jj ii..AjL u:a w - ''Y j!V mil iti Ti , r ii n ir.r ITS inn rim 1 i n il-C A.v ' ijji VOLUME XI. LONG, SHORT HAUL ACT ROT COMMERCE COURT . IS CLAD TO UPHOLD VA LIDITY OF ACT COJIMF.BCE COMJIISSIOX OVER.' STEPPED ITS JURISDICTION Decision Explaining Injunction Issued Few Days Ago Comes From Com merce Court Toduy Commission ' Has "o Right to Determine Fulrness ; of Rates Hurts Interior. Washington, Nov. 14. Constitution ality of the long and short clause of the act to regulate Interstate com merce was establish today by a de cision of the court of commerce. In a written decision In the Spokane-La Grande et al rate case published to day, the court explains that it en Joined the reduction of rates as the Interstate ' commerce commission or dered from going into effect tomor row, because the court disagreed with the rnmnilaa1nn'a nafKnt. l ... t . . ii waning rates but that it- found satisfaction In upholding the long and short haul clause of the law." " ';-: , The'court's statement sad: "Insofar as th3 interstate commerce commis sion attempts to determine the rela- tfnn nf tiA Inn. .rwl V 4 1 I i... " w '""6 "v DUUll USUI (UlS - ... ...... kuuuiulc i ai Co, it oceeds its authority for it is not within ; iae power or, tne commission to safj that 100 per cent or 107 ner dent or' any igiven percentage of an unknown ojMess than a reasonable rate Jo the coast, Is necessarily a maximum, rea sonable and non-discriminatory rate from the same point of origin to an in terior point." "Though this decision enioUied tho luS ,the lnttemounta,n ' clues as the Interstate commerce com- . ... . uiiBBiuu oruoreu, me court has found ' satisfaction in upholding the long and ied "refU8ln8 he defence a privilege short haul clause of the law." fne hlnislfhad demantf'd only yster- - Exceptions Are Taken. j day. Joseph Scott, associate counsel The commerce court emphasised Its for the defense was sharply reprl authorlty under the law to grant ex- "landed by Judge Bord well and the ceptions to the application of the long entire morning session was charged find lti.f -.1 J. - , , : ., TIT ft K Ala.f'.IMt. Tl I a katmoM. a beltef that th0 cities having water traffic are entitled to low rateg than cities where there Is no water compe-' tltfnn TTila !a .hkIah. t.1 4. n kane. La Grande, Reno and other In-' termountain cities: Dr. KlrbyOnt, Dr. KIrby of Elgin Is able to leave the Grande Ronde hospiul after seven' WApIra ft nan t thara mfcfl- weeks spent there whila recovrine from very severe' injuries : sustained while alighting from a buggy near El gin. He must still use crutches but be s so near full recovery that he Is glad to be out even though hampered with crutches. , ; Bogers Explains Fall. "... " Pasadena, Nov. 14. "I must have been asleep on the Job," said Rogers today, discussing the fall from iis aeroplane. He said he would complete hig flight when he recovered. E 10 NABB ED BY BAKER . .What Is believed to be In line with ultimate punishment for the burglar izing of the Love Jewelry store Friday night, and is also destined to return to the Jeweler at least a portion of the $900-in Jawels looted that night, has transpired at Baker In the arrest by the chief of police there of a man who undoubtedly was one of the burg lars. Brief messages from Baker to the sheriff's ofllce here this afternoon A GRANDE UNION COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1911. FATHER BERNARD VAUGHAN London Charity Worker Now on Viait to United State. MOBSffXG SESSION SURCHARGED I WITH FBICTIOX. - -Jt, ..; ... ': - Court Assailed and Counsel on Both Sides Beirlmanded , i . '. Log AngeleB, Nov. 14. Because he asserted that Ills associate counsel, Lecompte Davis, had been dlscrlml naw nininst in th"miin 'h h court and because he attacked District . . . . . Attorney Fredericks, for. as he nllee- c)urt and counsel for both sides was many 'times manifested. As a result of the morning session William Andre, n rnrnipntpr. nunllflod an ft 'tanfatlva Juror, althou-gh the defense tried to umquaiiiy mm. Sixteen of 40 of the sixth panel qualified today In the McNamara trial. The court opened with three pema nent and air lemnnr.n nmr. in the box. It Is expected that three at least .... . of the temporary Jurors 'will become permanent Educational Day Here. Education , day .....being observed throughout the state today, will be signalized in La Grande by a very de lightful party this evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Oliver. The evening will be devoted to informal programs and social affairs at which several especially Invited guests will be present n addition to the Neigh borhood club membership. say one man is already In Jail as a suspect and one more Is Being run down. At the time of the arrest a say one man Is already In Jail aB a watch, four rings, a pair of opera glasses and other small articles were on hig pergon and the messages Indi cated that more of the Jewelry will be uncached. Sheriff Childerg will go to Baker tonight to bring the suspect her-?. By that time it Is also possible the accomplice will be In rons. 1 ?J i , L , X V' COURT SCOLDS LEC01PTE1IS ROBBER S AUTHORITIES TUG RESCUES 5 U D Q CHILDREF1 ! f PASSENGERS! lil FAR LEY; LOUD CHEERING WHEN WASHINGTON'S RES CUE OCCURS. 