PAG I' 8 "VrrT-pr-p THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1911. j l I I'll. Jl I : : 5 1 1 ft I II IIS . vLl I 1 ' II V :lt U 1 M i YOUiJG MI IS HERO OF Flfif DRAGS THREE TO SAFETY WHEN FIRE THREATENS Barnhlll Rooming' House Destroyed at a Loss of About Three Thousand Presence of mind and daring on the part, of Alfred. BarnhlU, son of Mrs. I. Barnhlll. lessee of the Zuber i building at 1421 East Adams avenue, ably two others early this morning We are always the first to give you the benefit of reduced prices, and when we do, it is a reduction worth while. : We have put the price of Women's Suits much lower than any other store. : v ; ; Read the prices, compare, and then hurry up before they are all gone. 'Nev.;F::''Suits; Priced $7.50, $10 and $12.50 Women's Wool Waists $1.25 GEIEEL'Sffl Yticro la Only Ono BMMMMMB ' . MMaasaVSaaM That lo (LaitDtive Brom Quiniszo USEO THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO IN ONE OAT, i , saved the lives of three men and prob- i i .when a blaze of unknown origin gut ted what Is known as the Keefer building. Arousing the five or six occupants of rooms in the lodging house, Barnhill was Instrumental In saving all and especially three who, overcome by smoke,' were unable to save their own lives. This was espe cially true of a negro, "Shorty" Jer gen by name, who was asleep ou ILe second floor. Barnhlll did not find him until the second time around the rooms, and when he did locate the ne gro the rooms were so smoke, tilled that both were overcome. Stagger ing to the stairway with his human yet semi-unconscious load, Barnhill had presence of mind enough left to slide down the stairway, meanwhile cnugmg to liie roomer, viueib tvs cued the two from the room when the ground floor was reached. ' " . Two others sleeping on the ground floor were awakened with difficulty and had to be dragged through win dows to safety. The Are was well under way when discovered. A severe gale was blow ing the sparks over on the Grande Ronde valley house and on the ney by building houseing Dr. Fleenor at 1417, a rooming department at 1417, a second hand store at 1419 and a shoe shop at 1419. The fire depart ment was at Its best and with the right thing at the right time, not only saved the burning heel from complete destruction but prevented a conflagra tion that was indeed imminent for some time. , , The loss of furniture was almost complete. The rear rooms and all the upstairs rooms were burned and fur nishings destroyed. On the ground floor near the front there are a few minor articles unscathed, but the great bulk of the furnishings is' in ashes and charred embers. Water soaked and burned, there is nothing loft of the building worth mentioning. Mrs. Barnhlll has leased the prop erty, but it belonged to Mrs. S. C. Zuber who carried insurance amount ing to about $1,700. The total loss is placed at $3,000. The heavy wind blowing at the time retarded the alarm and many were not aware that a con flagration of the fire Infected block of old buildings was truly threatened during the night. The Are was dis covered about 2 o'clock, : Always remember the full name. Look far this signature on every box. 85o. j? rru CRAFTSMAN VIA Ml A ItM jstlll i :flH by CUSTAV 5TICPJ1Y CLARK PROPERTY IX FRUITDALE ; DISl0SED0F. Several 'ew Cottages to Be Built by Former Orchardlst Here. After spending several days looking over the beautiful Grande Ronde val ley Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith of Portland this week purchased the 20 acre farm of J. E. Clark of Frultdale. This place contains several acres of commercial orchard, fine soil, sightly, and a very desirable close in home. The purchase price was $4000. Clark owns a quarter block on Ninth street and will build a modern home and pos sibly two additional modern cottages. The sale was completed t'iruugh the E. S. Given Investment company real estate agency. The deal also means that otfter prominent Portland men are coming to La Grande to In vest money In the near future, being attracted by the high praises of the district given by Smith and others. Cottftt Line Boosting Good Iad. Richmond, Va., Nov. 13. For Ibe purpose of promoting publl." lnterett in the good roads movement the At lantic Coast line today started out from thlB city a special train contain ing modelB. operated by electricity. if road workng machinery, together with a corps of good roads experts who iflll give practical - demonstrations. The train will be run over the entlro system making stops In many c'-tie and towns la Virginia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, Florid and Alabama. it- A SCESE FROM WPEX KM'.tHTHOOD WAS IX FLOWER," WHICH COMES SI) AY EYEXIXG. TO THE STEWARD XEXT WEDXB ' i, EXTIRE TBAIXLOAD DROWXS. ' Paris, Nov. 23. From 60 to SO persons perished today as a train plunged , into the.' Thouet river near Saumuer. The bridge was wrecked by a recent flood. ' 3 J ? 