1 M flr mwsu. If VOLUME XI. ANTI-FOREIGN ' OMBEIH MANY CAUSES TURN REBELS AGAINST : EUROPEANS ADVANCING GENERAL DE. FIES EUROPEAN , TRjOOrS Threatens to Put all to the Sword Who Appear In His Way on the Ad vance to Peking aiany Foreigners . Are in Danger From Attack and l,reptIons to Guard the Legations Shanghai Nov. 10 n anti-forelen outbreak whlh mov pel a foreign Intervention Is today uicvcu uuro 10 De ine most menac ing feature of the antl-Ma'nchu strug gle now convulsing the country. Re ports from various sources say the victorious rebels, hitherto protecting the foreigners, are changing their atti tude. This Is due, It Is said, to the fact that foreigners in treaty ports are favoring the Imperialists. ThreatB are made that vengeance will be exacted unless the foreigners observe neu trality. AU Enrope fa. Defied. . . At Tien Tsin the situation Is seri ously Btrained. Rebels are provoked at the Insistence of the consular de- ' mand that rebels under (general Chang . remain, outside the city instead of oc cupying It preliminary to . advancing , on Pekln. Chang, exasperated by the alleged partiality of the foreigners, is marching on Peking and threatens If 'Europeans detachments are iheve to make any attempt to bar their En trance, every opposing soldier, whUe or yellow, will be put to the sword. J ; Ammunition Given Legation. Cartridges were issued to the lega tion guards here today in anticipation of an anti-foreign outbreak. A - sim ilar uprising is feared In Tien Tsin. Operation of the Peklng-Kalgau rail road Is abandoned today, thus cutting ofT all hope of escape for the Imperial family If they haven't already fled. SHOTTING AT WALLA WALLA. Father-In-Law Attacks Relative hnt Is Fatally Hurt Walla Walla. Nov. 10 Warned over the phone by Mrs. Arvin that her hus band Ed. Arvin, was on his way to the home of his son-in-law, Robert Beers, to shoot up the family, Clyde Beers, Robert's brother, awaited the old man with a shot gun an.d fatally '. wounded him with five shots in the body, when Arvin appeared and shot at him. j Recently Arvin, who Is an electrl-' clan, had trouble with Peers end his wife says he vowed to clean them out. 1 The Arvin family says Beers, who la under arrest, can't be blamed. INTERNATIONAL TO DISSOLVE 1 Intimated That Trust Has Taken Cne . and Will Voluntarily Reorganize. Washington, Nov. 10 Voluntary re organization of the International Har vester company Is predicted , today when general counsel Bancroft of the -trust conferred with Assistant Attor ney General Fowler. It Is understood the department of justice Intimated ' that it had sufficient evidence against the combine to Institute a suit, of equity and it was best for the cor poration to reorganize, voluntarily. : LADIES MENACED BY SQUABBLE Trouble Between Guard Strikebreaker and Strikers a Menace. ' Many ladles and children were menaced by a row In the depot just before the arrival of the evening train when a striker, the guard at the door and a strikebreaker figured In a dls " tasteful set-too that kept the ladfes on tiptoe fearing a vicious outbreak of violence. The trouble commenced with a word battle that drew the at tention of the crowded corridors and ended with, the striker and guard clinching about the time that an of ficer appeared and put things right For a time It appeared that a rough and tumble with a probability of more seriouB consequences, was Imminent but the arrival of policemen made It possible for the strikebreaker to reach the train in safety and further ado was quelled. This is not the first rumpus of late tt It ig only a few nights ago that a dozen shots were fired In the vicinity of the yards, though there Is no defl iite Information that It was the strlk r who precipitated It, Last night's )pfl'a!r. however, was In plain view of dozens. GRANDE T HOT MICE COMMERCE COURT EN JOINS COMMISSION'S ORDERS ON RATES NEW TERMINAL RATES MERE xv UV ixiv EFFECT AT ONCE ! Fight Lead by Spokane ami Partaken io y i.a urauue leniporariiy Lost Because Commerce Court Issues In Junction Commerce Court in Dan. r r Kltmtnntion Klioiild PrtuoNd Bill Pass. ' Washington, Nov. 10. Following repeated action of the United States supreme court In reversing the cbdcl sion recently rendered of the Interstate Commerce commission Congressman Sims of Tennessee, plans to lutroduce at the next congressional session a bill abolishing the commerce court. He claims the commission and the court have been clashing and as a re sult, nullify each other. - It Is believed the house would pass the bill. Reductions In inter-mountain territory and middle western states would go Into effect Wednesday had the commerce court by its Injunc tions, not delay reductions, pending