..L PAti2 LA GUAUL EYKN'INOI OliSKUVEU, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911. Overcoats We hve a fine line of overcoats and cravatettes 15 to $22 Call and let us show them to you . . . fl Id 6 if ffc O A. V. Andrews gry If PUNS LUMI NUCLEUS OF LIBRARY TO COME riWM INDIVIDUALS.'-.- CENTRAL OREGON FH 1 Iff . i eumona and Bend , Sow Reached Via the Deschutes Branch Oregori-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. 3 THROUGH CAB SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND f BEM) " DAILY TRAIN SCHEDULE. ' Lv. Portland .7:60 & 10:00 a.m. Lr. The Dalles ......12:40p.m. Lv. Deschutes Jc. . Ar. Madras .,, Ar.. Metollus , .... Ar. Culver Ar. Opsl City .... Ar. Redmond .... Ar. Deschutes .... Ar. Bend 1:30 p. m. 6:45 p. ra. , 6.00 p. m. 6:15 p.m. 7:06 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 8:13 p.m. 8:35 p. m. Lv. Bend Lv. Deschutes . ... Lv. Redmond . .". . Lv. Opal City ... Lv. Metollus Lv. Madras ... .. Ar. Deschutes Jc. Ar. The Dalles . . . Ar. Portland .... ..6:30 a.m. , .6:53 a. m. .,7:21 a.m. ..8:00 a. m. ..8:30 a. m ..9:00 a.m. ..1.16 p. m. ..1:65 p. m. . .6:45 p. m. Auto and regular stage connections to La Pine,. Fort Rock, Silver Lake, Prlnvellle, Burns, Klamath Falls and other Inland points. THE DIRECT. QUICK AND NATURAL ROUTE TO CENTRAL ORE- ,' gon. Call on nearest O.-W. R. N. agent for any Information desired or ad- ' .. 'dress . .", WM. McMUBRAY, General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON. . Carnegie's Aid In Building' House and City to Keen I'm Is Plan. Hundreds who lament the lack of li brary facilities here are spurlng the prime movers in the plans now set In motion, to keep hammering at the project until the actual start has been mad-a, even though it be In a very small one. Nothing elaborate Is plan ned for In the beginning and the nu cleus of the library is to be contri buted by the prlnw movers with the aid of scores of other individuals who are. interested In a public library. Onc-3. by the special subscription route the nucleus has been subscrib ed, and the library commission put in action along lines prescribed by the statutes of tlw state, the commission can soliet and obtain aid from Car negie's library fund, and call upon the city for' a fraction of a mill levy for upkeep Vter the library has been commenced. The scheme Is so plausible and has so solid a foundation that there seems to be no chance for failure. Tlra start has been made and library friends agree that if has been the Iwst possi- direction and route. Th'3 city council last Wednesday adopted the resolution asked for by the large list of men and women tax payers who are behind the movement, and Mayor Richardson will : appoint the commission of nine men who will proceed to work ' a successful cam paign. .'.' Went Going to Baker. The committee from the Baker County Wool Growers' association and the committee from the Baker Com mercial club met last night and dis cussed in a General way the form of entertainment for the members of the association when it meets here next week. Committees were appoint ed to look after the details but none of them have yet reported. Baker Her ald. - , . - , ; V PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 50c. READ for PROFIT t I.o tar Reuit FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They work directly on the KIDNEYS, BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, and their beneficial effect is felt from the surt. For BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDERTROUBLE.fcHEUMAI liM CONGESTION of tlio K.iuwe.xrj, -FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and nnoyingURINARYIRREGULARITIES v vTriHf a op.rmanent benefit. TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS J. A. Maple, 125 S.7th St.. Steuben -ville, O., says: "For" years I suffered from weak kidneys and a sevsre blad der trouble I learned of Foley Kid ney Pills and their wonderful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as. good results as any I heard about My backache left me and to one of my business, expressman, that alone is a great advantage. My kid neys acted free and normal and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work wher it used ot be a misery. Fol?y Kidney Pills have cur ed me and have my highest praise." HILL'S DRUO STORK 1 Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Rubberoid .... ' WENAHA LUMBER GO. Greenwood and Madison 5t. Phone, Main 732 PERMANENTLY n ! 1 1 l"i . INTRODUCING LOCATED KeJiaOle UentlSlS EASTERN TRICES .' Our untarnished reputation wherever we haw established office is a r commendation ws look to with pride, and our motto, "Honest work." "fair dealings," has always made our success continuous for the past 10 years. " We guarantee our work, 4Ud If it Is not right we make it right without any extra expense to ou., We would rather be buiy all tha time and make a smaller profit from each Individual patient than charge prohibitive prices. Peo- ' pie In all stations ot life patronise this institution ot Modern Den tistry. PAINLESS l-n II EXAMINATION, CONSULTATION UVt rrCC ESTIMATES AND ADVICE Prices for the Best Work EXTRACTION 115 Set ot Teeth . . ", 'J . .. . .S.OO $10 Bridge Work (best) 110 Gold Crowns 22k $552 Gold Fillings .. fl.60 up Silver Fillings 76 Plates Repaired 11.00 up li year protection guaranteed. Modern Dentists DEPOT & ADAMS AYE. OYER NEULIN DRUG CO. Our offices' Rn Lake. Baker. La' Grande, Portland. "" ; Notice. -'"i V Notice Is hereby given "that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned until' five o'clock p. m. November 15th, for the construction of 8 inch sewer line as follows: ap proximately 420 feet, in section No. 2 of sewer district No. 1, same being In the alley thrbu.sh block 6. Grandy's addition. Also,, approximately 3635 feet, along M avenue, from the center of Cedar street, to the alley between Washington and Adams avenue. Same being in section No. 2, of sewer dis trict No. 3. all in the city of La Grande, Oregon. Certified check, for 5 per cent of the amount bid must ac company all proposals. