La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 28, 1911, Image 1

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' PEEING v' v'
Sensation Dae to Come la Arrest of
One for Aattempting to Bribe He
Samara Jurors Higher. Ups Said
te Be Next tn Line Darrow ig Si
lent and District Attorneys Has Lit
lie to Say.
Los Angeles, Nor. 23. Detective
Brown, chief ot detectives of the dis
trict attorneys omce iuujr, nolJ
Bert Franklin, former deputy Unit
ed States marshal and chief Investi
gator for the McNamara defense, and
charged him with attempting to bribe
G. N. Lockwood, a prospective Juror,
to hang the Jury. Brown stated he
and two other detectives saw Frank
lin pass 500 to Lockwood on the
street this morning, He had been
watching for some time. Lockwood
was arrested. ': . ': ' : ' " ' ; " :; ' . '';
Brown said be was cognizant that
an attempt had been made to inter
fere with the talesmen. He said when
the actual truth Is known, a sensation
that will parallel the original arrests
of the McNamara will be sprung. It
was hinted by some concerned that
the veniremen had been ."planted" in
connection with this case and that the
tatew ill try to prove that this was
Jkme by perscas near to the McNam
ara 'defense.'- Brown said it was paid
as "earnest" mone on a (4.000 bribe to
hang the Jury. . -
nigher Ups" In Danger. - ,
Arrests of 'higher ups" are impend
ing. Franklin is only a go between,
it is said.
Attorney Fredericks will not talk,
and Darrow denied absolutely that the
defense was in anyway connected with
an attempt to tamper with the tales
men. He Intimated he considered It
was maybe a plan to influence the pub-
lie opinion and said he wouldn't talk
until he had investigated..
Lockwood was drawn as a member
of the eleventh panel but hadn't been
actually served with a subpoena.
A man named "Cap" White, a broth
er of the former sheriff was with Lock
wood, and was "also arrested. They
were Bweated but later released. No
charges were filed against them.
- Attorney Fredericks says White
made the actual payment Fredericks
displayed the money passed. There
was $4,000 in bills of large denomina
tion. He said he could trace all of
them from the time they were first
paid out to the various actors in the
case, and showing Just how they came
Into Franklin's possession. He said
Franklin will be prosecuted. It Is
generally believed that Lockwood will
make a complete statement Brown
said the defense attorneys are not im
Defense attorneys stated positively
that the only connection Franklin had
with them was en an Investigator of
v ' .Two porkers that weighed 1,-
150 pounds were brought to La
Grande and sold today by the La
S Grande Investment company. One &
j was much larger than the other
and would probably Up the beam $
at 625 or 6 50. ; .The second was
4 above the ordinary size by far. At
about 6 cents per pound the two
hogB would net fully as much as a
choice steer. The hogs were rats-
ed on the La Grande Investment $
4 Co.'b ranch, and were fod corn
3 "wheat,peas and other convenient
3 and suitable swine food. , The $
cost of fattening has been slight
Indeed. . Large porkers are not
uncommon, corroborating the oft
made assertion' that the famous
mortgage raiser 'is a profitable
side issue to ranching here. J '
l r- r n'EullliilliiSlii li;
. . "ii SiWW:.;?r: ii r -11(11 it ilii'
nnnn th nr. i ,,,u
! . i
thm nmnectlve jurors which is con
sidered 'legitimate.';' Franklin's mem
orandum was taken from htm.
Imperialists Thought to P
Control of the Sltuatlor'
$ Hankow Foreigners f
and Jhey Are Barlr
hk Fight ShonU V
, Fln
k Oc-
, ear.
Shanghai, No
ed the Nanklr!
tured them aK,
.ebels rush
.OD8 and cap-
Would Abolish Office of County Judge
In Realigning Courts of State.