Its Investigation. The fight for the reduction was begun by Spokane ten years ago and people felt safe as they won before the commission and then the commerce court Issued an injunc tion yesterday. . One Nullifies the Other. Sima says the commerce courtNs action may undo all the years of fight ing and the commission's decision had done. The bill specifically plans to repeal that section of the commerce creating the jourt. It is expected th commission will go to- ,fche su preme court to find out lust how far the tommerce court's powers extend. La Gimde will feel the effects of the commerce court ipjunctlon as shippers ad the public at larro in this city were to benefit by the clear cut rulinsr of the Interstate commerce commission holding that shipments originating where there is no water competition cannot be. charged water terminal rates. , SLACK IS IMPROVING , Man Slashed by Craig Thought on Way to Recovery From Wounds. James Slack Is. on the way to re covery if encouraging . indications at the hospital late this afternoon are to be permanent. It Is still to early to predict with any degree of certain ty that he will recover but physicians are encouraged at his, condition today. It was reported about. the city last night and this morning that Slack had died, but this, of course, is erroneous. Slack 'was badly cut and slashed by George Craig, his old-time friend, two night ago at the sugar factory where Slack was attempting to keep Craig from Injuring others. The assailant Is still In jail awaiting further devel opments of the case., f Business and Public Good. New York. Nov. 10. Elbert E. Gary, head of the United State steel cor poration; George W. Wickersham, at torney general of the United States; George W. Perkins, JohnJJays Ham mond and Frank A. Vanderllp, togeth er with other financiers, captains of Industry, educators and public officials of note, gathered In the metropolis today for a discussion of the subject of "Business and Public Welfare." The Academy of Political Science in New York, a Cplumbla university affiliation brought them together .the occasion being the academy's 31st annual meet ing. The sessions will continue over tomorrow. .-. MOLITER BESIEGED. , This aftertfoon Dr. Mollter was asked by many business men to let his name be used as a candi date for mavor. He at first refus ed but finally agreed to take the matter under advisement. , To Be Cuban Giants Xow. New York, Nov. 10. A baker's Cozeti of the New York Giants bade sdlen to Broadway today and set sa'l for the land of (jlpars and senorltas. The contenders In the recent world's ser pq plan to snend a good part of the "'ntr In C"bn nlnvlner gamrs with the Cuban league teams. . FREIGH RATES UNION COUNTY, OREGON, Menof Affairs 7' V . X, David Steward ,the disciple of John Cprt who is right now busy talk vlng "The Golden Girl," who comes. to the Steward tomorrow night. Mr. Steward was caught by Cartoonist Glrard In a familiar poe , and the genial show bouse manager Is caught with the characterls- tier smile. He is being complimented onn the fine string of shows his house will present this winter. IN GOOD FETTLE CONTEST TOMORROW SNOW - NO SNOW. :. OR Lighter Team at Some Disadvantage on Wet and Soggy Field. TOMOBKIOW'S M'ARRIORS. Le, Garrlty; It, Casey; c, Bohn- nkamp; rg Carpy; rt, Snider; re, Couch; quarter; Reynolds; ? If, Ralston; f, Lottes (captain) t rh, Bolton. Utilities: Geddes, f Huff, Carroll. Carjy and Craw- ley. . ! v ' La Grande's padded gladiators will trot out on a snowy field sawdusted rather than- calsomlned tomorrow promptly at 3 o'clock when the foot ball struggle between Baker high and La Grande high takes place. Sno and mud may reduce the La Grande chances If' winning aealnst superior weight but It will not forestall the game for it will be played snow or no snow. The audience will tflnd a dry grand stand from where the game can be readily witnessed. Interest in the contest will he stir red to white heat tonight when a big rally will be held in the down town district and then rooters and players will rest until - tomorrow afternoon when both will exert themselves to the last inch. The game is probably the only real bl ame of the year and the championship of Eastern Oregon Is at stake, Thoueh a dry field Is manifestly of advantage to the lighter La Granders. still the local are confi dent of a victory.