La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 21, 1911, Image 7

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    ; i
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We invite your early inspection of the most complete line of Xmas Gfts ever displayed in La Grande. Do yen
Xirias shopping early. Begin tomorrow, while stocks are full. It is easy now to find vht you want.
Telephone Black 1361
We Have a Fresh Line of
Nuts, Raisins,
Currants, Dried Fruits,
Apples, Citron,
0 range and Lemon
Everything a housewife
- needs fnr her Thanksgiving
dinner. 1
,i .''v'
Also North Powder Flour
and Mill Feed at PRICES
The Union County
Co-Operative Association
1118 1-2 Adams Ave. HERBERT PATTISON,
Phone Main 753. Manager.
C. T. Barley
Cement Contractor
Consult him before letting your sidewalk
lllMr---"y---" ' J""1 " nHitririiiiMriiMiiii
Mr '
Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing ,
?ifcber BuggyTires '
; D, FITZGERALD Proprietor 4 ; ;
COME ta em shop and let us demonstrate the use ef Perry Pies
mstie Water Systems te yoa. We bare Just Installed one at "County
P Farm. Why not haTs a bath room, hot and cold water, ale
i lawns and also fire protection for your honest Ton can hare a M
i Inch stream at 95 pounds pressnre In ease of fire. Call and let fit take
V yon ont and show yon one In every day operation.
hereby announce to the voter
of La Grande that I am a candl-
date for. chief of police. My work
as an official In the past Is my .
recommendation and I will ai-
predate any and all support given
me. ,
A goodhlgh trade piano, slightly
used, to be sold at a sacrifice and up
on easy terms if desired. If interest
ed, call upon G. M. Rlchey at $e post
offlce for particulars, l 10-30-tf
' ORDIXAXE XO. 2.'.6 SEMES OF 1911
! An ordinance to license and regulate
, fire Insurance . and fire Insurance
j agents, and declaring an emergency.
I The City of La Grande does ordain'
as iuuows:
Section One. That it shell be un
lawful for any person, company, as
sociation or corporation to engage In
or conduct the business of fire,. ma
rine, mutual or' other fire insurance
other as a general or special agent,
local agent, solicitor principal or
manager of any fire Insurance com
pany unless said person or persons,
company, association or corporation
shall obtain a license for each and
every one of the fire Insurance com
panies, associations or corporations,
for which they or It solicits or con
ducts business for either as general or
special agent, local agent, solicitor,
principal or manager, end shall keep
said license In force by renewals
thereof as provided In this ordinance,
during an the time he, they, or It
shall act as such general or special
"Mnt. solicitor, principal j
or manager.
Section Two. Any person, company
association or corporation desiring io
engage in any of the acts prohibited
by this ordinance ahall obtain a li
cense therefor from the Recorder of
the City of La Grande by paying to
the Treasurer of the City of La Grand
the sum of $25.00 per annum for each
and' every of such fire Insurance com
panies, associations or corporations
which he or- they shall act as agents
either general or special, local agent,
solicitor, principal or manager, end
obtain from the treasurer a . receipt
therefor and then present said receipt
to the . Recorder of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, which shall entifle
said person, company, association' or
corporation to engage in any of the
acts prohibited by rhis! ordinance for
the period of one year thereafter, and
at the expiration of said time
it shall be the duty of said
person, company, . association or
corporation, to obtain renewals
of such license in the same
manner and by the payment of the
same amount to the City Treairer
obtaining the Treasurer's receipt and
presenting the same to the Ileronlei
which shall entitle he, It or them tr
continue the same bus'ness for an
other term of one year.
Section Thn.i. Any person, com
pany, association or corporation, or
their agent or pmployes violating any
of the provisions of this Ordinance,
shall upon conviction thereof before
the recorder, of the City of La Grande,
Oregon, be fined not less than $50.00,
nor more than $150.00 for each and ev
ery offense and be Imprisoned In the
City Jail, one day for every two dollars
of such fine.
Section Four. Any sums collected
hereunder either as licenses or as fines
shall be paid to the City Treasurer
who shall keep the same In a separate
fund to be known as the "Fire Depart
ment Fund" and the same Bhall be paid
out upon the order of the council in
the manner prescribed by the charter
for the benefit and maintenance of
the La Grande Fire Department. .'
Section Five. This ordinance shall
be In force after Its passage approval
by the mayor and publication fa one
issue of the La Grande Evening Obser
ver and take effect on and after the
20th day of December, 1911. . V'
Passed the council on this the 15th
day of November, 1911 by Six Council-
men voting therefor.
Approved by the, mayor this 20th day
of November, 1911.
Attest: C. M. HUMPHREYS, .
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
Oregon. (11-21-lt)
Thinneis of the Gray Hued Films Jutt
Before They Burst. ,
What Is a soap bubble? Nothing bru
a film of water molecules held together
by the cohesive power of sonp In solu
tion. A sonp bubble's size and strength
depend upon the right composition of
the mixture tbat furnishes its mate
rial. The colors In a sonp bubble are
due to what Is known in physics as the
Interference of light, and depend upon
the varying thickness of the film of
The observer who watches a bubble
as It Is blown wilt notice tbat the col
ors rapidly chnse one another over the
filmy globe. lie will also Pee that
tbey vary In hue. growing less and
less bright at the top of the bubble
because there gravity stretches It
dnwnwtw-d and makes the film thin
nest It la a singular fact that the last
color to appear on a soap bubble Just
before It breaks Is a gray tint The
thickness of the film when this tint
appears upon It is less than the one
hundred and fifty-elz-tbousandth of an
inch. '
Were a soap bubble to be magnified
to the size of the earth and the mole
cules magnified in proportion, then the
wtiote luik'iiu'i " coarse
grained as a globe of small lendshot
touching one another at their surfaces.
