys used for bribery purposes iu addition to Franklin's 4, 000 but he wouldn't talk. He said the defense came to him and finally offer ed the confessions after he had refus Shanghai. China. Dee. 2 Ifr uay capmrea me.cuy or an vr. blowing np the Lion' Hill' ,ne vitsieralnv- Tprlhl ilinn-lr .. um uiu criinucu courtroom wnico was . J . .UFl - ,au- broken only by a whisper occasionally cun'' '8 expected tlurlgn f iioon. as James B. "McNamara, on trial for tfanMng 's one of the f' ' & ,g holds murder, conversed with Attorn TJa- the Manchas had. . ' I ,, f tic flcaicu ucar nim. A momentary buzz of voices follow (Continued on Page Eight) Teheran, Persia the Russian trooi,. III THEMES GREETG0NGRES5 -AlrhouKfc vano.ua; . on rersla, determlnelC"bblt the mon arch, odlclals artf s!sndin pat and are n Jt f ubraltting " to the deminds. V'blent aitl-Ruslf.t dlBorcer pre feared, i ' ": ; ; i; v : Shus'ir't iiersonal todyguirl is dni- bled as it is feared the assassins majt make tnother atta not to k U him the country U intensely excIUt Shuster an A.uerican w io tank of fice in I tlato rignten the nnni".n;y sjsicm smi bis re'rnatlon U dem.ird PBESIDEXT'S. MESSAGE TO COME 'd by U,;8a!a and B'and. I TUESDAY. Cnclc Sam to Defend S Congress Convenes Sext Monday for a I Brief Opening of the Session. Washington, D. C, Dec. 2. With the Shuster. Washington, D. . C., Dec. 2. -It i( stated that the United States state de partment has cabled the American am bassador, Guild, at St. Petersburg, and to Minister Russell , at Teheran that . Seattle, Dec. 2. Somewhere in tho fog of the Kyuju Bound, Vancouver Island, the Canadian Pacific - steamer Tees, with 42 aboard, U In imminent danger of going to pieces on tho rocks where-she Is stranded. Several vessels Including the revenue cutter Tahoma and the tug Nanoose are searching for her. The last distress sUnal of the shin was received last night and this was the first word rSQelvsd fice sho struck the rocks last Wednesday. Tho message said: "Come Quick, the ves sel is stranded on the rocks and Is In sireat danger." Then the second mes- sage followed, saying i ''gtllj aUvo itUl i i . ... ... tup. dub ..was near a caiung mis morning but there was no message. The Tees disappeared ' Wednesday and during the Interim ships have been searching for her everywhere until yesterday little was known of haw many pasengers ' were aboard -The fact that there are 42 has instil led added Interest In the search. NO. 18 LATER BY IS MINUTES XEW TIME TABLE BECOMES EF FECTIVE T0M0RIB0W. From La Grande Standpoint Only One Change Ordered. Effective tomorrow, a new time ta ble has been issued for the O.-W., car rying with it a slight change In the running time of No. 18. the train from Portland at night, and giving Nos. 24 and 25, the stub train between Baker and North Powder, a perma nent schedule. No. 18 will arrive at 8:45 p. m., 15 minutes later than at at present. From a La Grande stand point there are no other changes in the table. No. 25 leaves Baker at 5 P m., reaches North Powder at 5:30, nl returning leaves North Powder at 8:85 p. m.. arriving at Baker at 6:20 p. m. didn't intend to. kill and because he wasn't a murderer at heart I decided to do the best I could to-save his life. I took the only course. "All that I expect," he continued, 'is to have my best friends understand why I took the case, but the, chancy are that the world will not under stand. . All my life, I have tried to bj on the side of those who lose in the unequal fight between the rich and poor. Here was a man who, whether right or wrong, tried in his own grim way to be on the side of the poor. I couldn't see him go down without giv ing what help I could." Darrow Denies Plot The socialists charge that the con fessions are a part of a plot to teat Job Harriman' at the municipal elec tion. This Fredericks and Darrow both deny. Burns Coming West. , Chicago, Dec. 2. Burns announced today that he would soon start for the Pacific coast. He said he wanted to see all concerned in the McNamara cases brought to Justice. He regards the confessions as a personal vindica tion and ended by the statement that nine-tenths of the laboring men do not sympathize with the anarchistic ele ment but are