- The entire week has been devoted to defensive work and Coach Caylor this evening pro nounced his men In fine fettle to meet the formidable Baker miners. R. E. Reynolds, O. A. C. will prob able handle the ball and the Baker school will supply the umpire. Taft to Visit Knoxvflle. Knoxvllle, Tenn., . Nov. 10. -Knox-vllle has completed arrangements for the welcome and entertainment of Prsident Taft who Is to be the guest of this city tomorrow forenoon. The president m "expected to arrive before 0 o'clock and will be the guest at breakfast of the board of trade. A visit to the Appalachian exposition grounds, a public nddresH In the Audi torium and sn ""lnborate luncheon will complete 'the program. ., ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911. in Union County STEWARD'S AnPQ A HOUSE 1. r- W Ummmi me NINETY DAYS ADDED TO THE WO- U . V.kJ , inn . ,. ja.AA a laic i Condemned Negress Given Reprieve j ii one laii investigates. Suwanee, -Tenn., Nov. 10. Pathetic pleas for the Ufa of a Degress, Mrs. Hattle Lomax, sentenced to hang In th District Of CnllimMa fn k.. band's murder, interrupted President xaitg viBii ioaay. He granted her a reprieve of 90 days pending a person al Investigation. There la A. OAmnnlorn on to save her through sentiment. Mrs. Lomax In under nontonoa death on Nov. 20. If she hangs she win De ine nrBt woman suffering the death penalty In the district since Mrs. Suratte was hanged for complicity In the assassination of Ahrhntn T.ln. coin.." ": . . . Today the president visited the uni versity of South, the alma mater of Major Butt, bis aide and of Former Secretary of War Dickinson. He left for Chattanooga this afternoon . HIGHEST OFFICIALS HERE. Precedent Set In Presence of Two Highest Eastern Star Officials. Grand Worthy Patron Clyde Evans of the Order of Eastern 8tar, arrived last night from Portland, spent the night here and went on to Baker this morning to visit the chapter there. He returns to La Grande tomorrow and at the same time Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley, the Worthy Grand Matron will come to La Grande and for the first time the two highest officers of the state will be present at the same time. Present and past grand chapter o ffl clals will also be present tomorrow night The ceremonies commence promptly at 7:30 and a banquet is to follow. Mrs. Riley Is in Elgin tonight. Booming PanamaPaciOc Show. ' Phoenix. Ariz., Nov. 10. A lars-e del egation representor the San Fran cisco Commercial club has arrived here to participate In the celebration of the Panama-Pacific . International exposjtlon day. which Is to be observ ed at the Arizona State Fair tomor row. Fisheries Exhibition in Paris. ParU. Nov. 10. Many countries are -enres.nted In the International fish eries exhibition w'llch opened in Paris today. The exhibition Is under the rnnfrol of the French irovernment. It w'll continue opne until the end of the year. ITEO'S GAR T RECORDS OF 23 YEARS BXEN THIS , S xRNINO " ' ' ; : IDAHO, WAS. TON AND ORE. COX SNOW "STORM From a Half Inc. 5 Foot Djn;ndlnir on Altitude Is " xnt of Snowfall Over Large Are .;yf 1 Lessened Precipitation Tok -fc, Is a predic tion With a Llkt V ft of a Cold TODAY'S SNOW STORY. . ;. . . . : One foot at Joseph. Same at Kamela. About four Inches in 1 La Grande and Pendleton. The A. ... 1. 1 . ... ' wcHiner moderating tnis arter- J noon. Early date surprises far- J mers. More snow threatened. 4 Sugar beets safe. ' - , Portland, Nov. 10. Th Pacific northwest is today experience the first snowfall for this time ol year In the history of the weather bureau which extends back 28 years. The storm Is general.; In Oregon and Washington west of the Cascades, snow In meas ureable quantities fell, during' the night. In the mountalQB: of Eastern Oregon and Washlgton and Idaho from half an Inch to a feet of snow covers the ground, according to the altitude. The temperature on the "coast this morning was at freezing point. It Is expected n cold snap will continue several days with lessened preclpta Hon after tonight. .i .V:--- . Winter's garb of white has been drawn around Eastern Oregon. From Pendleton to Huntington considerable snow has fallen the past 24 hours and at high elevations, especially at Ka mela,. the depth has reached one foor. A severe drop In temperature is re ported from Joseph yesterday wherj about one foot of enow has . fallen; other than this one place, the weather has not been down to freezing. In La Grande, Pendleton and Baker thj snowfall is about four inches a heavy soggy snow that will last un til the sun breaks out and the mer cury goes up. - Fortunately the Amalgamated Su gar company has all Its sugar beeti du and slashed so that the early winter does not In any way Injure the beet crop; a condition sometimes a fact when early winters set in, INDEPENDENTS IN ARMS. High Court's Action In Re-brganizing Tobacco Trust Is Resented. New York, Npv. 10. Strenuous pro tests against the action of the United States court approving the re-organization plans of the Tobacco trust were registered at a meeting of Independent tobacco interests last night. Reso lutions appealing to President Taft to carry the approval of the plan to the supreme court for a final review, were carried and the Independents in timated that they will fight. Student Missionary League. