A ! ill A. 4 m A V S J All U .h i AM-li I I ML n i s H n h n ;; u VOLUME XI. A GRANDE UNION COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1911.. nFATTIF CiilPfl Ul.ll I I IU ui 11.111 i MORBID CROWDS WAIT NEWS OF DEATH IN RAIN UXFA1TEKIXGLT, BEATTIE GOES TO ELECTRIC CHAIR Wites Coufesston Admitting His Guilt ; Before Current Surge Throngk His Body Early Morning Bours Grim and Gloomy Lights Shine on Death . Chair as Prisoner Arrives Xcar. u Richmond, Nov. 24. Henry Clay Beattle, Jr.. was electrocuted this irorntng, a confessed murderer of his wife. He was pronounced dead at 7:23. Calmly and unfalteringly - he stepped to the chair, though he was only a shadow of his former self. The exeoutlon took three minutes. The execution chamber was In dark ness until Beattle with the guards and his spiritual advisers, crossed the threshold, when the electric globes hov the chair were turned, on. shpw- 7 tnr the oaken rhalr In atai-tUn rn- -flief as the rest of the room remained dark:'- !f . ' .r-. Walks to Chair Bravely. ; Unaffected by tho gloomy sight, Beattle looked at the chair a moment before turning to the two ministers, shaking hands with both. Resignedly he sat down and with a glance at the guards signified his readiness to die. . Current Is Tamed en. Quickly but quietly the gusrds ad Justed ilie llaclr th:f. cou j to'.ely lild tn tale, and stropped. I ?; A guard turned to the button, pressed It, anl Be1-: wat: dead. ; Confession Is Written, ' After Beattte's execution, Reverend i- Fit announced that Beattle bad con I fessed the murder.. The man wrote; I "Much of what has been published I concerning? the details is untrue,, to: t I the awful fact without the harrowing jL circumstances remains, and for my faction I am truly sorry. i Morbid (Towd Present. h Vitolrla tha nrlflAti walla A TffinrhM crowd of several hundred waited in the rain for the news from the death chamber. Finally the warden appear ed and said: "It Is all over; it was much the Same as other executions." I Policemen then -told the crowds to I move on. I Father Sot at Hand. Beattle's father and relatives were I not near the penitentiary at the time of the execution. The body' will be turled by the side of hit wife. The remains were claimed an hour after 1 the execution by his brother Douglas. I Dies Without Breakfast. I According to custom Beattle was executed without eating hla breakfast. Death was Instaneous. Tho funeral will be held tonight or tomorrow. Rev. Fix denied the alleged interview with Beattle, senior. In whtch the elder Beattle is quoted a"a i Hng: "Guilty or Innocent, I'm proud of my son." ' The Confession in Toto. The Beattle confession, given out by Beverend Fht, follows. "I, Henry Clay Beattle, Jr.. desirous of standing right before God and man, do. this 24th day of November, 1911, confess my guilt of the crime charged against me. Much has been published concerning , the details which are not true, but the J awful fact, without the harrowing cir cumstances, remain. For tais action I am truly sorry Believing I ani at peace with God and am soon to pass Into His presence, this statement is made. I (Signed) "HENRY CLAY BEATTIE, JR." Admits Premeditation. " I Beattle admitted be premeditated the murder to the ministers. He said he wanted his wife out of the way be cause he was to live with a woman probably Beulah whom he didn't In tend to marry. " Ha confessed he was glad hfs wife was dead as he thought he was free. He arranged In advance to tell the highwayman story but lacked the cun. ning and wasn't a good actor. Rev. Fix Issued a second statement saying Beattle desired to thank his many friends for the kind letters and the public for whatever sympathy it felt toward him. Beulab Xot Affected. Xew York, Xov. 24. While Beattle died in the chair, Beulah BInford for whom It is said he killed his wife, slept soundly after a cheerful night at a theatre with a small party of friends and members of the family with wuom'Bue ?s staying T.RIIP.Ifll HflflOFR UIIUUMIK. UIIIIIUW COAST CITIES WW RATE ! BACK HAUL CASE IS DECIDED T0- Portland and Other Coast