LA GRANDE EVENING OBSEUVEll, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, lull. TH EATRE OAES'FEIIKI...... Edison A magnificent Edison. Only Edison could produce a film like this. Logging booms and camps, rapids and dangerous rescues are depicted as lire, Its an Ed ison feature., "A WESIEIU GlKL'Witagrapn A western girl by a wild dar ing ride outstrips her pursuers, reaches her destination and ful fills her mission. , "A COXYESIEXT BUKGLER Biograph "It looks to me like a big night tonight." So it would have been if his wife hadn't Inter fered. -WHEX 1VIFEI HOLDS THE Pl'ItSE STIUAGS" Biograph She allows hubby 60 cents a week and he ran a bar bill, gave an I. o. U. for the amount. Sne got it So did he. 1 EXTRA, SPECIAL THANKS GIVING KOTJIIJiG XEABLY SO GOOD HAS EVEB BEEN HEARD I LA GRANDE BEFOIfiEJ OUR Di COMPARABLE TEXOR, MR. C. P. FERR1X. WILL KIXQ "A Song of Thinksgmng" MISS GARRICK, S0P1A4X0, WILL SIKG "MOTHER. PAT TOOt YfATEB REM TOMORROW. Elks Memorial. ounaay at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Hon. C W. Fulton will deliver the memor- . iu aaaress at Elks' home. Public In vited. - . Dance at rink Thursday and Satur day nights. Learn to earn. La Grande Business College. Day and night sessions. En roll any time. Fresh nuts, candies and fruits, for Thanksgiving 0. C. Combs. Mrs. TV. T. Perkins of Portland pas sed through the city this morning on her way to Wallowa and In a few days will return to La Grande to be a guest with her sister, Mrs. George Carpy, for a few days. Prof. Carruth, erstwhile teacher of science and last year football and bas ketball coach of the La Grande school but now at Stanfield, la spending the week end In the city. He was an 'official- spectator at the football' game yesterday and saw his former pupils wallop Elgin. Unveiling the Silver Service Given to the Battleship Utah cum i Elks' Memorial. Sunday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Hon, P. O candy store. Mrs. ! C- W Fulton deliver the memor-11-24-tf ,al addres at Elks' home. Public in- i yitea. Dont overlook books for ?lft. We nave the finest lines you ever saw suitable for all ages. 11-28-tf Gasoline wood saw. 3851. J.' A. OLIVER. Phone black FAY TOO WATER REXT TOMOR. ROW. i . . . . iaui cuowaer ana sneiinsn every day at the Snow Plake Bakery. 11-29-tf Christmas Premium. Samples shown at store. Send your order in early. Grand Union Tot: Co.. 209 Fir street. Phone 3231. ll-2l-tf ' Try our hot coffee and clam chow der. Snow Flake Bakery. 11-29-tf PROF. F. S. FREEXOR Splneloglst and Healer. Treats all diseases. 141J Adams a.vnuc. Phone Main 724, La Grande. - TflRIFFBOflRD CONSULTS TAFT 5 U V f i . '; " , ' ,. ? I ,3nV ' V ' Mini? f 4 r io Opldui Tif'.ir. I: i.i'.iie LOCALS H. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212V4 Adams aT.. Dr. Pesey, Specialist ;or Eye, Ear, ffosV Throat diseases and catarrh. w Seldefg store. Eyes fitted witi Classesl Hoars !) to 11:30 1:30 to and 7 to 8 p. m. ' Kv. J. b. Glllllan will speak at Is land City Sunday evening, bis subject being the "Lepers of the World, and What Is Being Done for Them." Crocheet work done promptly and satisfactorily. Aviation cap a special ty. Mrs. Henry Moss, near brickyard. 11-19-tf The decorators and upholsterers will nt be through refurbishing the Mteth. eaist church before Tuesday next. For that reason the church will not be open all day Sunday. Those interested will please take notice. The Young Peo lie's meeting for monthly entertaln iBeUt wilj have its program Wednes-evenlng. ' PAY TOtTR WATER RENT T0VOR RED KIDNEY I BEANS- Good Family Gift Have you thought of a phonograph as a family gift? It's something the whole family would enjoy and it would afford pleasure right along for yeara $15.00 to $65.00. On payments if yoii like. . ..,'.:,. : . 11-28-tf PAT YOUR WATER REXT TOMOR ROW. . ,-. , . - : , ..... Good skating is now to be bad at Perry and at Dutch pond. Tou know .what funhat means. Get your skates sharpened at Lelghton's and you will know you have a good joh , ' 0 .