In the blowing of a sonp bubble there
is presented the spectacle of the
stretching of a liquid to the extreme
limit of Its capacity. In this way we
come nearer to a Bight of the Invisible
molecules of matter tbnn could be got
In any other way no matter how elab
orate the experiment Exchange.
t3 mm
pw""" '''''
I11, Ufmiw
this shop, and Its ability to serr
yon best. Oar one strongest
desire Is to torn out the best
and to price our serried U
meet your satisfaction. We be
lteve we do this. If yonr gar
ments ned ocr attention send
them to ns and we will do yonr
work promptly; and; guarantee
not to rain the materials.
H. B, Waggoner
S The time Is not far distant when
everyone will be arranging for
holiday purchases. It is very
3 essential in order to get the
greatest satisfaction that shop-
ping be done early. It Is better
S for the shopper, better for the
merchant, and decidedly better
for the clerks In the different
stores. La Grande stores are
filled with splendid articles that
will make useful gifts. Take a
look around and begin figuring
out what you are going to buy for
the holiday season. It Is none
too early.
; An East Indian Amulet
In India a variety of gems and
stones are used as amulets. The most
common is the salagrama, a stone
about as large as a billiard ball and
which is perforated with black. This
is supposed to be found only In Gan
daki. a river In Nepaul. The person
who possesses one of these stones Is
esteemed highly fortunate. He pre
serves It in a clean cloth, from whence
it Is sometimes taken to be bathed and
perfumed. He believes that the water
in which It Is washed, if drunk, has
the power to preserve from eln. Hold
ing It in bis hand, the dying Hindu ex
pires in peace.
Th Reoipe. '
"Your novel Is pretty good," said the
publisher to Scribley. "but. after all.
It needs Just a little more thrill. Can't
you put something stirring in It?"
"Why. I might" said Scribley.
"though Just how to stir things np 1
don't know."
"Well." smiled the publisher, "sup
pose you try Justa little more spoon
ing. Nothing like a good spoon for
Stirring, you know." Harper's.
H Didn't Tell.
"Gee! Now tell me as man to man
what yon would do If you were mar
ried to that woman."
"Yon tell me what yoa would do. 1
am married to her."-Houston Post
We Back Up Our Statements With Our
- i Personal Reputation and lyioney.
We are so positive tliut we can re
lieve constipation, , no matter- how
chronic it may be. that we offer to
furnish the medicine free of all !cost if
we fail. .-' . ,:
. We think that, it Is worse than use
less to attempt to cure constipation
with cathartic drags. Cathartics may
do much harm. They may cause a re
action. Irritate and weaken the bowels,
and make constipation more chronic.
Constipation is often accompanied
and may be caused by weakness of
the nerves and muscles of the large
intestine or colon. To expect a cure
you must therefore tone np and
strengthen those parts and restore
them to healthier activity. ,
The discovery of the active principle
of our. remedy involved the labor of
skilful, research chemists: This reme
dy, produces results such as are ex
pected from the 7est , of the best
known inteetinal tonics, and it is par
tkularly prompt in 1U resulta.
We want yon to try Rexall Order
lies on our guarantee. They are ex
ceedingly pleasant to. take and are
Ideal for children. " They apparently
act directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels, having. It would seem,
a neutral action on other organs or
glands. They do not purge or cause
inconvenience.' If they do not posl'
tively cure chronic or habitual consti
pation and thus relieve the myriads of
associate or dependent chronic ail
ments, your money will be refunded..
Try Rexall Orderlies, at our risk.
Three sizes of packages. 10c., 25c..
and 50c. Remember, you can obtain
Rexall Remedies la this community
only at our store The Rexall Store.
Big Reduction Sale
on all Hair Goods
$30.00 switches, now ....$19.50
8.50 switches now .... 6.00
;'. 6.00 switches now .... 3.60
Sales lasting until Nov. 25th.
Switches Made of Combings.
3 stran switches .........12.00 A
2 stran switches ......... 1.50
s i stran switches 1.00 I
' Mrs. Palmer, Sole Prop. I
Eye Troubles
Are Hereditary
Eye troubles are caused
largely on acount of the
improper FORM of the
. jf ! eyeball. The shape of ttoe
. , :, eyeball is Inherited as
aro all other physical fea
tures as the noste- and
mouth. If you have eye
troubles, your children
are more than likely to
b affected similarly.
,' ..'V RED LIDS, STYES, ;)
Itching Lids, Avierslon to
Study and '? Lstlessness
are sure signs of eye
trouble in children.
We relieve such troubles
with glasses,
; J. H. Richardson E. S. Given
E. S. Givens
Rear La Grande Nat'l Bank
Real Estate,
High Class Invest
ments and Securities
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated only one
block from depot
D. C. Brichoux, Prop.
Uptown office Main 720"
Residence phone Main 25
No home Is modern that does not have electric lights.
Half the attractiveness of your furniture, rugs, carpets
and pictures is lost if your home is poorly lighted.
. Electric light is the best light to read by, sew by or
study by. It is best for every purpose. Where once used, it
Is always wed. . il - f t f If! j!,;t lifjJJfilCJ
Our rates are very attractive.
Phone Main 34.