misled. . Other Men Watched; Los Angeles, Dec. 2. It was learn ed today that detectives have been .watching a number of persons con nected with the California Federation lot Labor and the International Asso- I... .. elation or Bridge and Structural Iron workers, for two weeks. Arrests will be made as soon as the grand Jury at Indianapolis reports. The federal opening of the first regular essslon of' the life of Shuster. th tri.m.n the Slxty-second congress but two eral of Persia, must be preserved at dfcys away senators and repreeenta- all costs. This followed the at peals of ives wno naa remained at their homes Shuster's father : here. . over Thanksgiving day poured into the r ' total, qntsw train t6day. . . I hnll!ia rft . . . """v. :,. As all the committee, appointments :7V, 7. , . ! . . .. . Mi'wuunems eVer federal Incorporation of inter- and other details of organization al-J Btate commerce Industrial corpora ben" IT COmfV' T Wl,,.tions. The senate will wrestle with be no work of organ zat on nni d tnr .. ..... nn xt,1a ;., ine arourauon treaties, ana tbe lines - ..w,. . likLio luuuiiw uusiiies? ...in . i . . , , . wul UB Bimryiy urawn De:ween-ine may be transacted in both houses ind . . " uousea ana jing0iBtB and tne peacemakers. Then then an adjournment will be taken as , . , .... a , . there will be the subject of conserva- a further mark of respect" to tho . I... . ,,.. . . ... . amu iuo miijui lain uueHiiua or members who have d ed dur ng the .u . a . QM , . tbe tolls to be exacted of vessels pas- f a :r " ' ".sing through the Panama canal to be devoted .to reading of President ' ,m annual message. After that the law makers should be able to get down to business immediately and for the next five or six months, barring the time of recess over the holidays, the coun try can' watch .them thrust and parry and Intermittently legislate. That the session is likely to be an unusually busy and important one is generally admitted. The approach cf the national elections and the bitter rivalries cf political parties will en hance the Interest. The galleries will have to listen to floods of strident po litical oratory delivered purely for home consumption. No member with an eye to re-election will overlook an opportunity tO( "make good"' with his constituents. A flood of bills hitting at the trusts will be Introduced. Senator Pomer ent of Ohio will push his resolution to put trust offenders In jail, and Repre sentative Henry of Texas will Intro- MAXAGER JEXXIXGS HURT. Auto Accident Is Serous iu Its Coiso nucnees. ,, '.;.',' Scraniton, Pa., Dec. 2. Hugh Jen nings, the manager of the Detroit Am ericans," was seriously, injured. In an autvi. accident at midnight near Golds boro. Rev. Lynett, David Holdeu and his wife, -e all injured, Lynett la probably fatally hurt. The auto crash ed through a small bridge. Lynett's right arm and leg are brok en. Jennings' head is gashed and his body badly bruised." Thirty-FIve Sew Houses. There are 35 new houses under pro cess of construction throughout the city, according to School Census Tak er Rogers who tonight completed his enumeration of school children. does not include those that are finish ed, and in almost every case the resi dences are comfortably large and con venlent duce a similar measure in the house, providing some other member does not "beat him to it." Tariff revision, however, will be- j the big subject of the entire session. The tariff board's much discussed re port on the woolen Industry is to be transmitted to congress soon after the opening, and the board's report on cotton will follow probably within a few weeks. Besides the wool and cot ton schedules, a host of other provi sions of the tariff law, Including pro posals to reduce the duties on steel J and iron, cotton machinery, chemicals, reciprocal free admission of bitumi nous coal across the Canadian border; etc., will figure In the tariff discus sions. All hands are agreed that "some thing Is to be done" in the way of re vision, and revision dowhwar, of some of the ' Important schedules of the tariff act. E'en the nrepideni will be expeje1 to fall to lluo to make the work of congress effective by sign ing a bill. President Taft's position la under