TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1911. PAUL attractive prices at Nwlin Book and Stationery company. 11-7-tf 13 LA tiUAMiL L'LSLii Oikv Ell THEATRE "A" Spanish Love Song".Melk?B "A' couple are forced into a loveless society match. On thd eve of th'3 wedding she elopes. lie finds his true love in a poor but pretty street guitar player. "The Flaming Arrows". .Pathe A magnificent cowboy and Indian story. Something, out of the ordinary. "Lionelly, Contortionist" Path: ' Showing a wonderful per fection to which some of these men attain. . .-. . "Dan, toa Dandy". . . .Blograph Dan, who parents are weal thy, is a "Cissy." His father employs a tramp to effect a cure of hI son. Come and see 1ow he does it. -TVs a roarer. SPECIAL SOSGS IN SPOT- , :. : , LIGHT. , Matinees Miss Garrick will sing "My Loving Heart" v Evenings Mr. Ferrifi will sing "0, Promise Me.' - Students max enroll at any time in the La Grande business college. Day and night sessions. 10-20-tf Home made bread at 209 Fir street. Mrs. H. C. Vinacke. ll-H-2t ., Everything in office supplies at th Newli'n Book and Stationery company 11-7-tf :'. Steam and electric baths given at your homes.- Mrs. O. C. Combs. '. Th Blue .Mountain hotel is now un der new management and has been repapered and thoroughly cleaned up. It is run In first claBs shape with a new dining servicJ,' meals 25 cents, meal tickets $3.00 per week. It is the best family hotel in the city. li-10-6t C. WILSON, Prop. 11-10-Gt "' '. To the merchants in adjacent and surrrounding towns, we wish to stat that owing to 'the direct connection we have with the manufacturers of this and foreign countries, we are in a position .to quote you prices oa toys and holiday goods, as cheap r cheap er, than tan b bought from the job b'ers on the Pacific coast. We 'have a very large, and complete assortment to draw from; and will be pleaed to quote you prices. 11-11-tf I. THE GOLDEN RULE CO. " LOCALS 40 H. T. Love. Jewe)er,tl2l2V4 Adams ay. Or. Posey, specialist ."or Eye, Ear, jNose, Throat diseases and catarrh. Ter Selder'g store. Eyes Utteil wita glasses. Honrs 0 to 1130; 1:30 to ft and 7 to 8 p. m. r-vi:.;:, : ; : The Baptist Aid soctety will, meet in the church tomorrow- afternoon. ; . . o o r The 'ladles of tte Presbyterian church will serve another of their popular teas at thu home of Mrs.' Mc Call Wednesday afterndon from 3 un til 5 o'clock.-'-A, cordial invitation to all. A silver offering. '.;.;. l'BOF. F. J. FRKES'OR Sonologist and Healer. Treats H diseases. 1417 Adams avnne. Thone MaJ.n 724, La Grande. "' ) Try the La Grande Electrical Sup ply. We renlace our Tungsten lamps. All sizes of lamps. Next door to P. O. . ll-9-tf . .. , V-;- i DIUOIA WELL RECEIVED. . $ s "The White SIsier," a Viola Allen production starring Jeanne- Towler propounded momentuous questions of religion and right,, to, an appreciative audience last nightSt the Steward. If the ticket buyers expveted to &'?ar a Bimple presentation of subjects that would drift In one ear.and put the oth i?r they were badly mistaken. - The story Is intensely close-woven and is filled with dramatic, action and heart stirring thoughts. The cast was well adapted but It is primarily' the great religious story of the nun's devotion to her lover and the great sacrifice she lays on the altar of the church that makes the play what it is. Even in mediocre hands the story would be Instructive, uplifting and worth -while hearing. '' ' , : '.. ; . '" ' '. ' 1 " '.m1 A full line of fixtures and shades, at the tiht prices. La Grande Elec tric Suoply. Next door to P. O. 11-9-tf - ' . ' . Leo Crputer of Island City Is tak ing treatments for diseased eyes of Heacock, the optician. Gasoline wood saw. . Phone black 3851. J. A. OLIVER. ; y Dane at the rink Wed, Not. 15. , ll-ll-4t oo ' , , . i,,A