-q . . PAY YOUR WATER REXT TOMOR ROW. . ' op ' ' To all visiting Odd Fellows in the city You are requested to be present at our roll call Dee. 2nd, .1911. La Q. W. A. Worstell, Secretary, La Grande Lodge No. 16 I. O. O. F. ' " ' o o Ladles' Hand Itags at prices That Will Astonish Yon. Don't fail to see our window of la dies' hand bags reduced to less than factory prices. Newlln Drug company 11-28-tf PAY YOUR WATER RE XT TOMOR ROW. .,v "" Elks' MemorlaL Sunday at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Hon C. W. Fulton will deliver the memor ial address at Elks' home. : Public In vlted. :"fe---:: --- Baked in the Heinz Ovens These large, red. Kidney Beans are very rich and fine flavor. Prepared and cooked with se lected pork, the same manner as their regular beans. Constitute a pleasing change from the regalar baked beans. 2o A MEDIUM CAJT. Pattison Bros. Phone Black 8L David Bay spent Thanksgiving In Walla Walla, visiting his son Arlie. E. M. Lighton of Elgin was a Savoy hotel gueet last night. B A L E D STRAW UJJ.CBE1 AXYWHERE IX Watcrp-Stanchfield PrcJqfeCo.,Mi 7cs "S7 JlwjftmvON ATBNUM PERS05AL8. Phnto bv Amwrlmn Pram Aaanrlaflnn.. ISTINCTIONS are crowding upon the bnttleshlp Utah. Not only Is will be by far the most successful ever she one of the two largest battleships in the navy, but she Is the pulled off by the association. Team and possessor the finest silver service ever presented by an American j individual bowlers aro entered from lu namesaae. Moreover, it is safe to kh.v that no mess- chlcaeo 5t Trills tfansnd CUv Om room has ever bad a thirst quencblnit MiiiHrarur. that hhh M.-iirt mo MmJ .ag' St ul8, Kan8aB C,ty' ... - u, aiiuuvapuiin, ox. faui, hock isiana, D SPLIT SAID TO EXIST IX RANKS OF J THE BOABS). : Tariff Questions Occupy Attention of President Over AH Else. Washington, Dec. 1. Following the reports of a split on the tariff board President Taft today summoned Henry Emery and Alvin Sanders, two hoard members, to talk over the situation with him. He postponed a cabinet meeting for It. It Is believdthat Taft rill rln (nfnrmatlA tntn V.r.H tnv the basis of a special wool message to congress without ' waiting for , the board's formal report. It is consider, ed significant ' th.-.t Reynolds, of, the board, who favors a protective tariff, is absent, while Sanders and Emery urge the tariff for revenue only along the line of democratic bills that Taft vetoed. It is expected that Taft will proposed a big reduction in the wool 'tariff, v'., ... ' ' This maybe will do the purpose of striking a balance between the protec tionists and democrats. The cabinet will discuss the matter this afternoon. Taft expects to submit a report of tne tariff board which will be completed m a week withjnii message. The deter mination of the democratic" leader to ignore the report was made evident to day when Congressman Underwood an nounced his intention of calling the ways and means committee together Immediately after congress meets. "We'll give the president a reason able time to submit his report,' said Underwood, "and if not then in we will 1 proceed with an Investigation." j jKiucir mm ottiiuera. aiier a corner- ran a turn n,.' i. v ene denW there r -nnv aH..'L,... l.Z "7 " " " . . . . i continue In session over tomor- , j " iiruajr Wiiu v. tr, neavis ar uaaiana The Hague, Dec. 1. Kejjresenta:ive of many nations have assembled herss to take part in the much discussed as .1 long delayed international oiiferpn, - fore the suppression of the opium traf- fic. The purpose of the conference !a j to give effect to the resolutions of the International opium commission, which met in Shanghai early in 190D, and to endeavor to secure an agreement upon uniform national laws and regulation! to control the production, manufacture and distribution of opium, its deriva tives and preparations. The effort will also be made to regulate the shipment of opium, restrict the cultivation or the poppy, authorize the search of ves sels for contraband opium, and finally to create an internitional commission to carry out the agreements. Bishop Brent of the Philippines, who. heads the American delegation, has been selected to preside at the confer ence. Other memebrs of the Aemrican delegation are Dr. Hamilton Wright of Maine and