0XE DKOWNED is FIRST BELIEVED AT ASTOPJA Steam Schooner Washington Sot Bad ly Damaged' Bravery of Tug 'Cap. tain and Crew Commended Pasaen. ger8 Prond of Their Captain's Be havior During Trouble. Astoria, Ore., Nov. 14. .Rescued j from death by the bravery of Captain j Buck Bailey and his crew who on the tug Tatoosh late yesterday afternoon, nosed over the breakers 6t Pea rick: Spit, and passed a line to the schoon er Washington, and towed If here la9t night, 48 people are safe today. They had been given up as lost by those ashore and when the arrived at Cal ler der dock they cheered voclfcrous- . The Washington had seven feet of water In her hold, taken In thiough the hatches, but was not leaking ard the report that two sullors were ovt t'im.d was erroneous Except for the deckload the crgo was intact. . The vessel Is undamaged except the cabins. Part of the bridge and the wheelhouse are gone, win dows and doors are broken. 't ' Passengers speak highly of Captain Wlnkel and his crew. It Is believed the chain dragging " alongside when the deck load, went overboard, choked th propellor, rendering the engines useless. '.'''.. '.r.-..- IMPERIALIST SHIPS SURRENDER Land and Sea Attack on Nanking to Follow Capture. Shanghai, Nov. 14. It was teamed today that rebels will send 13' war ships which were surrendered yester day to them by Admiral Sah, to Nan king. Then simultaneously an attack by land and sea is to be made on the Imperialists. Martial law Is declared In Canton, as robber chiefs practical ly control the city, and plrateg and.1 brigands have been made policemen Brennan Monorail Train Shown Members of British Parliament y w r. Photo by American Prs Association. EVERAL members of the British City.' nn amusement place near the Brenniin Monorail railway. Hon. Lloyl-t,eor).'e. Mr. snd Mrs,, Wlnstitn liurchlll. Sir George Gibb. Blr Ernest Cassel. the Earl'of Crewe and otlier iliKtiiiKiUhhed persons The Brennan car Is held on its single track by nieun of a gyroscope. It Journeyed tack snd forth along Its crooked and uneven course us. xteudlly. as rf travelliiR n a perfect run d lied mjppurting two rails. The Invention has no far been little more than a toy. though jireut things have been predicted for It 8o long i tlie syniM-ope. which Is merely n heavy wheel kept revolving at high speed, ts k",u yulng the car will innintaln tta balance, even on a swaying rope. H V;oik uu the principal of the familiar gyroscope top. which scientists pretend Jo understand, but whtch puzzles the laymen even after scientific explanations "liO-:' . u ' ' J- OUTPOURING OF CATH , OLICITY AT NEW YORK BIGGEST CARDIXAL DESIGNATE OX WAY TO HOME COLLEGE Splendid Farewell Accorded American us ji weaves jor jume 10 uecomvi Cardinal Archblshojw OiTielnte at' Mass Where Only Children Attend1 to Pay Farley Tribute. " - - New York, Nov. 14. One of the greatest outpouring In the history or Catholicity In New York ocured to day when a farewell mass was cele brated in St. Patrick's cathedral in honor of Cardinal Designate Farley who sailed for Rome this morning to take up his new duties in the collogo of cardinals. He . was accompanied by Cardinal designate Falconlo, for mer apostolic delegate to the Unitel States. Both were recently appoint ed to the college-of cardinals by the pope. - . - &t 8 o'clock 5,000 children ht" gathered at the cathedral and a halt hour later the two cardinals desig nate left the arch-episcopal residence and paBed along streets lined with representatives of every church to the cathedral. No adults were admit ted. Children only attended. : Sixty priests and other dignitaries of the New York archdiocese attend ed, archbishops conducting the ma3S. BEATTIE HAS SEW HOPE. Cousin Paul Thought to Have Changed , Hig Testimony. . Washington, Nov. 1. Attorney Walter Balderson admitted today that Paul Beattie, a cousin of Henry,, made made affdavit recently repudiating the main l.iture of his testimony on which Henry was convicted of wife murder. The affidavit was presented to Gov enror Maun today, and the governor postponed his decision on Seattle's appeal for a commutation