Cities Win Contentions Before Commission. Washington, Nov. 24. Portland, Se attle and Tacoma won their -fight for cheaper freight rates into Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana today when the lnterestate commerce com mission ordered a 20 per cent reduc tion in rates by the Northern Pacific Oregon and Washington Railroad and Navigation company and their connec tion.,., , , This was known as the back haul case, Med In 1909 by the coast cities who alleged the rate were unduly Us. , W 1 ARMY-BfAVI GAME SCHEDULED FOB SATURDAY. Unrvard-Yale Game Likewise on the Slate for Tomorrow. $ Q Q Q Q $ $ Q $ : : :.'; ' : 1890 Navy 24; Army 0. $ 1891 Army 32; Navy 16 . . ..... 1892 Navy 12; Army 4. : ' 1893 Navy 6; Army 4.' . ' 1899Ariti3r 17; Navy- 1900 Navy 11; Army 7. 1901 Army. il; Novy 5. ' 1902 Army 22; Navy 8, 1903 Army 40; Navy 5. S 1904 Army 11; Navy 0. 3 1905 Tie game. : : 1906 Navy 10; Army 0. ; 1907 Navy 6; Army 0. " 3 ; 1908 Army 6; Navy 4. 1909 No game. . $ 1910 Navy 3; Army 0. , Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 24. With the members of both teams in the best possible condition and eager for the fray, the army and navy football elevens have arrived In Philadelphia, ready for their annual game tomorrow on Franklin field. In previous years It has been customary to play the game on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, when the contest has served to bring to a brilliant close the football season In the east. The advance of the date this year brings the army and navy game into rivalry for public Interest with that other stellar attraction of the gridiron the annual battle between Yale and Harvard. But to all outward Indi cations the crimson and blue contest at Cambridge tomorrow will not de tract from the public interest In the army and navy game. More than 30, 000 seats have been disposed of for the game on Franklin field, and to day hotej accommodations In Phila delphia are at a premium. Official Washington will have its usual large representation and army and navy officers, active and retired, living with In a thousand miles around Philadel phia, will be here to root for their favorites. ; With the two teams prob ably as evenly matched as ever before and with both full of the fighting spir it that pervadeB the two great insti tutions which the players represent, all that Is believed necessary to In sure a hard and high class game is, suitable football weather. ' The offi cials for the game wllj probably be: Referee, M. J. Thompson, Georgetown; umpire. A. 1. Sharpe, Yale; field Judge, Carl B. Marshalf, Harvard; linesman. Andy Smith, head coach at Pennsyl vania. "' ' ' ' Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 24. In clas sic Cambridge today outward and vis ible signs are abundant that the great athletic event of the season, the an nual football game that Is to crown with glory either the crimson or the (OraUaaed m Fc Eight) llffl SHOE Kill JM1S RELATES METHOD OF LEASING HER TO MILLIONAIRE STORY 0F HER CRIME PICTUKED FROM STAND SUSPECTA m s I1ILLI0G ITia ROGERS. CAUGHT YES TERDAY. BREAKS DOWN TODAY Jlrs. Patterson on Stand Tells , lMiy and How She Killed Her Uusbund EvIuVnee Unearthed at St. Louis May Injure Denver Case Took Trip Abroad: with Chicago Millionaire. ANOTHER! rEJiiSON HUNTED EOIS IN GOODMAN CASE When Confronted by a Man He Hid B' hind and Betrayed by a (ih Work nian.'A&itiits killing Goodman to Ob tain Jewelry Confession Conies When Net Tightens About Him. Denver, Nov. 24. Before a court room crowded with women, Mrs. Pat terson sald she shot her husband after be had struck her repeatedly and cal led her vile names and wanted her to deed her house to him, which she re fused. . Previously she said she had been to Europe with Emil Strouse, the Chi cago clothier, to whom she asserted Patterson had leased her for $1,600. "I killed him in self defense," she said. . " - ' ' - ' St. Louis, Nov. 24. Declaring that Mrs. Patterson on trial at Denver for murder, formerly ran a resort here under the 'name of Gertrude Knight, Chief of'Pollce Young has forwarde