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the council. : By order of the city council, Novem ber 8th, 1911. V- C M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. - '' ' A good high feiacUi piano, slightly used, to be sold at a sacrifice and up on easy terms If desired. If interest ed, call upon G. M. Richey at the post office for particulars. 10-30-tf ''3 1 I 11. I V J. H. Richardson L S. Giveni S; Givens Investment ;Co.;:-.;. Rear La Grande Nat'l Bank Real Estate, Loans; v Insurance. Higli 1 Class Invest ments and Securities 4 .....x I u 'i i U mi . . ITS Plumbing and Heatin a STUDENTS' BON ARIZ A Banner Premium Contest TO BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE LNTER-MOUNTAIN SALES CO.. LA GRANDE, ORE., A3 AN INTRODUCTORY, OFFER. BIG YALUES I!f POPULAR PREMIUMS GIVEN FREE TO STC : - DEXT8. : - v as .warrt tn utiidenta over sixteen years of age who act as our representatives wb are to give what we consider th0 most dsirable and liberal selection or premiums ever uu. - SOW IS YOUR CIIAXCE TO SECURE HOLIDAY GIFTS FREE. Don't put It oft until tomorrow but begin right now. and get as many premiums-as you can. , - , - ' . " EVERY PBEMIUJI WE OFFER YOU IS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY With every premium on our list is sent a guarantee by the manu facturer and we stand ready to make anything right that is not right. Here are few of the premiums that we offer. A three months' cfiursta in the La Grande Business college, bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. . A three months' 'course In the La Grande Musical Institute,, piano or vocal. One do?n fine cabinet photographs, by a La Grande artist. A handsomelady's or gent's watch; also many oth er useful "and beautful premiums. A premium for everyone selling ot . er $1.00 worth of our goods. Our specialties consist of a line of household necessities, tne modern rooa navprs, non-aiuuuuuc nay orlng extracts in tubes, pure extracts without alcohol, gelatine, toilet preparations, fine perfumes, Imported soaps, gloss starch, Salome '" Z-i." ""i rir rticlen which can only be obtained through us. .. FILL IX THIS BLANK AND SEND IT TO US AT ONCE. Inter-Mountain Sales Co., La Grande, Oregon. r.X, Gentlemen: I desire to eutor. your premium contest. Kindly send me full Information and complete list pf premiums. " , , ' Yours truly ; Name ............................ .". Date .................. P. O.. .......... v THE INTER-MOCNTAIN SALES CO, 1102J5 Adams Av, La Grande. ;i ;; cursd to stay cured. How La Grande Citizens Can Find i Complete Freedom From. Kidney , - Tronbles. If you suffer from backache ' From urinary disorders ; From any disease of the kidneys, Be cured to stay cured. Doans Kidney Pills make lasting cures. ' : Grateful people testify. :' . Here's one case of it: . I. N. Peterman, Granite St., Sump ter, Oregon, says: "Tha public statement I (gave in 1907 in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills wa correct in every detail. I have taker this remedy several times since then and !t has never failed to igive me Dromut relief. For several years I was badly afflicted with kidney com plaint and was unable to work. Two years of that time, i had to use crutches when" getting about My back ached most of the time and my kid neys were badly disordered. Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me In every wa and since learning of .th'jjr merits, have told many other people abou them." - For sale by all dealers. Price 5 cents. Fost'ar-iMllburn Co., Buffali New York, sole agents for the Unite States. - ' . 5 Remember the name Doan's an take, no other; " ( . v Socialist Notice. of tt , There will be a convention socialists of La Grande In Lewis' hal Depot stmet, Tuesday evening, No nth, 1911, for the purpose of nomlna Ing a full city ticket. , All members ( the party urged to be present Loci La Grande, Socialist Party. , M. E. CARBERRY, ' ' Secretary Pro Tern. John Melville AmiS Adams Avt LA GRANDE, ORE- Up to date methods Id taking care of the teeth will sa-e you no little palnd and discomfort and will give you relief from the disagreeable con ditions of neglected dental work. You should have your teeth examined fre quently to KEEP them In good con dition. , The old adage of a "stitch In time" U more applicable here than In any other place. We take care of your troubles. ' 'Stevenson's Dental Office! We Received Fresh Today A BBL. FRESH EASTERN CRANBERRIES. A BBL. OF HEIZ MINCEMEAT. ' ALSO A FULL LINE OF FRESH RAISINS, CURRANTS, FIGS, CITRON, ORANGE AND LEM ON PEELS. The Grocery Phono 70. Stageberg &, Sandborg The Farm more so than any other business man, re quires the services of a bank,- if he manages his farm in a systematic way. While he has no need for a set of books in which to keep a record of every transaction made, yet, dur ing the course of a' year he must pay out ' large sums f moneyf or various purposes,-, and a record f or f utUrB. reference:is.ljfghlir: important. . Merchants may fail to give a re ceipt for cash, a neighbor may not recall the payment of money owed, but the farmer who pays his obligations by check has writ ten evidence of such payments which any, ' court must recognize. In the same way he has a record of monies received by the de posit entries on his bank book. To the farmer, who desires such a record for his business, we extend an invitation to open an account with this bank. ' United States National Bank