of the death sentence. . -. .i to vm parliament recently went to the White London, io wltueKM n doiuoiiMlrnllon ol 'They included Premier AHqulth, Itlght MRS. WILLIAM LOEB, JR. Wife of Collector of tho Port of New York. HIIT1 THUS 0PIXES SENATOR GORE OF OKLAHOMA. Also Admits Tuft Is Certain of Re. . , publican Xonilnatlon. ' Portland, Nov. 14. Senator Gore of Oklahoma before leaving for Salem where he speaks tonight, said a large majority of the democrats In 27 states he has'vlslted, favor Wood row Wilson for the presidential nomination. He said Taft's re-nomination is almost certain. Gore 18 a strong advocate for Wilson. '. : ' j : ' - Taft Campaign Changed. . Washington, Nov. 14. The republi can national leaders are planning to win Wm. H. Taft's renomlnatlon by strategy. They are shifting the bat tleground of the campaign to a ques tlon of enforcement of the Sherman antf-trust law making President Taft's antl trust record an issue upon which to base the. fight. Mr. Taft is devot ing much" time and space to the sub Ject In his message to congress. He will dismiss the tariff questions with a mere recommendation to the tariff board and endeavor to force an active discussion to the government's atti tude toward trusts, claiming credit for the trust prosecutions. Recital Ticket Sale Opens. : Tickets for the Beatrice Dlerke re cital here November 20th at the Bap tist church go on sale at SUvertborne'g tomorrow morning, The adult tickets are $1.00 and children's tickets, are 60 cents. .. ITALY SAID TO HAVE ASKED FOR i MEDIATION. Government at Washington Said to B . Wiling to OillcLite Rome, Nov.' 14. It is authoritative ly stated that Italy has sounded Wash ington regarding the willingness of j the United States to meditate between ! Italy and Turkey in Tripoli and that the Washington administration has expressed a willingness to act. IlLSOlSUREOF . ...... UfJCLE SA1 TO BE PEACEMAKER NUMBER 17 LOST SETTLERS ffliERlII! GOVERNORS' SPECIAL MOVE TO STOP THE FLOOD NORTH AROl'SED, Or.THWi:Sf STATES MI0W Flinf DETEIWIXATIO Popular Special to the Fust of North, nest Governors Will Be Run Wila Intention of St)iijMii(: Inilux to Can. Arihin West-Canaifi.ui' Iinmlrntiou. )t Adiertlse Well. ' (P. H. Doyle.) solse, f Ida., 1 Nov. 14, Special) iroughly aroused at last, through Immigration renorts of th CannJ. government, showing concluslve hat the tide of Immigration , that lll AmafVan moat Vn. At-- - v. u una mcu ui verted, and Is flowing to the Canad ian west, In ever Increasing numberj, the states 'of the American northwest have at last decided upon concerted action looking toward checking this startling exodus from . the eastern states to the Dominion. With thiB end In view, practically every western and northwestern stat 1$ participating on a larger or Bmal ler scale, in the many land shows that " " J M wviu 1U V"1J caDL a 1 LlllO LI LUC "tvw(,ii liiw 1UOUIUIU Vk ilia VX.VDiif3Ui exhibits of the states' resources, as ul uiui Buiin niii iiti 1 1 1 ii nr ma. r nimi 861 forth in tntfl UtArRtura nrM ufatfa. ' Mr H!afrlhntA1 t thaa nMrM l individual states 'hop to" prove to the ties presented to thera In their owu west, are greater than thoBe offered to the homeseekers who move toan- i ada.' ' ' ''''..'" ' ;.;' Immigration statistics show that the United States is losing itg copula- ; tlon at the rate of 200,000 persons nacfi uumraccncia wuo are urawn iroin me crowded centers of population lu th enstcrn TTnlted States, to ' western Canada, by the glittering promises of niiitvelous harvests on cheap lands, offered by ihe Canadian lmmlaratlcn .'.This Is the state of affairs which has led to the holding of the numer ous land shows... As a fitting climax to the advertising Campaign Inaugur ated by th3 west, the northwestern bij.i'B, pnu voioraao ana .;ar.rornia. have united In what Is said to be the moft unique method of advertising thei r resources, , that has ewr r-een ' conceived. The plan.Ig the Bending' cf a special train, bearing compre--henslve exhibits bf each ftate par cities of the east, at each of which '.opg win db maae ror.me puriiose or displaying the exhibits, and telling of th nroarres. of tlia wah( linth frnm (Continued on Page Eight) MISSOURI FOLLOWS PRECEDENT OF OIL OUSTER. Company Enjoned From Doing Busl. newt In State and Is FInedV Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. II. The supreme court today Issued a writ of ouster and enjoined the International Harvester company from doing busi ness In the state and fining the trust ?50.ooo. ' The state was the first, also, th,t ousted the Standard OH company from the state as a combination In re straint of trade. ' BIG HARVESTER TRUST OUSTED