statements to Denver today that may place big odds against the woman's chances of acquittal. Young says she was here in 1904. MORSE MUST SEME. Taft Refuses to Be Lenient With HI in . Though Near Death. Washington, - Nov. 24. President Tatt today refused to pardon Banker Morse,-; imprisoned " at Atlanta, ' who petitioned for release on the grounds that he is near death. San FranciBco, Nov. 24. Betrayed by Hazel Smith on whom policemen found one of the diamonds stolen from Salesman Goodman after foe was mur dered, Rogers today became hysterical and made a partial confession. The woman led the yollce to tha strong box lu a Kearney street saloon where about half the stolen goms were found Rogers declared the Jewels had been given him by Manuel Fruttlnl, also em ployed where Rogers worked. Fruttl nl, on confronting Rogers, told him he ltd and Rogers, broke down . complete- The police are concentrating their efforts searching for a tall blonde man who was seen with Rogers shortly be fore fhe murder, ft is believed that the blonde man was concerned in the ac tual imirder. His bloody overalls found In the basement of the produce company, where It Is believed the Jewelry sales man, Benjamin Goodman, was mur dered for $5,000 worth of . diamonds and bis alibi refuted by his own moth er, John Rogers, employed by a local produce company, was captured yes terday.,'"' ' ' -' .. He said he was at his home Satur day and Sunday, but his mother and sister ay'"he"'':iefr borne Saturday night and was not at home all day Sunday. AGAINST IS TO TESTIFY BAKER AND HILL 7 Clara Johnson, the 15 year old step daughter of James Rlggs living two miles north of Elgin, was e3tortnd to La Grande from Baker last nl?U by Chief of Police Walden and today sent to Elgin where she Is to be the com plaining w'tness against "Jamos Baker and Lym Hill, two young men who pre accused of assaulting tho girl at home of her atep father. The as sault is said to have taken place some time ago and Is credited with being txceptlonally brutaL The young girl's collar bone was broken and one nhoul dor dislocated In the struggle which, rumor hat It, was partaken iu princi pally by ore of the men While the oth er looked on . The girl did not exiose her assaulters until November 13 when she swore out the complaint. In the meantime the two men had left the state but were captured at Euieka near Walla Walla and escaped from the sheriff. , Later one was nabbed at Pendleton and the other at Clyde and ' both were taken to Elgin a few days ' ago. The cate was to come ti trial in Justice court yesterday but the com plaining witness was not present. At, that time she was on her way back,' from Boise where she was located by the police and was met at Baker yes terday evening. Her mother and step' father went to Hot Lake to meet them last night and during the night and pending the departure of the Elgin train this morning Mias Johnson was kept under surveillance. She reached Elgin today. Many conflicting stories have been told 'about the assault but the authorities believe the fact relat ed above are about tha correct align ment. The case has been set for pre liminary hearing December 1. The men are out on bonds of fl.OOQ each. Along with the other rumors buzzing the rounds was one that the two alleged assaulters were responsi ble for the disappearance of the girl after her collar bone and other Injur ies had partially healed. Her body was terribly bruised, It Is pointed ont, fa the complaint, during tha struggle with the nien. Then, again, It Is said that her parents expect one of the men, thought to be Baker, to marry Miss Johnson. . take plare hf-re tomorrow on Mis souri's home tii-ld. With both tc-ami reported to be in good cond!t!t-n an j with the fet'lliig of rivalry as strong as ever, the game Is expected to at tract hundreds of followers of tUe sport from both states. Whlfcs local sentiment Is strong for the Missouri eleven the betting odds favor the Kan- sans, not so much because of any de velopments of this year's playing, but because of the long line of victories to the credit of the