At the annual meeting of the Ore
gon State Bar association held in
Portland last Week.Judge ?J. L, Piyos.
of Portland was elected president and
Colon R. Eberhard, of La Grande, was
elected vice president for the tenth
Judicial district comprised of Union
and Wallowa counties. Addresses up
on legal topics, by eminent members
of the bar comprised the set pro
gram largely. , '
: An outline ot the work so far ac
complished by the committee ap
pointed by the governor under legisla
tive authority to suggest changes in
the judicial system of Oregon was
presented to the . bar association. The
commission so far has definitely de
cided upon but one provision, that of
abolishing prosecuting attorneys for
districts composed ot one . or more
counties and. the substitution of a
county attorney, elected In each coun
ty. To take care of the large Increase
in the number of appeals and great
er work imposed upon appellate courts
in law actions under the recent consti
tutional amendment two remedies' are
before the commission: first, the ad
dition of two more members to the su
preme court, which would then . di
vide into two departments with ; the
chief Justice acting in each so that
there would not be two lines of au
thorities, and, second, the creation ot
an intermediate appellate court, the
decisions of which would be final. In
a certain class of cases. In this event
no additional supreme Judges would be
needed. : " "
The commissioners reported that
Qj .rdest battle of
imperialists and 500 rebels were killed
in the last rush. More than: 30,000
were in the last assault. .
Fearing annihilation the imperial
ists stood by their guns until overpow
ered. The casualties for the last week
are not less than 3,000,
Dispatches indicate the rebels met a
crushing defeat at Wu Chang Just be
low Hankow and it is believed the Im
perialists again nold Hankow. Han
Yang , was captured by the imperial
lets wtilch is very, near Wu Chang.
Foreigners are facing a critical situa
tion and have barricaded the streets
leading to their concessions and have
mounted Maxim guns for a desperate
resistance. It the threatened anti-toi-elng
uprising occurrs, they -wouldn't
have much chance.
. Brooms to Cost More. ; V J
-Chicago, ' III., - Noig.-There ap
pears to be little prospect of immedi
ate relief for the housewife who com
plains that she has to pay twice as
much nowadays for her brooms as she
did a few years ago. According to the
members of the National Broom Manu
facturers' association, who began their
annual convention at the Palmer
house here today, the steady advance
in the price of broom corn renders it
impossible to '. lower the price of
brooms., '
Canadian Club Banquet
Boston, .Mass., Nov. 28. James K.
Flemming," prime minister of New
Brunswick, came to Boston today to be
the guest of honor and principal
speaker at the annual banquet of the
Canadian club of this city.
j. , mil
I 1,1 ,l 11 1 Ml 1 7
7,7 '.'Jl'i ' U
TIckHab.' Job Faces Grand Jury
. Prayers for Easy and Quiet De&Ui
, Answered and Now Those Who Car.
' ried Out Euthanssla Pact Xost
Stand TTIal and Answer, for Their
Act . . , ..
? ' Foreign Corrpondenci "Of late th nultan ktapa himMlf within ths
palaee, being In constant dread and fsar of SMination or suddan doeth."
Rhi In 8t Paul Pioneer Press.
15 "UP!"
Case Goe$ to Jury This Evening Wo-
. maa Sobs Throngta It AIL
Denver, Nov. 28. Quoting Kipling's
"Vampire" as the keynote of his case
against Mrs. " Patterson, Prosecutor
Benson today delivered the most scath
ing arraignment of a woman ever
heard here. Afterwards the Judge de
livered Instructions which favored tho
woman. Benson ridiculed her sugges
tion that she was unsophisticated
when she met Strouse, the millionaire
to whom she alleged Patterson 'sold
her for $1,500, and denounced her life
while the defendant sobbed. At the
climax he shouted: "She murderet
Charlie Patterson's body, tut thank
God his soul was beond the reach of
her infamy." '
The case goes to the Jury tonight.
I llfl P 0 RTflfi CS TDU GRANDE
For the purpose of viewing other
cities of the northwest, seeing what is
doing in the way of development, and
incidentally to attend a meeting of the
the Retailers' convention at Medford
In the middle of January', a plan was
set on foot last evening at a board
meeting of the Commercial club where
by at least 35 people from this city
and Surrounding country will go in
special cars to all Willamette valley
they had also two propositions under!an1 Southern Oregon towns of prom!-
consideration regarding, the , trial
Many Workmen Homeless and Loss Is
a Heavy One.