Xla-m r.Trrv rmtfil fit H.11 k'inds-,at Geddea Bros.' ; Don"t use the old ones. : ll-10-3t. ; Now Is the time' to get pyrography goods foj Christmas presents. , Very Rubber Stamps? of all kinds made, but 4 Fruit Stamps a specialty Anderson Store Cove, Ore.l . ) i n n ill "n H The cost of U1111UU t LEAF LARD Is but a trifle more than : the ordinary, because : you use only two-thirds as much of it. It is mad frpm leaf fat in.the old fashioned J way, is pure as snow J and deliciously flavored t FOB SALE BY iPattison Bros. I 7 ' Phone Buck M. WOOD ALL KINDS Waters-Stanchf ield Produce Co.,Mn 706 Eye Troubles. Are Hereditary ". i Eye troubles are caused ' largely on acount of the i , improper FORM of the . eyeball. The shape of tho eyeball Is inherited as are all other physical tea'-. tureB as the nos and V mouth. If you have eye troubles, your ' children are more than likely to be affected similarly. ; " 123156R.ED LIDS, STYES, " Itching IJds, AVsrsion to Study and Lstlessness : are sure signs of eye ' trouble In children. We relieve such troubles with glasses. I GRIND ALL MY GLASSSES. HEACOCK EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. M BY FAR THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY. Dolls, Games, Books, Blocks, Sleds, Furniture, Dishes," Glassware, Art, Fancy Goods, Shopping and Traveling Bags, Toilet Cases, Silverware, Cutlery, Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Neck wear, Furs, Gloves, and Many Articles We Are Unable to Enumerate. Y Our Toy Annex on the corner will fcs filled chuck full with all the nice things for you and the whole family for Christ- ... mas. Bring the children. Let them look. Let them select the things they would' like to have SANTIE bring them He will make TOY-LAND his head quarters this year. It's a little early to expect him yet, but he is coming, loaded to his fullest capacity, ; t J I w J) U' n D y Special Sale CORSETS A few numbers to close out. AH good staple Corsets that have 3old right along Regular $1.00 Numbers ;.........:.............$ .69 , Regular 1.50 7u.nbers ..... 98 Regular 2.00 Numbers ..... . ...... . ...... 1.17 Regular 2.50 Numbers 1.43 Regular . 3.00 Numbers .. a. 1.87 They are WARNER'S. This is a pos- ' itive guarantee of their merit and worth The Golden Rule Co. QUALITY THE SAME. , D) jmhiiiiIi tr coixlDHLF PRICE- Lot odd coats ranging in price up to $25.00. We are putting on sale today at just one half the original price. i One-Half Price Ladies' Suits Fine tailored, line serges, wool suitings, Panamas, all staple colors, and weaves ranging in price up to $32.50. ' They won't last come now and look them over. . f -J,. t - The Golden EuleCo. PRICES LESS. ; 3.: 1' ' V PERGONALS. :, C. R Hlbberd, the real estate dealer snent a fsw hours In Elgin today.; r. W. Todd, the Portland norse uy- er, is a guest in the city tooay aim (a atonnlne at the Savoy. William A. Daliiel, deputy siaie la bor and factory Inspector is her to day on office business,- He is staying at the Savoy while here. David E. Gerger of Union; Jonn mc ti nf nnrtPfl and Pay Wilson of Imbter were some of the Savoy hotel tiiests last night.. ,. , il'i ' niBtrict Attorney ,F S. . Ivannoe went to Summervllle today to. attend to legal 'matteraiiAomorrow he goes to Elgin where affairs of state occu py his attention. Later in the week he nroceeds to Enterprise : where- the Wallowa county circuit ourt opens next Monday. ; A Blot on Its Rsoord. ' . ; The evil of adulteration has Its hu morous phases, one. 1 of which Is broueht out in "Science and the Crim inal," fa book by C AIns worth Mitch ell, the head of the Inspection bureau of Scotland Yard. ; An eminent English counsel was cross examining Mr. Siemens, the elec trical expert. In a case In which there was a dispute about the working of some electrical plant 1 ( "I think. Mr. Siemens, that yoo have had a long experience with electrlc ity.M '. . f .. "That Is so." "Well, now,' I want you to tell me whether in the course of all your ex perience yoo have ever known electric ity to be adult era ted?", , ; . ,"In only one Instance."; " - V "When was thatf. eagerly1 asked counsel: .