Lawrence school. Apples Show In WasI.Jni;t"u. Washington. Nov. 24. To demon strate the growth of the apple Indus try in this section of the country, an association of annle mfrs'of Vir ginia and Maryland ha3 completed ar rangements for a show to lr heM here a ever 7 1 if M M next week, the first of held In the national cap! of $.'0 will bo given to tb bakes the best, apple j plaj'ed at the exhibition management will prese Taft, who has been the show. Dr. Wile: expert, and Professo pr;ze an who be dis j pie the President to open pure food -. Aistyne of New York will del ij ddresnes at the exhibition. . ' ' mux mi s m at ri n n b & i n a i HQiiranunL 310ORE BREAKS DOWN WEEPS AT TRIAL AND i -hi 1 1 s - If re wrr iULiJ IILLii.il. STATU FOHCE3 Till DZ FENCE TO PART WITH 4 CHALLENGES TE.S WEXES EXACTED; JUROR WEEPS IX in v,rix Seven Peremptory Challenges All That Remain for Defense In JIcNuniara Case When State Requires Defense to Remove Four Objetiiounlile Jur. ors prom a Defense Standpoint. Led F'ora Court ISora-i-W'e BejrgeJ ; for Divorce from IIIol. Redwood City, Cal., Nov. 2t. Sob bing like a broken hearted child Mil lionaire Moore punctuated hia story of his matrimonial experiences in a dra matic narration today when' he prac tically collapsed on the stand and was assisted from the court room. , He said his 'wife had come to'Ulm on . her knWg and begged him to divorce nor and that Bhe was the victim of tho drink habit. Before the collapse he said that he had once ordered Freder ick Fenwlck a millionaire lumbermau from his office the morning following a scene In Moore's San Mateo home, during which Mrs, Moore confessed Fenwlck had been familiar on an au J ride. .-, : ' . , . To Speak at Harbor8 Congress Washington, Nov. 24. The conven tion of the National Rivers and Har bors congress which is to assemble In this city week" after next will 'have among its leading speakers the presi dents of all of the prominent river Improvement organizations of the country. Included among the num ber, will be Col. John L. Vance, for many years president of the Ohio Val ley Improvement association ; Edgar C. Ellis, president of the Missouri River Improvement association; Sen ator Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida, president of the MiBslsslppl-to-Atlan-tlc Inland Waterway association; T. Wilkinson, president of the Upper Mis sissippi River Improvement assocla ton; J. Hampton Moore, president of the Atlantic Deeper Waterway ' asso ciation; C. S. E. Holland, president of the Interstate Inland Waterway as sociation, and W. K. Kavanaugh, pres ident of the Lake-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway association., . , Farm Homes Discussed. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 24. This was "Farm Home day" on the program of the National Country Life congress In session in this city and It Included the discussion of a wide variety of questions relating to home life in the rural communities and the work of the grange. Prominent among those who contributed papers or addresses were Joseph E. Wing of Mechanlcs burg. O.; Prof. P. G. Holden, head of the agricultural extension department of Iowa State College; Mrs. Clara H. Waldo of Portland, Ore., and Clifford Willis, of Minneapolis. , Kansas Choice Over Missouri , Columbia, Mo., Nor. 24. The annual football game between Missouri and Kansas universities, which for twen ty years has usually been played on neutral ground at Kansas City, Is to Indiana T. M. C. A. Anderson, Ind., Nov. 24. nopresen tatlvoE of branches of the Young Mens Christian association throughout In diana assembled here today for their 42nd annual Btate convention. . The sessions will continue three days, clos ing on Sunday afternoon with a fave well Bervlce In the opera hoiu. In cludes among the men of prominence on the program for addresses are for mer Vice President Charles W. Fair banks, President Francis J. McConnell of De Pauw ' university. Dr. ; O. El Brown of Vandebllt university, and J. M. Clinton, secretary of the Chinese Students' association in Toklo., Jipan InterColIegiate