Portland, Nov. 28. Nearly threo
courts. One, which is not highly fav
ored,, Is to greatly reduce the Jurisdic
tion ot the Justice courts transfer
the higher Jurisdiction thus taken
from the Justice court together with
a large part of the petty Jurisdiction
of the circuit courts, and also all pro
bate Jurisdiction to a court to be cre
ated and presided -iver by a county
Judge in each county, who must to an
admitted attorney practicing in this
stale a ret tain r'jmber of yaara; ap
pep'.s to H directly' to the supreme
.nirt. the ume as from the clr?tU
court The favored plan is to abolish.
A banquet is being aranged to take
place on Monday evening, Dec, 11th,
mere win be snort talks from man'
prominent citizens on La Grande-
future outlook, enumerating (he
proposed industries that seem certain
and offering solutions tor conditions
that might be bettered.
The night of the city election was
selected because It is generally known
that business men are anxious to hear
the returns and count on staying up
late on such an occasion, i 1
Committees have been appointed and
work will begin at once to prepare for
what is believed to be the biggest get
together gathering La Grande has had
united nnnsT
for this purpose and at the banquet for many months.
county should have one circuit, Judge, a county attorney and denied the
in case the entire probate Jurisdiction right of a larger county to say that a
is transferred to tha rlrrnlt jnurt. -vw
was made by Attorney Colon R. Eber
hard. He explained from experience
in an interior county before a railroad
entered it how difficult it had been to
get the circuit Judge to try accumu
lating cases except at the stated terms
held twice a year, and argued that
with the greatly increased work of
. ,v .s fount J:. !cautirely. transfer a:i : "lD - "
i ..i nr u h nn in tne cirru.i - ..v.0o.v -
court and aV .m ssloners' business estates, as well as the public business
o -emaln as at present Trs plan would be sure to suffer, in the small
originally called for a circuit Judge in counties, and by reason of the fact that
each county, but It was thonght by the Judges would be so engrossed in
some ot the commission that the smal- their own counties, it would be found
ler counties should be attached onto impossible to give proper attention to
the larger onea with one Judge serr- the accumulating work in the other
mg both. According to a Portland counties of his district. He pointed
weekly paper, the strongest attack on out that the principle seemed to be the
the abandonment of W of eaca adopted Idea of creatlaf
fireswept this morning by a blaze that
aestroyed several frame stores ana
ten residences, causing a loss of ap
proximately 75,000.00. The fire start
ed in a grocery' store.
Hampered with Inadequate fire ap
. paratus, the people fought with buck
y et until two hours later when fire apj
paratus, was received from tho city.
Fifteen families, mostly workmen, are
smaller .but growing county was not
entitled to the same privilege of speedy
Justice and administration of its pro
bate business. He is also reported af
denouncing the abandonment of a
concededly proper principle In the in
terests of the supposed expediency of
getting votes for their proposition in
the larger counties. In this position,
Mr. Eberhard was warmly supported
Will M. Peterson, of Pendleton, who Is
a member of the commission. As the
commission has not permanently
adopted any definite scheme, except as
to count attorneys, Mr.' Elberhard
thinks all interested in any of the mat
ters should state their views to the
commission', which seeks any and all
suggestions that can be offered.
Interviewing Commission to Be Nam
, - ed Enthusiasm Widespread. .
"Men and Religion Forwanl" irove
ment discussions at a meeting of the
Presbyterian Brotherhood last even'
ing ' at the home of Attorney C. E.
Cochran precipitated the first 'blow
Btruck in the realization of an active
Y. M. C. A. ill La Grande. Gret,t en
thusiasm was worked up and men in
fluential In professional, commercta'
and religious circles of La Oranda
are behind a movement that is to be
spread until every order, associrt'on
religious and non-religious is hitched
to the Y. M. C. A, wagon with s wel'
defined goal as the objective destina
tion. While the irons were hot the
correct action was taken when a diplo
matic commission as it were, was or
dered appointed by President Cochrau
of the Brotherhood, to interview ev
ery5 order, church, aid society, lodge,
commercial organization and what not
in the city. The aim at this time is to
get all these orders looking toward a
common end and to ultimately get a
representative from each of the or
ganizations 'banded into one genera'
committee which is to devlso ways anj
means.- . ',.-., . , .',.-, ; ,:.'...'.
"Men and Religion Forward Move
ment" Is in itself a life topic, discus
sed as much as politics throughout
the United States and it was during
this series of discussions, '.ead by Dr.