stood to he that he Is in favjr of "re- Heavy Rains Saturday Mght, The wind affiTraln storm Saturday night did considerable damage. At times the rain came down in sheets, and the heavy driving wind made It almost Impossible to face. . One of the large plate glass windows of Sounsa vell & Marvin's store, was blown la . and broken. It is reported that sever al tops of stacks of hay in the country-' were blown off. (Wallowa Sun., Boose velfs Silver Weddings New York, Dec. 2. Former Presi dent and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt to day quietly celebrated' their silver wedding anniversary, with relatives and a few intimate friends as their guests. Mrs.' Roosevelt was formerly Milss Edith Carew of this city. They were married Dec. 2, 186, In St. Oeorg church, Hanover Square, in London. niockland lHns Case. The circuit court has announced a decision giving to the defendant in the Svenson vs. Blockland litigation a complete ownership of 80 acres of school land south of La Grande. When the case went to the supreme court each of the two men were assigned a halt Interest in the land. John Hod gin was attorney for Mr. Blockland. duction cf the tariff wherever It can While the lawmaker- i .,Bun .ii 06 aone 8ta 81111 Z1V a ,,vlS non government intends ta nroBfict " ' of the states MnduM ma Bure of Paction of those industries similar investigation here. I that 'antl-rallroad legislation was no " b"1 "the tarlff It is rumored that the sensation ls longer profitable or advisable with a i hnDa only begun. No one 8 permitted to view to the general Interest, many of , .f""?. UPn ,Pformar,on see the McNamaras excenf In th ' the members of r,. .. m i whlch Blia11 enab,e u to Alatx b'lf,,- .presence of witnesses. They !et ! inclined to hold the roads responsible 1 "8" He ha a,ready iisrei well and seemed relieved that the af- tor many of the ills with which the ! filUr6 f the Wo1 bl" at the fair is over. It is generally, believed j country Is supposed to suffer! In their ' xlriBies8lon 8noul n regarded oj.lnion the time has not yet come to- . " 8" T' ''n,lUKV Ior let up on the railroads. I reduct!a congress- Federal supervision of railroads to ; a greater extent than is now in force will be proposed In many ways. More power to the elbow of 'the Interstate Live Stock Show. Chicago, 111., Dec. 2. The, UnltedV States. Canada and Mexico are parti cipating in an International live stock -show, which continues for one week. that James will get a life sentonce and John may be given 20 years. Federal Probe to Continue. Indianapolis, Dec. 2. United States Attorney Miller and other federal ct ficlals conferred, here today. Laten Miller said: "The McNamaras' confer sions will not affect the government's Investigation Into the affairs of tha Structural Iron Workers. There will be absolutely no let up in the federal probe. The government's Investiga tion covers a much wider range than the Los Angeles case." The report that Ortle McManlgal Opium Probe Continues. San IfrunrlBm Ttan ti.i)nvi. js- commerce court is a favorite slogan Batlon sprung up in' the opium' prob- With VtA In nivnlf ,s it. ". " tue commerce here today when a distribution "Joint" court shows a disposition to give the, Was discovered and. a warrant Issocd railroads a square deal, abolish it. j for Clayton Richards, one of the most But the session will not be. all bun-; prominent wholesale drug merchants combe. There Is no dearth of Import-) n the city. Authritles say they havj ant measures awaiting consideration; proof that $40,000 worth of the drug some of great national concern. Tho is dlstrlhntM nnnt fmm m. great appropriation bills will h ' ,tt., t. a, a i o.--v .vivyiuuuu UUIB Will DO 3 will plead guilty of exploding the , fiercely fought over, in tho house' ed H0YAL COUPLE REACH BOMBAY ROYAL SALUTE GREETS KIXG AXD . Ql'EEX, '. First Stage of Long Tour Is Completed by King George Todiiy. Bombay, Dec. 2. The first stage of the costly Durbar tour was completed today when Icing Ceorge and tho queen set foot on Indian soil, amid the salute of royal guns. The royal couple landed at tho splendid Appollo Bunder landing. Tho stage met them by Sir Sydenham Clarko, the governor of Bombay anl others. v