Cross Country Run. Boston, Mass.,; Nov. 24. Arrange ments have been completed for the an nual cross country run for the Inter collegiate championship, which Is to be held tomorrow morning over the new course of the Brookllne Country club. This year's entry list Includes one more college than last year, the newcomer being Brown. The other colleges that have entered teams are Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, Co lumbia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Syra cuse, Dartmouth and the Massachu setts Institute of Technology. , . . Western Intercollegiate Run. Iowa City, la., Nov, 24. Tha annual cross country champolnshlp of the Western Intercollegiate aesodat'on will be run here tomorrow as a sort of a preliminary to the Northwestern Iowa football game. The run this 'ear will bring together teams from Pur due, Ames, Northwestern and the "uni versities ; of Wisconsin, Minnesota Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and Chicago. The last lap will be made on tho Iv a miverslty track with the finish In front of the grand stand. Packers' Trial Delayed. . Chicago, Nov. 24. Judge Carpenter today postponed the pacers' trial until December 6th on the plea of the beef kings. The United States supreme court meets December 4th when It will receive the packers' appeal on the constitutionality of the Sherman act Hall of Records, Los Angeles, Nov. 24. A tense situatiou was climaxed i:i the McNainara trial today when the state passed all the men in 'the. box and the defense was compelled to peremptorily challenge four, reducing their peremptorles to seven. The state still has five, The men eliminated were F. McBurney.'a builder, A. D. Stevens, a retired cattleman; S. It. 01 cott, a rancher all of whom believed McNamara guilty and J. H. Marshall, a friend of District Attorney Freder icks. his faco white. Jumped to his feet, and told the Judge that he had absoluto reason why he couldn't serve. The udge took 15 minutes recess and talk ed privately with Brorle. Erode waa in tears when he, J. H. Coke and E. S. Biabea were sworn, malting eight per manent jurors. The exerclidng of the peremptorles was delayed 20 minutea until the ar rival of the prosecutor and nearly ev eryone was nervous. Darrow, Ida hands in hia pockets, paced tho floor, while his associates whispered Ner vously. Fredericks In announcing the state "stood pat," smiled inscrutably and seemiri.sly,, enjoyed the effect It had on the defense. Of the fifty men drawn in the tenth venire 17 qualified. uan Defaulter Sentenced. V" New York, Nov.' 24. A sentence of not more than eight years and eic-ht months or less than four years and eight months, was Imnosed on w . .r Cummins, former trustee of the Came- ', gie Trust company, convicted of em- u,6 ,i1v,uw 0( me insuiuiiona funds today. , Former Postmaster Imprisoned. Los Angeles, Nov. 24. George Lou din, former postmaster of' El River, Idaho, was arrested here today by the postal authorities charged with embez zling $4,580 In postal receipts. Charges Against Bunk Officer. ; Corvallts, Ore., Nov. 24. The case of James Evars, cashier of the de funct First State bank of Philomath, will be taken up by the grand jury which met today. Evars is charged with receiving and accepting depo i after he had knowledge that the bank was Insolvent. ' ' ' , Connt Komnro Dead. V Toklo, Nor. 24. Count Komura, for- mer foreign minister of Japan, for many years the foremost man of the nation, died today here of consump tion. After taking a prominent part In, the Ru sao-Jap war he was leader of the Japanese commissioners who made peace at Portsmouth, N. H wlt Wltte, Russia's representative. THREE WHO PLEAD GUILTY GIT. EX SEXTEXCES. TarKn'r ?rd Feathering of Jllss Cham, berluln Partially Attaged,, Lincoln Center, Nov, . 24 Everett Clark, Watson Scranton and Jay Fltz- water who all pleaded guilty to tar-i ring Miss Chamberlain last week were sentenced to a year eac?i In the pnl tentlarf today. The Chamberlain Jury Is still out at 11 o'clock. The judga said he would prnbkbly keep them together until to-, morrow, anyway. j