Henry F. Finger of Califor nia, with Frederick L. Huideoper of Washington, D. C, as secretary. Mid-West Bowling Tourney. Dea Moines, la., Dec. 1. Tenpln knights hailing from as .far east as Cincinnati and . from as far west aa Denver are trooping into Des Molnea In anticipation of the opening tomor row of the fifth annual tournament of the Mliddle West Bowling association. The local preparations for the event are perfected to the smallest degree. The tournament will run nine daya I' .Koh hl K ..... .ll.iaa ....... .J ..I, .... ... luciiv tunu mi eciuic BiKt-i BCl HIT, ouu II . I Dft liUSK Its lltH'lirutlOIIM IMt'lUlie a picture of BrlRham Young. In the height of the eoii!rierr which raged over the presentation of silver, so decorated It w; declnred t lint Hie representa tion of the Mormon apostle's statue Implied .the reroKiiiMnu Htiil approval of all his teachings. Including that of polygamy The expSiuuitloti offered by the douors Is that the Young statue appear lit the mc.ici.iv of ilecoratlou beiautt the Pioneer monument which it surmounts 'is one of the s!i;l.)ts of Utah. The navy department has also accepted the trift of another silver tray, not bearing the picture of Brigham Young, to take the place, if the Utah's officers wfch, of. the one so decorated, so that they now have two handsome trnys instead of one. There are 129 pieces In the orlglnaj set. the most important of which Is the puwh iiowl. The punch cups represent each a county in the state. Its Identity IM-Iiiy established by a chsracteristic scene engraved opon It. Thirty tb-msnnd school children Joined with the citizens of Utah In the purchase of tin- Rift for the hnttleshlp. The. principal feature of the presentation cere niunies. which "took "place at the. New York navy yard, was the unveiling- of the service- that Is. the drawing aside of the American flag which screened ' tt-by Miss Hnzfl Tout, a Utah srlrl. who Is known to the atam Ham.1 nw Davenport, Sioux City. Topeka and a number of other cities. Opinions ex pressed by the delegates already In th city indicate that President George ' Strotz of Des Moines and the other of ficers of the association will be re elected at the annual business meet ing. St. Louis, Sioux City and Kansas. City will bid for next year's tourna ment. ' Teachers Meet at Ev ansvllle Evansville, Ind., Dec. 1. More than Delta Tan Conference Athens, Ga., Dec. 1. -The southern Kingston Prelate Consecrated!. Kingston, Ont, Nov. 30. In that presence of a great gathering of pre lates and prteeta from various points in Canada and the United States and of the Catholic laity of this city the Most Fttev. M. J. Spjatt, formerly of Belleville, was today consecrated as bead of the Roman Catholic archdio cese of Kingston, succeeding Archbis- Il University of Georgia today and that Taft will send a report of the tar iff board to congress Dec. 11. He will also send a special message. 1,000 teachers are attending the an-N, c tbe Delta Tau Delta fra" nuai convention or the Southern Ind- , , . !h0D r.authier. Th oonserratinn toofe mi. uiv. iu nuuuai nuuicrcuvB Hi j place In St. Mary's cathedral and was one of the most brilliant ceremonies of Us kind ever witnessed here. Ther consecrating prelate was the aposto lic delegate to Canada, Mgr. Satgnl, of Ottawa, who was assisted by several" archbishops and bishops of Ontario and Quebec, differences" Amnn th mmW f . wu. , row. rresiaeni unanes u. smith or . njr iiifBiuiii(, Auiung me wei nown .j was announced j educators who are here to address the' convention are President Robert L.1 Kelley of Earlbam college, President Francis J. McConnell of Denauw Uni versity, aud Stanley Krebs of Swath more college. ROLL CALL. Vice Regal Visit to HantBtoa 16W is expected to be present at ?attnton' 0 .. Dec. 1 the 16dge" room and register. All visiting brothers are welcome. W. j A Worsell, Secretary. 