THEATRE "The Willow Tree" . .Vltagraph X romance of Southern Cali fornia. Lost reason Is restored and a sweetheart recovered by 'the recollection of nome and mother. - "A Society Woman". Gaumont A magnificent presentation of the doings of people high up In society where marriages are made for sake of appearance and not for love. '. "The Sheriffs Decision". . . . . :, Essanay featuring the one and only f G. W. Anderson. ; "WHERE HAVE, J , SEEN THAT FACE BEFORE?' Special new songs in spotlight by Miss Nell Garrlck and Mr. C. P. Ferrln. Musical Director Mr; Cnas.E. King. ' . LOCALS H. T. Love, Jeweler, 1212 Adams av.'. Dr. Fesey, Specialist lor Eye, Ear, Jose, Throat diseases and catarrh. Over Solder's store. Eyes fitted with (lasses. Hour 9 to HsSO) 130 to and 7 to 8 p. u. i , . ; : - " ."7' ' " Christmas Premium. Samples shown at store. Send your order In early, Grand Union TetfC$. 808 Fir frtreet, Pbone 3231. ll-2l-tf ,, Crochest work done promptly and "satisfactorily. Aviation caps a special ty Mrs. Henrv Mobs, near brickyard. Home made cookies and cakes at i Order day ahead. Tel. Mm VtttMtra'a eDhone 3231. ... ll-2l-2t Lear. t& earn. , La Grande Business Ceitage. Day and night sessions. En roll any time, u TROF. F. J. FREEJiOR Sonologist and llealer. Treats all diseases. 1117 Adams avenue, l'houe Main J24, La Grande. ' i Dance at the rink Saturday, Nov. 25. ana masic Dan iuesuuy, iuv. to. Mr. Chris Miller has a beautiful showing of elks' teeth on display in th Newlin Drue store window. Call and see them, " ... ll-16-6t ... Gasoline wood saw. 3851. X A." OLIVER, . Phone black i New Con signment of... KEW YORK CHESTNUTS BLACK WALNUTS A . DRIED APPRICOTS. DRIED BLACK FIGS DlflED WHITE FIGS ' PKCNIS AND PEACHES PLU3C PUDDINGS . SPLENDID 4-PASSENOER automo bile in first class condition; new tires; bargain lr takfn soon; Leigh ton's on Fir street. 11-20-H THAT TURKEY SHOULD be carved with a sharp knife. Get your carv ing knives made yharp and like new. also have those dull scissors sharp-' ( ened. Send in the odds and ends, around the home and have them fix-j d up. Thus save your time and pa- V tience. Leiphton on Fir street does all such wovkt Satisfaction or mon ey back. .' 11-20-tf To the merchants In adjacent and surrrounrting towns, we wish "to state that ow!ng to toe direct connection we have with the manufacturers of this ar.d foreign countries, we are in a position to quote you prices on toys and holiday goods, as cheap r cheap er, than can be bought from the Job bers on the Pacific coast. We have a very large and complete assortment to draw from, and will be pleaed to quote you prices. 11-11-tf THE GOLDEN RULE CO. t Li 9 If 1 k-'' i M. u u. ti 3 Lz:::i 0 ft t- hi p r ft i -f ,h W k' it-" w W FIREMEN ATTENTION. Regular meeting Rescue Hosq con pany, No. 1, tonight. 7:30 p.m. P. A. FOLEY, Foreman! - PERSONALS. Colon R. Eberhardt, receiver of the land office has son. to Portland to at tend a meeting of the State Bar asso ciation. i . v , . Ed. Dennison, an officer of Pasco, Wn., returned to his Home yesterday afternoon with' the suspected Jewelery store robber caug!ht here by Chief of PnKo widen a few days ago. FOB SALE BI Patlisoa Bros. Pbone Blatfc Si. WOOD ALL KINDS Waters-Stanchf ield Produce Co., Marion F. Davis, postmaster at Union accompanied by his daughter, attended the Dierke piano recital at the Baptist church last night and Incidentally Mr. Davis was present at the K. of P., cele. bratlon. ; , . , Mrs. George Ackles. is "in the city from Portland, today transacting busi ness and looking after property inter erests here. Mr. Ackles isjri i splendid health, reports the Portland lady. He was ailing when the family moved to Portland over a year ago. ' . Mrs. Gilbert and daughter Mrs. Morris, of Haines, returned home to day after visiting with Mrs. I M. Hoyt for a few days, hey are accompanied by Miss Hazel Gilbert also of Haines: Mrs. and Mrs. Morris are mother and sis ter respectively of Mrs". Hoyt, and Miss Gilbert is a nieces ; , t V. Allen J. Webb, a former 1a Grande resident 'now living In Portland, and connected with the Jacob-Stein com pany is .here for . a few days on busi ness matters, staying at the Savoy. Mr. Webb is well pleased with his new home and his position but has a hank ering, after the Gande Ronde vafley, notwithstanding. It is an uncommon thing to be able to buy seasonable merchandise almost at the beginning of the season at ONE-HALF PRICE. 3 TAILOR MADE SUITS, LADIES' WINTER COATS, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WIN. TER COATS, LADIES' SILK DRESSES,, LADItS' SILK EVLtiING COSTUMES, LADIES' SERGE DRESSES . . . . . . . . . One-Half Price it'" I ; i ww Ml .Hf Ih F 'i '- LADIES' DRESSES. 1 made of all wool, flno qmlity serge. All fall styles and stable col ors. Prices range from $'.i.00 to IIS-.00.. ........ ONE HALF PKIfE Finen of material, and Range $20.Q0 tu JST.r.O . SILK DRESSES; trimming, late fall shales, and styles. ONE HALF PRICE - SILK COSTUMES ' Fino silk embroidered waist and flounce. Range ...................... 