W. S. Seemann, Attorney Turner Oli
ver, William Miller, Robert Eakin, Jr.,
Attorney. F. E. Llndley, : Attorney C.
A. Small, Dr. J. W. Loughlln, Dr. H.
L. Underwood, John Williamson, At
torney C. E. Cochran and others, that,
the V. M. C. A. propoganda gt a firm
rooting and developed into oelng one
of the most Important gatherings held
In La Grande In that there Is every
reason to believe the movement set
on foot win . ultimately! result m a
much needed Y. M. C. A. building and
related facilities.
Among the old Y. M. C. A. workers
who were present and spurreJ the
gathering on to action by warm ap
peals for such a facility in La Crande.
were Attorney F. E. Llndley, a Chi
cago Y. M. C. A. worker, George H.
Sutherland, a Walla Walla member ol
land. .
Realizing that a new building ir not
probable within the next year or so
some discussion has been gon into
relative to fitting up Y. M. C. A. facli
lties In some desirable location and
increasing the membership under suei
conditions and as soon as feasible,
build the structure that would be a
permanent home.
the national association. Dr J. W.
Loughlln, a Boston T. M. C. A; worker
C. A. Small and others. '
ilmmee,' Fla., Nov." . 28. (Rarely
Jl grand Jury In this state or else- ,
ere been confronted with a more
ellcate and difficult ta?k than is the
grand Jury wVrt tni aiue tod-iv to '
take up the casa nf the two Shakers.
Brother E'ior; P. u .ifte an.l p.ster
Elizabeth Sears, charged with wlllfu'
murder for having caused the deaca
of 'another memoer or tne onaaor .
ony near Ashton, Sadie L. Marchant
on August 22, last, by having admtnls-
tered chloroform to her.
More than ordinary interest Is at
tached to this case and tOie action of
the grand Jury will bo awaited with
sympathetic attention throughout tho
country, for the case in question In
volves a striking example, of a con
11 let ' betwen humane sympathy and
the law and places upon the grand
Jury the burden of deciding whether
euthanasia is Justifiable under certain
conditions or must rigidly be adjudg
ed a crime, no matter what may be tho
surrounding conditions. )
Sister Sadie L. Merchant, one of
the members of the small Shaker col
ony which owns a farm of about 7,000
acres around Lake : Alligator, near ;
Ashtor died ov August Jt after
having suffered for BoC.e time from
consumption. After her death it was
rumored that her Shaker friends lad
relieved , her sufferings, and, at her
own request,, had "assisted her out of
her torturesome W by administering
chloroform to her. The matter was
brought to the attention of the authorv
lties and an investigation was made.
Brother Gillette and Sister Sears, who
had been with Sister Marchant at tho
time ot her death, admitted without
hesitation that they had helped Sister
Marchant to a painless and peaceful
death by giving her chloroform. (
Upon their own admission Brother
Gillette and Sister Elizabeth were ar
rested and brought before Judge Par
ker for a preliminary hearing. They
repeated their admission and added
that they had administered the anaes
thetic upon the urgent prayer ot Sis
ter Marchant. They stated that Sis
ter Marchant had for a long time suf
fered from tuberculosis. ' One of her
lungs was completely destroyed by, the
terrible disease and the . ravages of
the disease In the other lung caused
the patient-excruciating pain. Sister
Sadie had always longed for a pain
less and peaceful death and, when the
end approached and her sufferings be
came almost unbearable, she p'aye?
her friends to have mercy and to help
her to a quiet and painless death. Up-
(Continued on Page Eight)
Nurses and Doctors Rushed to Scene
From Spokane Cars on Side,
North Yakima, Nov. 28. Eleven per
son were injured none seriously '
early today when a Northern Pacific
eastern express struck a spread rait
near Wityato near here. Three Pull
mans, a diner, a tourist, and a smoker
were derailed and are on their, sides. ,
A special from North Yakima carried
doctors and nurses. Most of the In
jured are Spokane people.
Among the injured were Brakemaa.
J. B. McKenzle, Mrs. M. M. Sloan, Mrs.
H. Hall, and Jack Kill, ail of Spo-
.. : .:.-v. 1.-1