4 The Gover- noi General and the Duchess of Con- naught met with an enthusiastic rec eption upon their arrival here .today I rr many other prominent members of the fraternity are In atten dance 'vv . ..v, . Princess Patricia Sails for Canada London, Dec 1. Princess Victoria Patricia, the youngest . daughter of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Liverpool today on the S Qneea Alexandra's Blrtbtday.. JUmdon, Dec. 1. A wireless messago- i from King George and Queen Mary was among the many felicitous- greet ings received bv Oueen Alexandra to- EmpreSS Of, ,. ftn .v. ooBinn h R7S, h(rth T nl 3 A J I 1 ys... .u ner pare. ai uuaw.j ann,Versary. Her majestr ipent the ; Christmas holidays. The the day QU,etly 'Sandlghaiir, wnere from Toronto. ' Their Royal High- j Princess Is accompanied ty Major Mai- Bhe cftr,n ot Wa,e8 Mrs. B. A Martin of Cleveland is staying at the Savoy while in the city today. - ' ' I K. H. Dixson of Elgin was over yes-; terday with the football team and of ficiated aa amplre. Ed. Propeck watchman at the Beaver creek intake, Is down from his cabin today transacting business matters. J. B. Reynolds and sons Joe and Kt. returned this morning from Walla Walla, accompanied by Charles Rey nolds of O. A. C. The La Grande at tended tho game t here yesterday. Constable I. W. Faulk has returned from Portland, bringing Hattie Wright, a 13-year-old girl, from the Good Shep herds' home, where she was schooled for the past two years. To Improve Teaching; Methods. Chicago, 111., Dec. 1. The National council of Teacher of English, the new conference body recently provided for by the National Education association, began its first meeting In Chicago to day with an attendance representing nearly all parts of the country. The council proposes to devote Its efforts to the improvement of tho present methods of English teaching, which are declared to be wholly Inefficient. nesses will be the guests of Hamilton until tomorrow morning when they will return to Ottawa. . ....,, vVu.vuw... vi u Bn(J h,8 younger Mothers ad sister of Connaught'i household, and several during the absence of their parents in. other companions. India. . Moving rictnres for the Insane. Washington, Doc. 1. The 1125,000 theatre erected by the government for the benefit of the inmates of St. Eliza beth's Insane asylum was opened to day. The theatre la to be devoted to tho display of moving pictures, which alienists declare to be a great aid ln'C curing Insanity. The theatre Is called Hitchcock hall, in honor of Ethan Al len Hitchcock, who was secretary of the interior at the time the appropria tion for the erection of the building was passed by congress. Delight I Grande Ronde Electric Supply Company 108 Elm Street Next Door to Geo. H. Currey RmI Estate Office i Southern Textile Association. j . Atlanta, Ga., Dee. 1. Cotton mill managers and superintendents from many points In North and P.outh Caro-, Una, Georgia and Alabama arrived in Atlanta today to attend the meeting of the Southern Textile Msoclatioa here tomorrow. A largo attendance and a program that provides for tho discus sion of a wldo variety of question! combine to glvo promise of one of the most Important meetings ever held by the association. ' the Ottle We have a real toyland at our store this year a place to delight all the little people in town. Bring your children in and let them see the things we have pro vided for making their Christmas a happy one. Their expressions of delight will tell you what their stockings should contain. In OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT we are showing all the latest toys, little soft animals and dolls for babies, dolls- tf all descriptions for little girls, game for th older children, woncrer toys,- iron toys and mechanical toys. ' TOY AEROPLANES TOY FIRE APPARATUS TOY TRAINS ' TOY LOCOMOTIVES Don't disappoint the little srirls of the familv. "Rnrh will pxnpoi a riPOT rshllv this Christmas, and the place to, buy them is right here. We have them dressedi a cd undressed. Some with beautiful cos-tumes in right up-to-date styles and matt? rials. " KID DOLLS . CHINA DOLLS RUBBER DOLLS RAG DOLLS CELLULOID DOLLS JOINTED DOLLS LOLLS THAT CLOSE THEIR EYE3, AT!D A FULL LINE OP DOLL HEADS Prices fro rule to $10.00. : : We also have a splendid line of children's carts, rocking horses, wagons, doll bug-' Newliii Eook& Stationery Go. TOY BOATS TOY ELECTRIC CARS TOY POLICE PATROL ETC., ETC. iSSm