0S HALF PRICE for evening wear. $17.50 to 22 5c TAILORED SUITS . ' Complete iln'c of fall atyl La Vogue. Range $'.7..V. to 35.t0. All at oe half puue. LADIES?, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S WINTER (0.1 TS. This comprises a large and an immense line of fall style. .4... ............. ONE HALE PRICE mi Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Caracule ) Coats, Ladies9 Plush Coats all on sale at One-Third Off. Remember our Fur line is the celebrated McKibbin line, and this . is a jpositive guarantee of quality. , y: . " ' - ; Ladies Trimmed and Pattern Hats Our Millinery, line is yet complete and we have a large range of Fall Styles to select f rom r -. . . . One Half Price There are no reservations made in the lines advertised. They all go ON SALE just as advertised QUALITY THE SAME JUVENILE PRODIGIES. Matter Betty at the Ags of Twelve Played Richard III. j Of all juvenile prodigies was there ! ver one to compare with Master Bet ty, the infant Rose! us 7 The press of the day voted him "a very extraordi nary phenomenon, ; .. . playing marbles in n morning and Richard III. In the evening: an in spired being of eiQuisite Judgment and sensibility. the energy of whose delivery was such as to leave all description at a distance. The Intelligence of . manner, the eloquence of the eye when speech was denied, the rapid yet judicious transitions from prostrate affliction to dlgnlned .. resentment, are . qualities t which a Garrlck might display."; The ' Edinburgh manager was. In fear that! the yoqng actor's voice would not All ' the house. "My dear sir," said the I twelve-year-old genius, "I beg you will be under no apprehensions upon that score, for If, my". voice does not fill your house my placing wlU." Writing for the stage seems always to. have attracted the prodigy. ' Dong' las Jerrold wrote his successful farce. "More Frightened Than Hurt," befora be was fifteen; and Lope de Vega, the famous Spaniard, Was not fourteen And WlWam irtskhd produced his i . ln ri u v.., Mule Coiiijpairiy -v I f I if : 4 PRICES LESS "Sunday . Folks." When Dr. John Cairns . went from Scotland to Ireland for rest and travel in 1804 he was at once delighted by1 discovering from the guides who showed him about that most of- the landed gentry were "Sunday folks." J "That's a fine castle," he would say, pointing to a big house set like a crown on some rocky bill. : ' ' ' j "Yls, so'rr." said his guide. "!Tis Sir, John O'Connor's.", or. 'Tls Sir Rory , O'More's." lie always added, "He's a j Snndab mon." ; ... '.i At last Dr. Cairns grew curious. ! "What is a Sunday man?" be asked.. 'Well. sorr. it do be a mod thot has so many writs out ag'in him for debt that be stays shot up tight in bis bouse all the. week and only; confes out on Snndab. when the law protects him." Dr. Cairns';, opinion of the landed gentry underwent a change, i , argam Elephants Can't Jump. ; -"There is one thing no one has ever seen an elephant do either ln a circus good enough to deceive the. learned, when be was about fifteen. London Chronicle. j. .. . , Measuring Moonlight, . The full moon is said to give a great deal more than twice the light of the balf moon. The ratio is approximately as nine to one. .Taking advantage of the extreme sensitiveness to light of a selenium cell, experimenters have measured the amount of light coming from the moon at different phases, with the result above mentioned. The reason for the remarkable difference Blown is to be found in the varying angles of reflection presented by the roughened surface of our satellite to the sun. The moon Is brighter be tween first quarter and full than be tween full and last quarter. The cause of this is evident in the more highly reflective character of ' that part of the moon that lies west of Its meridian. a keeper gerie. . "The fact Is , an elephant cannot jump. Because of his great Weight be cannot take all four feet off the ground at once. He can make a 100 yard dash at the rate of twenty miles an hour, which is going some, but if be -was pursuing an enemy and came to a deep ditch eight feet across he would have to stop short because it Is too wide for him to step It and be is Unable to jump. An elephant is a great coward. - He will have a fit if a rabbit run's between bis feet. He has tremendous strength, but he doesn't know it"-New ' York The Turning Point. Maud I bear Jack turned up at your bonse again last night. Ethel Yes. and got turned ' down as usual. Boston Transcript. , . 1; ; 111 fortune never crushed that man whom good fortune deceived not Ben Jonson. k. ID) ii rices on fintin Having purchased Jhe entire stock' of paper from I E. Whiton, job printer, at a reduced ratel the OBSER VER JOB PRtllTlHG DEPARTMENT is prepared p offer special inducements) to all Users of printing linen Letterheads, Envelopes, Business Cards all kinds of ruled stock including Billheads and Empire billing system. - All kinds of Legal Blanks in stock Our Engraved Cards please all lady customers Ph one Main' 13