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 10. The Georgia Normal and Industrial Col lege Is playing host to the Georgia Students' Missionary league which met for Its sixth annual convention here today. The league embraces 25 colleges and schools and Is the larg est represntatlv body of college stu dents In the south. The convention Lwtll last three days and will be de- ruicu ikj mo uiBvuBsiou 01 an poases of missionary work. y Thresher Manufacturers Confer. Chicago, 111., Nov. 10. The annual convention of the National Association of Thresher Manufacturers began In Chicago today, with headqunrtors at the Auditorium hotel. The manufac turers will spend two days In the dis cussion of various matters relating tc the Industry. . Printers' Cost Congress. Oklahoma City, Okla. Nov. 10. The Southwest Printers' Cost congress be gan a two days' Convention here to day w!th a large attendance of em ploying printers from New Mexico, Arkansas. Texas and Oklahoma. Pres ident G. M. Booth of Wichita is pre siding over the sessions. 1 SHROUOS NUMBER 11 HALL RETIRES HCAiiW! ORDERS PETITION OUT OF RECORDER OFFICE HANDS TODAY LACK OF TIME CAUSE OF HALL'S WITHDRAWAL, FR03T Fxpliilns Ills' Moth in First Slnlny Petition and Then Retiring IUd J.ns Plunt Upermost In His, Itenlla. in? the Fro-cnl- pd fnr . ft1? Ja .t T,1!'8 t?,vM , Money Dr. M. K. Hall is not a candidate for mayor at the Decerdber election a month hnce today. For several days ne nas been the only candidate In n, field, but lack of sufficient time is causing nis retirement. Mr. Hall's retirement came ntlrMT unexpectedly. When asked this after- ua auer nis withdrawal had been transmitted to the recorder, why he had first signed his petition and then withdrew it, he said. "I asked Mr. Humphreys to with draw my petition because after care ful consideration I came to a realiza tion of the fact that I had neither the time nor the energy to spare for tha Proper fulfillment of the duties of the office to which I aspired, should I be elected. - "The reason I signed the pettlon tht' be,leve1 taat Reeled I could help to initiate and carry to compleUon a plan of action which rv0ni,re8ult ln our People having available one of the most useful facil ities orthe day. 1 refer to gas, which; is recognized as one of the most com. fortable as well as one of the most economical convenience for tne housekeeper,: when used as fuel espe cially." . , . "Both Baker .and Pendleton have Had gas for more people than either, of them, and should be leading in ,, of - metropolitan conditions rather man rouowing m the wake. "However, there are many other citlaens who as mayor orthe city, can help to accomplish these things. a well as and probably better than I. and so He never will be missed.'" At the present writing there Is not . a full slate of council candidates, but these can be "developed" as it were, in shorter space than a mayoralty aspirant. Next week the socialist par ty will nominate a ticket by conven tion system a right falling to a mi nority party 60 there will at least be one aspirant In the public limelight after, Wednesday, with an organized party behind him. MISSIONARY FORCES ACTIVE. Program to Bfl Rendered Soon With Reception to Members. The interdenominational missionary meetings the women of the varoluB so ctetles are holding had their latest convocation at 1 the Presbyterian manse last Monday. Each church Is appointing committees for the pur pose of calling upon the non-church, members of the community that an Increased Interest mar be . fostered ' and new members obtained. The-. meeting wa well attended and a ; growing "interest la plainly manifest. They are to render a program at the Baptist church on the 24th Inst, at which a luncheon 1b to be served. The purpose of this meeting Is to tender a reception to the newly , acquire I members. This, ' Hke the other as semblings of this movement, Is strict ly inter-denomlnatlonal. ; '::" DATES BADLY MIXED. Calendars are mostly all awry this year consequently the good people of La Grande who did not read the President Taft proclamation are much at sea as to when to serve the turkey. Many almanacs claim Novera- ber the 23rd as Thanksgiving day whereas President Taft who Is really the big mogul in settling these date has select ed November 30th. Tt Is not un- Q likely that even yet with tlwse extra forewarning that some Thanksgiving dinners will be 8 s served a wp?k prematurely. 1 ; f 'I