3 i$ 4 ? Governors on Program., J Siiokane, Wash., Nov. 23. With the governors of five states heading the list of speakers, the National Country Life congress which was informally openeu uer louay wilu llio iolcvuuu of delegates promises to be the most notable and profitable conference ever held In the United States to aid in tin betterment of the conditions of rural life. The congress will be In session six days. At the opening today the delegates were welcomed by Governor Hay. Included among those in at tendance were well known educators, bankers, , editors, business men and agricultural experts from all over the northwest. Farm betterment, increas ed production good roads, transporta tion, market problems, the rural social center, and the development and' Im provement of the work of the rural church are The leading topics sched uled for discussion. EX-SEXATORl C. W, FULT0X7 ' Humor and Philoso r avACAr M. smith ' PERT PARAGRAPHS. MBITION may cause a man t make a spurt, but It takes a fam ily to make him bang on. Tbe things you didn't do are some times more mighty than tbe things you did. , Keep out of trouble If you can; but don't get cross eyed dodging lti Truth telling has gone out of fash ion since tbe merry little sunshine, phi losophy came la vogue. ' , , It isn't so hard to fool a man. as It is to keep him fooled. Sometimes a man Is ashamed to look himself in tbe face, but a pretty woman never is troubled witb such self doubtlngs. s Tbe things that you- are- going to do re the only sort of actions that In any way keep pace with the things you ought to do. Every woman wants to think she Is pretty, and some of them can easily believe tbe lncredlblev Some people always do as they please and then get mad about It We like t talk about ourselves. Next to this we like to hear other say nice things about us. ' Anticipation. Hello K Her comes tbe postman - With something sood. I guee H hands me out a letter That' marked with my address. My same as aure aa shooting , la letter large and wide; A hand I don't remember. ' I wonder what's Inalde. Perhape an Invitation r To be the honored gueet -At some small awell reception At some old friend's request; Perhapa a check in payment Of aome forgotten debt. Or maybe H'a to settle ", An old election bet It might be-tbere's no telling- . A rrt Intlitent dun Sent by a grouchy tradesman. . . I sometimes do get one. It may be from a schoolmate Inviting me to see Hla wonderful new baby ; , ' Tbat'a being named for me. . It may be from the preacher, A note serene and wise; It may be from a lady - Who's smitten with my eyes; In may be from McCarthy; saw- ss iivut uany CtXil, Bat this suipenae la killing. a m hw uw aesu aaa i 2' ;'v ' ' '. ) f ( ' "j U"iL..x' . V Texas Baptists In Session. j Waco, Texas, Nov. 23. A large am' representative attendance marked the ! opening here today of the annual meet-! Ing of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Reports prepared for t.ifr sentatlon to the convention show the ' past year to have been one cf remark-1 able activity and prosperity in tit 1 charitable, educational, missionary and other branches of the church work The convention will remain in sesslo.i until next Monday. , , .' Oregon politician and statesman who will deliver Elks memorial address In this city In December. Mrs. Lanartrv Is playing in London Li in "The Degenerates." " r t The La Grande Electric Supply Co. Supplies your yants Postofflce Block Phone Elaik 3141 You9 fod it hard to get over- YOUR SUBPBISE AT THE DIFFER. EXCE BETWEEN lijEAL TAILORED CLOTHIXO AXD THE "NEABLT X)S GOOD" KIXD. ORDER A SUIT FROM US TO). EX JOT THE EXPEE EXCE. . TOU WONT HATE' TO Pil AXT MORE BUT TOUR APPAREL WILL BE BETTER THAN A"NT TOU ETER WORE BEFORE. SUITS Tailored . to your measure $18 up The Wardrobe 1113 Adams Ave AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 735 Alteration and Repairing, on Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing of any kind. 'CENTRAL; OREGON R edmond and Bend Now Reached Via the Deschutes- Branch ' ' , Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. THROUGH CAR SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND BED DAILT TRAIN SCHEDULE. Lv. Portland .7:50 & 10:00 a.m. Lv. The Dalles 12:40 p. m. Lv. Desohutes Jc... Ar. Madras Ar. Metolius . f. Ar. Culver ...... Ar. Opal City .. Ar. Redmond .. Ar. Deschutes . . Ar. Bend 1:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m.' 6.00 p. m. 6:15 p. m. 7:06 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 8:13 p. m. 8:3." p. m. Lv. Bend 6:30 a.m. Lv. Deschutes 6:53 a.m. Lv. Redmond 7:91a.m. Lv. Opal City 8:00a.m. Lv. Metolius .........8:S0a.m Lv. Madras .........9:00a.m. Ar. Deschutes Jc. ....1.15p.m. Ar. The Dalles 1:55 p.m. Ar. Portland. 5:45p.m. Auto and regular stage connections to I Pine, Fort Rock. Sliver l. Lake. Prlnvellle. Burns. Klamath Falls and othier Inland points. THE DIRECT. QUICK AND NATURAL ROUTE TO CENTRAL ORE- .V.'.. , G0N. ' ., - . .. . Call on nearest O.-W. R. N. agent for nny information desired or ad :"' dress I - v' i ; WH. McMURRAT,.'-- ..-.1; , , .'" . ' j "General Paseneer Apent ;. PORTLAND, OREGON. , i KID DOLLS i : , a JKAU DOLLS ; pf CAMPBELL KIDS ' 'CIZ! BABY BUMPS ; i " OSTTNG. DOLLS E. m OU zWrnnn & Co. AD AMS AVE. '