- '.' ;N !-" v-c -",..;. ' "In the phrase 'greased lightning," the expert replied demurely. . - Narves of Genius.' Many of the men wboxe names we revere today in science, art, literature and poetry suffered from emotional disturbances, resulting in nerve storms or outbursts of mental violence, which can only be described as superacute mania. The poet Cowper had strong suicidal tendeni tes. yet he wrote "John Gilpin" when suffering from intense melancholia.' Shelley had an insane ancestry, and at Eton be was called "Mad Shelley." .Charles Lamb had to be nlnced in an asylum, and bis sister Mary stabbed ber mother to the heart 15EWAED OFFERED BY LU VJE. v H. T. Love has posted a reward of $250 for the return of oodJ stolen from his store Friday night i 8 The total loss Is about $900. The Jeweler today ordered publlca- tion of the reward as named. ' " 'v. Works Both Ways. The man who knows bow to work I is way through college for an educa tion won't have any tronble afterward working hi way through the world with an education. Judge's Library. Foolish Question. , . 1 Mrs. Culchnw Did you eesn.v of the old masters while you were nbroail? Mrs. Newrich Mercy, no! .They are all dead. Exchange. v while' Insane. urtTsworth amU Bis sister Dorothy are almost a parallel! to Charles and Mary Lamb. At the age of thirty Coleridge was broken daxsru. and he died a wreck at, sixty-two. SniiHipv came of an Insane stock. The mother nf rtlcliai'il Iti'lnslev SherMhnT. the dramatist, died demented at flirty two. Pope was deformed antE nr lty, and Keats was neuropathic- to hi fin ger tips. Byron's mother wim unlml anced. and so was his maternal grand father. London Globe-. it Wantod tho Combination.' Burglar Don't shoot me, t.t. House holder On one condition that you tell me how yon got in wttboat waking tny wife. rele Mele. A Difforsneo of Opinion, On one occasion BlRhop G. of At lanta purposed leaving home on a Sat urday night train, arriving In Savan nah tha next mornlna: In time to fill a pulpit engagement His brother, much his Rpnlor. old fashioned In his notions of Sabbath observance, hearing of the nrooosed Sunday trlD. took nim to tasK about it ' The bishop explained that be was staying home as long as pos sible to take care of his children, who had been ill all the week, so that his wife wonld be In better shape to nurse tbem during his absence. ."Ton see. Allen," the explanat!oiended. "it s a case of the ox In the ditch." . "Ox In the ditch nothing!" snorted bis brother In disgust "It's a case of a donkey tn a sleeping car!" St Louis Republic. ; , ;.- ' , HJ Full Court. Tl9 sign in front of a Harlem res taurant attracted the eye of a farmer, and be went In. lie had a raw, a fry, a stew, a pan roast, a broil and a steam on toast When he got through he laid a quarter on the cashier's desk, only to be told that he was shy a, dol lar and a quarter. "No. by Jlng." aald the farmer,( "A quarter's right Doesn't your sign say, Oysters In Every Style For Twenty. Ave Cents ?"'-Llpplncott's. $1 C A is what it cost us ito equip a and Locking The ony one between Portland & Boise. Let us Make Your Old HatNew. SUITS Tailored to your f measure $18 up The Wardrobe 1113 Adams Ave AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 735 Alteration and Repairing, on Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyeing, Cleaning; and Pressing of any kind. Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY y l n i in iimiim f i.T-J 'L- :.' ..'iL' J.. .. J