PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911. Vii u uu IV WW IN vb vu J IS y Li U lb TOYS GOODS and HOLIDAY An Entire Room-25x75 Feet-Pevoted Exclusively to This Glass of Goods With the completion of this new room in bur basement we believe we now have more floor space actually used for the display of goods than any other store in Eastern Oregon, and it goes without saying that, if we have the space devoted to that purpose, we muoiiittvc tnc gvuua tu xin uicxn. c nave, aim vvl iimviil lULfn I IN or HO I HJIH , , , Everything in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, ' House Furnishings, Ghinaware, Holiday Goods and Toys nn cr3 To) cz? Fo) II fc3 (o 9 'T? fv fr?i IT1113 zu. zzt (("" ;) i t ' .::;r---ViS:;- r fill ttJ za Opera C3ouse Block La Grande, Oregon '. LOCAL MABKETS. . ( v : . -,A-:'. Local market quotations todar. Buttr and Eggs. Eggs Rancheggs, 40c; storage, 35c. i7, 45c and 15c, retail at grocers, ery, 40c and 80c, retail at grocers. But- Butterfat 34 cents. Cheese Hazelwood and Tillamook, 25c. ; ; YgtaMeg and Miscellaneous. Potatoes Per cwt, 1.60 Cabbage Per cwt 1.50 Onions 42.25 per cwt. Cabbage Per pound, 2 and 3c. ' Celery Per bunch, 10c. Teppers Per lb., 12Vic, Sweet potatoes Four lbs. for 25c. Sugar Cane, cash price $7.10; 30 day time $7.50 per cwt Beet sugar, cash price $0.90, 30 days' time $7.30. . Beans White. 8 l-3c: lima, 10 cents ; Fruits. Home grown apples $1.25 to $1.10 per box. Grade establishes price. Cranberries 20 cents per quart. Bananas 40c per dos. Oranges 50c and 55c. Feed and Grain. Alfalfa Hay $13.00 (retail), Timothy $15.00. Grain Hay $13.00. Snowdrift Flour, sack $1.40 Bran and Shorts $1.30 and $1.40. Oats $1.50 per cwt. ' Rolled Barley $1.70 per cwt ;. Cattle, Ho?s and Fowl. Cows ZMc to 4c. Steers 4c to 5c. Hogs $6.50. Chickens Hens, 10c; old roosters, 8c and spring fries 10c to 12c. Turkeys, live weight, 17 to 18c. Ducks, live weight, 12c. Geese, live weight 12c. Treasurer's Call foi City Warrants. There are also fudns in the treasury to pay all warrants Issued against wa. te fund of La Grande city up to and Including No. 9S95 endorsed Nov. 16, 1910. Interest on all warrants on wa ter fund from No. ...... to No. 9895 Inclusive ceasa from date of this call. La Grande, Oregon, Nov. l, 1911. Roy W. Logan, ' City Treasurer. 11-1-1 ot ill. Good Business il for Landlords IF T0IJ HATE HOUSES FOR REST TOU ARE NATURALLY INTERESTED IN HATING THEM OCCtTlEH BY GOOD, STEADY TENANTS. GOOD TENANTS HATE A RIGHT TO EXPECT CERTAIN THINGS OF TOU. TnEY HATE A RIGHT TO -EXPECT, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE HOUSE WILL BE WIR. ED FOR ELECTRICITY. IF TOUE HOUSES ARE NOT ALREADY WIRED, IT WOULD BE TO YOUE INTEREST TO LOOK AFTER IT. YOUR HOUS ES WILL RENT EASIER AND FOR MORE MONEY, YOUR DANGER FROM LOSS BY FIRE WILL BE GREATLY LES. SEN ED, AND YOUE INSURANCE WILL BE TERY MUCH LOWER. ' IN FACT, THE SATING ON INSURANCE WILL EASILY. PAY OUH SMALL CHARGE FOR WIRING. WHY NOT TAKE THIS MATTER OF LIGHTS UP WITH TS NOW! THOSE MAIN 84. EASTERN OREGON LIGHT i AND POWER COMPANY ENLARGE SCOPE GREATLY HELPFUL HINTS ON i HAIR HEALTH. CHAUTAUQUA BOARD PREPARES TO BUY PUUGRAM. Labor Leader and Prominent Elk to Be on Slate. Some notion of the progressive policies of the Chautauqua associa tion for next season Is given by an interested" meeting held by a conrpleta attendance of the chautauqua board last night at the Commercial club rooms. The campaign for a much lar ger chautauqua than ever and a brief slate of the attractions wanted, was drafted. .Many matters of general importance were gone over and the ton of the meeting was clearly to the -effect that there Is to be a much better series of attractions than in 1911 when the members and guests were thoroughly satisfied with the program. x Program Briefly Outlined. Next week Dr. D. W. McMillan, Dr. J. p. Glllilan and Attorney George T. Cochran go to Portland, represent. Ing the entire board, and will meet with other chautauqua associations of the state to consult with. A. L. Flutte, the Chicago chautauqua agen cy, representative. The La Grande delegation has been authorized to buy the best possible attractions but the board has Issued an edict that there shall be a prominent labor speaker on the program and'one big Elk to appear on Elk1 day which has been added to th ellst of "days" at the attractions. Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the under slrnd, until 6 o'clock p. m. November 8th. 1911, for the construction of stan dard beard walk on the north side ot Spring avenue, from the west lino of Fourth stn et to the east line of A'dei street In ti e city of La Grande, Ore g"n. Certified check for 5 pe.r cent of the amount bid must accompany all Imi 1 The right to reject any ai d nil bids Is reserved by th coun cil. Amount of walk to be built may be ascertained by Inquiry at this of fice, i Dy order of the city council, Nov ember 1, 1911. C M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder ot the City of La Crand-s. Oregon. 8calp and Hair Troubles Generally , Caused by Carelessness. Dandruff Is a contagious disease caus ed by a microbe which also produces baldness. Never use a comb or brush belonging to some one else. No matter bow cleanly the owner may be, these articles may be infected with microbes, which will infect your Bcalp. it is far easier to catch balr microbes than it U to get rid of them, und a single stroke of an infected comb or brush may well lead to baldness. Never try on any body else's bat ' Many a hat-band Is a resting place for microbes. If you happen to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, we have a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these troubles. Wo are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understand ing that It will cost you nothing for the trial If it does not produce the results we claim. This remedy is called Rex all "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly be lieve it to be the most scientific rem edy for scalp and balr troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effectiveness, because of the re sults it has produced in thousands of cases. - - Rexall "03" Hair Tonic Is devised to banish dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair natural ly silky, soft and glossy. ' It does this because it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brings about a free, healthy circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow new hair. We Want everybody who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know that we think that Rexall "03" Hair Tonic is the beet balr tonic and restor ative In existence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this statement until they have put our claims to a fair test, with the understanding that they pay os nothing for the remedy if it does not give full and complete satisfaction in every particular Two sizes, 60 cents and $ 1.00. Remember. - you can obtain. Rexall Remedies only at. our . store The Rexall Store. HILL'S DRUG STORE. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern that De Lile Green has been appointed by the county court of Union county, Oregon, admin, istrator ot the estate ot F. M. Ruther ford, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are required to present them with the proper vouchers within six month from the date hereof to the administrator at the store of L. J. French, No. 206 Depot street. La Grande, Oregon.'. Dated this October B, 1911. . : DE LILE GREENE, Administrator of the estate of F. M. lutherford, Deceased. Notice, ' Notice Is hereby given that I have sold my saloon on Jefferson avenue to F. Brown and S. S. Greenhalgh. I will pay all bills up to Nov. 9th, after which the business is entirely in the new owners' hands. ll-9-3t J. F. O'CONNELL. TO THE TOTEBB. I hereby announce to the voters of La Grande that I am a candi date for chief of police. My work as an official in the past is my recommendation and I will ap preciate any and all support given me. J. H.McLACHLEN. v ? s s $ ? a See Nutter for Paints, Wall Paper, Room Mouldings; Beading; Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Etc. Phone Red 971 1703 1-2 Sixth st I Jjf"-"1" '""t-1 '"""M ", .'ii'il1-. - ' " JSPHI.iimu i I. II. ill imi il p.i. jj i ...iBwjig Steward's Opeim - House Monday, November 13 A Play. Every Christian Should See VIOLA ALLEN'S GREATEST SUCCESS THE WHITE SISTER From F. Marion Crawford's Novel. Presented by a Remark V able Company, including JEANNE TOWLER America's Most Beautiful Emotional Actress PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. SEATS ON aALt SUNDAY MORNING - AH h